01x23 - To See the World

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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01x23 - To See the World

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on. Hah.

Come on.

Come on.

Get on. Hah!

She got bogged down
in the mud, pa.

I can see that.

This appears to be
where she got out.

Yes, sir.

If I recollect right, you
were told to fix this fence.

Yes, sir.

A week ago.

Well, it was more like
a couple of days, pa,

and I did fix it

Temporary, huh?

Well, I kind of
propped up this post

and put some brush
in the hole there.

I was gonna get some fence
wire out of the barn.

You forgot.

Yes, sir,
I sure did.

What you do best...

Well, I was going to the
barn to get the wire

when Mr. Edwards
come by, and...

You went fishing

Every time you talk
to that man,

you come back with a head
stuffed full of wild notions.

I've been too easy on you,
and that's a fact.

Well, starting right this
minute that's gonna change.

You're gonna do
what you're told

or you're not gonna live under
my roof or eat my food.

Simple as that.

You earn your keep
or pack up and move out.

Gonna take something to sell to Mr.
Oleson, Johnny?


Are you taking
something to the church

for the China mission?


Laura, you shouldn't waste
time pestering Johnny.

Miss beadle told us she was
gonna give a test today,

and we oughta be
ready for it.

Let's take turns
asking questions.

- Johnny?
- Huh?

Name 3 animals found
in the polar region.

3 polar bears.

Johnny Johnson, you'll
get your knuckles rapped

for an answer
like that.

No, I won't,

'cause I'm not gonna
be there for the test.

You feeling sick? You
gonna go see Dr. Baker?


If you play hooky, you'll
get a lickin' for sure.

No, I'm not going
to school anymore.

How else are you gonna
learn anything?

I'm tired of reading
about faraway places.

I'm gonna see 'em
for myself.

What in the world are
you talking about?

The world, I'm going
to see the world.


I think it's
a dumb thing to do.

Come on. We'll be
late for school.

You know why
she says it's dumb?

'Cause she's a girl.

Now, Laura, don't
you ever get tired

of doing the same
thing day after day?


Well, I'm going to someplace
where it's different.

Yes, sir, I'm going to
mankato, first off.

We've been to mankato.

Well, I'm not
gonna stop there.

No, sir. I'm gonna see
all kinds of places,

like St. Paul and
London and China.

You'll send me some picture
postcards, won't you, Johnny?

Oh, I sure will, from
all over the world.

Now, you'd better get
on to school now.

I gotta see about
gettin' me a ride.

- Bye, Johnny.
- Bye, Laura. Bye-bye.

- Mornin', Mr. Edwards.
- Hello, Johnny.

- Mr. Ingalls.
- Johnny.

You, uh, taking this load
of lumber to mankato?


3 days goin'
and 3 days comin',

and a 2-day holiday
in mankato.

Play a little poker,

have a little taste
at the silver slipper.

And most important,

I'm gonna buy me
that Winchester 73

I've been
dreamin' about.

You finally got enough
money saved up, huh?

Yep, $15.00.

That's 3 months'
worth of hard sweat,

but it's gonna
be worth it.

If you expect
to get that r*fle,

best you stay out of
the silver slipper.

Look what happened
last time.

What happened,
Mr. Edwards?

Nothing happened. Just
never mind what happened.

Ain't you supposed to be
in school or something?

No, sir, I'm all
through with school.

I'm gonna start learning
things by doing 'em.

Experience is
the best teacher.

Now what churn-head told you
a fool thing like that?

Well, you did.


Well, I must have been
trying to make a point

that don't apply
in this instance.

School's important. It's
real, real important.

Well, now, there was
this boy in Illinois

who only had
one year's of schoolin',

and 5 different teachers

before he started out
learnin' on his own.

He probably turned out to be
a fiddle-footed ignoramus!

He turned out to be
president Lincoln.


Now, Mr. Edwards,
I'd be beholden to you

if you let me ride
into mankato with you.


