08x04 - Zero Hour

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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08x04 - Zero Hour

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG


- I am Baal.

- As in "boccie"?

Argh! The city we're looking for is under the ice of Antarctica.

We came all this way to find out we have to go all the way back?


(Carter) Power source.

This ancient w*apon

- such an advanced piece of technology.

The power requirements must be enormous.

I wish to request asylum.

My fleet was destroyed before I came here.

Perhaps I could be of some use to you here.

- General Hammond is being promoted.

- Any idea who we'll be stuck with?

Brigadier General Jack O'Neill.

I've spent my whole life sticking it to the man.

I don't think I can be the man.

- Morning, sir.

- Walter.

At 0730 this morning, SG

-8 made scheduled contact from P6J


They requested permission to bring an alien life form back to base.

Sir, it's just a plant.

Your 0830 debriefing is SG

-2, regarding their recent mission to P8F


Folder's on your desk, along with the personnel files you have yet to review.

How many do I have left?

All of them.


Colonel Rudnell has asked me to show you some bunting samples.

Captain Corrigan's still awaiting approval on the buffet menu.


- John.

- General.

You are aware that this is the most secure military facility on the face of the planet?

There are still a number of issues to be resolved.

Thank you.

- Walter?

- Sorry, sir.

General O'Neill, Mark Gilmor.

- He's your new administrative aide.

- General.

- Did I order

- No.

- Do I really need

- Yes, sir.

- Civilian?

- I've been a CIA analyst for eight years.

Mostly background checks, but I did have top

-level clearance.

- He was assigned by General Hammond.

- Ah.

Well, in that case welcome aboard.

- How about if I give you a tour around?

- Ah.

Had one, sir.

- Dang.

- Very exciting to finally see it all in action.


Your 0830.


You're here to assist me.

How about if you Sir, sir, sir.

You really need to read the file yourself.



Thank you, Walter.

- Does Mr Gilmor have

- Follow me.

- Well, he's not like other generals.

- Actually, he's not like other people.


I take it I've got some catching up to do.

Yeah, and those are just the files pertinent to today's agenda, so I'd better get started.

I can't tell you how happy we all are to have you here.

- Thank you, Sergeant.

- Really, really happy.

Thank you, Sergeant.

I'm in position.

No, sir, he does not suspect a thing.

- Nothing in peridot?

- This event calls for red, white and blue.

(knocks) Excuse me, sir.

General Hammond is on the phone, and SG

-1 is here for the 1300 briefing.

Thank you.

Walter, I just don't have the decorating gene.

Would you mind?

Yes, sir.


General, how are you?

I know, but every time I open my mouth to say "George", "General" comes out.

- OK.

- (Carter) General.


You've all met?

- We know each other's life stories.

- Is that snippiness?

- Is that a word?

- What do you got?

A gate address of a planet in Anubis' domain that Baal hasn't discovered.

(Carter) It may be home to an abandoned base.

- Chock

-full of abandoned weapons?

- One can hope.

This device was procured from Jaffa formerly loyal to Anubis.

It should allow us access to the base.

When's the next opening?

- 0800 tomorrow morning.

- Tomorrow?

I got 14 teams out there.

I'm sorry.

Operations protocol?

Is it?

The MALP showed no sign of Goa'uld activity.

- I still want SG

-3 to cover your flanks.

- It's just recon.

- All the more reason you can wait a day.

- (Stargate alarm) (man) Incoming wormhole.


-5 and the representatives from Amra to discuss the pending trade agreement.

Love to stay and chat.

If those Jaffa know about it, soon Baal will know about it.

One day, Daniel.

One day.

Here comes one negotiation I'm glad I'm not part of.

- It's a plant.

- (man) Exactly.

Excuse me, sir.

If you don't mind my asking, is it really wise to be bringing alien life forms through the gate?

- It's a plant.

- Yeah.

Offworld teams follow strict protocols in determining what to bring back to Earth.

You know, if humankind is gonna benefit from what we find out there, we have to be able to study it in controlled situations.

- It's a plant.

- I know.

I know.

And I know our mandate is to seek out new weapons and technology to defend the planet from our enemies, but wouldn't it be cool to exploit the galaxy for other beneficial purposes, like curing disease, or, well in this case, possibly solving world hunger.

