01x10 - Shelter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dear Edward". Aired: February 3, 2023 - present.*
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The story of Edward Adler, a boy who survives a plane crash that kills every other passenger, including his family members; as Edward and others try to make sense of life after the crash.
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01x10 - Shelter

Post by bunniefuu »



Hey, Edward?

Here goes nothing, Grandma.


Oh, for f*ck's sake! Jesus Christ.

Excuse me.

- Hi!
- Can I help you find something?

[DEE DEE] Uh, yeah.

Uh, well, could you help me find some
decorations that are a little less,

you know, Catholic?

- Yeah, you know, it is a church after all.
- [DEE DEE] Yeah, I know.

- I'm sorry, you are?
- Dee Dee Cameron.

- Dee Dee.
- [DEE DEE] Yeah.

I'm throwing a party for the last
session of our... of our grief group,

even though I seem to be the only
one who gives a flying f*ck about it.

Oh. [SIGHS] From the plane crash.

Dee Dee, I'm... I'm
very sorry for your loss.

Oh, thank you, Father. I
call you "Father," right?

- Yes.
- You look like you're about .

I'm... I'm... I'm not .

I'm... I'm Father Macelvoy.
[STAMMERS] I'm new here.

Uh, but, uh, Dee Dee,

I do wanna say... [STAMMERS]

... I'm very sorry for all
that you've been through.

- Oh, that's nice. Thank you.
- And should you need any assistance...

[STAMMERS] ... I would
be honored to help.

Thank you. I would love that.

Can you help me set up for
the party? That would be great.

- Oh. I... I... I meant spiritual assistance.
- [DEE DEE] Oh.

- Well, where do we start, you know?
- [MACELVOY] But...

I... I'm sure. You know what, Dee Dee?

I think I could pitch in a little bit.

- Thank you. Oh, that's so...
- [MACELVOY] No, of course.

You know what? You're restoring
my faith in the church,

- Father. Wonderful.
- I am very happy to hear that.




- Have you heard anything?
- No, but look, he's gonna call.

He doesn't have a phone.
It ended up with Linda

when they went to the hospital.

How could you let him out of your sight?

- I... I don't... I mean, he seemed okay.
- [LACEY] He seemed okay to you?

He pushed a piano down
a flight of stairs, John.

He got expelled from school.

Okay, so tell me what
I'm supposed to do,

because half the campus was underwater,

- the other half had no electricity.
- I leave him with you for one night.

And you leave him alone.
The entire night. [SCOFFS]

I didn't know how long
it was going to take.

[LACEY] You don't pay attention.

John, you don't pay attention.

We're gonna find him.

Hi, Ms. Curtis.

Hey, Shay.

Have you heard from Edward
in the last hours?


Okay. If you hear from
him, give me a call.

Edward. Hey, Edward!

- Edward!
- [SHAY] Ms. Curtis, is everything okay?

Is he missing?

Uh, we don't know that yet.

Oh, my God. It's my fault.

I told him he couldn't sleep on
my floor, and now he's missing.

- I'm so sorry.
- Shay...

- [SHAY] My... He...
- ... you are the best thing

that has happened to Edward
since all of this happened.

This is not your fault.

Can you... Can you think of
anywhere he might have gone?

Can you think of
anyone he might be with?



[GEENA] Whoo!

Daddy, will you take
me on the monkey bars?

Oh, I don't think you're
ready for that yet, Geena-bean.

I'm ready, Daddy. I'm so, so ready.

Please, please, please, please, please?

Not too high, okay?

Okay. I love you, Daddy.

I love you too, sweetie.
Come on. Let's go. [GRUNTS]




- Have you got me, Daddy?
- I've got you.

- Have you still got me?
- I've still got you.

- [GEENA] Have you still got me?
- I've still got you.

Daddy, do you promise
you'll never, ever let go?

I promise.

I promise.


- Okay. So, you moved to Europe at years old?
- Yeah.

- What did you do there?
- [CHUCKLES] A whole lot.

