01x16 - The Lotus Eaters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Legend of William Tell". Aired: August 30 – December 20, 1998.*
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A crossbow-wielding rebel defies a corrupt governor — and the name of the title character were adopted from the traditional story, but the series was set in a fantasy world and featured supernatural themes.
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01x16 - The Lotus Eaters

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic music)


(wind blowing) (waves crashing)

(eerie breathing)

- This is terrible!

We have to find shelter.

- [Willaim] No, Kalem is in trouble.

I can hear her calling.

- We'll never make it!

This wind'll blow us off the cliff!

- [William] Kalem is trapped somewhere in this mountain.

We have to get to her, come on.

- It'll do us no good if we both get k*lled.

- We can't just ignore her.

- [Kalem] William, William, come to me, help me.

- Come on!

- How do you know Kalem's down there?

- I can hear her.




(eerie breathing)

Come on, she's down here.

You're safe?

- I had to know how determined you would be.

How much you'd withstand to reach me when I call.

- We risked our lives for an experiment?

- It's important for us to know

that we can rely on each other when we're in need.

- That may be, but we're supposed to be

searching for the crystal arrow.

- And on that subject I may have discovered a clue.

I was examining the Book of Time

and came across an obscure reference to the arrow.

I want to to show you.

- What is it?

- [Kalem] It's not a map Leon,

it's in an ancient language and quite cryptic.

(dramatic music)

- [William] What does the book say Leon?

- [Leon] Yes that's it.

- Well?

- It indicates we must find the Stone of the Peoples.

The stone's a key to finding the crystal arrow,

which according to these books is in the Sacred Valley.

- Where's that?

- It's in Three Rivers Canton.

What on earth did you do in geography lessons?

- Our geography lessons mostly involved

running before the moon.

- Three rivers is crawling Saxon warriors.

Kreel controls the whole area.

- It will certainly be dangerous,

but then you'd hardly expect such a prize

to have no protection, would you?

- Well perhaps we shouldn't go.

What if it's a trap?

- We cannot overlook any clue

which may lead us to the crystal arrow.

- Besides it's the last thing the warriors'll expect.

(dog grunts)

William telling his outlaws walking right into their canton.

(mellow music) (birds chirping)

- I don't like this Will.

A legend said no one who has entered

the Secret Valley has ever returned.

(eerie breathing)

- Mere superstition.

- [Leon] They say the valley's alive.

- This canton is cut off from the rest of camp.

They're stuck in their ways, they're superstitious.

- Sometimes those ways turn out to be the truth.

- And sometimes they're just the old primitive ways

for things that people couldn't understand.

I mean that's what superstition is.

It's something that isn't real anymore.

- Unlike the warriors.

They're real, horribly real.

- [William] Everybody run, find cover.

- What was that you said?

The last thing they'll be expecting?

- Just run.

- The valley's just over this ridge.

We should find some cover there.

- We don't need cover, Will.

We need to vanish.

(dramatic music)

(horse neighs) - There they are!

They're here somewhere.

Spread out and find them. (horse neighs)

(dog growls)

- [William] Let's go there, into the valley.

- They can't believe we went off that way.

- Just count your blessings.

- It's as if we just vanished.

(ethereal music) (birds chirping)

hey, isn't that a peach tree?

I haven't had a peach since...

- How do they get to grow peaches here?

The land over the ridge can barely support a cabbage.


- Yes but this soil is rich, look.

- Look, wild strawberries.

(mellow music)

- We're supposed to be finding this clue.

The Stone of the Peoples?

- Well that's your job.

None of us can understand the old languages anyway.

- You could still help me find it.

- Well, I'm too full.

- Hmm, well I haven't eaten like this since,

I've never eaten like this.

- Well somebody's coming with me.


- I'll help you, Leon.

- Well, we've got to find some caves.

I think I saw some close beyond the stream.

- Well, (sighs) I think I'm gonna take a nap.

(birds chirping)

(eerie breathing)

- All the food in this valley.

Why don't the people over the ridge try and take some?

- Probably because they're afraid.

That's the power of superstition for you.

(ethereal music)

- Look.

Is this it?

- Let's see.

(door creaking)

(ethereal music)

This book.

It's almost years old.

