07x22 - It Ain't Over Till It's Over

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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07x22 - It Ain't Over Till It's Over

Post by bunniefuu »


Yeah, who is it?

Sid: it's me, norm.


Hey, what if I was asleep, huh?

I know my man better than that.

So, what's going on sid?

I think,

Yours truly is finally
making some progress.

Progress? How?

I got confirmation.

Certain gendarmes have been

Moving some stuff
over the last few months.

A guy named freddy jerome is

This far away
from giving me the names.

They move coke?

No, prunes. Look, norm,

Whoever's framing you
for stealing the suitcase,

Makes sense,
maybe they sold some of it.

Where's this guy freddy live?

- No, uh-uh. Norm!
- I'm going crazy.

Hey, norm. Norman!

You're doing niente
until we find out

Who's giving you
the inside shaft. Come on!

All right, it's just...

I'm just afraid they're going
to take my job from me, sid.

You want to help?

Let me hold
whatever cash you got.

This guy freddy's going
to take some encouraging

Before he gives me some names.


[Paper rustles]

Here. I've only got 38 bucks.

Thirty-eight bucks?

Ah, that's good. I'll get more.
Norm, no mistakes.

Remain, buntz.


I appreciate
what you're doing, sid.

Look at that,

They're ruining those movies
with that colorizing thing.

[Door opens, closes]

we interrupt with this bulletin
from the channel 7 news room.

A fire has broken out at
the hill street station house

Of the metropolitan police.

Man: all right, we're clear.
Let's head back.

Ah, where do we stand?

Extensive smoke
and water damage, captain.

We are doing
a shear and stress test

To see if the structure's
held up.

Can we work here?

We'll have preliminary status
for you in a few minutes.

Ready for more, captain?

Two hookers k*lled on van buren.

Strangled with piano wire.

Yeah, that's the m.o. On those
height's strangulations.

That phone is dead.
See if another one's working.

All right, tell the heights

We want the complete profile
on the piano wire k*ller.

Yes, sir.

Can you believe this, captain?

Can you believe
he'd goes this far?

What are you talking about?

I knew lieutenant buntz
was a loose cannon,

But I never thought he'd go
endangering people's lives.

You think lieutenant buntz had
something to do with this fire?

Leveling, captain?

We're very close to filing
charges on the evidentiary theft

Of the cocaine
from the suitcase.

How do figure
a guy like that, huh?

Maybe he wants to bring
the whole house down with him.

Lieutenant shipman, we're hip
deep here in fire marshalls.

No one's raised
the possibility of arson.

I've been told they can show me
the spot on the fuse box

Where the current overloaded.

Heights file's on its way,

Thanks, jenkins.

If you have enough to arrest
buntz for stealing evidence,
go ahead and do it.

Why the angry tone of voice?

Otherwise, leave us alone!


What's our status?

Your power's hit bad.

We got the wet.
And we got the stink.

I've also got a serial k*ller

And an i.a.d. Investigation
in progress.

If it's possible not to relocate
that's how I'd like to proceed.

Ok, if you're willing
to deal with all that right now.

Your base structure
is holding up.

The only area that
I'd make a question mark

Is back there in the corner.

Otherwise you should be
all right.


[Theme music plays]

Are we following
some organized regimen here,
sergeant, as to cleanup?

Well, ah, everyone handles
the area they work in.

I guess we're lucky
the joint's still standing.

Temporarily. No doubt
they will level and rebuild.

No kidding?

- Lieutenant.
- Sergeant?

- Chief.
- Melancholy event.

When's the new building
go up, chief?

Not my department, sergeant.

Gentlemen, two seconds
on another matter.

Charges filed yet
on our friend buntz
for stealing that cocaine?

- Not yet.
- I want them filed, frank.

Talk to i.a.d.

I want our losses
cut with that throwback.

So, what page you on
with these hooker murders?

I won't ask detective penziki

What page he
and his task force are on.

Penziki's stuck.

They've been on page one
since the unit was formed
10 months ago.

We're just doing what mortals
can, chief, you know?

Which obviously does not include
catching the k*ller!

Frank, I know
today's a logistical nightmare,

But I want you full bore
on that maniac.

Detective penziki's got us
up to speed on what the task
force has developed.

