11x06 - The New Normal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue Bloods". Aired September 2010 - current.*
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"Blue Bloods" revolves around a family of New York cops.
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11x06 - The New Normal

Post by bunniefuu »

GARRETT: The numbers are moving in the right direction.

BAKER: Definitely, and at a nice clip.

Index crimes are down almost across the board.

And five days in a row without someone getting pushed onto the subway tracks.


What, boss?

Just pointing out...

All positive.

I was half-waiting for one of you to compliment me on my tie.

The - in the Bronx.

Reported crimes are up, arrests are down for three months running.

Things are tough up there.

Things are tough all over.

Nobody gets a pass.

Captain Butler is one of the best younger COs we got.

Good, then he should be able to take whatever I throw at him.

You mean, you want him up here?


Bad idea.


It negates the purpose of CompStat, for one thing.


Tosses the peer review model.

Reverts to one-on-one, vertical confrontation.

In English?

Old school, not in a good way.

Gee, I appreciate the input.

But I kind of miss the good old days of called on the carpet, come to Jesus moments.

Get him up here.

- How's your morning going?

- Good.

Well, hold on to that feeling, 'cause, uh, William Maloney's arraignment is scheduled for today.

Don't tell me there's a delay to that arraignment.

I will tell you that Judge Kramer may release him.

Do you know what she's gonna set bail at?

Released on his own recognizance.

R.O.R... are you kidding me?

Kramer's giving a real broad reading of the new bail guidelines.

And she's using a repeat offender like Maloney as her test case?

Test case or loss leader.


I know.


You wanted to see us?

Yeah, I got an assignment for you.

You guys heard of v*olence Interrupters?

Uh, civilians mediating conflicts on the street, right?

Oh, like using ex-bangers to prevent g*ng sh**t?

They're extending the concept to crisis intervention teams, which include social workers and family therapists.

What's that got to do with us?

City council's launching a pilot program, taking these folks on ride-alongs.

We respond to jobs with a civilian on board?

A civilian trained to de-escalate calls before they turn violent.

Even active crime scenes?

Yes, but your tours would be limited to emotionally disturbed persons and domestic disputes.

Those can be some of our most dangerous calls.

Yeah, I know it.

But maybe not so much if we have a trained mediator involved.

Something actually good for cops came out of the city council?

Will wonders never cease?

All right.

How many cops pushed back?

Pushed back?

When you told them about this ride-along?

You know, before you asked us?

This is your wife asking.

A couple, and then I kicked myself for not turning to you two guys first.


I am so sorry I'm late.

- Claire, no problem.

- I drove in from Larchmont.

There was an accident on .

Uh, Officers Janko...

- and Witten?

- This is Witten.

I am Claire Gilmore.

I hear we're partners.

Have they been briefed?



okay, let's go do some good out there.

Joker sets up a meet and doesn't even show.

He's a snitch, Danny.

They live on snitch time.

Yeah, well, Ennis and Lee said he was okay.

Yeah, well, they've been a little distracted lately with IAB Perp resisted arrest.

And wound up in the E.R.

Doesn't mean Ennis and Lee crossed the line.

Maybe, but we both know it wouldn't be the first time.

Yeah, and we both know that jams like Ennis and Lee's never come clear-cut.

DISPATCHER: All units, - forthwith.

Officer needs assistance, corner of Holland and th.

We're close.

Let's take it.

- detectives responding.

If you refuse the breathalyzer, I got to take you in.

I told you.

I haven't been drinking.

All right, man, that's it.

Come on, hands behind your back.

- Come on...

- I haven't been drinking.

Come on.

- I haven't been drinking, man!

- I understand.

I just need you to put your hands - behind your back.

Come on.


- I haven't been drinking, man.



Police, don't move!

Drop the g*n and get on the ground right now!

I can't go to jail!

Drop the g*n!

I know you're just doing your job.

But I got to go.