This writing, this language.

(paper rustling)

They don't even speak it anymore.

- What use is it?

- It's all learning.

It demands our respect.

- Sounds like superstition to me.

- Tales of Akway.

I thought all the copies of this had been lost

in the great Citadel fire.

- Maybe they borrowed it form the Citadel.

- The great fire was ten generations ago, shh.

- Look, Shouldn't we find the stone thing?

- Quiet boy.

(fire crackling)

(birds chirping)

- So, who feels like venison for supper?

- Venison will be good.

- Well, then it'd be a whole heap easier

if you lent me one of your crossbows, Will.

- Take one.

(dog grunts)

(birds chirping)

(bow clatters)

(mellow music)

- Ortlan, is that you?

What are you doing here?

(footsteps thudding)

(mellow music)

- Either there are rats, or we're being watched.

- Everyone says al this was lost in the first dark times.

Here they are, perfectly preserved.

- Leon, I think someone's watching us.

- Someone restored this place, I'd like to meet 'em.

He or she must be incredibly proud of it.

- Isn't it strange?

A library way down here in the caves?

- Stroke of genius.

Where else could you keep all this safe?

Here, look at this.

Early time crossing and illuminated manuscripts.


(birds chirping)

- I don't know how I came to be here.

- Well, did you follow me when I was captured for the mines?

Well that's it, except they told me you were dead.

- You're lucky they didn't force you to work there, too.

- Oh, they tried, I escaped.

- And you ended up here.

- Well, I ran and I ran and then suddenly I was here.

And then suddenly you were here, too.

- Well I thought you're a deer.

- Maybe I was just dear to you.

- (laughs) You haven't changed.

- Did you want me to?

- 'Course not.

All those days down in the mine.

All I ever thought about was you.

- Our prayers have been answered.

(romantic music)

(chiming music)

- Hmm?

(mellow music) (wind blowing)

- [Kreel] Come to me.

- Will?

- My little one.

Come to me.

Come to me Vara.

- No wait!

Where are you?

Where have you gone?

Come on, you've brought me this far.

Now where do I go?

Show me where to go ah! (gasps)


Just show me please.

(heavy breathing) (eerie music)


(mellow music) (birds chirping)

- Welcome home, your royal highness.

Lord Chamberlain is awaiting your presence

in the throne room.

(heels click)

- Thank you.

- Good morning Your Majesty.

- Good morning Your Majesty.

(door hissing)

- Good morning Your Majesty.

- [Vara] Kreel.

- Indeed.

I'm delighted and gratified that you would remember me

after all you were very young when we last met.

- Yes, well I was young,

but I do remember you.

You just seem different now.

- Well, I might.

Would you care to go through today's program ?

- Yes, that would be ideal thank you.

- We have rather a lot of petitions to go through.

- Petitions?

- Yes, the usual sort of thing.

Your people asking for your assistance, grants for land,

and parts to be provided.

I know you like to work through them in person.

- Do I?

Oh yes, that's right.

- Then, you must approve

the new uniforms for the Royal Guard,

and we must decide upon the new aqueduct.

Quite a few plans have been drawn up.

- Aqueduct?

- After last year's drought you said you would

personally provide a new water supply, bridge the gorge.

The architects have been most ingenious.

- Well we had better get to work then hadn't we?

- Yes indeed Your Majesty.

(eerie breathing)


- Kalem?

Did you come just to scare me awake?

- I thought you might enjoy the excitement.


In fact, I came to tell you to rest.

- Well you got a funny way of doing that.

- I mean for the rest of your life.

The kingdom has been restored.

- What are you talking about?

(stone thudding)

- [Kalwm] Vara is on the throne.

Xax and Kreel have turned from their evil ways

and are working for the good of the people.

- That's impossible.

The crystal arrow.

(stone thudding)

- It is restored.

Safe, forever.

- But-- - Your work is done William.

You may rest.

- I don't understand Kalem.

What am I supposed to do now?

- You always wanted to start a farm didn't you?

Live off the land?

- Yes.

- Well here's your chance.

This is good farming land.

Grow what you want.

The battle is over.

(mysterious music) (fire hissing)

- Look at this mess!

Where were you brought up?

You'll crack the spine.

