01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts from the TV show, "Christmas Flow". Aired: 17 November 2021.*
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Follows the romance between a famous rapper and a tenacious journalist who meet at a Christmas party.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

[rap music playing]

- [journalist] Hello, Marcus. Welcome.
- [Marcus] Hey.

[journalist] Christmas holidays
have been turbulent for you.

- [journalist] You wanted to speak out.
- [Marcus] Yeah.

Everyone seems to want
to throw out their own opinion lately.

I wanna put an end to all the rumors.

which has been widely quoted,

and it claimed that your first hit,
"The Hourglass,"

which was very successful,
was actually written by Verno.

It was never his song.

He and I haven't always agreed,
but we shared mutual respect,

and he's been in the loop.

Nobody's stolen anything. You can ask him.

I'll... I'll take your word for it.

Uh, but these girls, The Simones,
also claim that you tried to buy them out

behind their backs to restore your image
following your trial

and numerous concert cancellations.
Tell us about that.

Yeah, it's bullshit.
Let's not make stuff up.

One other story
that has been all over social media,

by now everyone knows
you and Mel split up.

- Yeah.
- Came as a huge shock to your fans.

And meanwhile,
you were seen kissing another woman

on Instagram on Christmas.

- So?
- Everyone is wondering.

Will you see her again?


The Christmas stranger.


No. I'll never see her again.

- Hello, everyone!
- [woman] Hi, Lila! Good morning.


- [rhythmical music playing]
- [phone ringing]

I'm sorry I'm late.

Yes, and at the worst moment
because the figures are

through the roof! [snaps fingers] Come on!

- She scared me.
- Seriously?

The article on feminist Christmas presents
was a hit,

and has placed Womenista
among the top five most popular websites.

The advertisers are beside themselves.
They're literally throwing money at us.

Given the present context, it's indecent.

Wow, that's awesome.
And it'll boost the next articles.

I sure hope so.

It's perfect timing, we're ready
with more serious subjects,

like we talked about.
Given our present visibility,

I was thinking that the article
on new sex workers would be ideal.

We have a first draft
if you'd like to review it.

Yeah, I'm totally on board
with sex workers.

"Ideal" is the right word.

Important, necessary,
but it's not the right time.

Know what I'm saying?

Well, no, but can you elaborate for me?

Girls, it's early December.
The Christmas list was a hit.

So we have to stay on topic.

Don't forget that the feminism you hear
is the feminism...

that sells.

- I wouldn't have said that.
- [Brune] I have a fantastic idea.

A Christmas Eve event.
An event all for Womenista,

with artists, speakers.
Basically your own Christmas party.

Didn't you wanna organize parties, events?

- Uh, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.

But, uh, would we have
free rein on the programming?

Oh, of course. Provided you bring in
some VIPs and influencers.

As long as we communicate.

And after,
we get to choose our article topics?

Well, sure, in the new year.

- We can do that.
- All right.

Ah, speaking of influencers,
do you know Mel?

Mel Gibson?

No. Two-million-followers Mel.
She just released a book.

Oh, yes. Mel. Mel!

Go on, she's waiting for you
in the conference room to talk about it.

Come on. Let's go, girls. Anaïs!

f*cking Mel. Of course it's Mel.

[opera playing]

[singing opera over rap beats]

- Turn it down, it's too loud.
- Any lower, she's mute.

Okay, guys, I need a break.

Are you serious?

Okay, Francesca. That was super!

- One more time, from the top.
- No, it sucks.

I can't feel anything. Where is Marco?

How am I to sing a duet alone? Damn it!

Yeah, yeah, he had an errand to run,
he'll be back.

I want him in the booth with me.
For the chemistry.

I need him here to feel his voice,

his skin, his muscles.

- To sing a Christmas duet?
- For me to sing at all!

You remind Marcus
that the only reason I'm here

is to help get him out of his own mess.

He knows it. We all do.

Keep going.

Keep on doing your thing.
It's great. Let's go.

You're on.

It's total crap.

Yeah, I hear you, but we need her.

[singing opera]

- What are you doing?
- I'll call you back.

Francesca's going berserk.

- I'm not going back to that booth, bro.
- She wants someone in the booth.

- Go, or Ludo's gonna have to step up.
- What?

- You the man. I owe you one.
- Hey, no way, no way.

Did you forget what this year was like?
You've been under constant fire

on social media.

- Not one TV appearance or concert, nada.
- All right, I get it.

- I don't need to hear a whole list.
- All right, that's fine.

You were acquitted on appeal.
The album's almost finished.

Hey, you're about
to make your comeback, bro.

Come on. Don't go and blow it now.

- [Marcus sighing]
- Huh?

- Yeah, you're right.
- Okay.

Well, Lila, look, I know you're wondering,

you're wondering
if I've forgiven you for Marcus,

and the answer is yes.

- Ah.
- Have you heard from him?

No. Why would I?

Why not? I haven't either.

Oh well, I've done a lot of thinking
since our breakup a year ago.

As a result, I wrote a book.
It's my philosophy. I signed it for you.

- Your philosophy? Really?
- Yeah.

- [dog growling]
- Mmm.

800,000 copies.
That's better than Marc Levy.

Actually, what you learn in this book

is to stop lingering
on things that set us apart.

