05x21 - Spaceballs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Goldbergs". Aired: September 2013 to present.*
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"The Goldbergs" is set in the 1980s in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania and shows the reality of the '80s from a young boy's eyes.
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05x21 - Spaceballs

Post by bunniefuu »

ADULT ADAM: Growing up, I was
obsessed with Mel Brooks.

He was a true comedic genius
who mastered the movie parody.

Naturally, my favorite was Spaceballs,

a brilliant satire of Star Wars,

led by the legendary Rick Moranis.

He introduced the galaxy's
most bumbling Darth Vader,

aptly named Dark Helmet.

I can't breathe in this thing!


ADULT ADAM: I not only memorized
every line of Spaceballs,

but I made sure I looked the part, too.

This was a weekend well spent.

Seriously, how am I not the
most popular guy at school?

That's what I keep asking kids
when I go to pick you up.

Mystery solved.

ADULT ADAM: Like any true fan,
I made it my mission

to start a Mel Brooks club,

and nothing would stand in my way.

- No.
- This is crazy.

Every week, I come in here
trying to get a new club going,

and you always shut me down.

How can you say no to a school-sponsored
Mel Brooks Appreciation Club?

Let's just add it to the list.

The Ed Grimley Club, the Q-Bert Club,

the Garbage Pail Kids Kids,
The Highlander Society.

But guess what, no one joined
those clubs except for you.

To be fair, there can be only one.

- See what I did there?
- No.

No one knows what you're talking about.

And that's why we need my club.

To educate people on awesome things.

Fine. But you need to have
at least three members,

and one has to be a girl.

Jackie! Huge news!

My freshly-minted Mel Brooks
Club needs a Princess Vespa.

I would love to, but I'm
swamped with the school paper.

Damn it. This is gonna be
harder than I thought.

I have no choice but to comb
the hallways for members.

I love how confident you are
in your bad jokes.

I'll join your Spacenuts Club,

but only if I can be treasurer
and hold all the money,

which will go missing,
along with that big-ass comb.

Just take the comb.

Yes. I'm gonna do so many things.

♪ I'm twisted up inside ♪

♪ But nonetheless
I feel the need to say ♪

♪ I don't know the future ♪

♪ But the past keeps getting
clearer every day ♪

ADULT ADAM: It was May th,

and my sister had decided
to drop out of college

to pursue music full time
with her best gal pals.

Seriously, dropping out of college

to start the world's greatest girl band

was, like, the best idea we've ever had.

I know. It feels so good to
finally be free of this prison

where we have to learn stuff and party
all weekend and wake up at noon.

Honestly, it was like
a weight was lifted

after I told my dad
I left fashion school.

- So it went well?
- No, he cried.

Like an ugly cry,
where you gulp for air.

Well, my dad said I'm cut off
and can't ever move back.

Which reminds me,
I'm homeless and scared.

Don't worry.

We'll get a place in Philly
and live together

so we can practice and get in nasty
fights that'll fuel our songwriting.

So, your parents are actually
on board with this?

My parents get it. (CHUCKLES)

They will... When I tell them.

- What?
- You, like, suck.

Relax. My plan's always been
to tell them face-to-face

when they come up for parents' weekend.

- Enough stalling!
- You, like, suck!

- Today's the day!
- You're right.

The moment they step on campus,
I'm dropping the b*mb.

- Schmoopie!
- Kiddo!

Hey! Sorry, can't do it.

- Howdy, girls.
- Yeah, hello, hello, hello.

Let's just go to your room.
I gotta sit down.

You just sat for the last three hours.

Driving isn't sitting!

Take me to your dorm.

You know what? Who wants
to sit in a lame dorm

when it's parents' weekend?

There's a faculty mixer

and Frisbee golf in the quad.

There's even an improv show!

Wouldn't mind sharing a few
laughs with Yuk Yuk Goose.

Oh, no, forget it.

Well, time for a tour!

Come on. Let's go this way.


So sorry.

- You have to tell them!
- You're a traitor.

Okay, come on!

ADULT ADAM: As Erica stalled
on breaking the news,

things were revving up
at our school paper.

Okay, guys, no more fluff pieces.

I want hard-hitting stories,
shocking exposes,

and fiery op-eds. What do you got?

The price of tater tots in
the cafeteria has skyrocketed.

Where's all that extra dough going?

Good! Follow the money! Next!

I can tackle the recent scandal
in Coach Mellor's health class.

Hey, nobody told me I had to
do a whole unit on weenies!

