02x17 - The sh**t

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x17 - The sh**t

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 12. Be reminded that
subsequent to the morning briefing,

Nearly a dozen reps from, uh,

Various domestic
armament firms...

Will be convening
in these chambers...

For the third annual tactical
arms and firepower exhibit,

Which is open to all sworn
personnel of hill street,

Washington heights
and fillmore precincts.

Now, those officers wishing
to update themselves...

In advances...

On "optimum security
hardware and techniques"...

Are hereby authorized one half-hour
duty allocation for said convention.

You know, it might bode well
for us to take a look, fellas.

Uh, what's available
to us today,

The competition has tomorrow.

Which brings me to item 13...

That sh**t' alley off
tupper near the wonder bar.

According to local storekeepers,

It's starting to look like
downtown calcutta over there.

So, what do you say we make a
few highly visible hypodermic runs...

Through the gauntlet today, huh?

All right, fellas. Now, pay
special attention to item 14.

Item 14 concerns, uh,

The assembly of lures...

For deepwater bass...

Using flaming orange...

Plastic night crawler...

Silver beads and a
number-four hook.


Or, in more general terms,

The long overdue
burst of warm weather...

That has afflicted us all.

Now, be reminded,
in the springtime,

A young felon's fancy
turns to robbery, r*pe...

And aggravated as*ault.

A sunny sky can put
a purse snatcher...

Into a frenzy of creativity.

Muggers, long imprisoned by
the severity of this past winter,

Are yearning to
breathe free again.

It behooves those of
us likely to be rendered

Less wary by said
glorious weather...

To keep an eye open.

- I mean it.
- Which one, sarge?

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

And hey, hey, hey!

Now, let's be careful out there.

Belker. Come on, move.


I cannot help that.
I got to be here.

Look, I got things happening
down here too. Understand me?

I do! Sit, hairball!

So, big deal. You're
tired of hearing about it.

If you'd left him in the hospital like I
said, there wouldn't be any problem!

We could swing by
your dad's over lunch.

Great. That means he'll
only be alone 18 hours today.

Well, have you thought
about a nurse? $300 A day.


Hi, ma.

Ma, you wanna settle down?

Because you sound a
little hysterical to me.

What do you mean, there's
a pervert in the house?

Ma. Ma, ma!

Just because you found a dirty
book in his underwear drawer...

Doesn't make him a pervert.

Do you wanna hold
on a second, ma?

How would you like an
ear for breakfast, dirtbag?


Ma, I'm gonna be
very honest with you.

You should be glad he
still shows some interest.

I'm not gonna come down there
and arrest my own father. Why not?

For two reasons. First of all,
he's protected by the constitution.

And second of all, I got a
driver's test in a couple of hours.

I can't. I've been waiting for this
appointment for over five weeks now.

Cancel it! I can't cancel it.

I'm driving on an expired driver's
license now for three years.

It's getting very
embarrassing. Did you study?

Yes, I studied for
it. All this week, ma.

Really? Really. Really!

Really? Really!

I love you. I love
you too, ma. Good-bye.


Killy, jean-claude.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

I'm telling you, henry, now that you're
on your way to becoming a single male,

You have just got to rethink
your financial priorities.

Only 3,500 down will make you a
full partner. What do you say, sport?

Listen, we will work out
cohabitation arrangements later.

Thank you, howard,

But an underground condo
doesn't exactly appeal to me,

Financially or otherwise.

Henry, what are the two most
pressing problems of our time?

Inflation, nuclear holocaust.

Here's your hedge against both.

Judas h., Man!

The russians have seven warheads
designated for this population area alone.

That may be so, howard,

But who in his right mind
would want to survive like that?

I second the motion, howard.

I'd rather be vaporized than live
amongst a decimated population...

Of radioactive nomads.

That is precisely the point
of first strike estates, phil.

It's survival with dignity.

Take this activities
room, for instance.

It's buried half
under a mountain.

We have 2,000 videotapes here.

Ping-pong. Piped-in
nature sounds.

And enough
foodstuffs to take us...

To the goldarn tricentennial.

I'd like to see some of that literature,
lieutenant. Makes sense to me.

Well, uh, brunswick. Um...

Well, you see,

Actually, the fact is
that they're sold out.

