02x18 - Invasion of the Third World Body Snatchers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x18 - Invasion of the Third World Body Snatchers

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 11.

Due apparently to the adverse
economic realities of ghetto life,

Not to mention spring's
more temperate clime,

A number of the hill's
professional women...

Have taken to transacting
business under the bushes...

Just inside the park's
117th street entrance.

- Favorite place to be!
- Yesterday, four individuals...

Of the, uh, john persuasion
were found quite hapless...

And pants-less...

Under the flowering

Let's try and domesticate
that situation, shall we?

Item 12 regards the
so-called "wino slasher,"

Who's been attempting to, uh,

Turn our local
skid-row population...

Into an endangered species.

To date, there have been
three dead and nine injured.

Panic has become epidemic amongst
these denizens of the netherworld.

Ergo, starting today,

There will be a three-precinct
undercover operation in effect.

Mick belker will be staking out
for hill street. Right on, mick.

Item 13. The jack halloran
memorial scholarship...

Is being established at
woodrow wilson high...

For the scholar-athletes,
college aspirants...

Who best exemplifies...

The high ideals that
jack has stood for.

You fellas know that jack was
all-city halfback for two years running.

- Yeah, great guy.

- Anyway, all contributions,
large or small,

Will be very much appreciated.

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

And, hey, let's be
careful out there, huh?

What's with j.d.? Had his
board of rights yesterday.

But when I called him up last night
he hadn't heard yet. Where's renko?

His dad d*ed a
couple of hours ago.

Oh, it's a gold card this month,
maurice. Business must be pretty good.

♪♪ Uh-oh.

No can do, sport.
Expiration date, 12/81.

Oh, no.

Uh, third desk in the first row.



A nuclear holocaust may simply not be
the no-win situation many describe, ray.

Think about it. Where
will the bombs strike?

The city.

We are talking about nuclear bulldozing
of genetic tide pools, mon hombre,

While you and I could be sitting
and watching first-run movies...

In a 200-seat theater in the
basement of first strike estates.

Think about it, ray. No waiting in lines,
a good selection of cantinflas films.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Speaking of genetic
tide pools, how did you

Make out at gabriel's
gate the other night?

Tell you the truth,
those meat racks are not

My kind of place. There's
too much desperation.

You know, I'm making a pretty good
adjustment to my single life now.

To tell you the truth, I don't
have to hang off a bar every night.

Now, that, by me, is a man.

You want to talk about a man?
I want to talk about flowers.

Forget about it. It's no big deal.
What do you mean, no big deal?

A $60 bouquet of flowers?
I said, it was no big deal.

Luce, come on. There had
to be a dozen roses in there.

That's 40 bucks right
there. Oh, forget it.

Say, you guys, I'm gonna swing by the
hospital. You want to tell renko anything?

Hill, why don't you give these to
renko? From all the guys at hill street.

Oh, wow, leo. That's really
sweet. Where'd you get 'em?

Oh, well, some of us chipped in.

Hey, man, that's real sweet of you guys.
You know, renko will appreciate that.


Pick up dry cleaning,
check. Buy swimsuit, check.

Suntan lotion, check.
Pay rent in advance, check.

That's it. All set. You packed?

You came all the way up here to lord
your vacation-planning efficiency over me?

Actually, I've got a
bit of business. Drew a

r*pe suspect in the
office pool this morning.

Charter member, no doubt, of
the local ravage-and-pillage set.

Oh, that's a particularly cavalier
attitude this morning, counselor.

Just can't believe we're actually
getting out of this place tonight.

We meet 7:00, your
place. You got it.

Ms. Davenport.

Mckay from internal
affairs called.

Larue has been cleared of
charges by his board of rights.

We can have him back if we want.

I think not. Are
you sure, frank?

He did the job when we needed
it on jack halloran's sh**t.

He's a little too unpredictable
for my taste, ray. Okay.

I punched out from
the drugstore at 9:00.

I went over to holland house for a beer on
the way home, and that's where I met rona.

Last name? I don't even know.

After about an hour we
went back to her place,

Where I stayed until
it was close to 12:30.

I know, because that's
when she kicked me out.

I walked a couple of blocks
back toward my house,

And I stopped at a corner store to pick up
a pack of smokes and-and an ice-cream bar.