And focus on what we have in common.

I'm afraid to ask this question,
but, uh, um, what do we have in common?

Well, feminism, of course. [giggling]

- Ah.
- Hmm.

- Yeah.
- [Alice] Well, of course.

May I ask, what is the reason
that you're here, exactly?

Well, business, eh?

You need my help for your event,
so here I am.

We need help? Who said that?

Well, your boss did. That's right.

Digital communication, lineup.
Ring a bell?

You're in luck, because it does to me, eh?
I have tons of ideas. And I...

Wait a sec.

I'm just realizing we could invite Marcus.

For his big comeback.
It would be all the buzz.

- That's an idea. An excellent idea.
- I know.

A musician who is convicted of
incitement to v*olence against women

headlining an event for feminists! Wow!

It's genius. You're a genius.

- The charge was thrown out on appeal.
- So it's fine.

- That changes things.
- Guess so.

Listen, I'm sh**ting ideas,
I'm doing this for you.

If you don't accept good ideas...
You should really consider Marcus.

Really. You need to stop
being so damn prejudiced.

I miss Jeanne.

So do I.

["Salomé" by Marcus playing]


[children laughing]

To the left, to the right,

up high, down low.

To the left, to the right,

up high, down low.

[Verno] You nailed it.

- [Verno] Way better than last week.
- [boy 1] Right?

Yeah, big time.
What stage name did you choose?

Tismé Salé.

[boy 2 giggling]

[Verno] All right, okay, good.

Samy, can you get back on the drums
and play for Tismé Salé?

[boy 3] Let's go, man.

♪ In the... ♪

[footsteps approaching]

Sorry, sir, but, uh,
the beginners' class is downstairs.

What's with him?
Maybe the big star got lost.

Can I talk to you, please?

Can't you see I'm working now? I'm busy.

Come on, guys, let's get back to it.
Samy, on the drums.

Tismé Salé, we came to get some work done.

I came to apologize.

- I f*cked up, man.
- Yeah, man, you really did.

You were right
the whole time about Pascal.

He's making me do
a commercial Christmas album.

And now I'm lost, man.

I'm making music, but it's shit.
I don't know who I've become.

What's wrong with you?
Pull yourself together.

You say your music is shitty...

We know you, dude.
We know it can't suck that hard.

[Marcus's track playing]

It's all right up to that point, but...

Let me introduce you to Francesca Alvarez.

[opera voice singing]

[boys snickering]

[all burst into laughter]

- [boy 2] It's opera, man. What the hell?
- [boy 3] You serious, man?

He's not even rapping.
He's yodeling like an elf.

[music stops]

Okay. All right, stop laughing, guys.
I already told you it sucks.

I mean, bro... Even you guys.

We can make crappy music.

The main thing is
that it never leaves this room, though.

Never leaves this room?
This is gonna release in two weeks.

All right, that's easy. You're done.

I gotta cover up this mess.

- I have to release something else, so...
- [Verno] I get you.

So you release a new song sooner,
so this here goes unnoticed,

that way you steal your own thunder,
it's covered up. Easy peasy.


Got any tracks?

'Cause you're gonna have to act fast.

Hey, dude...

Don't make that face. If you need me,
you know I'll help you out.

- We're gonna make some dope-ass music.
- For real?

Yeah, man, of course we will.
Maybe we can get a big recording studio.

- In Paris. Like the stars!
- No way, man. Pascal has guys everywhere.

If he finds out we double-crossed him,
I'm dead, so are you and the kids.

No, no, Verno. Let's just do it here.
We'll work here like we used to.

I'm doomed to stay in this crummy center.
Every single day. It's insane.

If my youth center is so crummy,
why don't you go back to your mother?

Joseph, that's not what I said at all.

Sure, man,
but that's what I heard, all right?

- How's it going, Jean-Marc?
- Good to see you, Big Jo.

- Good to see you too.
- "Good to see you. Big Jo."

"My name is Jean-Marc.
I'm a big shot rapper."

"I'm Big Jo. I run the youth center.
Want to kiss each other on the mouth?"

- "I'm Verno's boss now. I never give him..."
- You're just jealous.

[group laughing]

[atmospheric music playing]

Hello. Excuse me, do you know
where the feminist workshop's at?

It's, uh, it'll be on the second floor.

Okay. Appreciate it. Thank you.

I'm very happy to be doing
this workshop with you today,

because I want to discuss a topic
that's very important to me.

Street harassment.

I want you all to take out
a piece of paper...

I was a little too hard on you.

I wanna apologize.

No, you don't have to apologize.

I had it coming.

I understand that.

It was time to move on.
Honestly, we couldn't go on like that.

I laughed as I read
the Christmas list on feminism.

- [Lila] Oh really?
- It was kind of lame.

But mostly, it was funny.
Just like you are.

Oh, my sweet Jeanne,
you still have a knack for compliments.

No, I really mean it. I even picked up
a few gift ideas for my family.

- So thank you.
- Really?

So, um, goes to show I read it carefully.

- Well, it's good to know. I'm glad.
- Anyway.

Okay. I want you to come back.

As a roommate?

Yeah, that too, as a roommate.

- But I meant The Simones.
- But it doesn't exist anymore.

Well, but we still do.

And we really need you over at Womenista.

We really need you there.

