06x15 - Exactly How We Planned

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Power". Aired: June 2014 to February 2020.*
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"Power" follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", a wealthy New York night club owner who has it all. In addition, he lives a double life as a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business, and commit to his mistress.
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06x15 - Exactly How We Planned

Post by bunniefuu »

GHOST: Previously on Power When we met, who'd you think I was gonna be?

The biggest g*dd*mn drug dealer in New York City.

You never thought about more?

We have everything.

I just want it to stay this way.

You deserve someone who's as loyal to you as you are to him.

GHOST: f*ck you want from me, huh, Tasha?

Want me to stay the same and never change?

Ever occur to you I ain't the same street n*gga you married anymore?

Ever since you've opened that club, you've been different, Ghost.

It's like I don't know who you are.

I've been trying to tell you, Tasha.

You ain't been listening.

TARIQ: Where's Dad?

You the man of the house, a'ight?

Hold it down.

- A'ight.

- I love you.

Nothing's the same with him anymore.

Everything's just different.

He's different.

You move out, you make us meet Angela, and you move in with her and you don't even talk to us about it.

Like, what kind of father does that?

I gave you everything I never had growing up.

I don't want none of this shit.


- I want the truth!

- Oh, it don't matter.

- It matters to me!

I know who you are, Ray Ray.

You need to leave my brother alone.


You deserve to die for what you did.

Then pull the trigger, m*therf*cker.


TASHA: When we go upstairs, you're gonna take off the rest of your clothes.

Put them in a trash bag.

Then you're gonna get in the shower.

Don't stop until you wash every bit of this day down the drain.

I'm gonna turn myself in.

If anybody's going down for my family, it's me.

So you're going to jail?

Not Ma?

No one in his family is going to jail if I can help it, but yes, I'll take the rap.

My teacher Radnor, he has way more to lose than us.

Plus, no one would even suspect that he works for us.

You need to keep Tariq's name out your mouth.

Tasha, the cops pulled me over.

I didn't say shit.

You signed the f*cking papers, 'Keisha.

What you gonna do, rat on Tariq?

Bail on your alibi?

Tasha, I'm not going inside.

I'm sorry, 'Keisha.

I can't let you leave.

Tasha, please.

Tasha, what about Cash?

Tasha, please don't do this.

I'm sorry.


Local entrepreneur James St.

Patrick will soon be announced as Tate rival Lorette Walsh's running mate.

If you say yes, St.

Patrick told you about the relationship between Terry Silver and his wife, we can arrest him for m*rder.

Now that you mention it, I remember now.

The police want Tariq St.

Patrick for the m*rder of a dirty cop named Raymond Jones.

How do you know this?

I'm the one that told 'em he did it.

I know Tariq's been dealing some serious weight.

The only way you know anything about what Tariq is doing is 'cause you gave him the brick.

You get my money, or I burn this whole m*therf*cker down to the ground.

- Homicide just released this.

- What is it?

LaKeisha Grant's personal effects.

Thought you might want 'em.

If you don't f*cking get your shit together, I'm gonna get your business shut down, and then I'll take Yas away from you for good.

n*gga, you better watch your every move, 'cause I will tell the Feds you k*lled Terry Silver, 'cause I know you did.

Get off me!

Some n*gg*s just don't know when to quit.

Oh, like you?

Tasha, I haven't stopped thinking about you.

You need my help.

You have no idea what information we got from LaKeisha before she died.

BLANCA: If you don't help us, we're gonna take a much harder look at your son, Tariq.

James didn't k*ll LaKeisha, but he did k*ll Terry Silver.

Ma, what happened to your arm?



Did you know about LaKeisha?

I had to protect this family.

And I will k*ll Ghost to protect you, 'Riq.

I should be the one protecting you!

And I will.

Listen to this.

Stay away from me, and stay away from her.

Ain't gonna say that shit again.

You can't talk to your father that way.

You might have given me life, but you were never my f*cking father.

JOE: They say this is a big, rich town I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it, this is where it goes down I just happen to come up hard Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it 50 CENT: I never took a straight path nowhere Life's full of twists and turns, bumps and bruises I live, I learn I'm from that city full of yellow cabs and skyscrapers It's hard to get a start in these parts without paper Homey, I grew up in hell, a block away from heaven That corner every 15 minutes, they moving seven Pure snow, bag it, then watch it go Occupational options, get some blow or some hos sh**t the ball or the strap, learn to rap or to jack f*ck it, man, in the meantime Go head and pump a pack This my regal, royal flow, my James Bond bounce That 007, that's 62 on my count I'm an undercover liar, I lie under the covers Look a b*tch in the eyes and tell her, baby, I love ya You're my inspiration, you're my motivation You're the reason that I'm moving with no hesitation JOE: They say this is a big, rich town Yeah, I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it, this is where it goes down Oh, yeah, yeah I just happen to come up hard Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it [KNOCKING]



Just about to put her down.

Come on in.

Could've called first.

I couldn't wait.


You okay?

Is your ex messing with you again?

No, no, that is it's over for good.

Why do you think it's over, Tasha?

What happened?

I just think he's gonna get caught for at least one of the illegal things he's done.

Why is he about to get arrested?


Can we not talk about my ex, please?

I mean, I don't-I don't want to have to think about him or talk about him anymore.

And you know what?

I don't have to.

'Cause the only man that I wanna think about Is you.

You know we got to be quiet, right?


I'll try.


Go on, girl.



SOLLY: I'm coming for the kingdom Sirens keep on ringing I'm taking, I'm taking back what's mine Coming for the Been on the bottom belong on the top, yeah Look what you started Now we ain't gon' stop, yeah Taking your title, now tell me what you got, yeah Bang, bang, I'm taking sh*ts I been fighting and fighting All of this time I don't like when I see 'em Taking what's mine I been living a lie, been living a lie Tonight I make it right I'm coming for the kingdom [SOMBER MUSIC]


I'm glad you came over.

Me too.


GARVEY [OVER TV] : Where is AA-ron right now?

No AA-ron, huh?

Well, you better be sick, dead, or mute, AA-ron.






