24x02 - The One You Feed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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24x02 - The One You Feed

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.


So what do you think
about this school, Amelia?

I love it.
It's my first choice.

Honey, we haven't even
seen the others yet.

What about NYU or Juilliard?

Oh, Mom, can't we just do
something we all want to do?

I want to go to the Harry Potter store.

Oh, are you thinking
about going to Hogwarts

for college, Lizzie?

Then, I guess we better check it out.

Sabo, you're going to be late again.

No class today, Grams.

I told you, field trip.

Yo, Sabo!

It's Ricky. Let's go.

Yo, I'm coming. Chill!

Oh, my.

I want to see photos from
the trip when you get home.


I'm going to buy a wand.

Can we go and get pizza first?

- I'm starving.
- It's New York City.

There's a pizza place on every block.

We'll stop as soon as
we get off the subway.

Subway? Are you sure?

I mean, shouldn't we take an Uber?

Oh, honey, these Ubers will
cost more than

- the vacation itself.
- Yeah, Mom.

Save it for my tuition.

Just a few stops on the L Train.

Yo, Matisse, you pack Krylon?

Nah, B, alls I got's a texta.

Hey, we got yo' back, all right?

♪ Whoa, whoa

♪ Let's go pull over

♪ 'Cause we act straight up... ♪




Yo, you see me?


♪ ♪

He's so good.

This city is gonna do amazing things

for your playing, sweetie.

Girls, get back!

The train comes from the other way.

Lizzie, you could have got really hurt.




Train's coming. Come on.

Hey, what did we tell the girls

about phones on vacation?

Hey, it's one work email.

- Come on.
- Oh, yeah?

What do I get if I give it back?

Well, what would you like?


- Hey! Hey, that's my phone.
- Huh?

No, no, no, no, let him have it.



♪ ♪

- We take what we want!


Inspector, Captain Benson, SVU.

This is Odafin Tutuola.

Yeah, thank you guys
for getting here fast.

- Yeah.
- It's not good.

So what are we looking at?

Four suspects, young, male.

Hid their faces
with hoodies and COVID masks.

Got off the train
as soon as it pulled in

to the Manhattan side.

This bridge and tunnel,

they probably hopped on the other side,

and they're back in
Brooklyn somewhere by now.

You picked a hell
of a first day to come back.

What doesn't k*ll you.

Got a grid search going
on both sides of the river,

- flooding the zone.
- Victims?

Tourist family from Ohio.

Father's critical,
att*cked with a machete.

What about the r*pe victim?

-year-old daughter.
Family is en route to Mercy.

Thank you, Inspector.

All right, head to Mercy,
get the girl's statement,

and put a rush on that r*pe kit.

Maybe we'll get lucky.

- We're on it.
- Captain!


What a g*dd*mn nightmare.

Don't worry, Chief.
I got it from here.

Captain Benson, Captain Duarte,

the Bronx g*ng Unit.

You two are gonna be
coordinating together on this.

We're already sure
that this is g*ng-related?

Bronx g*ng, BX .

I saw the tags on the way in.

Cliques up in Tremont
like using machetes.

So what's a crew from the
Bronx doing this far south?

One way to find out.


So this clown thinks
this is a g*ng case?

Play nice and make it work.

Your new mayor wants these suspects

in cuffs by the end of the news cycle.

Fin, run interference.

Keep him the hell away from me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Sorry, I got hung up with McGrath.

So he conveniently forgot to mention

that our buddy Duarte was moving in?

To our squad room.

Yeah, I guess
we're closer to the scene.

- They're way up in the Bronx.
- McGrath.

He must have been afraid to tell me.

And I'll be the first Cuban
prime minister of the Bronx.


- Anyone ever call you classy?
- Gotta go.

She your zookeeper or something?

Detective Muncy speaks her mind,

and everybody else's.

Well, it's nice to see you so relaxed.

It must mean you have leads.

Captain Benson, invading
your space wasn't my choice.

McGrath's orders.

So we're a task force now?

Let's check with Rollins and Velasco.

You're a brave girl.

I know a r*pe kit isn't easy.

Do you know how my dad is?

He's still in surgery, honey.

He'll be okay, right?

There was, so much blood.

You've been through a lot today,


Do you think you could
answer a few questions for me?

I'm the one who wanted
to go to college in New York.

Hey, don't take that on.

The only ones to blame here,

are the guys who
did this to your family.

Have you caught them?

We're working on it, but...

