01x10 - Racing for Pinks

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies". Aired: April 6, 2023 – present.*
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Series takes place in 1954, four years before the events of Grease, and follows four fed-up and misfit students who band together to bring out the moral panic that will change Rydell High forever and become the founding mothers of the first high school clique known as the "Pink Ladies".
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01x10 - Racing for Pinks

Post by bunniefuu »

Jane, please. Let me...



It's the cops! We gotta go!

If you would just pick
a side, pick a boy,

none of this would have happened.

The longer this goes
on, the less likely it is

the Pink Ladies will get back together.

Maybe I'm done being a Pink Lady.


- What happened?
- I don't wanna talk about it.

I always thought I would have

to change the way I am
for a boy to like me.

How is it that you're always so right?

I think I just know you.

You really do.

- So you're with Wally now?
- Yeah.

Wally's a great guy.

He's the greatest.

Maybe I should stop worrying so much

about why I feel
something and just feel it.

We can figure this out.

I don't need your help.


They're both in there getting expelled.

- So where am I headed next?
- My alma mater.

That's in Connecticut.

I demand an assistant.

- We could get married.
- My parents

- would never go for it.
- I'll talk to them.

You can't be married
and go to high school.

- What is he doing here?
- Where's Richie?

There's no way he's for this.

My parents put him on
a bus this afternoon.

He's gone, Jane.

You're Jane Facciano.

Jane Facciano never gives up.


Dearly beloved, we
are gathered here today

to join this man and this woman

in holy matrimony.

Olivia, you look...



Yeah, this doesn't work at all.

- What? Nancy!
- Uh-uh.

Oh, that's better.

What are you doing here?


- Too late.

She's already making us quesadillas.

You need to leave. Now.

We came to tell you something important.

[SIGHS] I'm not in a listening mood.



♪ You're a woman who's on fire ♪

♪ Shinin' brighter
than a thousand suns ♪

♪ Is this really love? ♪

♪ There's no need to rush ♪

♪ Life has just begun ♪

BOTH: ♪ Life has just begun ♪

♪ You're brave as you are brilliant ♪

♪ Your radiance is
like a million lights ♪

♪ A goddess on high, a colorful mind ♪

♪ You mesmerize ♪

BOTH: ♪ You mesmerize ♪

- ♪ And he's just ♪

♪ He's just ♪

♪ He's just ♪

He's just some guy.

ALL: ♪ Please, please, please ♪

♪ Please, please don't do it ♪

♪ You're bee's knees ♪

♪ Stop being foolish ♪

♪ You're pie in the
sky, the apple of eyes ♪

♪ He's not worth your time ♪

♪ So lose that guy ♪

♪ You can do a whole lot better ♪

♪ Than this khaki-wearing
old man creeper ♪

BOTH: ♪ Old man creeper ♪

♪ Don't settle for less ♪

♪ You deserve the best ♪

♪ You're a double feature ♪

BOTH: ♪ A double feature ♪

♪ And he's just ♪

♪ He's just ♪

♪ He's just

A geriatric teacher.

And his name is Leonard, for God's sake!

ALL: ♪ Please, please, please ♪

♪ Please, please don't do it ♪

♪ You're bee's knees,
stop being foolish ♪

♪ You're pie in the
sky, the apple of eyes ♪

♪ He's not worth your time ♪

♪ So lose that guy ♪

♪ Please, please, please ♪

♪ Please, please don't do it ♪

♪ Royalty shouldn't be stoopin' ♪

♪ You're pie in the
sky, the apple of eyes ♪

♪ He's not worth your time ♪

♪ So lose that guy ♪

♪ How could you run off
to be somebody's Mrs. ♪

♪ When you could be here
with your Pink Lady sisters? ♪

♪ Yeah, he calls you an old soul ♪

- ♪ But he's just a child ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪

- ALL: ♪ Please, please ♪
- ♪ How could you run off ♪

♪ To be somebody's Mrs. ♪

♪ When you could be here
with your Pink Lady sisters? ♪

ALL: ♪ The apple of eyes ♪

♪ He's not worth your time ♪

♪ So lose that guy ♪

That's enough!

Who the hell do you think you are?

Your friends.

And because we're your
friends, we're here to tell you

that, honestly, you're
being really stupid.



