01x07 - After You've Gone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "True Detective". Aired: January 2014 to February 2019.*
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The lives of two detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, become entangled during a 17-year hunt for a serial k*ller in Louisiana.
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01x07 - After You've Gone

Post by bunniefuu »

Something went down, 2002.

Your ex-husband's partner, Rustin Cohle.

I knew Rust to be a good man.

So I can't imagine what I can offer.

I'm the only one ever took up for you.

No, buddy, without me... there is no you.

The man with the scars made me watch what he did to Billy.

What's this all about now?

Dead women and children.

Your partner here, he braced Billy Lee Tuttle.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

If he was pissed off after the conversation we had, then I am onto Tuttle.

I really wanted to see you.

I saw the pictures on your phone.

I cannot help it if some crazy b*tch sent...

I slept with someone.

It was Rust.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

I quit.

You serious?

I thought maybe we should talk.


I'll follow you.

[The Handsome Family's Far From Any Road playing]

♪ from the dusty May sun ♪
♪ her looming shadow grows ♪
♪ hidden in the branches ♪
♪ of the poison creosote ♪
♪ she twines her spines up slowly ♪
♪ towards the boiling sun ♪
♪ and when I touched her skin ♪
♪ my fingers ran with blood ♪
♪ when the last light warms the rocks ♪
♪ and the rattlesnakes unfold ♪
♪ the mountain cats will come ♪
♪ to drag away your bones ♪
♪ and rise with me forever ♪
♪ across the silent sand ♪
♪ and the stars will be your eyes ♪
♪ and the wind will be my hands ♪

True Detective - 1x07

"After You've Gone"

[Music stops]

You look like you're doing all right.

Father Time has his way with us all.

Looks like you must have pissed him off.


Why we here?

I got a thing the State PD's asking about.

The Lake Charles m*rder.

I mean, shouldn't it have been in the paper to draw a line somewhere by now?

I mean, we can't trust them.

And, I mean, if they're gonna cover something like that up, who knows what else they've covered up?

What you think?

I think you don't look particularly healthy.

Listening to you talk, your eyes, you seem kind of brittle, Rust.

Most of the last decade I spent stone-drunk.

Functional, but hammered.

Went back to Alaska, spent 8 years working fishing boats, bars.

Oh, I thought you didn't like the cold.

I hate it.

And then I come back here to Louisiana for the first time in 2010.

And why is that?

The same reason I'm sitting across the table from you now.

A man remembers his debts.

I don't dwell on the past.

Well, it must be nice.

I'm not interested in whatever it is you think you owe me.

Oh, I don't owe you.

We left something undone.

We got to fix it, and I've been working on this for two years.

Me, myself.

Never called you, I never bothered you with it...

Yeah, why would you? Shit, man, what did you do?

Alienate every other person in your life, and then finally you came back to me in the rotation?

You know, not for nothing, but if you wouldn't have clipped Ledoux back then, we might have got the whole f*cking story out of him.

You know, I think I'm gonna finish this beer and say so long.

Now, I'm not much of a drinker nowadays.

In fact, I hadn't had a drop in

3 weeks till I ran into you.

Well, I don't need you to drink, Marty.

I need you to help me.

Why would I?

They say you can't account for your time.

They got eyewitnesses placing you at the Lake Charles crime scene.

You got some storage shed that you won't let them look at.

That's right.

Why not?

Why not sh**t straight with them?

You're innocent.

Help them stop wasting their time.

f*cking since when did guilt and innocence define the State PD, huh?

Come the f*ck on.

Now, I don't know the sprawl of this thing, all right?

The people I'm after, they're all f*cking over.

They're in a lot of different things, pieces, family trees.

The only way for you to understand what I'm on to here is for me to show you.

You got to come see what I got.

No. You know what?

I don't think I've been very clear with you, Rust.

If you were drowning, I'd throw you a f*cking barbell.

Why would I ever help you?

Because you have a debt.


You got some f*cking sack.

What's that mean, I have a debt, huh?

Means the way shit went down in '95, this is on you, too, buddy.

What do you got to show me?

What you packing?



[Pops open bottle]


That'd do it.

You never be too careful.


COHLE: All right.

Remember, there was no physical evidence connecting Dora Lange to Ledoux's place out in the woods, meaning it probably didn't happen out there.

Nobody was in a hurry to bring that up.