I gotta go.



Hey, where you been?


Okay, well, excuse me.

I mean, you must have forgot who the parent and the child is here.

You forgot first.

Ma, where were you?

I was worried, all right?

It was the middle of the night.

- I thought Ghost might have - I wasn't with Ghost.

I was with a man that I'm seeing.

His name is Q, Quinton.

You was on a date with a n*gga I ain't even met?

Ma, I need to talk to you about Ghost.

I don't wanna think about Ghost, not tonight.

I saw him tonight.

I told him to never put hands on you again.

I told him if he ever touches you again It won't happen, 'Riq.

I've taken care of Ghost.

Not like that.

In a better way.

Come here.

Sit down.

All right, look, I told the police that Ghost k*lled Terry Silver.

Well, not exactly.

I told them how to find the evidence that he did.

You know, where the body is.

He's going to jail.

For good this time.

You snitched on Ghost?

Ma, snitches ain't shit.

Boy, let me tell you something.

Sometimes you gotta turn somebody in to get them out your way.

Your father taught me that.

So he's really going to jail?

He's really going to jail.

And you are going to bed.

Good night, bye.

Good night, Ma.


Ma, get up.

- Ma, come on, wake up.

get up.

- Ma, get up.

Uh, you know, Tariq, I know you're not waking me up to take you to school.

You know how to take the train, boy.


Your plan didn't work.


Patrick has left the Tate campaign.

What are you talking about?

ERROL LOUIS: In a stunning turn of events, sources say that St.

Patrick will soon be announced as Tate rival Lorette Walsh's running mate.

If true Doesn't look like they're gonna arrest him, does it?

ensure Walsh's bid to become the Democratic candidate in the race for New York state governor.

- I don't understand.


Patrick's presence on the ticket, especially after his exoneration on m*rder charges Ma, do you hear this?


They're making Ghost out to be some type of hero.

They're not about to arrest him.

They have a body.

They will.

Ma, no, they're not.

We need another plan.

ERROL LOUIS: While this would be St.

Patrick's first foray into politics If they do a background check on him, if they find out who he really is, then we all get exposed.

You, me, Tommy.

Everything we've ever done could come out.

- We could all go to jail.


ERROL LOUIS: with the development of the Queens Child Project.

That project promises to bring at least 500 new jobs - Ma, can I go?

- Yeah, go ahead.

I need to make a call anyway.

Have a good day.

You too.

ERROL LOUIS: as well as the slaying of his daughter Raina St.

Patrick as the catalyst for the project.



I know.

I saw it.

Well, did you find anything at the airport?

Uh, well, I can't tell you that.

So that's a yes.

You found Terry, so why the f*ck isn't James in cuffs?

Look, these things take time.

Trust me.

I'm taking every possible step to make sure St.

Patrick ends up behind bars.


He's gonna get away with this.

No, he won't.

I promise you that.

TOMMY: Just like going from corner boys to running the biggest shop in New York f*cking City wasn't about being gangsters.

It was all for him.

I can't recognize either voice.

Who's Ghost?

Never heard of him.


Hey, where'd you get this tape from, anyway?

What about a guy named Tommy?

You sure you never heard of him before?

What'd you say, Elisa Marie?

A-a big, scary blond guy?



Nah, I don't know anyone named Tommy.

"Just like going from corner boys to having the biggest f*cking shop in New York City.

It wasn't about us being gangster.

It was just all so we could figure another way to get out".

Sound familiar?


Uncle Tommy, you know if they play that tape for the cops, it's over.

Yeah, I know!

I said f*ck.

All right look, I gotta go.

But where'd you say this little Proctor girl is staying again with his too-smart auntie of hers?

Right around the corner from the diner we met at.

Uncle Tommy, don't hurt Elisa Marie, all right?

She's a good kid, and she's been through a lot already.

That's not how this works, 'Riq.

You can't tell me there's information out there against me and then tell me I gotta play nice to go get it.

I'ma do what needs to get done.

Yeah, I know.

Just don't hang her off a roof.

That's just for family.




You're bugging, man.

I can't bring you to Ghost.

Well, that's the price, li'l n*gga.

You take me to your daddy, or no g*n.

You don't understand, man.

Me and him are not f*cking with each other right now.

We're done.

How the f*ck is that my problem?

You want your piece?

You take me to the n*gga, or I find some other way in and tell him you asked me for it.

And I'm sure he's gonna love knowing you asked me for a g*n.

f*ck it, man.

Just give me the g*n.

It's clean.

Don't matter.

I need it either way.

Hey, man, don't tell him I'm coming.

n*gga, do I look stupid to you?

Listen man, I know what to say to him, a'ight?

Send him exactly what he's looking for.



GHOST: I'm gonna build a place for kids in your name.

I wish I had more time with you, Raina.


I love you.

What are you doing here?

I'm here every week.

Why are you here?

I came to visit my daughter, tell her about my future.

Lieutenant Governor St.


Not yet, Tasha, but soon, yeah.

Look, I apologize about the other night, okay?

You made me lose my temper.

I won't do it again, but you shouldn't have run your mouth off to your son.

It's your fault he hates me.

My fault?

Oh, like it was Kanan's fault before that?

Maybe Tariq hates you because you hurt the people you love to get what you want.

Have you even thought about what might happen if you keep up with this little campaign of yours?

They will look into you.

Then they will look into us.

You're gonna expose all of us: Tommy, me, everyone.

I passed my background check, okay?

Tommy made his choices, and you just worried about you.

Keep it all the way 100.

Cut the bullshit.

And stop selling dr*gs.

Oh, okay.

Are you kidding me?

S-suddenly I'm the criminal?

You know what?

No matter how much you try to be somebody else, remember this.

I know who you are, Ghost.

I am completely legit now.

You can try all you want to bring me down to your level.

It ain't gonna happen.

You're not gonna get in the way of my future, and for damn sure, you're not gonna get in the way of my son's future.

I'm taking Tariq and Yas with me to Albany.

You can't take my kids.

You're a drug dealer.

Of course I can.


