04x06 - Praise Dilaudid

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x06 - Praise Dilaudid

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on
hill street blues...

Who's there?

(Pounding table)

Thought it was a prowler.

He pointed a g*n.

Look, there's no question

We're going to have
to move on perez,

The point is we got a
separate and legitimate

Endangerment complaint
against the mother.

Take a little heat
off the department, right?

Is she free to leave?

Not at this time.

You sh*t my boy.

I'm sorry.

I want some of your
people, frank,

Undercover in one
of those sex palaces.

I'm gonna hire cops?

Four of us.

Ozzie cleveland's
a real nice guy,

I just don't see him
as the mayor of the city.

You raided a p*rn

At midtown this morning.

It's a cheap shoddy attempt

To put a feather in
candidate daniels' cap

On election day.

Maybe you'll let me
take you out to dinner.

Oh, yeah?

and now tonight on
hill street blues.

(Trash can clatters)

I took the heat off
this department

And off fletcher daniels.

I did what had to be done.

Why are you telling me?

Yet lose a hatchet man

And now you want to
disavow any responsibility.

You want it both ways.

That is patently untrue.

Now don't look at her, nicky.

She keeps looking at me,

Now where's my stuff?

Oh, lord, I'm green.

(Various conversations)

Item six,
the emily post bandit.

Dee-dee, please.

Said felon hit the hill
again yesterday,

Making a forced withdrawal
from a savings and loan

On west 116th street.

Once again witnesses remark
this perpetrator

Has impeccable manners.

They were taken by
his frequent use

Of "yes, ma'am," and
"no, ma'am,"

While receiving the teller

Of their cash
drawer's contents.

They were charmed by
his keeping his hardware

Directed at the floor.

- (Laughter)
- presumably because

It's impolite to point.

And by his apologies
on departure

For any inconvenience
he might have caused.

A speculative tally

Would put the number of
jobs this gentleman's pulled

- At 27 in the last month.
- (Cheering, whistling)

There is no reason his
pulley test ought

To prompt an equal
deference from the police.

Now you've been given
a description sheet.

Study it, catch him.

Item seven,
detectives duck,

Larue and washington

Continued their mission
and the infamous

And occasionally infectious

8Th street p*rn palace,

"Murray's wonderland"
to be rejoined later

In the a.m. By
lieutenant hunter.

Now it's necessary
for me to mention

That since this
operation began,

Certain peculiar items
have surfaced

About these premises.

For example, this

- (Oohs and ahs)
- mega-studded headpiece.


My considerable open-minded
speculation it is not

Headgear for showering.


And this correctional device.


Is not a non-toxic,

Non-polluting roach k*ller.


Although I admit
several of our roaches

Have been naughty
of late.


And this illustrated

Of eight-millimeter
film great

- Angela anxious.
- (Cheering)

it hurts, but I love it.


Not on the
city library's list

Of recommended reading.

I ask the guilty party
or parties

Disseminating these

To cease or risk having
his or her mind

Washed out with soap

By yours truly upstairs.

Item eight is an update
on officer michael perez.

I'm afraid no visitors are
being allowed at this point.

The address is
posted upstairs.

I'm sure we can all
spare a few seconds

To drop a card
or a note.

Now you're all here
by apprised

Of two funds, one for
the perez family,

As you know they were
feeling the pinch

Prior to this situation,

And the other day
mrs. Doris robson,

With funeral expenses
for her son.

Officer schnitz
is taking the donations.

Item last.

Now it's one more day
till the election.

It's been my
personal observation

That the topic has been
a source of heated

Hallway debate.

A debate is healthy,

But let's keep it amiable.

Let's give our fellow
grown-ups a chance

To make an uncoerced
well-thought-out decision.

Okay, that's it,
let's roll.

And let's be very
careful out there.

(Various conversations)

Think I'll go by
and see maria

Just to let her know
we're thinking about mike.

Say, leo, you got
change for a twenty?

- Ten each, please.
- Later.

- (Sighs)
little s*ab and m*rder.

- (Hill) here, give me
the classified section.

When's he checking
you out?

This afternoon.

What's the idiot
grin for?

You're not making excuses

To see your squeeze,
are you, luce?

I don't have
to make excuses.

- We have a date tonight.
- Yeah.

And the sergeant threw
this away for a reason.

I was going
to throw it back.

Mm-hmm, sure you were.

How could she do that?