Now you listen here,
young fella,

you just better skedaddle on
to school where you belong,

or your pa'll blister a hole
in the seat of your pants.

No, sir, my...

My pa said whenever I wanted
to leave, it was up to me.

Your pa told you that?

Yes, sir, that's exactly
what he said.

Well, I ain't gonna
be a party to it.

Well, if I can't ride, I'm
gonna have to walk then.

Bye-bye, Mr. Edwards.
So long, Mr. Ingalls.

What'd make a young fella want to
bust off on his own like that?

Probably 'cause somebody told
him how fine it would be.

Well, all I did was...

Just fill him full
of so many tall tales

he had to go out
and see for himself.

Well, I'll catch up with him on
the road; I'll scare him good.

Why, I'll have him
headin' home so fast,

his shirt tail'll cr*ck
like a bullwhip.

I hope so.
I'll hitch up the team.

President Lincoln.


Howdy. Did you change your mind
about giving me that ride?


Oh, well, I'd better
get to walkin' then.

Just hold on here!

Don't you know down
the road to mankato

there's wild animals
and robbers?

Not to mention
the weather.

Why, you could
freeze to death!

In July?

That's what
I'm trying to tell you.

It's summer.
Could be a hot one!

Why, I run across one young
fellow on the road here,

he was deader
than a mackerel,

just laying there in a
pool of his own juice.

Sweated to death,
he did.


Well, you know, I, uh,
I ain't going back.

I got my mind
made up.

Of course, you know,
it seems to me

that a true friend
wouldn't just drive off

and just leave me here
to die, now, would he?

Keep talking like that, you'll
wind up a Philadelphia lawyer.

All right, come on,
get on.

You know,
I could have walked,

but it's good of you
to come by like that

and give me a hand.

Thank you,
Mr. Edwards.

Thank you, Mr.
Edwards. Hyah! Giddup!



Do you ever think we'll
see Johnny Johnson again?

Oh, I think sooner than
you expect, half-pint.

Well, how long does it take
to see the world?

I think it all depends
on who's seeing it.

For me, it's just
a blink of an eye,

'cause my whole world
is right here.

I can't understand a man
as steady and sensible

as Hector Johnson allowing
a boy Johnny's age

to go traipsing
off to mankato.

Well, surest cure for itchy
feet is a long walk.

That's the one thing
I like about having girls.

You don't have to worry
about 'em running off.

It's Mr. Johnson.

Girls, go on upstairs.
Get ready for bed.

Both: Yes, pa.

Jack, that's enough.

Come on, get away!

Evening, Hector.

I'm sorry to
bother you, Charles,

but Johnny didn't
come home tonight.

I've been checking all over.
Nobody's seen him.

I was afraid of that
when I saw you drive up.

Johnny stopped by
the mill this morning,

asked Mr. Edwards
for a ride to mankato.

And Edwards took him?

No, no, no. He told the boy
he oughta be in school.

Johnny said he had
your permission to travel,

and he went on down
the road afoot.

My permission.

I said as long as he
was under my roof...

He turned
my meaning around.

I sure didn't
want him to go.

Well, I wouldn't
worry about it.

Edwards thinks
a lot of Johnny.

If he couldn't talk him into
going home, he probably

just gave him a ride
and he'll take care of him.


He's the one that got
him wanting to travel.

Well, he knows that,
and he feels responsible.

He's a good man,

You know, there's
nothing stricter

than a reformed

Your boy'll be home
before you know it.

I hope you're right.

I know I am.
Stop worrying.

Why don't you come on in the
house, have a cup of coffee?

No, thank you. I got
chores waiting...

Johnny's and mine.

I'll be seeing you,

All right.

And don't worry.

I'll try.


Told you it weren't
no Metropolis.

Lookee there,
the palace hotel.

Rightly named, too.

Only kings can
afford to stay there.

Ain't worth it,

I mean, you seen one hotel
room, you've seen 'em all.