You should know I'm moving on with somebody else.

Ramona ain't raising my kids, Ghost.

Tasha, Ramona would be a great role model for Yas and Tariq.

Shit, I'll do whatever it takes to keep them away from your bad influence.

Look, Tasha, I release you, okay?

I release you from our marriage completely.

Go ahead, be Tasha Green, the half-smart chickenhead who'd still be in the f*cking hood if it wasn't for me.


Oh, Tommy, thank God you're here.

Are you here alone, T?

Yeah, Tariq is at school and Mama has Yas.

That's good.


Yo, we need to deal with Ghost.

I mean, have you heard about this whole lieutenant governor shit?

Ghost has lost his g*dd*mn mind.

I-I warned him that if he keeps this shit up, they're gonna investigate all of us.

He doesn't even care.

I mean, can you believe he told me, "Tommy's made his choices", and then called me a drug dealer?

Can you believe that shit?

He said he's gonna take Yas and 'Riq to Albany with him.

That's a big f*cking problem, T.


So what are we gonna do?

About Ghost?


You see, I got a little problem of my own.

You left something at my house.

- That ain't mine.

- Don't you f*cking lie to me.

It's from the same pair that Holly stole from you.

The Feds found it.

They think it's 'Keisha's, but we both know it's not.

You know, they still think that I k*lled her.

I finally found somebody who was down for me, my family.

You know, how you used to be?

Tommy, I can explain everything.


Let me go get the You take a f*cking step, Tasha, and I swear to God Okay.

There's a paper.

Just look.

Look at the paper under Yas' fox.

That one.

That one.

Cooperation, LaKeisha.

What the f*ck is this?

'Keisha was talking to the Feds.

She was gonna run away with Cash to protect him.

'Keisha wasn't gonna leave me.

What do you think, I forged those, just in case you would ask me about them later?

Look at the papers.

It's her signat I tried to talk her out of it, and I told her that we should wait for when you come, and she went for her g*n.

She was scared of you, Tommy.

No, you were scared for yourself.

Tommy, what the 'Keisha was done lying for you.

You didn't want her blowing you up.

I loved her.

I loved her, Tommy, before you ever did.

She was my best friend.

I swear to God.

I f*cking warned you she wasn't built for this life.

You lied to me.

You let me think it was Ghost when it was you this whole time.

What you would have done?

Would she be alive if you knew she signed those papers?

- Hmm?

- [g*n COCKING]




Okay, okay.

Just take care of Yas and 'Riq for me.



You took my whole family.


But your kids deserve better Even if you don't.




Oh, son, am I happy to see you.

Hey, man.

Look, about the other day, I'm sure you said some things that you didn't mean to say.

I meant everything I said.

Look, I get it, okay?

You're mad at what happened between me and your mother, and I get it, but, son, when you get older, you'll see.

Relationships between men and women are just complicated.

I lost my temper.

I apologize for that.

But your mama said something to me that she knew would get that kind of reaction out of me.

I'm not making an excuse, but I'm just saying You told me to never put my hands on a woman.

Remember that time I hit Raina?

And you Look, Tariq, let's just go somewhere we can talk.

No, it doesn't matter.

I didn't come here to talk to you.

He did.


What the f*ck are you doing here, Dre?

What's up, Ghost?

Son, what the f*ck is he doing here, huh?

You bring an enemy here, our enemy?

He knows everything about me.

He said he would talk.

I had no other choice.

Wait for your little friend in the hallway, Tariq.

When I'm finished talking to him, I'm gonna talk to you again.









RADNOR: I don't know how that shit got in my f*cking car.

Man, the lock's broken, you f*cking dumb ow!

Get your f*cking hands off me!

I'm being framed, just like my f*cking parents, you c*cksucker.

- Hey, kid.

- Oh, hey, Mr.


Uh, I was just coming back from my doctor's appointment with my mom You can't go in the back entrance right now.

Police activity.


Okay, no problem.

My bad.

I'll go through the front.


Have you ever seen Mr. Radnor selling dr*gs on campus?



No, never.



- Thanks.

You can go.

All right, thank you.

Have a nice day.

What the hell is the emergency?

Because I've had a really rough day, so I hope you have some good news.

Who are you?

My name's Tameika Washington.

I used to be a federal prosecutor, Ms. Green.

Now I'm a defense attorney, his defense attorney.

Come in.

Wait a minute.

Why do you have a defense attorney?

- Are you getting arrested?

- It's a possibility.

Not if we find something else to indict your ex-husband.

We need anything else you have on him for Terry Silver.

I don't have anything.

I wish I did.

We aren't anywhere close to enough.

We can't tie him to the body or the car.

We got Rashad Tate to say St.

Patrick knew about your affair with Terry Silver.

That's motive.

We still need means and opportunity.

What a minute, Rashad Tate?

He hates James, and it goes both ways.

James would never say shit to him about me and Terry.

It doesn't matter if he's lying.

- Yes, it does!

- Yes, it does matter!

What if the two of them are working together on some kind of plan?

Warner puts Tate on the stand, he testifies, St.

Patrick's attorney impugns him on cross, the whole thing's over.

Looks like the U. S. attorney is trying to frame him all over again.


Why is this day f*cking me so hard?


What is wrong with him?

So many things.

Cooper, focus.

Well, we need something on your ex, and fast.

If not, they're not only gonna come after me.

They're gonna come after your son.

Without LaKeisha Grant alive to confirm his alibi, Tariq could be on the hook for the Raymond Jones m*rder.

Hey, did Ghost k*ll LaKeisha?

That-that could help us.

Convicting St.

Patrick is the way out of all of it.

We could convince a jury he did everything, but we need more evidence.

Is there any way we can trust Tate?

Without him, we are back to square one.

I can find out.

Well, don't scare him off from testifying, okay?

He's all we've got.

If James told you about me and Terry, what else did he tell you?

When he left the QCP groundbreaking, did he tell you that he followed me to try to catch us together?

Did you tell the cops that?

No, he didn't say all that, just that you were f*cking his defense attorney.

Classy choice, by the way.

