06x14 - The Night Before the Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show "This Is Us". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"This Is Us" follows a disparate group of people born on the same day and so much more than anyone would expect.
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06x14 - The Night Before the Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on This Is Us...

OFFICIANT: You may now kiss the bride.

BETH: "I would never

leave you lost."
In female handwriting.

This a love letter?

Look, a bra.

BETH: And it's right next to
some kind of floral wrap thingy.

Who do you think
he slept with last night?

MADISON: It could be the
wedding singer. Philip's friend.

- She was at the rehearsal last night.
- Mm-hmm.

And they were talking.


Did you see that look
Sophie just gave him?

- They have crazy history together.
- Mm-hmm.

MADISON: But wait. She's married.

- Oh, yeah. That's not her MO.
- Mm. No.

- BETH: Then there's Cassidy, his plus-one.
- MADISON: Right.

Just as a friend, though.

RANDALL: So, for real, bro,

what happened with you last night?

Oh, man, it's a long story.

Is it a good story?


- ARIELLE: ♪ Wise men say...

What time it is.
You guys have the time?

Uh, we're about to have
our rehearsal dinner.

- Do you have somewhere else to be? I don't...
- KEVIN: No.

No, that's not what I was...
talking about at all.

KATE: Mm-hmm.

She's really something, huh?

- ♪ Falling in love...

Pearson kryptonite.
Hot singers onstage

singing rock classics.

- It's how Dad fell for Mom.
- Yeah.

Oh, uh, "Moonshadow," right?

- Wow.
- KATE: Mm-hmm.

I had to brush up on my Pearson trivia

before, you know, marrying one.

- KATE: Mm.
- Aw.

- KATE: Let's go say hi to somebody else.

- All right, have fun.
- KATE: Okay.

So, take my hand...

- Looking good, Pearson.
- Oh, thank you very, very much.

You're not looking so bad yourself.

I'm wearing makeup.
I can't wait to wash my face.

But also, yeah, I know.

- You know. (LAUGHS)
- I do.

But I...

- Manny say "sl*t." (LAUGHS)
- Well, hey.

Haven't heard that one before. Hi.

- Oliver. Philip's cousin.
- Kevin.

Oh. So, I, uh, hear you and I

are the only eligible blokes
at this shindig.

Any thoughts
on who you want to go for?

I-I don't want to step on any toes

or cross any swords.

U-Unless you're into that.

No. I... You know, I was...
I was actually just here

to celebrate
with Kate and Philip, so...



Okay. Easy. Easy.

Yeah, you got it. Pace yourself.

- Oliver. Yeah.


Come on, man.

We both know you've been staring

at that door, willing Sophie
to walk through it all day.

No, I don't even know
what you're talking about.

- I have not been doing any of those things.
- RANDALL: Mm-hmm.

How many times have you seen her
in the last few years?

Just twice. You know, I saw her
once at her mother's funeral,

and then I saw her again at Kate
and Philip's engagement party.

She's a married woman, Kev.

Don't cause any drama
at our sister's wedding.

Look, Sophie and I are cool.
All right, man?


Nothing to worry about.


Can't help

Falling in love

With you.

Sophie, it's so good to see you.

You must be so tired.

Oh, my gosh, I must look it.
I just had

- a really, really long plane ride.
- How's college?

How are you and Kevin

handling the long distance?

Oh. Um... It's,

- uh...
- REBECCA: Yeah, I-I know it's rough,

but hang in there.


Well, it's-it's really wonderful
to see you again.

REBECCA: Mm. It's good to see you,

- too.
- SOPHIE: Yeah.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I'm just so sorry about all this,

um, but I'm Arielle,

and I'm gonna give you
a big hug right now.

- Oh. Yeah, okay.
- Okay.

Can you see the man behind me?

Oh, yeah. That's, uh, that's Oliver.

- Is he still there?
- He is still there.

- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah.

I-I've just been meaning to tell you,

I am your biggest fan!

I mean, that season finale?

I mean, I didn't know

- a sitcom could be so heartwarming!
- KEVIN: Well,

- thank you very, very much. Um...
- (CHUCKLES) Yeah.

Hugh Grant's opposite
has-has left. I think

- the coast is clear.
- (SIGHS) Thank you.

Yeah, no problem. Anything for a fan.


Actually, I've never seen your show.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- (CHUCKLES) I'm just more of a podcast person.

No, honestly, I couldn't be
less offended, really.