Anything you can give me,

that could help?

All I could see was their eyes.

I heard them laughing when they left,

as they got off the train.

They thought it was actually funny.



They were just teenagers,

not much older than my girls.

Did you hear them say anything?

The one with the machete,

I heard the others
call him "Sleep."

Grid search was successful.

Unis found Robert Whitman's phone

in a pizza joint bathroom
on th Street.

Looks like these BX guys
Zelle'd themselves

a couple grand before ditching it.

These Gen-Z bangers,

they don't steal wallets anymore.

Straight for the banking apps.

- Captain?

Hey, why don't you give me
a minute with Captain Benson?

Whatever she tells you,

the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Why is this guy in my squad room?

Duarte had a big th Street
takedown, right?

Handed the Feds, like, indictments.

It was interstate racketeering,
weapons offenses,

the whole nine yards.

So he's got some golden ticket?

All right, full transparency, Cap.

You might hear a few rumors,
but he's a good cop.

You plan on telling me
one or two of these rumors,

or, do I have to dig for myself?

The guy got jammed up
a few years back, working UC.

Went too far,
but he pulled himself back.

Nobody knows these guys
better than Duarte.

He certainly thinks so.

You're always complaining
about how you're understaffed.

I thought you'd be happy about this.

- Come on.
- This is me happy.

This is you happy?
I'd hate to see you...

CSU pulled partial prints
off the subway pole,

and they found a machete,
ditched on the tracks.


Take your time, Nora.


You sure, Nora?

He has a little scar on his eyebrow.

He's the one who...

r*ped me.

He was the one across the train,

drawing on windows with a marker.

Marking their territory?

Like they tried to do with us.

That's him.

That's the one with the machete.

The one called "Sleep?"

Please tell me you caught him.

We haven't yet, but we will.

I promise you that.

What Captain Duarte means to say,
is that,

we can promise that the entire city

is putting resources

into finding the men
that att*cked your family.

Excuse me, officers.

I need to speak
with Mrs. Whitman.

Is he all right?

I'm sorry.

- Oh, God. Oh!
- I got you.


♪ ♪

So Nora ID'd her r*pist:
Ricky Pinto, .

Street name, "Pretty Ricky."

We've got his prints on the subway,

and I'm betting that we're gonna

find his DNA on the r*pe kit.

And then there's Sabo Santiago, .

We have a print ID.

Plus, he was dumb enough
to pull off his mask

when he got off the train.

Yeah, an older woman
saw him hold Nora down.

And Nora ID'd him.

What about a lead on the homicide?

Cesar Rodriguez,
AKA "Sleep."

Take a guess how he earned the name.

He's a suspect in four
g*ng related homicides.

His prints were on a machete.

And Christine Whitman made a clear ID.

Now, our fourth suspect,
Manuel "Matisse" Rivera.

Yeah, the older daughter,
Amelia, ID'd him as well.

File a wanted card on all four.

First, we have to find 'em.

We know from prior surveillance
these four have history.

Now, they might be low level
boots from the Tremont clique,

but they do have access
to any destroyer house.

Destroyer house?

Think of it like
a low-level Soho House,

so a place for BX to kick it, party.

Or in this case, hide out.

Well, all these guys
have families, girlfriends.

We'll put the pressure on 'em.

We already have a plan
to start with Sabo.

He's the youngest, vulnerable.

We flip these guys up,

maybe we get to get to Oscar Papa.

Head of BX .

Look, I understand why that's
important to you, Captain,

but I'm more concerned
with cuffing the bastard

who g*ng r*ped a -year-old girl

as her father lay dying.


Let's get to it.

♪ ♪

So you used to work gangs?


Doing what?


Do you miss it?


What's with all your one-word answers?

How about none?

You just talk like you're
getting charged per word.

That's why I get paid to listen.

Yeah, to victims.

And my captain.

You know, if I ever talked to Benson

the way you talked to Duarte,

I'd be reassigned to
harbor duty in Staten Island.

Don't ever let anyone dull your shine.

Ah, all right.


- Do you want me to speak my mind?
- Please.

It must be hard for a
white woman to work gangs

'cause you stick out like a sore thumb.

Must be hard for you to
earn the trust of a r*pe vic,

after they've been victimized by a man.

My Sabo can be a little wild,

but, he's a good boy.

He would never be involved with this.

Lo siento, señora, but, um,

we have proof.


He's just running.


Yeah, why don't you tell us where he is,

and, maybe we can help him?