Two... women and children gone missing, all taken from areas within a 10-mile radius of schools that were funded by Tuttle's Wellspring initiative.

We establish a connection.

Who's in, who's out, you know?

I mean, do people disappear in equal numbers in other parts of the state?

How many schools were there?


Now, I've covered a surface area.

I pulled runaways in state and missing persons, and if you'll notice, there's twice as many along the bayous.

I don't know why.

Hell, someone should do a study as to why.

Well, now you're just throwing up stats.

Why was Tuttle so interested in the Lange case, huh?

Remember Charlie Lange said what Ledoux told him?

Said there's a group of men, sacrifices.

Well, I think Tuttle recognized the scene.

That's why he came down there jiminy quick with a f*cking task force, and that's why he tripped out when I talked to him in '02.

OK, so what happened to him?

I mean, I'm looking around here, and I don't see or hear anything that doesn't make this all conjectural.


Accusations of child molestation at a preschool funded by Tuttle.

Name of that school is Shepherd's Flock.

It shuts down, reopens two years later on Pelican Island under the name Light of the Way Academy, where Rianne Olivier went.

And I got an enrollment list...

16 kids in the class.

One of them turned out to be a young man who'd just showed up for solicitation in New Orleans.

COHLE VOICE-OVER: Now, this is 2010.

His name is Toby Boelert.

Goes by the name of Johnny Joanie.

Shepherd's Flock?

Why are you asking me about that place?

You know, after that place shut down, there was a lot of talk going around.

You ever see that reverend...

Billy Lee Tuttle, around?

You know, I think so, but who can remember way back?

That's how it all started.

Memory be f*cked.

I decided it all had to be a dream anyways, and I don't remember if it...

We'd go to sleep, only sometimes I didn't feel like I was asleep.

I felt like I was still awake, but I must have been asleep because I couldn't move.

Just... sort of see under my eyelids.

And what?

I don't know.

There were men... taking pictures.

Sometimes... other things.

Who were they?

I don't know.

They had animal faces.

That's why I decided it had to be a dream.

They had animal faces, well, it had to be a dream.

Any other kids see this?

One girl.

I don't remember her name.

She first started talking about it.

And she seen it, too, the faces.

I do not remember her name.

Marie Fontenot?


You ever see any of these men's faces?


They didn't all have animal faces.

Three younger men.

I don't remember them.

Just one.

He had bad scars all around his mouth, like the bottom half got all burned up.

You know what?

I thought that man, he was a dream, too.

No, I don't think he was a dream.

HART: I don't understand.

Are you saying that you think that this hypothetical k*ller was, uh, an old schoolteacher?

Or it might what, involve State PD?

g*dd*mn. What happened to you, man?

Remember him? Hmm?


Yeah. You and I were on the case in Erath.

Girl comes forward and says she was chased through the woods by a spaghetti monster with green ears.

Now, I think that this is our man with the scars on his face.

We got 3 references

17 years ago... that old revival church said a tall man with scars came through, Kelly Reider in the hospital, and now this hooker from the quarter... Toby.

I don't know who he is, I don't know where he is, I don't know where this whole thing f*cking starts, but it ends with him.

All right, you know the little township down around Erath?

All right, that's where the Tuttle family is from.

Now, it used to be a pirate hideout, then turned into plantations and whatnot.

Had a very rural sense of Mardi Gras, uh, you know, the men on horses, animals masks, such.

Courir de Mardi Gras.

That's right.

Now, they had an annual winter festival.

Went heavy on the Saturnalia, a place where that Santeria and Voudon all mash together.

Have a look.

From the winter festival.

Blindfold... antlers, mask.

I got these from a series an artist did in Kenner, right after Katrina.

Says he kept running across these "stick thing... as he called them.

Look familiar?

Think our man had a real good time after the hurricane... chaos, people missing, and people gone.

Cops gone.

I think he had a real good year.

What do you need me for?

[Sets down lighter] You got friends on the force.

You have access that I don't, databases.

I need case files.

I need missing persons.

I need homicides.

I need title transfers, auto and home.

I got a list of names.

I'm gonna need background checks, tax records, anything we can get on Ledoux.

Jesus Christ, man.

I wouldn't have called you and I wouldn't have f*cking bothered you if State wouldn't have pulled me in on this Lake Charles case.

Well, if you need help, why don't you just give it to Papania and Gilbough?

No, they may be pawns in this thing and not even f*cking know it.