Here's another offer.
Come speak at our Christmas event.

Speak about what?

About what you do here.

Talk about your work with kids.
Your activism. Your writing,

the time we live in.
It could be very interesting, I know it.

And in return,
we can do workshops with you.

- Okay. Deal.
- [Lila] Deal?

Yes, deal.

Well, good. I'm excited.

- Here.
- No, thanks. I'm okay.

- Having lunch with my boyfriend.
- What?

Hold on, hold on, a boyfriend?

Yeah, that's right, a boyfriend.

And we're even moving in together.

- No?
- Yeah.

Hey, it's so crazy to me, to be honest.

- Yeah, no shit.
- Yeah, it's weird.

So weird.

So, you guys
really lost it without me, huh?

[both laughing]

[notification alert]

Hey, girls!
Don't forget that tonight is Secret Santa,

and I'm finally introducing
my secret lover.

[Lila] So, do I know this mystery guest?

Um, not really, no,
but I can tell you he's astigmatic.

- Ooh, that's very interesting.
- [doorbell rings]

[Lila] That must be Etienne.

Wasn't he supposed to be
at a work thing?

- No, it turns out it was canceled.
- Oh damn. I mean, too bad.

- Hello. You're gorgeous, sweetie.
- [Lila] Thanks.

- How are you?
- Good, I'm so excited.

He's so excited.

And why is he so excited?

Secret Santa.
Finding out about your secret lover.

- Of course.
- [Etienne] I love Alice and her secrets.

- And his friends, are they nice at least?
- Yes, uh...

- [doorbell rings]
- Must be him.

Hold on, I wanna see this.

- [Lila] Good evening!
- [Marcus] Hey!


Aren't you, um, Marcus, the rapper?

- What a surprise.
- What are you doing here?

- What do you mean?
- I... I live here, actually.

- Must have gotten the wrong apartment.
- No, it's here!

So you... You're...

Alice must be dating Marcus' doppelganger.

- It's a compliment.
- It's not a doppelganger, it's Marcus.

- No way.
- I must be dreaming.

- You're not dating Alice, are you?
- You're not dating Zack?

No, no, no, no, I'm Etienne.

Nice to meet you.

[Zack and Alice] Surprise!

- Damn. Everything okay?
- [phone ringing]

- It's high up. So many floors.
- Please excuse me, it's work.

- Yeah.
- [Alice] Well, come in, come in.

Hello, my love.

Hi, baby.

- You can put that down. Come in, please.
- Sure, should I set them over here?

Oh my God, I'm so excited.

I have been planning
this party for a month. Ow!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

[Lila] What's with this setup?

- The idea was Zack's. Don't you like it?
- Of course not, are you kidding?

- It's Alice's idea. Don't you like it?
- Do I like it? Are you out of your mind?

It's a shame
what happened between you two.

We couldn't just stand by and watch.

You can't deny something special
happened between you two.

- It'd help you get back on your feet.
- Back on my feet?

Her boyfriend's here,
he's in the next room.

Yeah, well, it's not my fault
if his work thing got canceled, okay?

Honestly, it's not even
that serious with Etienne, is it?

Are you kidding?

We're about to move in together, Alice.

Ah, you're "about to." Yeah.

I've spent my whole life
dropping things I was "about to do."

Almost everything.

Marcus, you need to give love a chance.
I know from experience.

- You're in love, man?
- [Zack] I don't know.

I've never felt this way
about anyone else.

Oh, are you crying?

- No, that'd be dumb.
- [Lila] You are crying. You're crying.

Oh, baby...

[Zack sobbing]

- Are you crying, Zacky?
- Yeah, I'm sorry.

- What have they done to my Zacky?
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Come on.
- [doorbell rings]

- Ta-da!
- Oh, my sister!

- I'm happy to see you. You can't imagine.
- Really, baby?

- [Lila] Where's your daughter?
- She's parking the car.

- Don't be silly.
- I left her with Grandma Germaine.

Or the other way around, I don't know.

- I love your sweater.
- Pretty nice, huh?

- Gorgeous! And big boobs! Bim-bim-barabam!
- Right? Not bad.

- [Verno] Hello.
- [Lila] Hello.

How's it going?
Zack and Marcus told me to drop by.

- Uh, okay.
- Hold on, you're Lila, right?

- Yeah.
- What are you doing here?

Well, that's the million-dollar question.
This is my place.

- [Zack] Verno, you made it.
- How's my Zack-Zack doing?

- Zack-Zack?
- It's a long story. I'll explain.

That's not your stage name, right?

- [Zack] Ha, must be why I never made it.
- What's up, b*tches?

- [upbeat music playing]
- [Lila and Alice laughing]

[Zack] Look out, coming through!

The potatoes!

- These are the stars of the night!
- Yeah, that's the real deal!

Potatoes à la Zack.
Secret recipe. The one and only.

- Looks great!
- Don't let it get to your head.

Is it really over with you and Marcus?

- No, don't start now...
- I'm rid of my daughter for the night.

The last time I got laid,
François Hollande was president.

I haven't been up all night for a while.
I mean it.

- [Zack] Don't be shy. Get some potatoes.
- [Marcus] I want some.

[Jeanne] Potatoes!

- [Zack] Come on, dig in.
- I'd like me a spud.

