10x05 - Painful Decision

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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10x05 - Painful Decision

Post by bunniefuu »

Where'd that guy go?

Then begin.

Painful Decision If only Lady Tsunade would come out of her coma, I know she would resolve the situation with Sasuke.

Sakura I need to speak to you.

Naruto did what?

In order to protect Sasuke.

He was bruised and battered all over.

You bastard.

Still, he refused to sell out Sasuke.

Not only that In order to prevent you from worrying, he asked me to keep it quiet.

Naruto He's on his way to see the Raikage and ask him to forgive Sasuke.

Why would he be so reckless?
Wasn't Kakashi with him?
It probably wouldn't have made any difference.

Kakashi Sensei has faith in Naruto.

Even if it's a long sh*t, he probably wants to create an opportunity for him.

If Lady Tsunade were there, she'd have done the same thing.

Sakura I was only recently assigned to Team Kakashi to take Sasuke's place.

So I still don't know all of you that well.

And I'm not good at understanding a person's feelings.

Did you tell her how you feel?
How could I?
I'm a guy who couldn't even keep my promise to her.

I don't know the promise made between you and Naruto.

Naruto This is a once in a lifetime request.

Please Please bring Sasuke back.

But Even I can tell that Naruto loves you!
You care for Sasuke so much.

And I know what you're going through right now so much so that it hurts.

I swear I'll bring Sasuke back!
I promise that on my life!
I'll keep my promise to you.

I swear I'll keep it because I said so.

I said so I never go back on my word.

That's my Ninja Way.

It's as though Naruto has been shouldering the burden of his promise to you.

As though he intends to bear that burden for the rest of his life.

I don't know what you told Naruto.

But it's no different from what was done to me.

It's like a Curse Mark.

Sasuke is the source of Naruto's agony.

But aren't you a part of it too?
Ino Don't cry, Ino!
Kiba, don't be so harsh.

You know how Ino has felt about Sasuke all these It can't be helped!
Things have changed since then.

Will they be okay?
Look at Ino.

How will Naruto and Sakura take it?
Let's leave it to Shikamaru.

He'll find the right words.

Plus, there was that first mission of his as a squad leader that failed, and he still feels somewhat responsible for it.

If only we had been able to take Sasuke back that time.

That's why he volunteered to be the persuader.

Naruto genuinely wants to rescue Sasuke, not just because he promised Sakura!
Isn't that so?
I totally agree with you.

Butboth Sakura and I and everyone else rely on Naruto too much.

I've watched how Naruto has been acting lately and I figured out what he's feeling.

It's sadness.

Then my thoughts turn to Sasuke and it starts to get warm inside my gut.

I realize now that it's anger.

Whether it's for Naruto's sake or for the village, we can't just rely on Naruto.

We have to take action ourselves.

Sasuke is Sai is absolutely right.

Shikamaru We're not kids anymore.

We must stop the Akatsuki.

And we must stop Sasuke.

I came here for Team 7's consent.

Don't tell me Yesexactly that.

We can't allow w*r to break out between the Hidden Leaf and the Hidden Cloud because of Sasuke.

Let me put it another way.

Listen carefully.

If the Hidden Cloud should k*ll Sasuke, there's no way Ino or you, or Naruto, would take it quietly.

And if through some act of recklessness, Ino and you are k*lled by the Cloud neither I, Choji, Inoichi nor your parents would sit still.

They would seek revenge.

Then the other side won't remain quiet.

They'll want revenge.

And if Choji and I are k*lled, then it will be our parents who take action.

And before we know it, we'll be at w*r.

According to the messenger from the Cloud, Sasuke is already being treated as a criminal on a national level.

If Sasuke continues to align himself with the Akatsuki and intensify the hatred throughout the country, the Hidden Leaf must deal with Sasuke.

That is my belief.

You understand where I'm coming from, don't you?
Sakura That's why I need your consent.

Sakura, will you Please don't say anything more.

Sorry, Sakura But whatever your answer is, I must act for the sake of the Leaf's future.

I intend to tell Naruto this too.