Maybe what's stupid
is playing make believe

in some pink clubhouse while
real-life things are happening.

I know how real things are.

That's why we need you to
put an end to this madness

and help us get Richie back.

Wake up.

Richie isn't coming back.

And I'm getting married.

A true friend would be
happy that there's at least

one good thing in my life right now.

But you should finish high
school and go to college.

What are you talking about?

My family can't afford college.

Let's be honest.

I'm gonna get married anyway.

Leo cares about me.

He doesn't think I'm stupid.

Please get out.


I... that's not what I meant.

Who wants quesadillas?




I don't see what the big deal is.

- It was a big deal.
- What?

I can't believe you did that to me.

- What'd you want me to do?
- You could've just stayed.

Sorry I was a jerk to you the other day.

- I would like to...
- Let's celebrate.

Celebrate what?

We just had our first fight, baby.


Aw, our first fight.

Now our love is stronger than ever.

Yes, darling.

Ugh, I don't think my
character would pour the coffee

because she's mad at him.

I can't pour the coffee.

I'm too depressed.

I'll pour the coffee.

No, you can't pour the coffee.

You're eight years old
and you have typhoid.


This is a mess.

[SIGHS] We'll figure it out tomorrow.

That was terrible.


Maybe it wasn't so bad.

- What are you doing?
- Lydia...

I like you.

I really like you.

The way Romeo likes Juliet.

The way Gene Kelly likes Debbie Reynolds

in that stupid movie I
secretly kind of like.


I don't know what it means.

I just know

that being with you just feels...



One minute you're kissing me,

and the next you're running away.

I'm not gonna do that again.



There was a girl at summer stock.

We were friends, and then we were more.

Every night we'd meet
up behind the cabins

and talk, kiss,

until one night she just didn't show up

and the next day pretended
like nothing even happened.

And when I tried to get her to admit it,

she said that I was sick and a deviant.

- But...
- I...

You're not steady ground, Cynthia.

There has to be something you could do.

I'm just as upset as you,
but Olivia has already

submitted her withdrawal papers,

so technically, she's not
even a student anymore.

- My hands are tied.

Don't you ever get sick
of having your hands tied?

I'm sorry.

It's just the key to stopping Olivia

from making the biggest mistake
of her life is getting Richie back.

I wish there was a way
I could help you, Jane.

I really do.

It's all Richie's fault. Think about it.

He's always getting in trouble.

That's why his parents shipped him off.

Buddy has never gotten in trouble.

He is the victim here.

Look, blondie, I am
under a lot of pressure

to clean up juvenile delinquency.

Unless every single kid who
was inside the Frosty Palace

that night, including
both of those boys,

can agree on whose fault it
was, they're both expelled.

Principal Nicholson, if you just...



Can't blame a girl for trying.


I actually think you're on to something.


There's no reason why Buddy and Richie

should both have to
go down for the fight.

All Principal Nicholson
needs is someone to blame

to the news, to the parents.

Just one of them.

- Richie started it.
- Hey, Buddy swung first!

- Are you kidding me?
- Hey, hey, hey, hey! Cool it!

We need to settle this fair and square.

With a race.

Buddy wins, we all go

to Nicholson and McGee together.

We say that the fight
was Richie's fault,

and Buddy stays at Rydell.

But if Buddy loses...

How is this gonna work?

Richie's not even here.

I'm his second.

I'll race for him.

No offense, but there's no world

in which you beat Gil Rizzo at a race.

The T-Birds drag race all the time.

It's an unfair advantage.

Wait, why are we huddling?

'Cause, um, they're huddling,
so I thought we could too.

- Oh, cool. Okay.
- Okay, I like a good huddle.

I'm hungry.

Buddy's got a better, newer car.

The T-Birds' car is a
jalopy with a good paint job.

- Pancakes would be nice.
- Should we get a table?

- Oh!
- They're done.

All right.

Let's do this.

May the best man win.


I can't wait to be in high school.

- It's so exciting.
- Shh.

What are you doing here?

You're supposed to be helping
out at the deli. It's almost : .

Don't go shouting your IQ so loud.

Frenchy, you can't tell Mom
or Dad about any of this.

Oh, we would never, honest.

We're loyal.

Speaking of which...

Oh, we were thinkin'...

Don't hurt yourself.

