01x07 - Second Chances

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sullivan's Crossing". Aired: March 19, 2023 - present*
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Based on Robyn Carr's bestselling 5-novel series, follows the journey of neurosurgeon Maggie Sullivan, whose perfectly planned life is turned upside down after finding herself in unexpected legal troubles.
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01x07 - Second Chances

Post by bunniefuu »

CONNIE: He was gone by
the time we got there.

There was nothing that we could do.

It was just too late.

I totally understand if
you'd rather just wait for me

- back at the room.
- No, I came all this way, didn't I?

Well, you don't know anyone here.

I'll be fine.

You just do whatever it
is you came here to do.

♪ So there my friend ♪

♪ You're in the deep end ♪

(LOLA CRYING) I can't believe he's gone!

He did so much for me.

What am I gonna do without him?

♪ Just hangin' on ♪

♪ To hope I (unclear) ♪

- You gonna be okay?
- Mm-hm.

If you need me, I'll be right outside.

♪ It's never good ♪

♪ To try and play pretend ♪

- Frank.
- ♪ And you'll find ♪

- ♪ This time tomorrow ♪
- I can't tell you

how heartbroken Edna and I are.

- How is she doing?
- Not good.

She hasn't been herself
since she found him.

I still can't believe that.

She's gonna need some
time to get over this.

We all will.

- Where is she?
- Out back.

Okay, I'll go find her.

♪ And you'll find ♪

- Maggie?
- Yeah.

♪ We'll decide ♪

I'm sorry how you
left things with Sully.

♪ Where it will all go in this life ♪

♪ Is this as good as it's gonna get? ♪

♪ I've given all I can give ♪

♪ But the rivers still
get wider, wider ♪

♪ We've been here all along ♪

♪ Through the valleys we carry on ♪

♪ The journey takes us higher, higher ♪

♪ This could be a home
if we try to build it ♪

♪ This could be a life
that's one in a million ♪

♪ And all the hard times,
yeah, they were worth it ♪

♪ Time and time and time again ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Time and time and time again ♪

Hey. You're back.

Uh, Frank called, told
me what happened to Roy.

Come on, we were all thinking
he was doing so well, so...

Maggie, wait.

About the other day, what I said...

You know I'm not very
good on the telephone.

I know you're upset with me.

I can't do this right now,
Sully. I need to find Edna.

We can talk later then?
After everyone's gone home?

Andrew and I are staying in Timberlake.

Oh, hey. Nice to see
you again, Mr. Sullivan.

- Adam.
- Andrew.

Yeah. Back for some glamping?

No. Actually, Maggie and I, we found
a nice, quaint bed and breakfast.

- It's not much but it's got a king size bed.
- I see.

Yeah, I wanted to...

I wanted to be here
for Maggie, you know.

Maybe get to know my
fiancée a little better.


Maggie didn't tell ya
I asked her to marry me?

Did she accept?

She will, it's just all this
business with the lawsuit,

it's hard for her to
focus on anything else.

I try to get her to relax,

but you know how wound up she can get.

Is that right?

I really look forward to
showing you around our new place.

You bought a new house?

Well, actually I bought
the house for Maggie.

I think it's gonna be a great place

for us to start our new life together.

You bought a house for Maggie?

Mm, it's even got an
in-law suite for you,

for after you retire.

How considerate of you.


MAGGIE: Thought I'd find you here.


What are you doing here?

Ah, Frank asked you to come, didn't he?

He shouldn't have done that.
You have enough on your plate.

I wanted to be here for you,

like you've always been for me.

Finding Roy like that,

that must have been terrible.

It was.

I'm so sorry, Edna.

No one was with him in the end.

And it reminded me of Frank,
out there in the woods.


I am going to go find Rob
and see if he needs a hand.

CAL: Hey, Maggie. You're back.


Man, it's hard to believe Roy's gone.


We just played chess a couple days ago.

Stress can be so overwhelming,

it can cause cardiac arrest.

You can die of a broken heart?

Medically speaking, yeah.