Tongue depressors.

Oh, ah-ah.

(Woman on police radio)
we have a 911.

Armed robbery in progress.

C-surplus store corner
of peeble's drive,

124Th street...




Will you take
care of this, please?

It's not unusual,
new candidates

Generate new interests.

- Ray, good morning.
- Good morning.

Mr. Whitcamp would
like to use

The computer facilities
for a few minutes

If it's all right
with you.

Yeah, I need to
phone my division.

Go right ahead.

Well, ramon, you going
to watch the debate?

Yes, chief.

Ray I'm sorry about our
harsh words the other day.

I know you've got
a shopping list.

It is not a shopping list.

A legitimate agenda then,

Things you want
for your constituency.

My people, chief, I am not
running for office.

Your people then.

Ray, what I'm trying
to say is I listen.

I just can't give you
specifics at this time.

What I can offer you

Is a ride to the debate
in my limo.


I'm taking my best campaigners
by chauffeured limousine.

When we're there
I want you in the front row.

I need to know
you're on the team, ray.

I'm sorry, chief, I can
no longer promise that.

Then I may have to break
a promise of my own.

If that costs me
my captain's seat,

So be it.

So ozzie cleveland
got to you, did he?

No one got to me,

Not cleveland, not you.

I just have to think.

Give my seat to someone else.

Chief I think you should

Be in on the status session

With deputy chief mahoney

About the robson sh**ting.

I'm a little rushed for
time this morning, frank.

You and dennis handle it.

Can you get me a bust
at that p*rn palace

By four o' clock, frank?

That's our plan.


Uh, cleveland's up
three points

In winchester, five
points in eastlake,

Three points
in the river district,

And as for
the black community--

Let me see that.


It's a horse race.

I mean he isn't really
even organized yet.

My hunch is people
just like the guy.

Morning, chief, frank.

Don't ever run
for office, dennis.

I'm an isolated man

Locked inside an electronic
tower of babel.

We're holding
the fort, chief.

Let's go, frank.

There's definitely enough
to hold this robson woman

For the grand jury,
don't you think so, frank?

No, I don't.

I think they'll dismiss.

I think they should.

Well even if they do,

Even if they do,
we've got the word out

On that woman.

We got the story out,

That child was left alone.

Who are we trying
to convince, dennis?

I took the heat off
this department,

And off fletcher daniels.

I did what had
to be done.

Why are you telling me?

Because I know I'm right.

I know that's what
he wanted to do.

You're probably
close there.

I think he wanted
it done.

(Door opens)

(Various conversations)

Can I help you?

I know where somebody is?


Yeah, but I got to be
sure of some things first.

Don't arrest me.

Arrest me and I don't
tell you anything.

And I want a methadone
program, stet, right now.

You promise me
or I don't say anything.

What's your name, miss?

Desiree, desiree handel.

Well it's like
this, desiree,

Unless you give us
some idea

About who this somebody is,

We can't do anything
for you.

The emily post bandit.

They talk about
him on tv.

You tell us where
we can find him,

And I'll see you get
in a program.

Today, no screwing around.

And I want a lawyer
to make sure

You guys do like
you promise.

That too.

He's a junkie, he...

He has to get high
this afternoon,

So he's doing
a bank this morning.

What's his name,
what name?


Nicky kasner.

He said the bank
on jefferson.

There's four on jefferson,
which one?

I don't know, uh...

One he did before.

Hey, where's my lawyer?

- Four units to jefferson?
- Please.

This guy.

Some part of
a relationship to you?

He stinks, that's all.

I'm through.

I can only take so much.

(Car horns honking)

Hey, I gave you a five,

You gave me change
for one, what's that?


All right, all right,
all right, lighten up.

Don't you feed this guy?

I've been watching
you kid.

You got a real flair
for this type of work.

- You ever think
of quitting the cops?
- No.

Too bad, you can make
a buck in this racquet.

I could teach you
the business.

Not interested.

Hey wait a minute.

Tell me something.

What's the worst pain
in the world?

What's the absolute
worst thing

A human being
can be made to suffer?

I don't know, murray.

Uh, t*rture.


Murray's combats loneliness.

So do churches, murray.

So do ball games.

So do libraries
and social clubs.

And so does murray's.

Granted murray's takes

A slightly different
angle, but uh...

Excuse me, where's "murray's
animal kingdom?"

