11x14 - Deacon Blues

Episode transcripts for the TV show "7th Heaven". Aired: August 26, 1996 – May 13, 2007.*
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Eric Camden is a reverend, husband and the father of numerous children who faces everyday challenges of raising a family during permissive times.
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11x14 - Deacon Blues

Post by bunniefuu »


Lou, how's it going?

I wish I were better.

Lots of empty pews
out there today.

Oh, no more than usual.

Well, that-that's...
that's my point.

Uh, Eric, don't take this
as coming from me.

It's not necessarily
my opinion,

but the-the deacons
are of the belief

that your services
lately have...

Well, frankly, Eric,
they're just not all that happy

with the direction the church
seems to be taking.

And what exactly do the deacons
have problems with?

Well, the buzz
the deacons are hearing

is that your services
have jumped the shark.

Jumped the shark?

Their words, not mine.

They think that the sermons are
sounding a little desperate--

a lot of life and death stuff,
sharing your feelings,

baring your soul.

And, uh, people just can't
take that every week.

And this just came up
all of a sudden?

All these problems
the deacons are having with me

have materialized
in the ten minutes

since the service finished?

No, no, no. They... They've,

They've been discussing this
for some time.

They didn't want to talk to you
about it because you were...

you were going through
what-what you're going through.

But-But that topic just
doesn't seem to appeal

to the... to the younger crowd.

Oh. I didn't realize that was
our target demographic.

Young churchgoers are the
lifeblood of every congregation.

Yeah, I know that.

I thought Lucy appealed
to our younger members.


Lucy's stale, too,
according to the deacons?

Well, the deacons think
we really ought

to be going after
the younger churchgoers.

They-They volunteer
for our charity drives,

they-they work
in our committees,

they donate more than

our older parishioners
on fixed incomes.

Ah, so this is about money.

Eric, I don't think any of this
would-would be an issue

if we weren't running
about $16,000 over budget

for this fiscal year.


That's quite a discrepancy.

Forgive me, Eric.

The deacons want me
to pass on to you

their suggestions on
how to increase the buzz

in the services, get young
people back into the church

and, hopefully, uh, more funds
back into the budget.

And those are?

Their notes.

♪ 7th Heaven ♪

♪ When I see
their happy faces ♪

♪ Smiling back at me ♪

♪ 7th Heaven ♪

♪ I know there's
no greater feeling ♪

♪ Than the love of family ♪

♪ Where can you go ♪

♪ When the world
don't treat you right? ♪

♪ The answer is home ♪

♪ That's the one place
that you'll find ♪

♪ 7th Heaven ♪

♪ Mmm, 7th Heaven ♪

♪ 7th Heaven. ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.

Room in there for me?


(van door slides closed)

(door opens, closes)

You got the paper, right?



Well... that was a close one.

Too close.

(garage door opening)

(garage door closing)

This isn't working.

No, it's not.

There's not a single place
in this whole house

where we can get even
five minutes of privacy.

Well, if you could drive, then
we wouldn't have this problem.

Hey, why can't you drive?

I can drive.

Well, do you have a license?

Well, no.

Well, then you can't drive.

Why don't you have your license?

I've had a few problems

jumping through
the bureaucratic hoops

required for one
to obtain a license.

Wait--why don't
you have a license?

You're old enough.

Well, I didn't take
driver's ed last semester

because I was in Scotland,

and they were already
full this semester

when I tried to sign up.

Well, that, uh, actually
might be for the best.

I mean,
you probably don't remember

what's the right side
of the road to drive on anymore.

- A joke.
- Yeah, I know,

but it wasn't very good.

Well, if you ever want us

to have a few minutes
of privacy,

you need to get a license.

Does this mean we can't
make out until I do?

Of course not.

Hey, what took you so long?

I thought you'd be home
just a few minutes after us.

Yeah, so did I.

Well, we've had lunch.

The boys are upstairs studying.

Can you believe it?

They love homeschooling
so much,

they're actually studying
on a Sunday afternoon.

Yeah, I know. It's great.

What's wrong?

You think my services
are depressing?

The deacons are concerned
that church attendance

is slipping,
and they think that

my depressing services
are the reason.