Spare me the bullshit judgment, Rashad, really.

And you know what?

I don't buy that James told you shit.

I mean, what is this, some kind of deal you struck with him, just in case?


Tasha, I'm telling you the truth, okay?

- You gotta believe - Huh, believe?



- I'm not the one you should be worried about, okay?

It's your son.


I have it on good authority that your son's DNA is at the crime scene of a m*rder*d cop.

Raymond Jones?


And they know that Tariq was trying to find Jones that night.

How could they know that?

Well, come on, Tasha.

Think about it.



James is planning to burn your son to the f*cking Feds.

No, he wouldn't do that.

James wants to distance himself from Tariq to get to Albany, clean slate.

What looks more noble than a parent turning in his own child?

Now you can stop him.

Go to the cops, and you blow him the f*ck up on every other criminal act he's ever done.

But you gotta do it fast, because once he's elected, he's gonna be unstoppable.

He's already unstoppable.

If James turns Tariq in, there's nothing I could do.

Nothing you can do?


Not even to save your son?

The checklist from the inspector starts with the master bedroom.

Tenants tend to neglect the damage from that room the most.

Oh, I wonder why.

Also, we found some items from the restoration, from all the b*ll*ts.

Can you give this to Mr. St. Patrick?


I'll give James his trash.


Everything okay, Ms. Green?


Thank you so much, Spencer.

Appreciate it.


RAINA: Tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow There'll be sun Raina, what are you doing?

She's rehearsing, Mom.

The auditions for the lower school play in a month, and I wanna be prepared.

ESTELLE: I'm talking about your outfit.

SAM FISCHER: If time Thanks, T.

TASHA: You know, if you meet a girl who can cook, I bet we never see you again.


No way that'll ever happen.

SAM FISCHER: Why does it feel like it's over now Daddy, when are you coming home?

Um, baby girl, there's no plans on me doing that.

- RAINA: But why?

- We love you both.

That has not changed.

SAM FISCHER: But when the sun comes up, the shadows will fall And it gets too heavy to keep standing tall Oh, I may be afraid But I know I'll find my way When the sun comes up, the shadows The shadows will fall TASHA: You're late.

So Tariq got in trouble again.

What'd he do now?

You know what?

Don't try to play me, Ghost.

I know that you know.

But I can't believe that you think the solution is turning Tariq in for Ray Ray's m*rder.

I would never do that to my son.


But maybe he should confess.

Wait, what are you talking about?

That wasn't your idea?

No, it wasn't.

But maybe that's the best thing, Tasha, for all of us.

For him to confess, tell the truth.

You know, face the consequences of his actions.

You promised that you would take the rap for Ray Ray's m*rder.

You promised me and you promised Tariq.

Tasha, I already went inside for some shit I didn't do, okay?

I'm not doing it again.

Now, if I say I did it, we all lose.

If I'm in Albany, we all win, including you.

You know, in case you catch a case for k*lling LaKeisha.


I don't know what you talking about.

Oh, okay, let me refresh your memory.

I sent you over there, and LaKeisha ended up dead.

You sent me over there, but Tommy blames me.

How the f*ck could he not?

You pulled the trigger, Tasha!

I didn't tell you to do that!

Now you got a real problem.

Oh, the same problem you got with Terry Silver?

Tasha, let me ask you something.

How did it feel, huh?

Your first k*ll.

Particularly seeing as though it was your best friend.

I know what I felt like when I tried to sh**t up my best friend, right?

When I shot up the Mustang, I felt so f*cking justified.

Memo: nothing gets rid of that feeling, so answer me.

How the f*ck do you feel?

You're a f*cking monster.

Nah, I didn't k*ll a single mother with a child to raise.

Speaking of which, what happens to that child?

What happens to Cash?

You ever thought about that?

What happens to you if you get caught or, better yet, if I let you get caught?


Did you ever love me, Ghost?


Or was that all a lie too?


I loved you.

And a part of me still does.

But you never loved this version of me standing in front of you, now, did you?


The biggest g*dd*mn drug dealer in New York City.

That's who the f*ck you loved.

Well, do you love your son?

What kind of f*cking question is that?

- Pshh!

- Of course I love my son.

Then why don't you love him the way I do?

Why the f*ck won't you do whatever it takes to protect him?

I would do anything for that boy.

That's his problem!

We do everything for him, and we did everything for him.

You know what?

Maybe your son should do something for himself.

You tell my son to meet me at my hotel.

I wanna talk to him, man-to-man.

f*ck you, Ghost.

Ma, what do you mean, he wants me to turn myself in?

He says that when he becomes lieutenant governor, he can get you a deal.

But what about Tommy?

Maybe he could help.

You know, maybe he could talk Ghost out of turning me in.

Tommy can't help.

He's got enough problems of his own.

Vincent is looking for him.

Vincent reached out to me.

Radnor got arrested at school today.


Yeah, they found product in his trunk.

I'm not sure what he told them about me, but I really hope I don't get kicked out of school again.

So you didn't go back to school?

Actually, I did, after I took Dre to go see Ghost.

- Dre?

- Yes, Ma.

Me and Dre, we're good, all right?

We're good.

He gave me a g*n.

- He gave you a g*n?

- Yes.

Just in case Ghost tries something with you again, all right?

Radnor sent me a text about the cops, so I went back to Callister.

I had to hide the g*n at Truth.

Well, you better go back there and get it before your father finds it.

He won't.

I'm just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do about school, Ma.

Like Just let me handle that.


You focus on going to talk to Ghost, because he's got it in his mind that you confessing is the only way out.

And you believe that?

Do you really think he'll help me if I was to confess?


Me either.

You said if I was to get caught, you would take the weight.

I did say that, but you shouldn't have gotten caught.

- What?

- I said you shouldn't have gotten caught.

Hell, you shouldn't have been there in the first place.

If you let me and your Uncle Tommy handle that shit like you should have, we wouldn't be in this mess.

So that's the punishment I get for k*lling the m*therf*cker that k*lled Raina?

You're just gonna let me go to jail?

Sending you to your room ain't work.