Uh, renamed "murray's world
of alternative lifestyles."

Third floor.


Maybe you're one of
the lucky ones

With a wife and kids
to go home to.

A lot of people
got nothing,

They go to a little room
every night,

Eat a frozen dinner
and watch tv.

All the while they're
crying inside

For somebody to love them.

Me I try to
give them something

To hold onto in the dark.

Murray, I got to tell you,

That's very poetic.

I don't know, maybe
you're an all right guy.

But what you got here,
murray, this ain't right.

Kid, to each his
own, there's taste?

Murray wants everybody
to be happy,

Irregardless of what
that involves.

- It's a wonderful world.
- (Laughs)


Quincy gonna know.

He can read my eyes,

- He knows when I'm scared.
- No, look.

Maybe he's got you
believing that,

But it ain't true.

Now it's gonna work,

We're gonna bust
that sucker clean.

Hey, hey, look.

She's just a little
hunky, babe.

Oh yeah, sure, come on
let's get her

Downstairs for some air.

Hey, haven't you ever heard

The hill street battle cry,

Never fear, jd's here.

It seems pretty
copasetic to me.

Just watch
your driving, robert.

I'm perfectly capable
of scoping this situation

- Out by myself.
- Excuse me, sherlock.

Take a right here,
go by first citizens.

Looks like we're going to
spend this entire day

Just driving around
in the car, doing nothing.

Since when did that
matter to you?

What's this here?

(Siren blares)

Jefferson scene of
a robbery, suspect on...

(Indistinct shouting)



- ...come on, I'm cool.
- Hey, renko.

Don't worry, partner,
I got it.

- (Hill) I said get up on
your feet right now.
- Good!

Come on!


put your hands behind
your back, spread your legs.

Oh, lord, I'm green.

Leo, one emily post robber.

Hill and renko,
collar of the day.

Yeah, and one pile
of hold-up money.

Uh, leo, be careful with it.

Eh, booby-trapped, huh?

How come it's all over
renko instead of him?

Why don't you mind
your bees wax, leo.

Let's book him.


- My goodness you're
greener today.
- (Laughs)

- You're using too
much fertilizer, andy.

- I'm telling you.
- What you laughing about?

Who me?
I'm not laughing

- What are you
laughing about?
- I uh...

I need someone to take
a customer over to county

For methadone treatment.

We're going anyway.

She told you, didn't she?

I have not got the
slightest idea

Who you're talking
about, bud.

Dye got me first
time too, man.

Sniff it when it's wet,
you get a little high.

Is that so?

Perhaps you
can enlighten me

And tell me how I can
get this dye off of me.



It's primo, man.

Excuse me, I've
got to go

And take care of
this now.

All right, let's do
some fingerprints.

Yes, we did something
like that on larp

In the delta.

Watch the sunlight coming
through the broken view,

- Very good.
- (Hill) put your toes
on the line

And face forward.

Let's go.

Hey, you work your side
of the fence,

I work mine.

Just dig it.

No reason for everybody
to hate everybody.

As long as you get
your junk, right, nick?

Hey, I'm not asking
for the state of montana.

He's been advised?


The emily post bandit.

Say something polite, nicky.

Come on, give me a break.

Been a heck of a run.

Hey, look, I'm sorry.

I mean I didn't mean
to make you guys

Look like jerks.

All right, look,

I was telling the arresting
officer my problem is

I'm going to need
to get fixed pretty soon.

Federated bank on
25th street, nicky,

October 21st.

That girlfriend of mine,
I can't believe that.

I mean, what's
in it for her,

She goes and do
something like that?

How about the certified
national bank on utica,

October 10th, know
anything about that?

I'm going to need
to get fixed, man.

You don't know
anything about

The certified
national bank?

Look officer detective,

You've got the pictures,
you figure it out.

What am I going to do,
lie to you?

I got a $700-a-day habit

And I support her too.

By robbery?

No, by selling pencils.

Hey, I never harmed
anybody, right?

hell, I would walk in

And I'd be so nice,

People couldn't give me
enough of their money.

There was this one time...

There was this one time
this broad was so happy

I wasn't going
to sh**t her,

She reached into
the other drawer,

And she gave me
that money too.

Do you believe that?


I told desiree about it.

We got high, and she sat
in the car

And watched me do
a liquor store.

What liquor store?

It's true what they say

About love, man,
it stinks.

What liquor store?