Oh, Eric... I'm sorry.

Yeah, so am I.

They've decided to implement
a few changes

to increase the profile
of the church.

Oh, Eric,
there are ebbs and flows

in any religious community.

Congregation members

leave one day
and come back twofold tomorrow.

You-You can't take any of this
criticism personally.

Yeah, I know.

I mean, the deacons probably
wouldn't have even said anything

if we weren't
$16,000 over budget.

How much over budget?


We are not one dollar
over budget.

I haven't had a chance
to look over the books,

but, according to Lou, we are.

No! Those are my books.
Those are my numbers.

We are not over budget.

Annie, don't take it personally.

How can I not
take it personally?

I helped with that budget.

I help you stay on that budget.

I know where the money goes.

Any implication
that we're over budget

is a direct shot at me.

- Well...
- Is that...?

Yeah, but...

I'll let you know
when I find the money.

What about this one?

It's too small.

This one?

Too expensive.

Too small and too expensive.

So, it looks like

every available apartment
in town is either

not big enough for the three
of us or costs too much.

Or both.

You know, we wouldn't
have this problem

if we were looking
for just the two of us.

I mean, we could get
a one bedroom or a studio even.

We can still
get a one bedroom.

I told you before,
I have no problem sharing.


Nice try.

Okay. We need more money then.

I work at a nonprofit.

I mean, they can
barely afford to pay me

what they're paying me now.

I can't ask for a raise.

Yeah, I love working with kids,

but I'm not getting rich
being a nanny.

I thought Evelyn said
she would pay you a lot.

I do good by the hour,

but Evelyn can't stand
to be away from the house

for more than two hours
at a time.

She's a great mother.

Yeah. That's great for her,
not so great for us.

I don't have a job,
so I can't ask for a raise.

I-I guess I need to get a job.

Yeah. If you want
to live with us, you do.

Well, right now,

it doesn't look like
any of us are moving anywhere.

You want me to teach you
how to drive?

No. I-I actually know
how to drive.

I'm actually quite good at it.

I just never really had
the parental permission needed

to take the driver's test.

But now, with the emancipation,
I can just go in on my own.

So go on your own.

Well, I've (whistles)
aced the written part

of the driver's exam,
but I have

a tendency
to choke under pressure.

And since it's been a while

since I was
in driver's education

and drove with an authority
figure beside me,

I'm not sure
I'll be able to handle it.

What do you want me to do?

Well, I figured,
you used to be a cop.

You know all the little secrets
and tricks they use

to get guys like me
to fail that test.

There are no secrets or tricks.

- Really?
- You can either drive

or you can't;
it's pretty simple.

Well, I mean, I don't need
super-thorough driving lessons.

I just want you
to give me the quick,

CliffNotes version
of how to pass.

I only want to know
what I need to know.

You need to know it all.

If you want your license,
it means you want to drive.

And, if you want to drive,
you want to drive Ruthie.

And, if you're going
to drive Ruthie,

I'm going to make sure
you're a safe driver.

I care about her
too much to let her

get in a vehicle with somebody

who doesn't know proper
motor vehicle safety

and basic
traffic regulations.

Really? So you'll help me?

Sure. Every day after school,
I will help you become

one of the safest
drivers on the road.

Thank you, Kevin.

Thank me after you finish
the Kinkirk crash course.

Yeah, I will, but just-just
don't say "crash" again.


Oh, I'm... I'm sorry
to just burst in like this.

I need Lucy.

She's upstairs
giving Savannah a bath.

I can get her if you need her.

Yeah, I do.

It-It's kind of important.

It's about work.

Okay, I'll be right back.

Where's Ruthie?

Uh, what do you mean?

Well, the two of you are
usually joined at the hip.


No, we're not.

I have no intention to be
joined at the hip with Ruthie

at anytime in the near future.

(chuckles): I-I don't even
think about her hips, I swear.

No, I didn't mean...

I-I should go.

Oh... hmm.

(door opens, closes)

There aren't any jobs

available at the movie theater,
are there?

Well, I mean, Tony is always

looking for
qualified candidates.

Why? You're interested
in gainful employment?

I guess;
the real world is expensive.

Tell me about it.