I'm sure that was a highly
informative conversation.

Did you show them the piece
in the law enforcement monthly

Where we're second from the top
in multiple unsolved homicides?

I gotta get somewhere, chief.

Detective penziki's here
to cooperate with you, captain,

Under your supervision--

And lieutenant goldblume's--

If you catch my drift.

Understand they've decided
to level the precinct house.

Put up another building.

- Oh?
- Yeah.

I suppose a fire's
the sort of nudge

The bureaucracy needs
to monitor.

What a guy.

You know it's baffling.

But ever since
I've been on the force,

I've been
the chief's fair haired boy.

Don't talk to me
about letters of appeal, mister.

You i.r.s. People are garnishing

My paycheck
right out of left field.

Now my wife
has to buy groceries.

I want to know who to talk to!

Yes! I will wait.

The coffee area is off limits,
sid, what's left of it.

Listen, fellows, they guy's name
is freddy jerome.

I got him positioned
to come forward.

All I got to do
is grease the wheel a little.

What are you saying, sid?

You going to bribe the guy
to lie so buntz gets off?

No, I got him positioned to come
forward to tell the truth.

What's the matter with you guys?

You think lieutenant buntz
did this?

It's hard to know
what to think, sid.

Well, I'm telling you,

Lieutenant buntz did not pinch
a suitcase full of soda.

I know.

I tried
to talk him into doing it.

Whatever, sid.
A sawbuck is all I got.

That's excellent.

- Uh, 25.
- All right.

Is this to help
lieutenant buntz?


I thought you and buntz
didn't get along.

I got, uh, 16 bucks.

Sixteen--16 bucks.

You guys gotta get a pay raise.

Hey, norm!

- Norman! You promised.
- Ah, don't waste it.


Lieutenant buntz,
it's my understanding

That you are suspended
and denied these premises.

Leave me alone.

Hey, hey listen. No.
No, no, don't re-deposit.

I'll go by the bank tonight
after I pick up frank junior.

I'll give you a new check.
All right?

I'm sorry.

Well, of course
it will never happen again.

It never does.


Thank you.

- Captain?
- Norman?

Norman, I'm wondering
what you're doing here.

What good do you think
you can do?

Ah, look, I'm going over and
over again in my head, captain.

I'm not getting and honest comp
from this i.a.d. Guy.

Can't we get
something going up here,

Some sort of shadow

That is so far out of policy.

To investigate
the evidence lost, the theft.

We don't have venue.

If I assign men
that's a transparent intrusion.

Captain, look.

I explained to shipman
the money in my apartment.

He didn't question that.
He seemed to accept that.

Then they suspend me.

Obviously they feel they have
more than they're saying.

Well, if they have more,
it's crap!

Because I didn't do anything!

What do you think?

I'm playing it
right down the middle.

Because that's what
a captain does, all right?

I, uh, I had a few scrapes,

A few officer involves.

But, captain,

One thing you ought
to know about norm buntz,

Which is why I didn't do
this captain,

It's why it don't even
make sense.

I don't need the money, captain.

Guys who do this,

They're either jammed up
or it's what they like.

They like having lots of money.

What I like is people
don't screw around with me.

That's a.

And b, I like being a cop.

I'll have a look
into this on my own.

That means no clout,
no subpoena power.

But it's the best I can do.

You go home.
You go home and stay there.

Uh, how about I
just stick around in case--

Norman, home.

Home and stay there. Now.

We were on sector patrol,

That bag lady hailed us.
I guess she found the bodies

While she was going
through the garbage.

She didn't see anything else?

No, sir.

She found these i.d.s
on the bodies?

Yes, sir.

Bobby, andy.

Lieutenant, we're not going
to get very much from that lady.

You fellows want
to do door-to-door
on surrounding buildings?

I do not know why people

Trash the area surrounding
their own domicile.

Priority on lab
and forensics, please?

You got it, lieutenant.

They probably worked
decker and 103rd.

We should probably start there.

You want more time?

No, no, let's get out of here.

Any thoughts?

Yeah, just ones
I don't want to have.

Hold that for me,
would you please?

I think it's
like the other killings,

But, uh, you know, different.

I don't think it's the same guy.