And it was after that.
The cops drove up, they

Pulled me over, they
dragged me over to the car,

And there was this girl in there, right,
that I'd never seen in my life before.

And they said, "is it him? Is
this the guy? Is this the one?"

And she pointed at me
and started screaming.

Why didn't you ask to go back
to rona's to prove your alibi?

I did! And they-they said,
"tell it to your lawyer."

What if I told you, donald,
just hypothetically,

That if you wanted to plead
guilty to a lesser charge...

Say, sexual abuse...

It might be possible to get you probation
or minimal jail time as a first offender,

But that if you insisted
on going to trial and lost,

You could do 10 years
or more in prison?

Wait i... I thought I
had a right to a trial.

You do.

But our legal system exacts a
high price for your exercise of it.

This is funny.

I mean, I want to be a lawyer.

I'm saving up now, so I can do prelaw at
city college and then go to law school.

But you can't be a lawyer if you got a
criminal record for r*pe as*ault, can you?

- No. You can't.
- Come on!

Would you r*pe somebody
four blocks from your house?

Frankly, you'd have to be
pretty stupid. But it's been done.

Would you r*pe somebody
after just having had sex?

Me? I rather doubt it.

Look, I don't know
much about the courts,

And-and how all that
works yet, miss davenport.

But I would go to jail for 10
years, 20 years, my whole life,

Before I stood up and said I did
something like that that I didn't do.

Donald... Aren't you
supposed to be the one...

Who's gonna help
me prove I'm innocent?

Yes, I am.

I don't want a
criminal record...

Not even for spitting on the
sidewalk, not if I didn't do it.

Please, sit down.

Look, donald, some of what you're
saying makes a certain amount of sense.

Do you think you could remember
this rona's apartment number?


Third floor, top of the landing.

You know something,
donald lilly?

You could very possibly
mess up my vacation.

What do you mean, you
can't release the body

Yet? That's my daddy
we're talking about.

I'm sorry, mr. Renko. But
since his admitting physician...

Forgot to sign the death
certificate, and it being a wednesday...

Well, what the hell difference
does that make? Just call him up!

His secretary believes he's
on the front nine at crestview.

- Dr. Anderson, 1301.
- Golf, mr. Renko.

Can't anybody else sign this? Tracy, will
you just be quiet and let me handle this?

- Now, can't anybody else
sign this?
- Only the medical examiner.

- I paged him 10 minutes ago.
- Do we have
a problem here, lori?

Hmm, not if you're the medical examiner.
Would you just sign this here, please?

Nurse byron, patient 2403.

I'm sorry, mr. Renko. I can't
make heads or tails of this.

So what? He's dead, isn't he?

Well, with no clear cause of death,
I can't sign this without an autopsy.

An autopsy will take two
or three days. Autopsy?

That poor old man was in and out of
this hospital with cancer for three months.

Well, I suggest you wait
for your own doctor.

I can't. He's still not
off the back nine yet.

Well, it's his fault the
certificate isn't signed, not mine.

Will you come here
and talk to me here, pal?

Now, you know those little m.e.
Tags you have on the back of your car?

Well, how would you feel if every time
you parked in front of a fire hydrant...

Or in an illegal zone
without a medical emergency,

You came out and found out
that some cop had cited your car?

You know what I'm talking about?
You wouldn't feel too good, would you?

So what I'm asking for here is a little
professional mutual "reprocosity,"

If you get my meaning.

Dr. Andrews, e.r., Stat.

Dr. Andrews.

Hey, cowboy. This is from
everyone at the station.

I'm really sorry about your dad.

Thanks, bobby.

Thanks, bobby. That's
real nice of you guys.

Okay, so this one is your
westward ho. Excuse me. ♪♪

And it's got your genuine
synthetic silk lining,

And your scenes of old abilene,

And your frontier-like handles.

It's, uh, one of your better
buys in the under 3,000 range.

Uh, well, you know, i...

Look, let me give you the
straight poop, mr. Renko.

Any one of these babies can do the job
for you, including your bare-bones model.

No pun intended. What a lot
of your funeral parlors do is,

They like to lay on the guilt... Like if
you don't spend more than you can afford,

It means you didn't love
your father enough.

