03x01 - Father Figure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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03x01 - Father Figure

Post by bunniefuu »

Outside Emma’s House

(Emma is reading a book.)

Spike: (From Inside) It’s time!

Emma: It’s time? (Realizes what this means and runs inside the house)

In the garage

Snake: It’s time! (Runs into the house)

Inside Emma’s House

(Snake and Emma run into the living room, Spike is breathing heavily. Emma holds Spike’s hand, Snake picks up the phone and begins dialing.)

Snake: (On the phone) Uhh, Liz! Liz! Liz, it’s Snake, Spike’s going into labor, we need you here ASAP.

Emma: Ok. (Runs to get a mattress.)

Spike: Ok… Midwife. (Snake takes her hand) There we go.

Emma: (Entering with mattress) Remember Mom, breathe. 1, 2, 3.

Snake: Tell me when you experience contractions.

Spike: NOW!

Snake: (Goes to get something, but trips over the mattress)

Emma: Leave it, I’ll get the supplies.

(She returns with a laundry basket full of supplies and starts taking them out.)

Emma: Ok We’ve got a plastic drop sheet, heating pad…

Snake: Em.

Emma: …Almond oil.

Snake: Emmy, this is just a drill

Emma: (Major disbelief) Again?

(Snake breaks down in laughter.)

Emma: You’ve been drilling us all summer.

Spike: (Indignant) This having a home birth thing is a pretty huge deal. Sorry if it’s putting you out.

Emma: And I’m sorry for getting in the way of your perfect delivery. (She storms out)

Emma’s Basement, her new room

(Emma is lying in bed, Spike comes down the stairs.)

Spike: Em? Better get ready. Gonna be late for your first day.

Emma: (Groggily) I know, mom. Thanks.

Spike: And don’t forget, the baby shower’s tonight at Joey’s.

Emma: Baby shower, how could I forget?

(Spike exits, Emma’s alarm clock rings and she turns it off.)

Outside Degrassi

(Craig is taking pictures of students. Paige and Spinner are kissing.)

Paige: So, this is it. The start of grade 10, a whole new year. I’m just so happy I have you to share it with.

Spinner: Me too, honeybee.

(Ellie and Marco are sitting on a bench.)

Ellie: Honeybee? Did he say honeybee?

Craig: Yeah. I bet you guys have pet names too.

(He tries to snap a picture of Ellie and Marco, but Ellie get her camera out like in a sh**t and manages to get Craig first. She blows on it like a smoking g*n.)

In the school parking lot

Sean: I thought you didn’t mind moving.

Emma: It’s not about the room Sean, I’m just sick of them making me feel like a second class citizen.

Sean: Well, maybe you should tell them.

Emma: Right. Mom’s half crazy with 9-months-pregnant hormones, and Snake doesn’t want anything to upset her.

Sean: Well then maybe he’s right. Maybe for now you should just suck it up.

Inside Degrassi

(Hazel, Paige, and Spinner are picking up class lists.)

Paige: I wonder which homeroom we get this year.

Hazel: I hope it’s Armstrong, he’s so cute!

Paige: Easy there, hormone girl, he’s a teacher. (Inspects the list) Sorry, Simpson again.

Marco: Believe me guys, it could be worse.

Spinner: Oh, the pain of my existence.

(Ms Kwan turns around.)

Ms. Kwan: The word is “bane” Gavin. Don’t worry I’ll tell you what it means in class. Grade 9 English, that is. Again.

Spinner: Yeah, go ahead guys, laugh at the big fat failing dummy.

Paige: No one was laughing at you.

Jimmy: I was.

Paige: Don’t listen to him, Spin. Fail English, no biggie. Fail gym, then we need to talk. (She kisses him and exits)

(Spinner buries his head in his hands.)

Ms Hatzilakos’s classroom

(Ms. Hatzilakos is handing out locker keys, she hands JT his and he walks back to his seat.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: (Reading names) Liberty Van-Zandt.

Toby: So JT, which lovely lady will you be going after this year?

JT: Well, there’s Ms. Hot-zilakos, always tempting.