I mean, henry here is just
hoping for a cancellation.


Uh, you want to try
that again, mr. Belker?

Yes, ma'am.


Mr. Belker, that's
not any of the lines.

Not even close.

I'm going to have to mark
you for corrective lenses.

What are you
talking about, ma'am?

You said the bottom line, right?

"K-r-e-b-s p-u-b-l-i-s-h-i-n-g
c-o, period."

Krebs publishing company.

Uh, would you mind taking
your hat off, please, mr. Belker?

Okay, uh, now,
smile, mr. Belker.

Come on, mr. Belker.

Smile now so I could
take the picture.

Thank you, mr. Belker.

I can issue you a citation.

I can flunk you right
now. Flunk me? For what?

Look at this.

You got no side-view mirror.

You got no front
license plate. Huh?

Hmm? Look at this.

Your back license plate's
held on by a coat hanger.

You got a broken taillight. And
look at this. Huh? What is this?

Look at this bumper.
It's about to fall off.

Mr. Santos, you wanna
take a look at this?

I'm an undercover police officer.
I gotta have a vehicle like this.

Well, I suppose if you're a
cop, we can make one exception.

We'll use one of our
vehicles. Thank you very much.

Switch to the
right lane, please.

Gee, this is a nice
vehicle. Smells brand-new.

It is brand-new. Just came
into the pool last week.

Turn right, please.

Look at that. Real smooth.

Please, mr. Belker.
Enough conversation.

Up here you'll parallel park.

Come on, hairball.
That's a stickup!

Police, armpit! Freeze!

Get down there and suck
dirt, dogbreath! Move!

Hey, you'll never guess who I
saw at gabriel's gate last night.

That meat rack on allen street?

Wait, let me guess. J.d.'S
off the wagon again.

- Henry goldblume.
- No.

I mean, he looked like
a college professor

Who took the wrong
turn going to the library.

He was just standing in the
middle of the crowd, staring,

With his hair all
combed, new bow tie.

Poor guy. Married all those
years. He doesn't have a clue.

I suppose you wanna
give him the course...

In contemporary mediterranean
lounge lizardry, part one, huh?

Hey! That's real funny.

What's the matter?

I saw something.
Unattended unit.

Looks like halloran and tubbs.

This is unit 2203.

We've got an unattended unit
here. We're gonna check it out.


The door's open.

Lock's broken.

Jack! Wally!


Economy, versatility,
penetration and firepower.

The armaco bunker buster,
37-millimeter tear gas grenade launcher,

Is, without a doubt, the modern
policeman's best defense...

Against the urban
uncertainties of today.

At a weight of less than eight kilos,
the bunker buster supplies one man...

With the same relative
field strength...

As a fully mobilized squad
of combat infantrymen.

Its rapid fire, ease of
operation and dependability...

Make the bunker buster the most
effective instrument of crowd control...

Ever developed
in the free world.

Budget some of these, buck, and
I'll flush every geek fortress...

From here to the
avenue b overpass.

For the price of any
two of these, howard,

We could supply every man and woman
in the precinct with a bulletproof vest.

You know, with the teflon
b*ll*ts they're making these days,

They cut through our flak jackets
like a Kn*fe through a meringue.

Commander remington.
Alan braverman.

We talked about rapid tear
gas deployment last convention.

Alan braverman. Covert tech!

Of course. Covert tech.

Wait till you see what
I've got for you this year.

We have a c.n.
Dispersal-type gas...

10 Times stronger
than last year's gas.

Hello. Hi.

It's a bit numbing,
isn't it? Hmm?

All this... Calibers and
muzzle velocity, cyclic rates.

To be honest, captain...

Furillo. Furillo.

I find it all very ostentatious.

May I show you something?


Go ahead. Take it.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

No pretension.
Just craftsmanship.

I see it as the standard
issue of the future.

German-made, .380 auto,

Eight-sh*t magazine,

One in the chamber.


Excuse me.

Yeah, phil?

We have two officers down...
One d.o.a., The other critical.

Who? Jack halloran
and wallace tubbs.

Halloran's the fatality.

They were sh*t inside a
stereo shop on jefferson.

Uh, the sh**t was
right there, frank.

They came in the back as he
was burglarizing the store.

