Bells of Rosarita (1945)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Bells of Rosarita (1945)

Post by bunniefuu »

How many brother?

Where's Slim Phillips?

Slim Phillips is on the inside.



You old sonofagun.

Slim, you old rattlesnake.

Doggone Gabby, you
haven't changed a bit.

You darn tootin' I ain't.

And I'm just as full
of fight as ever.

What are you doing back here?


You remember Sue, don't you?

Hello Mr. Phillips.

Not little Susie Farnum?


Well, you're all grown up.

Say, I was terribly
sorry about your father.

What happened to the circus
after he passed away.

Well, its in winter
quarters now at the ranch.

That's one of the
reasons we're here, Slim.

We need your help.

Some place we can go and talk?

Of course, right inside.

You'll see also Moroccan moments

and exotic review participated
in by real Moroccan women.

That's a not for
nothing now folks.

Don't be bashful.

Step up and get your
tickets right now.

Of course I remember your father

borrowing money from Ripley.

But I also remember
him paying it back.

Well, we can't find
no proof it was paid.

Unless we do, Sue
ain't got no circus,

know ranch, know nothin'.

What's the matter Unc?

Oh hello.

Uh, my niece Patty.

This is Gabby Whitaker.

How do you do, ma'am?


And Sue Farnum.

Hello Patty.

It's nice knowing you.

Same here.

Sue's father and I
used to be partners.

Too bad you didn't
stay partners.

We wouldn't be in this fix.

I've got an idea.

Peewee, how'd you like
to go to California?


You mean you might
go back with us?

Well, if I'm on the right track,

we might have a surprise in
store for this Mr. Ripley.

This show closes here
Saturday night anyway.

Oh, Unc.


Movie stars.


Palm trees.

Miss Sue Farnum?


Telegram Miss.

Thank you.

Anything important?

It's from Bill Ripley.

He says he'll meet
us at the station.

Big hearted ain't he?

I've been thinking, Gabby.

Maybe you better not
tell Ripley why I'm here.

I won't.

Come to think of it,
you didn't even tell me.

How you figuring on
outsmarting that polecat, Slim?

Well, I don't want to get
Sue's hopes up until I' m sure.

But I think we ought to be able
to find that receipt somewhere.

You know how Tom Farnum
was about business.

Probably didn't even have
the payment recorded.

Next stop Cabrillo.

Gee, California's a big
place, isn't it Mr. Ripley?

You can't even see
it all from here.


All right, cut it.

Nice work, boys.

Movie cowboy.

Why don't the derned idgits
look where they're going?


Gee, that was pretty close.

Is everybody all right?

Oh yes.

We're just fine, thank you.

Say, yo-you're not Roy Rogers?

That's right ma'am.

Oh, gee.

I think you're
wonderful Mr. Rogers.

I see all of your pictures.

Gee, the way you galloped in
there and grabbed those horses.

Oh, my gosh.

Well, I'm glad nobody's hurt.

You know, you never can
tell about accidents.

Sometimes the
shock sets in late.

Now, if there's anything
I can do, I'd be glad...

Thank you Mr. Rogers.

If we need you,
I'll let you know.

Should we go?

Oh, gosh.

Shake is up Roy.

They want to take it again.

What do you think of that?

I never even got her name.

You ne... Oh my, come on
or we'll never finish.

Gabby, I wonder
who put the tent up.

I don't know.

Well, ah... oh, thanks
for the lift, Bill.

It's always a pleasure.

You going to be with
us long Mr. Phillips?

Well, I can't say as yet.

Well, anyway.

I'll see you before you go.

You probably will.

Well, I'll be seein' ya.

Good bye.




We're glad to be back.

But what is this all about?

We've rented the show
to a movie outfit.


They're making a
picture right here.


And we're all working it.

And who do you
think the star is?

Roy Rogers.

Yeah, we figured
you wouldn't mind.

They're paying us pretty good.


What's the name of the picture?

Bells of Rosarita.

You ought to see
that big Spanish set

they built alongside the creek.

Ah, them phony movie cowboys,
even muscling in on us here.

Yeah, but they're
paying us enough today.

That's why we're rehearsing.

We got to get the live
scene in the picture.

Oh, Gabby.

I suppose it's all right.

Oh, this is Mr. Phillips
and his niece Patty.

We'd better do in and clean up.

We'll see you later.

Come on over and watch us act.

Might do that.


All right.

In a little bit.

That's good.

Now move that other
reflector over.

Get Artie over here will ya?

Hurry up.

Well, this is a surprise.

Hello, Mr. Rogers.

Hello Miss ah...

That's Sue Farnum.

And I'm Patty Philips.

Gee, we're glad you met us.