♪ ♪

Sabo, what did you do?

There's not enough soap in the world.

Let's go.

- Ricky made me do it.
- Ricky?

He made you as*ault a -year-old girl,

with her entire family watching?

Whose idea was it to m*rder the dad?

Sleep's the one with
the machete, but it's not me.

You were there, Sabo.

I just held her down.

There's a word for that:


No more juvie passes.

You'll be doing double digits
in Green Haven.

Right next to those th Street
guys I took down last year.

Maybe we'll put you
in a cell next to them.

Your sworn enemies.

You... you would do that?

Oh, yeah.


You tell us where Ricky is now.

♪ ♪


Ricky Pinto?

- Who the hell are you?
- You're under arrest.

My name ain't Ricky.

Hey, stupid games win stupid prizes.

Let's go.

You did good, son.

Now, tell us where Sleep is.

I can't keep doing this, man.

Sleep'll k*ll me.

Just please let me talk to a lawyer.

There it is.


Your people used to call it

We're not gonna get
anything else out of Sabo.

I'll talk to his lawyer.

If there's a deal to be had,
maybe he'll smarten up.

This guy, on the other hand...

And your boy with the machete, Sleep?


Sounds like one of the
Seven Dwarfs to me.

we have Ricky's DNA on the r*pe kit,

Nora's ID.
This is a solid case.

Yeah, and hopefully,
his lawyer's gonna have

more sense than he does.

Where are we with the other two?

I reached out to my contacts.

No one will give up Sleep.

Kid's got cred
from all the hits he's done.

Holed up in one
of the destroyer houses.

So we just go knocking on doors?

I've been working
Matisse's baby mama, Elena,

bringing her diapers and baby food,

in case Matisse ever pissed her off.

And guys like that always do.

So is she the jealous type?

To put it mildly.

Matisse wasn't the r*pist.

And Elena doesn't need to know that.

She does have a soft touch
for green eyes.

You can borrow Velasco.

You worked gangs.
Ever dealt with BX?

No, but, I've heard a lot
about the way they do business.

Roba, asalta, controla.

Rob, as*ault, control.

They don't traffic in g*ns or dr*gs.

They traffic in v*olence.

Normally, they stick
to young invisibles

from Central America.

Pressure them to join the g*ng.

r*pe their mothers
and sisters if they don't.

And you'll never see a full NYPD

mobilization, for those victims.

So what, the family from
Ohio was some kind of one-off?

Or bottom feeders flexing their muscle.

And you don't mind flexing yours, huh?

Let me guess, you're using
the heat from this case

to bring justice
to BX's non-white victims?

That's how guys like me
and you, do whatever it takes,

to clean up our own trash,

just like Italian cops did
when they took down the mob.

I like working SVU.

You can always go back.

Think about the dent that we can make,

if you came and worked
with me for a year.

Call me when you're ready to grow up.

Trust me when I say he ain't
looking at no other woman.

I got that boy's ass
in church every Sunday.

Elena, I've been there for you.

You only looking out
for yourself, Duarte.

Just because you give me diapers,

doesn't mean I'm
gonna fall for the crap

that falls out your mouth.

Look, Elena,

Captain Duarte wasn't
trying to hurt your feelings,

but, you deserve to know the truth.

We found Matisse's DNA
all over that girl's body,

and DNA don't lie.



I can show you the lab report.

Her mouth?

He kissed her?

You know, if you were my girl,

I would never do you like that.


♪ ♪

Benson and Fin are en route.

No time to wait.
We go now.

NYPD! Freeze!

♪ ♪

Sleep's on the outside ledge.

I got a baby, man. Please.

I know, Matisse.

Get EMS in here!


♪ ♪

Hands where I can see them!

Duarte needs backup.

Duarte went after Sleep.

We're taking the back.

Wait, Fin.

♪ ♪

- Okay, this way.


♪ ♪

So you didn't see what
went down on that roof?

No. I already told Benson.

What, you doubt your own captain?


But Benson seems to.

Well, she must have a reason.

I made a few calls
to Phoebe's contacts,

advice about Duarte.

McGrath already told me.

He went too deep undercover.

It goes beyond that.

Turns out this guy,
Duarte, has some kind of

personal beef with the Tremont clique.

How personal are we talking?

Sleep and Ricky followed him home

and lit his vintage Mustang on
fire as some kind of message.


How about I let you two sort
this out between yourselves?

Sort what out?

Matisse died,

of his g*nsh*t wound
on the way to the hospital.

