05x18 - Oliver's Find

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x18 - Oliver's Find

Post by bunniefuu »

(twinkly music)

(theme music)

- [Narrator] Oliver and

his brake van, Toad,

liked working in the big yards.

But one morning Toad noticed

that Oliver was unhappy.

He decided to find out why.

- "Uh, excuse me Mr. Oliver.

It seems to me that things

are not well with you.

If you forgive me

for mentioning it."

- "You're quite right, Toad.

All I do is shunt these freight

cars onto the turntable.

I long for a nice run.

It's what an engine

really needs."

- "Quite so, Mr. Oliver.

May I suggest that you

speak to Sir Topham Hatt

about your problems."

- [Narrator] But

Oliver said nothing.

(train chugging)

He just grew unhappier

and he was rough with

the freight cars.

- "You're no good, Oliver."

- "You're dangerous."

- "We want Percy."

- "Percy's far too

busy to be bothered

with the likes of you."

And Oliver bumped the

freight cars hard.

(train chugging)


- "You silly engine!"

shouted a workman.

"It'll take a long time

to repair this turntable

which will cause

confusion and delay."

(street noise)

- [Narrator] That night,

Sir Topham Hatt arrived.

(owl hoot)

- "Oliver, you have

caused confusion.

I thought you could

control freight cars.

You shall work the

mail train for a while.

Maybe the night air will

clear your smoke box."

- "Yes, Sir. Sorry,

Sir," said Oliver sadly.

- "Cheer up old chap,"

said his driver.

"The mail train

run is a grand run

for a fine engine like you."

- [Narrator] Oliver smiled,

but he still felt he

had let everyone down.

(magical music)

His driver took them

along the coastal run

with the mail train.

The fresh air couldn't help

but brighten Oliver's spirits.

(train toot)

They made good speed

until it was time

to collect some important mail

from Harold the Helicopter.

- "Come on, Harold."

(train toot)

- [Narrator] At

last Harold landed.

- "Sorry I'm late,

Great Western.

Had a bit of a problem

with one of my arms.

Kept letting me down when I

was (chuckles) meant to be up.

You know how it is."

- "We know that you'll be

late for our first run,"

replied Oliver's driver.

- [Narrator] Soon they

were on their way again.

Ahead was a red signal light.

Oliver didn't realize that

the signalman had dozed off.

Oliver whistled several times.


But the signal stayed red.


- "There must be something

wrong with that signal.

We'll go slowly and

stop by the signal box,"

said his driver.

(train chugging)

- [Narrator] But they

never reached it.

The points before the signal box

were switched to an old track.

They were going the wrong way!

Oliver's fireman was concerned.

- "We need to find

a water tower soon."

- [Narrator] Instead,

they saw an old station.

Disaster lay ahead!


(owl hoot)

(clock sound)

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, Sir

Topham Hatt was worried.

- "Oliver has not returned.

We'll send out a search party."

- [Narrator] Soon he was

high in the sky with Harold.

- "There they are!"

(helicopter whirring)

- "It wasn't Oliver's

fault," sighed the driver.

- "I'm aware of that.

I'm just glad to see

you are all safe."

- [Narrator] Then

he saw something.

It was an empty old

house beside the station.

He went to inspect it.

(mysterious music)

(birds chirping)

When he returned,

he spoke to Oliver.

- "You have found another

attraction for our island.

We'll make this

house as good as new

and visitors can have

tea and crumpets there."

- "Hmm mm," sighed Oliver.

"Getting lost can

be interesting,

but being found is much nicer.

Especially when it makes an

engine feel really useful."

(theme music)
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