♪ I put out a Finest Message on the suspect, - one Warren Pratt.

- Good.

We got his address already, so we'll pick him up quick.


- What?

- Nothing.

He posed no immediate threat when we arrived on the scene.

He was holding a cop's g*n.

Yeah, by the barrel.

He wasn't pointing it at me or anyone else.

I can't sh**t the guy over a shoving match.

How you feeling, Wendell?

I'll live.

Can we give you a lift?

Man, how could you just let this guy go?

We got his address, okay?

We'll get him and we'll get your g*n back.

I heard you were a cop's cop.

A guy you could trust in the street.

- Guess I heard wrong.

- No, you didn't hear wrong, okay, but not for nothing, you did escalate the situation when you drew your w*apon on the guy.

Pratt assaulted me.

And stole my w*apon and then you just let him go.

That's what happened.

Yes, the new bail laws have caused a circus.

Yeah, one that makes us the clowns.

In the past nine years, we've charged him with armed robbery, r*pe, attempted kidnapping.

But this time, it's just as*ault two.

So under the new laws the judge will likely release him.

Yeah, and if she does, there's no telling what kind of damage he'll do prior to the trial.

And what would you like me to do about that?

I think a general call from the acting D.A. to the judge about the new bail laws would go a long way.

Yeah, a long way at looking like I'm leaning on her.

Look, this office has a responsibility to protect the public.

You lead this office.

Look, if you want to fight Maloney's release, go to his arraignment.

But any blowback lands on you.



Have a seat.

Dewar's and milk.


How did you...

Guido Van's retirement racket.

I had the bartender's eyes and rounded up orders.


Some people put a name with a face, I put a face with a drink.

Dewar's and milk.


Hazard of the job.

Captain Butler, do you know why you're here?

My numbers are down.

Tough real estate up there.

Yes, sir.

But that's no excuse.

No, it's not.

But I will hear your explanation if you have one that works.

g*ng activity has been on the rise the past several months.

You have the resources you need.

Yes, sir.

We have to be more aggressive.

Your numbers tell me your cops are looking the other way.

Being more aggressive in a climate where issuing a summons for jaywalking brings charges of police brutality, sir.

The Patrol Guide wasn't written with a particular climate in mind.

And you're an NYPD Captain, not a weatherman.

I've also lost two of my veteran sergeants in the past five months.

That's put a dent in my chain of command.

Then fix it.

I assure you, sir, I am trying my best.

Try succeeding.

Yes, sir.

I can't give passes for your climate or your dents.

You need to re-establish discipline and effectiveness immediately.


Yes, sir.

That is all.



Defense requests that my client be released on his own recognizance.

May I be heard, Your Honor?

Ms. Reagan?

The people oppose R.O.R. and request that Your Honor set bail.

Based on what?

The defendant's lengthy criminal record, for starters.

KRAMER: The new bail laws don't allow me to take into account the danger to the community if the defendant is released.

According to the police report, the defendant threatened retribution against his victim, - Ms. Rizzo.

- You got to be kidding me.

Zip it, Mr. Maloney.

The revised bail laws apply here.

Yes, but on as*ault , the court has discretion to set bail.

I was referring to the spirit of those laws, which are about more than crowded jails.

They're about fairness.

Mr. Maloney, if I set bail at $ , , could you pay that?

Not a chance.

But a wealthy defendant charged with the exact same crime would be home the same day.

That's not equal justice, Ms. Reagan.

And what about justice for Ms. Rizzo?

She fears for her life should he be out on the street.

A temporary order of protection will be issued.

Now, I see Mr. Maloney has a parole hold from a previous case?

We're in the process of clearing that, Your Honor.

Once you do, your client will be released from custody.

- Your Honor, if I may...

- We're done here.

CLAIRE: So that's when I realized I just didn't want to be a lawyer.

Social work is where my heart is, you know?


I just, I want to make a difference, and be impactful.