Maybe you might need a
couple more Pink Ladies

for moral support at this race.

Two, to be exact.

Please, sis? We got what it takes!

Style, spirit,

and we're as tough as they come.


- No. No way.
- Absolutely not.

There's a minimum height requirement.

- Oh, but...
- Come on.

I'll drive you home.

Oh, gee, thanks.

Ew, French.


- Come on.
- Never gonna happen.

It should be the purple glitter.

- Has to be purple.
- No, red.

- It's so pretty.
- I like red too.

For Rydell?

- The purple seems nice.
- It pops.

Shouldn't we be doing something

more functionally useful to help Buddy

than making a banner?

♪ Everybody likes my Rocket ' ♪

♪ Baby, we'll ride in style ♪

How's the banner comin'?

I'm trying to make friends

because it's awkward just
being the hovering girlfriend,

but it's like we're
from different planets.

I'm sure you'll all warm up.


So how'd I do?

Not... good.

No time for niceties.

My nana has a better
chance of winning than you

with her gout.

Yeah, well, the car feels unsteady

when it gets too fast.

It needs wider tires.

They'll make the car more aerodynamic

by adding weight low and increasing grip

and friction with the ground.

- BOTH: Friction.

It's just science.

I think it's genius.

More helpful than you two knuckleheads.

Thank God I got one friend

who knows what they're talkin' about.

You heard the lady. Let's go, boys!

- New tires!
- BOTH: Tires.

Looks like you had a friend
in the group already after all.


Look, it's not the best
carburetor in the world,

but I could beat Howdy Doody Aldridge

with my eyes closed.

It'll be fine.

Fine isn't good enough,

not when the stakes are this high.

This is for Richie.

Hola, ratoncito.

- How's it going?

Okay, if this is going to
work, I have some ground rules.

No public hand-holding,
hugging, or touching.

[GIGGLES] You got it.

No cutesy nicknames.

I... aye-aye, doll face.

And absolutely no
finishing each other's...

- Sentences?
- Statements.

If you wanna be with me,

you will have to follow
these rules to the letter.


I guess.

Why are you so mean to
him? Don't you like him?

Relationships are complicated.

You've been together for a week.

You just wouldn't understand

because you've never been in one.

All right.

We need a new carb.

For increased speed.

That's... that's what
a carburetor does, right?

- I'm guessing from context.
- Just take this.

Carburetors aren't one size fits all.

If we find one that fits,
it could make the car faster,

but it could also be a...

[MIMICS expl*si*n]

We have to know we've
tried everything we could.

Okay, but where are we gonna
find a fancy four-barrel carb?


No, I didn't know there
was assembly required

for the Hall of Mirrors.

Do I sound like an expert
on carnival carpentry?

Wait, wait, wait.

Yes, Ms. McGee?

This carnival is likely
to be the death of me.

Any luck finding me an assistant?

Assistant? Oh, yeah!


But you are looking, right?

Absolutely. I am on it.

- Okay, sounds like...
- No.

- You have the Hall of Mirrors covered.
- No, he wasn't talking about the Hall of Mirrors.

- Thanks, bye.
- Hello?


An assistant for an assistant.

What's next? A maid for the janitor?


That was my apple.



Doing the job of people.

Then he eats my apple.


What's going on here?

What are you doing to
Principal Nicholson's car?

It's... it's a long story,

but it's to help get
Olivia back in Rydell.


You know,

I must need a new
prescription for my spectacles.

I can't seem to see a darn thing lately.

[LAUGHS] All right.


How you feelin' about tomorrow?

I really think the tires will make...

Hazel, I'm gonna lose.

I can't beat Gil.


It's just a shame because... [SIGHS]

You know, all the things I've
been so focused on this year...

football, the election,

making my dad happy, and Jane...

I lost them all.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

I'm not.

What I was going to say
is that without them,

I was just starting to
see everything clearly

for the first time.

You know, who I actually am,

what I really want...

And all the things I missed,

even though they were
right in front of me.

Hazel, if I weren't leaving,

I would keep my mouth shut
because Wally's my friend...

It's getting late.

You should, um, get some rest.




♪ Brusha, brusha, brusha ♪

♪ Here's the new Ipana ♪

♪ With the brand-new flavor,
it's dandy for your teeth ♪

♪ Brusha, brusha, brusha ♪

- BOTH: ♪ Here's the new Ipana ♪

- What are you doing?
- Hey.

