04x17 - Train Stops Play

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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04x17 - Train Stops Play

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat music)

(upbeat piano music)

- [Narrator] Stepney, the

bluebell engine was busy talking

to the other engines.

It was his first

visit to their railway

and he was having

a splendid time.

"You are very lucky

engines" he said.

"Your line has got everything!

"It's long enough to

give you a good run

"and you have plenty

of passengers.

"Then, you have a

quarry and a mine

"so you need plenty of cars.

"Cars are fun. I miss

them on our line."

Percy was surprised.

All the engines thought

cars were trouble.

"You're welcome to take

some of mine," he said.

"But you better

ask driver first."

Their drivers agreed and

the two engines set off.

(train horn toots)

(exciting music)

(train whistle blows)

Thomas and Toby were speechless!

Stepney took the

cars to the harbor.

(train whistles)

Then he picked up a load of

empty ones and started back.

Ahead was a Cricket field,

the game had just begun.

Stepney and his driver

had to wait at a signal.

"Good," said his driver.

"We can watch the game."

Then there was trouble.

The batsman hit the ball.

It flew high into the sky

towards Stepney's train.

"Clunk," went the signal.

"Thump," went the

ball into a car.

But neither driver

nor fireman heard it.

"Stop!" yelled the players,

but Stepney didn't hear them.

"Come along, come along,"

he puffed to the cars.

"Our one and only ball!"

cried the players.

"Wake up, Caroline," they

said to their old car.

"The chase is on!"

(car engine starting)

Caroline coughed crossly

and rolled down the road.

Stepney wasn't hurrying.

Caroline soon came up behind.

"Toot, toot!" She wailed.

The players shouted but

Stepney was still too far away

for his driver and fireman

to see or hear properly.

(car horn beeps)

They completely misunderstood.

"If those jokers want a

race," said the driver,

"They can have one.

"Faster, Stepney, faster!"

(train horn toots)

Poor Caroline

wasn't happy at all.

She rattled along at

twice her usual speed.

"I shouldn't be treated

like this," she grumbled.

"This pace is too

hot for my system.

"It'll fuse all my circuits!"

Suddenly Stepney was

no where to be seen.

"Yahoo, that silly train

has run into a hole

"so I can't catch it.

"I can go home now."

But she couldn't.

Her driver pounded Caroline

on up the steep hill

and then down the other

side towards the station.

Stepney was already there

when Caroline cluttered in.

(car horn beeps)

"We need our ball back,"

cried the players,

and explained everything.

The ball was nestled

under some straw

in the third car from the van.

"We found it," cried a player.

"We're sorry,"

sighed the driver.

"Oh, you couldn't help

it," replied the player.

"Now we must get back quickly."

"You'll be lucky,"

said the driver.

(sad music)

"Caroline looks worn out."

And she was.

The driver spoke to

the Station Master

and the Signal Man and

they all agreed on a plan.

Soon they had rolled

Caroline onto flat car

with a brake van coupled behind.

The players crowded inside and

Stepney pulled the train

back to the playing field.

(bouncy clarinet music)

Everyone enjoyed

watching the game.

(crowd cheering)

Even Caroline was pleased.

"She doesn't think

trains silly now."

"They have their uses.

"They can save wear and tear

on a poor car's wheels."

(upbeat piano music)
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