02x16 - Message in a Bottle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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02x16 - Message in a Bottle

Post by bunniefuu »

At Sean’s house

(Sean is pouring a couple glasses of coke for him and Emma.)

Sean: So uh this is the palace.

Emma: I always wondered what it looks like in here.

Sean: Yeah.

Emma: Okay so…chemistry!

Sean: I hate chemistry.

Emma: Right. Um periodic table. Who created…

(She starts to lean back in the chair.)

Sean: Careful! That chair’s broken.

Emma: Oh.

Sean. Um you gotta lean forward.

Emma: Okay. Yeah so the periodic table.

Tracker: (On the phone) I don’t care! Look tell that knob that I don’t give a flying-

(Sean gives Tracker a look and he stops.)

Tracker: (On the phone) Look if he wants to talk to me that way then I quit and that’s it.

(He gets off his phone.)

Tracker: Hey sorry.

Sean: Nice to see you.

Tracker: How’s it going Em?

Emma: Good.

Tracker: Welcome to our uh very, very humble abode. What you guys doing?

Sean: Oh we’re just doing some-

Tracker: Chemistry huh? That’s cool. Don’t go building no bombs. So uh-

(Tracker makes a motion for them to leave.)

Sean: Yeah um I guess we’re just gonna go to the library then.

Tracker: That’s cool. Yeah. Hey Em, good to see you. Take care of yourself, alright?

Emma: You too.

In the gymnasium, the boys are playing basketball

Mr. Armstrong: Jimmy. Sean. Now that’s the kind of teamwork I want to see in the regionals gentleman.

Sean: No problem.

Jimmy: You got it coach.

Mr. Armstrong: Good work.

Spinner: Man! Man you guys, you really do play great together. Like Vince and JYB.

(Nobody says anything.)

Spinner: Oh wait. Did I just break the don’t talk to Sean and Jimmy at the same time rule?

Sean: Shut up Spinner.

Spinner: No you shut up. I mean, okay you two. You had a fight a long, long time ago. Why don’t you just let it go? Ask him.

Jimmy: I’m having a party tonight to celebrate making the regionals and you can bring Emma if you want to.

Sean: Cool.

(They do a little fist pump action.)

Spinner: Aw you two. You make me very, very happy.

(Spinner puts his arms around Jimmy and Sean.)

Jimmy: Dude! Armpits near the face.

In the hallway

Manny: So is Sean excited about tonight? Em you didn’t tell him, did you?

Emma: If I told him last week he would have worried himself into a coma.

Manny: Well enough’s enough. You have to tell him, like right now.

Emma: Sean!

Sean: Emma.

Emma: Hi um…are you busy tonight?

Sean: Why am I getting that weird, scary vibe?

Emma: Um because…I know this sounds awful, but my parents were wondering if maybe you wanted to come to dinner.

Sean: No!

Emma: But you have to! I told them you’re coming.

Sean: Emma we have Jimmy’s party tonight. We were invited.

Emma: Yeah I know, but I think my parents would be a little more disappointed if you don’t show up than Jimmy will.

Mr. Simpson: Hey one word for you. Chutoro!

Sean: Chut-…Emma!

Emma: It’s a kind of sushi. You know, raw fish?

Sean: Yeah I know.

Emma: Anyway my mom makes it for special occasions so you have to come! We’ll go to Jimmy’s after. I promise. Please. Please!

In a classroom, Jimmy is staring at Ashley

Spinner: Checking out Ashley huh? Dude could you be any more predictable?

Jimmy: Okay Ash has changed. She’s not the same girl she was last year.

Spinner: Oh yeah. Yeah I know. She’s become a vampire.

Jimmy: I’m not talking about her style. I mean she’s more down to earth.

Spinner: Yeah.

(Terri walks by.)

Jimmy: Oh Ter I’m having a party tonight at my house. Can you make it?

Terri: Totally.

Jimmy: Tell Ash she can come to if she wants. It’s no big deal.