Well, he died alone.

I just hope he wasn't afraid.

From what I hear, I think he
went peacefully in his sleep.


To be honest, I was a little worried

when I didn't hear from
you after the deposition.

It didn't go very well.

It couldn't have gone that bad.

No, Mrs. Markiff... she went after me,

and accused me of k*lling her son.

Grief can make people
do irrational things.

There you are.

I was wondering where you'd gone.


Cal, right?

Nice to see you again.

SYDNEY: I didn't know you were back.

Hey, uh, we're just here for the wake.

This must be Andrew.

I've heard a lot about you.

Oh, you have?

Uh, I'm just gonna head over

and offer Lola my condolences.

Excuse me.

So, how do you know Maggie?

- We grew up together when I lived here.
- FINN: Quit it.

Hey, get your hands
off me! Stop pushing me!

Finn... Uh, I'll catch
up with you in a bit.

- FINN: Get off of me!
- What are you doing?

- Hey, Maggie.
- Connie, hey.

Um, this is Andrew, my boyfriend.

Andrew, this is Connie.

Uh, she heads up the
search and rescue team.

- Hey, nice to meet you.
- Really nice to meet you.

I can't tell you how impressed I was

over Maggie's quick thinking
during Frank's sh**ting.


Yeah, we were just so lucky

that you and Cal were
there to help. Thank you.

You didn't tell me about any sh**ting?

It was an accidental sh**ting,

and I tried to call you but
you were heading into surgery.

You could've told me later.

I didn't wanna worry you.

Is there anything else
you didn't tell me?


I, uh...

I just wanted to let you
all know how grateful I am

that you're here to
celebrate my granddad with me.

It's been really nice hearing
all the personal stories.

Granddad had such a
great sense of humour.

Do you remember when he organized

that special fishing trip

but he sent everybody to the wrong lake

so that he could have
the best spot to himself?

- Aww.

When we lost my grandma,

I didn't know if I'd
ever see Roy smile again.

But then, he made a new friend.

Cal Jones.

Cal, your visits made such a difference

to my grandfather.

And I can't thank you enough for that.

It's gonna be really hard
now that my family's gone,

but I know that it'll be okay,

because I have all of you.

And Sully, who's always
been like a father to me.



Thank you.

Roy would've been so touched.

We all loved him.

Oh, that was beautiful. Both of you.

How ya holdin' up?

There's a ton of paperwork.

And Granddad didn't leave a will, so,

I'm not sure where to start.

Know what? Maybe you should
ask Cal to help you out.


That's a good idea.

A bunch of us are
trying to convince Edna

to go for some drinks
after to cheer her up.

You should come.

- Um, I'm not sure.
- No, it'd be fun.


- KID: Quit it!
- FINN: You quit it!

- You pushed me first!
- SYDNEY: Finn!

What is going on?

He started it. He's
always doing this to me!

It wasn't my fault!

- Sorry.
- What's goin' on?

I thought we talked
about this already, Finn.

You need to use your
words when you get angry.

But he was bugging me.

That's no excuse to get into a fight.

I wanna go home!

We can't do that right now.
I still have to clean up.

- I don't wanna be here anymore!
- SYDNEY: I'll take him.


All right, thanks. You sure?

Yeah, it's fine.

One of us should get
back to the diner anyway.

Okay. Hey, Finn. Listen.

We're gonna sit down and
talk about this later,

try to figure out what happened

- so it doesn't happen again. Okay, buddy?
- Fine.

Thank you.

Uh, gimme a second.

- Hey.
- Yeah, hey.

You're doing a great job with him.

Not everybody would
be that understanding.

I try to raise him to be self-aware,

thought I was doing a good job.

You know, that's the second
blowout he's had this summer.

- I don't know what I'm doin' wrong.
- Don't be so hard on yourself.

From what I can see,
you're doing a great job.

Finn is... he's a wonderful kid.

You and Sydney are always there for him.

I wish I'd had that sort
of support growing up.


Thanks, Maggie. I...