We like impactful.

But, you know, just know some of these cases can be a-a little challenging.

I wrote my thesis on the exigencies of emergency response.

DISPATCHER: - crisis intervention car, you have a - , possible domestic dispute.

rd Street, apartment -Bravo.

That's us.

Showtime, Claire.

Did you just take a picture of the radio?

That's my first call.

It's total scrapbook.

(QUIETLY): Great.


SUSAN: His name is Donald!

I asked him to turn it down.

He has a mood disorder, and his meds don't always work.

Hi, Donald!

I'm Officer Janko, this is Officer Witten.

WITTEN: Hey, um, we're gonna turn down the music so we can talk, okay?

♪ With same rules... ♪

Do you mind if I give it a try?

Heck, go for it.

But be careful.

♪ Just a shade of grey ♪ ♪ That hangs over us ♪ ♪ Load a round... ♪ Hi.

♪ Chamber... ♪ I'm Claire.

♪ Bodies fall... ♪ I love this song.

What is it?

"Losing in the End" by-by Dying Regret.

♪ Die so young... ♪ Song like this, you really got to crank it.

Am I right?

♪ No one knows the names ♪ ♪ Only the few remain... ♪ You should try these.

Oh, trust me, the sound is amazing.

♪ Losing in the end... ♪


That's amazing, right?



Wanted to see me, boss?


Come in, close the door.


What happened this morning?

I didn't sh**t a man.

And you just let him go?

I played it by the book, boss.

He wasn't a threat.

If I'd shot him, he'd probably be dead and I'd be looking at charges right now.

You still might be.

What are you talking about?

Officer Wendell is accusing you of malfeasance.

That's a load of crap, boss.

Come on, I mean, he lost his g*n, h-he let the situation get out of hand.

Tell it to Internal Affairs.


So you saw Pratt take Officer Wendell's g*n and as*ault him?

No, I saw Pratt pick up Officer Wendell's g*n from the ground and flee with it.

You ask me, he was trying to keep from getting shot.

There's been a spike in officers failing to perform their duty.

Well, this wasn't that.

Were you afraid you and your partner would be set upon by bystanders if you shot Pratt?

You mean, like, att*cked by bystanders?

No, I wasn't afraid of that.

Were you concerned about public safety if you opened fire?

I knew my target.

I had a clean shot.

So why didn't you take it?

Because deadly physical force can only be used to protect me or a third party from serious physical injury or death.

- That's why.

- We know the force guidelines, Detective.

Could have fooled me.

Pratt had a cop's g*n.

Which he held in a nonthreatening manner.

He wasn't gonna use it.

- You don't know that.

- I do know that.

You weren't there.

I was.

I saw the look in that man's eyes.

He was afraid.

If I felt threatened in any way, or if anyone was in harm, Pratt would've left the scene in a body bag.

- Not his car.

- Yeah.

He left in his car and he's still at large.

Well, it's a good thing Officer Wendell got his ID, so now we know who he is and where he lives.

He'll turn up.

What do you think Detectives Ennis and Lee would've done?

What the hell do Ennis and Lee have to do with this?

They're in your squad.

They got jammed up for excessive force.

So that's what you're suggesting?

That I let Pratt go to avoid getting jammed up by IAB?

- Did you?

- No, I didn't, and if I did, it didn't work out very well, now, did it?

Look, the bottom line is, if I shot Pratt it would've been an execution!

That's it.

End of story.

In fact, end of discussion.

Sit down.

We're not done, Detective.

Well, I'm done.

Heard your visit to the arraignments didn't go too well.

Judge Kramer was not persuaded to set bail.

Kramer made a fair point.

Most folks awaiting trial in Rikers are there because they can't afford to buy their way out.

Maloney is a dangerous felon that she is putting right back on the street.

With an order of protection and a court date.

Which a law-abiding citizen would respect, and he is anything but.

You did everything you could to keep him in the system.