IA ruled it a clean sh**ting.

What about Sleep?

You tell me, Captain Duarte.

Tell you what?

You think I pushed him?

Did you?

Look, Benson, all due respect...

The next word out of your mouth

better include "captain."

Our marriage keeps going like this,

we're gonna need a safe word,

- Captain.
- I got three.

How about...

"Force Investigation Division"?

Why would I k*ll Sleep?

Other than the fact that
he knew where you lived.

He was looking down the barrel
of five homicide charges,

any one of which I could
have used as leverage,

to turn him against Oscar Papa.

I don't know you.

- But what I do know...
- You've heard I've made mistakes.

Yeah, I have, once or twice.

You've heard the rumors
about me undercover.

The way McGrath tells it,

you let the mask become your face.

You ought to know all about
that from your ex-partner,

the one at the OC.
What's his name, Stabler?

Look, I'm no shrink,

but I'm pretty sure
what you're doing here,

it's called projection.


There's only two ways for
these kids to get out of BX .

And one, is in the witness box,

and the other, is in a pine box.

So congratulations, Duarte,
because you're two for two.

And if you keep this up,

neither one of us is gonna have a case.

♪ ♪

Hey, thanks for meeting me downstairs.

- Am I in trouble or something?
- Not at all.

Okay, well,
we're alone in a dark garage,

so either you want to mug me,

- or you want to talk about my boss.
- Look,

I need to know what I'm dealing with,

and, you seem, like a straight sh**t.

Duarte is passionate.

You mean difficult to work with?

I mean, he can seem
a little unpredictable.

One minute, he's hot.
Then, he's cold.

I've never seen him waver
about BX , though.

So you respect him?

I'm still in his unit, right?

And you don't think that
there's any chance,

that he pushed that boy off the roof?

Look, all I can say is,

you have no reason to doubt him.

He's a good cop.


I can arraign the two
rapists, Sabo and Ricky,

but so far, their lawyers
are refusing to make a deal.

They're gonna plead not guilty?

That lawyer's got to be doing whippets.

Aren't they aware of the
multiple witnesses to the r*pe?

They're gonna paint these kids

as unaccompanied teenagers,

who arrived from Central America,

and that left them vulnerable
to g*ng recruitment.

And recruitment is forced by BX.

And the Tremont clique.

They recruit these kids on the way home

from school, work, church,

under threat to their families.

Is there any way to avoid
taking this to trial?

I'm gonna do my best,

but I still need Nora
to make a corporeal ID

in a lineup, okay?


Thanks, Truman.

M.E. ruled Sleep's
death accidental.

I'll let Benson know.


You look a little beat.

Please don't push it.



Let me take you home.

♪ ♪


How did you find me?

Well, your zookeeper,
Muncy, didn't want to tell me,

but I got it out of her.

Another round?

Let's face it.

I'm probably gonna get one anyway.

Can we get another one
of those and a Cab, please?

What are we celebrating?

Sleep's death was ruled
an accidental fall.

Like I told you, he was
trying to jump the vestibule.

So does that mean
your little investigation

into me has concluded?

Carisi is gonna go ahead
with the indictment of r*pe

on Sabo and Ricky, as soon
as Nora makes an ID tomorrow.

And the way I see it,
based on jurisdiction alone,

my r*pe case takes precedent
over your g*ng case.

You happen to talk to Velasco lately?

I could use someone
like him up in the Bronx.

I made him an offer.

You made him an offer?

And it didn't occur to you
to talk to me first?

Anybody ever call you classy, Duarte?

[CHUCKLES] Only a fool.

[LAUGHS] Sounds about right.

Velasco is a big boy.

If he wants to jump,

I'm not gonna hold him back.

Guys like me, Benson...

There's two wolves fighting in us.

Yeah, one is good,

and the other one's a
congenital pain in my ass.

But the real question is,

which one is gonna win in you?

The one you feed.

I guess we'll have to see
how the case goes.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Christine and Nora are
on their way in for the lineup.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

You want a cup of coffee?

Do I have a choice?

No, not really.

Have a seat.

Look, I know I've missed a few

department shrink appointments.

Yeah, I can tell.

I just...

I-I don't want you,
to have to be worried about me.

Well, it's a little late for that.

I've been worried about you
for about six weeks now.

Well, don't.
I'm fine.

Are you?

You've been shot before.

Right, in the shoulder.

I came back to work pretty
quickly after that one.

And these things can be cumulative.