Eh, look, detective,

I'm obviously
talking here,

So give me a little
rhythm, right.

I'm going to need
to get fixed

Next few hours, all right?

Put him on the bus.

Um, hey detective,
I mean, so you had

A bad morning, I can
relate to that,

I mean look at
the morning I've had.

Sorry, I'm not
going to fix you, nicky.

- (Various conversations)
- (phone ringing)

Uh, excuse me, mr. Post.

I have tried industrial
dye and I have

Tried turpentine and i--

You gotta use permastone
with turpentine.

I don't think
you get the idea.

You see apparently
this dye

Has gone through
my uniform,

And discolored certain
portions of my underneath.

Now if you can find
something that might be

A little milder on me,
a little less--

Hey, you know,
maybe there is.

But I just don't
know what it is,

- I'm sorry--
- you better start thinking--

- Eh, are you out
of your mind, renko.
- You better start thinking

With it, look at me, man,
look at me!

(Phone ringing)


Nicky, I'm sorry.

You said you loved me,

And now you go do
something like this.

I do love you, nicky,
I'm sick.

You left me,
you left me too long

You were playing with me.

I loved you, and now you
go do something like this?

My client was promised that

She'd be taken
to county right away.

Coffey, bates.

I was sick!
You left me two days.

All right.


Well, she's on the mend.

Hey, can you do something
about her disposition?

Shut up joe.

Where's desiree?

They're going to
keep her here.

She has an abscess
or something.

- I'll see you tonight.
- Okay.

Hey, where are you
taking her?

I mean, does this guy
spring or what?

Shut up, joe.

I'll submit a list
for your approval.

He's nice.

So you like him, huh?

What'd I just say?

Do me a favor,
button this up.

Ah, gotcha!

and so based on evidence

Before the court, your honor,

The people believe
there's enough to warrant

Holding miss robson
for the grand jury.

district attorney,
three days ago

I recalled telling you
that when we got to

The particulars
of this case,

You better show me
something of substance.

What you've presented here

Leads me to conclude that

Your prosecution of
this woman is nothing more

Than an attempt to protect
this city from a potentially

Expensive civil action.

Sir, I find that outrageous.

I am appalled.

Defendant please rise.

The charge of felony child
endangerment, dismissed.

Charge of child
abandonment, dismissed.

I feel so sorry.

Thank you, your honor.

as for the individuals

In the police department,
and d.a.'S office

Involved in this action,

I regret I'm not empowered
to sentence you

To a little humanity.

- (Gavel hits desk)
- recess ten minutes.

(Various conversations)

There'll be a lot of
press outside.

If you like we can try
and go around.

It doesn't matter?

Doris there's nothing
preventing you

From bringing a suit
against the city.

And there's every reason
at this point

To say you should.

You'd be my lawyer?

I'm afraid I'm not allowed.

But I'll give you some names
of some very good people.

If they don't pan out,

I'll give you a few myself.

Hey, how're you doing?

Huh, come here.

Yeah, you look like
you're doing good.

I'm fine.

That's swell.

Take it easy, okay?

Quincy's taking his time,

She's getting ready
to climb into a basket.

Excuse me, uh...


Upstairs, third floor.

No, no, no, you see

He's not in his office.

That's all right,

I'll find him, thanks.

- Was that?
- Was that?


Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah,

Man, this is too good,
oh, oh.


Hey, al.

John, how nice
to see you.

You look great.

Well you look
great yourself.

So um...

Been keeping busy?

I think you know
that I was suspended

From law practice
for six months.

Yeah, yeah, I heard.

John, it was a blessing.

Hey, that's great.

I'd never been so depressed
in my who life.

I was, I was actually
contemplating su1c1de.

And then with the help
of a tremendously sensitive

And caring therapist,
I began to rethink

The fundamental assumptions
of my life.

No kidding.

You see, my therapist
told me

I had to go back
to my early childhood,

Act out my gender confusion

So I could redefine
my masculinity.

Uh-huh, uh-huh,
in a dress.

This is not a flirtation

With the gay
lifestyle, john,

And I want to stress that.

- Oh, hey.
- Okay?


No, my therapist says
this is just a phase.

We have to crawl
before we can walk.

Your uh, your therapist
work here?

No, no, I'm here
on business,

The owner's a client.


Yeah, you guys
have put him

In a rather
ticklish situation,

- He wants a little help
in the legal rapids.
- (Radio static)

Gotta go, hey...