Ho there!

Hello, dandy.

Ain't seen you
in a co*n's age.

You got here at the
right time, though.

Just hankering to
play some poker.

Well, I don't know as I'm
gonna have time for that.

Well, try
and make it.


Hey, I sure
wouldn't mind seeing

a real poker game,
Mr. Edwards.

Young fella like you
ain't gonna be welcome

hanging around a place
like the silver slipper.

I may be able to work out
something, though.

Why, I'd sure be
beholden to you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

All right, Johnny,
you take the horses on

into the stable there
and get us a stall.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to
turn them out in the corral?

The stall's for us.

You'd better get used
to sleeping in one,

unless you're planning to
strike it rich or something.

Meet me back here
in an hour.

Yes, sir.

Oh, my.

Oh, my.

Oh, my.

Lookee here, boys.

Edwards is back
among us!

Hello, dandy.

Morning, eldred.

It was, until I
laid eyes on you.

Thank you.

Now, is that any way
to talk to a customer?

The last time
he was in town,

he started
a ruckus.

Coulda turned
into a riot.

If his friend hadn't
pulled him away,

he probably would've
wrecked this place.

Eldred sure knows how to
make a fella feel welcome,

don't he, hmm?
Heh heh heh!

You lookin'
for some action?

Well, as a matter
of fact, I am.

Well, it ain't
so much for myself.

See, I got
this young boy...

Oh, no, no, no.
Wait a minute.

This boy ain't
no more than 15.

Poker's a man's game.

What are you
trying to pull?

Can I get you

Oh, yes.

Well, uh...
Beer all around.

Oh, don't go away,

Just telling my friends
here about the young boy

come into town with me,
and maybe you could help.

You see, what I'm trying to
do is, I'm trying to keep him

from running away
from a good home

before he's ready
to cope.

You remember how it was
when we was his age.

You know, feeling caged,

wanting to bust out
and be free.

We all done it,

Yeah, and none of us amounted to
a tree full of monkeys, either.

Well... what do you
want us to do?

Want you to take
his money away.

Why didn't you say so
in the first place?

Well, I'll tell you why,
'cause I want it done

kinda special-like,
though, you see.

See, he's only rattling
maybe a dollar and change.

Ain't gonna hurt him none
to lose that.

What I want him to do
is win himself

a sizable pile,
and then lose that.

See, that'll teach him
a real lesson.

This sizable
little pile he wins,

that'll be
our money!

Oh, you're gonna
win it back.

Oh, and you, miss,

I tell you
what you can do.

I want you to be real nice to
Johnny while he's winning,

drop him like a hot
potato when he loses.

They take his money,

so what do I get
out of it?

Well, a memory of
a good deed well done.

Heh! A girl can get
awful thin on memories.

Oh, yeah.

Well, uh,
what is it you want?

The price of
a steak dinner.

Pleasure's mine.

Now we'll have us
them beers.

♪ Old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a fryin' pan ♪

Hello, horse.

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ d*ed with a toothache
in his heel ♪

Well, looks like you got us
cozied in here real nice.

Where you been?

Oh, just seeing
a few old cronies.

Hey, you know,

I got to thinking,
you know,

I ain't got no right to tell
you how to run your life.

You know, I mean, you're
pretty much growed up.

Well, I've been telling
you that all the time.

Well, uh... you know what
I think we oughta do,

I think we oughta amble
over to the silver slipper

tonight, play us
some poker.

You mean it?
You and me?

You and me.


- Poker.
- Poker!

Yahoo! Ha! You...

I don't know how
to play poker.


Oh, well... well, there
ain't nothing to it.

See, one pair
beats nothing.

Two pair beats
one pair.

Wait, wait,
hold on a second.

Let me write this down.

All right.
One pair beats nothing?

One pair, nothing.
2 pair.

All right. 3?

3 of a kind,
that beats 2 pair.

Then there's
the straight.


And then...