I mean, why do you think

I ended up squatting
at the church

when I needed a place to stay?

I guess if I'm going to move in

with Margaret and Jane,
I kind of need to,

uh, you know, have an income.

You're not going to

get rich working at
the movie theater,

but probably be able

to put a little change
in your pocket.

I don't need to get rich, I just
need to have enough to pay

for a third of the apartment.

Put in a good word for you.

Thanks. I owe you one.

I'll remember that.


So Lou doesn't think
I'm young and hip?

The deacons think that
there are changes we can make

to the standard service that
will bring in more of a crowd.

More of a hip and younger crowd?

Well, I'm young, and I'm hip.

And-And I've got my teen group.

And they're young, and
they're hip, and they love me.

I'm-I'm sure they do,
but right now,

the deacons aren't happy

with the, uh, direction
the church is headed.

And, uh, unless we can
convince them otherwise,

we got some work to do.



So what are you
going to work on next?

You got spelling,
geography and reading.

What are you doing?

What do you mean?

That. You've been
working on it for days.

Oh, well, this is
for the church.

I'm trying to figure out

why we don't have as much money
as we should have.

What subject is that?

It's called accounting.

It's... math with money.

I'm good at math.

I'm better at math than he is.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

Hey, you're both good at math.

And you're both
a whole lot better at it

than I was at your age.

Do you want us to do
your homework for you?

Yeah, we can help,

since we're better at it
than you are.

Thank you,
but I think this is something

that I should work on by myself.


If you need any help,
you know where to find us.

(calculator clacking, whirring)

Well, it's, uh,
really pretty easy.

I mean, people give you money,
and you give them a ticket.

I can handle that.


I will be back.

Wait, wait. You're leaving?

Remember you said you'd
owe me one if I got you a job?


This is that one.

Kevin's going to give me
another lesson.

he'll let me drive today.

Well, I-I thought you were
supposed to train me.

I just did.

Tickets are here,
money goes here.


W-When do the people
start to come?


Hey, don't worry.

You'll be fine.

Oh. There are two of
my favorite girls.

I told Kevin
I'd watch Savannah

in exchange for his
helping T Bone get his license.

That's so nice of Kevin
to help T Bone.

Yeah... nice.

You don't seem
very appreciative.

Well, when I believe Kevin
is actually helping T Bone

rather than instilling
more fear in him

to stay away from me,
then I'll appreciate it.

Well, if that's what
Kevin's really doing,

then I appreciate it.

So are you telling me
that you don't trust me

to be alone in a car
with T Bone?

I trust you, and I trust T Bone,
but I trust the two of you

a whole lot more when you're
in the general vicinity

where your father
and Lucy and Kevin and I

can keep an eye on you.

So that would be a no.

Well, if my not trusting you
would make you happy,

then you can believe
whatever you want to believe.

That's what I thought.



You are about to make
a left turn.

You must signal continuously
during the last

how many feet before the turn?

- Uh...
- (air horn blares)


Is that really necessary?

There are many surprises
on the road.

You have to be ready
for anything.

I told you, I already passed
the written part of the exam.

I mean, I know all this stuff.

You said you choke
under pressure,

so I am putting you
in a high-pressure environment

while I make sure you're ready
to get behind the wheel.

Again, you are about
to make a left turn.

You must signal...?

A hundred feet.


You are at a green light,

but traffic is blocking
the intersection.

You should...?

(air horn blares)

Stay out of the intersection
until traffic clears.


You are driving on a freeway

where the posted speed
is 65 miles per hour,

while most other vehicles

are traveling 70 miles per hour
or faster.

You may legally drive
how fast?

(air horn blares)


Correct again.

The term "gross combination
weight" refers to what?

Now, I've never...

(air horn blares)


I've never even
heard that before.

It's on the test
for commercial drivers.

And why would I ever
need to know that?

You can never know too much.

Am I ever going to drive?

(air horn blares)


It's good.

It's really good.

Well, it felt good,
but it's always nice

to have another pair of eyes
take a look at it.

Yeah, it reminds me of a sermon

you used to give
when I was younger.

Oh, you mean when I was good?

That's not what I meant.