That's, uh... It's... You know,

I'm-I'm gonna go talk
to an old friend real quick.

- Of course. Mm-hmm.
- Okay? It was good talking to you.

- (CHUCKLES): You, too. Okay.
- Okay, I'll see you. All right.

- Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!
- Ah! Hey! Ah, there you are. (BABBLES)

- What do we got? What do we got?
- Can we go make s'mores

- at the bonfire?
- Can we? Can we, please?

Uh, this is a lot of sugar.
What'd your mom say?

She said it's fine as long as
you get the stuff to make them.

- As long as I get the stuff to make them.
- If it's not too much trouble.

No. No, I don't think it's
too much trouble. S'mores it is.

- All right? Yeah?

You get s'mores.

Oh, we better get a jacket.

- KEVIN: Yeah.
- MADISON: It's gonna be cold.

Are you sure this isn't yours?

No, this-this is not my luggage.

Trust me, if this was my bag,
I would know.

Well, if I were you, I might
just pretend it's mine to see

what the heck is inside this thing.

- So, are you sure?
- Yes. Ma'am?

(CHUCKLES): Are you sure
that's not your bag?


Uh, so, what-what happened?
The airport lose

- your luggage?
- Yep.

Now I'm totally screwed 'cause,

you know, I just have

this emergency pair of underwear
'cause you never want

- to get stuck in an ER with dirty drawers.
- Stuck at the ER.

- That's your mom's number one...
- That's my mom's only... Yeah.

...rule. Yeah.

- Uh, okay, so, what do we do? How do I fix this?

- How do we get you clothes?
- Most of the stores in town

close in half an hour.

Things shut down early here.

- You and Grant rent a car?
- Oh, no.

No, he, uh, he actually
got stuck in New York.

It's a long, boring story.

- Just had to work.
- Um, I could drive you.

- Oh, you don't have to.
- It's okay.

I got to run into town
and grab some stuff anyway.

I'll-I'll drive you.

- Really? Are you sure?
- Yeah.

Yeah. It's not a problem.

- Okay.
- Okay. Can you pull the car around?

- Of course, right away.
- Yeah? All right, come on.


I rented it for Kate and Philip.

So, it's either this

- or a golf cart.


Shall we?



Just, uh... This is a lot,

- right?
- Yeah, that's probably a good call.

- Yeah. Here you go.

Okay. All right.

(EXHALES) Sorry, Soph.

Looks like this was our last option.


I think I have an idea.

- Hi there.
- Hi.

- SOPHIE: Hey.
- Just about to close.

I'm sorry, you don't happen to have

a rack of unclaimed clothes, do you?

- Look, I-I'm in town for a wedding,

and the airport lost my luggage.

I just... I'm really in a bind here.


Watch your head.

On the other side with a red tag.

Okay. Great. Thank you.

- Uh, we'll be fast, I promise.
- Thank you.

This is a little trick
my mom taught me

after the divorce.

Money was tight,
so we used to go thrifting.

You never told me that.

Um... Yeah, well,
it's not exactly something

- that you go around bragging about, you know.
- KEVIN: Mm.

Come on, start looking.

Oh. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

Um, how are...
how are your kids doing?

Oh, uh, they're incredible.

They're incredible.
And I know that's something

that all parents say, you know,
that their kids are special.

My kids are special.

They really are, though.
They... They're special.

And they're so different.
They're so different.

Franny is this, um,
really precocious little girl.

She's always asking questions.
She's very curious.

And Nicky is this, uh... a wild child

who dives into things headfirst

without even thinking.
Sometimes literally.

- Hmm. Sounds familiar.
- Yes.

Karma. It's a five-year-old
running with scissors.



Oh, this might work.

Oh, yeah.

And I think that we passed
a dressing room

- right there. Yeah.
- Oh, great.

Um, can you, uh, hold this up
'cause it's...?

Oh, yeah, sure.

- No problem.
- SOPHIE: Thank you.

You got it.

SOPHIE (CHUCKLES): Oh, hey, I, uh...

I recently saw a picture of you
in some magazine

looking like one
of the Village People.

Oh, yeah, that, um... (CHUCKLES)

That was the GQ profile.

I was trying to get press
for the nonprofit,

and they insisted
that I wear a hard hat,

so that's, uh, what that was.

SOPHIE: Oh. Well, it made me smile.

At least it was for a good cause.

Okay, you can let down the curtain.