- Copycat?
- Uh-huh.

Listen, I'm the fellow

Behind the eight ball
on this one, lieutenant.

I am the last guy
to ask about this stuff,

You know what I mean?

Mm, thanks.

You feel ok?

Huh, why wouldn't I feel ok?

Aside from the fact
that I've got a gas flow problem

Which would make old mother
hubbard blush

And the fact that
I'm in the middle of a divorce

Which is roughly the equivalent
of the sack of rome,

My existence on this planet
is just fine.

Ah, man.

Got a flat.

[Phone rings]

Woman: records.

Uh, excuse me.


The initials
on this motion hearing,

Are those judge levine's?

I mean, levine is harold, right?

Nd that doesn't
look like an "h."

That's because it's an "n."

That's judge loring's initials.

Judge nathan loring, court b4.

This cocaine hearing
was supposed to be in b7.

That's judge levine's court.

Yeah, but levine gets backed up

And if it's light in another
part of the courthouse

They sh**t
the excess over there.

And the court officers
on this list.

Are they levine's or loring's?

Leconski, burton, levine's. B7.

So this record
doesn't actually tell us

Which court officers handled
the evidence in this case.

Hey, we make the records up

When the hearing ready case
exits the hub courtroom.

That's 90 a day.

I'm not accusing.

But I have to know
who loring's court officers are.

Well, that would be...

No, no, I don't mean that.

I mean on this case.

Oh man, captain,

You're talking an hour and half
to go through things.

A man's career is at stake here.

Would you go
through half of them?

Get out of here, would you?

- Kenseki!
- Get out of here.

Hookers! Hookers!

I don't get it.

How can't they see it's in their
best interest to talk to us?

You got no idea what kind
of control these guys
got over their minds.

The n*zi propaganda guy,
what's his name?

I think he studied
with the princeton eunuch.

Listen, is lunch something
that's necessary?

Because, you know,
I could skip it.

Ok, with me.

I got something
I've got to take care of.

You know, actually,
you could do me a favor.

I have no idea
why you'd want to, but, uh--


I've got to see
my wife's divorce lawyer.

You'd find him interesting.

He's one of the few human beings
on the planet with rabies.

What's the favor?

Practically nothing.
All you got to do

Is just sit there.
I'll do all the talking.

Then, when i, uh,

Put my finger to my eye,
like this, right?

You go into your pocket like
you're going to get something

And you say to him,

"Shall I show him the pictures
now, mr. Penzikis?"

That's it?

"Shall I show him the pictures
now, mr. Penzikis?

Yeah, but
when I touch my eye like this.

What pictures am I referring to?

My wife's trying to put
the squeeze on me for alimony.

I'm guessing
she's running around.

So maybe if we make the guy
think like we've got proof,

Then he'll stop these blood from
stone experiments, you know?

[Engine starts]

"Shall I show him the pictures
now, mr. Penzikis?"

You're a great american.

Just going around asking people
a few questions.

Two women were k*lled
last night.

The bodies were found
in the vacant lot next door.

I don't know nothing about it.

Do you mind if we ask
you a few questions?

You see anything last night out
here? Anything unusual? Strange?

No. Junkies.

Babies crying.

Us eating off the ironing board.

Your name's robert,
ain't that right?

Yeah, right? Do you know me?

Not really.

Ma'am, this is my card here.

Hill street station.
If you hear anything unusual,

If you could give me a call
and let me know please.

In the meantime, thank you very
much for your time. Let's go.

Do you know me, don't you?
From where?

Doesn't matter.

Robert, will you come on?

We still have three more floors

Of valuable interviews
to conduct.

Thanks for your time.


Shipman overlooked
five court officers

Because their names never
appeared in the hearing records.

I'm assuming a clerical error.

But, technically,
any one of them could have
handled the suitcase.

Coho, vernon.

What about him?

- Damn.
- Norman?

I'll tell you what about him,

There's a guy
named benedict at the heights

Who was trying
to steal my snitch.

Must have been pumping
him for crap on me,
hoping to build a case.

And coho?

They were damned partners.

When coho was a slug cop the two
guys were partnered up together.

Damn it!
I knew this was a frame job.
I knew it.

Howard, frank.