- You want some chorizo?
- Yeah, I'd love some.

- My name's Verno. I'm friends with Marcus.
- Yeah, I know, I know.

We did, uh,
the article on plagiarism last year.

[Verno] Ah, okay, I see.

Well, now that's out.
So can we, um, forgive and forget?

Girls, don't worry. Everything's fine.
I'll even tell you what.

Since you wrote that article,

everyone in the neighborhood
thinks I'm as big a rapper as Marcus,

and unlike him,
I already had the street cred...

[everybody laughing]

- What does that mean, street cred?
- It's just a rap thing.

But really, everything's chill tonight.

Even Mel says she's forgiven us.
That's something.

- Good for her.
- Don't remember asking forgiveness.

- [Zack laughing nervously]
- What's that supposed to mean?

Don't you regret doing the article?

I stand by my word. It's a life principle.

You should try it.

[Alice sighing]


All right, because you all insist,

my secret is
to carve the potatoes lengthwise

and to butter each side, one by one.

Lila didn't publish the article.
I did. She was against it.

We had a fight.

- It was actually the end of The Simones.
- [Zack] Verno, you want some spuds? Yeah?

[mellow music playing]

- How's this one? Thanks, bro.
- [Verno] Yeah.

- [door opening]
- [horn honking]

[door closing]

Can I bum one?


Why didn't you tell me
Jeanne published the article, not you?

- You didn't wanna talk it through.
- I thought you were trynna manipulate me.

What I told you that day,
I never told anyone before.

Well, neither had I.

[mellow music playing]

[yelling in the street]

What difference would it have made?

I don't know.

- How have you been?
- Fine, you know.

I've been all about music lately.

I'm enjoying being single.
Oh, and I've stopped smoking too.

[both laughing]

[Lila sighing]

[Zack] Yeah, yeah.
I didn't want to say anything...

So they had a thing, is that it?

[Zack] It's a long story, uh...

- No, why would you say that?
- They did kiss.

Looks like you disagree.

[spluttering] Actually, it... It's, uh...

- It's that they kissed just as a...
- For play.

For play? Well, that's...
What do you mean "for play"?

- Well, time for Secret Santa.
- [Safia] Secret Santa!


["La Grenade" by Clara Luciani playing]

[all laughing]

["La Grenade" fading]

[melancholic music playing]


[music intensifying]

All right.

Bro. What did you come here looking for?

I don't know, man.
A different vibe, something new.

- Like when we were kids.
- The vibe's here, ride it.

This is your home. Don't forget it.
Don't second guess, just move forward.

Read the lyrics again.

♪ For chicks and stones ♪

♪ We stick our necks out for dough
Get it done for our bros ♪

♪ One magazine, g*ns I've got two
Speak and you're done ♪

♪ sh**ting people down
Like in Baltimore ♪

Who gives a flying f*ck about Baltimore?

We're in France.
Why do people here love you?

'Cause you always sang about our lives.

Why are you the kids' champion?
'Cause you always told the truth.

That's what we care about.
Not that shit about Baltimore.

We don't give a f*ck about Baltimore.

- [church bells ringing]
- [birds chirping]

[Etienne] Wow, it really is gorgeous.

This here, sir, is the best of the best.
It really is.

The charm of the old
combined with modern comfort.

It's fully equipped. We have solar panels
on the roof, with backup protection.

For the lady, we have lead-free paint.
For the kids, right?

- [Etienne laughing]
- We pay attention to these details.

And what do we have
built into the kitchen counter?

An electric bike charger.
As high-tech as it gets.

Look, we got a smart trash can,
a smart garbage bin.

- Look! Two plus two adds up to four.
- [lid banging]

Right, I'll let you continue
looking around.

- Well, what do you think of it?
- Like we're gonna live inside a Thermomix.

Nonsense. Come on. Come on.

[agent] Oh, I almost forgot,

you can also set the temperature
with your smartphone.

Is cooking a*t*matic too?
[laughing awkwardly] Awesome.

Hey, can we cool it with the sarcasm?
You know I hate that.

I'm not being sarcastic.

I'm telling you what I think.
Is that a problem?

What's your problem?
Why are you such a pain today?

- I'm not enough of a rapper, is that it?
- What?

No, no, don't pull the whole arguing act
on me to get 10% off agent fees.

- I don't understand.
- You never answer my calls.

I don't even know
where you spend your days.

All right, okay, 7%, but that's it.

- We haven't had sex in weeks.
- Okay. 10%. Approved.

I don't want you anymore.
Should I force myself?

I'll just let you think it over, huh?

[sighing] I didn't mean to say that.

I get it. It's what you just said though.

Fine, but it's not you.
It's the stress. I can't take it anymore.

Between Brune and Mel
hovering all over me,

I can't take it, I'm losing it.

- That's all.
- Is that really the problem?

Do you wanna move in together, yes or no?

Okay! 50%.

I can't tell anymore if it's real or not.
You people are good.


["Your Power" by Billie Eilish playing]


♪ Try not to abuse your power ♪

♪ I know we didn't choose to change ♪

♪ You might not wanna lose your power ♪

♪ But havin' it's so strange ♪

- ♪ She said ♪
- You okay?

♪ You were a hero, you played... ♪

It's so good to have you come
to this workshop.