- Not yet.

- What's that mean?

Just as long as Maloney is in custody, I have a fighting chance to keep him there.

What chance?

You probably don't want to know.

I probably don't.

When I told him to k*ll the music, the look on his face...

I thought he was gonna k*ll me.

CLAIRE: The first step is to make it clear to him that you pose no physical threat.

- But we went pretty easy.

- Yeah.

Your tone is nonthreatening, but your uniforms?

Not so much.

Well, we're kind of stuck with them.

Donald's mom said that he has been hospitalized for violent episodes, which probably means he's been restrained.

By cops and hospital workers in uniforms.

And the negative association...

What are we supposed to do, show up in sweats and Uggs?


You can compensate for the uniform.

When you tried to turn down Donald's music, you threatened his autonomy.

But when you asked if he wanted headphones...

I preserved his sense of control, which allowed for a positive resolution.

These people don't act out on purpose.

You know, mental illness is a medical illness.

Problem is we're not doctors.

I have so much respect for what you guys do.

But sometimes a g*n and a badge can make a bad situation even worse.

There'd better be a damn good reason for this meeting.

As you know, my office opposes Mr. Maloney's release.

You want me to die in here.

What I want is assurance, should you be released, that you won't seek revenge against your girlfriend.


LAWYER: Judge issued an order of protection, so why are we here?

As Ms. Rizzo was giving her statement to police, your client reportedly screamed, "You're dead.

"I'll cut your lying throat, you dirty little b*tch." - Heat of the moment.

- Your client assaulted his then-girlfriend after she revealed multiple infidelities.

- She always was a whore.

- According to her statement, she told you she slept with eight other men during your relationship.



Nine other men, including your brother.

He was drunk.

LAWYER: My client foreswears vengeance against Ms. Rizzo.

What will you do, Mr. Maloney, should you encounter Ms. Rizzo on the street?

- Don't answer that.

- You really want to know?

I really do.


Sit down.

What will you do, William?

I'll wish her the very best.


You think I'm gonna hand you what you need to keep me in jail?

And I wish you the very best, too.


Finished up my recon on -.

That's why I'm here.

It ain't good.

The numbers tell me that, Sid.

Well, what's behind the numbers is worse.

Guys up there are sitting in their radio cars, sitting on their hands.

And you know this but their CO doesn't?

I assume so.


Boss, Butler is a great cop, but someone in his command is covering for the deadbeats.

Or maybe Butler's a great cop the way Joe Montana's a great quarterback.


Was great.

He have the respect of his officers?

Far as I know.

How far is that?

Well, they got nothing but appreciation.

He shows respect for his people by delegating authority.

It's good for the morale.


That's a school of leadership.

It might not be yours or mine, but...

It's also a way of saying the guy's not around a lot.

Well, I'm not getting that from what I'm hearing.

Well, maybe you're not listening for it.

How long has he been the great delegator?

I don't have that metric.

I'm guessing it's about the same amount of time that his numbers have been cratering.

You want me to give the - a colonoscopy?


I'll take it from here.


I'd rather transfer to Sanitation than work for the rat squad.


IAB's got a job to do, same as us.

Come on.

I mean, they actually think I let Pratt go, a guy who posed no threat to me or anyone else, just to avoid a-a excessive force complaint?

- Come on.

- And no one would have - blamed you if you did.

- But I didn't.

It was a no-win situation, Danny.

Uh, which is another way of you saying that you think I got it wrong.


IAB's ready for you.

Have fun.

You know, there was a homicide a couple of blocks away from the scene.

Please don't tell me the sh**t matches Pratt's description.

You got it.

It wasn't a stunt.

Actually, it was a failed stunt.

I tried to find out if Mr. Maloney intended to intimidate the key witness of his trial.

By painting him as a cuckold to his face.

By asking him questions entirely based on the police report.

Maloney's attorney filed a complaint against you for attempting to entrap her client.

