04x29 - The Thunder Games

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Thundermans". Aired: October 14, 2013 - May 25, 2018.*
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Series revolves around the Thundermans, a family with superpowers who try to live normal lives in the fictional town of Hiddenville.
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04x29 - The Thunder Games

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪

- Happy Z Force Announcement Day!

- Hey, Cherry.

- Did President Kickbutt

call yet to tell you if you got in?

Because if you didn't, this balloon is reversible.

- No, Cherry, we're waiting to find out

if we made the Championships.

If we win, then we make the Z Force.

- Why hasn't Kickbutt called?

What if we filled out the forms wrong?

What if they lost the forms?

What if they never got the forms?

- Stop saying "forms."

- You're right. I'm sorry.

I should just try to stop thinking about the Z Force

or anything Z related. - Yeah.

- Let's go to the zoo!

- They just got a zebra!

- It's from Zimbabwe!

- Oh, I get it, you're mocking me...

while I'm falling apart! [sobbing]

- I broke my zipper.

- Ha! Good one, Hank.

Oh, you're not kidding.


Incoming call from Super President Kickbutt.

- Hello, Thundermans.

I have bad news.

- We didn't make it?

- No, I just spilled my latte.

And now onto the good news.

Another latte is on the way.

- So, just tell us the news!

- Okay.

Max and Phoebe, you're in the Z Force Championships.

- ALL: [cheering]

- HANK: Congratulations!

- We did it, Phoebe.

- Oh, I knew I filled out those forms right.

- ♪

- BARB: Awwww...

- HANK: Can you believe it, Barb?

Our kids are this close to joining the Z Force.

- It seems like just yesterday we moved here,

so, they could have normal childhoods.

- I thought it was 'cause you guys

couldn't fit into your supersuits anymore.

- No. It was so you could go to school,

and make friends and appreciate the importance of family.

- That's right. Even the coolest job in the world

isn't more important than your family.

Promise me you'll remember that.

- I promise.

- Max?

- Hm? Oh, right--important, family, I'm coolest.

Got it.

- Ooh, the Z Force sent beams to pick you up.


- Bye, guys.

- Bye! Good luck! - We love you!

You know, that wasn't so bad.

I thought I would cry.

- Me, too. [sobbing]

Don't look at me, kids!

- Billy, this is our big chance.

- To make fun of dad for crying?

Way ahead of you.

- No.

With Max and Phoebe gone,

we can finally be the new protectors of Hiddenville.

Laser Girl and...

MC Runs-a-lot.

No? I'll work on it later.

But now I'm gonna go put on my supersuit.

[zooming] - [leaves scattering]

- [zooming]

- That's my supersuit.

- Cool! You have a fart shield.

- Take it off!

- ♪

- Okay, teleporting is awesome!

- Now look around, Phoebe.

Everyone in this room is the enemy.

- Come on, Max.

Just 'cause we're all competing for the same spot

doesn't mean we can't be friendly.

- [titanium hand whirring] - Hey, cool titanium hand.

I'm Phoebe. This is my brother, Max.

We're competing for the same spot.


- Your skin is soft.

Tearing it from the bones will be easy.

- Phoebe, come quick!

[laughs] That's my brother calling me.

I gotta go. Bye.

- [dramatic music]

- Good news.

You can all join the Z Force...

is something I will never say.

I am Commander Dirk Trumbo.

You are competing for a spot

on the most elite squad of superheroes in the world.

If you win, you get to work for the greatest hero of them all--

me, Commander Dirk Trumbo.

The test may begin at any moment.

- Any moment?

Max, we should be prepared for anything, like...

- The room filling with gas?

- [gas hissing]

- I guess so. There are a lot of boys in here.

- [hissing continues]

- The room is filling with gas!

- ALL: [coughing]

- ♪

♪ What you see

♪ Is not what you get

♪ Livin' our lives with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in

♪ Bet you never guessed

♪ 'Cause we're livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest

♪ A picture perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be

♪ Look closer, you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do

♪ This isn't make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality

♪ Just your average family

♪ Trying to be normal and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life

- ALL: [coughing continues]

- This is a test to see who can escape.

We're gonna pass.

[breathing frosty air]

Or pass out, 'cause that didn't work.