Okay, so do you not want me back?

- Are you crazy?


I was put in charge of,

- protecting a young girl.
- And you did that.

And that's why she's alive now.


You scared me.

I can't imagine,

what it was like for you.

What happened?

I heard sh*ts, and, we...

We ducked for cover.

I told her to stay down, you know?

And we were holding fine.

Then the glass popped, and she,

sh-she startled.

Ran like, like a rabbit.

And I got up to cover,
and that's, that's when I...

I felt the hit.

And I...

I couldn't breathe.


And I didn't know where she was.

It just, it made me
think about my girls,

losing them.

Or them losing you.

And then the sh**t comes up,

and he's got his g*n at my face.

Like, I can just...


Just thinking about Carisi,

how I'm never gonna see him again.

I have been so careless with my life.

Not anymore.

I let my guard down.

I just let myself be happy,

for once.

And this is what happened?

I guess, uh,

I guess the difference is...

You never had anything to lose before.


♪ ♪

Thank you, so much, for coming in.

- I know that this can't be easy.
- I don't understand.

Nora already told you who did it.

We need an in-person ID
to be admissible at trial.

They're guilty.
How is there gonna be a trial?

It's, it's unlikely, but we
still need to be prepared.

Need I remind you,
Mr. Carisi,

it's innocent, until proven guilty.

Okay, Nora, you ready?



You take your time, okay?

♪ ♪

Number four, maybe.

They can't see us?

No, one-way glass.


I was wrong. It's number three.

♪ ♪

It's... it's him.

Those eyes, and, that scar.


Nora, hey, hey.
Captain, I got her, I got her.

Hey, hey, hey.

- Hey.
- I can't look at him.

It's okay.
Just breathe, okay?

My dad used to say that.

I'm so sorry, Nora.

I can't believe
I'm never gonna talk to him.

You can, you know?

Right now.

I still talk to my mom.

I just, I look up, and it's...

It's like no time has passed.

Sometimes people think I'm crazy, but,

I know she can hear me.


You want to try?


Deep breath.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

That's him.

Ready to talk when you are, Counselor.

- Let me speak to my client.
- You did great, Nora.

- Thank you.
- What happens now?

We want to go home.

I'm gonna ask you and your girls

to stay in the city
for just a few more days.

We'll put you up at a hotel,

and you'll have
round-the-clock protection.

It's okay, Mom.

Thank you.

Bailiff, next case.

Ricardo Pinto, on the charge
of r*pe one, how do you plead?

- Not guilty.
- Sabo Santiago,

on the charge
of r*pe one, how do you plead?

- Not guilty.
- People on bail?

We request remand,
given the nature of this case.

Say no more.
I agree.

Defendants are remanded.

The department is grateful
to all the officers

who worked this horrific crime,

especially Captain Benson, SVU,

Captain Duarte of the g*ng Unit.

Through their determination and focus,

they brought about a swift apprehension

of these four suspects.

Now, unfortunately, two of
those suspects chose v*olence.

I know NYPD has to
take its victory lap,

but what do we really have?

Two rapists in custody.

Two -year-olds in jail
isn't gonna change anything.

The second those cell doors slam shut,

two new kids will take his place.

I'm aware of that.

- It's whack-a-mole.
- You think this is a game?

A young girl's life is forever changed.

You want to know what's forever?

BX .

They've already put roots down
in Manhattan.

What's next, Flatbush?

McGRATH: All right, if you'll excuse me.



- Are you two good?
- I am.

Not so much.

All I'm saying is, you might
be missing an opportunity here.

Yeah, for what?

Dismantling BX at its root.

All right, I'm listening.

Ricky's cousin is Oscar
Papa's personal driver.

We flip Ricky, get dirt on his cousin.

We can put a wire in his car.

Would you like to tell
the Whitman family

that they're collateral damage?

I hear you.
Look, the optics aren't ideal.

You make it sound
like a bad Yelp review

for the city of New York.

What I care about, is justice for Nora.

Of course, you do.

And the city needs this case closed.
I get it.

But why can't we have
our cake and eat it too?

Having Carisi speak to the
lawyers isn't such a bad idea.

♪ ♪

We're listening, Mr. Carisi,
but I'm telling you,

my client is not going
to plead guilty to r*pe one.

r*pe two could be on the table.

Oh, I heard the family
wants to go back to Ohio.

You have no witness testimony.

The family is cooperating,

and I have other eyewitnesses,

video footage, prints, DNA.