You lied to my face.

How many times you lied to mine, son?


How many times I clean up your mess anyway?

You wanna be a man?

You wanna be a man?

You clean up your own mess.

- I can't believe this.

- And I can't believe you got your sister k*lled, so we even.

So hey, I guess we both gotta deal with what is.

It's the least you can do for the family, 'Riq.

In exchange, I get you a light sentence.

I don't know, probation, even.

How am I supposed to believe you?

n*gga, how many f*cking times have you lied to me?


I think I'm the one that deserves the benefit of the doubt here, don't you?

You got no choice.

We've done everything we can to protect you.

I told your mother the same thing.

We pulled out every stop.

Nothing left.

Just confess.

Man, f*ck you!

f*ck you!

I f*cking hate you!


You're trying to make me angry, but I ain't got no room left in me to be angry at you.

Only disappointment again.

You confess first.

Look, just tell me honestly one thing you've done, the whole story, and I'll confess to k*lling Ray Ray.

Start with Breeze.

I loved Breeze.

He was a brother to me.

He was family to me.

But he got in my way, son.


So I had to get rid of him.

But I gave him one last chance, though.


I asked him to change his mind.

He forced my hand.

Look at me, son.

I said f*cking look at me.

Get the f*ck off me.

Get the f*ck - n*gga, you look at me!

- Get the f*ck off of me.

Get up.

Get up!

Get up!

Don't force my hand, son.

If we work together, I know you can be the man that I want you to be.

He said he would k*ll you?

He didn't have to say it, Ma.

He didn't have to say a word.

I saw it in his eyes.

So what about Terry Silver, Ma?

You said you were gonna make something happen.

I tried.

Angela's sister just left.

Blanca Rodriguez told her it's over.

He's gonna walk.

So I'm going to jail, and-and if you try to work against him, he'll just hurt you?

No, if I try to move against him, he'll turn me in for LaKeisha.

He said that to my face.

And if I don't go with his plan, he'll just turn me in anyway, or he'll [SIGHS]

I'm gonna stop him.

Ma, how you gonna stop him?

He's got the party at Truth tonight.

You go and you tell him that you're gonna confess, right?

You pretend that you're leaving, but really you stay, and then you wait till he turns off all the lights and goes downstairs.

When he gets in the elevator to the loading dock, you text me and let me know.

Okay, so where you gonna be?

In the car.

I got my key back to the Escalade.

I'm gonna wait in the back seat, and when he gets in to go home You gotta be gone by then.

Okay, I will be.

Baby, I am so sorry.

If you don't want this, 'Riq, you gotta tell me now.

It's not that, Ma.

It's Ma, I just don't want you to go to jail.

I won't, okay, if we stick together, if we protect each other, if we promise to be honest with each other, and we both need to stick to the plan.

Can you do that, 'Riq?

Will you protect me as I'm gonna protect you?

Yes, Ma.

Yes, Ma, I promise, I'll protect you.

I promise.

Just please promise me you won't go to jail, Ma, please.

Oh, baby.


I'm not going anywhere.


I promise.

Nah, you said you handled it.

It didn't work, okay?

But I have another plan to end everything for good.

Listen, I want to finalize our divorce, but he keeps avoiding signing the papers.

He's hosting this big event at his club tonight in the Meatpacking District.

I'll just corner him there, and he can't get out of it.

You should let me take the papers.

He'll sign them if I make it clear where I stand.

No, no.

I gotta do this myself.

Listen, Q.

All I need you to do is drive me there.

I can go in by myself.

I'm scared of him, but I don't have to be if you're there with me.

You give me the courage to go through with it.

Okay, I'll do it.

Let me just call Sky real quick and tell her good night.


I'll give you some privacy.

I'm gonna go freshen up.

Hey, Sky Sky.

How you doing, baby?

It's Daddy.

You good?

Yeah, what you doing?


What you playing, baby?

Brush your teeth yet?

What, what, Tariq?

You look sharp.


Thanks, Seville.



Son, you showed up.

I didn't think you'd come.

Of course I would.

I want you to meet one of my most important associates, Simon Stern.

Simon, this is my son, Tariq.

You're a very lucky man to have such a fine son.

I'll be at the bar.

Son, there are some other important people I want you to meet, all right?

Follow me.

Fellas, hey.

I want you to meet my son.

Yeah, yeah.

Tariq, what's the problem, man?

Dad, you absolutely sure you want me to turn myself in?

Well, one of us has to.

After this party I mean, look around.

You don't really think it's gonna be me.

But it's okay.

Hey, look.

I got you.

I'll be there every step of the way.

Now, come on.

I want you to meet the mayor.

All right?

Come on.


TARIQ: Man all this shit you was talking about k*lling Ghost, and now you backing out?

I knew you couldn't do.

TOMMY: No, no, you ain't listening.

Dre's the one who took down my organization.

What you think he's gonna do now when he finds out Ghost set him up for Jason's m*rder?

The same thing you should have done a long f*cking time ago.

You don't know the whole story about Ghost, just like I didn't know about Teresi.

It wasn't till after I shot him I learned the truth was more complicated than I thought.

You understand what I'm saying to you?

Now I gotta live with that shit.

No, I don't understand.

What exactly are you saying, Uncle Tommy?

Dre's trying to leave town, but he's got a reason to make a move on Ghost, so he gotta do that shit tonight, most likely where you just come from.

Now, come on, Tariq.

Get in the car.

I need you to help me set up a trap for Dre.

I ain't helping Ghost, and neither should you.

Tariq, you need to do this with me.

After we do this, all that snaky shit that you done, it's gonna be forgiven.

And we can be a family again.


If Dre's gonna murk Ghost, I can't get in the way.




JORJA: It ain't right, what you're doing to me [CELL PHONE BUZZING]

It ain't right, you're confusing me Which side of the fine lines Do you want me It ain't right, what you're doing to me [LINE TRILLS]



- VINCENT: Yeah?

- Yo, Vincent, it's Tariq.

Why are you calling me, you little punk?

You still looking for Tommy?

Oh, now you're tying to help me.

