02x06 - Aftermath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "People of Earth". Aired: October 2016 to September 2017.*
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"People of Earth" centers on a support group for alien abductees and the skeptical journalist investigating them.
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02x06 - Aftermath

Post by bunniefuu »


Kurt, you're alive.

OZZIE: Jonathan Walsh wants to meet.

We need to distract Alex so
I can sneak out of here.

Nancy? Nancy!





Trust Walsh.

Find the others.






We have to go back to get Ozzie.

There's no way he survived that.


It's all my fault.

I promised Ozzie I'd protect him.

DWIGHT: "Kelly, it's Dwight.
We need to talk."

"I don't think this is working out."

- [BEEP]
- MAN: "Uh, hey babe."

"Sorry I didn't, uh,
call you this week."

"I was uh, really busy at work,
and I didn't feel like it."

- [BEEP]
- MAN # : "I'm just not looking"

"for anything exclusive right
now, but, you know"...

I-I don't get the title.


Yeah, I think it's the first
letter of all her ex-boyfriends

just, you know, mushed together.

MAN # : "I kind of feel
like I need
more space."

- [BEEP]
- MAN # : "Uhh,

"I don't I'm coming out tonight."

"I'm gonna stay home and
play video games."

You know who would've made
fun of this and hated it?

Blonde Kelly.

Okay, you know what? [LAUGHS]

- Be nice.
- [LAUGHING] You're enjoying this?

I find the piece challenging.

MAN # : "We're just hanging out."

"I don't think we should
take this too seriously."

- [BEEP]
- Oh, where were you?

Kelly's gonna be so pissed.
Did you bring flowers?

MAN # :"We can still hang out",

"but as long as we get
to see other people."


MAN # : "I know you told me
never to call you again",

"but I think I left my
vape pen at your house."

I... only... need...



Hey, you guys.

Thanks so much for coming. Wow.

It means a lot to me that you... came.

Wow. The piece really affected you.

Well, now you know the power of dance.

Honey, we're not crying because of you.

We're crying because Ozzie's dead.


He was the best.

He was your good friend, Gerry.

[VOICE BREAKING] He was my best friend.

I know. I know.

Hey. Hi.

Gina, how are you holding up?

Oh, me? I'm...

- I'm fine. It's...
- Yeah?

...it's the group that
I'm worried about.

They're so fragile, you know?

But we have to be strong for them.

We're professional comforters.

Yes, but even we need a shoulder
to lean on sometimes, so...

Oh, no, no. I'm... I'm a
professional therapist.

But you're also a human being.

And so are you, so...

if you need someone, you
know where to find me.

Do you think they're watching us?

- I mean, do you think they're here?
- Who?

It starts with an "R" and
ends with "eptilians."

This is a very clear
message from the aliens,

okay, y'all?

They got Ozzie.

They're just waiting to pick
off the rest of us one by one.

Ennis was so smart to move away

and not deal with aliens anymore.

Okay. Okay. All right.

We agreed that we weren't
gonna talk about aliens here.

We were barely invited as it is, okay?

Right. And I hear you.

But I do think that Ozzie would
want us to solve his m*rder.

It was solved. The coroner
said it was a heart-attack.

Yeah, the skinny guy
who biked everywhere

had a heart-attack.

My theory is that they're
collecting the best of humanity

to create a super society, and
they faked Ozzie's death,

and right now, he's in a ship
just sailing across the galaxy.

So he's, like, doing a semester at sea?

You know what? If he needs to
believe it, let him believe it.

You know, it's a closed casket,
which makes me feel like.

Ozzie's not even really in there.

What?! Why would you say that?
The family is right there.

You know, maybe it's a clone,

and then Ozzie Number Two

- is in the casket.
- That's actually pretty good.

Wait. So... so there's
a dead clone in there?

I don't know. I don't know.
Everybody else had a theory.

- It's a good theory.
- Okay, stop it

with the [HUSHED VOICE] alien
conspiracy theories, okay?