I guess they didn't check
the office. He was behind them.

When they got over here, he
stepped out and fired five times.

The m.e. Says it was a
large bore, probably a .357.

He was a back sh**t, frank.

What time did it
happen? 7:00, 7:30.

Tubbs and halloran must have
seen something in the alley,

Something that didn't look
particularly dangerous.

Anyway, they didn't call it in.

Did he take anything
from the store?

The owner says yes. Radios,
tape players and stuff.

We're getting the
list together now.

Halloran was the
one who was married?


Wally gonna make it?

We don't know.

I gotta get the unit down
to impound for forensics.

Looks like the sh**t
took money off the victims,

So they figure he probably
went through the unit too.

You want me along? No! I want
you down here knocking on doors.

Check with delivery
services, garbage pickups,

Anybody who might have been in
the alley at the time of the sh**ting.

Talk to the bums who
sleep here. Hey, captain!

Found this colt python .357
in a trash bin 100 yards back.

There's still one
unfired round in it.

Find him.

Mrs. Halloran? Yes.

I'm captain furillo
from hill street.

Is there someplace we
could talk for a few minutes?


Mrs. Halloran...

Is he alive? Just...
Just tell me that.

Jack was sh*t and k*lled sometime
this morning in the line of duty.

He and wallace tubbs were
investigating a break-in.

Wallace was sh*t too.
He's in surgery now.

No arrests have been made yet.

Jack was a fine officer
and a fine man, mrs. Halloran.

His... His transfer was in.

Three months ago it went in.

He-he was gonna
transfer off the hill, and...

Then we were gonna have a baby.

But you people wouldn't listen.

You people wouldn't
transfer him!

You-you put his
application in a drawer, and...

Mrs. Halloran, I'm
terribly... Don't... Be sorry!


Get out of here!

Get a man over
to silva sanitation.

They make a collection
down that alley

Tuesdays and thursdays,
usually at 4:00 a.m.

But they may have been late this
time. What about the transit authority?

Get a man over to the jefferson
bus barn to pick up trip sheets.

Same with top hat taxi.
Same with yellow dog taxi.

If anybody saw anything,
we want to talk to him.

Oh, make sure everybody
checks with their snitches.

And light a fire under
that store owner jacobs.

In the first place, we
don't want him concocting

Anything for tax or
insurance purposes.

And in the second place, how
long does an inventory take?

We watched him
through the whole count.

Eight ghetto blasters missing and
three cases of auto cassette decks.

We have notified all pawnshops, and I
got perez and ellis at the bus company,

Coley and lyle to
the cab garages,

And hill, renko, coffey,
bates on the shop people.

Any word on tubbs?
He's still in surgery.

Francis, preliminary forensics.

No obvious unaccountable
prints on the door or windows.

Possible dirt print. Nine-and-a-half
work shoe, just outside the rear door.

But they suspect the
guy was wearing gloves.

Frank, ballistics just
matched the b*ll*ts to the .357.

Well, who's it registered
to? Where's the name?

Joseph p. Alessi. Doing
business as ace high liquors.

A sole-proprietor business
permit. Get over there.

As soon as tubbs is able to
talk, I want a man over there too.

All right. Francis, chief daniels
on four. He's called five times.

Wanting to know why we're
dragging our feet, no doubt.

Tomorrow, right? Tomorrow
I'm gonna get some bail, right?

Don't count on it, manuel. This is
your third robbery arrest in a year!

The judge isn't going to let you
out! You gotta do something for me!

You have to believe me! My son is a
good boy. He never hurt anybody!

I'm sorry. I don't think
you belong in here.

I can tell that you think he
did it. You people are all alike!

Ma'am, this is a
restricted area.

You gotta get me a
lawyer! She's nothing!

You know?

You gotta get me some bail, ma!

Of course I won't
issue a statement.

Nothing without your approval.

Yeah, she's been
told. No. No children.

I want to hear any word.
Right. I'll get back to you, chief.

As soon as I know something,
you'll know something!

Some morning. I'm sorry.

No, it's... What can I
do for you, joyce?

I'm up here on
heroic assignment,

Defending a sensitive,
misunderstood young hispanic...

Who robs people by sticking
an umbrella in their back.