I mean, we're glad to meet you.

We just came out here to watch.

I hope you don't mind.

We're tickled to
death, glad to have ya.

Now, Miss Farnum if you...

Come on Roy.

Oh, hiya.


Mr. McDonald is yelling...

Take it easy, Bob.

We're having a barbecue
tonight, and it sure

would be swell if
you could come over.

Oh sure.

We'll be glad to, won't we Sue?


Well, I...

That' fine.

We'll be expecting you.

All right.

Roll it.


ROY ROGERS: The bride

dressed lace with
a breath of heaven

on her face sweet as an
angel from the skies.

Her lips hold a smile.

But her heart is
breaking all the while.

And teardrops fill her eyes.

The bells of Rosarita

keep her secrets for their own.

They know she loves another
and her heart is his alone.

Though time doesn't wait, still

perhaps before it
is too late, she

may find what she's dreaming of.

Cut it.

That OK boss?

All right boys. That's it.

Wrap'em up.

That's it.

Wrap it up.

How'd we do, Mr. Rogers?

You were all fine, boys.

I'm a fan, too, Rogers.

That was a good scene.

I'll have to see this picture.

Well, thanks.

I hope you do.

By the way, I understand
one of your men

said you were interested
in some ranch property

in this neighborhood.

Well, I've always
wanted a ranch.

I thought while I was up
here, I'd kind of look around.

Well, I'm going
to put this place

on the market in
a couple of weeks.

Well, is this your place?

Well, practically.

I'm going to take it over.

Oh, now, now, now Roy.

What do you want with a ranch?

You... you... you know
I'm allergic to horses.

And besides, you got
a nice place already.

Well, in case you're interested.

Well, thanks.

I'll think if over.

Excuse me.

Say, what does he mean about
selling this place anyway?

Gosh, I hope it ain't true.

Under a
blanket of blue just you and I

beneath the stars.

Wrapped in the arms of sweet
romance the night is ours.

Under a blanket of blue let me
be thrilled by all your charms.

Darling I know my heart
will dance within your arms.

A summer night magic
enthralling me so.

Moonlight would be
tragic if you weren't

here to share it my dear.

Covered with heaven above.

Let's dream a dream
of love for two

wrapped in the arms of sweet
romance under a blanket of hmm.

La da da.

La da da do doooo.

Bob, you sure can
play that guitar.

How about a little
jitterbugging boy?

Come on.

You asked for it, Patty.

There's nothing like the morning

feeling fresh as
the dew when you're

going where the
staters to behold.

The cow's are in the
meadow and they give me

the moo as I go
singing down the row.

My little dog is tagging
right along with my heels.

He's so happy that he's
hopping like a toad.

And I figure he's a prancing
because he knows how

I feel as I go
singing down the road.

The sun is grand.

My face is tanned.

And I'm so carefree and gay.

And as I hike, I feel just
like the fool kid for a day.

And when my day is over,
there's a girl I'm to meet.

You see but that's
another episode.

My heart and I are backing
up a dream kind of need

as I go singing,
singing down the road.

What happened, Charlie?

They got Mr. Phillips.

Who were they, Charlie.

Well, I didn't get
a good look at 'em.

But I was coming
around the corner

just as they was dragging
him out of the house.

I run after him, but
they started sh**t'.

Come on boys.

Somebody's jimmied this one.

Same here.

Let's get the horses.

Get this car started.

We'll never catch'em now.

We might if we get'em before
they reach the highway.

Why would anyone want
to kidnap my uncle?

I don't know, Patty.

Well, that's that.

We might as well go back and
let the sheriff handle it.

Yeah, might as well.

Well, thanks for
trying anyway boys.

That's a serious charge, Sue.

Bill Ripley ain't exactly
the kidnapping type.

I didn't say he did it, Sheriff.

But he's the only
one who had a motive.

Well, if it will make
you feel any better,

I'll have a talk with him.

Thank you.

Sug, are you sure
they didn't get Gabby?

Well, when Charlie saw'em
they only had Mr. Phillips.

If I only had Gabby
here to talk to.


Oh, he's hurt.

Bless your heart.

I was sh*t.

Oh, they got me.

Somebody get a doctor.

Look, I'm bleeding to death.

Looks to me like strawberry jam.


Strawberry jam?

Well, don't stand there
like a bunch of idgits.

Get me a handful of crackers.

I'll get them critters if
it's the last thing I ever do.

Better snap it up, Roy.

Crews waiting for us.

I was just thinking
about last night, Bob.

There's something
funny about those men

making off with Phillips.

I wonder why they took him.

Who knows.

Whatever it was, it's
none of our business.

Well, I'm not sure about that.

Hello young fellas.