Where is he?
Naruto has gone to the Land of Iron.

To meet with the Raikage.

He's willing to go that far?
I guess this isn't gonna be easy.

I'll talk to Naruto.

He's foolish enough to like someone like me.

So let me handle this.

I'm the one who made Naruto suffer the most.

I'm always messing up.

One failure after another.

I don't want to make any more mistakes.

I don't want to fail.

That's why Let the Hokage lead the Allied Shinobi Forces?
If you all approve, I will accept this appointment.

Why the Hokage?
He is synonymous with the dark side of ninja!
We cannot let him take charge!
Then whom would you suggest?
Not one of the Akatsuki came from my village!
This important post requires trust!
I should be the one to I cannot agree to that.

I am well aware that passion and strength are essential in bringing the strong together.

But someone like you, who lets his emotions rule his use of power, would send the Allied Forces into disarray like the top of that desk.

I am simply making an objective, rational observation as a representative of a neutral nation.

Lord Kazekage is much too young to wield such power.

He does not yet have much pull with nations.

His title of Kazekage alone is inadequate.

Lord Tsuchikage, on the other hand, is too advanced in years and gives the impression of one whose power has waned.

And, he used the Akatsuki too much.

He is lacking in trust the most.

Lady Mizukage's Hidden Mist is said to be the birthplace of the Akatsuki.

There is the fear that inside information will be leaked to them.

That there are spies.

We do not know why the Akatsuki is gathering the Tailed Beasts or what they intend to do with them.

But we cannot let them have the Nine-Tails.

The Nine-Tails belongs to the Hidden Leaf.

Hence, I believe that the Hokage is the logical choice.

First of all, I refuse to recognize an Allied Shinobi Force that would compromise the security of my village!
Something about this just doesn't feel right.

I'd better check.

Chojuro Be prepared for battle.

Th-This is What's the meaning of this?
That right shoulder and right arm and the color of the right eye There's no mistake.

It's the color of Shisui Uchiha's eye!
He was a formidable foe that I fought against once.

I'll never forget his color!
Lord Hokage!
I ask that you show us your right eye underneath that bandage.

What's going on?
I believe you stole Shisui Uchiha's eye and then transplanted it into your right eye, did you not?
The man praised alongside Itachi Uchiha as the Uchiha's most gifted in the use of the Ocular Jutsu?

Shisui's particular Ocular Jutsu allowed him to enter others' minds, make them go through phantom experiences and manipulate them.

The victim would be totally unaware that he was being manipulated.

It was an Ocular Jutsu of the highest degree!
Don't tell me Mifune is being Butthat's My right eye is also a precious spoil of w*r, from a battle against the Hyuga.

So like you, I am not really one to talk.

But you cannot fool my eye, which undid the genjutsu cast upon the Fourth Mizukage!
And Why you!
One problem after another!
Now what?
Is it the Akatsuki?
It seems so.

Sasuke Uchiha has snuck in!
Now, where could he be hiding?
- Him?
- What's he doing here?
The one with the Sharingan?
The one who took down Haku and Zabuza?
Who's he?
A member of the Akatsuki.

I believe his name was Let's all go and look for Sasuke!
Where is Sasuke Uchiha?
Answer me!
Th-This guy is super fast!
If you refuse to answer, I will show you no mercy!
Sasuke Where are you now?
And what are you thinking?
Do you think about me, Sakura, or Kakashi Senseieven a little?
You brought down your brother Itachi.

You got your revenge.

Are you relieved?
Or are you in more pain?
Sasuke Why won't you come home to the Leaf Village?
Has hatred consumed you completely, Sasuke?
Have you really turned into a mere criminal?
Now I'm starting to lose sight of who you are.

Hey How about we talk, Naruto Uzumaki?
This is bad.

What is it, Karin?
The Samurai's movements have suddenly become flurried.

I think they're looking for us!
But we didn't do anything to be spotted.

Must be the doing of that guy Zetsu, who disappeared.

That bastard I'll get him for this.

There's too many of them!
They'll find us in no time.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Racing Lightning" I'm very irritated right now.

Tune in again!
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