Great, great seeing you.

Ah, it's great
seeing you, john.

Um, look um...

I'm back
in circulation

If you need
an attorney.

Top of my list, al, huh?

You don't open this,

You don't even talk.

Busket, he be waiting,
got that?

Police, suckers,
don't move!

Take him!

(Indistinct shouting)


Move! Come on!

Other way! The other
way, mick!

(Woman screams)

You ain't gettin' nowhere--

Murray, get down!

- Get down!
- (g*nf*re)

(People scream)


I'm okay.

Backups are on the way.

keep him on the floor.

Cover him, neal.

Come on! Come on!

I've been sh*t.


Hey, kid.

- Give me a hand kid,
will you.
- Take it easy, murray.

Take it easy.

come on, get up, get up.

I'm short of breath.

Don't move.

It's gonna be okay,
ambulance is on its way.

this gonna cost me?

I'm cut.


Replace the glass
and these cases,

Seven... Three hundred
bucks without labor.

You're covered, mur.


Al, is that you?


You look good.


What a business.


You're all set up

Now I think you can
safely say

It has a street value
of $2.5 million.


What's the problem,

It's just a kilo chief.

Step on it five times

And it's still only worth
half a million.

Damn it, somebody
give me a number.

Say a million.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'll
begin with a statement.

Operation pit bull,

Our longstanding undercover
investigation of

Drug transactions in
the p*rn trade,

Has today netted
spectacular results.

We've broken a
major drug ring,

And netted a quantity
of heroin with an estimated

Street value over well
in excess of

million dollars.

I'd like to specifically
commend the work

Of detective sergeant
neal washington.

Under whose leadership
operation pit bull

Racked up such
impressive returns.

Truly one of this departments
and this city's finest.

shake hands again.

chief daniels...

You and me were there
weren't we?

Must have been exciting.

(Man #2)
how long was the operation...

(Man #3)
what's the word on the
death of murray kaplan?

Fay, how nice to see you.

chief, how about
kissing the baby, chief?

Oh, surely.

Here, come on, I remember
how to do this.

- (Laughs)
- ah...

Oh, little fella.
(Baby coos)

Excuse me, please.

Uh, what's your name, ma'am?

Uh, fay furillo,

And this is
catherine elizabeth furillo.

Are you captain
furillo's wife?

Oh, no, we've been
divorced for some time.

She weighed seven pounds,
seven ounces soaking wet,

And she's as healthy
as a horse.

she's beautiful.

Thank you.

Uh, who's the lucky father?

Judge paul grogin.

Secret marriage?

I'm a single mother.

I'm proud of it.

Fay, I'm running
a little late.

Chief, what's your
position on city aid

To unwed mothers?

Well, certainly we support

The notion of motherhood.

Fay, I'm running
a little late.

Wait a minute, let me
tell you something, mister,

This city's position on
aid to single mothers stinks.

I mean have you any idea

What an unwed mother
has to go through?

I mean the frustration
of being shunted

From one agency to
the other like

Meat in a sausage factory.

I think it's time that
somebody paid some attention.

Fay, not now, please.


When, then?

I mean when is this city

Going to come out
of the dark ages?

And when are
we going to get

An enlightened administration

Willing to come out
for simple human rights

For all women,
single and otherwise?

Fay, these are substantive
questions, which I intend

To address, unfortunately
the time allotted

To candidates rarely permits
a personal reply.

Excuse me.

chief, how large was

This narcotics raid?

(Reporter #2)
what's the word on the death

Of murray kaplan,
the owner.

Whoa, you look like
a boiled lobster, son.

Bobby, I have
mutilated myself.

I have removed most
of the skin

From my southern half.

Is it, is it still green?

No, it's sort of like
bright red now.

I'm never gonna be
the same man again.

Well, come on,
I'll race you to the car.


This is all going
downtown now.


Nice bust, detective.

A citizen got k*lled, sir.

I thought it was just that
p*rn operator.

Well, he was a citizen.

Our work isn't often neat

Sometimes people get hurt.

Will you excuse me,
sir, please.

In a minute, I want
to mend a fence with you.

Hey if the chief
gets elected,

There's a good chance
you'll be calling me "boss."

No, sir.

What? Sorry, i...

If you become chief,

That's when I start
looking for a new job.

Now hold on.

Now please listen to me, sir.