Spinner: (Mimicking Jimmy) Tell Ash she can come to. It’s no big deal.

Jimmy: (Mimicking Spinner) My armpits smell!

In the hallway

Paige: A vote. Hands or feet?

Ellie: Are we supposed to understand what that means?

Paige: It means my weekend at the spa with mom includes either a free manicure or pedicure. My choice.

Terri: You’re missing Jimmy’s party for a pedicure?

Paige: No for a spa weekend. Look it’s more fun than a room full of Neanderthals.

Ashley: So El, how about you?

Ellie: I’d have more fun sculpting my earwax. Why? Are you going?

Ashley: Nah. I don’t think so.

Terri: Ash! You so want to go.

Ashley: But he didn’t really invite me. He just sort of invited me.

Terri: I see the way he looks at you. He still likes you.

Ashley: I’m not sure I believe that Ter.

Terri: Well only one way to find out.

At Sean’s house

Tracker: Sean it’s just a job, okay? Everything’s gonna be alright.

Sean: You know what? That’s what dad said and it never was!

Tracker: I know. I know, but me and you, we’re not mom and dad, right?

Sean: No? We live like them. You’re out of work!

Tracker: Yeah money’s important Sean, but so’s my pride.

Sean: You know what Tracker? You sound just like dad, whenever he lost his job or whenever he quit or whenever he got fired and he just…

Tracker: Yeah except then he’d go and take all our money and blow it on booze. Do you see me doing that?!

Sean: No.

Tracker: That’s right. Look I got a job interview lined up for tomorrow. Does that sound like dad?

Sean: Aren’t you special.

Tracker: I’m trying. Where are you going with my pickled herring, punk?

Sean: Tonight I, I have dinner with Emma’s parents.

Tracker: Well isn’t that nice. Say hello to the family for me.

At Emma’s house

Spike: Em. Nervous?

Emma: Not for me. For Sean. You guys aren’t gonna grill him, right?

Spike: Just the octopus, but I, I hear you, okay?

(Emma sets out the napkins.)

Emma: Black.

Spike: Just relax!


(Sean is walking towards Emma’s house.)

At Emma’s house, during dinner

Mr. Simpson: You know I was reading that uh the average sumo wrestler weighs around 400 pounds and one of the best tipped the scale at 700 pounds. Can you believe that?

Spike: That’s because they eat like a ton of rice, morning, noon and night.

Mr. Simpson: Mm. Speaking of rice I think I’m going to have some more of the kamaboko.

Spike: So Sean, I uh hear you’re quite the basketball star?

Sean: Uh I’m okay I guess.

Mr. Simpson: Don’t be modest. I saw you tearing up the court the other day.

Spike: Your parents must be proud.

Mr. Simpson: Uh Emma can you pass the nigiri please?

Emma: Yeah sure.

Sean: Uh they’re in Wasaga Beach. I live with my brother.

Spike: Oh right.

Emma: Uh mom, um the California roll looks great.

Mr. Simpson: What does your brother do?

Sean: Well he’s…

Emma: Snake!

Sean: It’s alright. Emma it’s alright. He installs side view mirrors on minivans.

Mr. Simpson: Oh he’s an auto worker. That’s a noble profession.

Sean: Yeah he quit yesterday.

Spike: Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.

Sean: Um do you guys mind if I get some water?

Spike: No not at all. Help yourself.

(Sean gets up and goes to the kitchen.)

Emma: You guys, I thought I asked you not to do this!

Spike: It’s just that children shouldn’t have to live with that kind of stress.

Sean: Does anybody else want any water?

Mr. Simpson: No I think we’re all fine.

(Sean sees a bottle of alcohol on the counter, pours some into his glass and drinks it quickly before walking back to the table.)

Spike: So Sean? Have you uh seen any good movies lately?

Sean: No.

Spike: Oh uh I really like them. Mr. Simpson, Snake and I, we like them. Going to them. Don’t we?