I suppose we should be grateful
he doesn't run them through.

You probably don't want
to hear about this now,

But I picked up the plane
tickets this morning.

Uh, I think we're both
gonna need this vacation.

Just say the word, big
guy. We could both quit.

Go down to saint croix and
open up a real italian pizza parlor.

No, a bait shop.

A bait shop, you don't have to learn
how to throw that dough in the air.

Oh, all right. A bait shop.

You want to get together later?

Uh... Yeah, let's see
what happens here.

I'll be home,

As late as you want.

By the way, I worked with
jack halloran a few times.

- I thought he was
a real good guy.
- He was.

Can I help you? We're
police officers, ma'am.

We'd like to speak with
the owner, mr. Alessi.

That's my husband. He's
been dead a year and a half.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
But if you could help us, please.

Mr. Alessi owned a
g*n, a colt python .357.

So what about it?

Someone used that g*n to k*ll a police
officer. We're trying to find out who.

We were hoping you might know what happened
to the g*n after your husband owned it.

Happened to it? It got my husband
k*lled. That's what happened to it.

- Ma'am?
- The robbery.

My husband was k*lled in a robbery
october 14, 1980. Go check your records.

The cops took the g*n as
evidence. You guys got it.

You know, if my husband
hadn't pulled out that g*n,

They wouldn't have sh*t him.

Ma'am, if you remember, the name
of the man who sh*t your husband.

What do I want to
remember his name for?

I mean, I've been robbed three times
since then. I just give 'em the money.

I'll tell you something...

I thought you guys
were gonna rob me.

Let's try the south side
of bryant street again.

Somebody must
have seen something.

I thought you wanted to check
with your father. Ah, damn. I forgot.

Listen, I'm gonna have to keep working.
I'll swing by and see him after we're done.

Hey, cowboy. How are you
and him getting along anyway?

Okay, I guess. Between all
the cooking and the cleaning,

I've seen more of him in the last
month than I have in the last 10 years.

Oh, that's good. I'm
glad to hear that.

I hate him, bobby. He don't
care about nothing or nobody.

Don't even care enough to try.
I've hated him ever since I was a kid.

And now he's gonna die on me before I
have a chance to do anything about it.

Any units in the vicinity, see
man with g*n at 416 wilcox.

Repeat... Man with
g*n, 416 wilcox.

Unit 2202 responding.
Let's hit it.

Get out of here!
The hell I will!

Stop it! I ain't going!
Give me another drink!

- You've had enough
to drink, old man.
- I want a drink!

I spend my money in this place!

Freeze! g*n!

No, renko!


You said "man with a g*n."
Where's the g*n? Lousy drunk.

Tried to cut him off, but he
wouldn't leave. Almost jumped the bar.

- He's clean.
- Where's the g*n, man?

Get your hands off me. I never
said anything about no g*n.

- The man's lying. They all
heard him make the call.
- Shut up!

Had a brawl in here last month. Took you
cops 45 minutes to get here. Forty-five!

At least you're here, aren't
you? You lousy piece of...

Renko! Renko!

Renko! What are you doing?
Stop! What are you doing?

Let go of me. Let go of me.

And, you, get out of here and
find someplace else to get drunk.

You do that again, and I'm not
gonna take him off your butt!

Let's get another car
down there in the alley

And make sure we
haven't missed anything.

Frank, I gotta talk to you.
Can it wait, fay? I'm up to my ears.

No, it cannot. Frank, I may be in
serious trouble with the police.

There may be a warrant out for
my arrest. What did you do this time?

Nothing. But don't tell
that to florine kaplan.

She's threatening to charge me
with corrupting the morals of a minor.

Statutory r*pe. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Who's florine kaplan?

She's joanna kaplan's mother...

A little girl in frank jr.'S class
that he plays with sometimes.

Oh, god. It's all my fault.
How could I be so stupid?

He invited her
over to play today,

And when her mother
came to pick her up,

We went to frank jr.'S bedroom
where I had left them alone.

They were playing doctor, frank.

Every kid in the world plays
doctor. What's she so upset about?

They were naked,
frank. Stark naked.

With a look of great
discovery on their faces.

How can you laugh?
Well, it's funny.

And right now I could
use a good laugh.