I think that's a lot of baloney.

Me? I'm a retired shoe salesman.

I'm only doing this because
I like to be with people.

So what it boils
down to is this:

You can go for your
basic simulon 200.

The only trouble is, at the funeral
people are gonna think you're a cheap slob.

Now all you gotta do is ask yourself,
do you care what people think?

What about cremation?

Well... Yes, that-that...
That is another alternative.

But, um, just let me show you
something in bronze for a second.

This is your herbert hoover.

No doubt about it... It's
your cadillac of caskets.

Enormously popular with
many of your people, sir.

Mr. Farnsworth.

- Um, excuse us, please.
- Yes?

What? I don't believe it!


Mr. Renko, miss renko, uh...

Something terribly
embarrassing has just happened.

Uh, you see,

Our regular call car that
makes the hospital pickups is, uh...

It's in the transmission shop,

And we've been using
my son's brand-new van.

I understand. Uh-huh.

And, unfortunately, it just got stolen
right out of our own parking lot here.

Well, if you want, me and
my partner here could...

Could write it up for
you, mr. Farnsworth,

Right after we
choose the casket here.

Bad news for the kid, huh?

Uh-huh. Uh, well,
actually, mr. Renko,

It's kind of bad news
for your father too.

How bad can it be?
The guy's already dead.

Uh-huh. Well, you see, he was still
inside the van when it was stolen.

Oh, lordy, they've
stolen my daddy.

I'll tell you the real
secret, my friend.

The real secret...

The secret to real...

Fine cooking...

Is a good oak wood fire,

And fresh,

Natural ingredients.

You know where I get the
wood for that fire? Where?

After a big wind I go down
to delaware park, gather it up.

And then I dry-cure it
down by that heat vent

Behind the chinese
grocery down the alley.

Smells terrific.

Well, that, my friend, is
because it has been marinating...

In my special vinaigrette
sauce all morning long.

It's my special sauce...

A little salt, a little basil,

A little port...

Like this.

Oh, yeah, and I stole a couple of those
cellophane bags of salad dressing...

You get at the bus station
coffee shop, you know?

Oh. You know what I think?

I think carlotta and puddles
should join us... For a little lunch.

Do you like kitties? Yeah.

Yeah. Hold this.

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty,
kitty, kitty, kitty kitty.

This is really nice.
I mean, really nice.

- What's nice?
- Everything is nice.

Uh, the barbecue
with the oak wood,

And the heat vent down there,
and carlotta and puddles.

Your life... It's nice.

Thank you. And
you ain't even et yet.

Try some of this.
Yeah, this is ready.

Yeah! Aah!

Mmm! Ahh!

This is great!

I mean it, farley. This is some
of the best chicken I ever had.

Chicken? Who said
anything about chicken?

What do you mean?
This isn't chicken?

What kind of animals
would steal a man's father?

I highly doubt that it
was intentional, ray.

They probably just ripped the van
off without seeing the body in the back.

Yeah, well, I heard there's caribbean
types who steal corpses now and then...

And use them for
religious rituals.

Six hundred and 95
dollars and 50 centavos.

That is the current retail price for
your freshly deceased h*m* sapien...

On the black-market
organ-transplant circuit.

That is not even counting
your mineral wealth.

Why, you, uh... You grind up a femur
there, and you get about four pounds...

Of high-grade calcium
phosphate fertilizer.

I'll check with
burglary auto on that.

I gotta talk to you, lieutenant.

All right.

Okay. Who is the wise guy?

You really think he
could be sold for parts?

Oh, well, corneas alone are
going upwards to $70 a gram, schnitz.

Howard, the man's body
was riddled with cancer.


Well, there's always
the third-world markets.

We're doing everything we can. Did
you put out an a.p.b. On the vehicle?

Well, not yet, but if you think it
would help... Damn it, lieutenant!

How would you feel if it was
your daddy bouncing around...

In the back of some
hot van somewhere?

Hey! What are you laughing at? What
the hell is so funny about all this?

Look at this. Do you believe
this? She misspelled "misdemeanor."

Look at that. She
forgot the "a," renko.

Renko, I'm sorry, man.