You captured something
in here that reminds me of

hearing your words
for the first time.

I mean, it's-it's comforting
and-and powerful

all at the same time.

Well, thank you.

I just, I can't
believe you have to

get Lou's approval
before you give this.

It's not really an approval.

I-I don't look at it that way.

They-They just want to be
involved--the deacons and Lou.

They want to feel like
it's their church, too.

So I'm looking at it
as a challenge.

It's always good
to have a challenge.

Speak of the devil.

I'm not your enemy here, Eric.

I know that; you're just acting
on my enemy's behalf.

Well, whether you want
to admit it or not,

we are both on the same team.

Well, here you go;
knock yourself out.

I hope it meets
with your approval.

Well, I do, too.

Oh, and if there's anything

that we can do
to make the services

more entertaining,
please just let us know.

Now that you mention it,
it might be nice

to put some more music
back into the service.

Well, hey, we can do that.

Oh, right,
you mean young and hip music.

Got it.

I'm not, uh, late, am I?

Oh, not at all.

Please, come in, come in.

Uh, Lucy, Eric,
do you all know Bob Meyers?

Meyers Automotive.

New and used car
sales and service.

Yeah, I've seen your ads
on the sides of buses.

Yep, those are the ones.

What can I do for you, Bob?

Well, it's, uh, more
what I can do for you.

One of the ways the deacons
were thinking

of spreading our message
in the community

was having Bob talk up
our church in his dealership.

No-- uh, we have never


It's not advertising.

It's outreach.

We're getting ready for our
big President's Day Bonanza.

That means a lot of
people are going to be

coming into my shop,
looking to get behind the wheel

of a new or used automobile.

And there could be a lot of
potential new parishioners.

And what does Bob get in return?

Half a page
in the church bulletin.

And, uh, just a brief mention
during the service itself.

Geez, I-I don't know, Bob.

It could be kind of hard
to tie car sales in

with the Sermon on the Mount.

Well, if, uh, what I heard
about you is true,

you're just the guy for the job.

So, what's the verdict, Lou?

Have the deacons cleared me
to do the same service

I've been doing
for over 20 years?

Well, the deacons think
your sermon is-is wonderful.


There's just a few changes.

Nothing-Nothing major--

just-just a few tweaks
here and there.

You should be able to whip this
into shape for next Sunday.

Next Sunday?

- Lou?
- Eric.

What do the deacons want now?

Because they...

Because you've implemented
these desired changes,

they've decided
to kick this Sunday off

with a whole new program.


And they think
that a fresh new voice

would be a welcome change
once in a while.


And they think if someone with
a unique perspective

and a new point of view
were to give the sermon,

it might breathe new life
into the service.

I am sure you will agree
with their choice.

I don't agree with their
decision to make a choice,

so why would I agree
with their choice?


Welcome to Flicks.
How can I help you?

(girls laughing)

Nice outfit.

Very funny.

Yeah, we heard
you were down here.

We had to come and take
a look ourselves.

Hey, I'm just trying to make

some money
so we can get our place.

You shouldn't be mocking me,
you should be supporting me.

- Can't we do both?
- Listen, if you're not going to

see the movie, you're going
to have to step out of line.

I'm kind of in
over my head here.

T Bone left me alone again.

Actually, we came down here
for a reason.

We found a place.

One bedroom, one bath
in a safe part of town.

One bedroom?

Sure, why not?

I mean,
we're all friends, right?

How much?

If your job pans out,
it's in your range.

The high end of your range.


After rent, utilities and food,

you're not going to be left
with any spending money.

That's fine.
I don't want to crash

at the Camdens' house forever.

I can cut back on my spending.

Wait, I'm.... I 'm not going
to have any spending money left?

We can't.

Not with the jobs we have now.

This was your idea.

Now you're bailing out?

We're not bailing out.

We just decided that
the Camdens' garage apartment

better fits our financial needs
at the moment.

You can't freeload
off the Camdens forever.

You're adults; act like it.

And now you're
holding up the line.

Geez, that was harsh.

Really harsh.


(tires screech)

If that's your idea of help,
I don't want it anymore.

I'm sorry.

I don't think you are.

I really am.

I didn't mean anything by it.

