Abominable (2019)

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Abominable (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »










See if you can get those coordinates tied down.

All clear outside, guys.

I'm moving in.

DR. MARTIN: August, entry one.

The specimen has shown great promise.

What we've discovered is far greater than we could've ever imagined.

But something is amongst us here in the mountains.


We tried to capture it.

Light seems to be harmful.

Not all of us remain.


Final entry.

It knows I'm the only one left.

I'll try to escape, but I won't.

DR. SMITH: Okay, we need a sweep of the area and all exit points marked.

Solomon's on point, ma'am.

Solomon can't be reached on comms, so until we can verify his and Lane's whereabouts, you are point.

Now, Bob.

Yeah, and not only that, but this place is sitting in a dead zone.

No signal.

DR. SMITH: Then we should trek onwards, see if there's a place we can get reception to get intel back to home base.

No, you don't understand, there's no signal coming in or out.

The formations all around us are considerate.

Basically, a giant box of tin.

DR. SMITH: Then we switch to proximity comms, stay within range and see if we can triangulate off the nearby tower.

PETE: Already on it.

Dr. Smith.

DR. SMITH: What is it, Victor?


What do you got, Victor?

What the hell were they doing here?

The dates are consistent with the time of his disappearance.

It's definitely Dr. Martin's journal, but...

"Evil reminds us it bears a face.

"We were wrong to search.

"We were wrong to try and alter our fate."



Got it.

DR. SMITH: What do you got, Sarah?

Just southwest of the dead zone, there's a large clearing.

I believe that's where we'll find an extraction point.


Then we'll double back, settle in, move out first thing.

What is it?

Our comms won't work unless we set up another pit point, just bounce our signal off.

DR. SMITH: Okay, and?

The place where we have to have the beacon is further north, up the mountains.

So pull up the schematics.

Here's the thing.

That area has no known data to extrapolate.

Someone would have to stay here to make sure that our points line up, and with no knowledge of the area.

We're going in blind.

Meaning we need a manual scan of the area in order to pin a signal.

PETE: Exactly.

Okay, mission update.

We're gonna take a team and set up a beacon at extraction point A.

Sarah and Victor, you handle the south, Robert and I will take the north, and if I know Solomon, he'll find a way to get us a message.

One more thing.

I am tracking a storm due east.

That shouldn't be possible.

Normally I would agree with you, but I don't have to tell you, if we don't get off this mountain in time.

DR. SMITH: Then the extraction points are for nought and we all die of exposure.

SARAH: Yeah, that.

All right, you all know what I'm gonna say.

Expedience is our ally.

So Pete, you lock and key this place, and the rest of you have your orders.

Why do I get left behind?

We were all sent to locate a rare compound, I don't wanna just sit around and do nothing.

You are an integral part of this group.

Listen, you're going to triangulate the system, and be right here when we locate the compound and figure out the way the hell off this rock.

Strict order, direct order.

Anyone else?


There's nothing more important than this mission.

Let's head out.

There must be a reason why no one's found this yeti plant yet, Sarah.

Yeah, well, it's the only thing giving her hope.

She believes this plant can save lives.

She's my friend.

I'll do what I can to save her.



Help, somebody help!

Somebody help!


This is Solomon, please come in.

Anyone hear me?




Lane, stay with me.

Somebody help!


PETE: Hello?



Dr. Smith?

Don't come looking for us.

There's something out here.


(g*nshots BANGING)




They still don't know?


Pretty smart keeping me on your detail.

That's what I woulda done.


The snow here is so strange.

Snow is snow.

No, it's...

It's old.

Dr. Martin's studies referenced an older path, in plain sight.

We're on it.




Somebody, help me.





So you know Dr. Smith from the w*r?

Wouldn't call it a w*r.

More like stationary babysitting in the Middle East.

RPG came in heavy.

Those techies knew it was going to happen.

You press 'em hard enough, they had a tendency to break.

Had we only taken a minute to realize that the enemy was never going to att*ck us.

That in order to win the w*r, they had to force us to destroy ourselves.