Yeah, I know where he is and where he's headed.

I'm listening.

What's the address?

You said it was in this area.

Oh, you don't need the address.

Just, uh, pull over around the corner.




Pull over at the corner.

- I can take you the whole way.

- No, it's fine.

I know a faster way.


Wait for me, okay?

I'll be right here.


Why don't you think this thing through, little n*gga?

What the f*ck?


Yeah, it's me.

And you about to let a b*tch do your dirty work.

I thought I taught your ass better than that.

Nah, man, you don't understand.

You been doing me proud, though, kid.

Ooh-whee, that was some savage shit you just did to Tommy.

Them Italians gonna light his ass up.

Nah, I ain't wanna do that to him, though.

It's okay.

I ain't gonna tell nobody.

I just didn't want Ma to get hurt.

What you think Ghost gonna do when she pull a g*n on him?

She pull, he pull, it's over.

It's the same exact shit with me, though.

But he won't see that coming from you, just like I didn't.

My bad about that, K.

You know I wish I could've did something different.

Hey, live by the street, die by the street, n*gga.

Least I got the chance to take some of those pigs with me.

- Crazy.

- When I met you, you was a kid.

The move on me, that was your mama's move, maybe the right one, but you gotta make the man's move.

What if she gets caught?

What happens to your grandmother, your little sister?

Man, she ain't gonna get caught.

She too smart.

There's only one way to be sure.

And you can sit here jerking off like there's a decision to make, but it's already done.

It was always gonna go this way.

You know it.

Just gotta step into it.

You don't only owe me, n*gga.

You owe yourself.

Come on, come on.

TARIQ: Radnor sent me a text about the cops, so I went back to Callister.

I had to hide the g*n at Truth.



What are you doing here?

Everything cool?


I was just thinking about everything you was saying earlier, about you being there every step of the way of me turning myself in.

- You have my word.

- Your word.

You never told me the truth about who you really were growing up.

And you lied to me about Shawn and how he died.

I told you the truth, okay?

It was Kanan who lied to you about how he k*lled his son.

No, Jukebox told me.

You never said a word.

You know, Kanan loved me, man.

He would've never hurt me.

Son, are you crazy?

First of all, I'm your father, okay?

I love you.

And Kanan would have put a b*llet in your head as sure as you're standing in front of me right now.

No, you're wrong.

He already had the chance to do that.

He knew I betrayed him for the family and he still let me live.

Look, you're confused, okay?

I get it, son.

Let's talk about it.

We can go on the road.

You c-you can come on the campaign with me.

We can get you credit for school, maybe an internship.


What the hell do you think you're doing?

'Cause you-you're gonna turn Ma in for LaKeisha.

You're gonna turn me in for Ray Ray.

When the f*ck are you gonna pay for all the bullshit you've done, huh, Dad?

It's your mama doing this shit to you.

Your mama's got in that head of yours.

She sent you in here to do this shit to me.

No, this has nothing to do with my mother.

This is me.

Up to now, you still don't even see me for who I really am.

I'm you, Dad.

I tried to give you one last chance, like you said you did with Breeze.

But you're in the way.

You're in the way of my future, like you said he was in the way of yours.

Ain't that what you said?

In the way of your future, right?

- Put the g*n down.

- No.

Tariq, if you do this shit, you can never go back.

I'll do anything to go back.

To go back to how it was before you left us for Angela.

I just can't.

It's too late.

Hey, just give me the g*n.

I can't.

I can't go back.

Hey, hey, son.

Hey, hey.

I love you, okay?






Oh, oh, oh, shit.

Tariq, what have you done?

Listen, I had to be the one to do it, Ma.

I had to.

- What have you done?

- I had to be the one to do it.

Give me the g*n.


I-I-I'll say it was me.

No, no, listen.

Dre is on the way here to k*ll Ghost any second, all right?

That's his g*n.

We can say he did it.


- Okay, come on.

- Wait.

You take the g*n out back and dump it, all right?

I know what to do.

Ma, we take care of each other, right?

- Right?

- Right.

You're gonna be okay.



L-let him go.

TOMMY: You're gonna be all right.

- Okay, breathe.

- GHOST: All right.

TOMMY: You've been through worse.

GHOST: Yeah, right?


Ghost, don't go.

No, Ghost, don't go!

Don't leave me.


TOMMY: Ghost!





Let him go.




Tasha, what the f*ck happened?

- I heard a g*nsh*t.

- I went in there I went in there to talk to him, like I told you, and he was already dead.

f*ck, man.

Ah, let's go.



What the f*ck happened?



POLICE OFFICER: Keep it back, please.

Let them do their work.


Excuse me, excuse me.

Um, I'm Tariq St.


This is my father's club.

What's going on?

Uh, Tariq, you said?

Let me get a detective.

A detective?


Where's my father?

- Let me get Detective Archer.

- Where's my father?

What's going on?

I need to see my dad!

- POLICE OFFICER: Calm down.

- I need to see my dad!

Get off of me!

I need to see my dad.

Please, I need to see my father now!

I need to see my dad!

I need to see my dad!

Get off!

I need to see my dad!





Your clothes?

They're gone.

I burned them.

Just like you taught me the first time.

Where's the g*n?

What'd you do with it?

It's handled.


f*ck are you doing here?

Well, I got a phone call.

Sudden vacancy in your office.

I'm hearing something about an indictment coming down.

Sounds bad.

f*ck you, Saxe.

Eh, save it for your new friends in prison, Jacob.


Hey, how in the hell did you get my job back?

I've got the hotline to the attorney general.

And now I've got a friend in the Eastern District.

When I call, you better pick up on the first ring.

Well, I'll do you one better.

If I ever meet the right woman, the look on Jacob Warner's face just now was worth the right of prima nocta.

I'll hold you to that.


Wait, really?

It was a joke, man.

See ya, Coop.



Daddy's home, m*therf*ckers.


So there is a small gift for Ms.

Estelle Green.

Your rent is to be paid out of the trust for one year.

That's all?

Well, the bulk of the estate is divided now into thirds.