You didn't mean anything by it?!

You kept blowing that
stupid horn in my ear

the whole time I was driving.

It's called pressure.

No, that's not pressure.

That's creating an unsafe
driving environment.

I thought you wanted help
passing your test.

No, I do,
but this isn't helping,

this is hazing.

All right, so maybe I went
about this the wrong way.

I know why you're doing this.

I know you don't want me
to get my license

because you don't want me and
Ruthie to be out alone together.

That's not it at all.

I don't think.

Well, I understood
your subtle threat

about what you would do to me
if I did anything with Ruthie.

Lucy told me
to apologize about that.

Well, you don't have to.

Ruthie and I--
we're two mature people.

We can decide what we do
or what we don't do on our own.

And your threats,
while quite effective,

had no bearing on our decision
to take it slowly.

- Really?
- Really.

We're taking it slowly.

No, I meant "really,
my threats weren't effective"?

Well, you painted
quite a picture,

I'll give you that--
but we're teenagers.

We're used to going against
the wishes of elders.

Oh, and another thing--
this is none of your business,

as much as you seem
to think it is.

Reverend and Mrs. Camden--sure.

But you?

Definitely not.

If you're thinking of driving
off and leaving me here alone,

I'll say I was kidding.

Come on, let's go
take your test.


You're not going to k*ll me?

No. You just faced
a high-pressure situation

and passed with flying colors.

You're ready.

But I'm serious--
you hurt her, I'll hurt you,

even if it is
none of my business.


(engine starts)

(air horn blares)

Last time, I promise.

Mom's still doing her homework.

I think we should go help her.

She doesn't want our help.

What are you guys looking at?



Will you keep
Mom busy for a while?


Whoa, look at you.

Yesterday, Savannah.
Today, Aaron.

You're become a real
babysitter, aren't you?

Yeah, whatever.

Sandy dropped him off on her way
to the church.

What is she doing
down at the church?

I don't know.

Would you mind watching
him for a little while?

I've got some homework.

Oh, sure.

Savannah's asleep upstairs;

I'm used to watching multiple
children at one time.

Thanks, Mom.

Mission accomplished.

Eh, I think this can wait, huh?

This isn't like
any math I've ever seen.

Good thing there's two of us.

I confirmed the band
for next week and...

Oh, hi, Sandy.

What are you doing here?

Lucy, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know.

- Didn't know what?
- I didn't know

about all the stuff
going on at the church

and what they're doing
to you and your dad.

If I had known anything about
it, I wouldn't have said yes.

I should have figured
something was wrong

when I got the call from Lou
and not from you,

but I was just so excited
to get the call

that I didn't really
think about it.

Uh, I'm-I'm sorry.

Said yes to what?

Uh, Sandy's going to be giving
the sermon this Sunday.

Well, that's-that's...!

It's terrible.

And I'm not going to do it.

No, no, I told you,

you're not
going to turn this down.

And even if you think
the deacons

are treating us unfairly,

this is such a great
opportunity for you,

you have to do it.


You know, I remember
the first time

I spoke in front of everyone
at the church.

You know, like you,
I knew that

this is what I wanted to do.

But being in that pulpit

and realizing that my words
were being heard by everyone,

and that some people
might even be listening

to what I have to say,

and a few people
might even learn something

or understand something
or feel something

that they didn't feel
15 minutes before...

it's an amazing feeling.

And don't take that feeling
away from yourself.

This is your Sunday.

We'll have others.

Are you sure?

If I have your blessing,
then I'll do it.

You have our blessing.


Thank you, both of you.

Wow, I have a lot
of work ahead of me.

Well, you better write fast,
so the deacons

can approve your sermon.

Oh, they said I could talk
about anything I wanted.



That's nice.

(talking quietly)

Always a pleasure to see you.

Thank you for being here.

Annie, I can't imagine

I'm the most popular
person in your home today.

No, you're not.

Can you explain this?

Well, we're over budget,

we need to do
something about it,

and the figures don't lie.

Yes, but I have been
over these and over these.

I just can't find
the money anywhere.

It doesn't make sense.

There's nothing to find, Annie.

I've looked at it myself.

Everything seems right to me.