- Anyone else?
- Hey-o! (CHUCKLES)

It's me. Sorry to intrude.

Goldfarb! Hit the bricks.

This is newspaper staff only.

Actually, I've got something
super important

and need to get the word out.

You're thinking of joining the paper?

Just hoping you'd print this
on the back page,

along with the ads and word jumble.

Oh, my God! Adam, this is fantastic!

Look, you guys! This is exactly
what this paper needs,

a political cartoonist!

- Uh, whuzzanuh?
- Oh, man!

He's using Darth Vader as a commentary

on Reagan's destruction
of our environment!

We are not printing
this smear piece, commie!

Ronald Reagan's an American hero,

and he created the Presidential
Physical Fitness Test

with his bare hands!

Uh, I feel like I should have
been a little bit clearer

on the information
I was trying to convey.

Oh, we're printing this, Coach.

It's called freedom of the press.

I do love freedom.

Damn it! You can proceed!

- You did it, buddy!
- Did I?

I had no idea that you cared
about any of this stuff,

but I'm so glad to know that you do.

ADULT ADAM: Turns out, my
girlfriend had been waiting for me

to show my passion for politics.

Just one problem... I had none.

Since when are you political, bro?

Since never, Dave Kim!

That was an ad for my Mel Brooks Club.

I've always been aggressively

mostly 'cause it's boring
and bums me out.

That makes way more sense.

It's fine.

It's a stupid cartoon
in the back of a paper.

No one will even notice.


This is very noticeable.

And so my love of Mel Brooks had been
mistaken as a political statement.

Oh, balls!

Or, in my case, Spaceballs.

But that day, things were
even worse for Erica.

They have cocktail shrimp on
ice and tiny corns on the cob.

Ooh, I feel like such a fancy academic.

Well, I'm gonna get back some of
that tuition money in shrimp.

- Ooh!
- You take your time.

Chew slowly.

Let's talk now while Dad's feeding.

And remember, we are in public,

which means you can't freak out on me.

- Boopie, what's wrong?
- Nothing.

I actually have really
great news, which is...

I'm dropping out of college to
start a girl band with my friends.

I just remembered I don't
wanna be here for this.

No, you stay!

I need you here supporting me
on this like you always do.

But you know who believes
in me more than anyone?

My mama.


You're gonna k*ll your father.

No, don't do your whole
I'm-k*lling-Dad guilt routine!

You're gonna k*ll your father
dead right where he stands.

Mom, this is my dream in life.

So it's your dream to k*ll your
father dead with your bad decisions?

That's your big dream?

Pops, I really need you here, man.

You just k*lled your father.

What are you doing?

You gotta support me like you always do.

You want me to support you
k*lling your father?

Bevy, put this in your food purse.

Erica's ditching college to form a band.

- No.
- Well, look at that.

Dad's still alive and oddly calm,

considering I'm dropping out.

The reason I'm so calm is because
it's not happening, moron.

I was a deadbeat loser before college.

It turned my life around.

And dropping out was
the biggest regret of my life.

I could have been a lawyer.

She could have been a lawyer!

And I didn't because no college!

It's like you're trying to k*ll
me dead right where I stand!

This is a disaster!

I could have been a lawyer!

She could have been a lawyer!

So much for not screaming in public.

ADULT ADAM: Yep, my parents
hadn't taken Erica's news well.

Meanwhile, I was doing everything I
could to stay out of the headlines.

No kids in the teachers' lounge.

This is where we go
to be regular people.

I... I need a place to hide out.

People are trying to
engage me about politics.

- You?
- Please just let me in.

Trust me, nobody reads that paper.

Yo, Goldnerd!

What's with this leftist load
of crap you put in the paper?

Oh, no, you've pissed off

the self-righteous Alex P. Keaton Club!

Okay, there's been a little
misunderstanding here.

See, this president's from the movies.

Don't belittle Reagan 'cause his
humble roots are in acting.

The Gipper rules!

Yo, Ad! Awesome the way
you slammed Reagan!

We really are living in the Empire!

Oh, no! You've also attracted
the whining liberal Democrats!

Back off, Dave Sirota.

There's no free handouts for
you and your lefty leeches.

Says the dude who supports a jelly-bean
lover out to destroy the planet.

It's a smear campaign.

It is not. It's genius.

This paper is biased.

Oh, meet your stupid president!

Okay, enough!

This is a Quaker school,
not the Senate floor.

All right, come on, guys.
Let's get to class.

Quick, hide in the teachers' lounge.

