06x10 - Twin Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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06x10 - Twin Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Donald

and Douglas are

Scottish twin engines.

They're practical,

peppery, and proud.

They nearly always

worked together.

One day, Donald and

Douglas were chuffing

through the countryside,

hauling a heavy load.

Down the line, Trevor

the Traction engine

had been struggling with

a big cartload of hay.

Crossing the tracks, the

cart's wheels had broken off,

then Trevor heard a whistle.

(whistle blows)

"Oh, no!" Trevor cried.

(triumphant music)

Donald could see the cart.

"Stop!" He cried.

Donald's driver applied the

brakes, but it was too late.


Luckily, no one was hurt.

"Stop being pushy!"

Donald snapped.

"Don't call me pushy!"

Douglas snapped back.

"You shouldn't have pushed me

into the cart," huffed Donald.

"You pulled me, you

mean," argued Douglas.



"Did not!"

"Did too!"

Before long, the

track was cleared

and Donald and Douglas

were on their way.

(upbeat music)

The twins were so cross they

refused to speak to each other

for the rest of the day.


The next day, Sir Topham

Hatt needed an engine

to help Duck at

the Smelter's yard.

"May I go, sir?"

Said Donald eagerly.

"I only need one engine," said

Sir Topham Hatt. "Not two."

"I am only one engine,

sir," said Donald.

"And I would like

to work with Duck."

Sir Topham Hatt was

surprised, but agreed.

Thomas was worried.

"Won't you miss one

another?" He asked.

"I know I'd miss

Annie and Clarabel."

"I'll work better on my

own," sniffed Douglas.

"I have work to

do," huffed Donald.

At first, Donald enjoyed

working with Duck.

(train whistle blows)

Then things started to go wrong.

"Did you shunt

those freight cars

onto the other

line?" Donald asked.

"You said you wanted them on

the OTHER line," Duck replied.

"Not that other line,

the other, other line."

Donald was cross.

"Douglas would've known

what I meant." He huffed.

Douglas was working on his own.

He'd chuffed dutifully

through the countryside.

But Douglas had no

one to share it with.

Although he tried not to, he

was beginning to miss his twin.

That night, Douglas's driver

took him to visit Donald.

"I was just passing,"

said Douglas.

"Have you come to say you're

sorry?" Donald sniffed.

This made Douglas very cross.

"I have nothing to be

sorry for," He said.

And steamed away in a huff.

The next day, Donald

was in a bad mood.

Duck could see he was getting

too close to the buffers.

"Look out!" Duck shouted,

but it was too late.

(dreadful music)

Donald's driver was very cross.

"This wouldn't have happened

if you were working

with Douglas," he said.

Donald knew he was right

and Duck knew he couldn't pull

Donald back onto the rails.

So he went for help.

Douglas was sadly

finishing his work

as Duck steamed into the depot.

"Donald is in

trouble," said Duck.

"Donald in trouble?" Douglas

cried. "I'm on my way!"

And he steamed off

as fast as he could.

(trains chugging)

Douglas struggled and struggled.

He finally pulled his twin

gently back onto the tracks.

He was relieved

Donald wasn't hurt.

"Thank you," Donald

said. "And I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," said Douglas.

"I'm sorry!" Insisted Donald.

"Don't argue about who's

sorry," chuckled Duck.

"Just be glad you're

back together."

And they were!

(upbeat music)
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