There's the flush.
I win again.

There you go.

Thank you,
miss Mimi.

You sure do have
a knack for cards.

Oh, well, I reckon it's
just beginner's luck.

Modest, too.

I didn't think
to find modesty

in somebody
so handsome.

Dandy: I reckon it
ain't true about them

that's lucky at cards
is unlucky in love.

Are we talking
or playing?

I'll stay
with what I got.

Somewhere in that deck's
the one little card I need.

Dandy: That means
I got a hand. 2!

- Not me.
- I'm out.

50 cents.

I'll call.

Dandy: I see it.

3 Jacks.
Can you b*at that?



I reckon I can. Full
house beats 3 Jacks.


Mr. Edwards: The great horned
toad, he's done it again.

Johnny: Well, I guess
it's just beginner's luck.

Of course, you know, I feel kinda bad
about winning every hand like this.

Well, that's poker.

Oh, I know, but... Well,
it just wouldn't be right

for me to keep on

not as lucky
as I've been.

I'll tell you, Mr. Edwards,
I'm beholden to you

for teaching me, but I better turn in now.
Good night, gentlemen.

Mr. Edwards: No, no, no.

He ain't leaving
with our money.

No, no, no. Of course, he ain't.
I'll talk to him.

Well, night,
miss Mimi.

I'll see you again,
won't I?

Yeah, I might be passing
through again someday.

I hope so.

Mr. Edwards:
Uh, Johnny...

I want to have a
little talk with you.

You're making the biggest
mistake of your young life!

You can't walk out
in the middle

of your first
winning streak.

See, you'll bust
your luck forever.

I'm just too lucky,
Mr. Edwards.

I mean, I feel
really bad about taking

all your friends'
money like that.

Oh, don't worry
none about that.

I don't even
hardly know 'em.

Don't even like 'em.

You can't leave, see? It
wouldn't be etiquette-like.

Etiquette? Gee, I'm sorry, Mr.

I didn't know it wasn't
etiquette to just...


On second thought, you best
skedaddle on outta here,

and I'll meet you
back at the stable.

Heh heh!

Say, did you see that?

He just, uh...
Well, he just, uh...

He left.

- We noticed.
- With our money.


With our money.

Oh, yeah. Heh!
Well, uh...

Things didn't work out the way
we had them figured, did they?

The way you figured,
it worked out perfect.

Oh, you don't think I planned
it this way, do you?

We do.

Oh, well,

let me tell you,
I'm downright hurt.

I mean, when old friends
don't trust a fella,

well, I'm
down right hurt.

Edwards, you have
just begun to hurt.

What? Hold on there!

v*olence is not
the answer.

I think a discussion
is in order.

Put me down!

Don't tear my clothing!

Well, first thing in the
morning, we're heading home.

No, sir. Not me.

I'm going to Minneapolis
and Chicago

and probably
New York and...

On $7.00 winnings?


Boy, my pa'd be proud
of me if he knew.

Do you know, that is more
money that I could earned

in 6 months back home.

You know, boy, I got
a shocker for you.

You know
that poker game?


Well, that game
weren't honest.

Well, you was let to win.
See, that was my doings.

See, I wanted you to have
something to remember

before you lost
your dollar and a half.

Now, you know
that ain't true.

Well, it's gospel.

See, you cut and run
with their money.

That's how I got
this black eye.

You're just saying
that because...

Because you want me
to go home.

Well, I don't want
to go home, Mr. Edwards,

not until... I've seen
a fair piece of this world.

Well, I seen
a fair piece of it.

Let me tell you something,
one chunk of it

looks pretty much
like another chunk.

Well, it might look
different to me.

I mean, the least I could do
is go out and find out.

Well, will you do me
a favor, boy?

Will you just
think about it?

I, uh, I already have.

Good night, sir.

Soon night, boy.

Oh, well.

Oh, hello.
I was wondering...

Open in an hour.

Mimi: Johnny Johnson.