I've seen the way you've tried
to hurt people up here,

And I'll tell you the truth,

I'd rather work for the guy
who ran that sleaze joint

And I already turned
that job down.

Now please, excuse me, sir.

My figures indicate,

Completed pavilion

Will pump $25 million into
our local economy.

Giving points
for slick howard?

Carriage and grooming, henry.

The facts of electronic life.

By no later, than
this time next year.

Commander cleveland?

uh...(Clears throat)

I'm afraid I'm not
up to date

On the figures concerning
the pavilion.

Sorry, I didn't have time.

If it brings jobs,
I'm for it.

Pretty vague.

...news from kurt robinson
of the herald.

"May we have your reaction

"To the sh**ting of

"Jimmy robson by
a police officer.

"Specifically to
the department's handling

"Of the officer involved

"And to the bringing
of charges

Against the dead
boy's mother."


The internal affairs

Of officer perez
is ongoing.

Their findings are due
within the week.

Pending those, any comment
by me would be premature.

As for the charges
against mrs. Robson,

I would like to read a copy
of a letter for the record,

Sent to judge oberman,
superior court

Yesterday morning.

"Dear, sir.

"Occupied as I have been
with the current campaign,

"I've had to delegate many
day-to-day responsibilities

"Of the department.

"Without second-guessing
the judgment of those

"Who brought them, please
note that the pursuance

"Of the charges against
mrs. Doris robson

"Occurred without my
prior knowledge or consent.

"I personally
abhor this action,

"And hope this
will be a factor

"In your deliberations.

"The city of which
I would like to be mayor,

"Will not bring charges
against doris robson.


Fletcher daniels."

Did you or did you not
before the debate

Ask me not to politicize
the robson sh**ting?

A tragedy of this magnitude
transcends political--

Did you or did you not

Apprise me of that
letter before now?

I didn't see it as
necessarily germaine to--

What purpose does
making your letter public

Serve you now?

On an issue as
sensitive as this

The public has
a right to know--

I saw you at
the hill street station

When the decision
was made

To pursue that charge,
chief daniels.

now just a minute, ozzie,

Are you calling me a liar?

Call it what you like.

It's clear, you let lose
a hatchet man

And now you want
to disavow

Any responsibility.

You want it both ways.

That is patently untrue.

you didn't keep
your word, fletcher.

A woman lost her son,

A policeman's life
and career

Are irretrievably damaged.

And the public deserves
better from us

Than pious, self-serving,

At the expense
of innocent lives.

I have no quarrel with that.

I was simply... I was trying

To indicate my position...

Will have to cleveland
that round on points.

That was no decision, howard,

That was a knockout.

it is the decision
of this court

That mr. Donald quincy
be detained without bail.

Return date to superior court
will be in one week.

- (Gavel slams)
- bailiff.

docket number 199436,

Nicholas kasner,

22 Counts of 1605

Robbery in the first degree.

Mr. Kasner is allegedly

The emily post robber.

If you're thinking
m*rder two

On quincy and masters,
your whistling downwind.

See, you want to get him
to cop to a manslaughter,

Simple possession, you get
the same way...anyway.

case is on for bail setting.

Defendant is indigent,

- Representation by a
public defender's office.
- Alan?

Alan wachtel?

Representing the estate
of the late murray kaplan.

Sorry, alan.

I'm not tossing
the criminal charges

- Just so you can begin
suing us in civil court
- (bailiff) quiet down, please,

- Excuse me, do I have to point
it out to you murray kaplan
- quiet in the room.

- d*ed a hero for this city.
- Business that is not court

- Should be conducted outside
the court room.
- Is this the gratitude he gets

For his wife and children?

- Huh?
- You're in my way.

- Al, come on.
- (Gavel knocking)

excuse me.

What's the problem here?

There's no problem,
your honor.

Counselor wachtel?

Yes, sir.

It's good to see you
back in court.

Thank you sir.

If you've got a moment,

I'd like to see in chambers.


See to the heart
of things, irwin.

See what would
have been best

For murray kaplan.

Okay, come on,
come on.

(People screaming)

So you really
liked him, huh?


You know, stewart, stew.

He's a nice guy.

You know I got to tell you

I was worried that,

You know, you
would give me

A hard time.

I don't even give you
the benefit of the doubt.

You know something,
I think you're really

Coming along, I mean I think
you're really developing

A sense of warmth.