- BOTH: [coughing]

- It must be that chromium gas. Very expl*sive.

Maybe we can use it to blast our way out.

- Good idea, swooshy hair.

Now idea belong to Galaxia.

- [dramatic music]

- ALL: [coughing continues]

- [inhaling]


- [dramatic music]

- [expl*si*n]

- Nice work, Galaxia!

You remind me of a young me--

except I was a boy.

Okay, time for refreshments.

- I can't believe it.

That gas bag stole our idea and is already winning.

- You're right.

I should give her my phone number.

- Right this way,

to the nicest room any of you have ever been in.

- I wonder if it's another test.

- Ya! - [tray clatters]

- Way to save us from egg rolls, Amazium.

You're outta here!

Well, guess we'll move on to the good stuff.

Waiter, bring the pizza bagels.

- Mmm, finger foods and poison gas.

- Right, just like mom used to make.

- PHOEBE: [laughing] - [high-pitched laughter]

- Is this what nerd flirting looks like?

- You are a ham. I'm Phoebe.

- I'm Balfour. - And we're all toast,

if we don't figure out how to get rid of Galaxia.

- Oh, dude, she's so scary.

You know, if you wanna knock her out,

you could form an alliance with a certain

smart and, uh, powerful superhero.

- You have spinach in your teeth.

- Awww...

- And why would we team up with you?

What's your power? Super math tutoring?


- They call me...

The Gamer.

I can fire a nanochip onto a person's neck,

then control their every movement.


- [blaster firing]

- [electronic bleep]

- What is happening?

- Oh, my new friends were hungry.

Now pirouette away, my good sir.

- [electronic bleep]

- [high-pitched laughter]

- Thanks. We'll call you,

if we ever need an army of dancing waiters.

- Oh, this must be Max and Phoebe Thunderman.

I'm looking forward to seeing your twin power.

- PHOEBE & MAX: Our what power?

- You know, the unique power

that all super twins access in the heat of battle.

Uh, like the Hipster twins.

- BOTH: Twin power, activate!

[flames roaring]

- Oh, our twin power, right, of course.

It's something that we totally have.

- You'd better.

Or Galaxia's gonna rip off your heads

and plant daisies down your necks.

- [hand whirring]

- Hey, buddy, tell us more about this alliance.

- [tablet ringing] - Billy, come quick!

Phoebe's tablet's reporting a crime!

- [zooming]

- What's with your hair?

- If I'm taking over for Max,

I've gotta look the part.

How's my swoosh?

- [lasers zapping]

- [hair sizzling]

- Smoking.

Now let's go save the day.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, you two.

- Where are you going?

- With Max and Phoebe gone,

Hiddenville needs protectors.

- And you're looking at them.

Say hello to Laser Girl and...

- Speed Bump!

- Anyway...

there's a new criminal in town

and we're gonna take him down.

- BARB: The Bake Sale Bandit?

- He bites muffins and brownies at bake sales

and runs away without paying.

- I don't like someone terrorizing

the dessert community.

This bandit needs to be caught!

But not by you two.

- Yeah, you guys aren't ready to fight crime.

- Yes, we are. You guys have been training us.

- Besides, if we don't stop the bandit, who will?

- What do you say, Barb?

Or should I say Electress?

- Hiddenville does need new protectors.

- Hello, right here.

- You're right, citizen. We are here.

- [laughing]

She's using her hero voice!

Oh, we're back in action!

Mmm, time to go on a stakeout.

- Ah! Taking down the Bake Sale Bandit

is gonna be a piece of cake!

- [laughing] We are so back!

- [door closes]

- I can't believe they don't think we're ready.

There's only one thing we can do.

- Put on our fart shields?

- No.

We've gotta solve that crime before mom and dad

so we can show them how good we are.

- I like it. One question.

- There are no fart shields!

- ♪

- Welcome to the Power Derby.

Goal number one-- to use your superpowers

to force the other opponents out of the green circle.

Goal number two-- to entertain me,

Commander Dirk Trumbo.


- [dramatic music]

- Okay, Max, let's review our strate--whoa!

- Ahhh! Ahhh!

[heavy thud]

- Nice work. Let's still kick some hero butt.

- [blaster firing]

- Wait, Max, Balfour can't get a nanochip on Galaxia.

We have to help him.