(watch alarm) Speaking of which (phone rings) Dr Lee speaking.


They want you in the briefing room.

- Hey.

You wanna get some lunch?

- No, I'm fine.

- You gonna sit in here all day and?

- I'm not sulking.


Gonna say "working".

- O'Neill merely believes

- Guys, I'm fine.

You can't blame him for wanting backup.

Nothing to do with you.

I understand.

He's just being cautious.

Thanks, guys.

General, if I might have a moment with you.

We're completely stalled.

The Amrans can't agree with each other, let alone us.

They're bickering children.

Maybe they need a time


The Plains of Goran are sacred ground!

- To the plainsmen.

- I am a plainsman.

I know.

- I take offence at that.

- A fence.

Now, there's an idea.

- Hi, folks.

- General, I think it would be best What do you say we take a little break?

All this negotiating, it's just exhausting.

And you've been at it a whole hour already.

We've prepared special quarters for you.

You can relax, get a massage, room service, whatever you need.

Come on.

I'll show you.



What do you think?

All right, so it's not the Ritz, but we do what we can around here.

Knock when you're ready to talk like adults.

- Wait!

- You don't expect us to share one room?

Not amicably, at first.

But I have great hope for you boys.

- You can't do this.

- Open this door at once! Nobody gets out.

(O'Neill) Dear General Hammond.

Wish you were here, and that I was not.

(phone rings) O'Neill.

Good morning.

The delegates from Amra are furious.

They demand to be released and say there's no chance of a trade agreement.

Did they try the doughnuts?

You made sure they were Krispy Kremes, right?

- Shall I release them, send them home?

- Give them another day.

- But, sir, I

- No coffee?

- Sorry, I can get some

- What's next?

Well, Dr Lee needs to see you right away concerning the plant from P6J



-1 and 3 are in the gateroom preparing to embark, and Oh, it turns out that the red, white and blue bunting is unavailable.

- No bunting?

- They can get some blue and white, and mix in some red.

It just won't be the same.

- (Carter) Sir.

- Good morning, people.

I sure wish I was going with you, but I got a big day planned.

Tasting menu items for the buffet.

- Have fun, sir.

- You know I will.

Watch your backs.

We will.

Mind the curfew.


-3, hold here.



Bosco and Peterson can watch the gate.

We're fine.

It's simple recon.

We'll stay in radio contact.

Standard perimeter.

Well, the good news is it hasn't eaten anybody yet.

Well, thank you, Seymour.


Obviously, we underestimated its growth properties.

It seems to respond really dramatically to any kind of visible light.

Yeah, well, I thought of that.

I just thought you might like to see it.

(stammers) Don't worry.

We'll get it under control.

Sir There are signs of recent Jaffa activity in the area.

Try the wrist device again.

I have tried it several times.

I'm getting some faint energy readings.


-1 leader, this is SG

-3 leader.

Come in.

Peterson, you're with me.

Bosco, if we don't make radio contact in ten minutes, dial Earth and report in.

Take cover! Son of a b*tch.

(knock at door) Sir, Colonel Reynolds has dialled in from P2X


He's lost contact with SG


One al


It buzzed the gate and flew off.

No sign of the enemy since that, sir.

I've been unable to make radio contact with SG

-1 going on 19 minutes.

Requesting backup and permission to search.


-10 and 12.

Backup on the way.

Thank you, sir.

We have to close down the entire level, seal it off.

It not only has amazing growth properties, it's proving very difficult to eradicate.

We think it's using the ventilation shafts to spread airborne spores.

(Stargate alarm) We looked everywhere.

No sign of them.

I'm sorry, sir.

- You were there to watch their backs.

- Yes, sir.

Colonel Carter insisted we secure the gate.

(man) Unauthorised incoming wormhole.

No IDC yet, sir.

Stand down, boys.

And what do you want?

I have your friends.

- And?

- I propose an exchange.

- For what?

- Not what.




- Who?

- I'll transmit the gate address.

You will send him to me if you want to see your friends alive again.

Let me think about it.

You have one day.

Is that, like one Earth day, or?

Nothing to report from the field.

Rebel Jaffa, Tok'ra

- no one seems to have any intel on SG


Camulus is being transferred here from the facility where he was held.