- KEVIN: Yeah?
- SOPHIE: Mm-hmm.

- All right.


Yeah, this'll do.


I-I think you'll get by just fine.

So, yeah, at first we weren't sure

there'd be any interest,
but there's actually a...

There's a big demand for it.

These vets, they want...
they want connection, you know?

They want community.

Actually, this guy Hank,

at a foundation pour last week,

he tells me that working outside
with vets just like him

gave him these little... get this...

pockets of peace.

- Oh.
- Yeah. Peace that he said

he didn't think
he'd ever be able to find.

- Aw. Pockets of peace.
- Mm-hmm.

- I love that.
- Me, too.

So, how's saving lives
in the big city?

- How's that going?
- Um, you know what?

I'm actually saving lives

outside a little town in Berlin
at the moment.

Is that the-the German Berlin?

Because I know there's, uh,
there's a Paris, Texas.

- Uh, yeah, no. No, it's the German one. (LAUGHS)
- Okay.

I'm-I'm working
as a traveling nurse now.

- I didn't know that was a thing.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Um, after my mom died,

- I found this list that she wrote.
- Uh-huh.

Um, it was all these places
that she wanted to visit.

So I made my own list.

And we went

- to Italy for our honeymoon.
- Mm-hmm.

And then Paris.

- You know, the French one.
- Wait, hold on a second.

Did you say that there's a French one?

- There's a French one.
- Oh.

- (IMITATES expl*si*n)

Yeah. And then my friend told me
about this traveling nurse gig,

- so I just jumped on the opportunity.
- Sounds like fun.

It's got to be tough, though,
all that long distance

with you and Grant, right?
I mean, that can't be...

Oh, yeah, it is, but, um,

you know, I can work
for a chunk and then,

you know, take a stretch off and...

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I will admit, the, uh,
the red-eyes are k*lling me.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. I'm getting old.

- You're getting old? I'm getting old.
- Oh, please.

Kevin Pearson doesn't age.

Kevin Pearson ages.
My beard's coming in gray.

- No, it's not.
- It is, it is. I'm thinking about dyeing it.

- Right here on the corner. Check it out. Look at...
- I don't believe you.

- Get in there. Take a look.
- Let me see. Let me see.

(GASPS) Oh, my God.

- Yeah.
- You have gray hair.

You are not allowed to dye that.

I said I was thinking about dyeing it.

No, I forbid it.

Last year, Nicky fell off
the jungle gym

and cut his chin pretty bad.

It was deep,

and I thought maybe
he was gonna need stitches.

And the first thought
that came to my mind

was that I should call you.

I thought, "Call Sophie
and send her a picture.

She'll tell you what to do."

You could have called.

You know, y-you're probably
exhausted from traveling.

We should probably get back, right?

No, I think I just got a second wind.


- (SIGHS) Check out that view.
- Yep.


You seem really happy, Soph. I'm...

I'm glad you found someone.

I am really happy, Kev.

I'm also divorced.




- Hey, are you okay?
- Uh...

I told you she was gonna
be here with her husband.


Yeah, I'm-I'm okay. That's fine.

GRANT: Because, you know, it was like...


(QUIETLY): All right, I'm just
gonna go say hi. No big deal.

Just be super cool.

Totally, yeah.
Oh, thank you very much...

- Oh! Oh, my God.
- Oh, sh**t.

- Okay. No, it's okay.
- That's a lot. Let me... No, no.

- I'll get a napkin. No, no, I'll be right back.
- It's fine. No, I'm fine.

Oh, good, this isn't awkward at all.

Well, at least it was, um, white wine.


All right, here you go.
Get some club soda on that.

- Oh. Thanks.
- It's supposed to take out the... I can help you.

- No, I got it. I'm good.
- Probably shouldn't...

- GRANT: Uh, Grant.
- Hey.

- It's nice to finally meet you.
- Kevin.

Oh, I know. Yeah, I've, uh,

I've actually seen your nipple
on every subway car in Brooklyn.

Yeah, a few in Queens, too.

Yeah, my Des Resistance ad.

It's, uh, I've been
their nipple guy for the last

half decade now.
It's absolutely ridiculous,

but the money goes towards
my twins' college, so...

Wow, twins, that has
got to be a handful.

Can be, can be, but, you know,

they blow my mind every day, so...

- I know the feeling.
- Aw.


I actually liked the guy.

I did, I thought he was
a really solid dude, honestly.