We have to get four detectives

Over to the federal courthouse
right away.

Norman, you're going
to stay put.

You understand?
You stay right here.


Hi, erwin.

If this was the catskills,

And this was my uncle hyman's
colony resort,

They would call
this jewish lightening.

Something wrong?

My constituents.

Nine k*lled
in the last seven months

And they go on like business
as usual.

I understand it's come home now.

The ones last night
were found in the hill?

I've got news.

July 1, I'm outta here.

Erwin, what?

- Private practice?
- California.


I've got a cousin there
who's got a real estate firm.

They're expanding.
They need a litigator.

Half criminal.
Get into some civil.

I'm really happy for you.


So, uh, you don't want to try
and talk me out of it?

Try and get me to stay?
It's a joke.

- Sergeant?
- Yeah?

City fiscal services.

We're going to keep the repairs
at a minimum on this thing

Until we find out
about the structure's future.

But your electrical closing in.

More or less, it is.

And this authorizes a reconnect
on your plumbing.

Who's your contractor?

Ah, sal binachi.


Sal happens to be
a pretty good plumber.

Hey, use him, use him.

Hey, aren't you robert dinapoli?

- Yeah.
- I thought that was you.

Tonight on tv you going
to open that vault, right?

Just came
from a demolition site.

I was there with my people,

What do you think is in it?

Hey, we're going to find out,
aren't we?

Listen, we just did
a run through.

I have got zero visual
composition without the cop.

Now, if I can't get
night shift cops assigned to me,

Maybe I can hire some daytime
cops who are off duty.

Uh, well,

I can let the day shift know.

You get me up to eight bodies,
50 bucks a piece

For three hours.

I think your arithmetic
is a little off.

No, no, no.
The extra 100's for you.
For helping me out.

A lot more than anybody
else around here has done.

Well, maybe you didn't notice,
we had a fire here, huh?

Captain, lieutenant shipman
on line 3 for you.


Yeah, you heard right.
We're bringing in officer coho.

Because you weren't doing
your job, that's why.

No excuses.
You blew the coho connection.

You blew the courthouse

And I wont have my man buntz

Subjected to this level
of incompetence.

No, no,
you won't take him downtown,

We're questioning him here.

Well, you get up here
if you want to hear it.

Booking, captain?

Not yet, interrogation a.

I need you, interrogation a.

Leon durst, captain,
representing detective coho.

I know times a factor here--

Meaning your client
knows we can get

The same information
from his running mate,
detective benedict.

But in which case,
hypothetically speaking,

You could be giving away
the head guy

To bag a lowly accomplice.

Obviously, your lowly accomplice
here is the guy

Who broke into a suitcase
containing 80 pounds of cocaine

For which another cop
has been wrongly accused.

Well, if that's what
you want to settle for, captain,

But you'll be missing
3/4 of the players.

No games. What has he got?

I got a walk. Off the force, ok.

- But no charges.
- No way a free walk.

A free walk is too cheap.

Now, you wouldn't say that,
gentlemen, if I also told you

There's also a high ranking
police official involved here.

We can give him to you.

What official? Doing what?

In the thick of it.





We can add, with internal
division responsibilities.

Come on, coho.

If you have
something to tell us--

But I want to make sure I walk.

If he's as big as you say
and if it sticks, then you walk.

That's all we can offer.

As a matter of fact,
that's all we wanted.

Go ahead.


Lieutenant shipman?

Lieutenant jim shipman. I.a.d.

They had him.

Benedict had him
for stealing a captain's test.

Shipman was in their pocket,
and they owned him.

Like they own me.

We had a deal.


Yeah, yeah.

All right, my friend!

Are you ready
for some good news?

What's that, sid? Huh?

You got a message
from your great pal,
detective benedict?

He got something for me,
maybe a lifetime ticket
to lampster's cove?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about vernon coho,
you moron.

Coho? Wait a minute,

That's the name
freddy j. Just found for me.

I came here to give that to you!

Well, you're late, sid.

Furillo had that for me
hours ago.

Now I tell you something, huh?

Coho used to partner
with benny benedict. Huh?

Your big spender benedict.

Ah, norm--

Yeah, they framed me, sid.
Benedict framed me.