Would you help me get out of
this mess? I don't believe you guys.

I swear. Isn't anything sacred?

Frank, have you
got a minute? Yeah.

You're still here? Just finished
the preliminaries with my client.

Over two hours, wasn't it? I'd
say he's getting his money's worth.

Frank, I've got an
unusual situation here.

I can't say for certain
donald lilly is innocent,

But I'm giving him everything
I'm worth till the verdict's in.

Considering your current pessimism, he
must have done some fast talking in there.

No priors, no arrests... Not
even an outstanding traffic ticket.

Full academic scholarship
to larchmont j.c...

With a 3.5 average after
three straight semesters,

In addition to holding
down a 30-hour-a-week

Night job at a
midtown drugstore.

I'll admit it's not your
standard sex-offender profile.

He also has an alibi.
He stopped for a beer

After work at the
holland house on east utica.

He met a lady... Black, mid-20s. They went
to her apartment about an hour later.

He stayed until the
channel 8 late show ended.


That's 25 minutes after the hernandez
girl was assaulted. Lady have a name?

Rona. He didn't get the last name.
Will you check it out? Sure. Henry?

Could I talk to you for
a minute? Why did you

Wait until now to
tell me about this alibi?

Would you have sat through
the circumstantials if I had?

Come on, henry.

Nope. Never seen him before.

Why? He claims he
was in this apartment...

With a woman named rona
till about 12:30 last night.

I'm sorry, officer. You must have
the wrong building or something.

Do you ever frequent a... A bar down
on east utica called the holland house?

No. Well, I've been
there before,

Maybe just once or twice.

What's the guy done?

He was arrested for a r*pe as*ault
that occurred around midnight...

About three blocks from here.

You weren't... At that bar
last night, by any chance?

Hey, I was home last night...
Alone the whole night.

You know, it... It'd really help

My job if you could
verify that, miss dunford.

I don't have to verify anything.

Now... I already told you.

My name isn't rona, and I've
never seen that guy before.

Besides which, I am not in the habit
of picking up strangers in bars.

Thank you, ma'am.

Some hot dog sends you 75 bucks worth
of roses that you throw in the trash can,

And you won't even talk to your own
partner about it? Unlike some people,

I like to keep my
personal life personal.

Okay? All right.

If it's not the
optometrist, it has to be

Somebody you met in the
last three or four weeks.

Right? Joe.

What is it with this guy? Is he some
kind of sex maniac, a drug addict or what?

Joe, he's married, okay? Are you
satisfied now? He's married. He has kids.

We've been going out
for a month. The lousy

Creep told me for the
first time last night.

All units, all
frequencies, stand by.

We have a unit in pursuit
of a possible stolen vehicle.

Gray dodge van, northbound
on elmwood and allen.

License number

It's renko's dad.

We got him!

Oh, lord. What have
they done with my daddy?

Frank, I talked to goldblume.
Apparently the alibi's a washout.

Look, frank, uh, I just don't
think I can leave tonight.


We've been planning this
vacation for over three months.

Listen, at the risk of
seeming insensitive,

Couldn't you turn this donald lilly
over to somebody else in your office?

No offense, counselor, but you're
not the only public defender in town.

I've got a feeling
for this kid, frank. I

Can't fly off to some
beach in saint croix...

Wondering if some overworked
p.d.'S going to see it the same way I do.

You're aware, no doubt, who's prosecuting
this case. Oh, yeah. Gail kennedy.

10-0 For the season, frank.

She's made a career
on cases like this.

Her r*pe-as*ault unit's just
about the toughest in the state.

They'll have my client indicted and looking
at five years hard time within 72 hours.

Couldn't you talk to her? Maybe
she'd be open to negotiation.

You don't plea-bargain a
kid with a spotless record.

You know, given the
realities of the process,

This kid's in a worse
legal position...

Than 99% of your truly hard-core
cases that come through here.

At least with them I
have room to operate.

With donald lilly, either
I win an early dismissal,

Or I'm forced to take him all the
way to trial and throw the dice.

- And if you lose?
- I'd like a lineup, frank.

Joyce, the victim i.d.'D him on
the scene less than 12 hours ago.

Thirty minutes after
the event in a highly

Emotional state on a
darkened street corner,

With, no doubt, the well-intentioned
encouragement of two police officers.