- Me, Yasmine, and Tariq.

- Well, as a matter of fact, Yasmin, Tariq, and Raina.

Raina's share actually defaults to Tariq, uh, de facto creating a 2/3-1/3 split in favor of Tariq.

He gets the property, the shares in the nightclubs, including, um, Truth, and the watch collection.

You, um, do not inherit.


- Nothing?

- DANIEL: I-I'm sorry, Ms.


James designed it this way.

Unfortunately, you do not have access to the life insurance, the stocks, or the bonds.

The entire portfolio goes to your children.

TARIQ: Ma, don't worry about it, okay?

I'll take care of you.

DANIEL: Actually, Tariq, um, just to note, you don't inherit right away.

Um, all of your money is held in trust until you complete a four-year degree from a university.

- What?

- With at least a 3.

5 GPA.

After that, the floodgates open, but until you graduate under those conditions, you, um let me check that.

Yeah, you don't get a cent.

He's dead and he's still trying to control my life.

ESTELLE: Well, what did you expect?

I did everything for that man.

I gave him three kids, I stood by him through prison, and I get nothing?

What are we gonna do for money now?

I'll figure it out, Mama, like I always do.




Would you just let us grieve in peace?


After you answer a few questions at the federal building first.

Shall we?

Look, James and I were not getting along, but he was still the father of my kids.

They've lost so much.

I honestly don't know how I feel right now.

Numb, I guess.

You know, my baby sister, I don't know how much of my dad or-or Raina she'll remember.

Can you think of anyone who might want your father dead?


A lot of people wanted him dead, Blanca.

You know that.

But the only person that could have done this is Andre Coleman.

TARIQ: He wanted my father dead.

Uncle Tommy told me he was gonna go try to stop him, but I guess he was just too late.

I have a hard time believing Andre Coleman would try to k*ll Ghost.

It's too big a risk.

Andre doesn't let fear or logic get in front of what he wants to do.

He's just gonna do it.

Well, that's true.

It'd be convenient for you if Andre was the k*ller, but I don't understand his motive.

I do understand yours.

- Mine?

- Your husband's campaign for office would have invited more scrutiny on you and your family.

I know you wanted us to arrest James for Terry Silver's m*rder.

And you should have.

If you had, James would still be alive.

But even more than that, I think you wanted us to stop looking at your son for the m*rder of Raymond Jones.

Tariq's blood was in his flop.

Andre Coleman told me Tariq asked for Jones's address.

He also told me Kanan Stark was in D.


when Jones was k*lled, not in New York and not pulling the trigger on a New York City cop.

Andre had a lot of reasons to lie on Tariq.


So do you.

That blood in the flop was fresh.

James would be perfect to blame for Jones's m*rder.

You can only do that if he's not here to contradict your story.

My story is the truth.

It ain't my fault if you don't like it.

What I don't like is that you're up in here wasting my time when we both know it was either you or Tariq that pulled the trigger.

So I think you should arrest Dre and let me and my mother go.


See, there's just one problem.

You were on the scene, Tariq.

You were right there.

I told you I went to the party, and I left to meet with my Uncle Tommy.

When I came back, my dad was already - Wow.

- He was already That's convenient, just like blaming Dre for the m*rder.

I don't know, Tariq.

See, I don't buy it.

I don't buy it.

I think you know more than you're telling me.

I think you know exactly who k*lled your father, and I think that person is in this building right now, maybe down the hall, maybe in this very room.

You're right, okay?

May I please have some water?

Tariq, as your child advocate, I can't leave you alone with the U.



Listen, I'm thirsty, I'm very thirsty, and this is not easy for me to speak on.

So please, can I have some water?

I'll come and get you if he wants to make an official statement.

Anything he says, all off the record.

I'll be right back.


Look, Tariq, if it was your mom I saw you.

- What?

- I saw you at Truth.

When I came back from meeting with my Uncle Tommy, I saw you going through the back of the club with a g*n in your hand.

No, it wasn't me.

No, it was.

I saw you.

Look, I think Dre k*lled my dad.

And I don't want to have to say I saw you if you're not the one that did it.

So you didn't do it, right?

Dre did it, right?



It was Coleman all the way.


You're f*cked.

I'm f*cked?

Tariq is f*cked.

I think we need to look at him really closely for this.

Blanca, Tasha and Tariq both say Dre did it.

You told me he punched you in the face outside Truth right after the g*nsh*t.

It lines up.

He's the sh**t, and if we prove it, your career is over.

- My career?

- You let Coleman out when he turned witness against St.


He tricked your marshals and got away.

If it's true that he k*lled St.

Patrick, like I said, you're f*cked.


Saxe, you have to help me.

Do I?

Yeah, I need to see Andre Coleman.

Can you bring him to an interrogation room?



What happened to your face?

Andre Coleman's dead.

You know anything about that?

- Nah.

- Your best friend, Spanky, was just shot.

He's dead too.

Sounds like a you problem.

He was your witness, right?

Put him back on the street.

Somebody probably did the math.

Francis, your whole crew is either dead or in the wind.

James St.

Patrick is dead too.


Never heard of him.

You were wearing this watch when you were arrested, engraved "J. S. P. " So?

We found a burner phone on St.

Patrick's body.

Only a couple numbers saved.

One was a burner we found on a marshal who works here, and he's not talking.

The other was to an inmate, you.


Can I go back to my cell now?

I think St.

Patrick got you and Spanky moved here to k*ll Dre.

Dre got out, k*lled St.

Patrick, but we caught him.

We brought him back here, and you followed through with the plan, and now Spanky's dead, but only you and Tommy Egan had motive and opportunity to k*ll him.

I think you're connected to all these murders.

I prove that, I can give you the needle.

The one I know you didn't do is St.


You help me solve that, and I could get you out of here.

You know what I like about cops?

You stupid as f*ck.

That b*tch-ass n*gga Dre k*lled Ghost?

Come on.

f*ck outta here.

If you knew anything about that m*therf*cker, you would definitely know that shit.



Tell me why.

Time for me to go back to my cell.

Get that eye checked out.