And he used you to get
anything he needed.

Ah, norm, I never thought--

Listen, the only thing
I ever said a word
about was the money.

The rest was just plain

Well, that was enough.

Norm, if furillo's on to it,
then they got him, right?

Did they get the other guy too?

What guy? Your pal benedict?

No, the other guy.
The guy inside.

Freddy jerome
said nobody's sweating this

Because it was somebody
inside the investigation.


I wish to heck
I had one for you.

I can't tell you
how bad I feel about this.

I don't know.
Just somebody high up.

That's all I know.


Listen, norm, I got a knot
right here where I breathe.

I know I'm in no position
to give advice,

But what I'm seeing--you're
going to do something nuts.

Shut up, sid.

A, shipman may not be the name.

And b, they got it already!

Who's they? Huh?
Huh? Shipman is they.

How about maybe
furillo is sitting on his hands

And shipman is 3/4 of the way
to acapulco. Huh?

Yeah, uh, lieutenant shipman
please, three-oh-nine--

All right, all right,
thank you, yeah.

Gone, shipman's left already.

Now wait a minute, norm.

[Door opens, closes]

Yeah, captain furillo, please.
Sidney thurston calling.

I'm a snitch. That's what I do.

One count solicitation.

Hey, I don't need no intake.
Just plead me.

Why don't you catch him?
Why don't you just
make them stop?

She knew those two girls,
candy and germane.

The m*rder*d prostitutes?

Why don't you working girls help
the police a little more?

I'm sure there's somebody--

What do you mean help you?

What's to say if I help you

He's not going
to come and k*ll me?

You catch him.
You people catch him

Before he kills somebody else.

Is she charged?

No, she came in
to find out the names
of the two women k*lled.

What's her name?


But don't put me in the middle
of nothing, ms. Davenport.

Did she do something to you?
You want me to go get her?


Lorraine? Fingerprints.

Couple hours personal time,

Got it.

Erwin, those warrants
for shipman ready yet?

Should be here by now.

Sid thurston, captain, line 4.


I know who you are,
just tell me what you--

All right, yeah,
I'll take it from here.

Erwin, have those warrants
follow me to shipman's place.

Call division.

Check me on
an ethics question, erwin.


A hypothetical conversation
on three occasions,

In which the other party
addresses me

As if I'm a member
of the police department

It's clear she thinks I'm a cop.

She doesn't realize
I'm a lawyer.

- Query?
- Query--

Am I bound by privilege as
to the conversation's substance?

Does prove inconclusive.
[Indistinct] legal canons
and principals 101.

Yes or no, erwin?

Can I tell someone
what she said?

Yes, you can tell.
You're not bound.


You're going to miss
these little chats.

Shipman warrant for you,
mr. Bernstein.

Thank you.

Lieutenant goldblume?

He's in interrogation
with a detective penziki.

Have a police officer
forward this warrants
to the captain, please.

All right, see if you can get
officer russo to do this?

Plumbing's reconnected.

Atta boy, sal.

Just took a look at the pipes

Behind the south wall
where the fire spread.


The whole place could have went.

I keep thinking
what could have happened

If a certain person
were in it when it burned.

Sure don't like
thinking about that.


Have dinner with me.

Her name is cassie,

She works somewhere
in the red zone.

I think you should question her.

I think she knows
something about those murders.

- Who are you?
- She's a lawyer.

What, and you're representing
ms. Cassie?

If I were representing her
I wouldn't be talking to you.

Thank you.

Good afternoon.

Afternoon, ma'am.

Um, there was an incident
in the vacant lot

Outside your building
last night.

I saw.

You saw something, ma'am?

It's been
on the television all day.

No, ma'am,
what I was asking you,

Is that
if you actually saw anything

Out your window last night.

I'm not hard of hearing, sir.

So you didn't see
anything last night, ma'am?

Well, i--i stay away

From the window ever since
mr. Sussman passed away.

It's been nine years--

Oh, thank you, ma'am.

Let me fix you some tea.

- Uh, ma'am.
- Thank you very much, ma'am.

The tea will be no trouble.

That's ok, ma'am.

Thanks for your time.

Thank you, officer.

Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you, sir.

[Door closes]

Buddy, we are in luck.
Last apartment today is empty.