Frank, she's threatening
to have me arrested.

I don't think I could stand
spending any more time in prison.

I'm very vulnerable right now.

She's not gonna have you
arrested. She's just upset.

Can she sue me? For what? A
couple of kids with normal curiosity?

Oh, frank, you don't
understand. She went crazy.

She accused me of
raising a depraved child,

Of inflicting psychological
damage on her daughter.

Fay, you've raised a
perfectly normal child.

Well, we both have.

Don't worry. She'll calm
down. Lord, I hope so.

Excuse me, francis. Hello, fay.

Wallins from the property
department is here.

He's brought the records on
that .357 that k*lled halloran.

He's in interrogation.
Thanks, phil.

Jack halloran?

Oh, phil. I didn't know.

Early this morning.

Fay. Fay, have you thought about
the future of young frank jr. Lately,

Vis-à-vis the unthinkable?

Howard? First
strike estates, fay.

When the big blast hits, are
you just gonna go up in ash?

Well, here it is.
Pink sheet 199436.

A .357 confiscated as evidence
in a liquor store robbery...

And transferred to the
property department for disposal.

I sent it to the westgate
wrecking facility on december 12,

Just like I told you
guys over the phone.

It never got there, wallins.
We checked with westgate.

You're giving more credence
to their records than to mine?

I mean, come on. They're a... A
lousy civilian salvage yard.

Those "civilians" sent you
three letters last january...

Apprising you of the
inventory discrepancy.

Look, fellas, i... I ship nearly 50
pieces down to that place a day.

Over 250 pieces a week
from 14 different precincts...

.22's, .38's, .45's,
nine millimeters.

You name it... Everything from
peashooters to grenade launchers.

I mean, how in the hell am I supposed
to know what happened to it?

Come on, fellas. Give
me a break, will ya?

Stuff gets stolen out
of there all the time.

- We know.
- Oh, I see.

I see. I get it. You think
I ripped it off, right?

There are two other guys in the property
department who do the same job as me.

- How come you ain't asking them questions?
- - Mm-mmm.

w*apon number 199436
went through your hands.

Hey, come on. What's so
important about this piece anyhow?

You heard about the
cop-k*lling this morning?

This supposedly
demolished .357 did it.

So, big deal if you
skimmed a g*n off the heap.

We're not looking to burn you,
wallins, but we will if we have to.

You're just four months short
of your 20 years, aren't you?

You really wanna throw 19
years down the drain, man?

No pension, no medical,
retirement... All sh*t to hell.

Seem... Seemed like
such a waste at the time...

Putting a $600 piece
into the grinder.

I gave it to my
brother-in-law for christmas.

No, no, no. He didn't
give me the .357.

He sold it to me for 200 clams.

I only had the darn piece about two
weeks before the house was robbed.

Those slimebags nearly
got my entire collection.

Cost me three grand over the
insurance money to have it all replaced.

And that's not counting
the webley mark four.

They broke in through that window
while the wife and I were at her sister's.

- Good g*n, the python.
- How long ago was that,
mr. Jaworski?

I don't know. A couple of weeks after
my brother-in-law brought it over.

January 14 or 15, I think.

Say, this officer,
he... He have a family?


What a world, huh? Makes you
wonder... Whatever happened to morality?

Have you got a burglary
report you can show us?

W... Well, not really.

I mean, uh, I don't
even think I kept it.

Look, mr. Jaworski, we're not
here to cause you any trouble,

But we gotta verify all this.

Yeah, well, that's the problem.

You see, seeing that I
didn't have the registration...

And so as not to get my
brother-in-law in any kind of trouble,

I didn't report the .357.

Hey, fellas. Come on, now.

I'm really sorry about that... That
cop of yours, but it's not my fault.

I am just a collector.

Were there any other weapons stolen
you thought it best not to report?

Uh, no. Uh, um, nothing
worth mentioning.

Well, actually there was
this U*i submachine g*n...

My cousin picked up in miami.

I swear to god, frank. This g*n's been
around town more than some social diseases.

The liquor store owner, the
property clerk, his brother-in-law.

Now we find out this
jaworski character had

The .357 stolen out of
his home last january,

And he never put it on
the burglary report.

I don't suppose we've
nailed anybody on this one.