[NORMAL VOICE] Shut up and grieve.

Huh. Look who decided
to show up on the ship.

Not now, Jeff. Ozzie's dead.

- No...
- So?

Ozzie was just your weird human pet.

Shut up, Jeff.

Hey! What's up, Jonathan?

- Kurt?
- Kurt?

You were dead. What happened?

It's pretty simple, genius. He
was dead, and now he's not.

It's a miracle.

I'm pleased with the results.

ERIC: Hello. What's going on in here?

You're Jonathan Walsh.

I heard you went AWOL.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Eric, the new boss.

Would you mind stepping
into my office for a chat?

You're screwed.



So, I've been looking over your report.

It's very... detailed.

I know it's dense, sir, but
there was a third man.

I think he k*lled Ozzie and has Walsh.

Ahh. Yes. The third man who...

spoke Russian, and whom you
assert could have been...

"FSB, former KGB, or CIA"...

TOGETHER:... "posing as FSB or KGB."


Did you memorize your own report?


And I really think Ozzie
and Walsh were planning

to expose this Third Man.


This man, he freaked me out, sir.

Super odd disposition.

You also say here that there was a...

It's was a blinding arc of light.

Totally unexplainable.

I've never seen anything like it.

Oh, and also there was a deer.

In the woods?

You're right, that's
totally unexplainable.

It all felt connected.

I don't know what to tell you, sir.

- I need a task force.
- Okay.

- Here's what I think.
- What's that?

You experienced something
very traumatic.

A civilian died on your watch.

And that caused you to
see and hear things

that may not have happened.

So think carefully.

Is this the report that
you want to submit?

Come on out, fishy. You got to eat.

Is that a display fish?

Uh, it's my friend Ozzie's.

He asked me to take care of it.

He died this week, so...

Do you need to take some time off?

Oh, no. No, I'm... I'm fine.

- Yeah.

Oh, sorry. Can I take this call?

Yvonne. Hi.

Okay. I... I'll be right over.

Hey uh, actually, uh, can I
take my lunch break right now?

One of Ozzie's friends
is really spiraling.

Come on, little Abraham.
We got to go help out.


- Hey.
- Hey, Gina.

Okay, so, he keeps saying

that he needs to bowl one
more frame for Ozzie.

But that was three hours ago.

Oh, wow.

- Oh, hey, Gina.
- Hey, buddy.

Is that Abraham?

I don't want him to see me like this.

Like what, Gerry?


Every week, I'd ask Ozzie
to come bowling with me.

And he's always say... "Maybe."

Gina, will you bowl with us for a while?


Yeah, I will.



Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
They're following me.

I'm just going to make
a right turn here...

No, I'm not!





Oh, my gosh!


- Oh, hey, Richard!
- Not now, Glenn!






Hi, Richard.

No, no, no. No one's following you.

Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yep.

I'll be right over.

What happened to the Mothership?

There's been a merger.

I'm sure you read all about
it in the memo I sent out.

I've been a little busy down on Earth.

Yes, I've heard. Getting
close to the humans.

And I hate labels, but some Reptilians

are complaining that you're a "traitor."

Well, as a matter of fact, I
was getting close to a human

so I could gain his trust and k*ll him.

You k*lled a human?




He's dead now because of me.

You're telling...


the truth!

I owe you an apology.

But it's good to know I can trust you.

I may have use for you talents.

My talents? For what?

Eliminating problems.

What problems are those?

StarCrossed and Jeff.



Let's get rid of those.

Oh, right. Sorry, Abraham.

Ready for dinner?

Oh, shit.

I forgot to buy food.

No worries. I got some.
And I also got... quinoa.



- Gina, hi.
- Hi.

What can I do for you?

I was wondering if you might consider

being a special guest today
at our StarCrossed meeting.

If you and the group need my
help, of course I'll be there.

The group needs you.

- Okay then. I'll be there.
- Great.