It's The Simones like the good, old days.
It'll cheer you up. I know it.

Come on, it's gonna be great.

- [Lila] Wait, where are we?
- [Jeanne] Surprise!

[Alice] Oh, watch it!

[Jeanne laughs]

- Ta-da!
- Are you serious?

Well, yeah. Verno invited me
to work with the kids in his neighborhood.

- Come on, let's go.
- She's joking.

- I don't know.
- [Jeanne] Come on.

["Fallait Pas" by Marwa Loud playing]

My aunt has five cats. Five!

[Verno] Ready to meet your audience?

- [Verno] All right, kids!
- [Jeanne] Hey, girls.

Let's make some noise

for The Simones!

[all the kids] Yeah!

Don't get carried away. We're not here
to put on a show, right?

[kids, disappointed] Oh.

Hold on. What do you know?
I'd planned to do a little breakdance.

- [Lila] Ah.
- [kids laughing]

- I can dab and everything.
- Well done, yeah.

But hold on, girls. Where are the boys?

- Hiding or what?
- They're not here. Except for Mehdi.

[all the girls] Ah, Mehdi! [laughing]

- That's good.
- We're glad you're here, Mehdi.

Not my fault if my friends didn't come.

That's all right,
tell them to come next time.

- Yeah, you'll tell them about it.
- Too bad for them.

[Verno] I think
there's a great atmosphere.

So what I'm gonna do is leave you
amongst the girls. Plus Mehdi.

You all have a good time. Come on,
give it up one more time for The Simones!

[all the kids] Yeah!

Lower the volume on the vocals.
It'll bring out the reverb.


[horn honking]

I'll call you back.

[Marcus] What brings you here?

Just wanted to talk.

You have my number.

You're not answering my texts, so...

- The time's not right.
- [Mel] It hasn't been the time for a year.

- What's the matter then?
- I'm focused on my album. That's all.

Dammit, I miss you.


Where the hell are you going?

To see Francesca.

[funky music playing]


- [girl 1] Awesome.
- [Jeanne] Bye!

- [girl 2] Bye.
- Be sure to come to our next workshop!

- [girl 3] See you next time.
- See you next time.

- Bye.
- Isn't that Marcus?

- [Jeanne] Move along.
- [girl 4] It's Marcus.

[girl 5] Marcus is here?

- [girl 6] Marcus is here!
- [girl 7] Marcus is here!

Hold on...

[Verno] You have to be sincere.
That's what rap's about, Diane.

- Have you ever robbed a bank?
- [Diane] No.

Why does it say so in your lyrics, huh?

Look. Right here in our home,
we have the champion.

- Yo. How's it going?
- Flow, technique, lyrics.

Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
The champion.

The champion is quitting.
The songs are crap.

What do you mean crap?

[MJ] What are you doing? Making music?

Hold on, because what we're doing
right now is actually crap. Right, Marcus?

Is it crap or music? I'm not sure anymore.

Yo, can we listen, please? Marcus?

- [all the kids] Please! Please!
- [girl 1] Come on, Marcus...

- [girl 2] Please, Marcus!
- Fine, okay.

[kids] Yes!

- Come on in.
- [girl 3] Make some space.


[background music playing]

[Verno] What is this, a choir group?
Get in closer. What do you think it is?

[hesitating] Yeah... Yeah, yeah.
Skr... Yeah, yeah.

[beat dropping]

♪ What's up between us two? ♪

♪ I'm not here to waste my time ♪

♪ The lawyers are glad ♪

- ♪ They're glad ♪
- ♪ I'm free, I can fly ♪


- ♪ But I can't fly if you're not there ♪
- ♪ Yo ♪

[Marcus] ♪ You're not on board
It's worthless ♪

- ♪ I want to live this life with you ♪
- ♪ With you ♪

♪ Don't worry about us if I go out ♪

♪ Our thing's strong ♪

♪ Dress up, babe
We're going out tonight ♪

- [Verno] Yeah.
- [Marcus] ♪ Travel the world, the hood ♪

♪ The bad guys are outside
Your boy's a gangsta ♪

♪ Tell me, what's wrong
I like the street ♪

♪ I'm done with that though ♪

- ♪ When I say you changed me ♪
- [Verno] ♪ You changed me ♪

- ♪ I'm ready to hang up my boots for you ♪
- [Verno] ♪ Hang them up ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- ♪ I like to chill on a bench ♪
- On a bench.

♪ Just to focus, never willing to comply ♪

♪ Creative in deviousness
Never running low ♪

♪ There are young Iniestas
Young Tupac Shakurs outside our doors ♪

♪ If we want the big condos
No cosigners required ♪

♪ Blame the TV, not our folks ♪

♪ Brought up on action movies
No options, no deductions ♪

♪ g*ns, money redefine
The laws of seduction ♪

Boom, boom, boom!

[Verno] ♪ I'd love to tell you
It's not bad ♪

♪ When I open my eyes
I see how they operate ♪

♪ Stopped wondering
About the next Zidane ♪

♪ Now I wonder
About the next George Floyd ♪

[crowd cheering]

Brap, brap, brap!

♪ Hey, oh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah
Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah
Hey, hey, hey ♪

[Marcus] Hey!