But plug your nose. Someone
heated up crab rangoon.

Adam! Can you believe it?

Everyone either hates or loves you.

You're so badass and polarizing.

me doing me stuff, right?

I even showed your cartoon
to my parents,

and guess what... They wanna
have you over for dinner.

Dinner with Lynn and Vinny?

That's a huge deal.

Wait. You haven't met her parents yet?

What's the deal with that?

Actually, I was kinda
wondering that myself.

Mmm, no, Adam, you did meet my parents.

You guys had a nice chat
after the musical.

You mean when I was dressed
like Rum Tum Tugger from Cats?

Oh, I see what this is.

They think you're a dweeb, and Jackie
doesn't wanna prove them right.

I'm sure that's not it at all.

No, he's right.

My parents were hippies
at Queens College,

and my dad was arrested
protesting the w*r.

Hmm, I thought that only
happened in the movies.

Look, I was worried that you guys

wouldn't have anything
to talk about over dinner,

but this cartoon changes everything.

Yes! I... I can't wait
to show your parents

just how much I know about politics.

You could bring all of
your drawings over for dinner

and impress them all over again.

(CHUCKLES) What a lovely evening.


Ohh, balls.

ADULT ADAM: Or, again,
in my case, Spaceballs.

Yep, Erica was dropping out.

That is, until my mom decided to fix it.

Okay, okay, no need to panic.

I will just do my mama thing and
thr*aten whoever's responsible.

Mom, this isn't high school.
There's no way to fix this.

Trust me, Mama can fix anything.

I don't even have books
or a meal plan anymore.

I cashed it all in
to fund our band's demo.

Mama can fix that.

But I don't even have a room next year!

Mama can fix that.

I skipped the housing lotto
for a gig in New York.

(QUIETLY) Mama can fix it.

I also skipped finals, which isn't ideal

because I'm already
on academic probation,

which means I'm more failing
out than dropping out.

Mama can fix...

I also never wear flip-flops
in the shower,

so my feet are not good.

Oh, for (BLEEP) sake, Erica!

You have purposely made this unfixable!

I'll fix it.

Fix it how?

How is he moving so fast on a bad foot?

Your father's been activated.

It's a combo of aggravation,
frustration, and rage

so powerful it makes him the most
determined man on the planet.

Look at him go!

ERICA: How is he across
the quad already?

Is he climbing stairs?

He's climbing stairs two at
a time, and without a rail.

Even stairs can't stop him
when he's activated.

ADULT ADAM: As my activated dad
went to fix Erica's bad decisions,

I was starting my career as an activist.

Hey, guys? Sorry to interrupt
your Tetris-ing,

but I'm trying my hand
at political satire,

and I could really use
a little feedback.

- What you got?
- Okay, so, my first one's all about

how people protest injustice.

So then I thought, "You know
who's really got it bad? Pizza."

And you know who's always eating pizza?

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

So, the slices, like,
rise up in protest.

Oh, this is good.

- I knew it.
- This is real good.

Uh, what... What is this for, exactly?

I'm having dinner with Jackie's parents

and have to show them
that I'm a smart guy

who knows stuff about the
world and politics and junk.

Oh, boy.

You're gonna need some others.

For sure! See, here we got
lasagna protesting Garfield.

'Cause he loves lasagna.
Slam dunk, dude.

Um, do you have any different concepts

aside from a food protesting
the thing that eats it?

No, but I do have this.

That's Baby Ruth picketing
Sloth from The Goonies.

This is the one!

You for sure show this
to Jackie's parents!

- Please don't.
- Kudos.

No, my point is, you got to
watch the news, read the paper,

be able to discuss things
that aren't The Goonies.

He's not getting it, Adam.
Let me explain.

See, Sloth eats Baby Ruths,
like, all the time.

- I get it.
- Do you?

'Cause an entire line of candy dies out,

and you just want them
to sit there and take it!

Keep sticking your head
in the sand, sheep!

If Sloth is left unchecked,
there are no more Baby Ruths!

How are you not getting this?

- I do get it.
- Do you?

Yeah, you should probably
teach me some of the basics.



Um, why is all our stuff back here?

Erica's father's
been activated, sweetie.

This is crazy!

Dad's been gone for minutes!

How on Earth can one person
do so much so fast?

That's what happens
when a father gets activated.

Stop saying "activated"
like it's a thing.

- Clearly, it is.
- All our stuff's back here. How?

Murray sweet-talked the
head of the housing office,

then got a bunch of hacky-sacking kids

to bring everything back
for a plate of nachos.