Are you sure this is in the
best interest of your client?


But at this point I don't
have much choice, do i?

Captain, I'd like you to tell me
why you permitted this lineup.

The case isn't as
cut-and-dried as it used to be.

Thank you for being so explicit.

I know about your client's
alibi. I know it didn't pan out.

If you have a good reason for badgering
maria hernandez, I want to hear it.

We think she accused
the wrong man.

After picking him off the streets
30 minutes after the as*ault?

Come on, gail. Who else did
she have to choose from?

I don't know, joyce. I wasn't there.
But I can see what's going on here.

Full cooperation of the police
department is a good thing to have.

The police department is anxious
that justice be done, ms. Kennedy.

Excuse me, frank.
Maria hernandez is here.

I'd better see a decent
spread on that platform.

Number five, face forward.

Spread out. Number three, take
your hands out of your pockets.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Take a good look.

It's him. That one.

The number. Four.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

It's all right.

Sí, papá.


Hey, man, get him off me, man!

The police... They are
on the side of the blacks.

You... You do this
to your own people?

Hey, babe. Hey, neal.

They said you were down here.
Yeah, just cleaning out my locker.

Yeah, I heard about the
board of rights. Yeah.

It's nice having that
monkey off my back. Hmm!

Hey, listen. I really appreciate
what you said about me down there...

About me helping out with the halloran
case and all. Hey, you did it, babe.

All I did was tell 'em about it.

So what's next? I don't know. I'm
still assigned to the motor pool.

I think I'm gonna put in for
assignment out of division.

They turn me down, I'm gonna just
declare free agency and shop the league.

Have you talked to furillo?

The man doesn't like me, neal.

And he doesn't trust me.

Hell, I haven't given him
much reason to, have i?

I got nobody but
me to blame for this,

And I'll live with it.

Contestant number
one, are you ready?

Miss dunford, sergeant goldblume.
I'd very much like to talk to you again.

Why? I told you this
morning I didn't know the guy.

I remember what you told me. That's
what I want to talk to you about. Help...

Help me, and I promise I
won't bother you again.

All right. Wait a minute.
I'll come out there.

Make it quick.
I'm fixing dinner.

I went to the bar where donald
lilly says he met you last night.

I only had to give your
description to the bartender.

Just give me a half a minute
of your time, miss dunford.

He says you've been in there
before... Couple times this week, in fact.

He's a liar. That makes two
liars you've told me about.

Look, why don't you just leave
me alone, huh? I didn't do anything.

Look, lady, a kid's
life is at stake here.

All we want is the truth.

But, frankly, I gotta tell ya,

If you got something you're
trying to hide from that guy in there,

It's not gonna be a secret much longer
if donald lilly's case goes to trial,

Because you're gonna
be the star witness.

In fact, you'd have a
much easier time keeping

It a secret if you came
in and told us now.

What's going on? Uh,
he's a policeman, honey.

He-he thinks I saw an accident.

- Did you?
- No, honey. I was home all day.

She didn't see no accident. That's the
end of it. Come in the house, coretta.

That'll be all, miss dunford.
I want you to have a nice day.

Come on, will ya?

What are you doing in my
spot? Who told you to be there?

You can't be there, you
can't have my space. Get up.

Get up, or I'll put this toe up
and down your head, cousin.

What's goin' on? What
are you doing to this guy?

This bum's sittin' in my place.
And he's wearing my coat!

What's the matter with you? Can't you
see the man is asleep? Give him a break.

This is where I sit, cousin.

That's my coat,
and that's my spot.

I been sitting in
that spot since 1867.

I said he could borrow
it. Now leave him alone.

Where's his shoes?

Who took his pants?

Hold it. Is that you, mick?

No, it's barry manilow.

You can come on
in. Obradovich and

Lester picked up the
slasher down in the heights.

I wanted a piece of
that sleaze myself.

This guy looks really
sick, mick. What, him?

Compared to most of the guys down
here, he's back from miami with a tan.

Joe, we got a stiff here.

It's not a stiff.
It's renko's dad.

You won't have to say
nothing... Well, if it was my...

Anything yet? We found your dad.