I-I thought he was...

I mean, yeah, he-he was.

- Is. He is.
- Mm.

That's why I was drawn to him
in the first place, but...

(EXHALES): I just wasn't...

We don't have to talk about it.

Oh, no, it's... I'm-I'm fine.

It had been over for a while.

We were just going
through the motions.

You know, but the whole thing,
it just kind of,

you know, it forced me to grow up.

- Yeah.
- It only took me years.

- years? (GROANS)

- Only took me .
- Oh, okay.


You know, the old Kevin
would be bugging me

to explain why
I hadn't told him sooner.

No, come on, I've grown up since then.

Different person now.

- Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Oh, I don't know, I just... (EXHALES)

You know, I needed to make
peace with it myself

- before I could talk about it with anybody else.
- Mm.

Your mom still thinks we're married.

The doctor calls it
a "family disease,"

and, boy, it is.

And we're all on this
emotional roller coaster.

A-And one minute, she knows
where she is and who I am

and in the next minute
she's lost out at sea

in another time entirely
and I'm-I'm someone else to her.


Kevin, I'm so sorry.

That sounds impossible.


So, are you, you know,
dating or... (LAUGHS)

- (CHUCKLES): Am I dating?
- Have you been dating?

Well, uh, you know,
little bit, I guess.

I was in a relationship
last year that I thought

maybe had potential,
but, uh, it fizzled out.

It's sort of my pattern
these days, you know?

All my days, actually.
I-I focus on my kids.

You know? I focus on my kids
and the nonprofit because...


You know, I think I have this
series of failing at-at dating.

I'm... I just, I-I can't
find the right, um...

- my-my... sh...
- I know.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You cold?

Mm. Yeah.


Here you go.

♪ ♪

- Dad, I want mine double-stuffed.

- Me, too.
- Yeah?

Doubled-stuffed it is.

My little sugar fiends,
how did I know?

You're not gonna sleep
tonight, are you?

- Not a wink.
- Get up early...

Don't worry about it, Mom, we're good.

♪ ♪





That's, uh...

Sophie, um...




Mmm, your hair smells the same.

- It's not the same.
- What do you mean?

It's Herbal Essence.
I could pick it out of a lineup.

No, it's not the same shampoo, Kevin.



I should go.

What-What's-what's happening?


I just, I can't, I can't do this.

What... Hold on, I-I...

Why not, because I-I liked
the smell of your shampoo?

No, because you should like
how my hair smells now,

not how it smelled in the past.

- Sophie, come on.
- I'm sorry.

What... I-I'm so confused.

I don't understand what's going on.

You know, Grant and I used
to have this inside joke

that whenever you were on TV,

he would pretend to fast-forward.

You know, and he would make the sound,

like the old TiVo used to make.

Well, some random Tuesday night,
there you were again, on TV,

and, you know, he did the thing
like he always did, and I...

I tried to play along
with it, I-I did, but...

I don't know, I just,
I couldn't do it anymore.

I don't know what it was
about that moment,

but I just realized...

that I'm never gonna be able
to fast-forward through you.

That's the kind of hold
you've had over me, Kevin.

That's how much I have
carried you with me. And I...

And I have carried you
with me, Soph. I have.


It's too much.

Kevin, it's too much.

We have decades of history between us.

Yeah, why is that a bad thing?

Because I c... I can't go backwards.

I don't want to go backwards.

- I can't. I can't... I can't do this.
- I don't...

- I can't, I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm sorry.
- I...


ARIELLE: Hey, he'll have a ginger ale.

Yeah, and just a little ice.

- That's your drink, right?
- Yeah.

- That's my drink.

I like to watch people.

It's one of my favorite things
to do. Especially at hotel bars.


You watch people and you take
notes and then you-you use it

- as blackmail later?
- Uh...

No, I make observations

and write song lyrics about them.

- Mm.
- Or at least, I try to.


what's your best observation
about this evening?

"You shift unsteady in your seat,

"your sight line at the door.

"You sip your drink,
deepen your breath.

"Who are you waiting for?

"No, I would never leave you

"lost on this unchartered ground.

"With just one glance,

"I'd take my chance

and let us both be found."

It's yours.


Yeah, I got that. You...

You are observant.

Oh, gosh, I'm... That...

- Now I made it awkward.
- No, I asked you to read it.

Thank you. That's, uh...

It's ac... It's very
flattering, actually.

Thank you.