I'm so busy.

I worry I don't have enough
time to be there for him.

I don't know what I'd do if
I didn't have Sydney to help.

- I gotta get goin'.
- Okay.

Hey, let me help you out here.

You about ready to leave?

Uh, yeah. I just wanna say
goodbye to a few other people.

Okay, I'll get the car and
bring it round out front.


Why are you here, Maggie?

What do you mean?

You hardly knew Roy and
you've never liked me,

so why'd you come back?

That's not true, Lola.

You weren't even nice to
me when my mom was dying.

Okay, we were both kids back then.

I mean, we were both dealing with a lot.

Whenever you come back here,

you just do something to hurt Sully.

You have the perfect
life in Boston, Maggie.

So, what is it you expect to find here?


♪ Rainy days don't seem so long ♪

♪ Stormy nights don't stay ♪


- ♪ From the moment that we met ♪
- I love this song.

- ♪ You were worth the wait ♪
- I know.

Thank you.

What can I get for you?

♪ This could be the first
thing that I'll ever know ♪

You're too good to me.

You know that?


♪ So I'm forever (unclear) ♪


♪ This old (unclear)
on the concrete steps ♪

♪ You watch the sun
as it slowly drifts ♪

♪ From the horizon to the place we met ♪

I want you to promise me something.


When we took our vows,

I know we thought it would be forever.

And when I'm gone... hey.

I want you to move on.




Please look at me.

I want you to find someone...

that will make you happy.

You make me happy.

I don't wanna live without you.

But you have to.

For me. Okay?

Promise me you'll try.


It's okay.


I love you.

I know.

You are so beautiful.

Remind me why we're doing this again?

'Cause you said you
wanted me to show you

what I loved about this place.

If I'd known we'd be hiking I
would've packed better shoes.

- My feet are k*lling me.
- Just, uh,

pretend we're at the golf course.

ROB: Wow.

Auntie Syd gave me cake!

I see that.

- Cake?
- He was really upset when we got back.

Okay. So, now we're
rewarding bad behaviour.

He knows what he did was wrong, Rob.

I think it's a mistake.

The mistake was taking a child
who lost his mother to a wake.


Yeah. You're right.

I don't know what I was thinkin'.

I think he just needs to
spend some time with his dad.


Hey, bud.

We need to talk.

What you did today wasn't cool.

- FINN: I know.
- You can't be doin' that.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, I haven't heard from you.
You never answered my texts.

Yeah, sorry. It's just been
a little nuts around here.

Look, did I do something wrong?

No! No, I've just had my
hands full with Finn and work.


Are we still going to
the park, Auntie Syd?

Yeah. You bet.

Let's go hit some balls!

Maybe you can show me
how to throw a curveball.

- Can I get you anything?
- Ah, no. I'm good. Um...

- Some advice though, maybe.
- What's up?

I don't know, I feel like
Sydney might be avoiding me.

What makes you say that?

Well, for one, she ghosted me

when she was at the
tournament with Finn.

I don't know, man. I don't
know what I did wrong.

Just try to be a little less available?

I don't understand.

(SIGHING) Just...

dial it back a notch or two.

No texting, no phone calls.

Let her come to you.

It's been a while since I've dated,

but I think most women like a challenge.

Hey, Cal.

Hey, Lola.

I uh...

just wanted to come by to give you this.

Roy would've wanted you to have it.

Thank you.


I can't believe how
lost I feel right now.

I'm sorry.

You know,

Roy told me a lot about
what you've been through.

How hard you worked to get back
on your feet after your accident.


So, maybe you're a lot
tougher than you might think.

I guess I never looked at it that way.

He also told me that they never
found the person that hit you.


When I came out of my coma,
I couldn't remember anything.

I used to pray that they would catch

the person that did this to me

so that my mom and I could
just put it all behind us.


I know what it's like to...

try and look forward

when you haven't had any closure.

Wish there was something
I could do to help.

Well, whoever did it
is long gone by now, so.

But, um, maybe there's something
else you could help me with?