It's been in the dead
file since last month.

Neal's running down the numbers
of the other stolen pieces now.

One of 'em's an U*i
submachine g*n, frank.

A conspicuous piece like that
could put us right back on the track.

Think we might have something. Black market
g*n dealer by the name of anthony barto.

Busted last month for
selling to an undercover.

Part of the haul was the U*i.

Okay. Pick him up. We
already got him, captain.

He's in county lockup.

Ray, get me the a.d.a. I
don't care what he's doing.

I want him down at county
in 15 minutes. All right, frank.

Pepi, try to raise renko for me.

It's about his father, huh?

Dr. Collins, i.c.u.,
Third floor, stat.

Dr. Collins.

What happened?

I went over to
the house at 1:00.

He was paralyzed
from the chest down.

His spine collapsed. Is there
anything you can do about it?

He's gonna die, mr. Renko.

Maybe tonight or tomorrow,
the next day at the latest.

Can I talk to him? Sure.

Just don't expect very
much. He's heavily sedated.

I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee,
okay? I'll be back in a few minutes.

Where's tommy?

I've been trying him all
afternoon. I'll try him again.

Andy, look... Just go
get a cup of coffee.

About three weeks.

You bought an U*i
nine-millimeter a*t*matic r*fle,

Serial number 932846b,

As in "baker."

We're interested in knowing
from whom you made the purchase.

Gentlemen, that information
doesn't come without a price tag.

We're prepared to make
some kind of an agreement.

What are you offering?

A kick down of all
counts to "d" felonies.

Lose one of the sales and all
of the possessions except one.

Stick it. You gotta
do better than that.

Mr. Barto, you're
currently awaiting trial on

Two counts of unlawful
sale of a firearm...

And 32 counts of
unlawful possession.

You have, if memory serves me,
two prior felony convictions.

Now, it doesn't seem to me that you're
in any position to bargain at this point.

When I tried to deal this a couple
of weeks ago, you guys give me squat.

Now, all of a sudden,
you're climbing the walls.

We're not "climbing the
walls," as you say, mr. Barto.

We've simply
reevaluated our position.

Could we cut through the manure?

You'd love to get away
with a misdemeanor,

But you'd settle for a bargain basement
"e" felony in a pinch, wouldn't you?

You don't want to give
him a bargain basement "e,"

But as long as it's not cut down to a
misdemeanor, you won't look too bad,

And we're the ones after
the information, aren't we?

But I wouldn't be so
smug if I were you, barto.

With your priors, if
you don't deal now, and

We have to get the
information elsewhere,

You're gonna be leaving
prison in a walker.

Two days or two weeks from now,
you'd have to get to this anyway,

And I don't have the time.

Does he speak for you?

I'll see what I can do.
That's not good enough.

- I'll recommend it.
- Promise it.


You understand, i-i-i got a
street name or something, maybe.

What is it?

William harris. Billy.

Bill harris. He's a burglar.

He's got a lot of hot g*ns.

Frank! Thanks a hell of a lot.

You really cut me off at the
knees in there, you know that?

Marv, I have one man dead
and another man sh*t,

And all I have to go on
is a trail of weaponry.

If we keep jerking around
here, we're gonna get lost.

Barto's the only one
who can keep us moving.

You're not troubled by the fact that
we'll be setting free, within three years,

A man who down the road may
sell g*ns to a dozen more K*llers?

They can always get g*ns,
marv. The world's full of g*ns.

Chief, it's not my fault the
central computer's down.

Nor is it my fault that division's
manual files are two years out of date.

Please. Please! Just
have a little patience.

Don't put me on hold!

Francis, it's gonna
be three hours.

Do what you can, phil. You're
the first person I've talked to.

Our computer's down. We just want to plug
into the f.b.i.'S for a couple of hours.

Hey, listen, rolly-boy. You get out on
the street and find me this billy harris.

Your nose is gonna feel
real sweet tonight, babe.

Yeah, I know it's a
clumsy misuse of federal

Program time, but
our computer's down!

Here's a guy...

William t. Harris. G.t.a.,
as*ault, burglary.

He's been upstate three years.

Mike. This is some of
halloran and tubbs's

Stuff. I got it out of
the back of their unit.