- ♪

- [fists clanging]

- Come on, we made an alliance.

- [groans] Fine.

- ♪

- Thanks, guys.

- Okay, I think we're gettin' the hang of this.

- Yeah, we don't need the twin power.

- ♪

- She's pushing us out of the circle!

Let's do the Hipsters' twin thing.

- MAX & PHOEBE: Twin power, activate!

- Okay, it's not working. It's stressing me out.

- BOTH: [hands clapping]

- Oh, stop! It's embarrassing!

- ♪

- [blaster firing]

- ♪

- COMMANDER TRUMBO: There goes Shield Girl.

What a loser.

- [buzzer ringing]

- Max, we made it through the round.

- There's the guy I never doubted for a minute.


- We can actually win this thing.

- These beards will make good hats for winter.

Next, I come for your swoosh.

- ♪

- Congratulations,

the five of you have made it to the final round.

- Yes! Pound it!

- [titanium fist thuds] - Ohhhhh!

- [loud crash]

- The four of you have made it to the final round.

As a reward, the Z Force is sending you home

to have dinner with your families.

You will be beamed back here at p.m., sharp.

Now tomorrow is a big day,

and you'll wanna catch some Zs.

Laugh at my jokes, or you're out!

- CONTESTANTS: [laughing]

- Hey, Balfour, you're not leaving?

- Yeah, don't you wanna see your family?

- Nah. [laughs]

I don't really have a family.

- Great, here comes the sob story.

- I grew up in a super orphanage.

- Told ya.

- [sighing] I never knew my mom,

my dad was imprisoned by the Hero League,

when I was just a baby.

All I have to remember him by

is the baby cape that I was wrapped in

when he said goodbye.

- Oh...

Wow, that's heavy, man.

Okay, we'll see ya, buddy.

- Max.

So, are you just gonna stay here tonight?

- Oh, yeah, yeah.

I'm just gonna do what I've done every night--

play video games until I cry myself to sleep.

- He saved us, Max.

The least we can do is invite him to dinner at our house.

- He's fine. Look at him.

- [sobbing]

Why? [sobbing continues]

- Okay, you win.

Balfour, do you wanna-- - I'd love to.

[laughs] Guys, I'm four feet away.

I heard the whole thing. Let's go.

- ♪

- BILLY: Exhibit D--

the sticky bun from the middle school bake sale.

- Exhibit letter after D.


Parents approaching.

Hide your pathetic attempt at an investigation.

- And, so, when Alexander Hamilton wore the first bow--

Oh, hey, guys.

- Hi, kids.

- I'm learning.

- Your mother and I haven't caught

the Bake Sale Bandit yet.

But we did catch the snickerdoodles

in the act of being delicious.

- You guys want one?

- Thanks for taking a bite out of this one, Dad.

- I didn't bite any of those.

- ALL: [gasping] The Bake Sale Bandit!

- Now it's personal.

- Let me go throw these out.

- Barb, that's evidence.

Let me analyze them with a glass of milk.

- This toothless criminal lives to bite another day.

- What do you mean "toothless"?

- Whoever bit this cookie,

is missing his two front teeth.

But it's not like we're gonna go to

the next bake sale and find him.

- Billy, that's exactly what we should do.

- Great. Case closed!

- No, we still have to go do it.

- Case reopened!

- Kids!

- Guess who made the final round.

- Oh, ho!

- And they let us come home for dinner.

Hey, where's Chloe?

- [whooshing] Phoebe! Max!

Who's this guy?

- Oh, um, everybody, this is Balfour.

- Wow. [laughing]

It is an honor to meet you Thunder Man

and Electress.

- Oh, Hank, he's a fan.

- HANK: [laughing]

- Balfour, come check out my lair--

unless you wanna hear about the greatest saves of the 's.

- It was the summer of .

Kenan and Kel were at the top of their game,

and so was Squid Man. - Wait for me!

- ♪

- COLOSSO: Hey, glad you're back, Max.

- MAX: [laughs]

- Who's this goober?

- What do you mean? That's Phoebe.

- No, the other goober.

- Oh, he's another Z Force finalist.

- Oh, Balfour, this is Dr. Colosso.

He's a supervillain that our dad defeated

and turned into a rabbit.

- What are you starin' at, Goggles?

- Have you always had that cape?