What's that?

Roy didn't leave a will,

so everything is just this huge mess,

and I could really use some
help sorting it all out.

Estate law's not really my expertise.

But, um, I can make a few calls.

Find you a good referral. How's that?


Yeah, thanks.

All right.



Is that one of my family's?

It's been a long time
since I tried to sing it.

I can't remember the Cree words.

Been thinkin',

that maybe we should make
sure that everything is order.

Just in case.

Nothing's gonna happen to you, Frank.

Still, we should be prepared.

When you were in the hospital,

I realized this was
the only song of yours

that I remember.

And if something were to happen to you,

I wouldn't know what to do.

I wouldn't know how to
sing you home properly.

Our traditions are different, so,

I was thinking, maybe...

we could visit your cousins in Alberta,

so I wouldn't be alone.

I have not talked to
those people in years.

But maybe we could change that.

Family is important.

Can you put the past behind you?

If that's what you need.



I mean, it's definitely beautiful.

I just don't know why
it's so special to you.

It was my favourite
place when I lived here.

I used to watch kids
jump off over there.

- Never got up the nerve to do it myself.
- (CHUCKLING) That's good!

I've seen many a broken
rib and ruptured spleen

over stunts like that.

Listen, Mags.

I know my proposal took you by surprise.

Maybe it wasn't the right
time to ask. I just...

I can't wait to start our life together.

You know, it's been two years and I...

- I just wanna move forward.
- Yeah.


I just... I don't know how
long the lawsuit's gonna take.

Maybe it's an opportunity,

to start a family.

- You mean kids?
- Well, I know...

I know we haven't talked about it

but I've been thinking
about it a lot, okay?

I... we're not getting any younger.

Sometimes these things,
they happen for a reason.

What about my career?

You can go back to it after.

Maggie, people do it all the time.


Maybe we should head back.

My feet, they're hurting.

They're k*lling me.


You got a moment?

Yeah, what's up?

I just wanted to check in
on ya, see how you're doin'.

I'm fine. Why?

Well, with everything
going on around here,

it might be nice to take in a meeting.

Sounds good. You should do that.

Well, I was hopin'...

that you would come, and
we could make a day of it.

Me? Nah.

I'm good, thanks.


Oy. Sorry I'm late.

- Did you order?
- Not yet.

I'm really glad we could,
uh, we could have lunch.

I know you've been
spending a lot of time

over at your mom's lately, so...

I know this separation
thing has been hard on you.

Yeah, it feels weird, um,

not seeing you guys together anymore.

So, how is your mom, anyway?

Is she still, uh, is she
still seeing that woman?

You should talk to her about that.

You're right, I shouldn't ask. Okay.

So, listen.

I called in a favour.

I set up a meeting with a
recruiter I know for next week.

He's agreed to help
prep your application.


Deadline is the end of the month.

Yeah, right.


I was thinking I could
take another year off.

Oh. I thought we talked about this.

Yeah, I just want more
time to think about it.


This is your mother's idea, isn't it?

Well, I'll get you
something for your blisters.


Looks like you forgot to pack footwear.

Well, I wasn't expecting to go hiking.

Maggie insisted.

Where'd she take you?

Some waterfall.


Why's that?

She always kept that place a secret.

She'd spend hours
lookin' for frogs and bugs

and she'd come back covered with mud.

That doesn't sound like Maggie.

Why not?

Maggie hates dirt.

She's the cleanest person I know.

She keeps her apartment in
Boston absolutely spotless.

It's like she was...

born for the OR.

Well, that's funny.

I guess she was always

so relaxed and happy
when she lived here.

Well, maybe she's
changed a lot since then.

You feelin' a little better?

I am.

Frank and I decided to book a
last-minute vacation to Calgary.

We thought reconnecting with
family would help me heal.

Okay. So, I think I've made enough soup

and sandwiches for a week.

I've restocked the freezer,

I have to bake a few more pies,

and I need to get the
supply order in early.

- I think that should do it?
- I think Sully will be fine.