How many times have I told you Leon?

- Professor?

- I asked you a question.

- I must have missed it.

- (gasps) Cloth-eared as ever.

You can be very disappointing, Leon.


Week before the examinations you start revising. (laughs)

- [Leon] Examinations?

- Don't tell me you've forgotten that as well.

- I-- (scoffs)

I suppose now I'd better get down all the books

on the reading list.

Which ones do you want to start with first?

- Which books?

- That's right genius.

You'll never learn anything

by just reading the nearest ones.

- (scoffs) I hardly know where to start.

- Hmm!

To think, you're our star pupil.


(mellow music) (banging)

- All right.

One, two, three, four-- - William?

- Drogo, I'm counting.

I'll start again.

- What are you doing?

- I'm measuring out my pig yard.

- Your what?

- I'm gonna farm this land.

- (sighs) What is going on here?

We came here to find the Stone of the Peoples,

now Leon's met up with an old professor

and is engrossed in books,

and you're starting a farm?

- Wait a minute Drogo calm down.

Listen to me.

We don't have to worry about the quest anymore.

The arrow is safe and sound.

- What are you talking about?

- Vara has been proclaimed queen.

Our work is done, it's over.

- You've been to the Citadel?

- No no she bought her palace here.

It's just past those trees, go have a look.

- The Citadel?

Over there?

Can't be.

- Go see for yourself.

Now excuse me.

One, two, three,

(mellow music) four, five, six.

(dog barks)

- Come on.

Come on, boy.

(eerie breathing)



(leaves rustling) (heavy breathing)

(men chattering)

(paper rustling)

(eerie breathing)


What's going on?

That's Kreel.

- We're planning an aqueduct for the northern province.

I promised it to them last year after the drought.

- I mean this place.

These guards, are they holding you prisoner?

- Don't be silly they're the royal guards.

I'm Queen.

- But the quest.

The crystal arrow?

- Oh, that's right, it's here.

It's here.

There it is.

Beautiful isn't it?

- [Drogo] It's over?

- That's right.

Now why don't you go and find yourself a room downstairs.

I've got an awful lot of work to do.

Good boy. (dog grunts)

- The arrow, right there?

The citadel?

Queen Vara the First?

(pig snorting)

- Ha!

(exploding) (pig squealing)

Never go unarmed, ever.

Didn't I teach you anything?

- Father?

(dramatic music) (grunts)

- Why, why!

- I really did think you'd be out of that by now.

- I want to know why you are holding me prisoner.

- This is your wish.

You wanted to test yourself,

face the darkness within yourself.

- I have enough darkness with Kreel,

I don't need any more to test me.

- You wanted to confront your own dark side.

You're intrigued.

Fascinated by it.

The power and malignancy of it.

That's what I am.

Your own blackness.

- This is nonsense.


- I've told you your powers will not work in the valley.

- Ugh!

They have never deserted me before.

- Except this time.

It's all part of the test.


- Ugh!

- You must find and use your long-forgotten human skills.

You must run and sweat and fight and k*ll

like one of those you protect.

- Never.

I have never k*lled, I can't.

- You'll learn.


- Ugh!

- First, you must learn to run.

- How did you get here father?

I don't understand.

- I'm here to teach you to hunt.

You want that don't you?

Yes, but I thought you were,

didn't you at home when the warriors came?

- Which warriors were they, son?

- They att*cked us in our settlement.

I saw you fighting them.

I saw you hurt!

- Well as you can see they didn't k*ll me.

Now, that's all over and done with.

Past history.

Come on now, if you want me to teach you to hunt

you must get a move on.

- Of course.

Now I'm ready to pass on everything my father taught me.

You want that don't you?

Yes thank you father.

(mellow music)

- Good.



(clicks tongue) Really?

Think Leon, by the spirit, think.

- I always get that wrong.

- Always isn't good enough,

not if we're true phoilosophers.

- I'll never be as good as the ancients.

- Ah, hard work, attention to detail,

every spare hour spent reading the texts.

- The one book I truly need is missing.

- And what might that be?

- The Alchemical Kalia.

There were three copies, all destroyed.

- There were four copies.

- What?

- Every book, there's always an extra copy made

and it's always sent here.