- My villain cape? Of course.

Max, this kid's more annoying than Phoebe.

- Dad?

- Son!

- ♪

- ♪

- COLOSSO: And that's how I ended up

living here with the Thundermans.

I guess this is weird for you, huh?

- Well, um, you're a rabbit,

and you talk, and you're my dad.

- And he poops in public.

Are we not listing weird things?

- The point is I'm basically a prisoner here.

- Are you okay, Balfour?

I know this is a lot to take in.

- You'll have to take it in later.

We've gotta go back and rest up for tomorrow.

- No, please, I have so many more questions.

- It's all right. You can come back some time.

Trust me, he's not going anywhere.

Come on.

- Bye, kids! - Bye, kids!

- Bye, my kid!

- Welcome to the Triadome.

- [dramatic music]

- You'll face three extreme challenges

without using your powers.

First, the neutronium scorpion.

Keep your hand inside the case for ten seconds.

The pain from its sting

is unbearable to most superheroes.

Next, the exploding coconut.

Smash the right one and live.

Smash the wrong one

and clean up in aisle five.

Finally, the ear bud tangle.

So annoying.

So tangly!

The first to finish all the tests

and hit that button joins the Z Force.

Fail and you'll be beamed home immediately.

- Good luck, guys.

- I hope one of us wins.

- Oh, one of us will.

- [horn blasts]

- Okay, let's do this, Max.

How bad can one scorpion be, right?

- BOTH: [screaming]

- It's like putting your hand in a blender

that's being eaten by a shark.

- Oh, at least Galaxia is in as much pain as we are.

- [laughing] Tickles.

- [buzzer rings]

- [sighing]

We made it. Are you okay, Max?

- No, I'm in excruciating pain and I can't see colors.

How's Balfour doing?

- He's gonna nanochip Galaxia.

The Commander said no powers.

- He didn't say anything about gadgets.

- [blaster firing] - [electronic bleep]

- Well, he's getting rid of Galaxia.

- [electronic beep]

- Why's he getting rid of Galaxia

by sending her directly at us?

- I would also like to know this.

- Because your family imprisoned my father.

You ruined my life

and now I'm gonna ruin yours.

- You just had to invite him to dinner, didn't you?

- I was being polite.

I have an idea. - Make it a fast idea.

- Don't explode. Please, don't explode.

Oh, all right.

Hey, Galaxia, catch!

- This won't tickle.

- [expl*si*n]

- GALAXIA: [coughing]


- [angry squealing]

- All right, it's down to us and Balfour.

- It's a good thing we're way ahead.

- [whimpering]

- [dramatic music]

- We were way ahead.

Why are we still standing here? - I don't know.

- Look at us, Barb,

working undercover to scrape Hiddenville's

underbelly clean of criminal scum.

Pass me another pecan sandy.

- Look, Principal Bradford just took a bite out of something

and walked away without paying.

- Move out! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Hold it right there, Bradford!

- What the...? - Dad, Mom!

- Kids, we told you guys to stay out of this.

Your Dad and I are handling it.

- But you've got the wrong guy.

The Bake Sale Bandit is missing his two front teeth.

- Let's ask that toothless hockey player

if he's seen anybody suspicious.

- That's the Bake Sale Bandit!

- Oh! - He's getting away!

- ♪

- [lasers zapping]

- ♪

- We got him!

- No, Nora, we got him!

- [palm slap]

- Very impressive.

It looks like you guys

are real crime fighters, after all.

- I guess you are ready

to follow in Max and Phoebe's footsteps.

- Yeah.

- Ha! I caught the Bake Sale Bandit!

Hey, somebody take a picture.

I want my ex-girlfriend to see this.

- [camera shutter clicks]

- ♪

- COMMANDER TRUMBO: It looks like we have

a good old-fashioned showdown.

Will it be the awkward intensity of The Gamer...

or the cool, collected teamwork of the Thunder twins?

- No, no, you're making it worse.

- No, I got it. Trust me.

- Not that way.

- [dramatic music]

- PHOEBE: Done! - Balfour: Done!

- [bell ringing]

- And it's the Thunder twins!

- [celebratory music]

- No-o-o-o-o-o!



- [dramatic music]

- You're done, Gamer.

Beam him home.