- ♪ You're my real star ♪
- [all] ♪ You're my real star ♪

- ♪ You're my real star ♪
- [all] ♪ You're my real star ♪

- ♪ You're my real star ♪
- [all] ♪ You're my real star ♪

Hey! You guys are the real, real stars!
Ten minutes ago, he wanted to quit.

Now he's gonna make the album of the year!

- [cheering]
- Pascal is in for one hell of a ride!

- [Marcus] ♪ You're my real star ♪
- [all] ♪ You're my real star ♪

Hello, Pascal?
You'll never guess what I just saw.

Dammit! Dammit.

[Alice] ♪ Hey, yeah, I'm a superstar ♪

I've got to say, Alice,
your riff was just phenomenal.

- Ah.
- Clearly, you have a shot at a career.

- Totally.
- I've given it some thought.

- An EP on feminism...
- [Marcus] Lila! Lila!

[Alice] ...with songs, some kind of a rap.

Did you see all that? [laughs]
That was insane.

If I'm honest,
I've had a lot on my mind lately.

I'd lost faith in my career. But that...

Now you're realizing you can make
good songs without insulting women.

- [Marcus laughing]
- [phone buzzing]

- You need to take that?
- Yeah, I should.

[Jeanne] Lila?

Should we wait?

I should probably go.

Well, good night then.

[serene music playing]

Anyway, it... it was nice
to see you like this.

It was nice to see you, period.

Why are you laughing?

You're gonna have to stop
laughing at me some time.

Stop being so funny.

[rhythmical music playing]

[jarring piano sounds]

[Lila gasps]

That's B flat.

[both laughing]


- [chimes tinkling]
- [banging]

- [music stops]
- [loud banging]


[loud clanking]

Oh, whatever. f*ck it.

- [chimes tinkling]
- [birds singing]

[people talking outside]

- [Lila] Mmm.
- [phone dinging]

Shouldn't you get that?

- No.
- No, you're right.

[Marcus laughing]

[phone beeping]

[Marcus sighing]


- Let's answer that.
- Mm-hmm.

[Marcus grunting]



Sneaky bastard went
and released the Christmas album early.

[sirens blaring]


What's going on?

Why didn't you tell me about my event?

- What?
- [Lila] My Christmas party.

You're the headliner. I didn't know.
You didn't tell me?

I don't know, Lila,
the record company handles that.

Yeah, sure. Yeah.

Well, you seem overjoyed.

- Come on, stop it, please.
- Stop what?

- What's your problem anyway?
- You know what the problem is.

Yeah, I know.

The problem is you don't want me.

- That's crystal clear.
- Are you serious?

Hey, I just spent the night with you.

Oh, thank you, miss, but I can tell
you want nothing to do with me.

You just had that whole trial.

It's gonna cloud our message, that's all.
It has nothing to do with you and me.

So, people can't change?

I can't change?

If you want people to think
you've changed, well then, prove it!

And stop letting others
tell you what to do.

Take some risks for once.

- Instead of playing the victim.
- Yeah, I'm sure.

Are you leaving?

You were right from the start, Lila.

We don't belong together.

Unbelievable. What a f*cking joke!

- [crow cawing]
- [somber music playing]

[Pascal] After everything I've done
for you, this is how you thank me?

- Pascal, we can...
- [Pascal] No!

You've been stringing me along
for a year.

You've been dragging out the recording.
Do you understand how much I bet on you?

And you decide to ditch Francesca
and go record tracks behind my back.

- How do you know about the tracks?
- I just know.

And you know I warned you about this.
You don't mess with Papa. That's it.

It can't be done. It doesn't work.

But there's a silver lining
to your dark cloud.

The album is a hit.

It's our best release in six years.

- We're gonna fill up Bercy.
- The Arena, Pascal.

All right, the Arena, yeah.

And Francesca is even talking about
bringing you on her world tour.

- You know what that means?
- Mm-hmm. That I'm gonna sh**t myself.

That I rescued your career!

All right?

Isn't that good news?

And who's to thank? Thanks to Papa!

Champagne's on me, huh?


[Francesca singing operatically]

Gives me goosebumps every single time.

Pure genius.

Come on, boys.

[phone ringing]

There she is.

You changed the lineup without telling us?

You weren't there,
I discussed it with Mel.

Marcus is a great idea. Did you see
the sales figures on his album?

The advertisers are ecstatic.

And who did you have to get rid of
in his place?

I don't know, something boring,
possibly a speech on high school students?

Middle school.

[Brune] Same thing,
high school, middle school.

- Undo this, or we're out.
- I understand.

Thank you.
Because we've put in a lot of work, and...

I also get the feeling we're at the end
of the road. Better stop now.

End... End of what? The end of Womenista?

Well, no, you.

The end of your road. Womenista is mine,

so it'll continue.
Plus it's a great success,

so we're even going to use the event
to launch a range of products.

Magazine, beauty, a clothing line...
It'll be superb.

[phone ringing outside]


[coughing, gulping]

Honestly, I don't know
how we've come to this.

I don't know how I've come to this.
I don't understand, I...

I'm just so stupid, so stupid! An idiot!

No, sweetie. All right.

Each time a queen runs herself down,
an iceberg melts in the North Pole.

What's going on? I mean,
we've lost everything. It's not funny.

[Lila sighing]

What's keeping us
from doing the Christmas party anyway?

