05x02 - Horrid Lorry

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x02 - Horrid Lorry

Post by bunniefuu »

(bright, cheerful music)

(happy, bouncy music)

- [Narrator] It was a

busy time at the docks.

All the engines

were working hard,

pushing and pulling

freight cars about.

One morning, Percy was late.

Cranky the Crane was

quick to criticize.

"These ships can't

be kept waiting.

"They have important cargo.

"If they miss the tides, they

will be delayed in the docks.

"You should look up to the

ships and show more respect.

"You are, after

all, only little."

"We've got too much

work," huffed Percy.

"Then perhaps a lorry

should do your job."

Percy was shocked.

(pensive music)

(train engine chugging)

He told the other engines

what Cranky had said.

"Stuffin' nonsense,"

snorted James.

"We engines run this

island," said Henry.

"What if a lorry does arrive?"

I'm afraid it did,

along with two more.

(airy music)

Cranky was delighted.

"Hey you down there,

your job's done now.

"These lorries are taking over.

"One of them wants

to talk to you."

The lorry was very rude.

"What's that steaming lump

of scrap iron doing here?

"Be off with you."

"Scrap iron, steaming

scrap iron, pah."

(train engine chugging)

A little later, Percy

met Thomas and James.

Another lorry was

being rude to them.

Then he saw Percy.

"Oh look, it's a little

green goblin on wheels.

"Ha, you'll be scrapped,

just you wait and see."

(airy, jaunty music)

"Well, bust my boiler,

"what a horrid lorry,"

exclaimed Thomas.

"Despicable," agreed James.

(train engine chugging)

The next engine to

meet a lorry was Toby.

(suspicious music)

"Well, well, well, no wonder

this railway's a mess.

"You belong in a museum,

not working in the quarry."

"I might look old,

but I'm very useful."

"Useful, pah,"

replied the lorry.

"Just you toodle off."

"Toodle?" spluttered Toby.

"Come along, Toby,"

interrupted his driver.

"Don't bother to argue with him.

"We'll go to the

flour mill instead."

But when they arrived

at the flour mill,

Toby was shocked to

see yet another lorry.

"What are you doing here?"

"We three are doing your

work now, you're too slow."

The foreman spoke

to Toby's driver.

"I'm sorry, times are

a-changing I'm afraid."

"Toby might be old,"

replied his driver.

"But he's reliable.

"Come on Toby, we'll

go to the farms.

"They'll still use us."

Toby trundled sadly away.

(melancholic music)

His railway ran

through a narrow gorge,

but vehicles had to tackle

a steep and dangerous road.

When Toby arrived, he saw the

lorry from the quarry again.

It was loaded with rock.

(tense music)

"That lorry's in

trouble," thought Toby.

And he was.

(ominous music)

(rocks tumbling)


(somber music)

The driver was thrown clear.

"Rotten roads," he muttered.

The wrecked lorry was

taken to the docks.

Percy looked at the lorry.

"What's this lump of steaming

scrap iron?" he teased.

"I'll be back,"

replied the lorry.

"So you can wipe that silly

smile off your smokebox."

"Ha," said Percy, and

wheeshed him loudly.

(air hisses)

Then Butch the Breakdown

Vehicle arrived.

He was towing the lorry

from the flour mill.

"What happened?"

asked Toby's driver.

"He was overloaded with

flour," came a reply.

"And he broke down."


"Not very useful now,

are you?" said Toby.

"Grr," replied the lorries.

Then James whistled excitedly.

(playful music)

"They're bringing in the

third lorry on a barge.

"What happened to that

one?" James asked.

"Stupid Lorry was reversing and

fell straight into the sea,"

said the Tow Truck Man.

Later, Thomas arrived.

He looked at the three

lorries and laughed.

"Well, well, well,

the Brothers Grimm,

"smashed, broken and sunk."

(airy, cheerful music)

The lorries didn't return,

(train horn blows)

and the engines now

worked even harder

to make sure they never will.

(happy, bouncy music)
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