Everyone, I've asked
Father Doug to join us,

in case anybody had any
questions about death

or the afterlife.

We just have a bit of
business to deal with first.

As you all know, Ozzie's passing

left his beloved fish Abraham homeless.

I've been happy to care for him,

but I thought I might
open it up to the group,

to find out if someone was interested
in giving him a forever home.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Dibs. I call dibs.

- You can't call dibs.
- What are you, five?

Maybe we could take turns
sharing it on weekends.

- We could...
- Oh, my God. Margaret,

that's such a terrible idea.

We all know how children of
divorce turn out, right?

- Wait, excuse me.
- You can talk to that.

- Why are you pointing at me?
- You're a child of divorce, aren't you?

I think that we could probably
work out a group scenario,

maybe based on a pre-school
model where we all

take care of the fish and
journal our feelings.

So, did you have a chance
to look over your report?

I did, and I can't change it, sir.

I saw what I saw.

I reported what I reported.

And that's that.



I have one more question for you.

You write here that
Ozzie's dying words were.

"Trust Walsh. He has the truth.

Find the others..."

Did he elaborate on that?

No, sir.

He said nothing more?



We'll be reassigning the case then.


We shouldn't have
returned you to the field

so quickly to the field
after you shot yourself.

My foot is fine, sir.

When will we get over this?

This has nothing to do with your foot.

You have PTSD.

I can see that now.

You need to take some time off.

Like a long lunch?

Like indefinitely.

Sir, I know I've made some mistakes,

but the bigger mistake

is the one that you're making right now.

Don't you sh**t yourself in your foot.

I'm gonna need your badge and your g*n.



And your badge.






I get the feeling she knows
more than she's letting on.

She keeps mentioning the "third man."

- That's you.
- I know who it is.

[SIGHS] I thought you
said we could use her.

You know, that she was needy

and lonely and desperate to belong.

You know, you're a really
bad judge of character.

- What are we doing here?
- I wanted a private place

- to talk to you guys.
- You're a traitor.

You're wearing that
human-skin suit all the time.

Eric likes me.

He says I'm the only one he can trust.

What? Didn't he scan you?

He did. I don't think
the Cube can detect

complex emotions like
guilt, which is what I feel

because I told Ozzie I'd
protect him, and I didn't.

So, he thinks your a bad guy.

But actually, you're a
good guy that feels bad.

So what do you want, traitor?

Would a traitor help you
guys save your jobs?

Because Eric wants to
eliminate all you guys.

Or at least Jeff. He really hates you.

That son of a b*tch!

And he wants to go after
everybody in StarCrossed.

Everyone in StarCrossed?

- Kelly.
- I say we mutiny.

Overthrow that square piece of shit.

I hate to say it, but I agree with Jeff.

Mutiny is the move. We have
to take back the ship.

Which was my idea.

Well, it doesn't matter
whose idea it was.

Well, if it doesn't matter,
then just give me the credit.

Okay. Fine. We'll call
it "Jeff's Mutiny."

Ooh, I like that. Yeah.

Ozzie was like a brother to me.

I'm practically this fish's uncle.

I was Ozzie's sponsor. I should take it.

You can't take care of a fish.

You can't even commit to a hairdo.

- Keep the fish stable.
- Look, I can take him,

all right? I... I will take the fish.

I have nothing else going
on, like, literally.

I'm alone and I'm divorced
and I'm unemployed...

No, I'm sorry, Richard, okay?

You're not gonna pity
your way into this one.

Well, excuse me if my
current circumstances

make me the most qualified
candidate for this position.

- Hey, guys!
- Don't hold your hand up in my face!

Guys! Last time I checked,
Abraham is a Jewish name.

And I'm half Jewish.

Hold up, now. If we're
gonna play the race card,

I think it's really jacked up
that a black fish is gonna

get adopted by a white family.

- I'll take him.

I'll take him if it'll put
an end to this bickering.