Do you hear that?

I don't hear anything.



We're being followed.

Three degrees north.


When I tell you, move slightly sideways.

So I'm in formation.



(g*nshots BANGING)


SARAH: Watch your step.

VINCENT: Status?

SARAH: Whatever that thing was, it was testing our strength.

Holy sh*t.

Now I know why the tablet was glitching.

This panel is connected to an old model.

It's been resending and bouncing signals based off of an old algorithm.


We need this beacon, Victor.

If we have any hope of getting to the yeti plant.

Why's this here?

What's so damn special about this yeti plant?


The yeti plant was first discovered on an excavation by three scientists.

Only one remained.

VICTOR: Martin?

He was the last person to document what many believed could change the face of modern medicine.

The yeti plant rapidly healed broken and dead cells.

VICTOR: What, this thing can cure cancer?

Not just cure cancer.

It can stop cells from dying altogether.

Look at this.

VICTOR: How long do you think this thing's been here?

SARAH: Probably about a year.

Same year as Dr. Martin.

And it's still operational?

These devices run on lithium batteries that can last up to five years on a single charge.

Whoever planted this wasn't planning on leaving.

su1c1de mission.


Whatever was out there is back.


I need more time to rewire the mainframe, to sync it with our original coordinates.

VICTOR: You said it was trying to gauge our limitations.

I think it would want to know what we were capable of.

Something that was trying to protect its terrain.

Only one of us can make the run back.

Secure the beacon, I'll cover you.


(g*nshots BANGING)


Dr. Smith.


Holy hell.

What happened here?

Crazy son of a bitch.

This wasn't a random k*lling.

This was a warning.

DR. SMITH: He was avoiding it.

He was avoiding what?

He came up here looking for it.

This plant isn't real?

This entire g*dd*mn operation had nothing to do with a plant or medicine?

We just have to get to the highest point.

Stay on the path and set the beacon.

When did you know?

Listen, I don't care if you think I'm stupid.


I know there's a probability that this plant doesn't exist.


I have been searching and studying this miracle cure for two years.

And six weeks ago, I was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Aggressive glioblastoma.

Grade four.

I dedicated my life to helping people survive against all odds.

You think now is the time for me to stop?

So no, I don't know if this plant exists, but if it does, I'm gonna find it.

I have to.

I'm sorry to hear that, Doc.

This journal tells us everything we need to know, and a few things I wish I didn't.

But listen, listen, this is the thing.

That beast that Dr. Martin drew, I have every reason to believe that it is real, it's alive, and it protects the plants.

Find the beast.

We find the plants.


What's that?

Open it.

One on the left is my wife, one on the right is my daughter.

She's only six.

They're beautiful.

She was diagnosed with atherosclerotic disease, she's in pain every day.

That's why I do what I do, everything I do, I do it for her.

I'm sorry, Robert.

Listen, I can't guarantee you this crazy plan's gonna work, but I will promise you this. Hmm.

If it comes down to my life or the plant, I'll choose the plant.




sh*t, sh*t.

They should've been there by now.

"I was close, Dr. Smith.

"Make a medical breakthrough.

"The immobilized will be mobile, the sick no longer sick.

"this time tomorrow I shall be back in the states.

"Do not follow."

What happened to you, Martin?




Just waiting for an uplink and comms.


(g*nshots BANGING)





What was that?


Storm is coming.



It's not a storm.


From our GPS.


COMPUTER: System rebooting.

No no no, no.

Oh no.


Come on.

That's okay.

Almost there.





What are you?

What the.

Oh my god.



It's me.


Why were you outside?

Why are you inside?

Sarah, there's something I need to tell you.

It's about Victor.

He's dead.

There is something out there.

Some thing.

Not something.

What do you mean?

The storm is directly related to the terrain, but the texture of the snow is not normal.

This place isn't normal.

We're caught in a natural anomaly, a prehistoric gap captured somehow in real time.

You're saying that we're in the past, in the future?

In essence, yes.