I mean, traveled, met people,

- ate a lot of great food...
- Yeah.

... had a lot of great sex.

- Lived. [CHUCKLES]

Well, I went right to
college after high school,

then got my MBA, then started
working for my dad. So...

Hmm. Doesn't surprise me.

- Come on.
- Oh. No, no, no. No one wants that.

- Come on!
- No one wants to see that.

No, just trust me. Trust me. No,
no, [CHUCKLES] it's not gonna happen.

This is just ugly. It's gonna get bad.


I'm falling in love with you.

- I'm going to break up with Daphne.
- Steve.

Okay, look, I've never
felt this way before.

And-And we should be together.

[SIGHS] So, just me, you and Brent?

It's not like that.

Brent will always be a part of
our lives. We have to be honest.

Okay, yeah. Maybe it's a little weird,

but what if our whole lives
have been leading to this?

Steve, this is more than
just a little weird, okay?

You're engaged,

and you're making soup dumplings
with your dead brother's fiancé.


I like you. I do.

But I just think that you're,

like, a way for me to
get closer to Brent.

That's not the basis of
a healthy relationship.

Wait, so, this is it?


Bye, Steve.

Wait. Wait.

I gotta get the dumplings.

Leave them under the mat.

Excuse me. Excuse me. Are you Mahira?

Um, yeah.

I'm Lacey. I'm Jordan and Edward's aunt.

Shay told me that I would find you here.

- Oh, my God. Is everything okay?
- I can't find Edward.

Have you heard from him?

- Has he contacted you? Has he been here?
- [MAHIRA] No, I...

I haven't heard from him. I...

I-I told him to stop
texting me. I'm-I'm so sorry.

Can you think of
anywhere that he might be?

Have you tried MOP?

- MOP?
- Museum of the Odd and Peculiar. I...

I used to go there with Jordan.

[MAHIRA] I took Eddie there. It's, um...

It's-It's on East th Street.

It's on East th Street. Thank you.


Jordan was so beautiful.

I loved him so much.

I don't know when it's
gonna stop hurting.


Hey, kid. You okay?


- Excuse me. Can I... Can I use your phone?

Do you have a phone?
Can I use your phone?

I just need to make a phone call.

- Can I use your phone?
- [PEDESTRIAN ] Sorry, kid.

Can I use your phone?

Somebody? Can I use your phone?


What the hell are you doing?

Follow me.

Come on. Now. Hurry.

[PERSON ON TV] All right,
folks. Let's check back in

on that special election of
the Harlem-based th district.

We've been keeping a close eye on it.

Cora Richardson's been
leading wire to wire so far,

but we're just getting
a new batch of votes in,

and there's gonna be a shake-up
in the leader board here.

- And you can see, Adriana Washington...
- Oh, my God.

- with this new set of votes...
- Aah! Yes, yes!

- This is our f*cking day, people.

I told you we would do this.

Okay. We have not done anything.
We're still behind Cora.

- Everyone calm down.
- [SCOFFS] But not for long.

Come on, y'all! Come
on. Get excited now. Yes!

This group has really
shared a lot, you know?

I mean, we've laughed,
we've cried, we've opened up.

But now suddenly everybody's too busy?

I... Oh, that's... I think
that's too low, Father.

No, I-I think that's pretty close.

[DEE DEE] Oh, no, no.
That's definitely too low.

You know, today's election
day, so I get it with Adriana.

Of course. Obviously.

And Linda just pushed
out a preemie, fine.

But everybody else?

I'm not asking for the world.
Just, like, a modicum of effort.

- Okay. How is that?
- Oh, yeah. Can you reach?

All right, that works. I think you
should start on balloons now. Here.

And what's with grief group
ending after three months?

Um, do we have a-a pump for these?

Oh, no. I think that's a
mouth-to-mouth situation.

I mean, it's not like
we're magically cured.

Just because the airline
is so f*cking cheap

- that they won't pay for more sessions.
- [MACELVOY] Well, Dee Dee,

I suppose people have
their lives to get back to.