Come on.

Look, Eddie Tuttle is the g*dd*mn senator of this state.

The late Reverend Billy Lee Tuttle is his cousin.

I'm telling you, it's a f*cking family thing.

That's what I mean when I talk about the sprawl, Marty!

Eddie Tuttle's the reason that the Lake Charles thing never made the wire.

Look, man, you have some compelling stuff here and you might have something, but... all this... this... the "sprawl," as you call it, which I would call conjecture, this shit about the Tuttles, the State PD.

Do you know how f*cking crazy that sounds?

It's like you've been alone too long, you know, like you maybe told yourself this story and kept drinking until you believed it.


I had my time where I wondered if this was all in my head.

That time passed.


[Drops folder on table]

What happened to Billy Lee Tuttle?

There's something you're gonna have to look at.

No other way around it.

MAGGIE: You still take your coffee black?

HART: Oh, uh, green tea, if you have it.

I've been trying to stay away from coffee, you know, a little bit healthier.

So, Mace... is she, uh, back from Chicago yet?

Mm-hmm, 3 months ago.

3 months.

Uh... and what was it, that...




And Audrey, how... how's she?

She's fine, at the moment.

She sometimes decides she doesn't need her meds.

I like her boyfriend.

He watches out for her.

She had an art show in New Orleans, sold some paintings.

Oh, that's good.

That's great.

I should buy one, I mean, if I can afford it.

So the reason I, uh...

I mean, like I said on the phone, I...

I want to ask you about those cops.

They just wanted to know about you and Rust.

Mostly Rust.

They wanted to know about the fight in '02.

Mmm, did you tell them?

No... but they think Rust did something.

I know.

He didn't.

I didn't think he did.

Have you... talked to him?

No, not since.

Have you?

Yeah, I mean, after they brought me in.


How is he?

Different, same.

I mean, he's lived rough for a long time now.

He always did, it seemed like.

Taken a toll.

He needs my help.

Are you gonna help him?



I have to.

Well, what is it? What do the police think he did?

I can't talk about that.

It's PI stuff.

He's hiring the firm, I'm hiring him.

All this time, you two, and just... just like that?

Oh, I took some convincing.

COHLE: I looked in Billy's eyes.

He looked in mine.

He got me suspended.

COHLE: Now, Billy Lee Tuttle owns 3 houses in Louisiana.

One in Shreveport, one in Baton Rouge, one in New Orleans.

Also one in Florida.

I waited till he went on his spring ministry tour, 2010...

Look, Rust, I changed my mind.

If you did something, I don't want to hear about it.

Remember I told you about my stint in robbery?

I make a pretty ace B&E man.

[Distant dog barks]

COHLE: Now, I staked his places out for weeks.

Checked surveillance, map security.

I found ingresses.

Now, here I am, you know.

My whole life is just one expanding, circular f*ck-up and I think it's about to close out with me getting clipped in a home invasion.

I mean, what I'm saying is I was aware that I might have lost my mind.

But after the second home... doubt got taken behind the woodshed and put down.

Notice he never reported the Baton Rouge break-in, just the Shreveport house.

Found those in the safe there.

Paper stock's over 15 years old.

g*dd*mn it.

These... they aren't as bad if you don't know what you're looking at.



And... there's a videotape.


COHLE: Take a look.








You watch all of that?


Yeah, I had to, see if any of the men took off their mask.

None did.

Oh, f*ck.

I won't avert my eyes.

Not again.

Jesus Christ.

That little girl is Marie Fontenot.

Did you k*ll Tuttle?


I assume that he was thinking he was gonna be blackmailed.

And I think some people took him out after they found out what was taken from the safe, before he had a chance to.

What... can I do to help?

We start by pulling everything there is on Dora Lange.

And I got names, I got family members, Tuttle connections.

Any information that we can get on Reggie or Dewall Ledoux.

All right, we can coordinate out of your offices if you want.

You shouldn't have that.

Nobody should have this.

HART: I'm glad that you're doing good, Maggie.

It seems like everybody's happy, you know.

It's... ahem.

It's good to see.

Thank you for everything.

I haven't seen you in over two years, Marty.

Did you come here to say good-bye?


Thank you, Maggie.

I mean that.

There's not gonna be a bunch of people coming in and out of this place, is there?

What do you think, Rust?


HART: Practical terms, we're doing an identify and locate.