Jeannot, we got fired. You should listen,
because it might become awkward.

No, but I meant an event of our own.

You know, screw Womenista.

Why not do a... a Simones' Christmas?

Something that reflects who we are,
what we're doing.

We don't need Brune's money, her VIPs,
her crummy Parisian venue.

- No thank you!
- No, sorry, her location was really cool.

- Yeah, it was pretty great.
- With the high ceiling, the chandeliers.

Hold on, are those your criteria?

We can do it at a youth center.
It'll be great.

Until now, we've only had girls
attend our workshop.

If we get boys to come, it'll mean
the party was good for something.

It'll have purpose.

Not like her lame-ass gala,
high ceilings or whatever.

Okay, but won't timing be a problem?
Because Christmas is a week from now.

We can ask Verno, he'll help. And we won't
run into Marcus, and that's a bonus.

- I mean, who cares about Marcus?
- Of course.

Sure, I'm sorry, who cares?


That way,
we can bring The Simones back to life.

That's what I've been trying
to explain for the last 15 minutes.

- Can you imagine?
- Honestly, it's a great idea.

- It is a great idea!
- You have great ideas.

- It's just that we never listen.
- I know!

[indistinct talking]

[Jeanne] Listen,
"Christmas by The Simones!"

[eagerly discussing]

[upbeat music playing]

[Jeanne] Hello, it's The Simones!

Don't forget to come out
December 24th to our feminist party.

- All the info's on our Instagram.
- [Lila] Yeah.

We hope you missed The Simones
as much as we did.

We are back!

- Stand up!
- Concerts!

Q&As with authors and artists!

There'll be plenty to eat and drink.
It's free, it's on us.

Don't choose between your family
and your partner's family. Join us.



The 24th is almost here.
I'm just counting down the days.

Only two days left
until Christmas with The Simones.

Join us.

It's kind of like having The Simones
under the tree. We're like presents.

Come here! Come!

We wanna see you,
we wanna hear you, so come join us.

Danny, come here! Right now!

- The Simones' Christmas!
- Game on, b*tches!

[door closing]

[footsteps approaching]

Where were you?
I tried calling you all day.

I had stuff to do, man.

What's going on?
You're gonna go to the party with Mel,

like nothing happened?

You know she ratted us out to Pascal.

So what? Should I stay stuck
on a girl who's ashamed of me?

Bro, quit it.

- You're just freaking out.
- Yeah, whatever.

You know this isn't easy for Lila either.

Hey, bro, why don't you get it yet?
It's not always about you.

In the meantime,
go play the yes man at Womenista.

You know what?

You've always been my idol. All I wanted
to do was hang out with you. That's all.

Because you got something unique.
But right now, you're losing it.

You're the only one who can fix this.

[heavy beats playing]

[cameras clicking]

- [journalist 1] Mel, over here!
- [journalist 2] Mel!

[indistinct chatter]

[Safia] Let's go, shut the doors.

Come on, Grandma Germaine,
grab my arm. Sara, stay with me.

Hurry, or we won't get any seats.
We won't get any seats!

[Safia gasping]

- Wow.
- Hello.

- Well, there's still plenty of seats.
- Let's stay together. Come on.

Follow me, we can sit up close.

Let's go here. Excuse me.
Can you move over, please?

- ["Dance Monkey" by Tones and I playing]
- Thank you.

♪ They say dance for me, dance for me
Dance for me, oh... ♪

Can't wait!

[camera clicking]

♪ They say move for me
Move for me, move for me, hey... ♪


♪ ...you're done
I'll make you do it all again... ♪

[Jeanne] Well, I guess
we got it wrong, huh?

[Brune] Hello. Thank you for coming.

[indistinct chatter]

- [bass heavy music playing]
- [cameras clicking]

Good evening. Thank you for coming.




- Yes. I'm right over here.
- Ah, beautiful.

Excuse me.

Oh, the dog. The dog. Here.

[dog growling]

It's with immense joy and great pride
that I'm introducing the CEO

of our new clothing and beauty brand...

Womenista Wear!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Come on!

[Mel] Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!

[Brune] And the party
is just getting started.

Don't miss
Marcus's showcase concert at 10:00 p.m.

Marcus is honoring us
with his presence tonight!


- [microphone giving feedback]
- Uh, well, we're gonna get started.

We're so happy to...
to have you here tonight.

- Yeah, thanks. Thanks so much.
- Thanks. Thanks for being here.

That's right, um...

I don't know, are you guys ready?

[family members cheering]

Whoo! That's great.

Excuse me? I'm looking for
the Christmas party. The Simones thing?

You're in the right place.
What's your name?

- Justin.
- Justin. Nice to meet you, Justin.

- Hello, Justin!
- Come in!

- And, um, a round of applause.
- Way to go, Justin!

Well, hi.

[unenthusiastic applauding]

Well, um...

Wow, come in, have a seat.
There are some chairs in the back.

- There are still seats straight ahead.
- [Jeanne] Welcome. Hello. That's great.

- Go ahead, come on in, come in.
- Welcome, everyone. Thank you!

- Is everyone pumped?
- [cheering]

On your newly released album,
you invited only female singers.

And tonight, you're the headliner

of absolutely the most feminist party
in all of Paris.