Which is, um... Speaking of...

Oh, you're saying I don't
have a life to get back to?

Oh, no. I didn't...

I do. I have a very full
life, Father, just FYI.

Dee Dee, I didn't in
any way mean to imply

- that you don't have a full...
- Okay, that's good.

Because I'll tell you
one thing right now.

These people need me a
lot more than I need them.


Dee Dee...


You have every right to
feel however you feel.

Your feelings are valid.


And if I may, I think...


when we're angry it could be a...

a defense mechanism
for maybe a deeper hurt.


My husband died.


My daughter and I are... [SOBS]

... tenuous at best. [SOBS]

Everyone in the group has somebody

to get back to, something to go back to.

A job or their family.

I don't. I don't. I
don't have anybody. [SOBS]

I'm all alone. [SOBBING]

Sometimes I feel...

like if I disappeared,
no one would even notice.




- I don't wanna be here anymore, Jordan.
- [JORDAN] Where?

[EDWARD] Here.

I should be with you, and Mom and Dad.

I give you the window seat, and
this is what you wanna do with it?

f*ck you, Eddie.




Well, everybody asks if
you can make it taller.


It's your thing. Hold your breath.

Oh, my God.

Eddie. Hey, where were you?

Dad's going for a new record. Come on.

Your mother might be a brilliant
writer, but she can't do this.

- [JANE] I'm proud of you, honey.
- [BRUCE] You should be.

- Yeah, I know.
- Don't screw up, Dad.

- Are you seriously taunting me?
- [JORDAN CHUCKLES] You're sick, Eddie.

It would, uh, really suck
to have to start all over.

- Eddie! [CHUCKLES]

[BRUCE] Look at that. Look at that.

- [BRUCE] Almost got it. Almost got it.
- [JANE] Oh, hon.

- [JANE] Come on. Come on.
- [BRUCE] Wait. Don't touch it.

- [JORDAN] I'm not touching.
- [JANE] Don't even breathe.



Hey, doggy. It's okay.
I'm not a bad guy.

You don't gotta worry about me, okay?

[EDWARD] I used to
live here, that's all.

Sorry to barge in. I just
need to get one more thing.

[BRUCE] You feel it?












Oh, my God.



Hi. Excuse me. Have you seen this boy?

Yeah, he was here a little while ago.

He was?

- Yeah?
- He's my nephew.

- He's my nephew, and he's missing.
- Oh, uh, he seemed a little upset.

He was sitting on the floor
muttering and then he just left.

Do you have any idea
where he might've gone?

Just seemed like he
really needed to get home.

Okay. Okay. [PANTS]



And now close your eyes, and
then your fingers will know how.

- I did it!
- We saw. [CHUCKLES]


That was great. Do you
wanna try the next part?


- Hey, Edward.

Maybe we should get you home.

Um... I'm not... I'm not ready yet.

Okay. Okay.

So, they changed all the
electricity in the building,

and they took all the wires out of here.

But my brother got the key. So,
it's ours. Pretty cool, right?

You guys can take one.

- [BOTH] Thank you.
- Yeah.

So, on Halloween, when you come home

before your parents can confiscate
all your candy or, you know,

apply whatever rules they
want, you stash the good ones.

Whatever you guys like. And then
you can give them the bad ones,

and then you have these
for the entire year.


And, um...

This is... This is yours now.

- Don't lose it, okay?
- Okay.

- [PARENT] It's okay. He's here. He's fine.
- [LACEY] Okay.

- [PARENT] He's in the back. I'll get him.
- [LACEY] All right.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
You scared me so much!

- [EDWARD] You found me.


[EDWARD] You found me.

I'll always find you.
I'll always find you.

[EDWARD] I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for running.

Are you ready to go back?

Um, almost.


Thank you.

Eddie. [CHUCKLES] Where have you been?

And where the heck is your brother?

Don't tell me you
found a new truck, huh?

My falafels are the best
in New York. [CHUCKLES]

Um, Faakhir, I haven't... I
haven't been so honest with you.