- I have no home-- thanks to the Thundermans!

But I will have revenge!


- Well, he handled that well.

- Max, we made it onto the Z Force!

- I know. [laughing]

- Yes, uh, about that.

- What is our first mission? When do we get our uniforms?

Do we get a discount at the gift shop?

- Negative.

The Thunder twins will never be on the Z Force.

- Wait. Why not?

- Because you don't have a twin power.

- So what? We just beat the best superheroes you have.

And the Hipster twins.

- We don't need two supes with the same abilities.

We just need one of you.

- So, what are you gonna do, make us fight each other?

- I was going to flip a coin,

but that sounds much more fun.

Sister versus brother.

There can be only one!

- [dramatic music]

- Wait, so, you're breaking up our team,

and making us battle each other?

- Without a twin power,

you're just two superheroes with the same power.

That's like a two-topping pizza

and both the toppings are mushrooms.

It's just dumb.

- I can't fight my own brother.

- Yeah, we're family.

- We, at the Z Force, put everything before family--

unless the Thundermans aren't Z Force material.

- Oh, we are so Z Force material.

- Then prove it by facing off after lunch.

Anyone wanna go in on a double-mushroom pizza?

I'm just kidding. It's still dumb.

- This is crazy. - I know.

After all that, they want us to fight each other?

We could have done that from home.

- [groans] We're so close to our dream,

and we have no choice but to walk away.

That is our only choice, right?

- Yeah.

It's not like we can forget about being partners

and fight each other.

- But I really wanna be on the Z Force.

- Me, too!

- Okay, look, I know we wanted to make it as a team,

but this might be the only way

a Thunderman can get on the Z Force.

- If we don't do this,

all the hard work will be for nothing.

- Okay, let's just agree that, win or lose,

we'll both be happy for whoever makes it on.

- You got it. - Okay.

- May the best Max win.

- You mean, may the best Phoebe win.

- Mmm, I'm pretty sure I'll win.

- Yeah, on Opposite Day.

- On Opposite Day? I don't think so.

- Yeah, on Opposite Day.

- I've been working out. Have you seen me?

- Hooray!

- Are you ready? One, two...

- [dramatic music]

- Playin' a little family game, are we?

Well, let the Thunder Games begin!

Ooh, hoo, hoo.

[evil laughter]

- [blaster firing]

- [electrical zapping]

- [evil laughter]


Shall we play a game?

- Why is the Thunder Monitor set to Math Tutor?

- Because I'm in control.

- Baldor?

- It's not Baldor, it's Barf Score.

- It's Balfour.

- Are you sure?

- You know what? Forget it.

Just call me The Gamer.

- [blaster firing]

- [electronic bleeping]

- Thundermans, attack!

- Thundermans, nap!

- [electronic bleeping]

- [evil laughter]

- ♪

- BALFOUR: [clapping hands]

Wakey, wakey, Thundermans.

I thought we might play

a different kind of family game.

- COLOSSO: A crazy-lookin' house,

a family wearin' silly hats.

This game looks fun!

- That does it. The Gamer's getting zapped.

- [gasps]

- Hey, how come my lasers don't work?

- Oh, yeah, thanks to my nanochip,

you can't use your powers unless I say so,

and now I say so.

- [lasers zapping] - BALFOUR: [laughing]

- Ow!

Let's get out of here!

- Whoa! Hit the brakes there, Speedy.

I also control your movements. Look.

- [electronic bleeping]

- Why are you doing this?

- Because you Thundermans imprisoned my father

and took everything from me.

Max and Phoebe even stole my spot on the Z Force.

- Oh, did you hear that, Hank?

They won!

- Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

In your face, Sport Door.

- Silence!

It's time I finally became a villain like my father.

- Atta boy, son.

I don't really know you, but I've never been prouder.

- Now let's play my favorite game.

The Painters Save the Princess.

- I don't wanna play that game.

- Awww...

Too bad. Get in the castle.

- [whooshing]

- We've gotta save her-- - Oh, no. No, no, no.

The painters have to save her.

You're the dragon who's gotta stop them.


- [video game music, sound effects playing]

- Ow.

- Sorry, Dad.

- Looks like you need some coins

to get past that dragon.

- [lasers zapping] - Ow!

- Where are those sounds coming from?