Come on in.


Hi Roy.

Hello Jimmy.

What can we do
for you gentlemen?

Oh nothin'.

We just heard you were
leaving and dropped over

to say good by.

Well, gee, that's
mighty nice of ya.

Well, bye Roy.

Well, bye.

So long Eddie.


Bye Tommy.

Good bye.

So long fellas.

Is there anything
else we do for ya?

Well, ah... ah...


We was wonderin' if you'd sing
that about Texas before you go.

You mean now?

Yes Sir.

Right now.

All right.

Get me a guitar, Bob.

build a big fence around Texas.

Around Texas, way around Texas.

Gonna build big
fence around Texas

so they can't
steal my baby away.

She's the lovinest baby
around Texas, around Texas,

around Texas.

And the fellows all
know it in Texas.

That's the reason
I worry each day.

That's that lumber piling high,

gonna build it to this sky.

A big job to do I know, but
she's mighty sweet and so.

Gonna build a big
fence around Texas,

around Texas way around Texas.

Gonna build a big
fence around Texas

so they can't
steal my baby away.

She's got that Texas

sunshine in her smile.

Thrills the cowboys,
kills the cowboys.

She's got those Lone Star
moonbeams in her eyes.

See what I'm up against.

My troubles have just commenced.

Gonna build a big
fence around Texas,

around Texas, around Texas.

Gonna build a big
fence around Texas

so they can't
steal my baby away.

Well, thanks a lot boys.

That was fine.

So long.


I knew you were up to something.


Good bye.

So long fellas.

Good bye.

What's on your minds boys?

Well, we've seen all
your pictures, Roy.

They're super.

Especially that last one.

Oh, you mean the
one where I come

crashing through
the roof and I...

Yeah, that's the one.

That was sure swell
when you go out

and capture they
guy who was trying

to take the ranch
away from the girl.

Boy, if you hadn't a come along,

I guess she'd a lost
the ranch, wouldn't she?

Well, I guess she
would all right.

Yeah, well, it's been
nice seeing you fellas.

Now if you'll ah...
They're waiting for us

downstairs so if
you'd... if you'd...

We been thinking Roy.

Well, come on,
out with it, Jimmy.

Well, as long as
you're already here,

we was thinking maybe if
you'd help Sue and us,

she wouldn't lose her ranch.

Just like in the picture.

Look, fellas.

That's ah... that's
just in the picture.

It's all make believe.

Roy and I are actors.

We only saved the ranch
because... because the script

says so.

Now if...

Hold it, Bob.

You mean that somebody
really is trying

to take her ranch away from her?

The ranch and the
circus and everything.

Roy, will you please...

You boys run on
back to the ranch.

Bob and I'll come up later.

I don't know what
we can do for you.

But we'll sure try anyway.

You mean you'll help?

You mean you'll try
to do something?


Oh gee, thanks Roy.
Boy Roy, thanks a million.

See you later, boys.



Any news from Slim Phillips?

I'm sorry Sue, but we've been
over every foot of the desert

within 10 miles of here.

And there isn't a trace of him.

Sure beats me how he got
swallered up like that.

Well, thank you anyway, Roy.

I guess there just isn't
much anyone can do.

Mr. Rogers, I owe
you an apology.

Kid's told me what
you done, and now I

know you ain't just
a hero on the screen.

If you fellers will
have me, I'd... I'd kind

of like to join up.

Well, thanks Gabby.

We'd be glad to have ya.

You know I'm a rootin'
tootin' sh**t' cowhand.

And my trigger finger
is just itching

to get even with them varmints.

Careful Scotty.

You'll tear that canvas.

Ah, what's the difference.

We won't own it after this week.

Is it as bad as that?

I'm afraid it is, Roy.

Sue, I wish you'd let me...

Thank you, Roy.

We'll pull through somehow.

If these was the
good old days, we

could hoist the big up
anywhere and make money

enough to pay off
that skunk, Ripley.

Well, why don't you?

These aren't the good old days.

Then we had more than just
a tent and a few props.

We had a show to go with
it, big names, big acts.

Say, could you have
this tent up in Cabrillo

by tomorrow night?

What do mean?

I mean could you be
ready to put on a show,

if you had a show, and
someone to attract customers?

Well, I don't... Gabby,
what do you think?

You're dern tootin' we could.

Well, hold everything.

When the circus came to town.

All the clowns
were tumbling down.

The tigers roared.

The lions looked bored, and the
man in the back yelled whoa.



Popcorn and cr*cker jacks!

A prize in each and every pack.

Oh, the monkey got away.

Grabbed a man by his toupee.

The old folks smiled.

The kids went wild.

And the the man in
the back yelled whoa.