That is a joke.

She agreed to the meeting.

To attempt to put an end to your harassment.

Mr. Maloney threatened Ms. Rizzo's life.

I merely tried to find out if he intended to do so.

What is it about this case that's got you so loaded for bear?

It's not... what, it's whom.


The elderly couple that he robbed and left for dead, the underaged girl that he assaulted in the Bronx, the mother of three that he ripped from the car.

We cannot try him for his whole history.

We can only try him for as*ault .

Do you understand that?

I do.

But it's not the same as accepting it.

Then, she sits across from this troubled kid - and just connects with him.

- That's great.

Any other given day, that call would end with ESU dragging that kid out in cuffs and restraints.



- What's funny?

Maybe just try not to drink the whole vat of the Kool-Aid?

That's not what this is.

It was one call, Eddie.

But on that one call, it worked.

Still, one call.

You're skeptical.

I'm always skeptical.

Except when it comes to my love for you.

Fight fair.

I didn't know we were fighting.

We're talking about something very important.



I'm rooting for her and for the program.

- Mm.

- But the truth is it reads a little "woke" to me, and I'm just prepared for blowback.

That's all.

"Woke" just means "innovative" most of the time.

Some of the time.

And sometimes it's like commandments coming down from the moral high ground.

- Says you.

- Come on, you don't think some of the time it's "get on the bandwagon or else"?

What I think...

There's blowback when cops use their weapons and it's-it's deemed a bad sh**ting.

That doesn't mean cops shouldn't carry their weapons.

Have I told you lately how much I love you?


- Jamie.

- Great pot roast, Gramps.

- Mm-hmm.

Something's different.


New marinade.



In your hand or on the roast?



You're not gonna bust me for eating this, are you?

Oh, I don't need another reason to bust you.

Hey, Sean, how's that SAT prep going?

Can we not go there today, please?


What's up?

Long story.


"I'm not taking the test 'cause I ain't going to college" is a short story, not a long story.

And it has an unhappy ending for you.


Is that true, Sean?

I said that I haven't decided yet.

First I heard of that.

And if his mother was alive, it'd be the last you heard of it.

If not college, what?

Maybe I take a year off, weigh my options.

The options aren't gonna weigh much at all if you don't go to college.

You know you can still take the test and decide on college later.

- Mm.

- SEAN: That's what Nicky said.

Nicky, who went to college.

Nicky, who is also super smart.

Like Aunt Erin, and Uncle Jamie.

You guys aced the SAT.

Technically, Erin aced it the second time she took it.


Oh, but who's keeping score?

JANKO: Well, I did lousy on the SATs, and I still got into a pretty decent school.

And then you dropped out.

How do you even know that?

Well, do as I say, not as I did.


- SEAN: All I'm saying is that just because you don't go to college doesn't automatically make you some loser.



Yeah, what a relief.

SEAN: You guys are my role models.

You didn't go to college, and...

you guys ended up doing great.

My parents couldn't afford college.

DANNY: Yeah, and I did okay despite skipping college, not because I skipped college.

A little wisdom, if it helps?

"You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it." Teddy Roosevelt?

The Talmud, actually.

And, look, whatever you decide to do, as long as it is thoroughly considered, we'll support you, right?


- Right.

- Right.




I'm weighing my options.

How you holding up?

Been better.



Guess you were expecting to have a conversation, huh?

Tell me something I don't know.


Cop pulls a guy over, approaches the guy in his car.

Both of them have the same fear in the back of their minds...

Am I gonna come out of this alive?

- We've all been there.

- Yeah.

Which leads to the fear in the back of my mind.

Approached the guy with a g*n.

I knew the instant I did, he wasn't a threat.

He wasn't gonna hurt me.

I let him go.

So, what's the fear in the back of your mind?

That this guy might have k*lled someone with a cop's g*n after I let him go.

- Oh, Danny.

Oh, Danny.