Well, we didn't
exactly find him, per se.

No, n-not per se.

Uh, andy, apparently
the guys in the van...

Just dropped him right back at
the mortuary before we spotted 'em.

Yeah, it's real nice. They have
him in the versailles room.

They didn't charge
anything extra.

You guys, you don't know
how much I appreciate this.

I guess you don't know
who your friends are

Until something like this
happens. God bless you.

Oh, I hate lying to the guy.
We're not exactly lying.

Lying about what? Those
dirtbags left his old man...

To rot right in the
middle of waverly alley.

It was pure luck we found him.

I mean, he could have been there
for weeks just decomposing.

Oh! That's a heartbreaking
example of modern urban angst.

Henry, there's a
woman to see you.


Well, uh, I've been thinking.

I don't... I don't really want to
wreck that guy's life or anything.

He was with me.

Thank you. Could you
wait here? Be right back.

Frank? Mm-hmm?

I've got a woman who's prepared to
swear she was in bed with donald lilly...

At the time he allegedly
r*ped maria hernandez.

Okay. Send a car to
bring maria back here,

And notify gail kennedy
and joyce davenport.

They'll want in on it too.

Lucy. Come with me.

Lucy. Bill, I don't want
to see you anymore.

- I refuse to believe that. Have
dinner with me this evening.
- No.

- Look, I know you're upset.
- Real perceptive.

Just give me a chance
to explain. Forget it.

Lucy. Leave me alone, please.

You heard the lady,
pal, so just let her be.

I suggest you mind your
own business, officer.

Yeah, well, this is my business.
That lady is my partner.

I know her and I care about her, so
why don't you just butt out of her life?

What's your name? Joe coffey.

Yeah, my shield number is 77. You
want a pen and paper to write it down?

No, thank you. I'll remember it.

- Do you believe some guys?
- Yeah, some guys. But that
wasn't just "some guy."

I don't care who it was,
leo. Why, who was it?

You don't want to know
who it was. Who was it?

William lakeland, michigan avenue
precinct. Commander william lakeland.

Well, you think that
bothers me? It doesn't.

Got a minute, captain?

Sure, neal.

I've been bumping into walls lately,
working with belker, then goldblume.

They're good men, captain, but...
What about j.d.? Uh-uh. He's a washout.

I've gotta disagree, captain.

Let's not write any
songs about him, neal.

At his best, j.d. Was a
competent detective.

At his worst, he's a drunk. I
gave him a chance. He blew it.

Is that all you get
around here? One chance

For a dozen years of
puttin' it on the line?

My god, captain, art delgado... He
can't even button his own pants anymore.

And you gave him more
consideration than you're giving j.d.

I may be a little out of
line here, and if I am, okay.

But it seems to me you can't forgive j.d.,
'Cause he got the same problem you had.

Still have, neal.
You never lose it.

Then you oughta
understand better than most.

I think I do.

Look, captain,

There's not a cop up here on the
hill who doesn't admire what you did.

But you didn't do it
alone. No one ever does.

And what you're telling j.d. Is that he
can never make it back, no matter what.

Maria, we know you were r*ped,

And we want to get the man
who did it just as much as you do.

But we just spent a couple of
hours interrogating a young lady...

We now have good reason to believe was with
donald lilly at the time of your att*ck.

It was him. I picked him out twice.
Didn't the tests prove it was him?

No, no. The tests can only
show if someone didn't do it.

Maria, please, if there's any chance at
all that this is not the man who r*ped you,

We have to know.
He was. I swear.

Can you remember anything about
your attacker, anything at all...

That doesn't match up with your
identification of donald lilly?

There was no one else
out there. It had to be him.

Maria, please try to remember.

If donald lilly didn't do it,

Then the man who did
is still on the streets.

I don't know.

Don't know what?

Maybe... I don't know.

Like, it could have been a gold
chain or something. Like, the guy...

The guy...

I don't know.

There was a gold chain.
He probably threw it out.

It was night. Don't
you understand?

Around his neck? He wore a
gold chain around his neck?

Yes. Did you tear it off
of him during the att*ck?

Maria, you're not really sure who
it was who att*cked you, are you?


I thought it was him.

I don't know anymore.

There was no one
else out on the street.