The yeti plant, it more than likely predates the Triassic Period.

This thing, more ancient than the first Neanderthal.

Which would explain all the legends referring to a yeti of superhuman strength.

An abominable creature.

SARAH: Has Dr. Smith set her beacon?


Yours is the only one that's online.

We have to warn them.

The only way.

Besides, you wanted to get out and do more.

PETE: I think we should stay inside and wait.

Trust that she will get it done.

We don't know if they're alive, and that's a risk I'm not willing to take.

We're going.


If we're on the right path, we're not far off.

How far is that, Doctor?

About a mile, according to the notes.

Half a mile, maybe.

That's still a lot of ground to cover on foot.

That's why we gotta get communications up.

We're so close.

We are so close.

Can you feel it?

You said there's a high chance that this plant doesn't even exist.


We just gotta push through, about 20 minutes more.

According to the notes, there's a place up there we can take a load off, gather strength.

What are you gonna do if you find it?

I'll see how we can get off this mountain before nightfall.

You know, something that rare, that precious, that shouldn't be kept from the rest of the world.

Believe me, if it works, it won't be.

I plan to synthesize the extract with a checkpoint inhibitor, and then do clinical trials on at least one patient I know.


Jonas Salk experimented on himself, and he discovered the polio vaccine.


Do you hear that?

This thing doesn't give up.

We have to get out of here ASAP.

PETE: You got everything?


This'll come in handy when it gets dark.

We'll be able to signal for help.

PETE: I have to set the timer for the generators.

The generators?

Yes, or else the (MUMBLING) will fail and not give a steady transmission while we're out.

When the second beacon is set, we can map our way off this mountain.

Not if the generators fail.

Look, keep an eye on the power grid, (MUMBLING).

No, this is crazy.

We don't know where this creature is or what it's doing here.

Trust me.




Now we just have to hope that Sarah and Victor have set the south side beacon.

Not a moment too soon. Yeah.

And please Pete, be in place to triangulate the signal.

We are really flying blind without a map of this terrain.


Are you for real?

You do know that we are all in a rush to get off this mountain before the storm comes.

This is not speeding up that process.


Nothing's what it seems, Doc.

I'd expect someone of your intellect would understand that.

If you want to continue and hope to find this god-forsaken plant, that's fine by me.

But this journal and I, we'll keep going, if you don't mind.

You don't get it, this yeti plant is about so much more than just a cure.

You think this is still about that g*dd*mn cure?

It was always about saving your own ass.

What about your wife, your kid?


I don't got a family, Doctor.

Stay right there. Don't be a d*ck, Bob!

Just set the beacon.

Oh don't worry, Doc, I'm gonna set this beacon.

Worry about that.

I'm here for this.

The beast?

I told you.

I heard the stories.

I'm gonna be the one to bring him down.

But Robert.



Oh god, you're the real beast. (GROANS)

I'd try and look after that wound, Doctor.

Wouldn't want a yeti to pick up your scent.




All right.

This should do it.


Come on!


So far so good.





The lines are cut.






PETE: Run the wires.

Pete, what happened?

It's real.

It's a g*dd*mn snowman.

What are you talking about?

Get the generator going!

(g*nshots BANGING)


To red.

To black.









Come on!




Come on!


Pete, come on, wake up.

Come on, Pete.


Pete, it's me, it's me, it's okay.

And the thing?

Gone for now.

Did you get the generator running?

No, I was busy saving your life.

PETE: We have to get it working.

Pete, the light.

PETE: The light?

I flashed the light at it, and it went away.

If it's what I think it is, then its eyes adjusting to a higher coverage of the spectrum should be damaging, like staring into the sun.

I'll handle the wires, go back to the cabin.

Check the monitors.

I need to know the status of our power reserve.


Power's at 75%.

The north beacon is set.

Dr. Smith and Robert are alive.

That's not all.

Look at this.

Everything around us is engulfed in a sonic pocket.

Not just that.

Everything except this area.

That could be where the anomaly is.


If that's where the abominable snowman is.