- I'm The Gamer. [laughs]

I can do anything.

- [lasers zapping] - Ow!

- Pretty cool, huh, Dad?

- Not bad, but there's one way it could be better.

- [animalizer zapping]

- BOTH: It's like looking in a mirror!


- Oh, welcome back, Dad!

Are you ready for a little father/son time?

- You know it, kid.

And, say, after we finish here,

how about we enter one of those father/son beauty contests?

It'd be a shame to waste this much handsome.

- BOTH: [laughing]

- ♪

- It's time for Max and Phoebe

to face off mano a mano

in the Max and Phoebe Mano a Mano Face-off.

This is an all-out battle to defeat your opponent

by any means necessary.

Whoever hits the floor first loses.


- [dramatic music]

- All right, Phoebe,

our whole lives have led up to this moment.


What the heck? - I'm sorry.

Did the Max and Phoebe Mano a Mano Face-off not start?

- Fine! Let's dance.

- BOTH: [grunts of combat]

- ♪

- Dirk Trumbo's hair is sizzling.

This is amazing!

- ♪

- BOTH: [grunts of combat]

- ♪

- Punch-kick-elbow was always your go-to combo?

- Close, it was punch-kick-elbow-flip.

- Flip?


- ♪

- COMMANDER TRUMBO: Look at her.

Showing her own brother no mercy.

It's magnificent!

- ♪

- [groans]

- COMMANDER TRUMBO: He's got an opening.

Finish her, Max.

- ♪

- Oh! [groans]

- [dramatic music]

- Winner!

- CROWD: [cheering]

- Phoebe, are you okay?

- Congratulations, Max Thunderman.

Welcome to the Z Force.

- CROWD: [chanting "Max! Max!"]

- ♪

- ♪

- Then after the Z Force split us up,

Max and I were forced to do battle.

It was a close fight until I hurt my hand

and Max won. - Oh, I'm so sorry.

What did your parents say

when they found out that Max beat you?

- Actually, I haven't been home yet.

I couldn't face them.

I assume they'd say--

- Hey, loser! Outta my way!

Smart girl. Other one.

Check out my million dollar idea.

It's the Bradford Bouncy Ball.

- Isn't that just a ball?

- [immitating] Isn't that just a ball?

You sound like my ex-girlfriend, Joyce.

Hey, watch this.

- [ball bouncing]


- That was close. Cherry, you okay?

- She's fine. Gimme that!

This baby's my ticket outta this toilet bowl.

- Explain to me how that weirdo is in charge of children.

- Know what else is weird?

Catching that ball with an injured hand.

- Huh?

Oh! Ow, my hand!

- It was the other hand.

- Ow, my other hand!

- Come on, Phoebs,

tell your Cherr-Bear what's really going on.

- Okay, look...

I realized that the only way to achieve my dream

was to take Max's dream away from him,

and I couldn't do that to my own brother,

so, I faked this hand injury and let him win.

- Okay, Phoebe.

Now tell me what's really going on.

- That is what's really going...

I just admitted everything.

- Hmmm...

- I should go tell my family.

- So, Joyce, do you wanna get back together?

The ball's in your court.


It's Tad Bradford.

Yes, the lonely principal.

- [video game music, sound effects playing]

- Ow! - Quiet!

I'm in the middle of something!

Hello, Thunder twins.

Come and play my game,

if you dare.

[evil laughter]

Oh, by the way, this is Balfour.

I have your family.

- [lasers zapping] - BARB: Ow!

- Nice ransom video, son.

Once Max and Phoebe see that,

they'll come running.

- Hey, guys, I'm home.

- Wow, that was fast.

- Phoebe, help! - [lasers zapping]

- Help us!

- What the...?

Balfour! Let my family go!

- I have a better idea.

Why don't you join them?

- [blaster firing]

- [electronic bleeping]

- Oh, it looks like we have ourselves a new player, huh?


- ♪

- Thank you.


Commander, being on the Z Force

is even more amazing than I dreamed.

I mean, these suits are so comfortable.

- Mm, there's no silk like Mole People silk.

Ah, here's your Z Key.

It gets you access to the supersonic hovercraft,

the submarine,

and the executive bathroom on our space base.

- You know I'm gonna abuse all these privileges, right?

- Ha! I told you he was one of us.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Oh, I almost forgot.

