03x24 - Heroes

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x24 - Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »

(gentle music)

(playful music)

- [George] One morning Bill

and Ben were busy at the quarry

pushing and pulling

cars filled with clay

into their proper places.

The twins are cheeky

and love playing tricks,

but they were growing restless.

"Listen, Bill," said Ben,

"can you hear something?"

"What sort of

something?" asked Bill.

"Something different,"

replied Ben.

"I can't hear anything

different," said Bill.

"Exactly," huffed Ben,

"everything is the same.

"Sounds the same,

looks the same.

"What we need is a surprise."

"Surprise what?" asked Bill.

Before Ben could answer,

the quarry master arrived.

"I have just received a

message from Sir Topham Hatt.

"He wants you to go to the

station at the harbor."

(engine chugging)

(upbeat music)

"I wonder what we've

done wrong this time,"

said Bill anxiously.

"It must be you," replied Ben.

"Why me?" exclaimed Bill.

"I've not done anything!"

(playful music)

(horns honking)

"Edward is taking the children

on a special trip today.

"I want you to go to the station

and look after cars there."

"We'll do our best,

sir," said the twins.

(horns honking)


(playful music)

(horns honking)

(playful music)

Gordon spoke severely to them.

"You must behave here!

"You're on the main line now."

"Actually, Gordon," giggled Ben,

"when we saw you, we thought

this was the scrap yard."

Gordon was cross.

"Just make sure that

my coaches are ready

"for my evening train."

And he fumed away.


The twins laughed

and set to work.

"This is easy," they

said to each other.

"We know all about cars."

But I'm afraid, they didn't.

"No need for that,"

shouted the cars,

as the twins pushed

them into place.

"We'll show you around.

"We want to help."

"Thank you very much,"

said Bill and Ben.

(playful music)

The cars giggled and

began their tricks.

(birds calling)

Evening came.

The yard was in a

dreadful muddle.

The twins had let the cars

tell them where to put things.

(dreary music)

Gordon and the passengers

waited impatiently

outside the station,

while Bill and Ben tried

to sort things out.

(playful music)



But by the time Gordon

was able to leave,

it was very late indeed.


(horns honking)

Next day, the twins were

working at the quarry again.


"That's a strange

noise!" gasped Bill.

"I've never heard a

noise like that before!"

"I have," whispered

his driver nervously.

"It sounds like a

rock slide to me."

(trumpet blast)

Then came the alarm.


"Clear the quarry,"

shouted the quarry master.

Workers scrambled into the cars.

"Thank goodness we're

here," said the twins.


(suspenseful music)

They were just puffing

out of the quarry, when,


"Wait for me!"

A workman had been left behind.

Ben waited as the man

climbed quickly aboard.


(triumphant music)

The twins left the

quarry just in time.

(dramatic music)







Everyone was safe, but

rubble lay all around.

"Oh, dear," said Bill.

"This wasn't our fault!

"I hope Sir Topham

Hatt will understand."

And indeed, he did.

Next day, he

arrived with Edward.

"Bill and Ben, you still

have a lot to learn

"about cars, don't you?

"But you acted quickly and

bravely in an emergency.

"So, three cheers for

Bill and Ben, our heroes.

"Hip, hip, hooray!



"Oh, thank you, sir," said Bill.

"Being called heroes,

well, it's, it's

"it's a really nice

surprise," laughed Ben.

(upbeat music)
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