Now, I can't afford to subscribe to all the databases that I used to, but I got Auto Track XP for motor vehicle records.

I got Flat Rate Info for the QI National People Locator, public records, of course.

All right.

That sounds good.

How you been? Ahem.

You know, besides work, what do you do?

I'm sorry, I just... I don't ever remember you asking me a personal question before.

Uh... you know, I just stay busy, uh, fish, girlfriends.

You seeing anybody?

Not really.

Some dates.

You know, it's all pretty casual.

I did have something going for a while, this Filipino girl, but that didn't pan out.

Quiet life. I don't stay out late.

I just... I go home.

[Actors speaking on TV]

[Bottles clattering]

HART: You?

COHLE: Ah, I'm about the same.

No girlfriend.

Just go to work, go home.

How about that girl you were seeing in '02?

What ever happened with her?

Yeah, that was never gonna last.

Never should have started.

Yeah. Boy.

She, uh, she had problems.

Oh, you always liked them crazy.

Yeah, that I did.

Why'd you quit, Marty?

Yeah, you could have been boss, you know.

LT, at least, captain.

I did another 4 years after you left, and I... I guess the job just kind of ran its course with me.

How is that?

I was gonna play baseball, ride bulls.

You know, you end up becoming something you never intended.

Uh, I guess you never really even know why.

I suppose I could have been a painter, you know, a historian.

Old scenes, new details.

Yeah, yeah. You do much painting?

Nah. Little late in the game to start something like that, I reckon.

Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing.

If that long.

Yeah, so be careful what you get good at.
HART: What do you call a black man who flies a plane?

LUTZ: I don't know.

Pilot, you r*cist bastard.

What else would you call him?

[Both laugh]

Well, speaking of, you know, I been taking some writing courses?

Heh, heh.

And, uh... no.

I have, and I been tinkering around with this thing off and on.

True crime.


And that's the genre, not the title.

You serious?


You know, what happened in '95 and some other old cases, and all I need from you, Bobby, is some old copies of case files.

[Pops open briefcase]

You still like your single malt, don't you?

Ah, I guess I do.


Oh, business gotten so bad you got to become a writer?

Nope, I've always wanted to do it.

I just never had the time.

And regards the files, I'd like to avoid f*ck and Suck, the two dicks I spent last Saturday with.

Hmm. Papania and Gilbough.

I hear ya.

'Course, man.

Whatever you need.



Appreciate it, Bobby.

Not a problem.

Missing persons, mostly.

Maybe far back as the eighties.

Well, anything before '05 that never became part of an official investigation, it isn't gonna be in the computers.

You're gonna have to sort through the files.

Thank you.

HART: Found something, background.

Dewall Ledoux transferred title on a truck to a Jimmy Ledoux.

Appears like that might be a cousin.

I found him in White Castle.

Owns an auto shop.

All right.

Did you pull that Marie Fontenot file?

[Smacks lips]

There wasn't one.

Report's gone.

Backtracking that.

COHLE: Marty, this is Robert Doumain.

He owns the place.

Hey, how's it going?

Nice spot.

He's not a cop no more, Robert.

HART: You got something against cops?

Bob had a little boy.

Been missing since '85.


HART: Jimmy Ledoux came up spotless...

3 kids, wife's a teacher.

He coaches his boys' pee-wee football team.

[Machinery buzzing]

Any relation?

So many Ledouxs around, I never had to worry about a connection.

But, yeah, my dad's second cousin or something.

My pops didn't like them none.

Said they weren't white enough to be white trash.

What's this about, exactly?

Man asked us to locate his daughter.

It was a long time ago, but it looks like she might have known Dewall.

JIMMY: Sorry to hear that.

Must know what happened to them.

Sick shits.

Pop said they died too quick.

HART: Is there anything you remember that you can tell us about these guys?

Just they were nuts.

Looked at you funky.

Reggie was always asking about the girls in my school, and couple times I saw Dewall, he just said kooky stuff.

Any chance you ever saw a third man with them, a man who had a bunch of scars on the bottom of his face?

It's weird you say that.

I remember that face.

My pop let them use our deer camp once.

Took me with him.

I was, like, 11.

They were maybe 10 years older than me.

They introduced us to the guy.

His face, underneath his nose and cheeks, scarred.

Gave me funny looks all night.

Every time I glanced at him, staring at me.

Any chance this man with the scars was another Ledoux?

No. I don't know.