I'm more worried about the store.

This is the first time Frank and
I have had a vacation in years.

I could never convince
him to leave before.

- He and Sully are two peas in a pod.
- Hm.

Maybe you could stay
and watch the store?

I wish I could, but Andrew and I

have already booked our
flight back to Boston.

Oh, listen to me going
on about our trip.

I'm sorry.

Sully told me about what
happened with Mrs. Markiff.

I should've asked.
How are you holding up?

Uh, best I can, given the circumstances.

But my attorney has been assuring me

that I don't need to worry, so.

And what about you and Sully?

Have you two had a chance
to talk things out yet?

He was very upset after your phone call.

I don't see that there's a point.

I mean, he doesn't seem to
understand what I'm going through.

But he cares deeply for you.

He took her side, Edna.

I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.

You two try and work
things out before you leave.

Gotta get these out to Andrew.

So, uh, Connie said...

something about Maggie and Cal,

they saved Frank's life?


Yeah, a couple guys
shot him by accident.

Then things got outta hand after that.


And uh, Cal just happened
to be with Maggie?

I think they were at the dance together.

What they did was dangerous.

It's a miracle no one
other than Frank got hurt.

This Cal guy seems like he's
a bit of a troublemaker, huh?

(SCOFFING) Cal? No, he's a great guy.

Everyone here loves him.

ROB: Okay, let's see
what you got for me now.


- RAFE: That's pretty good.

Yeah, all righty.


get this party goin'.

CONNIE: I second that.

Come on, Edna. We came
here to have fun. Remember?

- SYDNEY: Maggie!
- I'll be there in a minute.


No dancin' for you?

Uh, I think I need a
few more of these first.

So, how's Andrew enjoying his visit?


Not the outdoorsy type.

I think he's probably looking forward

to heading back to Boston tomorrow.

I didn't realize you
were leaving so soon.

Yeah, Andrew's got surgery and
I need to focus on the lawsuit.

- Nope.

CAL: That's too bad.

You should keep me posted and
let me know how it's going.


Hey! Cal!

Deal ya in.

Looks like Rob's looking
for another poker player.

Yeah. All right,

make sure you say
goodbye before you leave.

All right, gentlemen,
what are we playing?

Five card.

I hope you brought some luck with you.

Andrew here's been kickin' out butts.

CAL: Is that right?

Why don't we make this a
little more interesting?

ROB: Whoa-ho-ho!

How 'bout a C-note to start?

Yeah, I'm out.

- Well...
- ROB: I don't blame ya.

... that's what I call a game.

I'm in.

What about you, Cal?


Wow, I didn't know
handymen got paid so much.

Yeah, I wouldn't know. I'm a lawyer.

FRANK: I met Andrew today.

Did he tell you he proposed to her?

What did she say?

She hasn't made up her mind yet, but

I'm hoping she says no.

That's not your decision, buddy.

He reminds me too much of Walter.

That so?

All these years, I
thought it was Phoebe.

Can't help but wonder...

what if I'd fought harder
to keep her here, Frank?

Would she be any happier?

You should ask Sydney to dance.

RAFE: No, I'm good.

TOM: Another card?

Oh, no. I'm good.


Just the one.

And the dealer will take...





ROB: Another one bites the dust.

I'm gonna go get a drink.

Anybody want one?

- Rye and coke, please.
- ANDREW: Uh, Scotch.

A single malt, if
they got it back there.


Nothin' for me, I'm good. Thanks, Tom.

Good luck.

- Hey, Tom.
- Hey.

Hey, Rafe.

Hey, Lola. Doin' okay?

Yeah. I'm holdin' up.


TOM: Ladies.

Do you wanna dance with me?

Why not?


EDNA: Well, that was fun.

CONNIE: Yeah, I told you
a night out would be good.


We need to talk.

What now?

Not here.

So, did you tell Jackson

he didn't need to apply to the Academy?

I merely suggested that he think

about whether or not it's
the right fit for him.

We have been talking about
him doing this for years.

