04x03 - Bulldog

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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04x03 - Bulldog

Post by bunniefuu »

(soft music)

(upbeat playful music)

- [Narrator] One morning,

Percy was impatient.

He was wearing a

new coat of paint

and longed for

everyone to see it.

The other engines were

still dozing, but not Percy.

"Driver should be here by now.

"What's he doing?"

"Sleeping," grunted Gordon.

"But that means I'll be late.

"The coaches will be waiting

"and the passengers

will get cross."

"Rubbish," puffed Henry.

"It's still early," added James.

"You just want to show off."

"No, I don't."

"Nevermind, Percy," said Thomas.

"It'll soon be time for work.

"But be careful, or you

might run into danger,

"and Duke is not

here to save you."

"Duke?" stuttered Toby.

"You mean, our hero?"

A large painting of Duke

hung in the engine shed.

"The very same," said Thomas.

"Driver told me

the story, listen."

And this is the story

Thomas told them.

Long ago, when Peter Sam

was still called Stuart

and Sir Handel Falcon,

they worked with Duke

on his old railway,

but Falcon still

had a lot to learn.

The manager came to see him.

"Falcon, I'm pleased

with your work so far.

"Now you must learn a

difficult part of the line.

"We call it the mountain road."

Falcon was excited.

"Yes please, sir."

"So tomorrow, when you

have a new coat of paint,

"you will go on it.

"Duke will explain everything."

"Huh," thought Falcon.

"Duke's an old fusspot."

Next day came.

"Listen," warned Duke.

"The mountain road is difficult.

"I'll lead."

"No," replied Falcon.

"I'll lead.

"How can I learn

the route with you

"lumbering ahead and

blocking the view?"

"Suit yourself," said Duke.

"But nevermind the view.

"Look at the track."

The engines set off.

"Look at the

track," puffed Duke.

"Nevermind the view."

"Fusspot, fusspot,"

replied Falcon.


fuddy-duddy, fuddy-duddy."

The engine speed grew

slower and slower.

"Don't dawdle, don't

dawdle," urged Falcon.

"No hurry, no

hurry," puffed Duke.

Soon, they approached a tunnel.

Falcon didn't like the tunnel.

It was curved and

he couldn't see.

"I want to get out, I want

to get out," he sighed.

One moment, everything

seemed safe.

But then suddenly...


Falcon was derailed and hung

dangerously over the edge.

(soft music)

Duke bravely held on

with all his strength.

"Stop shaking," he called.

"I can't hold you if you shake."

Duke's driver and

firemen worked quickly

to make the two

engines safe again.

Then came more trouble.

"Water!" Cried Duke's fireman.

"Duke needs water, quickly!"

Luckily, there was a

workman's cottage nearby.

Soon, everyone was passing jugs,

buckets, kettles, and

saucepans filled with water,

until Duke's thirst

was quenched.

All the while, Duke was

building more strength.

At last, with everyone's help,

he was able to pull

Falcon back onto the rail.

(inspirational music)

Then they started off once more.

(soft cheerful music)

The manager was waiting

at the top station.

He apologized for the accident.

"Your Duke," said the

passengers, "is a hero.

"He stood firm like a

bulldog and wouldn't let go."

Falcon was grateful too.

"Thank you for saving me, Duke.

"I don't know why you bothered

"after I'd been so rude."

"Oh well," replied Duke.

"You just had a

new coat of paint.

"It would've been a

pity if you'd rolled

"down the mountain

and spoiled it."

(train whistle blows)

(upbeat playful music)
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