You sound good.

I knew you wouldn't talk to the girls,

so I came to tell you,

I'm racing Buddy Aldridge
at the track tomorrow.

And if I win, Richie comes back.

Lemme guess. Jane's idea?

- Sorta.

I thought you'd be smarter
than to get wrapped up

in her little crusades.

Thinking she can make everything fair

with hope and sunshine

when we have all the
evidence that nothing is fair.

It's not gonna work, and you know it.

Well, it would mean an awful lot to me

if you showed up anyway.

Gil, I'm getting married.

I just thought you should know

at least someone hasn't
given up on Richie.





- Don't be nervous.
This is yours to win.

Who invited the hussies
from St. Bernadette's?


And the kids from Washington High?

This is becoming a circus.

- Buddy, take it easy.
- She's never looked better.

Yeah, she's looking real good.


- Dude, no, you got this.
- No worries.

- Stop staring.

I was gonna lose in front
of, like, four people...

She's purring like a kitten, boys.


- Aah!
- The strut slipped.

- Come on.



Nah, it's fine.

It's fine. I can still race.

- Can you make a fist?
- Ow.




You can't race like this.

Someone has to step up.

Potato will do it.

Me? I can't drive.

I've been asking you guys to teach me.

I guess you'll have to forfeit.


No one's forfeiting.

I'll drive.


Great idea. Fine by me.

Jane, I'm not gonna race you.

You flunked driver's ed.

They shouldn't have to
forfeit. Gil got hurt.

We should just call it off.

But then you'll both still be expelled.

- I'll race her.


I flunked too. That's fair.

No, it's too dangerous.
Someone could get hurt.

Hey, I know I flunked,
but I am faster than her.

I could win this.

You said during the election

that you wanted to run fair and square.

You owe me a fair fight.







Get ready.

Get setty.

- Go!


- Come on!
- Susan!

- Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Ooh, sorry!


- Susan!
- Which one's reverse?

- What are you doing?
- Come on!

- Release the clutch!
- What's the clutch?

- It's the pedal on the left!
- Wait!

- Really?
- I'm trying.



- Go!
- Yes!


- Whoo!
- Come on, Jane!

Go, Jane, go!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

You gotta go faster than that!

- Get it, Jane!
- You got it! You got it!

I thought those tires were
supposed to make a difference.

- What's the deal?
- Jane's gonna win.



Go faster!


- She's pushing it too hard!
- You got it! You got it!

Final lap!

Come on! What is she doing?


Ha ha! Ha ha!

- You can do this, Susan!
- Keep going! Floor it!

Come on, Jane! Don't let up now!

- Yes!
- Come on, Susan!


- She's smokin' her!
- You got this, Susan!



They're neck and neck!

Keep it steady, Jane.

Come on. Come on. Come on.



- No!
- No!

Ha ha! Ha ha ha!









Ugh! What did I say?

What? I warned him.

He's being impossible.

You know who's impossible, Nancy?


- Susan, that was the most!
- BOTH: To say the least!

I know.



Well, fair is fair.


Come on. Let's celebrate!




I can't believe it. Buddy can stay!

We get our friend back!


- All right!

- ALL: Susan! Susan! Susan!
- Oh, my God.




Is Papa Zdunowski home?

He's taking a look at
Gil's car out in the shop.


'Cause I brought a peace offering.

I don't really want company.

Well, then you should lock your doors.


Look, this doesn't have
to be a whole thing, okay?

I just don't like how
you talk to Potato.

He's a good guy.


I was a jerk to Potato, and
you were right about that.

But... [SIGHS]

Something else is up with you.

Mm, I know

you didn't wanna talk after
you bailed on the play,

but you've been acting strange all over.

Did something happen?

Is it Shy Guy?

Is your dad okay?

Did you hear from your mom?

You can tell me anything.

- You don't wanna talk about it?


- You can't talk about it?



Can you write it down?













- I... I thought you were...
- Sorry.

[SOFTLY] Um, I know it's early,

but I desperately need to speak to you.

And I didn't wanna wake
the rest of your family,

- hence the window.
- Okay. What's wrong?

Um, everything... nothing.

I'm having boy problems, and
I haven't slept all night.