H-hi, miss Mimi.

It sure is nice
to see you.

Sure is nice
to see you.

I didn't, uh, I didn't
expect to be seeing you

out here so early in
the morning and all.

Why, Johnny,
I was born on a farm.

I think the early
morning's the best part

of the day, when the
birds start singing.

- Yeah, birds.
- Do you like birds?

Oh, I sure do.
I like birds.

I like all kinds
of birds.

are my favorites.

Oh, bluebirds are my
favorites, too, miss Mimi.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

If you want to take
a walk with me,

I'll show you one.

A walk?


A walk.

Yeah, sure.


I bet the girls back
home really miss you.

Oh, I don't know.
Laura probably does.

Is she
your steady girl?

Oh, no, no.
She's, uh...

She's only 8.

Oh. There it is!


My bluebird.

The hat.

I could never afford it, but
coming down here and seeing it

sure reminds me of home.

Oh, I'd give anything

in this world
to have that hat.

Open in 5 minutes.

No, no.

I told you,
open in 5 minutes!

Has the stage gone outta
here to Minneapolis?

Any stage gone
outta here to anywhere?

Can't, lessun we're open, which
we ain't for another 5 minutes.

My bluebird bonnet.

You don't know
how much I've wanted it,

or how nice it was
for you to give it to me.

Oh, Johnny,
I'll remember you always.

It's just a hat, but
I'm glad you like it.

Like it? I love it.

Oh, Johnny, I really will
remember you always.

I've gotta go now
and get ready for work.

Mornin', Mr. Edwards!

Wait a minute. I
want to talk to you!

Oh, sure, Mr. Edwards,
just a second.

How much to Minneapolis?


You want a ticket?

No, thanks.

Dadburn it.

Well, you was so all fired antsy.
What made you change your mind?

All I got's $1.75.

You had $7.50.

What did you do with the
rest of your money?

I bought a hat
for miss Mimi.

You mean, you let
that little bit of fluff

hornswoggle you
outta all your money?

Miss Mimi wanted
that hat more than

anything else
in this world.

Poor thing. She's
only a country girl.

Yeah. You're only
a country boy.

You're all but out of money,
so why don't we go on home?

No, sir, not me.

I'm going
to Minneapolis,

just as soon as
I can get me a job

and earn me
some money.

Now I'm going to get
me a job right now.

Oh, hey, um...

How'd it go?

Well, they said
I was too young.

Oh, well, heh!

You know, these kinda
things are bound to happen.

They ain't lookin'
to hire kids.

Yeah, well, that ain't
the only place to look.

Yeah, well, you know, you
had your fun, you know.

Now it's time
to get back home,

to get back to growing
up, you know?

Hey, wait a second.

Isn't that the hat that
I bought for miss Mimi?

That's the one.
She brought it back.

Brought it back?
What for?

To get a refund.

She needed the money
more than the hat.

Did you hear that?

Like I told you,
you been took.

If miss Mimi needed
the money that bad,

something terrible
must have happened.

- I'm gonna go find her.
- And I'll go with you!

I'm having a hard time
selling that hat.

Just a minute.

Miss Mimi,
you all right?

Gosh, I came
as fast as I could.

I saw the hat, and I
told Mr. Edwards

something terrible
must have happened.

Oh, the hat.

The hat.

Oh, I was so sorry
I had to take it back.

It meant so much.

But there's something
that means a lot more...

My ma and my papa pa.

See them...

Just a dadburn minute...

Can't you see
she's upset?

I haven't seen my ma
or my papa pa

since I was your age

and foolish enough
to run away from home.

Oh, Johnny,
they're getting old.

You don't know how much I want
to see them before they...

Pass over.

Well, gosh,
miss Mimi,

why can't you go?

Clear to Maryland?

I haven't got
enough money.

Every time I have
almost enough,

something happens.

Like... like last week,
I got sick.

And there was the doctor to
pay and medicine and... oh!