(Ms. Hatzilakos continues calling out names.)

JT: And then there’s the tangy Ms. Kwan.

Manny: JT, charming as always.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Chris Sharp.

Chris: Here. (Goes to the front of the class)

Ms. Hatzilakos: Here’s your locker, Chris. And your locker number.

Chris: Thanks.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Emma Simpson.

Emma: You mean Emma Nelson?

Ms. Hatzilakos: Oh, I have you down as Simpson.

Emma: That’s a mistake.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Ok.

Emma: I mean, just because Mr. Simpson married my mom doesn’t mean I automatically took his name. She didn’t even do that.

Ms. Hatzilakos: O…kay

Emma: I mean, hello? Feminism?

Ms. Hatzilakos: Emma, there was just some confusion at the front office. That’s all. Now regarding locker assignments, I’ve placed a map of the corridor in the back, please have a look at it before you leave today, and if you have any questions or problems, come and see me after class.

In a rundown corridor

Paige: You’ve got to be kidding me. This is where my locker is? Smack dab in the middle of “The Wasteland?”

Spinner: Well, it’s got a nice…

Paige: Smell?

(She opens her locker and finds a rat inside and screams in shock. People around start laughing.)

Paige: There’s something alive in there.

Random Student: Nice one.

Spinner: (Inspects the rat, it’s just a toy on a string) It’s not this rat, honey.

Paige: This is terrible, I cannot live here.

Hazel: It’s just for one year.

Paige: Easy for you to say, your locker’s off the girls’ bathroom, I’d give anything to be there. I have to go now. (She leaves)

(Hazel starts to go, but Spinner pulls her back.)

Spinner: Hazel, you’re Paige’s best friend, right? You don’t like to see her in pain, right?

Hazel: No.

Spinner: Then you won’t have any problem giving her your locker.

Hazel: Um, I’d rather die than live here.

Spinner: Ok, it’s our 4-month anniversary in five days, and I need to get her a great gift, so can’t you just…

Hazel: So, go buy her a pony. (She exits)

P.A.: Attention students, club signups are starting now.

At the club fair

(Snake is holding an insect sculpture trying to persuade people to sign up for the insect club.)

Snake: (Talking to a kid who is ignoring him and walking away) Sign up? Maybe later? Cool. (Gives a thumbs-up)

(Emma is leafing through a book.)

Craig: Hey, whatcha got?

Emma: Just an old yearbook from the eighties.

Craig: Ok, that I gotta see. (He looks at the book) Oh my god, it’s Joey with hair.

Ashley: Isn’t that your mom? Her hair’s insane. I think that should be my style.

Craig: Don’t make me take this book away.

Ashley: Kidding. (Kisses him)

Emma: (Looking at a photo of Shane McKay)

Ashley: Friend of your mom’s?

Emma: No, ex-boyfriend. Can we drop it?

Craig: Why? What’d he do?

(Emma doesn’t respond.)

Craig: Ok, well I guess we’ll have to ask Mr. Simpson. Hey, Mr. S!

Emma: Fine. He got my mom pregnant and then took off.

Ashley: That’s your dad?

Emma: Shane McKay. But I only met him once, when I was three. We visited him at work. He was a doctor and it didn’t go well.

Flashback to Shane’s office

(3 year old Emma is playing with a small pink ball and watching Spike and Shane argue.)

Shane: Well, I just think you’re talking about Emma like she can’t hear you right now, and that wasn’t the deal at all.

Spike: You know what? I think it’s a little confusing for her. Maybe you should think about that.

Shane: Well I think she can hear you right now you’re pretending she can’t. Maybe we can talk about this another time.

(The ball rolls out of Emma’s hands and stops near Shane.)

Shane: I refuse to not be involved in this child’s life. (He stomps on the ball) She needs me.

Back to present

Ashley: So he’s not around at all?

Emma: Never. But (something?) just… to wonder.

At Caitlin’s Workplace

Caitlin: (On her phone, walking through the halls) It must be (something?)

(Mmkay Hangs up)

Worker: (Handing her a clipboard) For you.

Caitlin: Why did I take this job?