- The Alchemical's here?

- I suppose you want me to fetch it?

Hmm. (mellow music)


- (sighs) So, we've decided to get married.

We were betrothed in Aboria.

- I found these tools under the bush just over there.

In near-perfect condition.

See this proves this land was cultivated.

- But before the wedding there has to be the challenge.

- I could have a fully fledged crop here

in a couple of months.

- It's the Arborian way.

Before the marriage, the challenge.

You will come to the ceremony?

- Oh, I'm gonna be quite busy.

I'm gonna have to find seeds and livestock.

- No matter.

- We need corn or wheat.

Yes, you need bread.

- Come, let's choose the right challenge.

(thudding) (birds chirping)

(mellow music)

- Gadrith?

Where have you come from?

- Just over the hill.

- (scoffs) That's amazing, I was just thinking about you.

Well, can you stay?

I wanna show you what I'm planning to build here.

- Yes, I can stay.

As long as you like.

(heavy breathing)


- William, help me. (vocalizing)

Help me now.

- I'm gonna build a pig yard over there.

- [ Kalem] I need you William.

Come to me, help me now.

- Oh no Kalem,

I'm not gonna fall for that one again.

You're not in any danger.

Oh, it's nothing.

Come inside.

- Please, William.

I beg you.

- You cannot run forever.

- No.

(whooshing) Ugh!

- [Darkness] You know there's only one way to end this.

- I will never fight, it is not our way!

- I'm coming Kalem.

Fight me Kalem.

Fight me!

- Do you require assistance?

- I can't find the page I want.

- Which is that?

- Everyone says this book contains

the secret to life immortal.

- Cloth ears, blinkin' eyes.

What would you say that was?

- It wasn't there, I looked at this page.

I did, it wasn't there.

- I thought by now your excuses might have improved.

(paper rustling)

- How are your potatoes comin' along, then?

- Your majesty must rest.

You have been working all day.

- There's too much to do.

- Then you must eat.

You cannot continue without sustenance.

- Put it there.

- the last time I did that you gave it to the dog.

(dog grunts)

- I promise.

- The kitchen has prepared your favorite.

I shan't disturb you again.

(wolf howling) (fire crackling)

- Tomorrow, I'll teach you to trap game.

- This is just like he used to be at home before, you know.

- Don't keep bringing that up.

- But I saw you fighting them.

I saw the warriors cut you down.

Just before I ran.

- That was a trick boy.

I pretended to be hurt, lured them on and struck 'em down.

- Then why didn't you come for me?

Why didn't you find me?

- You were gone.

- I saw the wounds on your chest.

You don't even have the scars.

- What do you think these are?

(wolf howls)

- They weren't there before.

- What are you talking about Drogo?

- Nothin.


- You're in a strange mood this evening.

- (blowing)

- Good morning Your Majesty.

- Good morning Kreel.

- Your Majesty.

- I said I will not be bothered by such trivia.

Now leave me!

(dog whines)

(sighs) It is my duty.

(heavy breathing)

- Spirits of Kayla.

Guide me.

I cannot do this.

I have never harmed another.

(eerie breathing)

I've lived my entire life by this law.

I cannot break it.

- Kalem.

You've run all night.

Will you run all day?

How long can you run?

How long before you come out and fight me?


- No!


- I warned you, you must strike me down

or I must strike you down.

- As you carry a crossbow, it seems only fitting

to recreate one of William Tell's legendary feats.

- I sh**t an apple from the top of your head.

- Then I sh**t one from the top of yours.

(birds chirping)

Well, this is what a tradition permits.

- Well, will you go first?

- It's a woman's right to go first.

- As you choose.

- Hold me for the last time or forever.

(romantic music)


- Would you like a drink Will?

After all that hard work you deserve one.

- Thank you.


Good day.

- William.


- There's one.

- Three petals, green stamen.

- The leaves, aren't they supposed to be trifoliate?

- Heptafoliate.

This is it, this is the one.

We just need one more.

- The marsh ragwort.

- Buds only.

They're no good if they're open.

- Would you like a drink Leon?

Looks like thirsty work.

- We can't stop now.

Do you realize we are one ingredient

from discovering the secret to eternal life?

- Well, just one drink, you know, send you on your way.

