02x15 - Emma Wants a cr*cker

All episode transcripts for this TV show, "Every Witch Way". Aired January 2014 - July 2015.*
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A teenage girl moves with her father to the suburbs of Miami, Florida, where she learns that she is a witch who is said to have great powers and abilities, as are many of her classmates, good and bad. Based on the Latin American series Grachi.
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02x15 - Emma Wants a cr*cker

Post by bunniefuu »


I need to keep these things at bay, turn them into birds so they'll fly away.

Emma, it's okay.

It's just me, Daniel.

Can it... she even understand me?

Emma, can you understand me?


Wah, no!


Emma, come back!


Hey, Emma.

Ugh, ugh, ugh, no!


♪ I cast a spell ♪
♪ it takes a hold of you ♪
♪ I see my dreams ♪
♪ and they're all coming true ♪
♪ come on, let's go ♪
♪ you and me together ♪
♪ look up ahead ♪
♪ there's a magical adventure ♪
♪ Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
♪ I'm trying Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
♪ I'm going Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
Every Witch Way

Um, it depends on your definition of working.

Uh, fix me.


We don't even know how it happened.

Then just get me out of here before anyone sees my... no.


Your face.

It's... well, not purple anymore.


It's red.

Like bright red.

I think it's more ripe Berry shade myself.

Diego can't see me like this.

Quick, let's make a run for it.

You two go, I'll stay and block him.


Maddie, wait.

Sophie, stop!

Oh, is that Heather wearing your Juliet costume?

Is she Juliet now?


I'm the only Juliet.

Maddie, wait up.

Andi, I've been looking all over for you.

I had to find you because... Because Emma's a parrot.

Ah, how dare you call Emma a parrot.

Is it because she talks a lot?

Because she does.

But I mean it's not nice to point things out like that.

Do I ever point out that you have a gigantic forehead?

No, I mean she turned herself into a parrot with a spell... accidentally, I think.

Wait, what?

I saw it.

The t-3 rigged her locker, and I don't have a big forehead.

You don't.

Look, I apologize for calling you franken-boy, but we have bigger problems.

We don't have a lot of time.

There's a storm coming.

I know, miss information won't stop talking about it.

We have to find Emma and change her back before... before somebody realizes she's missing.

Well, I mean, we can look for her.

But neither one of us can change her back.

That's why we have to find Lily.

Well, Lily's at the council, she's...

I know, she gave you a phone for emergencies.

Yeah, Emma told me.

Look, I don't want Emma to get in trouble.

You'd rather her be a parrot?


Ah, calm down.

We're gonna find her, it's just... a little parrot with powers would have been cool, too.

Desdemona, I'm surprised I'm the one with the information that Daniel and Emma broke up.

Yes, but... I have something to show you.

I think someone is trying to destroy the magic realm come the last light of the fool moon.


How do you...

(Electricity zapping)

You know about this?

Do you have proof?

Andi? Daniel?

What's going on?

This is a mega emergency.

Spoiler alert.

Emma accidentally turned herself into a parrot.



All I saw was Emma being, well, att*cked by water g*ns filled with soda.

She cast a spell, it bounced off a mirror and it hit her instead and turned her into a parrot.

Wow, I don't know which part of that sentence was the weirdest.

When did this happen?

Just a few minutes ago.

So go out and find her.

She couldn't have gotten too far.

And even though she's a parrot, she's still Emma.

So try places Emma the human might go.


Then bring her back here.


And the hex.


And someone who can cast a reversal spell.

Can I get you anything else?

A sandwich, a soda?


Okay, okay, we're on it.

As you can see from our high-tech weather printouts, we'll get some pre-storm winds today and some...

Squiggly lines coming from the north.

Now, for really important news, 8,000 out of 8,000 students surveyed said they wanted to see Daniel and Emma get back together.

Fingers crossed.

Finally, I'd like to thank this week's sponsor, my dad.

"This week seven is offering a 'storm-mageddon' special.

"Buy a pizza, get a dozen free."

This is miss information signing off.

A dozen pizzas free?

Yeah, my dad's promoting... oh, no, I read it wrong.

It's buy 12 get 1 free.

What do we do?

(Footsteps approaching)

(Footsteps approaching)

(Bird cawing)


Come on.

Good girl.


It's the time table of the fool moon.

It contains the precise hour for the last light.

And you found this here?



That's why I need to stay and investigate.

Someone wants to destroy the...

(Electrical zapping)

Look who finally showed up.

Oh, I have a riddle.

How does a powerless witch teletransport?


She doesn't.

Unless something or someone magical summons her.

Right before I joined the council, I gave Emma a magic mobile phone so she could call in case she had any problems.