We know where the money is.

Yeah, we helped you
with your homework.

We know where it is.


It was in
the back of the book,

stuck between some blank pages.

Oh, my gosh, it's checks
made out to the church.

A thousand...

another for 500... another...


We counted it ourselves.

Here's the money
that wasn't missing.

Well, it, uh...

it appears that the deacons
made a bit of an oversight.

Yes, it does.

I'm so sorry, Annie.

It's okay.

I'm just glad the church
is still in good shape.

Yeah, me, too.

Thank you, boys, thank you.

You have no idea how much
you just helped.

You're welcome, Mom.
It was easy.

We're working on
times tables now.

Those are harder
than accounting.

Do you know if Ruthie
and T Bone have shown up yet?

Uh, no, but they'll be here.
I trust them.

Easy for you to say.

Come on.

Actually, I mean,
Kevin's hazing helped me--

as misguided as it was.

I'm happy you got your license
and everything,

but if we don't get to
church before it starts,

I don't know when my parents

will let you borrow
the car again.

I know.

I'm just kind of
savoring this freedom.

I mean, I can go wherever
I want, whenever I want.

And no one, not my mother,
not your parents

and not the Glenoak
Transit System

can tell me I can't.

I am free to be free.

So, I guess we could leave...

or we could... you know.

Yeah, I know.

Look, just because you got
this newfound freedom

doesn't mean we have
to make out all the time.

You can still be
free to be free,

but I can be free to not make
out with you if I don't want.



We should get going.

Yeah, we should.

(engine starts)

(engine stops)

And I can be free to make out
with you if I want.

Freedom is a wonderful thing.

(windshield wiper thuds)

Are you kidding me?

I thought you can't get
a ticket on a Sunday!

It's a loading zone.

Well, this freedom thing sure is
getting off to a poor start.

My father and I hope
you are all enjoying

the new feel of today's service.

And continuing with that theme,

we are fortunate to have
Sandy Jameson

giving today's sermon.

Most of you all know Sandy,
because our church sponsors her

while she's continuing
her studies.

So, Sandy.

(clears throat)

I want to thank Lou Dalton
and the deacons

for inviting me to speak.

I want to talk about
the challenges young people face

in the world today,

the challenges young parents
face raising their children

in the world today,

the challenges young Christians
face in the world today.

I want to talk about
all of those things.

But I'm not going to.

I'm not going to talk
about those things

because I don't have
all the answers.

And, really,
I guess no one does.

But when I have questions,
I turn to someone

who knows more than I do to help
guide me towards the answers.

It's always important to listen
to people who you truly respect.

And right now, I want to listen
to someone that I truly respect.

I want to hear
what he has to say.

I don't want to hear what
someone who hasn't accomplished

as much as he has
allows him to say.

Reverend Camden.

The pulpit is yours.

Like it always should be.

You didn't have to do this.

Yes, I did.

It was the right thing to do.


(both mouthing)

Sandy... I've never asked you
to say anything on my behalf,

but, uh... thank you
for your kind words.

I remember when I first came
to this church.

I was... young and idealistic,

and I had the whole world
in my sights.

And back then, the only things
I cared about were taking care

of my family and trying to help
the people in this congregation.

And as time went on,

those things began...
just... to not quite be enough,

'cause I also had to take care
of people in need

who weren't part of my family,

and I had to do my best to help
people in this community

who were outside
of this congregation.

And I thought
that was working pretty well.

But now, it seems that there are
some people here who care

more about figures
and attendance and statistics

than about
doing the right thing.

It shouldn't just be about
how much money we have

and how many people
are sitting in the pews.

It should be about how much good
we do in our communities,

our neighborhoods, our homes.

Some people seem
to have forgotten

about what's important.

I hope I haven't.

I hope I never do.

I have loved every Sunday
that I've stood before you.

I hope you've loved them, too,

because no matter
what some people

try to tell me to do,

I'm not going to change
the way I've always done things.

Sometimes you have
to make a stand.

This is my stand.

I've always done my best
for this community.

I don't think it's time for me
to start doing my second best

just because it looks good
on the bottom line.

I think my community
deserves better.

You--I think
you deserve better.