He should be here shortly.

Even if we sent Camulus to Baal, we can't risk opening the Iris to let SG

-1 through.

- This could be a trick to get us to do that.

- I know.

Any exchange would involve a Stargate on another planet.

I made some suggestions.

Are you really considering turning Camulus over to Baal?

It's on the table.

(knocks) He's here.

- Colonel, have your team ready.

- Yes, sir.

Isn't it already too late?

General O'Neill was once captured by Baal.

He was tortured, k*lled and brought back to life using a sarcophagus more times than you would care to imagine.


-1 never gave up then, and General O'Neill won't now.

There isn't a man or woman on this base that would.

Baal has three of my people, and he's offered up an exchange.

- For me.

- Any idea why?

- There are many possible reasons.

- Pick one.


You offered to help us if we granted you asylum.

I did not expect to be treated like a prisoner.

You're a Goa'uld.

- What are you going to do?

- Give me one reason not to turn you over.

Baal cannot be trusted.


No matter what you do, he will never return your friends to you.

(Stargate alarm)

- I thought you were questioning him.

- He had no right answers.

This goes against policy on prisoner exchanges.

He's not a prisoner.

He requested asylum.

I'm ungranting it.

- You could be court


- If it gets my team back, I don't care.

But you know it won't.

You're sacrificing him for nothing.

(O'Neill) Go, go, go.

Let's take a walk, you and me.

Come on.

I've done everything I can.

It's up to you.

Last chance.

In spite of what you think, I am not a coward.

I think you are.

Well, it was worth a try.

Take him back to his cell.

It it was a bluff?

You could've told me, sir.

How can I do my job if you don't trust me?

Not my problem.


Camulus would like to talk to you.

I cannot stay here.

If Baal is determined to have revenge, he won't stop at this.

- It is not safe for you to harbour me.

- So what?

I am saying I am willing to leave.

- Out of the goodness of your heart?

- Of course not.

When I asked for asylum, I did not expect to rot in a cell.

Well, work with me.

Give me something.

I'll see what I can do.

I can tell you of a planet where there is a device created by the Ancients.

- What's it do?

- I do not know.

I never could discover its secrets.

Perhaps you can.

You think this is what Baal's really after?

While I never disclosed its location, I once made the mistake of bragging that I found the device at a meeting of the System Lords.

Hard to believe, you bragging.

(O'Neill) I knew it wasn't easy for you, but had I known what it was really like, I would have tried to be less of a pain in the ass.

At least, I would have tried harder.

- (alarm blares)

- (man) Unscheduled offworld activation.

- Walter?

- Receiving SG

-3's IDC, sir.

- Open it.

- Yes, sir.

It's just like he said.

Some sort of Ancient device, size of a large room.

Any idea what it does?

I'll leave that up to the tech guys, but I can tell you why he couldn't turn it on.

- It wasn't plugged in.

- What what is it?

It's a ZPM.

- What is that?

- A zero

-point module.

It's an Ancient power source that draws its energy from subspace.

The only thing with the power to activate the weapons SG

-1 found in Antarctica.

- The one we have is pretty much dead.

- Well, this one sure isn't.

How good is it?

(Lee) I'll have to do some more detailed analysis, but these preliminary readings indicate at least 50% capacity.

Well, that's good, isn't it?

Excuse me.

It's that damn plant.

We've lost power to all control systems.

Yes, sir.

We paid the electric bill.

I checked.

The plant is in the wall, interfering with power lines.

- There's no light in the walls.

- As long as part of it is exposed to light, it seems like it can feed the unexposed areas.

I recommend we keep the base on minimal emergency lighting until we get the problem under control.

- How long?

- Well, that's a little difficult to say, because first we have to figure out how to get the problem under control.

- Where are we?

- The dialling computer's off line.

(man) There must be a circuit board that got fried when we tried to restore power.

Incoming wormholes connect.

We still receive radio communication and IDCs.

- The Iris?

- Manual control.

What about dialling the gate manually?

Uh, that's a problem.

The inner ring seems to be locked in place.

We tried disconnecting the interface, but A gate diagnostic was running when the power went down.

Could be something to do with the commands being exchanged at the time.

- Bottom line?

- We can't dial out.


(knocking) (door opens)

- What?

Oh, God.