I should call it a night.

ARIELLE: Keep it.

You sure?

Good night.


Hey, kid.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Whoa, you look about
shades of hangdog.

- What the hell happened?
- I don't know. You know, it's like,

I spent half the night
talking to Sophie, right,

and then the other half of the night

I-I'm getting hit on
through napkin poetry.

- What?
- Yeah.

It's just, the whole thing,
I-I just, I don't...

(EXHALES): God, I hate weddings.

- You know?
- Yeah.


What are you doing up so late?

I got to get some ice.

Edie and I are gonna
try this thing where...

- No, you don't. No, you do not do that to me.
- What?

- Don't want to know. No one wants to hear that.
- What? Huh?


Yeah, I don't...
Maybe this is a good thing.

You know? I think I... I think
I'm just done with love.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

It's probably for the best.

Love is a tricky game.


It's like that damn
Dipsy Doodle. (CHUCKLES)

- Hmm?
- What is it? What's a Dipsy Doodle?

It's a pinball game I used to play.

Friggin' game sucked me in. Mm.

It was a shifty bastard,
'cause... (EXHALES)

You know, I always kept track
of the balls it let me have...

- Mm-hmm.
- ...but it always changed.

Just when I thought I was
done for, I'd get another shot.


You got to keep your eye
on all the balls.

- (WHISPERS): Stop talking about balls.
- Balls.

- Hey. Um...
- KEVIN: Hey.

Can I talk to you
for a minute in private?

- Sure. Sure.
- Okay.

Uh, I have to get some ice.
Edie and I are gonna...

- Oh, no, no, please.
- That's the end of the story. No one wants to know anything

- about what you're gonna do with that.
- I don't want to hear that.

- She...
- Nobody wants to know.

Just... okay.

- Okay. Sorry.
- That's okay.

- I know it's really late, but, um...
- No, it's all right.

- ...I do really need your help.
- Okay.

I've been trying to get
this dress unzipped

- for, like, a half an hour.
- Ah.

And I think it's stuck on the fabric.

Um, do you think
you could get it for me?


- I can try.
- Okay.

- Ah. Mm-hmm.
- See?

- There we go.
- Oh, there we go. Thank you.

And do you mind if I change
in your bathroom? I just...

don't really want to wear this,
like, a second longer.

- No, I don't mind. Sure.
- All right.

- I'll be right back.
- Yeah.

Thank you.


I really do need to find
someone, though.

I can't keep bothering you every
time I need a dress unzipped.

(SIGHS) But then I'd have
to share the details of my life

with someone else every night,
share a Netflix account.

- Forget it, I'll just bother you.

Cass, you're never a bother.
You know that.

- You know, um...

So, Uncle Nicky was saying
something to me about, um...

Well, he-he said...
he thinks you're my ball.

- Your what?
- It's a stupid old man metaphor thing,

but he... basically,
he was saying that...

maybe you and I should, um...

- We should be...
- Come on, Kev.

I mean, when I met you,
I didn't want to be with you

'cause I was a train wreck
and you were a vapid,

- idiotic mess.
- Thank you.

You know, and we have our act
together now, but...

even still...

...you're not my person and I'm
not yours, and you know that.

(SIGHS) Yeah, I know that.

I do.

But you're pretty much my best friend.

And my boss.

Well, you're pretty much
my best friend, too.

And you know what?
You're my best employee, so...

I feel like you like Hank
better than me.

I mean, I... Maybe I like Hank
a little bit better than you.

- You're definitely in my top two.

- Oh, thank God.

Um, you were kind of away
for a while tonight.

Is everything okay?

I'm all good. I'm good.


- Good night.
- Good night.

(EXHALES) Come on, Kev,
pull it together.



Marriage is what brings us
together today...

Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for gathering today.

We've come together
to celebrate Kate and Philip.

But the older we get, the faster
time just seems to come at us.

That doesn't mean there aren't still

summer vacations to be enjoyed.

There's still love to be shared.

It just all happens much faster.


♪ ♪


Well, my friends,
the time has come

To raise the roof
and have some fun...

- Hey.

So, for real, bro.

What happened with you last night?

Oh, last night... It was a long story.

- Is it a good story?
- Uh...

I don't know yet.


Sophie's no longer married.

She's a single woman.

- Manny say what?
- BETH: I knew it.

I knew it.
This cracks the case wide open.

- I got to go find Madison.