We are finished.

I get it, too. I get it too.

What? Depression, every time we
go on a door to door canvas

I get so blue
by the end of the day

I could slit my wrists.
But I have a solution.

Dr. Renko's after-shift beers
at slattery's bar.

Renko, cut it out!

I'm not going
to let it get to you.

I'm not going
to let it get to me!

Place going to be lucky, cassie?

Used to be his cousin
tyrone's place.

He'd sleep there during the day.

It's the only other place
I know where he'd be.

You're doing the right thing.

If dwayne k*lled those girls.

Look, just candy and germane.
Just those two last night.

Oh, well, then he's all right.

Well, the others, he brought
to those white man downtown.

He died last month?
The white man downtown?

That's why
all the murders stopped.

Dwayne got afraid somebody
was going to tell on him.

There it is.

Second floor,
all the way in the back.


Stay with the [indistinct]

I don't want to stay here.
I want to see him!

Cassie, it's all right. Ok.

I got the door.

Open up! Police!

Halt, police! He got away!

Stop or I'll sh**t!


Halt! You're busted, dwayne.

I don't understand
what you don't understand,
mr. Belker.

Your 1984 return
was kicked out for an audit.


And you failed to respond
to five mailed requests

To set up an appointment.

- I never got those.
- So you say.

So the next step is
you're garnishing my paycheck?

Got you attention, didn't we?

And I can see
why it was kicked out.

It's this claim
of maternal dependency.

That's correct.
I took care of my mother

The last three years
she was alive.

I paid her bills.

Can you prove that?


Yes. I got all the receipts.

So these contributions
on your part,

Constituted more
than half her income?

It was me, social security,
and bingo.

As long as you can prove
that we got no problem.

You can access her papers
and receipts?


There a problem
with that, mr. Belker?

Can you access them?

Yeah, I guess so.

Packing a suitcase.

Put that g*n away.
And you're under arrest.

No, no.

You're under suspension.
It means that g*n is illegal!

Hey, mr. Internal,

I don't think you got time
to arrest me.

Not with that plane you're--


All right, now you tell me, huh?
You tell me all about it.

What you guys did,
how you figured.

What you guys think
when you decided

To give me the fall on this

Who cares? He's a freak anyway?


Get off him norman, let up.

No, no.
I'm not so sure, captain.


I'm not sure
what my move is here.

You know, you see because
this is what's important
to me, captain.

I look down the road.
I don't see me coming
out of this a cop.

I don't see how I'm coming out
of this ok.

You put down the g*n.
You give him up.

Or you're never going
to come out of this ok.

Come on, shipman.


- Arrest lieutenant buntz.
- Shipman too.

Under warrant.

I thought he was going
to get away.

I was only holding him, is all.

I know that.


Captain, I just spoke
to a.d.a. Morrisy,

There will be no direct
grand jury presentation.

Chief, on buntz?

Stormin' norman?

Is this necessary?

The g*n's a technical felony
at worst,

Committed under the most
extreme pressure

And for understandable reasons.

Rather pin a medal on him,

Docket n65n611.

Detective michael benedict,

Charged with grand larceny,

of controlled substance,

Obstruction of justice.

People ask $250,000 bail.

Is that after consultation?


My client expects
the bond to be posted.

Long day.


Docket n695599.

Lieutenant norman buntz.

Felonious possession
of a w*apon.

People are asking $100,000.



Because daniels spoke
to morrisy.

Payoff for buntz?

No, but his nose is so
far out of joint, frank,

Over this whole business.

I'll run interference
with the chief.

Erwin, please,

What the case is worth
buntz can make.

Good thing
private practice awaits.


Your honor,
I mis-read my papers,

People ask $10,000,
10% percent cash alternative.

Can defendant make that?


You wish to say
something more lieutenant?

Naw. No.

- Hi, tina.
- Hi.

So you going to pick
up a quick 50 tonight?

What are you talking about?

The t.v. Guy.
He's hiring cops

For window dressing
for the t.v. Show?

Bates has the chits
if you're interested.

Guess not.

You're not interested?


Yo, fellows!
In or out on the t.v. Gig?


I'm not sure.

All right.


We said, detective,
rendezvous at 6:15.