Please don't cry,
miss Mimi.

Mimi: I'm sorry.

I really am sorry.

One of these days,

I'll have enough.

I'll get your money
for you, Johnny.

Oh, no.

No, you keep it,
miss Mimi.

And try to be brave,
all right?

All right.

That there,
that's a lesson.

Young gal like that,

thinking things are rosier
out in the great big world.

Spending all her time
trying to get back

to where she come from
in the first place.

Now, that there
is a lesson.

It sure is.

Well, let's get on
back home.

Seeing the world
is for a man.

It's for a man,
just like myself,

not for a poor
little country gal.

I gotta help her.

I gotta
get me a job

so I can earn enough
money to send miss Mimi

to see her ma
and her papa pa.

That's what
I'm gonna do.

Sir, I could be doing the
sweeping for you right now.

I'm good at
scrubbing floors,

and I'm a great
window cleaner.

I'm really
handy, too.

I can fix things
and repair

all kinds of things.

Well, you been
at it all day long.

There ain't a man in this town
you ain't asked for a job.

That's more than
anybody else would do.

Come on, why don't you call
it quits, we'll go on home?

No, I can't quit, not when it
means so much to miss Mimi.

No, I'm gonna go to Minneapolis
tomorrow and I'm gonna get me a job.

How you gonna get there?
You ain't got but $1.75.

Well, I'll walk
if I have to.

I can't tell you how long I've
wanted this beautiful hat,

or how
grateful I am.

Now, what are you
trying to pull off

with my innocent
little daughter here?

- Daughter?
- Daughter!

And her, as innocent

and as pure
as a spring flower.

I didn't know!

Well, you do now!

Let me tell you
something, mister.

If I find you
around her again,

they're gonna gather
you with a rake.

Now, get your squatty
little body outta here.

You and me are
gonna have a talk.

All right,
quit your crying.

And don't start
none of that

ma and papa pa
stuff with me.

Save that stuff for runny-nosed
kids and lonely midgets.

You know, I didn't come
in here on a load of hay.

All right. I'll give
Johnny his money back.

Now, I didn't
say that, did I?

Then what do you want?

Well, I could make
trouble for you.

Instead of that, I'm gonna give you
a chance to earn some more money.

- Why?
- That's my worry.

Wanna earn the money
or don't you?

All right. How much?


I got $15.

You can have all
but 6 of it.

I need that
for something else.



Now, you heard me right.

You get your money back,
but on my conditions.

What we oughta say
is "nothin' doin'."

Why's that?

Well, if we learned

it's don't trust
your conditions!

Now, what kind of a way
is that to talk?

I'm gonna trust you,
ain't I?

All right, now,
here's my money.

$6.43, and don't tell me
you didn't keep track.

I make it $6.48,
but we'll settle for this.

Get your glommy paw
off of that.

You ain't heard
my conditions yet.

If it's all the same,
I don't want to.

Now, we're gonna play us
some more poker,

you and me and the boy.


We've been
in that trap.

With my money.

With your money?

My money.

Oh, I don't know as
I'd care to go back.

It's a busy place.

They got buildings
there in Minneapolis

that have got
6 stories in them?

Ha! Looking down
a dizzy hawk.

Yeah, it's a long
walk ahead of you.

You're gonna be worn to a bone
by the time you get there.

Walking don't bother me.

Oh, me, neither, but
I'd just as soon ride.

How do I look?

Fine, I guess.

Well, that's what I like... somebody
who knows his own mind.

Say, um, how much
money you got left?

Oh, $1.75.

Oh, $1.75, huh?

You know, with
a stake like that,

and being as lucky
as you are at poker,

why, you could
probably win enough

to, uh, buy yourself
a ride to Minneapolis.

You think so?

Well, what have
you got to lose?

It's just as easy to
walk with empty pockets.

You did it before, you can do it again.
Heh heh!

How much you win?

Hold it.
I'm counting.

A darn kid.