But Erica dropped all her classes.

Then he went to the registrar,
lobbed a few threats,

greased a few palms, and... Boom...

Your class schedule for the next year.

But I failed out.

The dean literally asked me to leave.

Then he saw the dean
and begged and pleaded

and even shed a few tears.

- You cried?
- I did what I had to do.

So, what, you just want me
to give up on my dream?

Trust me, I know from experience
you have to see this through.

It's too important.

I'm gonna take a nap.

Please, just listen to our first song.

I know you'll see that this
is what I'm meant to do.

- Gross.

How are you already asleep?

Your father's been deactivated, sweetie.

He won't wake for another
two to sixteen hours.

His feet are on your pillow.


♪ I'm just a bill,
yes, I'm only a bill ♪

Schoolhouse Rock! This is perfect!

That piece of paper has a
little briefcase like a human!

I totally get politics now.

You really should read
The New York Times,

but I think this is more your speed.

ADULT ADAM: Armed with
political knowledge,

I took on dinner
with Jackie and her parents.

No, all I'm saying is

I didn't get arrested for
protesting at Queens College

to have the country run like this.

If we did it your way,
we'd never get anything done.

Guys, behave.

No, I actually agree.

Sometimes a bill just waits around

on those Capitol Hill steps forever.

My point exactly, Adam.

These things take time. Tell him.

Tell her, Adam.

Tell her what happens
when a bill just languishes.

Uh, yes, what does happen next?


(SOFTLY) ♪ I'm just a bill ♪

♪ Yes, I'm only a bill ♪


Is that Schoolhouse Rock?


- 'Cause it sounds likeSchoolhouse Rock.
- Does it?

Yes, it sounds like you don't
know about basic government,

so you're singing Schoolhouse
Rock to remind yourself.


It's, uh, no.

Hey, you know what would be fun?

Adam, why don't you show us
some new cartoons

that you made for the paper?

Maybe after dinner?

Listen, you wanna stir
things up with your drawing?

You should hit Star Wars.

Vinny, stop. Last thing
Adam needs is to hear

you rant about Star Wars
and overblown budgets.

ADULT ADAM: By pure fate, the
conversation suddenly pivoted

to the one topic that I could
debate like a pro.

No, no, no.

I promise you I can convince
anyone to love Star Wars.

All right, I can see you're
a man of passion, like myself.

Convince me.

Unfortunately, Jackie's
parents were arguing about

this defense system from the
' s nicknamed Star Wars.

I only knew about the other one.


Look! It's Han and Chewie!


They came back to help the rebels!

'Cause what's more important
than space money?


(AS YODA) Do or do not. There is no try.

underestimate tiny bears!

Open the blast doors! Open the blast

While IG- didn't play
a huge role in the movie,

he did get his own action figure.

See? It shows that everyone
in the galaxy is important.

(AS C- PO) Oh, no! They're dying, R !


(NORMAL VOICE) And Luke's all, "Aah!"

And then Vader chucks the
Emperor down the reactor chute,

and we realize there's still good in us!

And that, my friends,
is why Star Wars is the best.

They're talking about
a m*ssile-defense system.


Good stuff.

ADULT ADAM: That night, Jackie's
parents saw the real me.

And the next morning, the real
me had some explaining to do.

Yeah, we gotta talk about last night.

Oh, is that whole thing
still on everyone's mind?

Adam, what happened to the guy
who drew that political cartoon?

Jackie, that guy doesn't exist.

He never has.

It was just a flier
for my Mel Brooks Club.

So, you lied to me?

Of course I did.

You looked so relieved and happy

when you thought I was Mr. Politics Man.

Adam, you don't have to pretend
to be somebody you're not

just to make me happy.

You admitted that I was too
embarrassing to meet your parents!

No, that's not how I meant it.

No, it is.

Look, I tried to be political,
and I sucked.

But when I'm not political,
I'm just not good enough.

So I can't win no matter who I am.


ADULT ADAM: Even though Jackie
knew I wasn't much for politics,

my work was still being boycotted.

Hey! Goldnerd!

Oh, man, now what?

You and me, bro.

Lunchroom debate on foreign policy...

Lincoln-Douglas style, no moderator.

Lincoln who? What's happening?

Oh, you are so on!

Goldberg's gonna tear you apart!

I'm not debating anyone!

Let me say this once and for all.

My drawing was about the bumbling
president from Spaceballs!

Damn right!