- We can't waste any more time here professor.

I think I saw some marsh buttons over here.

(birds chirping)

- To trap a deer you need to convince them they're safe.

If they smell you to soon, they'll be off.

Once they're in, they're yours.

They won't get out of this one.

We will watch from up there.

What's wrong?

Come on.

(dramatic music)

- This is disappointing.

- Do what you want.

I really did expect better.

- You cannot force me to v*olence.

- I'll give you a chance to think about it.

(whooshing) (exploding)



- Gadrith?

Watch this.


The green apple.

(thuds) (whooshing)


(laughs) I missed.

- Does your Majesty approve?

- Yes.

Yes I think these'll do nicely.

- Excellent.

Well, all the materials and sewing implements

are here ready for Your Majesty.

- Ready for me?

- Oh indeed.

The uniforms are essential .

You promised them to the guards,

and as there are no seamstresses

in the citadel at the moment...

- I suppose I must do it, mustn't I?

- I think you must.

- [Vara] (sighs) All right.

You better leave me to it.

(dog grunts)

Go away, Alvar.

(dog whimpers)


(rustling) (panting)

- My pack.

- Father.

- I left it down in the hollow.

- It'll be safe down there.

- That's not the point.

There are some things in it which I need.

Slip down and get it for me son.

- But the trap--

- Don't worry that it's right at the bottom.

I left my pack a couple of paces up the slope.

Up against that tree.

- All right.

Sure you need it?



- It's not right.

Cooking in a great library.

And dogs.

(dog grunts)

- It's not cooking, it's an experiment.

No, no it's not.

this is a great moment in science.

- Watch that, it mustn't boil.


It's done.

- Now you must try it.

- What if...

- What if what?

- What if it's not right.

- Ah, always your problem Leon.

Never the conviction to push forward to the conclusion.

You'll never be a great philosopher.

- If I make a mistake I'll just be a dead philosopher.

You saw all the warnings in the Alchemica.

- Pish pish pish.

- We need a guinea pig.

- The only guinea pig available here is that dog.

(dog grunts) - Alvar?

I can't use Alvar to try it out.

He trusts me, what can I tell the others if I k*lled 'em.

No we can't give it to Alvar.

- Ah.

Drink up, Alvar.

It's good for you.

- No, you can't.


(dramatic music)

- You were offered the opportunity to fight me

and you refused.

I will not k*ll.

- The Sacred Valley insists on a life.

Now you must choose.

Whose will it be?

- I will not k*ll.

- The question is will it be you,

or will you choose another to take your place.


- (thuds) (whooshing)



- Your turn next my love.

(thuds) (grunts)

(intense music)

- Always strike when your prey thinks he's safe.

- Father, what's going on!

- And if your prey escapes from the first trap,

be sure to get him with the second.

- What is going, father stop!

- You should have learnt the lesson!

- Father stop!

(whooshing) (grunts)

- Maybe this fuming gas will help you concentrate.

The valley requires a life.

It can be you or can be another,

of your choosing.

- As though I would.

- The choice is yours,

but you must be quick.

It won't be long before the gas suffocates you.

You only have to say the word.

It need not be you.


Your powers will not work here,

I thought you understood that.

You're as vulnerable as the rest of them.

- I will not k*ll.

- You need not.

You are merely choosing another to die.

- I will not, to choose this to do your evil bidding.

- Then, it will be you.

- I had to.

I had to do it.




- (gasps) Son?

- No, I'm not!

- Drogo, what happened?

- Get away from me!

You're not, you're not one of us!

- Drogo, I'm your father!

- You're nobody's father!

You're not one of the wolf tribe!

- Of course I am!

What's happening to me?

I don't believe in you anymore, you do not exist!

- Drogo!

Don't do this!

Drogo! - I'm not listening, I'm not!

- Drogo I beg of you!


(dramatic music)

- I know what you're doing!

You're taking these things out of our heads

and making them real!

You're trying to destroy us!

All of us!

And I'm not going to let you!

(eerie breathing)

- I just wanna check this one more time.


- Take one. (coughs)

Anyone but William.

- Good.

Well done,

but the valley demands your most precious sacrifice.

And this William,

- [Kalem] Not William!