(Laughs) I knew it.

You have been undermining my time with Emma, haven't you?


Why would I undermine you?

We're on the same si...

(Electrical zapping)

Agamemnon, what have I been telling you?

She is not council material.

And she lied to us the entire time about that phone and...

Who knows what else.

You're not suggesting that Lily had something to do with this?


But she has no powers.

She'd be a fool to try it.

And who says she's not a fool?


Andi, you have got to stop transporting... Daniel?

Where's Andi?

You called me?

I'm sorry, but Andi found Emma.

We need you.


She's on her way.

So, it's really nice what you're doing for Emma.

I know you're upset with her.

Yeah, well, just because I'm mad at her doesn't mean she has to get stuck being a parrot.

Look, I know Emma lied to you, but she's been under so much pressure lately.

A lot of it from me.

What do you mean?

A few weeks ago, we... The witches council told Emma she had to break up with you or we would take her powers away.

Why would you do that?

It's a huge risk for a witch to be dating a human, especially the chosen one.

If the magic realm got exposed, it could be a total disaster.

So she was going to break up with me this whole time?

No, she was going to give up her powers for you.

She was?


I got her, I got her!


I don't know, that doesn't look like Emma.

Oh, really?

Not recognize her feathers, is her beak not pointy enough?

Of course it doesn't look like Emma!

It's a parrot!

I know, I just don't think it's her.

Well, it's got to be her.

She was over by the dock.

And isn't that like your place?

Yeah, Emma tells me things, too.

She's right, Daniel.

I mean, how many parrots on the loose can there be in Miami at the same time?

Yeah, this is Emma, and I found her.


We've got Emma.

Now we just need a witch.

You're a witch.

Don't go there.

I'm a powerless witch.

A guardian.

Oh, that's complicated.

Where do we get...

I'm here, I'm here.

Where is she?



Nurse Lily?

What are you two doing here?

I... I told Maddie everything.

How Emma turned Sophie into a parrot.

Yeah, and then ran away like a coward.

Yep, huge coward.

Bad Emma.

Maddie, come here, I'll show you the spell.

Long time no see, hex-osaurus.

Hey, watch it.

Hex, behave.

And you, stop insulting him.

How did you know Maddie wouldn't find the real Sophie and find that you were lying?

Oh, I locked her in the janitor's closet.

You what?

Don't freak.

She thinks we're playing hide and seek.

We're ready.

Hold on, Sophie.

Are you sure you know how to do this?


I've accidentally turned Sophie into a parrot many times.

Maddie, go ahead.

You better not mess up.

This bird isn't a parrot to me, back to a person you shall now be.

(Bird cawing)

No, wait.

Find Emma!

I told you that wasn't Emma.

Wait, why do you guys keep saying Emma?

Was that parrot supposed to be Emma?

Oh, yes, it was.

Emma turned herself into a parrot, and we need to find her before the storm hits.

And she's the chosen one?

Andi, she's still out there.

We're running out of time.

Where's Sophie?


Wait, don't tell her.

Sophie's the only leverage we have.

Tag, you're hit.

(Laughs) Guess you lost your leverage.

Come on, soph, let's go.

Good luck with your parrot problem.
What now?

Well, there's a locater spell in the hex.

It almost never works but, hey, it's worth a shot.

We should have tried that first.

Yeah, well, hindsight is 20/20.

Look, you go make sure Maddie turns birdie back into parrot.

And I'll go get Jax.



Don't go getting all jealous and stuff.

Look, I'll explain everything later, I promise.

You sure will.

Let's meet at my house.

My parents and the t-3 aren't going to be home.

They've got a parent-teacher conference, and that's usually an all-nighter.

Hey, Maddie!

Yeah, definitely more ripe Berry than magenta.

What's wrong with your face?

Uh, nothing.

Her face?

It's like one giant mood ring.


She's right.

Sophie's right.

I am?

Can't you see?

You're wearing your emotions on your face, literally.



That's it.

Purple when you're mad.

Green when you're jealous.


What color does it turn when I'm around?


Get out!

I knew it!

You have feelings for me.

No I don't.

He's gone.

He is?



What color is it?



Emma needs your help.

Then why doesn't she ask me herself?

Well, that's the thing.

She, uh, turned herself into an animal.

(Laughs) Oh, Emma, she's such a klutz sometimes.

She's so cute.

Anyway, what did she turn herself into?

Cat, dog, monkey?


Uh, I just remembered, I've got something really important to do.

But, what?

More important than saving Emma from being a bird?

You're scared of birds, aren't you?

No, that's ridiculous.

Who's afraid of (stammering) Birds?

Like I said, I've gotta go.

Wait, not so fast.


