05x10 - Toby & the Flood

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x10 - Toby & the Flood

Post by bunniefuu »

(happy electronic music)

(happy lilting music)

- [Storyteller] It had been

raining hard for weeks.

Toby was feeling miserable.

Everywhere was wet, wet, wet.

His branch line runs

through a village.

The water in the river

had risen with the rain.

Only the great wall,

known as a dam,

was stopping the water

from overflowing.

Percy arrived just as Toby

was about to inspect the dam

for any damage.

Driver tells me it may

be dangerous up there.

Please be careful

Toby, said Percy.

I'll try, replied Toby bravely.

Percy watched anxiously

as Toby trundled away.

(train clacking over tracks)

His journey took him

over a wooden bridge

at the end of the village.

The river surged

dangerously beneath it.

(suspenseful music)

Harold the helicopter

was inspecting the dam

as Toby arrived.

Be brave Toby,

called his driver.

We have to cross

to the other side.

The dam did not

look safe at all.

Toby was very worried.

Soon he knew why.

The dam's breaking up.

We must warn everyone.

Toby shunted back as fast

as his wheels would let him.

Percy was waiting anxiously

for Toby by the bridge.

The river had risen so

high that the bridge

was in danger of collapsing.

(train puffing)

The dam's breaking up,

we must find high ground,

shouted Toby's driver.

Your only chance is to cross

the bridge, called Percy.

It doesn't look safe

to me, wailed Toby.

It's our only chance,

said his driver.

If the dam breaks,

we'll be done for.

(suspenseful music)

Toby was halfway across the

bridge when disaster struck.

(rocks crashing)

(water gushing)

(suspenseful music)


Help, called Toby.

We'll follow him on our line.

It meets the river further down.

(helicopter blades chopping)

As Toby floated helplessly

on the floodwaters,

they passed a sign

that made them shudder.

Beware the waterfall.

If we go over that

waterfall, we're doomed.

Then they saw Harold

who swooped low

and shouted urgently to them.

We're going to

drop a rope to you.

Attach it to yourself.

Quickly now.

And they did, to one

of Toby's buffers.

Just then, Percy arrived.

Harold flew over to him.

(suspenseful music)

(helicopter chopping)

Catch the rope and pull

Toby to safety, he called.

(metal creaking)

(train chugging)

Toby was safe at last.

When the floods were

over and the dam mended,

the villagers had a

big party for Toby,

hosted by Sir Topham Hatt.

You were very brave, Toby.

Thanks to Harold.

I could never have

been so brave, Toby.

Oh, I'm sure you would be.

But you never know

til you've tried.

Percy rather hoped

he'd never have to.

(happy lilting music)
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