Set your timepiece pauli
and contact your swiss bankers.

I've already done it.
Everyone's on alert.

Hey, hey, hey.
What's happening, pauli?

How you doing there, detective?


Can't be any accident, j.d.

What are you talking about?

Three times within 24 hours
I've seen you with paulie.

It's a free country.
That's what our forefathers
fought for.


Hey, a cup of coffee
please, estelle.

Course if I didn't think
you were going to be a prude,

Maybe I'd tell you
what we got going.

Don't tell me, lover.

Maybe, I'd let you in on
some guaranteed dinero.

Plus that t.v. Hump,
robert dinapoli,

He gets egg on his puss
in front of however many people

He roped into watching
his t.v. Program.

Take the no, j.d.

Neal, paulie's
got the sewer plans.

A back way
into that wine cellar.

I mean it's even legal.
The law of salvage.

We've got as much right to it
as he does.

What do you say?

I say no.

Crawling on my belly
through human waste?

That's why they made
horse racing.

Detective, I've got a bunch
of telephone messages for you.

Everything ok at home?

No, it isn't.

It's my mother.

Detective, nothing gives me
greater pleasure

Than revising upward
my opinion of one of my men.

Lieutenant, I'm very proud.

Thank you. Book him!

Be gentle.
He's somebody's son and brother.

I'm from the fire marshall's
office, chief.

If I could just have
a couple minutes.

These reporters are on deadline.

Boys, I'll keep
my statement simple.

Just that arrest like this
is what makes police work

The soul-satisfying vocation
it is.

Then green's responsible
for last year's string
of piano wire murders?

Well, my understanding--
that's a rather
complicated situation.

I wouldn't want
to prejudice any juries.

But I will say
is that I'm breathing easy.

What about these
reports that they're tearing
down hill street, chief?

Yeah, new building's
going to have a sauna
and ping pong rooms.

And from what I hear
it's going to be--

I haven't actually seen
any plans.

That's right? They're tearing
the old building down?

from what I've been hearing.

Geez, 'cause this building came
through the fire like a champ.

They don't build them
like this any more.

Who actually said that
the building is coming down?

I thought lieutenant hunter
said they were going
to level the whole place.

I don't know, I guess he's just
saying his own opinion.

Gentlemen, ladies.

Let's understand each other.
Given the budget crunch,

If old is sound,
then old is better.

But I repeat it's not
my department.

Didn't you come here
to get the story

On a historic and heroic arrest?



I salute you.


Yes, I've been there.

Non-carborundum and all that.

How'd you get by, howard?

What? The humiliation
of unjust emotion?

I stood there

In front of everybody.

In front of the judge, cops...

As if I was a thief or a pimp.

Well, you're neither.

You're a man.



Everything in the world
taken from you,

You'd still be that.

You believe that?

Oh yes, I had to.

Norman, people like daniels

Don't give a rat's dropping

About people like you and i.

what about lieutenant buntz?

What about him?

As I jokingly suggested
to his captain,

Are we supposed
to pin a medal on him?

He, in fact,
was a decorated cop, am I right?

And his jacket's as thick
as the yellow pages.

People, without pre-judging
anybody, I'll say this once.

The department is not afraid
to sort out its bad apples.

You wouldn't be going after
buntz to broaden the focus away

From your busted internal
affairs man, would you?

Absolutely not.

Each will be dealt with.

In buntz's case
he carried a w*apon

And assaulted a man
while under suspension.

Allegedly. Of course.

Please people, on this day

When we should all be
relieved and proud

That a vicious k*ller
has been brought to ground,

Let's not dwell
on the department's thieving,

Bullying, greedy, lawless few.

You're saying I'm finished,
aren't you?

Sir, if I have anything to say
about it, you are.



Hey, you tell me you need coffee
then you disappear.

Sorry, phillip asleep?

- What is it?
- It's ok.

I found the tax receipts
right where they supposed to be.


She saved everything.
Wrapping paper.

Rubber bands she saved.

Keys to nothing.

There's two boxes here
full of actual rags.

That used to drive me crazy

That we had exploding closets.

Pop didn't care.

I could have done this.

I could've gone
though this stuff for you.