- Gramps, there was a homicide.

My guy fits the description of the sh**t.

I heard.

Well, then now you know the fear in the back of my mind.

But we don't sh**t suspects because of what they might do.

I know, Gramps.

I know.

I drew my w*apon many times.

I fired when I had to.

But I never once regretted the times I didn't.

I do not regret not sh**ting that man, Gramps.

But what if he committed that m*rder and I let him go?

Then that's on him.

BUTLER: So, I met with my command staff.

We came up with a game plan.

Must have been glad to see you.


Well, you can only delegate so much before they forget who their actual boss is.

Or so I'm told.

I've never been one for sitting behind a desk, sir.

I like to be out in the community.

The one you serve in the Bronx or the one you're moving to in Westchester?


I didn't want to say anything until the final offer came through.

New Castle Chief of Police.

Nice ring to it.

Yes, sir.

The schools are great, and my wife Emily is...

she's excited to raise the kids outside the city.

Hey, I understand.

I do.

Lieutenant General Lloyd Fredendall...

You ever heard of him?

No, sir.

Can't say as I have.

Well, he was famous for leading his men to the worst U.S. defeat in World w*r II, the Battle of Kasserine Pass in North Africa.



Turns out Eisenhower paid a secret visit to Fredendall's HQ.

Found an utterly confused environment lacking in preparation, dedication, motivation.

You're saying that's the - ?

He also learned...

that Fredendall had been spending a lot of his free time designing a bulletproof Cadillac just like the one Ike had been issued.

Well, that may have been the final straw.

At any rate, Fredendall was out on his ass.

Look, Commissioner...

this last year we've all been through...

My precinct's like a w*r zone.

Well, I'd watch that.

The punishment for desertion during wartime is death.

I meant metaphorically.



Well, you're dead-on.

This last year has been like life during wartime.

For this department.

For the city we serve.

And you commanded a fort in the Bronx and abandoned your duties there.

With all due respect, Commissioner, I don't have to take this.

You might want to double-check that Chappaqua offer.

They called you?

I called them.

You're gonna destroy my career, sir?

You did that yourself.



you gonna ask me?

Ask you what?

How my interview went with IAB.


That's supposed to be kept confidential, especially from the guy you might be burying.

I didn't bury you, Danny.

But you still don't stand by my call.

I don't know what I would have done in your shoes, but I know you, and if you stand by your call, then I stand by you.

GEE: Reagan.

IAB called.

Said you've been cleared.

I'm glad it worked out for you.

Appreciate it, boss.


- That's great.


What do you know.

Got a tip on the homicide they like Pratt for.

Take a ride?



Long time no see, baby.


I thought you were in jail.

No boyfriend to carry your bags?

- You got plenty to choose from?

- Look, I am sorry I called the cops.

I thought you were gonna k*ll me.

I never got the chance.

Which is why we have unfinished business.

ERIN: Just like you and me, right, William?

You guys following me?


Guessing you don't have a carry permit for this.

ERIN: Under federal law, these guys can charge you as a felon in possession of a w*apon.


That will cost you a good ten years.

And, William...

I wish you the very best.

What are you doing here?

Been monitoring your calls.

I'm just here to observe for my report.

Let's hit it.



You okay?

Donald's psychiatrist recommended he return to the hospital.

Did he hit you, ma'am?


- He didn't mean to.

- Let me talk to him.

- Hey.

Protocol says NYPD leads on violent calls.

I've already established a rapport with him.

Let me try and talk him down.

Okay, give it a shot.


Hi, Donald.

Are you okay?

(QUIETLY): It hurts.

That looks like it hurts.


You take this, wrap that around your hand.

This'll stop the bleeding.



Really good, Donald.


He needs to drop the w*apon, Claire.

Hey, Donald, I know you don't want to go back to the hospital.

- I'll go with you.

- You're a liar!

- I'm not...

- You're lying!


Can we do that?