So I thought, "who
else could it be?"

It's all right. Come on, maria.

Let's get you some coffee, huh?

So much for the people
versus donald lilly.

You're dropping the charges? We
picked up a suspect on a r*pe charge...

With a similar description
around 4:00 this afternoon.

The victim mentioned her
assailant was wearing a gold chain.

I think I'll bring the hernandez
girl downtown for a lineup.

I want donald lilly
released tonight.

I'll see to it as soon as
I get back to my office.


Well, it seems as if
there's some small

Satisfaction in your
work after all, counselor.

Hmm. Donald and maria.

Victims everywhere
you look. No. Hmm?


It is nice.


My condolences. Thank you, sir.

You know, renko, your father's
death is really a metaphor...

For the absurdity of
life in this megalopolis.

A man lives, a man dies,

Only to have his body
stolen and discarded...

In some alley
like so much offal.

Oh, it-it's nothing,
renko. Forget it. Wh...

Exactly so! The fact that they
discarded his shell in waverly alley...

Speaks not to the deceased,

But to the genetic bankruptcy of
those mutant, third-world body snatchers.

They left him in an alley?

They left him in an alley!

Way to go, lieutenant.

You bunch of jerks. Lying
to me. Making a fool out of me.

We only lied to you, cowboy,
because we didn't want to hurt you.

How could they do that to
him? Toss him in some alley...

With a bunch of
dog-eatin' winos like that?

What's the difference?
That's not your old man.

He's somewhere else now.

When I was a little boy, there
was this other little boy named...

Named jimmy peterson,
or something like that,

And his old man
got drunk and hit me.

My daddy called him out in the
street and b*at the hell out of him.

Then he took me home
and b*at me up too.

I hated him. He was
cruel to my mama.

He never did give me a break.

Made all the little kids
feel like they were nothin'.

He used to b*at the tar
out of me when I was bad,

And he never did hug
me when I was good.

He was your daddy, cowboy.

You never had a choice.

Now, what is so
funny about this?

The whole thing!

I'm sorry, cowboy,
but it's just so funny.

Your old man sitting in that alley
in his hospital greens, with no shoes,

And dogbreath belker...

Offering him a bite
of his sandwich!

If... If he wasn't dead already,

Belker's breath
would've k*lled him!

You know what? That's the first decent
laugh that damn old man ever gave me!


Neal. J.d.

There's a large-scale fencing operation
out of a warehouse on van buren.

If you're interested in the assignment,
ray'll give you the particulars.

Frank, we've got to pick up our luggage
first. All right. Where are bates and...

They're right here.

You want romance,
henry? Go to the caribbean.

Mmm! Right.


Let me just have a brew.

Henry. Fay.

What are you doing here? Don't answer
that. That's a stupid question. I'm sorry.

Um, I want you to meet a friend of
mine. Vivian wasserman, henry goldblume.

- Some swine took the last
of the cracked crab.
- And this is, um...

Oh, boy, got guacamole all
over my fingers. Excuse me.

Hi, guy. Marshall paxton, past
president of divorced dentists of america.

Hey, that's a joke, pal.

That's a joke.

Why don't you and I go
sit over there and let

Fay and henry have
a little privacy, okay?

So you're a dentist?
I adore dentists.

You're not gonna make
me open wide, are you?

Whoa! Later.


Well, do you come to
these places often?

Who, me? Nah.

I... You know, I just come with
vivian. She needs the moral support.

I can understand that. This
is a very depressing place.


Yeah, it sure is.

Do you want some? No, thank you.

I was, uh... I was sorry to
hear about you and rachel.

Sorry, I missed that.

I said, I was very sorry to
hear about you and rachel.

What can I say? It happens
in the best of families.

Yeah. Don't I know.

Ah, do you think you'll
get back together?

I doubt it. We
separated once before.

Oh, really? I didn't know that.

How's josh handling it?

You know... Adjusting.

Fay. Mm-hmm?

How long have you been divorced?
Two years and three months.

But who's counting?


I hope you don't think that I'm
being, you know, pushy or anything,

But, um...

Well, face it. You don't
belong here any more than I do.

Do you wanna go get a
hamburger and a cup of coffee?

I think that'd be nice.
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