Mr. Simpson: Yeah. Yeah. A lot. Popcorn, soda, Godzilla…

Sean: Cool. Emma you want some more pie?

Emma: Yeah sure.

(Sean starts to pass the pie and knocks over Emma’s plate onto her lap.)

Mr. Simpson: Oh, oh, oh!

Emma: Oh.

Sean: I’m sorry!

Emma: Oh.

Sean: I’m sorry. Here let me, let me help you clean up.

Emma: No it’s okay.

Sean: Here I’ll do it-

Emma: No. Really. I’ll just go change.

Mr. Simpson: You know I feel like some coffee. I’m gonna put a pot on.

Spike: So uh Snake and I are really glad that you could come. It’s given us a chance to get to know each other a bit more.

Sean: No problem.

Spike: Anytime. Hey why don’t I pack you up some leftovers?

Sean: You, you already made me dinner.

Spike: Give you a nice home cooked meal.

Sean: Because I don’t get nice home cooked meals at home?

Spike: Sean we just have extra.

Sean: For a welfare case!

Spike: That’s not what I was saying. Sean. Where are you going? Sean!

(Sean puts his jacket on and leaves quickly.)
At Jimmy’s party, Terri and Ashley walk in

Ashley: I shouldn’t be here.

Terri: Spinner!

Spinner: Hey. Uh Terri, Ash. Uh great you came. Uh where’s Paige?

Terri: At the spa, but we’re here.

Spinner: Oh yeah uh great. That’s-

(Someone sprays Spinner with whipped cream and Spinner chases after her.)

Terri: You should go find Jimmy.

Ashley: I already have.

Jimmy: So you came.

Ashley: I came.

Jimmy: Good.

Ashley: Good.

Guest: Hey Jimmy!

Jimmy: Sorry I got guests to attend to. I’ll catch you later.

Ashley: Wow. Guess he really didn’t want me to come after all.

Terri: I know the feeling.

At Emma’s, Emma comes downstairs wearing different clothes

Emma: Hey I-

(Emma sees that Sean isn’t there.)

Emma: Where’s Sean?

Spike: He uh, he left.

Emma: What?! Why? What did you say?

Spike: Nothing. I, I offered him leftovers. He totally misunderstood and that’s all. Honest.

Emma: Yeah really.

Mr. Simpson: Emma.

Spike: Where are you going?

Emma: To find him!

At Jimmy’s party, Sean walks in

Sean: Yo what’s going on? I heard there’s a party here!

Craig: I thought you weren’t coming man.

Sean: No I am. This is a party. I love parties. Yeah!

Spinner: Yeah party. Woo hoo. Anyways you know, got to get my ladies, tend to them. See you later.

Sean: Sweet man. He’s got ladies. Yo what’s going on buddy? What do you say?

Craig: Yeah um, you been drinking?

Sean: No! Maybe a little. Come on man let’s go. Yo introduce me to some people. Jimmy. What’s going on man?

Jimmy: Hey you made it! What’s up?

Sean: Nothing.

Craig: What’s up man?

Jimmy: Not much. Uh napkins. I need napkins.

(He reaches under the counter for the napkins where his parents keep the booze.)

Jimmy: Catch you boys later?

Sean: Yeah.

(Sean looks at the alcohol under the bar.)

Craig: So uh where’s Emma?

Sean: Emma? Uh she’s at home. We’re through.

Craig: What? You guys just got back together.

Sean: I know, alright? But her mom called me a total welfare case or something. So I told her off and I left. I totally freaked out and whatever, okay? It’s over and obviously Emma’s never gonna forgive me.

Craig: You don’t know that. Call her.

Sean: No man. It’s over, alright?

Craig: Sean, just pick up the phone…

Sean: Okay?!

Craig: Okay.

Sean: Okay.

Craig: You coming?

Sean: Yeah just give me a minute.

