04x09 - Home at Last

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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04x09 - Home at Last

Post by bunniefuu »

(orchestral music)

(orchestral music)

- [George] Skarloey had been

to the works to be mended.

He felt much better.

Rusty the diesel was helping

him off his rail car.

Skarloey hadn't met the

little diesel before.

"Rusty seems a kindly

sort of engine,"

he thought to himself.

"I help to mend the line and

do odd jobs," explained Rusty.

"I hear everyone is looking

forward to seeing you again.

"Come on."

(trains running)

Peter Sam was feeling depressed.

He was still getting

over his accident

but he wanted to

start work again.

Sir Topham Hatt

wouldn't let him.

"Another day's rest will

do you good," he said.

"Besides, I've got

a surprise for you."

"For me sir? How nice

sir. What is it sir?"

"Wait and see."

The surprise was Skarloey.

"Oh," said Peter Sam.

"I'm glad you've come home."

They lit Skarloey's fire

and he sizzled happily.

"I feel all excited," he said.

"Just like a young engine.

"Now tell me all the news."

"I see you've met

Rusty," said Peter Sam.

"Yes, I like that diesel."

"So do I," replied Peter Sam.

"It's a pity Duncan doesn't."

"Who is Duncan?"

"He came as a spare

engine after my accident,"

replied Peter Sam.

"Is he useful?"

"He keeps busy and I'm

sure he means well,

"but he's bouncy and rude.

"He sings and sways

and swivels around.

"His drivers call

it rock and roll."

"I understand," said

Skarloey gravely.

His driver interrupted.

"Duncan has done it again.

"He's stuck in a tunnel.

"Come on old boy, we'll

have to get him out."

(train whistling)

Skarloey was pleased.

He wanted to run and looked

forward to meeting Duncan.

They found the caboose

and some work men

and hurried up the line.

"How nice and smooth the

rails are," thought Skarloey.

"They mended all the old bumps.

"The little diesel

has helped to do that.

"What a difference

Rusty's made to the line."

Quite soon the found Duncan.

He was stuck at the

far end of the tunnel

and he was very cross.

"I'm a plain, blunt engine.

"I speak as I find.

"Tunnels should be tunnels

and not rabbit holes.

"This railway is

no good at all."

"Don't be silly,"

snapped his driver.

"This tunnel is quite

big enough for engines

"who don't rock and roll."

It took a long time to

clear away the rocks

and set Duncan free again.

(clock ticking)

At last, Skarloey was

able to push Duncan

and his coaches safely through.

(train chugging)

The caboose was

left on the siding

and the work men stayed to

make sure everything was safe.

(train chugging)

Duncan grumbled all the way home

but Skarloey paid no attention.

Later, Sir Topham Hatt

spoke severely to Duncan.

"Listen to me.

"There is nothing

wrong with that tunnel.

"You stuck in it because you

tried to do rock and roll.

"Tunnels are not dance floors

and you are not a popstar."

Then Sir Topham Hatt

gave his full attention

to Duncan's funnel.

"If it happens again,"

he ended ominously,

"I shall find ways to

cut you down to size.

"In other words, your

career is on the line.

"Need I say more?"

Duncan thought Sir Topham

Hatt had said quite enough

and he remained completely

silent and still.

For at least a whole evening.

(orchestral music)

(orchestral music)
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