And sleep deprivation causes
poor brain function, Jane,

- and we...
- Hazel.

If I can be totally honest,

I'm not in a really good place
to talk about boy problems.

I'm such an idiot.

Um, I'm sorry.

Um, I'll just climb back out.

- Um...
- Wait.

They say misery loves company, right?

Oh, yes.

Okay, I think two boys like
me, which is why I came to you,

because you're the only person I know

who has experience in this arena.

And it's tricky because
I'm dating Wally,

and he's so wonderful,

but then there's Buddy,
who seems to like me too,

which is nice because
I liked him so much

and... this is weird, right?

- Since you used to go with him?
- Mm-hmm.

Trust me, the awkwardness
of this conversation

is not lost on me.

Anyhoo, my logical brain
has always gotten me through

complicated situations before,
but it's failing me now,

and can't you just tell me what to do?

Well, that's a lot.


And I'm not sure if I can
even offer any advice here.

The last time I had a two-boy problem,

I ruined both their lives.

Right, that's true.


And I'm sorry to tell you,

but I don't think logic
is all that helpful

in matters of the heart.



You know what's strange?

I feel better just having told someone.

I don't really have anyone
else I can talk to like this

besides Buddy and Wally, and, well...

- you know.

Hey, you hungry?


Keep it coming, pal.

Since when do you drink coffee?

Since when do you talk so loud?

So this is it, huh?

My friendship with
Olivia is officially over?

Why can't you be friends
with Olivia anymore?

'Cause she's getting married.



Sorry, so why can't
you be friends anymore?

- Okay, because...
- Because...


Uh, that is a really good question.

- We have to get to Olivia.

I know what we have to say to her.

But the wedding is starting right now.

Okay. How far is the church?

All the way across town.

About a -minute walk.

We need a car. What about Gil's?

Still in the shop.

And my parents are on a grocery run.



Good morning, ladies.

It's fortuitous I ran into you all.

There's something I wanna say.

You Pink Ladies have been
a real thorn in my side

this year, but despite our conflicts,

I have to admit...

you've inspired me.

Because of you, I've...

I've learned to stand up for myself,

to work around unfair
policies and prac...

- No!
- It's for Olivia!

- We'll bring it back!
- You...

Thanks a mill, Miss McGee.


Come back here, girls!

Get out of my... get out of my...

go get someone's check!



You could've just asked for a ride!


She'll be okay.

He cares for her.


In the name of the Father, the Son,

and the Holy...

- Wait!


Peace be with you.


Sorry to interrupt. Can we talk?

We're a little busy.

[WHISPERS] Please just go.

- We can't.
- We're your friends.

And friends show up for each other

no matter what dingbats
they're marrying.

If I didn't have all of you,

especially you,

bearing witness to everything
that happened this year

and reminding me that no
matter what choices I made

or what the world thought of me

that I was worth something,

I wouldn't have survived any of it.

So if you want to get out of here,

we stole McGee's car and
it is running outside.

But if you really want to get married,

then you have three
bridesmaids ready to go.

I can drape three dresses
out of these in minutes.

I'm okay with them staying if you are.

When I lost Richie, I thought
I was losing everything.

So I wanted to hold on to someone

I thought that I could count on.

But now, I realize that...

I have three,

maybe four,

someones who will never
leave my side no matter what.

This isn't right, and we both know it.

Maybe you should call Barb.

She seemed nice.



- Come on! Come on!
- Yes!



She's a child.


Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!



Go get 'em, champ.

Go get 'em.

Okay. Okay, jeez.