I don't think so.

Next morning, men were too hung-over to hunt.

Pop and I went home.

HART: You, uh, ever see him again, guy with the scars?

Never again.

I'd remember.

f*ck, I don't like this place.

Nothing grows in the right direction.

Where'd this woman come from?

Tax records.

Drew a paycheck from Tuttle's father.

Uh, some kind of domestic.

How'd you find her?

Well, had to get federal income tax records from '40 to '59.

I matched Social with a credit check run in the late nineties for Section-8 housing in Alexandria.

Mmm, good job.

Look at you. Heh!


High praise from a bartender.


[Overlapping chatter]


WOMAN: She gets tired easy, 'specially hot as it is.

Now, I don't understand what this is about.

HART: Thank you.

We're private investigators, hired to do, uh, ancestral research.

M-mineral rights along the coast.


I never knew them Tuttle people, but I heard stories.

No, thank you.

You think she might get some money out this?

Uh, quite possible.

Depends on what we find out.

Miss Delores?

You worked for Mr. Sam Tuttle

19 years, right?




Then Shreveport.

So you knew his son, Billy Lee, right?


A cousin, Eddie?

Little boys, mm-hmm.

I remember.

What about extended family?

Cousins, you know, that might have been close to the boys?

Those days, families were bigger.

Oh, all sorts of brothers, cousins, kids just running around.

HART: Did, uh, Sam Tuttle have kids outside his marriage that you know about?


Don't you know it.


Now, people kept their own back then.

I mean, a man's house was his own.

Mr. Sam?

He had lots of children.

All types.

He didn't like a woman...

See, once she had it done to her, he didn't like them but that one time.

Not after that.

Hmm, and out of all these kids running around, you remember one that maybe had scars all across the bottom of his face?

I... I think that was Mr. Sam's grandchild.

His daddy did that to him, that poor boy.

I... I think that child was a... a Childress or what, Fi, he was a LeBeau or a Childress?

From Mr. Sam's other family?

I shouldn't be talking to you about this.

That's OK.

Miss Delores.

Could you have a look at something for me? One thing.

Just have a look.

See if you recognize it.

You know Carcosa?

What is it?

Him who eats time.

Him robes... it's a wind of invisible voices.

FI: Mineral rights, my ass.

What you all doing?


Death is not the end.


FI: - You need to leave, now.

Death is not the end.

You need to leave.


You know Carcosa?

You rejoice.



[Distant chatter]

Rest of the family, they don't really talk to Aunt D.

She crazy.


She never had any kind of good life, but most days, she can't even make sense.

Yeah? She sure made sense to me.

That should worry you, mister.

[Door closes]

[Distant train whistle blowing]

Sure hope that old lady was wrong.

About what?

About death not being the end of it.

HART: Did some backtracking on the Marie Fontenot stuff.

Got some old sheets.

Sheriff signed off on the "report made in erro... but he didn't take the original complaint on her.

Deputy did.

Got a name?

You ain't gonna believe this shit.

Steve Geraci.

So I did some double-checking.

Before CID, he was with Vermillion Parish Sheriff's.

Erath was his beat.

If it got covered up, Steve might know something.

Didn't say a f*cking word when we asked about it in '95.

Oh, I really never liked that c*cksucker.

Where is he now?

Well, uh, this is the thing.

He's from Iberia originally.

After CID, he went home.

He's Sheriff of Iberia Parish.



Rust, the only person can arrest the sheriff in this state is the governor.

Well, we ain't looking to arrest him, Marty, just have a little chat.

Well, he ain't gonna talk with you.

I got a car battery and two jumper cables argue different.

Don't even start with that shit.

What do you recommend, Marty?

Well, f*ck, why don't you talk to him?

You two always liked each other.

Well, what can I say?

I'm a people person.

Well, start with that, then.


Oh, come on.

Just try to relax.

Take your time.


There you go.


Nice shot.

What was that, 15 on the green?


I don't know.

Hey, you know, on the phone, you were saying something about that Fontenot girl.


Why's that on your radar?

Oh, it's nothing.

It's just, uh, extended family wants a locate.

I didn't remember at the time.

Back in '95, I was hitting the bottle a lot back then.

Yeah, who wasn't?

20 years ago, you know.

My recall, girl's mom was single, drug charges.

Uh... little girl went to live with her birth daddy, I think.

That is, if I'm remembering right.