Something wrong, joe?


So then why are you
sitting there

Like you got a broken neck?

You know those little
black spots

That float around
in your eye

No matter how hard
you try,

You can never look at one.


Well I got one now,

It's right in the middle
and I'm looking right at it.

That's great joe,
that's really good.

Maybe sergeant
should put this in roll call,

It's good.

(On radio)
all units vicinity

Holyoke and jefferson

You have a 417
escaped prisoner

- All units there's
an officer down
- (engine starts)

Request immediate

Escaped prisoner
is nicholas kasner,
- (siren begins)

Descript is white male,
34, wearing...

the guy escapes.

Turn right here,
it's faster.

(Tires skid)

I want it now!

I want it now!

They took kokzicki
to the hospital.

The guy's got a g*n
on a woman in there.

We got a unit doing
the alley in back.

(Helicopter approaches)

you in the house,

This is the police.

Come out of there now.

she's dead.

(man on radio)...residency.

No, you'll have to maintain
your position,

Our negotiating team
has just arrived.

(Helicopter hovering)
(police radio chatter)

He's ransacking the house

Looking for pharmaceuticals.

We know who he's got?

Yeah, mrs. Sheila redding,

She's a widow of 53,

She works at the dry cleaners,
it's her house.

What's he said?

Eh, he doesn't like
the interior decor.

We'll have a field phone
set up in a jiffy,

Oh, even as we speak,
here, throw the switch

And dial zero.

What are the demands?

120 Milligrams of dilaudid.

I explained to mr. Kasner

That the police do not
supply narcotics.


She's got nothing
in here, man.

The dumb broad's
got nothing in the house.

Nicky, come on out of there.

We'll get you to
a hospital,

They'll take care
of business.

Don't bribe me, man, don't.

You get in here,

Or I take care of
business in here.

How much do you need?

I told you, 150 milligrams
of dilaudid.

I heard 120.

Then 120 then,
now get it in here.

How's mrs. Redding?

She's cool for now.

She's better than
that cop.

He's alive.

He's going to be
all right, nicky.

If we can keep on this,

Everything's going
to be okay.

Listen now, I need
something from you.

I want to give me
a little of that cool

You showed me before.

We both need that now,

You understand me, nicky?

This broad, she keeps
looking at me.

I don't know...

You see? You see there?
You see?

Now don't look at her, nicky.

Don't pay any attention.

She keeps looking
at me,

Now where's my stuff?

Okay, I'm going to try
and get it.

Take it easy.

You're deployed?

Ready when you are, h.g.

Not yet.

- (Kasner)
I want to get me my...
- Not yet.

What's it like?

I can bring them
both out, frank.

Kasner and the woman.

Okay, I'm with you.

But I got to get him high.


I'm listening.

He wants 120 milligrams
of dilaudid.

I contacted his girlfriend,
and having it brought here,

But she said it's
his right dosage.

Frank, it's all he wants.

I think we can get
him out clean.

Sort of.

Sort of, right.

Uh, I'll try to get
you clearance, henry.

Frank, don't hang
me up with him.

I'll call you back
in two minutes.

Straight sh**ting, frank,
how did I do?

Straight sh**ting?

He bloodied my nose once or
twice, no question.

But on the issues,
the man is

A functional illiterate.

People are going
to see that,

Don't you agree?

Think he licked you.

It's the damn
robson thing.

He hung
me out to dry.

Never should have mentioned
that letter.

Einstein's idea.

Chief we have a situation
over on jefferson,

I'd like to get
your authorization.

Frank I want your best

Was I involved in
a single policy decision

On the robson matter?

Not to my knowledge.

You're damn right,
good for you.

We're going to
hit that hard

In the morning
papers, frank.

I did not make
decision one.


It was mahoney.

Guy's off the deep end.

He thinks he knows
my secret soul.

Well intentioned as
dennis may have been,

He has made a botch
of this department's

Decision making that has
got to come out.

Meaning you're back
to making decisions?

Uh, candidate or not,

I think I have to
take up the reins.

We have an addict
holding a hostage

Over on jefferson.

He's demanding narcotics.


Henry believes they could
buy us some lives.

Henry does.

I believe we ought
to authorize.

Well, I have to trust
your judgment, frank.

Go ahead then.

(Clears throat)
um, chief we have

Some talking to do.

Got to go, we're clear
on robson.

