05x04 - Lady Hatt's Birthday Party

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x04 - Lady Hatt's Birthday Party

Post by bunniefuu »

(dreamy synthetic piano music)

(upbeat instrumental music)

- [Alec] One summer's day,

Thomas and Percy where

idling in the station

when Bertie the Bus arrived.

"Have you noticed

something?" said Birtie.

"What sort of something?"

"Sir Topham Hatt.

"He, well, seems

different," replied Bertie.

"I did see him staring

"at the clouds this

morning," said Percy.

"I wonder why."

The reason was simple.

It was Lady Hatt's birthday and

Sir Topham had a new outfit.

"It's perfect for my birthday

party," said his wife,

"You will look

splendid, Topham dear."

"And I'll wear my finest hat

just for you," he replied,

"Your birthday is

a great occasion."

"It is, so don't be late."

"Don't worry, my dear.

"I shall be spic-and-span

and right on time."

Later that day, Sir Topham Hatt

had changed into his new suit.

"You look fine, Sir,"

said the Station Master,

"You'd best be going."

"Indeed," agreed

Sir Topham Hatt,

"The engines are busy,

I'll take the car."

"Is it reliable?" asked

the Station Master.

"Certainly," said

Sir Topham Hatt.

But it wasn't.

As he sped along, he suddenly

saw a large hole in the road.

He breaked hard,

but it was too late!

"Bother, now I've

got a puncture.

"If I change my wheel, I

am sure to dirty my suit

"and that would never do."

Just then, he heard Caroline.

"I have to attend my

wife's birthday party,

"and I cannot be late.

"Please give me a lift."

"I'll try, Sir."

But Caroline didn't like

going fast, "I'm hot,

"my engine will overheat!"

And it did.

"Told you so," said

Caroline sadly.

"Bother, bother!"

Then he heard a loud whistle.

It was George the Steamroller.

George was cross

when he saw Caroline,

"Call yourself a car?

"You're a disgrace to the road.

"Find yourself a scrapyard!"

Caroline spluttered in fury.

George's driver was more polite,

"Can I be of assistance, Sir?"

"Only if you can get me

"to my wife's birthday party,"

sighed Sir Topham Hatt.

"We can take you to

Thomas," replied the driver,

"He's just down the line."

"Much obliged."

(train whistles)

And they rumbled away.

"What about me?"

wailed Caroline.

"I'll send for help," called

Sir Topham Hatt, "Stay there!"

"That's all I can do."

(midtempo music)

George was enjoying

rolling along the lane,

but not Sir Topham Hatt.

Oil splashed everywhere,

worse was to follow.

"Help," cried George,

"Something snapped."

He veered out of control

and Sir Topham Hatt landed

in a muddy ditch close to where

Thomas was taking on water.

"Bother, bother!"

Thomas had never seen Sir

Topham Hatt in such a mess.

"Can I help you, Sir?"

asked Thomas' driver.

"Yes, please.

"Get me to the station

as fast as you can."

"I'm afraid our

fireman has taken ill."

"Then I'll be your fireman,"

sighed Sir Topham Hatt.

Thomas was excited.

Sir Topham Hatt

had to work hard.

Coal dust and smut

flew everywhere!

(lively upbeat music)

(train chugging)

(trains whistling)

At last, they

reached the station.

(moves into apprehensive music)

Sir Topham Hatt

looked at the clock.

"Just in time," he gasped.

He hurriedly picked up

a huge bunch of flowers.

"Good luck!" called Thomas.

Sir Topham Hatt's wife

was waiting for him.

(bell chiming three times)

As the clock struck three

there stood Sir Topham Hatt,

tired but triumphant.

("Happy Birthday")

He gave his wife the flowers.

"Well thank you, my dear.

"I knew this was my

special birthday party,

"but I didn't know

it was fancy dress!"

Everyone laughed,

and then the party began.

(door closes)

(upbeat instrumental music)
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