I'm sure the youth group
will take good care of him.

- That's totally irresponsible.
- Kids will destroy that fish!

Hey, guys! Guys! Guys!

Something's wrong with that fish.

Oh, my God. Abraham?

[VOICE BREAKING] Come on! Abraham!

Abraham, wake up, you stupid fish!

We need to help him!
Somebody call the vet!

- Gina, it's dead.
- No, he can't...

- It's dead.
- That's impossible, he was...

How could he just die?! He was alive!

DOUG: It's okay, Gina.

[SOBBING] He's dead.

It's okay.


[BLOWING NOSE] I'm sorry.

It... that just kind of snuck up on me.

That's 'cause you hold
everything inside, Gina.

- You're only human.



Oh, I guess so...

It's just that Ozzie
died trying to find out

the truth...

for all of us.

But I guess I feel angry.

At who?

At myself...

for letting him go alone.

- No.
- No, no, you can't do that.

- You can't... you can't do that.
- Gina, don't blame yourself.

We know who's responsible for this.

When my husband died,
I didn't even realize

how angry I was until
one day at Starbucks,

they got my order wrong
and I just lost it.

Later that night, I went outside

and I just screamed at the
sky until I lost my voice.

- Wow.
- Maybe some screaming

would do us some good right now.

Hey, Jeff. Can I talk to you for a sec?

Be cool. Just act like you're working.

I am working.

Why? Did Eric say I'm not?

Calm down. He might be watching us.

Oh. Right.

So, uh, Kurt was dead
and now he's alive.

How did that happen?

Do the numbers make sense on this?

I don't know.

You know, I think the cryo-t*nk
brought him back to life.

Why? What did Kurt say?

Uh, nothing.

Are you sweating?

I'm fine.

So there's nothing wrong with Kurt?

- He's okay?
- Yeah.

I mean, he's a bit jumpy
and he does yell out

"car" at odd moments.

But other than that,
he's the same old Kurt.

Do you think it would work on a human?

What are you planning to do?

I said don't worry about it.

Well, the numbers check out, you know,

but it's actually the wrong form.

You need a T , so...

Oh, right. Wow. Nice catch, Jeff.

You're really getting your act together.

Well, I've got the biggest brain, so...



We are here to express our anger.

We're here to yell at the aliens.

- Let it all out.
- Okay.

Let's let these aliens
know how we really feel.

Gina, do you want to start?


Um, okay. Uhh...

Uh... ambli... aliens, I'm angry at you

for taking our friend, Ozzie.

I have a deep rage!

Don't hold back.

Ozzie was our friend, and you
had no right to take him!

Here we go. Good, Margaret. Good.

Quit messing with us!

And stop following me!

I wish I could've gone
bowling with Ozzie!

Good. Nice specificity.

[BLEEP] you, aliens!!

You give us our friend
back, you jackwads!!

You go to hell!!


Okay, this is good.


WOMAN: Excuse me!

Excuse me!

We're having a child's
birthday party over here,

and there seems to be a lot of cussing.

Oh, Father Doug.


OZZIE'S VOICE: Trust Walsh.

He has the truth.

Find the others.



Gina? You're not in your apron.


Uh, I gave it some thought,

and I would like to take some time off.

I'm gonna go back into therapy.

Oh, that's great.

You need to take care of yourself.

Oh, no, I'm a therapist.

- You are?
- Yes. No. Well...

I don't talk about it very much.

But I'm gonna get my license back,

and I'm gonna write
about my friend, Ozzie,

and his experiences, so
that'll be my therapy.


Do you think this is going to work?

I have to try.


I will defend my honor!



ERIC: Remember... you're
part of the team, Gerry.

And you're my favorite.

You're like a son to me.

I am?

Will I ever see you again?

I'm always with you, Gerry.

Just behind the moon.

The moon...

YVONNE: Gerry?

Baby, are you okay?


Ohh... hey, Yvonne.

I was just looking at the moon.






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