Joey: Probably because you missed TO, and your family, your friends, and uh, I think it’s because you missed me.

Caitlin: What? Nice to see you haven’t lost your confidence.

Joey: Look Caitlin, I don’t want to rush you but we gotta get going if we’re going to get my place ready for Spike’s baby shower

Caitlin: Yeah, um, you’re really going to hate me, (hands him a box of supplies) but I have a major deadline.

Joey: Oh, no no no, come on. No, you suckered me into hosting this thing, now you want me to decorate it too?

(A woman walks by and hands Caitlin more thing which she puts into the box.

Caitlin’s phone rings.)

Caitlin: (Answering the phone) Caitlin Ryan. Uh yeah, um, he’s going to call me back.

Emma’s House

(Snake is painting Emma’s old room for the baby.)

Snake: (Singing) Strange animal, that’s what I know (begins humming) …Strange animal.

(Emma enters.)

Snake: Old room’s looking pretty good, huh?

Emma: Did you change my name at school?

Snake: Pardon me?

Emma: Today during attendance, Ms. Hatzilakos said “Emma Simpson”

Spike: (Entering with a sandwich and soda for Snake) I’m sure it was a mistake Em, the office probably just got confused.

Emma: How? Unless Snake said something.

Snake: Uh, no. The new secretary does know you’re my daughter.

Emma: But I’m not your daughter.

Snake: Em, what’s going on?

Emma: I’m his stepdaughter, I only have one dad, and he’s not here.

Spike: Shane?

(Snake opens the soda loudly.)

Emma: Yeah.

Spike: He’s had nothing to do with you for ten years.

Emma: Eleven. And a lot can change in eleven years.

Spike: Where are you going with this?

Emma: I don’t know, I just thought it might be nice to actually know who he is. Or where?

Spike: No. I’m sorry, but no. That’s not going to happen.

Emma: Mom…

Spike: End of Story.

(Emma exits.)

Snake: Honey, one day we’re just going to have to tell her the truth.

Snake: Yeah, Piece of cake.

Outside Joey’s House

(Someone carrying a gift basket for Jack rings the doorbell.)

Inside Joey’s house, the baby shower...

Caitlin: (Filming Spike) Door.

Spike: (In a funny voice, waving to camera) My bel-ly. (Turns to her friends) I’m having him at home.

Lucy: A home birth? With no epidural?

Liz: You don’t need it, you just breathe right through the pain.

Heather: So Spike, aren’t you scared?

Spike: Why would I be? I’ve got the best midwife in all of Canada: Liz.

Lucy: Well, you’re a braver woman than I am. Ok, it’s gift time. Open my present. (Hands Spike a gift)

Heather: Or you can open mine. (Hands her a gift too)

Spike: Ok, one at a time

(Caitlin accidentally spills her drink on herself, and grads a napkin to wipe it up.)

Sydney: Oh, try club soda on it. I’m Sydney.

Caitlin: I always do this. Hi. Caitlin. (They shake hands) I’m a very old friend of Spike’s.

Sydney: Then you know Joey too?

Caitlin: Do I?

Sydney: I guess you know him well.

Caitlin: It’s one of those unrequited romances. Well, requited, then unrequited, requited again, on, off, revolving door.

Sydney: Oh yeah um, one of those.

Caitlin: I actually just moved back here, so I guess we’ll see.

Joey: (Comes over and kisses Sydney) Hey, you made it. Caitlin, this is Sydney.

Caitlin: The new girlfriend.

Sydney: Right.

Joey: Sydney, this is Caitlin.

Caitlin: An old friend.

Sydney: Yeah.

Caitlin: Yes.

Sydney: Can I help with the snacks, Joe?

Joey: Yeah, that’s be great. Thank you. Come on, Ang.

Caitlin: It was nice meeting you.

(Emma is sitting on a couch boredly knitting. Caitlin comes up to her.)

Caitlin: Having a good time?

Emma: Yeah. Great. Amazing.

Caitlin: Uh, this is Caitlin you’re talking to, so for real. What’s on your mind?