- Sorry to wake you, sir.

Feels like it's been ten minutes.


It has.

Uh, there's an incoming wormhole.

Baal wants to talk.


Sorry to keep you waiting.

I was taking a little nap.

- The deadline has passed.

- Yeah, look.

We're having a little technical difficulty here.

Are your friends' lives meaningless to you?


This is not a stall tactic.

I would've called you sooner, but we can't dial out.

Why not?

Well, I'm not really sure.

Here's some irony for you.

Carter would have this thing fixed like that.

- No offence there, Siler.

- Uh, none taken, sir.

So, why don't you just send her on through?

Before you know it, you'll have Camel Ass back in your grubby mitts.

- You dare mock me?

- (O'Neill) Baal, come on.

You should know.

Of course I dare mock you.

You have one more day.

Is it really wise to provoke him?

It's what I do.

Two years ago, the Tok'ra provided us with the formula to their Goa'uld poison.

We've been manufacturing as much as we can use as a defensive option in the event of an attack on Earth.

Area 51 confirms that there is enough to negate a sizable enemy force.

We think we can neutralise and invade three Goa'uld

-occupied planets.

It's nonpersistent.

There'd be limited time before reinforcements become a factor.

Determining which planets to target is an educated guess.

We're still gathering intel on where SG

-1 is held.

This poison

- Does it k*ll Jaffa, as well as Goa'uld?

- That's right.

How many casualties are we talking about?

- Thousands.

- Tens of thousands.

So it's not really a rescue plan.

It's a full

-scale attack.

That would provoke a reaction, possibly an attack on Earth.

But, as we now have a ZPM to power the Ancient defences, I don't think Sorry to interrupt, sir, but Camulus is insisting that he speak with you again.

Did you not find something of value on the planet?

- Oh, yeah.

We did.

- Then why have you not released me?

Or do you still believe you can trade me for your friends?

Gamma radiation works.

We're preparing to deliver a strong level to the entire base all at once.

Now, nonessential personnel have to be evacuated.

Everyone else has to wear protective suits.

You have to get General O'Neill to sign off on this right away.

You know, he hasn't slept in over two days.


That's why I'm asking you to do it.


(man) I'm cancelling the president's visit.


Why would you do that?

- How can you joke at a time like this?

- That's about all I can do at the moment.

Your flagship team is in enemy hands, you can't dial the Stargate, and the base is overrun by an alien plant.

We did find a ZPM.


Give it another day.

You think you can get everything resolved by then?

Wait a minute.

I think there's a joke in there somewhere.


Got nothing.

(O'Neill) And so I regretfully submit my resignation.

And, to be clear, the regret is not so much about the resigning part, but the fact that I was deluded enough to think I had possessed even one iota of the ability needed to fill your sizable and shiny shoes.

(knocks) Dr Lee just called down, sir.

He feels confident the plant has been fully eradicated.

- I wish I did.

- The dialling computer is back on line.

Chevron four encoded.

You're releasing him?

I made a deal.

We got a ZPM.

I know we can finally dial Pegasus again and still defend Earth if we have to, but

- Chevron five encoded.

- (phone rings) Control room.

It's Dr Lee.

He says it's important.


Abort the dialling procedure.

(Lee) Basically, it shouldn't be glowing like this.

- (O'Neill) Why is it?

- It's funny, really.

- I like funny.

- No.

This isn't the good kind of funny.

It was the radiation we used to k*ll the plant that revealed this.


It illuminated a substance foreign to the normal molecular make

-up of a ZPM.


Well, we managed to scrape some microscopic fragments from the casing and run some tests, and You're gonna want these.

This is what happens when you introduce a constant electric charge.

The ZPM is booby


We were gonna send it to Antarctica.

Can you imagine if someone had plugged it into the chair in the Ancient outpost?

I can't even imagine the magnitude of the expl*si*n.

A charged ZPM detonating that?

I don't know.

It could've destroyed the whole planet.

That's why Camulus was so eager to leave.

Well Can you undo it?

Uh well, you know, we haven't actually Yes or no?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You couldn't figure out what it was for, so you tampered with the power source

- so nobody else could.

- I did nothing of the kind.

Cammy Worth a try.

Here's the deal.

How'd you like a chance to k*ll Baal?