Know that... You know that plane
crash from a couple of months ago?

- Mm-mmm.
- Well, um, my family was on that plane.

And, um... They died.

Your whole family?

Jordan too?

Yeah. Yeah, Jordan too.

Everyone but me.

I should've told you the
truth a long time ago.

I just... I guess I just liked
talking to you about them.

Oh, Eddie. [INHALES SHARPLY] Eddie.

- I'm okay. I'll be okay.

But, I... I-I live
up in Nyack now, so...

Probably won't be back here much.

God bless you, Eddie.

You too.

You really do have the
best falafel, by the way.


- Like, seriously. [CHUCKLES]

[EDWARD] You ready to go home?


[EDWARD] Okay.

[DEE DEE] â(Trademark) They were singing â(Trademark)ª

[ALL] â(Trademark) Bye-bye, Miss American Pie â(Trademark)ª

â(Trademark)ª Drove my Chevy to the levee â(Trademark)
â(Trademark) But the levee was dry â(Trademark)ª

- Mom.
- [MILO] â(Trademark) This will... â(Trademark)ª

- What?

- Oh, my God.
- Hi. [CHUCKLES] Hi, Mom.

- Oh, my God.

- You came.
- Yeah. Yes. Are you drunk?

I can't believe it. What?

- No. Hi, my beautiful.
- [CHUCKLES] Hi, Mom.

- [GASPS] This is my daughter, Zoe.

- Hi, Zoe. Father Mac. Nice to meet you.
- This is Father Mac.

- And Milo.
- Hey. Milo.

- Hi, Milo. Hi, Milo.
- Milo. Nice to meet you.

- Isn't she the most gorgeous thing?
- Don't say that.

I won't say that. I
know. I say it too much.

- [DEE DEE] But it's true.
- Hi. Sorry, sorry. Hi.

- [DEE DEE] Oh, Steve.
- [MILO] Steve!

I knew I could count on you.

- You brought the dumplings!
- [STEVE] Yeah, dumplings.

They look raw.

Um, uh, we're gonna
steam them right here

and enjoy them the way God intended.

- What's up? Hey.
- Hello. [CHUCKLES]

- Oh, look, it's Manny Pacquiao. Hi.

- Did I, uh, break your nose or...
- Hey, everybody.

- [MILO] Hey, Sam!
- Hello.

I'm shocked that you're
here. I-I'm shocked.

I'm literally... You don't
return a text message.

- [SAM] I'm busy. Damn.
- What did you bring?

I brought shrimp scampi
from this Italian spot.

Shrimp scampi? That smells amazing.

- Oh, my God. The garlic.
- It's amazing. It's the best. I swear.

- Congresswoman!
- Hi.

- [SAM] Oh. Yay.
- [DEE DEE] No! What?

How are you here?

- It is election day. That is impossible.
- [SAM] How did you get here?

I know. I snuck out, just
for a little bit though.

- Look what I stole from the green room.
- [DEE DEE] What did you do?

- [MILO] What?

- [DEE DEE] Cookies with your face on it?
- [ADRIANA] I know!

- [MILO] What?
- That is...

A possible sign of narcissistic
personality disorder.

I had you all pegged for
that already, so... Hey.

He's funny. Who knew he was
funny? I didn't know he was funny.

- All right.
- I think these are incredible.

Very, very good.

- Hi. This is Edward.
- [GROUP] Hi.

- Hi.
- [DEE DEE] Edward.

Edward, this is everybody.
These are my friends.

Welcome, Edward.

Thank you.

Oh, nice to meet you, Sam.

Your aunt's been a good friend to me.

Nice to meet you.

- Adriana.
- Nice to meet you.

Well, now it's a party.



You were sexting with Vernon?

- Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Is it fun though? Is it sexy?

Should I start sexting?

- Maybe.
- Jesus. I don't know.

Maybe that's what I've
gotta do. [CHUCKLES]

But the point is I'm choosing
Sienna. I'm choosing Geena.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

- Hmm.
- I'm at peace with it.


