03x25 - Percy, James & the Fruitful Day

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x25 - Percy, James & the Fruitful Day

Post by bunniefuu »

(bright music)

(upbeat music)

(bell ringing)

- [Narrator] It was

a splendid morning

on the Island of Sodor.

James was feeling very

pleased with himself.

His red paint gleamed

in the sunshine

as he sped along the line.

He reached the junction

just as Percy puffed in

with some freight cars.

James was surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here, Percy?

"You should be at

the station by now."

"I know," sighed Percy,

"These cars have been

troublesome all morning."

"That's no excuse, Percy.

"Nothing should stop us.

"Sir Topham Hatt relies

on us to be on time.

"Now if you'll excuse

me, I'll be on my way."

And James puffed

importantly away.

(train engine chugging)

"Bossy Buffers," muttered Percy.

(upbeat music)

James arrived at the harbor.

It was market day.

The harbor yard was filled

with the sweet smell

of fruit from far away lands.

The fruit was

delivered in big ships.

James watched as

strawberries, oranges, melons,

and bananas were carefully

loaded onto his cars.

Then, he set off for the

station on the main line.

(train whistling)

(bright music)

On the way, he met Thomas.

"Really reliable, that's

me," panted James.

"Pity the same can't be

said for Percy, goodbye."

"What was all that about?"

gasped Annie and Clarabel.

"That was trouble.

"Trouble for James,

just wait and see."

(gentle music)

Percy was back in the

yard and busy shunting.

He had the cars in good order

and was making up for lost time.

But the station

master had bad news.

"What's happened?",

asked Percy's driver.

"James' breaks have jammed.

"We need Percy's

help right away."

Percy quickly set

off to the rescue.

(upbeat music)

James was stuck on the

line and looking glum.

Percy couldn't help laughing.

"Got yourself in a bit

of a jam, aye, James?

"A sticky situation?"

"Be quiet, it's not funny

having jammed brakes."

"And not very reliable either.

"I'm surprised you

let it happen, James.

"Nothing should

stop us engines."

"That's enough, Percy,"

said the driver.

"Can you push these cars?"

"Of course I can!

"There's no time to lose.

"James has done too

much of that already."

James angrily hissed steam as

Percy was coupled to the cars.

"Off we go," said Percy,

"I'll have to go fast

to get there in time.

"Those big engines

are so unreliable."

(upbeat music)

"Be careful Percy,"

called his driver,

but Percy was in a hurry.

He didn't see that

the switch had failed

and that he had been

diverted into a siding.

"Look out Percy," shouted his

driver and applied the brakes,

but it was too late.

(train crashing)

(steam hissing)

The driver and fireman

had jumped clear.

But squashed fruits

squirted all over Percy.

(horn blowing)

(quirky music)

(birds chirping)

Sir Topham Hatt arrived.

"Percy, you are not to blame

for the switch failure,

"but I do not run

a jam factory."

"Yes sir, no sir!"

And Percy squelched sadly away.

That night, the shed was silent.

James and Percy felt very

sorry for themselves.

At last, Thomas spoke.

"You know," he said to

no engine in particular,

"There's more than

one way to get jammed,

"we all learned that today."

Still, there was silence.

"What's more, we also learned

"that sometimes when engines

help each other out of a jam,

"things can still go wrong."

"So," said a voice.

"So, that means we

learned a lot today!"

"And therefore,"

then came a chorus.

"We're really useful

engines after all!"

(upbeat music)
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