In exchange, you want me to use the Ancient device to trade for the lives of your friends.



All right?

- Coming with me?

- We're taking you to another planet first.

We'll wait for SG

-1 there.

- (man) Receiving SG

-3's IDC, sir.

- Open it.

- You're late.

- We thought we'd give it an extra hour.

We knew it was a long shot.

Thank you, Colonel.



Uh, Colonel Reynolds would like a moment.

- Fine.

- He's in the gateroom, sir.

- What's going on?

- General, we just wanted you to know, whatever you decide, we're behind you 100%.

You just need to give the order and we're ready to go.

I know you are, Colonel.

Thank you.

All of you.


Good night, sir.

Good night, Siler.

(alarm blares) (man) Unscheduled offworld activation.

(Stargate alarm) It's SG

-1's code.

O'Brien transmitted a hold signal back through the gate and is awaiting your instruction.

- O'Brien?

- We have audio contact.

It's Colonel Carter.

- Carter?

- We're under heavy fire, sir.

Open the Iris.


- Can you reroute?

- No.

The DHD is no longer accessible.

- Jack, what's going on?

- You"ve been in enemy hands.

You know the protocol.

We have no way of knowing if your Iris code is secure.

- What are you talking about?

- You were captured by Baal.


We're on P2X


We were trapped in Anubis' secret base.

When we came out, we had a Jaffa ambush at the gate.

- These Jaffa are loyal to Baal.

- The gate will shut down.

We won't be able to dial out again.

Open it.

You're clear.


- Hey, guys.

- Thank you, sir.

So Trapped in a secret base all this time.

- Go figure.

- The wrist device gave us access.

- We couldn't get out.

- You thought Baal captured us?

- (O'Neill) He said so.

- How'd he know we were missing?

- Reynolds saw an al


- Baal had his Jaffa looking for the base.

- Probably intercepted radio chatter.

- That explains the ambush.

They couldn't find the base, but figured if we turned up It's a great story.

More importantly, did Anubis leave anything cool behind?

Not really, no.


Colonel Carter.

- How are you?

- I'm good.

Thanks for asking.

You're not going to dress for the occasion, sir?

Well, you know me.

I love dressing up.

I was just on my way.


- I wanted to talk to you

- Carter, your evaluation is done.

And I think you'd be very pleased.

- Really?

- You had doubts?

I was wondering if you were completely confident in my leadership skills.

Aren't you?

I'm second

-guessing myself for ordering SG

-3 to remain at the gate.

Oh, pshaw.

It was standard recon.

Your tactics in dealing with the ambush: Perfect.

You should read what Teal'c and Daniel wrote about your conduct under fire.

- Can I?

- No.

- Damn.

- Teal'c said you were an animal.

- He's such an exaggerator.

- Yeah, isn't he?

Well, this is where I go to take off the clothes I prefer and don the clothes I abhor.

Uh, sir, quickly, I wanted to talk to you about something else.

I read Dr Lee's report about the tainted ZPM.

He may have underestimated the expl*sive potential.

It could've actually destroyed the entire solar system.

- What's the difference?

- If we figured it out, so could Baal.

- He could use it as a w*apon against us.

- All true, Carter.

Which is exactly why I didn't give Camulus the tainted one.

- Sir?

- I gave him the dead one.

It's worthless, right?

Baal's gonna be pretty pissed at Camulus.


The president's motorcade is here.

He should be getting on the elevator momentarily.

Uh Sir, I I think you should know I'll be leaving tomorrow.

- Really?

- Yes, sir.

The truth is, I've been here on a temporary special assignment from the president.

- Oh?

- Sort of a civilian audit, if you will.

Of the SGC?

Of you.

I know.

- You do?

- General Hammond told me.

- Well, he wasn't supposed to.

- Well, don't tell anyone.

Then you know the president wanted to make sure you were settling in before he came and shook your hand and endorsed you as the leader of this base.



Obviously, he's here, so What I mean is, I just want you to know how much respect I have for what you do here.

- And for you.

- Thanks.

Shall we?

Oh, by the way, did you let those Amran delegates go?

I did, sir.


Major Davis said they seem much more willing to negotiate now.

- D'you think they liked the fruit basket?

- I think so, sir.


I put a lot of thought into that.
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