♪ I know ♪

♪ Someone has bruised your heart ♪

♪ Before ♪

♪ Someone was reckless ♪

♪ With your love ♪

♪ I know it's hard to trust me ♪

♪ 'Cause I was it too ♪

♪ But I'm all in on you ♪

♪ Oh, I won't disappear ♪

♪ No, I'm right here ♪

♪ No, I'm not going any, anywhere ♪

♪ My arms are opened up a mile wide ♪

♪ So I can hold all of
your love for all time ♪

♪ I know we're both afraid ♪

♪ And, baby, that's okay ♪

♪ We have a right to be, but
I won't let it change the way ♪

♪ The way that I'm feeling ♪

♪ Let me say it again ♪

♪ I'm all in ♪

♪ I'm sorry that I ran away from this ♪

♪ But I'd be lying if I
said fear don't exist ♪

♪ But something's different,
something deep within ♪

♪ I've learned the hell of
fear don't beat love's heaven ♪

♪ I know we're both afraid ♪

♪ And, baby, that's okay ♪

♪ We have a right to be, but
I won't let it change the way ♪

♪ The way that I'm feeling ♪

♪ Let me say it again ♪

♪ I'm all in ♪

♪ Say that you're with me ♪

♪ And I'll give you everything I have ♪

♪ Even when the world is mine ♪

♪ Baby, I'm all in ♪

♪ I know we're both afraid ♪

♪ And, baby, that's okay ♪

♪ We have a right to be, but
I won't let it change the way ♪

♪ The way that I'm feeling ♪

♪ Let me say it again ♪

♪ I'm all in ♪

♪ And I'm all in ♪

♪ If you're all in ♪

♪ Then I'm ♪

♪ All ♪

♪ In ♪

I really want to believe
you, but how can I be sure

that you won't just act
like this never happened?

It's a little late for that.

I told Nancy everything.

And I forget nothing.

There's no going back now.

I don't have all day, you know?


- Oh!
- Aw, man!

I want to apologize again.

The thing is,

I'm not normal and I don't want to be.

In life or love.

I get bored easily,

and maybe that means that
even though I like you a lot,

- we shouldn't...
- Okay, that's it!

- Whoa!
- My corn!

You're fake and a phony!

I wish I never laid eyes on you!

Nancy Nakagawa, we are through!




What are you doing?

I'm keeping things interesting.



Come back.

- Sorry we...
- Robbed me?

Assuming this carnival
isn't your honeymoon,

does this mean you're
back, Miss Valdovinos?

Yes, Miss McGee. I'm back.

Sorry I'm late. Car's in the shop.

Darndest thing.

Hey, the carnival looks great!

And you did it just fine
all on your own, Miss McGee.


I managed,

but if I don't have an assistant

the day I come back from winter break,

I'll not only quit,

I'll write a very informative letter

to Superintendent Fletcher

telling him exactly how
much work you do around here!

Got it?


There you are.

Jane, isn't there something
you've just been, mm ,

dying to tell Principal Nicholson?

The fight at the Frosty
Palace was Richie's fault.

We all saw it, and we all agree.

Buddy should stay at Rydell.

Nope, too late.

Buddy Aldridge gave
me a call this morning

and confessed to everything.

Richie Valdovinos is free to come back.


I'm sorry. He what?

- He's back!


Thank you for being you and...

for not giving up on Richie or me.

Well, I couldn't have done it

without the girl who
taught me to be bold.


Ooh, better luck next
time, spaghetti arms.


Oh, that's not gonna do it. No.

That's how you do that.



Why the hell would you do that, Buddy?

Are you trying to make
things worse for me?

I got tired

of winning by default.

Well, big shot, I hope
you like Connecticut,

because first thing tomorrow
morning, you're on a bus.

- No, I'm staying here.
- Not under my roof you're not.


What do you think you're gonna do?

You're and you just
got kicked out of school!

I don't know.

I'll figure it out.

Oh, boy. Gonna be a dry day.

- Yep.
- Give me that.

I can make toast for
someone, if you'd like.

- No, no, no, wait...


[COUGHS] Oh, I drank so much of it.

It was pretty incredible how
you saved the day today, Hazel.

You know, I might not have an
answer to your two-boy problem,

but how about a four-girl
solution to everything else?

- What?
- See?

We've got a problem of our own.

We've got one unshakable optimist.

- Hi.
- One cool cynic.

One hilarious jokester.

And one mad genius.

But here's the thing:

we're all insane.

- Yeah.
- We are.

We could use a logical
one, the kind of logical one

who uses her powers to
steal a car for a friend?


- Oh, wow.
- What? I always carry a spare.


It's yours, if you want it.

Well, after you take the pledge.

- We don't have a pledge.
- Not yet.

- You don't need to... oh!

The Pink Lady pledge is:

To act cool.

To look cool.

And to be cool.

Till death do us part,

think pink.

There's just one, tiny problem.

I'm not cool.