Then that's where the yeti plant is.




I'm okay.

I'm okay.


SARAH: It's back.


Without that power source, we have to boot manually.

Go to north beacon, take its black box.

I'll send a distress signal.

Go to north beacon, take its black box.



COMPUTER: Sync in progress.


North and south beacon uplinked.



Sync complete.





"The night of the yeti."

What were you up to?

"I must avoid the k*lling path.

"The others want to destroy it, but it can be so much more.

"The plant is but a piece.

"The yeti could bring about the evolution of man.

"Will lie dormant once it no longer feels threatened.

"Stay west along the path of the familiar snow.

"It will reveal all."



Come on, come on.

Come on.



See, I'm coming for you.

Many have called, many disappearances, no one successfully obtained the yeti plant.

After the fork, stay right at the bend.

Keep west till you come to a flat.

That's where I'll find the plant and Dr. Smith.


Okay, let's do this.





I knew you was gonna follow me.



Must be close.

Dr. Smith.

Don't worry, Doctor, we're close to your precious plant.

Robert, you bastard.

Oh, come on now, we're all friends here, right?

We are so far beyond friends.

I mean, you're gonna tell me you're gonna risk our lives for a plant?

Our lives?

What, our lives.

This was never about our lives!

Never about our lives!


DR. SMITH: That's why you're never gonna get the plant or the yeti.


(GROANING) Come on.



We're here, Doctor.


Dr. Smith?


I'll be damned. (LAUGHS)

This plant is real.

Oh my god. To think I doubted you.

Robert, what are you doing?

See Doctor, this plant's just a piece of the puzzle.

That yeti's blood is worth way more on the black market.

This plant is a mere stepping stone.


Robert, just let me go.

I'll take a plant, we'll get off the mountain, there's still time for us all.

Not for you, I'm afraid, Doctor.


This plant?

No one's meant to live forever.

That's why we can't take this plant home with us.


DR. SMITH: Robert!

Yeah, Doc, scream, make all the noise you're gonna need.

You're gonna help me lure this yeti and I'm gonna finally claim what's mine.

SARAH: Dr. Smith.

DR. SMITH: Sarah.

Don't try and be a hero.

DR. SMITH: Sarah, save the plants.

ROBERT: Don't move!

Grab the plant get off the mountain!

Stand down.

Do you really wanna die for this filth?

She was gonna leave you all behind, I'm telling you.

Dr. Smith, what is he talking about?

This trip was never about a cure for humanity, okay?

It was about saving her pathetic ass.

All right?

Go ahead, tell her.

DR. SMITH: You don't know what you're talking about.

Do it!

Let's just take a plant and Dr. Smith.

We'll walk away, okay Robert?

Not before the big show.

Look, this abominable snowman will make me far richer than any cure would ever, okay, all right?

This is man's last great hunt.

This is his final nemesis.

I'm taking him down!


DR. SMITH: Sarah, save it!

Sarah, run!

Yes, come on, I been waiting for you!

(g*nshots BANGING)

Come on, come on!

I want you, come on.

I'm gonna get him, come on, let's go.

Let's go.



Yeah, come on, come on!

That's all you got?

Protector my ass!

Look at me, I did this to you!

I b*at you!


Look at me!

Look at me!

I did it, look at me!

Look at me, I did this to you!

I won!

I did this to you, look at me!

Look at me!





DR. SMITH: There's no time.

Come on!

Take it and run.

Take it.


Take it.

Do it.






OFFICER CARSON: I'm Officer Carson.

Strange time to be around this mountain.

Storm brewing, and a night like this.

A night like what?

OFFICER CARSON: The night of the yeti.

The locals are all up in arms.

Believe there's this thing.

A protector.

Yeah, we closed these mountains off to maintain the yeti's peace.

Where did you say you were coming from again?

Out of town.

OFFICER CARSON: Well, I reckon there's someone you need to call?


What's the name of this town?

This place hasn't had a name in years.

You would think with all the dinosaurs and flying heehaws and whatnot floating about, they would think of something.

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