Can we go together, you and me?


I will make sure you are okay.


JAMIE: Hey, hey!

Let her go!

- Right now!

- Drop your w*apon!

Don't sh**t him!


He doesn't know what he's doing!

- JAMIE: Let her go right now, Donald!

- He's just scared.

All right, all right, everybody just calm down.

- All right?

- Calm down.

We're gonna lower our weapons, all right?


We're lowering our weapons.

And I just need you to do the same thing.

All right, drop the w*apon and let her go, okay?

- Aah!


Hey, Donald.

Hey, uh, Thumper magazine?

I had an ex-boyfriend who's crazy about...




It's okay.

JAMIE: Hey, you're okay, all right?

You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay, all right?

Calm down, okay?

You're gonna be all right.



You okay?

One of ours has a w*apon to their throat, there's a good chance the guy holding it doesn't walk out of here alive.

And today he will because of you.

I understand William Maloney is in federal custody.

That's right.

Good outcome.

I agree.

How he got there troubles me.

We took a hunch that he would violate the order of protection.

He's been known to carry a g*n.

- Feds were happy to cooperate.

- But the point is I told you to walk away.

I tried.

Couldn't pull it off.

You were my top competition for this job.

So when you asked me to take on a sitting judge...

You thought I was trying to sabotage you.

Seen it before.

I don't work that way.

I see that now.

You're some kind of true believer.

If you mean in the mission of this office, then... yes.

Which is admirable, until it crosses the line.

I'm sorry if you feel that I disrespected your authority.

I'm not big on non-apology apologies.

I am sorry.

I'm glad Maloney's off the street.

But we're not bounty hunters.

We're attorneys.

Remember that.

What you working on?

Uh, crisis intervention team report.

Can I read it?

Come on.

It says you did good work.

So did you.

Put that in there.

Rachel, Claire and I were talking about ways that we can do things different next time and...

I don't think there's gonna be a next time, Eddie.

- What are you talking about?

- Think city council's gonna pull the plug on the program.

- Why?

- Besides the fact that your ride-along almost got k*lled today?

But she didn't.



Yes, the program can be improved, but I learned more about how to handle EDPs from Claire than I did from all of my NYPD training combined.

Having someone like her on a call can save lives.

I agree with you.

City council's not gonna see it that way.

Then you have to change their minds with that report.


You want to help me with that?

Did you use the word "woke" anywhere in there?




- Hold up a second.

- Who's this?

It's Reuben Ramsey.. we like him for the open homicide.

Roughly same height and weight as Warren Pratt.

You process him.

You come with me.

What's going on, boss?

Well, you know Pratt turned himself in today, right?


What'd he say?

That he'd only speak to you.


I'm Detective Reagan.


take care of my parents.

I'm all they got.

When the officer tried to arrest me, I lost it.

You could have got k*lled.

But I didn't.

'Cause of you.

I'm ready to answer for what I did.

I'll take your statement.

I just want a fair shot.

I know I'll get that with you.

You will.

♪ Sit down, Sid.

You torpedoed Butler.

That the word they're using?


You want me to shut that down?

Not at all.

If anything, play it up.


What do you think, Sid?

About Butler?


How do you see it?

Well, he certainly had some penalty coming.

But not being blown out of the water.

Not my call.

And if it was?

Pretty harsh, icing his new job.

Exactly right.

He was sacrificed.

Sacrificed to what?

To... confirm the fears and doubts of the men and women in our army who are thinking about deserting.

He's the head on a pike.

Boss, all due respect, putting in your papers isn't the same as deserting.

Of course it isn't.

It's your right.

But right now...

the city that we love is crippled, as sure as if we had been under attack for the last year.

The city we love...

needs us here.

So, make 'em think twice about leaving?

At least twice.

Then make a choice to stick it out.

Or else.

Boss, that's... that's some hardball you're playing.

Like he said, "Do what you can with what you have where you are."
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