- ♪ All night long
- ♪ All night

- ♪ All night
- ♪ All night

- ♪ All night long
- ♪ All night

Oh, Rebecca.

All night long...

Your song was so beautiful.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Are you okay?




It's Kevin, isn't it?

I love my son, but he is an idiot.

- He is.

I mean, he is years old,
he's supposed to be, but...

The timing is just off right now.

He isn't ready for you.

He will be, but...

...it's gonna take a while.

And I don't know if you can
wait around for that.

I mean, personally,
I don't know if I could.


But when the timing is right...

...he's gonna be so great.


Wow, that's a lot, man.

- Really is.
- Yeah.

So, let me get this straight. Um...

the woman you've pined after
for years is finally single,

and you're depressed about it?

(EXHALES) Just... I don't want to...

I don't want to mess it up again.

That's not gonna happen, Captain.

S... Every time we see each other,

we blow up each other's
lives, it's-it's...

I don't want to do that, I don't...

don't want to hurt her again.


What are you doing?
What are you thinking?

I'm thinking about the
right thing to say here.


I feel like you're at a moment
in life where you need

really smart, really sound advice.

- Yes. Yes, please.
- Yeah. Okay. Yep.

Okay, so this is...

- This is what I got.
- Okay.

Buffalo Bills lost the Super Bowl

four years in a row when we were kids.

- You remember that? Yeah.
- I do.

- I'm not the Buffalo Bills.
- That's not what I'm saying.

- Okay.
- Anyway, before every Super Bowl,

they make Super Bowl champion
merch with both teams on it

so they have stuff ready
to go no matter who wins, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- But once a team loses,

they don't want the stuff
with the losing team on it.

They don't want "Super Bowl champion

- Buffalo Bills" sweatshirts.
- Hmm.

So, do you know
where that stuff used to go?

I bet you're gonna tell me.

- Other continents.
- Yeah?

Africa. Asia.

- Any and every nation in need.
- Huh.

So, for four consecutive years
in the early ' s,

there were world champion
Buffalo Bills merch

flooding other continents.

I-I don't know where you're going...

Kev, there are
tens of thousands of people

who grew up thinking
that the Buffalo Bills

were the greatest team of all time.

- The world is friggin' insane, man.

It makes no sense.

But you and Sophie together,

now, that makes more sense
than most things.


You're not gonna
screw it up this time.

I know it.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

- Hey.

- Talk to you?
- Yeah.

- Yeah? Okay.
- Yes, sure.

- Yes. Um...
- Uh...

- Listen...
- I was actually gonna come over and...

I-I don't, I don't want you
to be a ball

that I just bounce off of
to get to another ball.

- What? Wait, just stop. I...
- I...

Listen, y-you don't get
to give a speech this time.

Okay? It-It's my turn.


Look, I-I have spent years of my life

praying that you would...
(LAUGHS) you would grow up.


Now here you are, years later...

...and you're finally the man
that I always knew

you possibly could be.

How did it feel to be alone?

At first, I... honestly,
I didn't believe it,

that we could finally be in the
right place at the right time.

I was always thinking of games...

You know?

And that I would finally be
the best version of myself.

The best of my time...

But I am.

And you are.

And... I don't know, I freaked out.

I freaked out last night
because I just don't,

I don't want us to fall back

into the old versions of ourselves.

- You know?
- Mm.

I need you to love me
for the woman that I am now,

not the woman that I was.

'Cause you're not the man
that you were.

And I want to fall in love
with the man that you've become.

I have a friend I've...

That was a ram... that was a ramble.

- I rambled.
- No.

What were you gonna say?

Well, I-I think in lieu of
you not wanting to repeat

the patterns of the past,
I think it's-it's better if I...

No, just say it.

- Okay, again, I think, in lieu of you...
- Stop saying

"in lieu of," you're not even
using the word correctly.

- Really?
- Yeah.

(LAUGHS): Wha-What were you gonna say?

Love can break your heart


Try to be sure

Right from the start

Yes, only love

Can break your heart...

TEACHER: Okay, class, we have

a new student.

Everyone, this is Sophie Inman.

Fall apart

I have a friend

I've never seen

He hides his head
inside a dream...

I've always carried you with me, Soph.

Yes, only love can break

Your heart

Yes, only love can break

Your heart

Only love can break...

- RANDALL: Yeah.

RANDALL: There you go. (LAUGHS)

- Yeah!

Only love can break your heart

Only love can break...
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