Don't you think this is
something for me to do

After all this time I could
never bring myself
to get near this stuff.


This stuff that was mom's--
the pictures and the letters--

I put in one box.
That's what we show to phillip

When he's old enough
to know who his grandma was.

The rest of this stuff.

It's junk. It goes.

What is it?

It's a pass book.

She opened up an account

Nine years ago
for her grandchildren.

That's where all the money
I gave her wound up.

It's phillip's now.

She never said.

And you know what?

She never declared the interest.

I don't know what the hell
I'm going to tell them
down at the audit.

Hi, um, I'm officer hill.

I was here before.

I brought something for you,
the little one.

I got it at the fast food.

Lionel, look what
the nice man give you.




I know who you are.

I remember from a long time ago.

That's why I came back.

I've been trying
to remember you, but I can't.

You were officer friendly.

Came to my school.

I was at the academy.

That was part
of our training program.

I was in 7th grade.

That was my last year--

I didn't go to no more school
after that.

Why, why didn't you just say
to me today

That's where you knew me from?

I guess...

Because everything I take out

And show gets took from me.

A lot happened since then.


You were nice then, too.

Look, have you and the kids
had dinner yet?

Because I've haven't.
I was just thinking that maybe,

I could just take you
all out to the fast food?

I'll go put some
clothes on the baby.


You know, day we had,
dinner was just the thing.

Some beautiful meal
you ordered, sal.

No big deal.

Couple of basic rules
to remember.

What kind of wine
goes with what.

No kidding, sal.

It was a real feast,
and you were such a gentleman.

Life is full of surprises, huh?

Yeah, sometimes you
just don't know about people

And then you see them
in the real world.

I'll have you home by 11:00.
As promised.

Ladies first.

Come on, come on.


Hey, all right.

Ok, come on, robert,

Let's see how much cash

You stashed in here.

Man: ladies and gentlemen,

This is actual history.

The opening of abe calabrizi's
secret wine cellar.

After four decades

The spoils of america's
most notorious gangster.

I am now crossing
over the threshold.

Like an archaeologist exploring

The dawn of organized crime.

What will I find?


It's a corpse.

Ladies and gentlemen,
could this have happened?

We discovered some final
ghoulish entry

In the ledger
of abe calabrizi's victims?

Oh, hey.

Where am i?

It's a miracle!

Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm beginning to smell
a rat here.

I'm beginning
to smell a calculated effort

By an envious power structure

To embarrass
an investigative reporter.

Who sent you buddy?
Who you working for?


Hey, you can go
with envious power structure

If you want to, mr. Dinapoli,

I'm sticking
with it's a miracle.

Hi, sis.

I'll apologize, you know.

Believe me, sid,
a sincere apology.

There's no way
daniels doesn't reconsider.

Take the shot.

I'm kidding myself, aren't i?

Well, chief of police,

You busted him in the chops.


I'm finished.

I don't know.

He's not filing a criminal
complaints, am I right?

There's no charges for as*ault.


They're making do with what
they're got against me.

Carrying that piece.

So it's a misdemeanor beef.

There's no way on the planet
you're looking at any time.

You don't get it, do you?


I, uh...

Can't be a cop.

The rest
don't make any difference.

Hey, norm.


You're a good guy,

Cop or no cop, understand?

What are you doing?

Oh, take a walk.

Think about what I'm going
to do with the rest of my life.


No, sid.

Ok, I'll stay here
until you get back, though.


If you're going
by a convenience...

One of those orange
flavored big pops.

Yeah, if I remember.

Only if it's on the way.

All right.

[Phone rings]


Yes, warren.

Ok, I get the idea.

Thanks for trying.


Buntz is out.

Couldn't keep the punch
out of the papers?


Give it a month
or two to settle down.

It's not the kind
of thing daniels forgets.

You're feeling guilty as hell.

That it's all your fault
because you can't save him.

I'm sure he didn't expect
you to pull this out.

Look on the plus side,

The station's still standing.

prost*tute k*ller's
off the street.


And somebody decked the chief.

I'd say it was a break even day.

Hey, norm, do you believe that?

With all the fire
and everything else

This old place is still sound.

Yeah, I'd believe that.

[Phone rings]

Hill street.

[Theme music plays]
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