Emma: What do you know about Shane McKay?

Caitlin: That’s a question for your mom.

Emma: I asked, and she won’t answer.

Caitlin: Then I can’t either.

Snake: Caitlin! I want to open your gift now.

Emma: Come on. I need to know.

Caitlin: I’m sorry. (Walks over to Snake)
Late at night, Emma’s room

(Emma tries to fall asleep but can’t, she turns on the computer and searches “McKay, Shane Andrew” on “Canada’s People Finder” but no matched come up. She takes out “Andrew” but still no matches. Finally, she changes “Shane” to “Dr. Shane” and one match comes up. She smiles.)

Next day, in Degrassi

(Marco is fixing his hair in a mirror in his locker, Spinner approaches.)

Spinner: Dude, I cracked it. I know how to get Hazel’s locker.

Marco: (Doesn’t look up) Oh, cool. How?

Spinner: Ok, I was playing Monopoly last night. I needed Park Place from Kendra, but I didn’t have enough money.

Marco: Sounds familiar.

Spinner: Anyway, she needed Atlantic, which my dad had, and he needed Vermont, which I had. So…

Marco: You traded your dad for Atlantic, and…

Spinner: Gave it to Kendra for Park Place. Property, dude, property. Anyways, so I planned out a series of trades. I call it (Holds up a diagram) Operation Locker Storm.

Marco: Spin, what can I say? You’re a genius.

Ms. Kwan‘s classroom

(Someone throws a paper airplane at JT. He throws it back.)

Emma: Sean, I found Shane’s address.

Shane: Cool.

Emma: I know, I barely slept last night, so come on, we gotta...

Sean: Whoa, easy. I got grade 10 shop after this.

Emma: Don’t you think that finding my birth dad is a little more important?

Sean: Emma, why skip? We’ll go this weekend.

(Emma turns to leave.)

Sean: Emma…

Emma: Fine. Whatever. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.

(Bell rings, Ms. Kwan enters.)

Ms Kwan: Class, can we please settle down and get to work?

In the hallway

(JT and Toby are talking, Spinner approaches.)

Spinner: JT! Isaacs! I’m conducting a locker poll. Grade your locker for me, JT.

JT: (Opens his locker and Toby and Spinner look inside) OK, A for quality, D for location. I ask you, where are the ladies?

Spinner: Well, I have a locker that happens to be grade F for quality, but grade A for ladies. You like tough chicks?

JT: (Shrugs) Yeah.

Spinner: (Turns JT’s head towards his) You like tough chicks?

JT: Do I?

Spinner: Good. (Slams the locker shut)

(It opens and he’s at Chris’s locker now.)

Spinner: Chris, I could get you a locker right next to the MI lab. I mean, I know someone willing to give theirs up.

Chris: It would save me time carrying my LP’s back and forth, but naw. The ladies are cool.

Spinner: (Sees Chris’s poster of DJ MadBullets) DJ MadBullets, huh? Hear that rare jam session he did in Paris last year?

Chris: Tough still.

Spinner: Oh it is, and uh, I’ve got a rare bootleg copy with your name on it. For the locker.

Chris: Alright, alright, aright.

Spinner: G-Dawg represent. (He walks away)

(Chris closes his locker. When it opens again, Spinner is now at Hazel’s locker.)

Hazel: Beg, plead, whatever. I’m not slumming it all year in the wasteland.

Spinner: Ok, that’s good, because I got you a locker in the lanes, Degrassi’s coolest neighborhood.

Hazel: For boys. For girls, this is the place. It’s close to our office, (sh*t of a few girls entering the girls’ bathroom) near the courtyard, natural light…

Spinner: Yeah, but, (Leaning in close) come on. The lanes are so pretty with the red and orange lockers, and… (He realizes he’s not going to sell it, and steps away. He gets down on his knees and begins to beg) Ok, forget Paige, forget the lanes, I need this because it’s the only thing I can give her. Please?

Hazel: Fine, whatever.

(Spinner runs off cheering and skipping.)

Elsewhere in Degrassi

Emma: Craig, what are you doing right now?

Craig: Going to art class.