Your standard issue Z Blaster.

- Aw, cool! How can I tell if it's charged?

- [laser zapping]

- That's how. [laughing]

- [watch beeps] - Balfour?

- Hello, Thunder twins.

Come and play my game, if you dare.

[evil laughter]

Oh, by the way, this is Balfour.

I have your family.

- Oh, no.

Commander, we need to go to Hiddenville right now.

My family's in danger.

- That's a big nah-unh, Max.

I just got word that Flame Brothers

have escaped from prison.

Your freeze breath makes you the perfect member

to put them on ice, once and for all.

Let's go, team!

- But, wait!

What about my family?

- Again, Z Force here,

family, near here.

Or maybe you're not meant to wear the Mole People silk.

- ♪

- [laser zapping] - Oh!

- [video game music, sound effects playing]

- Why am I a bird?

What kind of game is this?

- What is taking Max so long?

- He's not coming.

They made us compete for the last Z Force slot

and he won.

- Max beat you? [chuckling]

That's my Maxy!

- Dad, this is my moment.

- Sorry. Go on with your thing.

- [grunts] I can't!

Without Max here, it won't be complete revenge.

- Chin up, Slugger.

You can still get hilarious revenge

against the rest of the Thundermans.

- You're right, Dad.

[presses pause]

Why don't we take this to the next level?

- A giant cage?

What does this have to do with video games?

- Oh, I'm through playing games.

Since you forced my dad to live in a cage,

let's see how you enjoy living like animals.

- I love this thing!

- Billy, stop liking our prison.

We have to keep our dignity.

[slurping water]

- [chuckling] Look at 'em.

Now they'll get a taste of the rabbit life.

- Oh, Dad, they'll get more than just a taste.

I'm gonna use my nanochips to fry their brains

until they are as dumb as actual rabbits.

- Ooh! [chuckling]

- Don't worry, guys, I'll run and get help.

- You're gonna fry our brains?

I can't believe I nerd flirted with you.

- I can.

The Gamer's got game. Woo!

- Hank, we have to do something--

other than eat the food pellets.

- Oh, he's making me eat it.

- I am not even touching the controller.

- Do something, Dr. Colosso.

- I am.

I'm gonna watch all the fun!

- BOTH: [laughing]

- Great plan, son. - Oh.

- You've really got this villain thing down.

- Maybe seeing his family with bunny brains

will get Max here. - Yeah!

- Then I can fry his brain, too.

- Yeah, ya will! Wait. What?

You don't wanna do that to Max.

- Of course, I do.

He turned you into an animal.

- No, that's his dumb dad.

Max is cool!

He's like the evil son I never had.

- I am the evil son you never had!

You make a better rabbit than you do father.

- COLOSSO: Son, I see you're upset.

So, why don't you let me out

and we can talk about this over ice cream?

- My body can't process milk--

which you would know, if you were around!

- Uh...

Balfour, it must have been so hard

growing up without a family.

Please, tell us all about it.

- It was awful.

I was so alone.

Do you know what happens

when you ask a video game to tuck you in at night?

It says, "Buh Boh".

But I guess a life playing video games

did allow me to hone my instincts.

Like being able to sense a sneak attack!

- [breathing frosty air]

- [blaster firing] - [electronic bleeping]

- [whooshing]

- Ho, ho, ho, ho!

Oh, welcome, Maxy!

So happy that you could join us.


- I'm sorry, guys. I tried.

- That was very brave of you, Max.

- Stop loving him!

Okay, Thundermans,

you're about to get seriously stupid.


- Max, what are you even doing here?

I thought you were with the Z Force.

- I left.

I realized I couldn't put anything before family.

- Ooooh, it's begun.

Prepare for bunny brains.

- [high-pitched ringing]

- This is it.

[voice cracking] Everyone, hold hands.

We will go down the way we lived--

as a family.

- I love you all.

- MAX & PHOEBE: I love you, too, Mom.

- [solemn music]

- Bye, Phoebe.

- [sniffles] Goodbye, Max.

- [electrical zapping]

- What's happening with your hands?

- I don't know.

- It's like...

a power.

- Max, you don't think...

- Twin power?

- Let's give it a shot.

- [controller buzzing]

- No! What's going on? You can't use any powers.