J.d.! Hey, neal.

How's your investigation coming?

Did you ever know a guy on the
street by the name of billy harris?

Knew a william harris. 5'8", Thin,
white dude. Light brown hair?

No, no, this guy was black.
What about this billy harris?

Well, in march he
sold an U*i to a dude.

Back in january that same U*i
got ripped off from a collector...

Along with the .357
that sh*t halloran.

So, could be he was just some
middle guy who never saw the .357.

Could be he had the .357 and sold
it to some other dude. Or could be...

Wait... Wait a minute. What about
billy harrison? Squirrel harrison.

Who? Mean little dude. Burglar.

Used to deal speed
and acid in the heights.

He ran with a snitch
of mine, sammy liddle.

He kind of fits
your description.

William harrison.

A.k.a. The squirrel,
a.k.a. William hart,

A.k.a. Billy williamson,
a.k.a. William harris.

Last address, may '73, glen
oaks drug-free rehabilitation.

Maybe when the computer's
back, we'll get something newer.

Come on, lover. Wanna
go find sammy liddle?

Sammy! J.d.

Hey, long time no see.
What are you doing?

Your old lady told
me you were down here.

Hey, she's really got you
domesticated, huh? Yeah.

I'm the regular paul newman
of the fluff-and-fold set.

So, uh... So, what's happenin'?
You just around or what?

I... I need for us to do a little
business together, sammy.

What kind of business? Here,
babe. Let me give you a hand, okay?

Billy harrison. Squirrel
harrison. We need to find him.

You tell us where he is, you make a fast
50. It's your basic mutuality of interest.

I don't do that no more, j.d.

You know I'd love
to, but I can't.

Hey. What's that mean, "can't"?

Remember a guy named marty
gleason, arm twister for jake radnitz?

Well, I rolled over on the
guy about six months ago.

He copped, and he
came out in three days.

They took me in an alley,
j.d., Really worked me over.

I spent a couple of
weeks in intensive care.

So what it is is i-i can't snitch no
more. It ain't good for my health.

The wife wants to know I'll be
coming home every day in one piece.

No, no, no, no. This wouldn't
have to be like snitching.

It's more like being a good citizen.
Hey, all we need's an address on the guy.

You don't understand. Billy
harrison is worse than marty gleason.

And gleason is crazy. He slammed
me face first into a brick wall.

Yeah? Hmm.

Did he put you in a dryer? Huh?

He slammed you face first into a brick
wall, sammy, but did he put you in a dryer?

Tell me where squirrel harrison
is or I'm gonna put you in that dryer.

Hey, come on, man. Quit kidding
around. You... You wouldn't do that.

I got a pocketful of quarters.

Now, the first cycle might not
k*ll you, but the second one...

Your face is gonna wind
up two sizes smaller, my man.

I'm not kidding, sammy. I'm gonna put
you in there. Hey, hey! Come on, guys!

There's people all
over the place. So what?

Who cares about his
fellow man anymore? Huh?

Hey! Hey! Just
blow-drying his hair, ma'am.

Now, talk to me sammy, huh?
Come on. Squirrel harrison.

Okay, okay! I'll talk!
Okay! Okay! Okay.

You don't have to be
so hostile all the time.

Last time I heard, he was
living over on 119th street.

Corner building,
next to the deli.


Sorry we had to get rough, sammy,
but this one's kind of important.

Let's go, man.

Man, sometimes I don't know
where you get that stuff.

I don't know, neal.
It just comes to me.

He's our man,
henry. Take a look.

Stuff from the stereo shop.

Freeze it right there, harrison.
Hands away from your body.

This is the seventh
time in four years...

I've had to tell the wife of
one of my cops he's been k*lled.

It's guerrilla warfare out
there. They k*ll us, we k*ll them.

You need a scorecard
to tell the players.

Every crazy's got a g*n.

Not just the crazies, frank.

- I've got one too.
- Since when?

Since pam was m*rder*d.
I keep it in my purse.

Joyce, handguns are illegal in
this state without a carry permit.

I've got a carry permit.

I pulled a favor from bob
hazeltine in the d.a.'S office.

I don't like it.

Neither do i, but I
won't be helpless.

Joyce. Frank, please.

Come to bed.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

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