Emma: Do you really want to go?

Craig: Instead of…

Emma: Finding my father. I’ve got his address.

(Craig looks reluctant.)

Emma: Sean won’t got with me, and Manny’s mom would k*ll her if she skipped.

Craig: Oh yeah? And what do you think Joey’s going to do to me?

Emma: I can’t go alone.

Craig: But why me? I mean, you could ask JT, or Toby…

Emma: Because I thought you’d understand, with your dad and all.

Craig: (Smiles) So what are we waiting for?

(Craig and Emma are shown leaving school and running across various streets until they reach their destination.)

Craig: Ok, so just go up, ring the bell, introduce yourself, and I’ll be right here.

Emma: I cannot believe this is real. I’m actually going to meet him.

(Emma and Craig walk up to the house and Emma rings the bell. The door opens.)

Emma: Hi, I’m Emma… (She realizes it’s not the person from the yearbook)

Dr. McKay: And I’m Dr. McKay. How may I help?

(Emma doesn’t respond.)

Emma’s House

Emma: My mom will be home any second.

Craig: There’s got to be a record here somewhere.

Emma: Ok, records, um hospitals?

Craig: Schools? Police stations? I don’t know?

Emma: Snake is the chair of the alumni committee. He’s got this huge address book.

Craig: Ok, I’ll look out for your mom.

(Emma gets on Snake’s computer and find “McKay, Shane” on the list. She clicks it.”.)

Emma: Found it! Shane McKay, 1405 Shaw Ave… Stouffville?

(She writes it down.)

Degrassi hallways

(Spinner is leading Paige with his hand over her eyes.)

Spinner: Ok, ok. Come on, come on, come on.

Paige: Ok, ok, ok. I’m going to fall.

Spinner: No you won’t. (Narrowly avoids a collision) Ok (Removes his hands from her eyes.) Okay, I know it’s early, but (He opens the locker) happy anniversary!

(On the inside, the locker looks rundown)

Paige: (Confused) There’s nothing inside.

Spinner: Yeah, we have to move your stuff first.

Paige: Wait, let’s throw it in reverse here. The locker is my gift?

Spinner: Well yeah, I mean it’s prime real estate, I mean you have your office right there…

Paige: O-kay, location perfect, the locker? No.

(Spinner looks crestfallen.)

Paige: Oh, but you’re so sweet for trying. (She looks over at Jimmy’s locker. He’s got an electronic lock on his.)

Spinner: I didn’t know you had a locker here.

Jimmy: Not a locker. The locker.

(On the inside, there’s a fresh coat of paint and it looks much better kept.)

Paige: Mmm, now that is prime real estate.

Jimmy: Yeah? Well, keep dreaming. ‘Cause it’s never going to happen.

Paige: We’ll see. I happen to know a miracle worker. (Puts her arms around Spinner..)

(Cut to a montage of Emma and Craig traveling by train. When they get up, they find Shane’s house and walk towards it.)

Emma: I don’t even know what to call him. Shane? Dr. McKay? Do I shake hands? Hug him? What if he’s married and has a bunch of kids? What if he doesn’t like me?

Craig: Em, stop it.

Inside the house

(It’s more like a doctor’s office than a residence. A nurse runs by, and Emma tries to stop her.)

Emma: Uh, hi. We’re looking for Shane McKay.

Nurse: Do you have an appointment?

Emma: No.

(We hear the noise of a heart monitor detecting no pulse. Several medics run by.)

Medic #1: Room 115.

Medic #2: We have a code red.

Nurse: Hold on.

(The Nurse turns to go after the medics.)

Craig: (Looks at the list of rooms, and sees “S. McKay”) Room 209. Go.

(Emma doesn’t move.)

Craig: Go! (Prods Emma) I’ll cover!

(Emma runs up the stairs to room 209. The door is open a little, and inside the room is a man pacing around and continuously adjusting a plate of food.)

Emma: (Knocks on the door. When the man doesn’t respond, she lets herself in) Hi. I’m looking for Shane McKay.

Man: What can I do for you? I’m Shane McKay.
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