- is clearly the most precious.


- Vara!


- [Vara] Do you have an appointment?

- Vara, look at me.

- I'm too busy.

- (sighs) Vara we're in danger.

The valley's trying to k*ll us.

- That's a security matter, see the Captain of the Guard.

He deals with all that.

- There is no Captain of the Guard.

There's no Guard.

None of this exists.

- Please Drogo I'm too busy to play.

- This is not a game, Vara, I'm serious!

The valley is trying to trick us.

- This is treason.

My people need me.

They are not conjuring a trick.

- Vara, they're not there.

- (sighs) Guards!

- I'm going to get Leon, I'll be back for you.

(footsteps thudding)

- Let him go, he's insignificant.

(paper rustling)

(romantic music)

- William.


- Oh.


- Come with me.

- Where are we going?

- You'll see.

(eerie breathing)

- Will!


Will! (sighs)

No, Leon's closer.

- Are you sure Albar is alright?

Where is he?

- Albar.

(dog grunts)


Here he is.

The dog is fine.

(dog grunts)

- What more proof do you require?

- None.

- Didn't have the courage of your own convictions.

You know you followed the instructions to the letter,

now enjoy your rewards.

(door squeaks and bangs)

- [Drogo] Ah!

(splashing) (clattering)

- Have you taken leave of your senses!

- It's trying to k*ll us, Leon.

This place, this valley, wants us dead.

Everything here, this place, these books,

him, they don't exist!

They're just made from our heads.

They're dreams turned evil.

- This is nonsense.

This is an outrage!

Where is your evidence?

You need documentary proof!

You must prove this thesis!

Ah, help!

- They take what we love most and use it against us.

- All of us.

It wants to destroy all of us.

- If only.

- William's in danger, and Kalum I think.

You must do something.

- What?


(melancholy music)

- Run William!

Run, it's a trap!

There are two of us, look!

She is evil I am the real Kalem, ah!

- Thank You Gadreth.

Your work is done.


(dramatic music)

- Run William!

- Stop, I command you.

(eerie breathing)

- This way.

- No.

This way.

- Lie down, William.

You must prove that you have chosen.

Whether it is to be you or him.


You must give into the valley, personally.

Aim for the heart.

It's quickest.

- Ah! (grunting)

It is done.

You've done well.

- Not well enough.

- I'm impressed.

How did you do it?

Ah, the vision crystal.

Very clever.

- (laughs) He used the vision crystal

to create an image of himself.

(eerie breathing)

- But you will not find me as pliable.

(thuds) (whooshing)


- Kalem, concentrate!

She only exists because you let her.

She'll be out soon.

- It's hard she is a part of me.

- Stop it Kalem.

Kalem look at me!

- Come on, think.

- Stop!

- Ignore her, she's no part of you.

She has to be destroyed.


(triumphant music)

- We must rescue the others.

- All right everybody, keep your minds clear.

Give it the slightest opening and the valley

will create more images to block our way.

- I know where Vara is.

- All right, Leon you go with him.

I know where to find Aruna.

We'll meet at the place where we entered the valley!

(eerie breathing)

- Arlon, what are you doing?

- Goodbye my love.

(thudding) (whooshing)


It's alright, Aruna, he's not real.

Look what he tried to do, he's not real, believe me!

(exhales sharply)


(birds chirping)

- Is she alright Leon?

- She's just unconscious I think.


(whooshing) - Oh, what's going on?

- Alright listen everyone.

The warriors didn't follow us into the valley.

They're not real.

- He's right.

- Let's run for it!


(melancholy music)

- Books.

Seduced by books, unbelievable.

- (laughs) typical, if you ask me.

- So the Stone of the Peoples was just a trick

to protect the crystal arrow?

- I'm afraid so princess, none of it was real,

none of the people.

It was all created from our minds.

- And I had to face the dark side of myself,

without my powers, to see if I could survive,

if I could be genuinely victorious.

- You knew it wasn't really me, didn't you Kalem?

At the sacrifice?

- Of course.

- At least you didn't have any strange visions Alvar.

- (Drogo) Maybe he did.

(laughing) (dog grunting)

Come on, Alvar.

(dramatic music)

- You are learning, William Tell.
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