04x26 - Mind That Bike

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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04x26 - Mind That Bike

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat chiming music)

(upbeat theme music)

- [Narrator] If one

morning you were

to ride in Bertie the Bus,

you would run down the

winding country road with him,

cross over stone walled bridges,

(train chiming)

and travel past

Thomas's branch line.

Then you would hear

Bertie's friendly greeting

as he sees one of

his friends pass by.

(bus horn honking)

His name is Tom

Tipper the postman.

(friendly music)

(old engine whirring)

Everyday, Tom travels cheerfully

around the island of Sodor.

(bus horn honking)

(cheerful music)

He stops at stations,

collecting letters and parcels

from Thomas and

Percy's mail train.

(bus honking)

(train chiming)

(bus honking)

Then, he delivers the

mail to farms and cottages

far and wide.

(cheerful music)

The engines know that anywhere

their rails won't reach

Tom Tipper will collect their

mail and deliver it safely

come rain or shine.

(train chugging)

(train whistling)

He's always ready to

help load mail bags

onto the trains, too.

"Thank you, Tom,"

whistles Percy.

"Yes indeed," agrees Thomas,

"You're a really

useful postman."

"Ah," replies Tom,

"but where would I be

"without me van?"

"We make a grand pair."

(bus honking)

(cheerful music)

(train chugging)

(train whistling)

One day, Tom wasn't

at the platform.

A postman they didn't know

dumped the bags on the platform

and disappeared.

"What happened to

Tom?" wondered Percy.

"And his old van,"

said the driver.

"No wonder the new

postman looks cross.

"Trying to carry mail

bags on a bicycle

"would make anyone miserable."

(train whistling)

(train chiming)

Next morning, the engines were

glad to see Tom back again,

but he looked very sad.

"The postmaster decided my

van was too expensive to run.

"But rounds take

longer on my bike.

"I'm sorry, I can't

stop to help you."

"I wish I could cheer Tom

Tipper up," sighed Percy,

the small engine.

He was just wondering about

how this might be done

when his thoughts were

rudely interrupted.

A man was shouting

at Tom Tipper.

"You've gotta come back to

Sir Topham Hatt's office.

"He needs you to sign some

important papers right away."

"Oh, dear," replied Tom Tipper.

"This is going to

make me later still."

He was in a hurry

and being careless.

He propped his bike

against Percy's mail car

and rushed away.

"Stop!" cried Percy.

But Tom was out of sight.

There was worse to come.

Percy's driver hadn't seen

the bike, and he started away.

"Oh, no!" cried Percy.

"Now there'll be trouble."

And there was.

Percy's driver quickly

stopped the train.

Everyone came

running to the scene.

Tom Tipper's bicycle

was in pieces.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tipper,"

apologized Percy.

"Never mind, Percy,"

said the postman.

"It wasn't your fault."

"But now I've only my legs

to get the mail delivered."

"Whatever will happen next?"

Tom Tipper soon found out.

Next day, he was waiting

happily for Percy.

(upbeat music)

(train chiming)

(train whistling)

(happy music)

"Peep peep," whistled Percy.

"Is that a smart new van I see?"

"It is indeed."

"That accident did me

a good turn, Percy."

"My chief decided a new

van would do the job.

"Much better than another

bike and worth the expense.

"Now I can always

be on time again."

(old engine rattling)

(horn honking)

(cheerful music)

"So I did help," beamed Percy.

"But by accident,

you might say."

(train whistling)

(upbeat theme music)
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