Why is he...

It's nothing.

He's got a thing about birds.

It's a phobia.

I can't help it.

There are birds everywhere.

It's just when they're inside.

It's just... it's not right.

It freaks me out.

So did you bring the other witch?


The other witch?

Who's gonna turn Emma back into a person?

Uh, Daniel, he is the other witch.

Wizard, ugh!

You're a... you have magic powers, too?

Oh, sorry, did I forget to mention that on my sharks' application?

This is... I can't even... just forget it.

Let's just do this so we can save Emma and all go our separate ways.


Now cast a locater spell and summon Emma here?

Person form or...

Parrot form.

Wherever she is far or near, summon Emma right here.

Hey, it worked.


Diego has a really bad effect on your face.

You should probably stop hanging out with him.

Or figure out how to stop my face from changing colors.

Mm, I think my plan is better, because you know...

Emma must have done this.

She put a spell on me.

I thought you said she turned into a... bird.

Before that.

She probably turned herself into a parrot so she could hide from me.

Oh, she is going to pay for this!

I'm still upset that you lied to me, Emma.

Though after what Lily told me, I'm starting to understand why you did.

I don't want you to lose your powers for me.

You're the chosen one.

I don't know exactly what that means but... Jax, wake up!

Um, yeah, I'm fine, I'm good.


Now it's time to Emma back into a human.


Uh-uh-uh, ugh.

There you are.

Where is she?

Whoa, what happened to your face?

She did it.

She turned my face into a mood ring, and I'm not gonna let her get away it.

You think Emma did this?

No, Emma would never do anything like that.

Right, Andi?

Please, I see right there little charade.

You are the worst actor.

Now stand back.

This bird isn't what she appears to be.

Back to a human you shall now be.


We did it.

No, I did it.


What happened?

You turned yourself into a cockatoo.

I turned myself into a cockatoo?

You did.

We just changed you back.


I changed you back.

Now fix my face.

What happened to your face?


You turned it into a mood ring.

No, I didn't.

Oh, please, Daniel even tried to deny it, but I saw right through... you tricked me.

Sorry, Maddie.

You only did that to trick me into changing Emma back for you.

Thank you.

I had nothing to do with it.


That thank you belongs to me.

Thanks, Maddie.

Um, a little help here.

What happened to Jax?

Oh, bird man?

Let's just say he's afraid of feathers.

It's a phobia.

It's a legitimate disease.

I'm glad you're back, Emma.

Um, I don't mean to be rude, but there's a storm coming and...

We're leaving, don't worry.

Not me.

I have to wait for the panthers.

They went to go get pizza.

Oh, let's get pizza.

Hey, wait, what about me?

Um, give me two of the one for a dozen pizza special.

You know dad's gonna be furious when he finds out we're doing a buy 1 get 12 free promotion.

I told you, it was a mistake.

Then go back and say so on air.

No way, miss information is never wrong.

Maybe, but she's gonna be grounded for the next...

Hmm, dozen years.

Who are you getting all these pizzas for?

Oh, me and Emma.

Just the two of you?

What are you gonna do with...26 pizzas?

Both: Pizza fort.

Are we done waiting for Lily?

She obviously is not coming back.

That just proves my point.

We still have no proof that she's plotting anything, desdemona.

But the phone!

What if she wants Emma to stay with Daniel so that Emma gives up her powers and gives them to Lily?

Hmm, a complicated scheme, and a clever one as well.

I know.

I mean, I know.

We can look into it.

But right now, I better go prepare for this storm-ageddon that's coming.

It's not supposed to hit until tomorrow.


But the seven's pizza special is only good as long as supplies last.


Now, to find a way to get Emma and Daniel back together.

Emma and Daniel together.

It's not a spell.

I texted Emma and Daniel to meet at the school.

They just can't tell it's from me.


You're a genius, miss Minion.

Thank you.

But it's just basic hacking.


I'll do the rest.

Stand back.

I need a storm to trap them at school.

Nothing like a little fear to unite people.

And shouldn't we check to make sure they're there before starting the storm?

Please don't overthink my plan.

I am the evil mastermind.

(Evil laughing)

Gigi on video: Intensity of this storm is unprecedented.

Everybody is ordered to stay where they are until the storm passes.

This is miss information keeping you safe.

And I was so looking forward to those 13 pizzas.

There's no way that storm is coming today.

I was just outside a few minutes ago, not a cloud in the sky.

It could just be the calm before the... storm.

Way to jinx it.

"Working late, meet me at school. Dad."


Don't you know there's a storm coming?

On my way.

Are you staying long?

We have a new game to show you.

Stay away from me!

T-3, leave Maddie alone.

(Phone beeps)

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