Is that the point, you think?

To be at peace?

What would be wrong with that if it is?

And that's Sam.

Um, Sam lost his best
friend from high school.

And by best friend,
I mean "best friend."

You know what I mean?

I have no idea what you mean.

- [STAMMERS] Gay or bi.
- Oh.

He's gay or bi. I... [STAMMERING]

And he has a wife and
a daughter, so it's...

- Oh, well, that echoes.

Holy f*ck, you're right. Jesus Christ!

And I think that's everybody.
I don't know where Amanda is.

Well, you got a... you got a
nice little family here, Mom.

You're my family, honey.

- 'Kay, everyone, here we go.

- [ZOE] Oh, my God.
- [DEE DEE] Oh, f*cking dumplings.


- Right. f*cking dumplings.
- [ZOE] f*cking dumplings.

- [ADRIANA] Wow!
- Um, all right. Okay.

So here are my nainai's soup dumplings.

My brother loved these more
than anything in the world.


Um, so, everyone carefully pick up

one of these guys and put it in a spoon.

Now poke a little hole

and drain the dumpling
so all the soup comes out.

[ADRIANA] I love that coordinated stuff.

Now, eat the dumpling and
drink the soup separately.

- [ADRIANA] Separately?
- Careful. It's hot.


[SAM] Sienna?

Hey. How was the party?

It was nice. It was really nice.

We're gonna have shrimp scampi for days.


I love you. I love
Geena. I love this family.

[INHALES DEEPLY] I've been thinking
all day, "What's he gonna decide?"

And-And then I started thinking,
"What if he says he wants to stay?"

Will I still feel like I'm
the one, like I'm your person?

You are. You are.

I tried to convince myself that I could

feel this way again, but I just can't.

So I'm... I'm leaving.

It's gonna be hard, but
we're gonna figure it out.

- We'll adjust, and-and we'll...
- Can we talk about this? I...

- We'll make it work for Geena. Okay?
- No.


Sam, okay?


Hey, Uncle John.

I'm really happy to see you're okay.

[EDWARD] Yeah.

[SIGHS] I'm just kinda tired.

Yeah, go on up to bed.

Tomorrow we'll get that
tracking chip implanted.


I'm sorry I didn't call
you. It was just so much.

[JOHN] Yeah, it's all right.

[SIGHS] Anyway.

You always put, uh,

exactly one-and-a-quarter
teaspoons of sugar in your coffee,

like, every single morning.

When you hear a Fleetwood Mac song,

you always sing the words to "Dreams."

Like it doesn't even matter

what Fleetwood Mac song
is actually playing.

On Halloween, you always make sure

that the shy little kids get as
much candy as the obnoxious big ones.

Favorite color is green.
Favorite dogs are yellow Labs.

And every day and night
since Edward got here,

you have spent pulling
him back into this world.

Wouldn't even eat, and you fed him.

And you sheltered him.

And you got in his
face when he needed it.

You gave him his space
when he needed that.

I mean, you just, like...

You look at him now, and you
look at how far he's come...

[SIGHS] It's because of you.

You said that I don't pay
attention to anything, but...

I do.

I'll see you, okay?


Before I start, I just
wanna take a second

and thank a specific hero of mine.

My grandma.


We will carry on, Grandma.

We will not let
everything you dreamed of

fade away as we fight like hell

to make this district prosperous.


Now, there is one more person that
I wanna thank tonight. Just one.

And I'm so sad that he
couldn't be here tonight,

but maybe he's watching this right now.

He was the person that convinced me

to run in a pizzeria in New York City.

And, as I recall,

we ate regular old-school pizza,
cheese and sauce, no extras.


And he told me to run, and
I said, "No, I'm not ready."

But he said, "Sometimes
we don't choose our path.

Sometimes our path chooses us."

And he was right.

Because it wasn't the
plan, but it was time.

It was time for me to act.

So to that, dear friend, I say
thank you, wherever you are tonight.