Reagan's bumbled his way
through his whole presidency.

And that is exactly why I hate politics!

There is no debate with you people.

You've just made up your mind
and refuse to listen!

So, our side wins, then?

There is no side!

ADULT ADAM: What happened next
surprised even me.

I reached down deep
and gave the greatest,

most awkward non-political
speech ever delivered.

Look, I'm just a simple dude

who likes movies
and puppet-based sitcoms.

That's what I wanna do with my life.

Make people happy with clean family fun.

Yes, it's super lame.

But it also helps bring people together!

I don't see that happening, man.

But it can.

'Cause no matter what side you're on,

there's one thing we can all agree on,

and that's that Mel Brooks
is freaking hilarious!


He's done the finest fart work ever
committed to the silver screen.

Gotta admit...
I do love Young Frankenstein.

ADULT ADAM: It's pronounced

but not the point.

That day, I helped everyone
find some common ground.

And I finally founded my first club.

ERICA: ♪ I'm twisted up inside ♪

♪ But nonetheless,
I feel the need to say ♪

ADULT ADAM: 'Cause even the
toughest debates can be won

if you open up your heart and listen.

♪ Don't know the future ♪

♪ But the past keeps getting
clearer every day ♪

Catchy stuff.

I know.

Doesn't mean I can let her
throw her future away.

Unless this is her future.

I just

always wanted Erica to do what I
never could and finish college.

Dad, look at me.

My kids are all grown up, and
I'm searching for who I am.

Last thing I want is for her
to end up like me, you know?

But Erica's not searching.

She's found what she wants.

ADULT ADAM: In that moment, it
was my mom who got activated,

and when that happens...

- ...there's no stopping her.

♪ But nonetheless,
I feel the need to say ♪


Mom, why are you back?

I listened to your song, schmoo.

And you were right.

It's great.

And you need to give this a shot.

But you said that finishing college

is the only thing that matters.

Well, this really isn't about me.

What about Dad? He's gonna flip.

Mama will fix it.

♪ Now I'm twisted up inside ♪

I hope.

ADULT ADAM: Truth is,

it's easy to let our
differences drive us apart.

It's not so hard to remember

we all have so much in common.


Your club still looking
for a Princess Vespa?

What about the newspaper?

I figured I could use a little fun.

That's why I'm with you, you know.

Because you make me laugh.

The world could use
more people like you.

No, the world needs you.

I mean, you inspired me so much.

I actually learned how a law
becomes a bill because of you.

Bills become laws.

We'll just listen to the song again.

You know, our club is about to
have a little field trip. You in?


My childhood in the ' s
was a magical time.

For me, it wasn't about
the president or politics.

It was about the movies that shaped me,

the laughter we shared,

the Schwartz in all of us.

This is terrible! Do something!

Why didn't somebody tell me
my ass was so big?


ADAM: Man, the president is such a dope!


Chill, I'm talking about the movie.

Seriously, how do people not get it?

- ♪♪
- _

Now, there's a show on ABC
called The Goldbergs.

- WOMAN : Oh, yeah.
- You know, about my family.

- And...

- ...the creator's taking heat
- _

because they say he's
criticizing the president

when, in fact, he's cr...

He was criticizing
the president from Spaceballs.

- WOMAN : Yeah.
- WOMAN : Look at the hashtag!

- WHOOPI: I mean, it's...
- WOMAN : It's very clear!


What the...


- Dark Helmet?
- ♪♪

Take my hand, Adam F. Goldberg.

Join me, and together we can rule
the galaxy as father and son.

- Dude, you're not my dad.

Oh, yeah? Then explain this!


That's impossible!

I will never join you!


Oh, I see your Schwartz has grown.

I'm in high school now.

Yeah, I was a late bloomer myself.

Now die!

- Oh! Aah!
- ♪♪

- ADAM: What's this?
- DARK HELMET: Uh, nothing.

Spaceballs II.

Oh, it's just a little script
I'm noodling with.

It's stupid.

Actually, I'm super proud of it.

Read it if you want. I don't care.

You know what? I'd love
to act it out for you.

And so Pizza the Hutt says,

"Dark Helmet wins
the intergalactic ski race!"

And I'm like, "You know it."

Then all my subjects cheer,

and the princess is like,
"Kiss me already."

And I do.



I give you my word.

I will get this made.

Oh, stop.

Take my hand, Dark Helmet!

Join me, and together
we can make this sequel!



Ohh, my little Schmoopie's
having a bad dream.

No! This is my nightmare!
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