- ♪ We see right through ya ♪
- ALL: ♪ See right through ya ♪

- ♪ You're just like us ♪
- ALL: ♪ Just like us ♪

- ♪ Don't fit in, do ya? ♪
- ALL: ♪ That's the truth ♪

♪ That's what we love ♪

♪ Oh, girl, you'll go
against the current ♪

- ♪ Got the self-assurance ♪
- ♪ Emotional endurance ♪

ALL: ♪ That it takes to show love ♪

♪ Show love, show love, show love ♪

♪ Think pink, baby ♪

♪ Pink Ladies ♪

- ♪ Show up ♪
- ALL: ♪ Show up ♪

- ♪ Show up ♪
- ALL: ♪ Show up ♪

♪ They'll call you difficult ♪

- ALL: ♪ Difficult ♪
- ♪ And that's okay ♪

- ALL: ♪ A-okay ♪
- ♪ 'Cause what's abysmal ♪

- ALL: ♪ Oh ♪
- ♪ Is being beige ♪

♪ Girl, to paint a pretty picture ♪

BOTH: ♪ You don't need a mister ♪

♪ You just need your sisters ♪

ALL: ♪ Telling you they love ya ♪

♪ Show love, show love, show love ♪

♪ Think pink, baby ♪

♪ Pink Ladies ♪

- ♪ Show up ♪
- ALL: ♪ Show up ♪

- ♪ Show up ♪
- ALL: ♪ Show up ♪

♪ Pink Ladies' pledge is that
we'll always have each other ♪

♪ It's more than you,
it's more than me ♪

♪ More than a color ♪

♪ Powerless apart, stronger together ♪

♪ Pink Ladies' pledge
is getting in trouble ♪

♪ Forever ♪

I don't know if I'm ready
for that kind of trouble.

- ♪ Sure, we get noisy ♪
- ALL: Hey!

- ♪ Feathers get ruffed ♪
- ALL: Words like a punch!

- ♪ That why school ruling ♪
- ALL: We rule the school!

- ♪ Is so much fun ♪
- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ I think I got it now,
liking how it sounds ♪

- ♪ I'm gonna sing it out ♪
- BOTH: ♪ We're the new cool ♪

ALL: ♪ Show up, show up ♪

♪ Show up ♪

♪ Think pink, baby ♪

♪ Pink Ladies ♪

- ♪ Show up♪
- ALL: ♪ Show up ♪

- ♪ Show up ♪
- ALL: ♪ Show up ♪

♪ Pink Ladies' pledge is that
we'll always have each other ♪

♪ It's more than you,
it's more than me ♪

♪ More than a color ♪

♪ Powerless apart ♪

♪ Stronger together ♪

♪ Pink Ladies' pledge
is getting in trouble ♪

♪ Forever ♪

♪ Pink Ladies pledge ♪

♪ To act cool ♪

♪ To look cool ♪

♪ And to be cool ♪

♪ Till death do us part ♪

Think pink.

ALL: ♪ Till death do us part ♪

♪ Think pink ♪

Where's Buddy?

- ALL: ♪ Pink Ladies' pledge ♪

♪ Is that we'll always have each other ♪

- ♪ Always have each other ♪
- ALL: ♪ It's more than you ♪

♪ It's more than me, more than a color ♪

- ♪ It's more than a color ♪
- ALL: ♪ Powerless apart ♪

- ♪ Stronger together ♪
- ♪ Oh ♪

ALL: ♪ Pink Ladies' pledge ♪

- ♪ Is getting in trouble ♪

BOTH: ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

ALL: ♪ Pink Ladies' pledge
is getting in trouble ♪

♪ Pink Ladies' pledge
is getting in trouble ♪

♪ Forever ♪

♪ I love the way you call my name ♪

♪ And say sweet things ♪

♪ Like, "Come on, babe" ♪

♪ It must be love again ♪

They don't want us?

Fine, we'll start our own g*ng.

The kids from Washington
Junior are way cooler anyway.

Too cool for us.

And the girls from St.
Bernadette's lower school

are tough as nails.


Come on. Let's start scouting.

Don't say anything dumb.

Maybe I just won't
talk at all to be safe.

- Good idea.
- Yeah.



Hiya, girls.

I just want to introduce
you to my old pal

from when I was a kid in New York.

He just moved here to Ry-Hell.

This here's my boy Frankie,
but everybody calls him...


I said I never wanted to see
you again, and I meant it!


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