All right? I don't
want you influencing him

with your opinions
about the force, okay?

You need to stop pressuring him.

Okay? Let him make up his own mind.

Well, that's ironic coming from you.

Why do you have to make
everything so difficult?

I didn't do this, Connie.

You did it.

Right. That again.

You know that this has
been hard on me too.

There it is.

All about you again.

Hey, you know what? I'm
not having this conversation

- in front of our friends.
- Okay, fine.

But we're not done talking.

♪ These demons in my head tonight ♪

That's the second time she's
danced with Rafe tonight.

Thought you said you weren't into him.

That's not the point.

Isn't it?


- ♪ These demons in my head tonight ♪
- Maybe I'll just cut in. Yeah.

♪ Wake up in the morning ♪

♪ And it's all that I can think about ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Try to get up out of bed ♪

♪ But these emotions keep me down ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪

♪ My soul is on fire ♪

♪ I can't take it, I can't take it ♪

♪ This burning desire ♪

- ♪ Oh I can't shake it ♪
- ANDREW: I'll raise it .

Oh. Yeah, I'm out.

I'll see you, and raise you .

- You're bluffin'.
- Try me.


- ROB: Oh, baby!

- LOLA: Nice.
- Whew.

You're good at this.

Ehh, I played it big in college.


Can I get another Scotch
please? Make it a double.

CAL: You need to get in on this.

LOLA: You'll have to show me how.

All right, let's go. Let's go again.

Ah, I'm good.

You know it's bad
form to leave the table

when you've won a hand like that, right?


Take your money back, all right?

It's supposed to be a friendly game.

I don't wanna take my money back.

I wanna win it back.

Sit down.

Hey. Andrew, what's going on?

Nothin'. We're done here. It's...

No, we're not done. We're not
done until I say we're done.

Excuse me?

You think I don't know
what's going on here?

All right, I'm not following.

I think maybe you've had a
few too many drinks, Andrew.

You know exactly what I'm
talking about, caliente.

- Okay, Andrew, can we go back to the hotel please?
- Nope.

No, I'm not done.

- I think you are.
- I saw the texts, Mags.

I know what Cal's up to.

What texts? I've never
gotten a text from Cal.

Well, it's only because I deleted them.

Why would you do that?

That's not the point though, is it?

I don't understand
why you're doing this.


I've done everything I
can to make you happy.

I moved to Boston, I changed my career.

I bought us a house.

I asked you to marry me.

And you just keep pushing me away.

Can we just talk about
this later, please?

Do you love me?

You can't even say it.

That's what I thought.

- You know what? I'm done.
- No, no, please...

- I said I'm done.
- Hey!

Whoa, hey! Hey, hey. You okay?

- You know what?
- Come on.

- Hey!

- Hey, enough!
- Cal, are you okay?

I'm so sorry.

I'm leaving. I'm leaving.

I, uh...

I'm done, Maggie.

You made it very clear that you
don't know what you want, so.

If you ever figure it out,
you know where to find me.

Excuse me.


I'm sorry.

I'm... I'm sorry.

All right, buddy?


(SIGHING) What now?

♪ How am I supposed to
heal? It's beyond me ♪

♪ I need a strength ♪


Can I stay here with you please?

Of course! You don't even
need to ask. Come on. Here.

- Maggie, what's wrong?

Uh, Andrew and I broke up.

And he went back to Boston.

♪ Gonna lay it down, try to let it go ♪


There, there. I got you.

♪ Make my peace as the river rolls ♪

Let it out.

♪ It all seems broken ♪

- No, no. No, no, no, no.

Come on. You know I'm
here for you, right?

Okay, let's get you upstairs,
okay? Get you settled.

If you wanna talk about it
later, we can. Okay? All right.

- Come on.
- Thanks.

♪ Let it carry on to the by and by ♪

You painted over our mural.

♪ You're in every tear,
right down to the last one ♪

Why would you do that?

♪ I could use a peace ♪

♪ This Earth does not know ♪
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