I think we all deserve better.

Oh, uh, sorry.

Uh... one more thing.

(papers rustling)

Yes, yes.

Yeah, today's service is brought
to you by Meyers Automotive.

With both new and used cars,

Meyers Automotive has a friendly
and courteous staff

ready to help you
with all your car-buying needs.

So get down to Meyers Automotive

for their big
President's Day Bonanza.

Thank you.


Uh, I don't want
to hear it, Lou. (chuckles)

Nope, I said what I said,
and I meant it.

If the deacons don't like it,
they can have my resignation.

Life is too short.

See, I know that now.

I'm not going to live
the rest of my life

the way they want me to live it.

I'm going to live
the rest of my life

the way I want to live it.

So, go ahead, tell me
how disappointed

the deacons are with me.

(patting back)


Eric, thank you.

You just said everything
I've wanted to say for months.

Really? The--You mean,
the deacons aren't mad at me?

(loudly): Who cares
what the deacons think?

I resigned my position
at the church last week.

I couldn't say anything--

about my resignation,
about their ideas,

about what they were
asking you to do-- nothing.

I'm so sorry.

You don't have to apologize.

Oh, yes, I do.

'Cause I knew what they were
asking you to do was wrong,

and I didn't stand up to them.

For that, I am sorry.

Well, for that...
you-you're forgiven.

But... you're still going
to be around.

I mean, even if you're not
head of the deacons,

you'll still be
at church, right?


I'm retiring from the bank.

I'm going to do something

I've wanted to do
for a long time.

I'm moving back to the Midwest.

I'm going to help them
open a nonprofit bank

specializing in micro-loans for
farmers and small businesses.

I've already put the house
up for sale,

found a rental on a few acres.


Well, we're heading out
next week.

Not a lot of money
in nonprofits,

from what I've heard.

You're right about that.

But there's more.

There's a whole lot more.


I wish I could say that today's
sermon inspired me to do this.

It didn't?

No, Eric...

you've been inspiring me
for over 20 years.

Well, if you need anything,
you know the number.


Same goes for you.


God bless you, Eric Camden.

You, too, Lou.


He looks happy.

He is.

So am I.

That was very impressive
out there today.

Oh, what can I say?

I was moved.

So what do we do now,
Reverend Camden?

Let's go home.

Didn't you give her my name?

Of course I tried
to drop your name

to get me out of the ticket.


Does it look like it helped?

I guess I've been
out of the game too long.

I don't think
he was ever in the game.

So, think your parents will

ever let me
borrow the car again?

And now you're going to have
to fight for shifts

at the theater with Mac

if you want
to buy your own car.

Yeah, I think
I trained him too well.

There you go.


Missed you guys
at church today.

Oh, we were packing.



We're moving out.

Yeah, we found a place.

With Mac.

So you're moving, too?

Afraid so.


So y-your uniforms...?

We're back at the Shack.

Yeah, sometimes you have to

take a job that you don't like

to be able to do
what you need to do.

You know what I mean?

I do. Very much.

What about your other jobs,
the ones you loved so much?

Well, I'll be working
at the Dairy Shack

but volunteering
at the environmental office

whenever I have free time.

And when I find out
my new schedule,

I'll just babysit for Evelyn
whenever I'm free.

- Sounds great.
- We just wanted

to thank you
for your hospitality.

We're on our way to go pick up
the keys to our new place.

Well, please stay for lunch.

- Really?
- Absolutely.

You know
you're always welcome here.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

So we think that you should
give the sermon next Sunday.

Oh, no, I don't want
to step on your dad's toes.

You wouldn't be,
because we're asking you to.

We want to hear
what you have to say.

Then I'll do it.

Of course, you'd have to run
everything you want to say

by my dad, but...

Just kidding!

(both laugh)

(baby cooing)

(Lucy gasps)

- Do you want some chips?
- What?

(Sandy laughs)

Well, is this how you always
pictured it would be?

Actually, yes.

There you go.

Pass that to your brother.

Can you hand me another?


I'll have something to drink.

Pour me one, too.


As long as I'm here with you,
everything else looks fantastic.

Do you want
an oatmeal raisin cookie?


I love you.
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