You know,
he's right.

That'll buy you a ride
to Minneapolis.

No, sir, I'm using this
money to help miss Mimi.

That's what
I done it for.

- She ain't here.
- Feelin' poorly.

Stayed in her
hotel room tonight.

I'll go with you!

Much obliged!

Johnny: Miss Mimi?

Miss Mimi?

Come in.

Miss Mimi, I'm glad
you're still here.

Of course
I'm here, Johnny.

All alone,

just wishing
there was someone

to tell
my troubles to.

Go on.

Miss Mimi,

how much more money
do you...

Do you need to get
to see your folks?

Let me see.

Just $9.00.

Miss Mimi, your
troubles are over.

You're gonna go back and see
your ma and your papa pa,

'cause I have the
rest of the money

you need for your
ticket right here.

Oh, Johnny,
what a surprise.

Oh, my goodness.
You shouldn't have.


I can't accept it.

Can't accept it?
Why not?

You know you want
to see your folks

before they...
Pass over.

I know, Johnny.
I know.

I know my ma and papa pa
miss me something awful.

And I know your pa
misses you the same way.

Well, yeah,
but my pa ain't...

Johnny, I'll go home
if you go home

and keep your papa
company in his old age.

Well, my pa
ain't that old.

Besides, I'm going
to see the world.

Mimi: I'm sorry, Johnny,
I can't accept I,

unless you promise
to go home and not make

the same mistake I did.


All right.

All right, I...

I promise, I'll go home first
thing tomorrow morning.

Oh, Johnny!

Well, your stuff's
all loaded.

Oh, Johnny,

I'll always have a place
in my heart for you.

Whenever I see a bluebird,
I'll think of you.

Gosh, miss Mimi.
Me, too.

Tell your ma and your papa
pa hello for me, all right?

Let's go home.

I made a mistake
running away like that,

but, you know,
I'm not sorry about it.

Why, if it hadn't
been for me,

miss Mimi would have to
live a life of pure misery.

I know you find it hard
to understand

me spending my hard-earned
money on that gal like that,

but it's
a good feeling.

Well, I imagine.


Thank you very much.


Mr. Edwards: Whoa. Whoa.

Well, this is it.

About a 5-minute walk up
that road to your house.

Uh, yeah.

you know, uh,

me running off
like I did...

Well, my pa,

he's, uh, well,
he's liable to...

Be a little grumpy.

Yeah. And I...

You'd like it if I'd go along
and help smooth it over.

I'd sure
appreciate it.

Heh! Well, I'll
give it a try.

Mr. Edwards.

Whoa there.

Howdy, Edwards.
How you been?

Oh, been fine.
How about yourself?

A little cough's all.
Nothing to fret about.

Hi, pa.


Gettin' late.

Don't believe you fixed
that fence yet, have you?

No, sir.

Well, you get
right at it,

probably be finished
before supper.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir,
I'll do it right now.

Don't you worry
about that saw blade.

You can pick it up
next time you go in.

You did just fine. I'm sorry
about your eye, though.

Oh, that's all
in the line of duty.

Couldn't let them highwaymen
get away with your lumber.

That is amazing.

How many did you say
there were?

Oh, there's lots.

Hard to count 'em
in the heat of battle.

Ja. Well,
I tell you what,

you take the day off tomorrow.
You earned it.

Oh, thank you.

Sure glad you got Johnny to
change his mind and come home.

Oh, 'twern't
nothing at all.

How'd you manage it?

Oh, well, uh...
Just told him the facts.

Just laid my cards on the
table, you might say.

- See ya later.
- See ya.

Hey, wait a minute!

What happened to that fancy
r*fle you were gonna get?

What r*fle's that?

Oh, the Winchester 73.

Well, uh...

I got to figurin', that
would be an awful waste of

my hard-earned money.
Ha ha! See ya later.

See ya.

♪ Old Dan Tucker's
a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a fryin' pan ♪
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