Is it true, Marcus,
that you've really changed?

You know what? Can you stop with that?

What's that mean?

I could tell you that I've changed.
But it's better to show you.

Please excuse me.

- [journalist] Mel, good evening, um...
- Good evening.

You have been named the new CEO

of Womenista...

Whoa, where are you going?

To be with the only one
I wanna spend Christmas with.

...of representing all women,

and that's really, well, exceptional.

To embody all the values of feminism,
you know?

I never wear heels.
I don't know if you've noticed.

Honestly, that's all I have to say.
It's just so beautiful. I'm very happy.

- Thank you so much!
- Well, um...

If you leave now, you're done.
It's over for you.

No, Pascal, you don't understand.
If I leave, I'm just getting started.

[sad music playing]

Mel, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

f*ck. What a gigantic pain in the ass!

I'm sick and tired of little shits...

All of this to say that more
and more people know

what a clitoris looks like. That's great.

I said people, right, I didn't say men,
because women can be ignorant too.

It may be a part of our own bodies,
but no one kept us in the loop.

No instructions, information, zero.

But we do learn quicker
about men's dicks somehow. Oh yeah.

You come across a lot of dicks.
I mean, not real ones.

But tagged on walls,

your hilarious friend in middle school
who drew dicks on your homework...

Even you'll doodle dicks at odd times
without realizing. You're like, "Hey!"

"That looks like a d*ck."

It's simplified,
but you know what it looks like.

Similarly, using dicks
is pretty intuitive.

It's instinctive, you see how it works.
It's kinda like a cheese grater.

I've never seen anyone
banging on a cheese grater like that.

No, never. [giggling]
It's intuitive, just the same.

Whereas the female genitalia,
if we wanna stick to culinary metaphors,

is more like a food processor
with a plethora of options.

You can prepare tons of amazing dishes,
but without an instruction manual,

you can't do anything.

We used to not have a lot of information,
but now, ignorance is a choice.

So, please, educate yourself.
Thank you for listening, everyone!



That was Joyce Ashford!
Thank you for listening!

Is there anything
that stuck out for any of you tonight?

Or subjects that you'd like to discuss?

Don't be shy.
We're really very nice, you know.

Ah, here's a brave young man.
Well done. What's your name?

So, my name is Liam, and, um...

I... I'm asking for a friend
who wants to know how you know if

you're being respectful to a girl or not?

Well, if you're in doubt,
you've probably already crossed the line.

- [crowd laughing]
- Um...

- No, no, we're teasing, Liam.
- It wasn't mean.

It's a very, very good question.

- It's for a friend, really.
- [Alice] Yes, yes, of course, a friend.

Look, you have to tell your buddy

that it's very important
to talk with that girl

and find out what she thinks.

It might seem hard to do at first.
But he'll realize that love

is about being brave. At least I think so.

- Thank you for your question, Liam.
- You're welcome.

- [crowd cheering]
- [Jeanne] So, whose turn is it next?

Pass the mic around.
Take it if you have something to say.

Don't be afraid to speak up
if you wanna share something

that's important to you.

- [Marcus] Hello.
- All right. Super. Hello.

Hello. Can you please come a little closer
and tell us your name?


[gasps] I can't believe it! Marcus!

[indistinct chattering, gasping]


Go on. We're listening.

We're feminists, but we're civilized.
We won't bite.

A friend of mine met an amazing girl.

Maybe too amazing for him.

And they like each other,
but they're very different.

So she thinks
that they shouldn't be together.

Well, I'm right.

I mean...

He knows she's right.

Some things you just can't force.

Apart from getting hurt,
there's no point.

How can they be sure if they don't try?

[heartbeat rhythm playing]

Wouldn't it be a shame?

Truth is, since he met her,
he doesn't know what to do

or who he is.
But there's one thing he does know,

that he needs her more than anything.

And that he loves her.

[crowd gasping]

It's full-on Notting Hill.

Ugh, it's so gross. It's oozing
all over the place, even on my fingers.

Should we give it a try?

Come on, honey. Just try.


[crowd cheering]

[pop music playing]


[Marcus] Hey, everybody!
We're not done yet!

All right, all right, let's go. Everybody,
people, come on, let's go, let's go.

Okay, okay, okay! Everyone,
make some noise for someone who holds

a very special place in my heart.
Ladies and gentlemen,

give it up for my little sister, MJ!

[crowd cheering]


["Ma Star" by Marcus playing]

♪ What's up between us two? ♪

♪ I'm not here to waste my time ♪

♪ My lawyers are glad ♪

♪ I'm free, I can fly ♪

♪ I can't fly if you're not there ♪

♪ You're not on board, it's worthless
I want to live this life with you ♪

♪ Don't worry about us if I go out
Our thing's strong ♪

♪ Dress up, babe
We're going out tonight ♪

♪ We'll travel the world, the hood ♪

♪ The bad guys are outside
Your boy's a gangsta ♪

♪ Tell me, what's wrong
I like the street ♪

♪ I'm done with that though ♪

♪ When I say you changed me
I'm ready to hang up my boots for you ♪

♪ Baby, you're the real star ♪

♪ I love it when you dance
Right to the left ♪

♪ Gucci on my suit ♪

♪ If I could I'd marry you
You're the only one ♪
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