04x22 - Thomas & the Special Letter

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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04x22 - Thomas & the Special Letter

Post by bunniefuu »

(twinkly music)

(theme music)

(train toots)

- [Narrator] One evening,

Thomas brought his last

train to the junction.

(train chugging)

Percy was glad to see him.

- "Are you on your way to

the big station, Thomas?"

- "Yes, I am. Why?"

- "Because I'm

going there, too."

- "I think something's up."

- [Narrator] Toby

looked up at the sky.

- "Where?"

- "Not up there, down

here," laughed Thomas.

- "How can something

be up, when it's down?"

- [Narrator] Thomas was

too excited to explain.

- "Bust my buffers,

(toot) look over there."

- [Narrator] Mavis,

BoCo, Bill, Ben, Donald,

Oliver and Douglas paraded past.

(train toot)

- "Good evening you

three," whistled Donald.

"Aren't we all a fine sight?"

- "Very splendid,

indeed," admired Toby.

- "Sorry we can't

stop. Sir Topham Hatt

wants us all together

at the station."

- "What is this

about?" asked Thomas.

- "Sir Topham Hatt has a

plan," answered his driver.

"Come on." (whistling)

- [Narrator] So they

followed the other engines

to the big station at

the end of the line.

(bell rings)

(trains tooting)

- "Silence!" Called

Sir Topham Hatt.

"I have an important

letter to read

from a little girl

who is five-years-old.

- [Narrator] "Dear Thomas

and all the Engines.

Please, can I meet you?

My friends say they would

like to meet you too.

You could come to

my house for tea,

but my Mommy says there aren't

any railway tracks to my house.

Can you come to the

station instead?

Thank you very much."

- "It seems," continued

Sir Topham Hatt,

"that there are

many girls and boys

who would like to meet you.

Therefore we are all going

to the big city far away."

(trains tooting)

- "Hooray, hooray!"

The engines whistled.

- "Silence!"

(steam blowing)

"Other engines will be working

here while you're away,

so please show them what to do."

(trains chugging)

- [Narrator] As

Annie and Clarabel

were going to the big city too,

Thomas and Oliver practiced

with some other coaches.

(train toot)

(train chugging)

Thomas grew more

and more excited.

(train toot)

Too excited for his own good.

- "I'm glad I'm a splendid

engine," he puffed.

"Sir Topham Hatt thinks

I'm really useful.

I had a race with Bertie once.

I whooshed through the tunnel

and stopped an inch

from the buffers."

- [Narrator] Then

Thomas made his mistake.

- "Just like this," he boasted.

(exciting music)

(cracking wood)


(birds chirping)

No one was hurt,

but Thomas' front

was badly bent.

They telephoned to

Sir Topham Hatt.

- "I'll send up the

workman," he said.

"But if they can't

mend Thomas in time,

we'll have to go to the

big city without him."

(machine engine revving)

- [Narrator] Poor Thomas.

Eight o'clock the next morning,

the engines waited

at the junction.

Toby and Percy were

each on a truck

and Duck had pushed them

into place behind Edward.

Gordon, James and Henry

were waiting to lead off.

(train whistle)

They whistled impatiently.


Sir Topham Hatt

looked at this watch.

- "I'll wait one more

minute for Thomas,

then we have to go."

(train chugging)

(train toot)

- "Oh, thank goodness you're

still here," panted Thomas.

"I hope we're not late as

it's just after eight."

- [Narrator] The conductor

blew his whistle (whistle)

and waved his flag.

The engines cheered,

"Look out big city,

here we come!"

And the cavalcade puffed away.

(trains tooting)

(trains chugging)

(trains tooting)

(crowd noise)

Later in the big city,

all the engines were lined

up in a splendid shed.

Children were delighted

to meet their friends.

"I'm glad the little

girl wrote to us,"

whispered Thomas to Percy.

"Isn't it wonderful what

happiness a letter can bring?"

(theme music)
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