Lieutenant goldblume.

What did you think, ray?

It was an interesting
debate, chief.

I missed you, ray,
I'm sorry you weren't there.

I am too.

That robson business,
I thought ozzie

Was a little
out of line.

Coming down to
the wire, ray.

Time to stand up
and be counted.

I'm sorry, chief,

I decided to vote
for ozzie.

That could be a mistake
you'll regret.

If its, I will
live with it.

- (Phone ringing)
- (various conversations)

(Helicopter hovering)

Henry, davis
just called in,

They've got it,
they're on their way.

(Kasner shouting)
I'm not waiting
any longer.

She's a goner here, man,

And you did it,
you did it.

Nicky, it's on its way,
it's coming.

Two minutes, two minutes,
like in two minutes.

Come on, come on.

(Approaching sirens)

- That it?
- Yep.

She's on the nod a little.

- Desiree?
- Can I talk to nicky?

He loves me,
let me talk to nicky.


- Shut up! Shut her up!
- I got to...

Excuse me.

All right.

(Phone rings)


Nicky, I've got it.

You got it?

I've got the stuff.

Throw it through the window.

Uh-uh, nicky.

You send mrs. Redding out,
then you'll get it.

No, I said throw it
through the window

- Or I'll k*ll her.
- (Phone clangs)

No, sir, no sir.

Nobody's gonna die.

you listen to me, nicky.

If that woman is harmed

I'll make sure you never get
high again in your life,

I swear it.

She worth that, nicky,
no more dope?

- Easy, easy.
- No.

throw it in,
and I'll let her go.

No, mrs. Redding
comes out first,

Then you get it.

It ain't fair.


Want to get high,
you got to pay the price.

I'll k*ll her.

I'll k*ll her.

- No, you won't.
- (Approaching siren)

(Nicky shouting)
I want it now!

(Nicky shouting)
I want it now!

give me a rundown, henry.

I'm trying for an exchange,

We get mrs. Redding,
he gets the dr*gs.

He'll go for it.

(Man on police radio)
all officers are to stay

Behind the cover
of their vehicles.

Throw it in.

I can take him.

No, no.

He's still armed, howard.

Let's do it henry's way.

I want it now!

(Glass shatters)


- (Police radio chatter)
- (helicopter hovering)

All right, nicky,
here it is.

(Chatter and helicopter

Talk him out,

Tell him to throw
out his g*n.

(Phone rings)




Desiree, sweetheart,
I got it.

I know, it's me made them
give it to you.

I did it for you.

It's coming.

It's getting to me.

I love you, nicky.

I love you.

Tell him to throw
his g*n out.

I don't want an o.d.
Out of this.

Why don't you
come out, nicky?

I don't want anything
happening to you in there.

I love you so much, baby.


Oh, my god.




I'm all right.

I feel all right.

(Train clattering)

(Radio chatter)

Hey, gomez and davis
took what's-her-name home.

Don't forget
the field cards.


all right, everybody.

Party's over, tents down.


what're you doing here?

I got your message.

But I said I was
going to be late,

I didn't think you
would show up,

I mean i...

It's okay, it's great.

Uh, but you have
to stick around

I've got to finish
up some stuff.

- Okay?
- Hey doc.

- Hi, joe, how're you doing?
- I'm good, good.

- How're you doing?
- Good.

How're the ribs?

Um, good, hurts a little

You know, once in a while.

Anybody hungry?

- Yep.
- Yeah.

Hey, why don't you come

To mulligan's with us.

No, we might have had

Something more elegant planned.

Mulligan's sounds good to me.

Doc, what do you think
I ought to do

About my poor flesh?

What's the problem?

Well I just got it all
scraped raw

Trying to get off
some dye that got on it.

Coco butter and
vitamin e.

Uh, how 'bout that?

Professional advice,
I like this guy,

- I like this guy.
- Come on, let's go eat.

Good work, henry.

Thought we could
get them both out.

You were right.

Didn't want another
hector ruiz.

I know.

You did the right thing.


Thanks a lot.

(Door closes)

(Engine starts)

I'm glad for henry.

Um, he needed one.


Oh, rash youth.

Never say rash
to a married man.




- ouch!
- What?


The robson case notes.

Is anyone besides me

Going to that little boy's
funeral tomorrow?

It's probably going
to be a full house.

Oh, damn.


I was going to go see
mike perez's wife today.



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