STERN: Tasha, I am devastated.

I can't believe I lost James so young.

And Andre Coleman too.

Did you hear about that?

- Andre is dead?

- m*rder*d in prison.

You think the two events are related?

I don't know.

But I'm here to talk business.

Now that James is gone, my son, Tariq, controls all his assets, including Truth.

You do want Truth back, right?

How much?

I'll pay asking.

There's no amount of money that can buy Truth, but you do have something I want.

My son's education.

Tariq can't get his full inheritance unless he graduates college.

You get him into your alma mater, Stansfield, and my son's trust will give you Truth.

You are fascinating.

And I need him to start tomorrow.

Tasha, I can get Tariq into Stansfield easily.

The perks of legal bribery, thanks to years of donations.

I built the f*cking library.

But there is one more thing I need from you.

Come work for me.

Are you crazy?

You need income, and with diversity so en vogue these days, my company needs an executive with your flavor.


Thank you so much.

Bon appétit.

TARIQ: Hey, Ma.

What'd he say?

You're in.

He made some phone calls, and it was done.

Damn, he got the juice like that?

He built the library.

So no more Callister?

Yeah, but you still need to take the GED.

But he asked them to enroll you without it.

We both start tomorrow.

You go to school.

I go to work.

- What, he got you a job?

- Yes.

But we got a bigger problem that we need to deal with.

Dre is dead.

- What?

- Yes.

And we needed him alive so that he could take the fall, 'Riq.

Now we gotta find somebody else to blame.

Trust me, Saxe definitely believed me about Dre.

How do you know he believed you?

Look, just-just go to bed.

I'll figure everything out, all right?

I got us.

Everything is good.






What's your emergency?

Yes, I think I know who k*lled James St.


MAN: There's no rest [BOTH MOANING]

Oh, oh, damn.

Oh, okay.


MAN: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Police!

Search warrant.


What the f*ck is going on?


Hands where I can see them.

Get on the g*dd*mn floor.

Ma'am, stay right there.

Arms where I can see them.

I know my rights, man.

Show me a g*dd*mn warrant.

We got a tip that you have an illegal firearm on the premises, in violation of your parole.

We got it.

MAN: No rest for the wicked You're under arrest for the m*rder of James St.


Get up.

Get up!

MAN: There's no rest Officer, that's not my g*n.

Tasha, what the hell is going on?

TIRADO: You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law.

Tasha, tell them I was with you, Tasha.

TIRADO: You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford Q: Tasha, tell them I was with you.


Tell them I was with you, Tasha!


Tell them I was with you!

Tell them!


MAN: Forgive me for everything I've done Mm!

Your first day of college.


You excited?

Actually, I'm very excited.

I think this is gonna be fun.


Well, Big Mama and Yas will be here soon - to see you off, so you better hurry up.



Oh, see, you better hurry up.

That's probably them.

What do you want now?

I solved your husband's m*rder.

I have an arrest warrant.

You arrested someone last night.

We arrested the wrong person because you wanted us to, Tasha.

Problem is, Quinton told us the whole story.


Whatever Quinton told you, he was lying.

He told us you asked him to drive you to Truth.

He told us you asked him to wait in the car, but he didn't wait in the car, Tasha.

He went to a diner.

He was buying a Red Bull when you shot your husband.

He's on all the cameras.

He thought he might need an alibi, and he was right.

No, no, she didn't do this.

She didn't do it.

I'm sorry, Tariq, but she did.

We're gonna put your mother under arrest.

- No!


- Tasha Green St.

Patrick, you're under arrest for the m*rder of James St.


No, she didn't do it.

- She didn't do it!

She didn't - Tariq, go to school!

Mom, tell them you didn't do this.

Tell them what really happened.

- Tariq, Tariq, listen to me.

Go to school.

- TARIQ: No!


Live your life.







MAN: There's no No, no, no, no, no, no rest For the wicked [SAD PIANO MUSIC]

JOE: They say it's a big, rich town I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it This is where it goes down I just happen to come up hard Legal or illegal, baby I gotta make it It's a big, rich town I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it This is where it goes down I just happen to come up hard Legal or illegal, baby I gotta make it This is where it goes down They say it's a big, rich town I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it This is where it goes down I just happen to come up hard Legal or illegal, baby I gotta make it Mm I gotta make it - Oh, I hope I make it - Mm JAMES BLAKE: Don't use the word "forever" We live too long to be so loved People change and I can't be tethered We think we are the only ones You can't walk the streets a ghost anymore You can't walk the streets a ghost anymore Days form like new figures down my road Each one looks more like you than you know And how wonderful How wonderful How wonderful You are - THE NOTORIOUS B. I. G. : It was all a dream - [SCHOOL BELL RINGS]

- I used to read "Word Up!" magazine - Salt-N-Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine Hey, yo, come on, we gotta move this weight.

Kanan's gonna be looking for us.

Said he's gonna introduce us to Breeze tonight.

A'ight, I'm ready.

I just Hold up, Tommy.

Shit, come on.

I'll be right back.

Yo, Angie.

- What's up, Jamie?

- What's this?

It's a school called Choate, in Connecticut.



What, you never think about getting out of Queens?

All the time.


f*ck this.

How do you like him?

Tell me more about this school.


So this is the mission statement.

They have different programs.

They have the upper form electives.

They have environmental art.

- GHOST: French?

- ANGELA: Bonjour!

- GHOST: Oui, oui.

- ANGELA: Oui, oui.




- GHOST: You gotta go.

- TOMMY: No.



Ghost, come on, man!

Don't do this!

TATE: New York leads the way.


I know I've been good.

Wouldn't raise that way.

I'm sorry Tariq.

We're gonna put your mother under arrest.

- No!


- Go to school!

Mom, tell them you didn't do this.

Tell them what really happened.

- Tariq, Tariq, listen to me.

- TARIQ: No!


JOE: They say this is a big, rich town Yeah, I just come from the poorest part Bright lights, city life I gotta make it, this is where it goes down Oh, yeah, yeah I just happen to come up hard Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it [CAR ENGINE ROARING]

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