I am The Gamer! I'm in control!

- [dramatic music]

- Not anymore.

- [dramatic music]

- [expl*si*n]

- Everybody okay? - ALL: Yeah.

- [groans] No.

- The blast was so strong, it shorted out the chips.

- HANK: Quick, pull it off your necks.

- Max, we had twin power all along.

- Seeing your family in mortal danger

must have unlocked it.

- No, I'm pretty sure we've just never held hands before.

- I will have my revenge!

- [zooming] Don't think so.

- [lasers zapping]

- Oh!

- Game over, Balfour.

- My name is Bal--

Hey, you actually got it right this time.

- Come on, Balfour,

you can spend the rest of your life

playing video games in Hero League prison.

- Wait, wait, wait.

You can't fly Balfour to prison.

- Why not? - Yeah, why not?

- The only reason he did all of this

is because he grew up without a family,

and as annoying as all of you are,

I can't imagine life without you.

- Awww...

Well, as much as we appreciate that, Max,

we still have to do something with him.

- [whimpering]

- I have an idea.

Also, I'm alive. Thanks for caring.

There might be another form of punishment for him.

- [dramatic music]

- BALFOUR: I'm a bunny?

How is this better than prison?

- It's way better.

You and I can catch up,

and we can play Insult the Thundermans

all day long.

Hey, Phoebe,

slice me some bread with those elbows, would ya?


- BALFOUR: [laughing]

Good one, Pop.

Let me try.

Hey, Max?


- Okay, well, we'll work on it.

Hey, now let's go poop in their shoes.

- BALFOUR: [laughing]

- So, Phoebs, I was wondering--

- No, Balfour cannot stay in my room.

- Actually, I was gonna ask if maybe

you wanted to keep fighting crime together.

- Really? You still wanna be a team?

- Yeah.

You know, we have a pretty awesome twin power.

- It would be a shame to waste it.


- Partners.

- [electrical zapping]

- So, fist bumps from now on?

- Totally. - Cool.


Super President Kickbutt approaching.

- Look, if this is about me leaving the Z Force,

I'm sorry, but Max Thunderman

doesn't put anything before family.

- Oh, I agree.

That's why I fired the Commander.

- ALL: Huh?

- The Hero League has no use for

an arrogant, hotshot who cares more about

saying his own name than saving lives.

- Wait. So, what happened to him?

- [snaps fingers]

- Here's your latte, Madam President.

- I said light foam, you fool!

Go wait in the hovercar.

- Oh, how Dirk Trumbo has fallen.

- So, who's gonna run the Z Force now?

- In light of their consistent performance

battling the Villain League,

and their understanding of the true nature of heroism,

I'm making the new head of the Z Force

Phoebe and Max. - ALL: [gasp]

- What? - We're the head of the Z Force?

- Thank you, Super President Kickbutt.

This is such an honor.

- As the new commanders, you can hire whomever you want.

- Uh...

Anyone we want, huh?


Well, we sure could use a superhero

with superstrength. - Oh, ho!

- Electricity would be handy, too.

- And, of course, superspeed, lasers,

and teleporting could really help us make some saves.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Good luck finding a hero with all those powers.

- Billy, he means us.

We're finally gonna be superheroes.

Laser Girl, reporting for duty.

- And call me... [zooming]

The Rapid Gentleman.

- How about Kid Quick?

- Kid Quick!

- Guys, are you sure about this?

- Hey, you guys gave up being superheroes

so we could live a normal life.

But maybe being in a family of superheroes

is our normal life.

- What do you say, Barb?

- Well, I say...

it looks like Thunder Man and Electress

are back in action!

- Don't forget Thunder Baby, baby!

- Thundermans, suit up!

- ♪

- Good. You're ready.

The South China Sea has been taken over

by the Brain Puncher.

Your supersonic jet is waiting for you outside.

- Well, I can fly.

- And I can teleport.

- Do you want the jet or not?!

- ALL: Yes, ma'am, we do.

- Good luck, Z Force!

- ALL: [excited hooting]

- ♪

- Oh, Phoebe, should we...

- Oh, one more thing.

It's not the Z Force anymore.

It's the T Force.

- [celebratory music]

- T for the Thundermans. - I think she got it.

Now let's go save the world.

- ♪

- ♪
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