They haven't k*lled anyone.
Let's cut to the chase.

I know the person
the NYPD really wants.

It's Oscar Papa.

We have that.

Okay, let's hear it.

Not until our clients
are guaranteed immunity,

Witness Protection,

and the r*pe charges dropped.

That's not happening.

Well, I may be a lowly public defender,

with a degree from Touro,

but I do know that's not your call.

Dropping all charges against
the only two suspects left

in the highest profile
case of the year?

I agree.
They overplayed their hand.

Do we even know if the intel
we have on BX is legit?

How does that even matter?

Because BX is a growing
scourge on our city.

Oh, I'm well aware.

You're gonna let two rapists go,

for some pie in the sky
surveillance deal?

Half of this city is made up of women.

There'll be protests in the streets.

I'm also aware, Captain.

I have a lot to discuss.

Well, I have all night.

With the rest of the eighth floor.

And trust me, you will be
the first to know the decision.

♪ ♪

Developing story, subway
rapists pleading not guilty.

Turn that off.

And new details continue later...

Everything all right, Sarge?

Well, this whole planet's floating

in the middle of an expl*si*n.

So is anything ever all right?

Let me ask you something.

You started in Narcotics, right?

- Yeah.
- Why'd you make the move here?

I got tired of arresting people

that weren't hurting anybody.

Over here, the bad guys
are the bad guys.

Less complicated.

More challenging.

Steel sharpens steel.

This is hardcore.

If you want to spend
the rest of your life

doing something that's easy,

at least give Benson a heads up.


♪ ♪

There she is.


Excuse me?

The DA's office is not
dropping the r*pe charges.

You'll have to find another
way to take down Oscar Papa.

I'll let their lawyers know?


Chief Maxwell,
I appreciate the consideration.

Forgive me if I doubt your
sincerity, Captain Duarte.

Better luck next time.

Jack McCoy saw our side?

Martinis are the lubricant of justice,

at least in New York City.



They're not dropping the charges?

You lied to us.

It's unfortunate the DA's
Office is so short sighted.

We'll see you in court,
Mr. Carisi.

- Come on.
- Wait, what?

If I were you, son,
I'd get a new lawyer.

You know, vandalizing
a vending machine,

that's criminal mischief.

Misdemeanor like that
could get you a year in jail.

I put $ in.

Well, what do you want?

Um, I'm kind of embarrassed
to admit this,

- but the Flamin' Hot Cheetos.
- Okay.


Well, you got cashews.

That's all I could reach.

Thank you.

Hey, you were good
the other day with Nora.

I heard what you said after the lineup,

it was good.

Yeah, well,

I'm the only white
girl in the g*ng Unit,

so I can't exactly
go undercover like Duarte

and some of the other guys.

So I usually wind up dealing with

the g*ng members' girlfriends, and like,

pump 'em for information,

listen to their stories.

Well, listening is probably
the most valuable skill

that you can have as a cop.


To be honest,
I've learned a lot from them.

And I'm surrounded by guys
all day on the job here,

and then, when I get home,
it's just me and my brother.

You're roommates with your brother?

Yeah, my mom passed away.

She left us a house in Queens.

I love him,

but sometimes,
it's nice to just talk to another woman.

I know what you mean.


No, I'm good.

Subway rapists turn on
each other and plead guilty.

New details continue to unfold...

Hey, so the Whitmans are
on their way back to Ohio.

They said to say thank you.

Well, they got
a long road ahead of them,

but at least, they don't
have to go through a trial.

Carisi said Sabo will do years,

and Ricky will do .

How's Duarte handling
losing a shot at Oscar Papa?

He's licking his wounds,
but he'll live.



Maybe you should go home.

I'm fine.

Sorry to interrupt.

It's all right.
I was just leaving.

Come on in.

Um, Captain...

I don't know how much
the sergeant told you, but...

I'd like to stay at SVU.

I see.


Velasco, I'm very happy to hear that.

And, I'm putting you, in charge
of training Detective Muncy.

She starts work at SVU tomorrow.

I can't believe you just
poached my best detective.

Oh, so it's only a problem
when I do it?

Look, I'm short-staffed.
McGrath backed me up.

And I think that Muncy
is gonna be a nice fit at SVU,

not that she had a choice.

She likes a challenge,

and she is a challenge, just like you.

Four days together
and you think that you know me?

I think you see a bit
of yourself in Muncy.

Am I wrong?

We'll just have to see.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

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