(He pours out some of his soft drink and pours the alcohol into his bottle. A random guy walks over to Ashley.)

Party guest: You plus me, destiny.

Terri: Okay, let’s go.

(Ashley and Terri start to leave.)

Jimmy: Ash! You can’t go.

Ashley: Uh yes I can.

Jimmy: No, no. We didn’t talk yet.

Ashley: You’ve got a lot of guests.

Jimmy: You’re the guest I want to be with.

Ashley: I can stick around for a bit.

Jimmy: That’s great.

(Emma walks in looking for Sean.)

Emma: Sean! Sean! Here you are. I’m so sorry about my mom. What did she say exactly?

Sean: Exactly?

Emma: Yeah I want to call her on it. What did she say?

Sean: She said the truth, alright? She said the truth.

Emma: Sean are you drunk? Where did you get that?

Sean: My host, Jimmy Brooks and it’s time for a refill.

(He starts opening the bottle.)

Emma: Sean!

Sean: Yo Emma calm down. What are you gonna give me for it?

(He starts holding the bottle away from her as she tries to grab it.)

Emma: Sean! No!

Sean: What are you gonna give me for it?

Emma: Sean!

(He drops the bottle and the music stops.)

Jimmy: So you, you come to my house to steal my parents booze?

Sean: Jimmy come on man. Your parents are so rich they won’t even know.

Jimmy: Just get out of here.

Sean: At least let me clean it up.

Jimmy: Just get out!

(Emma grabs Sean and they leave, while Jimmy and Ashley start picking up the broken bottle pieces and Jimmy cuts his hand.)

Jimmy: Ah.

Ashley: Here.

(She puts a napkin on his hand and they’re about to kiss when Ashley pulls away.)

Ashley: You know what? Um Terri’s waiting.

Outside Jimmy’s, Sean and Emma are sitting down

Sean: I don’t feel good. I have to go home.

(He starts to stand up and Emma helps him sit back down.)

Sean: Why do you even bother?

Emma: What are you talking about?

Sean: I’m just a big, stupid loser. My parents are drunks, my, my brother’s out of work. I’m just a big, stupid loser like them.

Emma: Yeah so is that what you want me to say? Do you want me to call you a big, stupid loser Sean? Is that what you want?

(Emma takes out her cell phone.)

Sean: Who are you calling?

Emma: My mom.

Sean: What? No. Hang up.

Emma: (On the phone) Mom you know you said if I ever needed you’d pick me up no questions asked? Great. We’re outside Jimmy’s.

In the hallway

Ashley: How’s your hand?

Jimmy: I’ll survive.

Ashley: I’m sorry about the other night.

Jimmy: Nah the party got out of hand. I got serious flack though.

Ashley: That’s not what I mean. I mean-

Jimmy: Oh. Uh look I guess it was kind of my fault ‘cause I weirded you-

(Ashley kisses him.)

Ashley: So now we’re even.

(Jimmy is about to lean in and kiss Ashley when Sean interrupts.)

Sean: Hey Jimmy.

(Jimmy and Ashley ignore him and walk away.)

Emma: Sean! Sean. Sean why are you doing this?

Sean: Because I screwed up, alright Emma?

Emma: Once! Everybody screws up once.

Sean: Emma homeroom is about to start.

Emma: I know, but this is more important, so stop!

(They sit down by the lockers.)

Sean: Things are always gonna be like this.

Emma: Like what?

Sean: Me screwing up. It’s in my blood.

Emma: It’s in your head and that’s all.

Sean: Your mom and Simpson aren’t gonna be as forgiving.

Emma: Did my mom give you the third degree?

Sean: No.

Emma: I mean if she has to drive you home drunk a second time it might be a different story.

Sean: You don’t have to worry about that, alright? Tracker gave me a lecture and I just don’t-

Emma: Okay, but this isn’t about Tracker or your parents or my parents. This is about you and me. Sean I like you.

Sean: I like you too.
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