Tonight, I say to the people
of this great district,

this great city and this great country,

I vow to be your servant.

- I vow to lead, to listen, to act.
- [SUPPORTER] It's your turn.

This is our time. This is our time!

- Yes!

So with that, I love you! I thank you!

I will work to make sure this is
the best vote you have ever cast!

God bless Harlem! God bless Inwood!
God bless Washington Heights!

And God bless America!


[SQUEALS] Get over here! [EXCLAIMS]

- Thanks for being here. Hello.
- Amazing.


- You did it. I'm so proud.

[SUPPORTER ] Hi, there.

Hi. Congratulations.


You did it.


Look forward to working
with you, Congresswoman.

Me too.

So, what are we gonna do?

Oh, Father Mac says we can
just leave everything here.

He'll take care of it tomorrow.

No, Mom. I mean, like, what
are we gonna do? We're broke.

The money from selling the house
is barely gonna cover our debt.

I don't want you to worry, sweetheart.

Mom, can you just... can you
talk to me like an adult, please?

I think you owe me that.


Um, I'm gonna get a job.

I'm gonna get a job. I'm
gonna make some money.

And you're gonna finish school.

How? Where?

Um... I have some thoughts on that.


But let's have a drink first.


- Yeah, seriously.
- Okay.

- What, did I raise a Goody Two-shoes?
- No.

Come on. We're in a church basement.

- What else are we going to do?

- Cheers, my love.
- Cheers.

- Mmm. Mmm.
- What is going on right now?


So, you know how I always
say that I f*cking hate LA?

No. No.



- Where were you?
- Sorry. I... I just needed some space.

- I was scared to death. We all were.
- I'm sorry. I know.

This is for you.

Go ahead. Open it.


Wow. Random junk.

Well, this is a shell
that I got from Cape Cod.

It was the first time I
went fishing with my dad,

and I actually caught a fish.

And this coin, this is my first poker
game with Jordan and his friends.

I didn't win, obviously, but...

This button is from my grandpa's
jacket. I took it after he died.

And this key chain,

my mom gave me this the day
of my first piano recital.

Has a little E on it.

These are all the things
that I've saved my whole life.

And, um...


I want you to have them.


The doctor said after the
crash, I was in a fugue state.

Like I was... Like I was
here, but also not really here.

So when I met you, that
was the first time I...

I felt anything since the crash.

And I don't wanna get
all weird or anything,

but I think maybe you're the
reason that I'm still around.

Weirdest present ever, but thanks.


So I found, like, hundreds of
letters all addressed to me.


Yeah, it's... it's
pretty random, actually,

but my aunt and uncle have been
hiding these letters from me,

like hundreds of them,

probably 'cause they
thought I'd be freaked out

if I read all of 'em. But...

Where are they from?

Some are just from people
who lost someone in the crash,

and others are from people who
wanted to tell me about Jesus and yoga

and a bunch of other weird stuff.

There were a couple that seemed...

Seemed what?

Like they were... they were a lot
more than just the other letters.

Like... Like a... Like a cry for help.

Like maybe we should write
them back or something.

We need to read every single
one of these letters, Edward.

Like, now.

I thought you might say that.

Let's go.

I do solemnly swear that
I will support and defend

the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies,

foreign and domestic.

this obligation freely.

[ADRIANA] That I take
this obligation freely.

Today and forever.

[ADRIANA] Today and forever.

[CHIEF JUSTICE] In honor of
the United States of America.

[ADRIANA] In honor of the
United States of America.

[CHIEF JUSTICE] Congratulations.

[FATHER MAC] I present
to you, Mr. and Mrs. Chen.


- Hi! How was school?
- Hey! Oh, it was... It was...

How was the showing?

You know what? It was
great. They made an offer.


I don't know what it is. These
LA people love the shit out of me.

[ZOE CHUCKLES] Oh, my God.

- [LINDA MUTTERS] Hi, baby girl.
- [GASPS] How are you guys doing?


I didn't know you had another uncle.

I don't.

You better read this.
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