Uh, Mama didn't make a fuss after the first notice, so she was fine with it.

And you talked to the family directly back then?

No. Ted Childress, the sheriff.

He knew them.


Now watch this.


GERACI: You like that?

Seized it off a good old boy, had a quarter-bag of weed.

Ooh. You got to love this country.

Good to see you again, man.

Good to see you.

Hey, uh, that client you got, asking about the Fontenot girl.

You let them know I'll be happy to talk to them.

Oh, yeah, distant relatives.

St. Louis. Trying to settle a tiny inheritance.

Don't worry about it.


Well, they want to talk, you let them know.

Yeah. Don't go too fast, Sheriff.

Not me.


Let's do it again some time.

Yeah, I'd like that.



Better get those jumper cables ready.

The m*therf*cker's lying.


It's good to see you.


I talked to Marty.

I hear you talked to the cops, too.

Yes, them, too.

How are you?

What'd Marty tell you?

He wanted to know what the police asked me about.

He said he was helping you with something. That's it.

How long you been back?

Hear you got a big house.

Marty says the girls are doing fine.

That's good.

Rust, just tell me it's something that's not gonna get him hurt.

Well, I can't tell you that.

[Shuts cabinet]

It never sat right with me, and it doesn't now, you asking me to lie to you about him.

Now, get on out of here.

You're classing the place up.

Why'd you quit, Marty?

What's the real reason?

What happened?

You tell me why you come back, for real.

Mmm, you first.

Why'd you quit?


Well, I saw something.


HART VOICE-OVER: Tweaker tried to dry the kid in a microwave.

Saw that, what he'd done, and I thought... never again.

I thought I... I never want to look at anything like that anymore.


Your turn.

Why'd you, uh, why'd you come back?


Something I had to see to... before getting on with something else.

My life's been a circle of v*olence and degradation long as I can remember.

I'm ready to tie it off.

See you on the boat.

After the other day, I was thinking, "Why don't I see Steve and the boys more?"

Ain't been out to my camp in a while.

You know, if I don't get out here 3, 4 times a year...


I'm a basket case.

I hear ya.


I do love a reason to drink beer first thing in the morning.

[Both chuckle]


Say, Steve, mmm, I been wanting to ask, you know that Fontenot girl?

Remember, going off with her daddy?

I... I just wasn't clear.

Was it you knew for a fact that she went with her daddy, or somebody told you that that's what happened?

The family talked to Sheriff Childress.

The girl's aunt and uncle, he knew them.


Who were they?

Starting to think this wasn't just a friendly invitation from an old pal, huh?

It's definitely that.

Well, then try this, then.

I said all I remember about the girl.

Let's just have a good time, and don't ask again.

I'm with you 150% on that.

All right.

Thing is, Steve...

I ain't gonna ask you.

He is.

HART: No, I wouldn't if I was you, Steve.

COHLE: You're out of your jurisdiction, Sheriff.

You realize who I am now, you assholes?

Yeah, I wouldn't be here if I didn't.


Don't look at me. I ain't never been able to control him.

COHLE: Come on.

GERACI: But you're done after this.

I'll have boss crackers splitting your ass in Angola.

COHLE: Yeah, we'll talk about that, and some other things.

Come on.

PAPANIA: That church Cohle talked about's supposed to be right here.

GILBOUGH: - We're lost.

We're not lost.

We're going in the right direction.

We're heading south.

And that's gonna head us to 49?

No, we're not looking for the 49.

We're looking for the church.

I know we're looking for the church; we ain't got to no church.

Ain't seen nothing that even resemble no church.

Ain't nobody out here to even ask where anything is.

Let me know when you see something.

There ain't nothing to see.

[Mower engine rumbling]

PAPANIA: Hey! Hey!

[Mower engine stops]

Yes, sir?

You know there's a little church around here?

Pretty old?

Black minister?

You must mean Son of Life, sir.

That place shut down.

'05, I think, just after all them hurricanes.


You live around here?

No, sir.

I live in St. Martin.

Got a parish contract.

Take care of some cemeteries, public schools.

All right. Thanks.

Hey, you know how to get to 49 from here?


About a half-mile, you'll see a left.

PR 1435.

Take that.

About...7 miles of fields.

You'll hit 49 before Crowley.

Know your way around, huh?

Oh, yeah, boss.

I know the whole coast.

My family...


My family's been here a long, long time.

[Starts mower engine]

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