Popcorn and cr*cker jacks.

A prize in each and every pack.

The acrobats gave us a fright.

You closed your eyes
and held me tight.

Someone laughed,
we turned to see.

The crowd was laughing
at you and me.

But we didn't even care.

When they all began to stare.

We hugged and squeezed.

The elephant sneezed.

And the man in the
back yelled whoa.



Popcorn and cr*cker jacks.

Prize in each and every pack.

When the circus came to town.

Hold it Rogers.

What's the matter, Sheriff?

You're all under arrest, Rogers.

I told you there were no circus
parades allowed in this town.

Oh, but this isn't
a circus parade.

Then what do you call it?

This here is a
funeral procession.

If you're trying to be funny...

Funeral procession?

Who's dead?

Poor Oscar.

Back there in the band wagon.

I suppose you've got
a burial certificate.

Yes Sir.

Signed and sealed by the doctor.

Everything's in order.

A duck?

So you see Sheriff, this isn't
a circus parade after all.

The only reason we were
playing this kind of music

is because, well,
Oscar loved it so well.

It was the poor
critter's dying wish.

He says to me, just
'fore he laid down,

Gabby he says, says he,
no sad and sorrowful

music when I'm gone.

I want folks to be
happy and gay like.

Them was his very words, Tom.

Shall... shall we go ahead
with the burying ceremony?

Think I better wait
outside and keep watch?

Nobody will be around.

They're all up to
the circus grounds.

It's going to be
a sweet job trying

to find a receipt in here.

Never mind that.

Check the trunk.

I'll go through the desk.

Gabby, that car looks familiar.

Kind of looks like
the one them fellers

used when they
snatched Phillips.

Hey, somebody's comin'.


Hello there.

We was just looking for you.

How'd you know we was here?

Went up to the circus grounds,
and they told us that ah...

I see.

Hey, Rogers, I was
wondering if you're

still interested in the place?

Heard you were going to
leave in a couple days

and thought we'd
better drop down

and... oh, this is Mr. Maxwell.



Hello there.

As a matter fact,
Mr. Ripley, I have

been thinking about this ranch.

If you've got a
couple of minutes,

I'd like to talk
to you about it.

All the time in the world.

Well, we're going in the house
and pick up a couple of things.

Be back in a minute.

Go right ahead.

Roy, what are you talking about?

You're not thinking of...

Bob, I've got a hunch
they're up to something.

When they leave here, they're
a cinch to talk about it.

And you're going to listen
in to what they have to say.

How am I going to do that?

Get into the back of
the car and ride with'em.

Roy, you've been
seeing too many movies.

Now, listen, Bob, I
thought you wanted to help.

Well, sure I want to help.


I'll get'em away from the car.

Gabby, you give him a hand.


The boys are getting
their things together.

Now, Mr. Ripley, what kind of a
deal are you prepared to offer?

Well, I hadn't
exactly set a price.

I'd like to show you around.

Well, let's go.

Come on.

Let me go instead of you, Bob.

I'm more fit, I tell you.

Oh, now.

Roy wouldn't like
it, and besides,

this is a job for a young man.

Well, I'm younger than I look.

I got all the fire
of flamin' youth.

Sorry Gabby.

I'm going to have to refuse ya.

You can't refuse me.


Gabby Whitaker
that stopped a herd

of stampeding cattle
all by myself?

There was thousands
of 'em comin' right at me.

In front of 'em was a wild bull.

What do you 'spose I done?

What did you do, Gabby?

I just stood there, calm-like,
and throwed the bull.

You thr... I got to...

Look, look, I... I... I'll
choose ya, fair and square.


The one that gets
the straw stays here.

Look, Roy told me
that I had to do it.

And I'm going...

I'm going to give
you the best one.

I'm going to give
you the first choice.

Go ahead.

Go on.

Man that gets the straw stays?

Gee, I didn't realize
it was so late.

I'm afraid we're going
to make it another time.

Suppose I get in touch
with you in the morning.

That'll be fine.

All right.


Well, see you in
the morning then.

Thanks for coming over.

Don't mention it.

Hey, look out.

Hiya Boss.

Hello Boss.

When you got him?

He's out in the back tied up.

How long we gotta
keep this guy here?

Until I find the
paper I'm looking for.

If this Phillips knows where it
is, maybe we can make him talk.

That's just what I
don't want you to do.

If he finds out why
he was snatched,

it'll tie me in with it.

I've got to be kept out
of this thing, understand?


We understand, but
what are you going

to do with him after you
find what you're looking for.

I don't know yet.

But all you got to worry
about is keeping him here.

I'll let you know later.

If that's the way you want it.

Hey, the car's gone.

Must be some crooks around here.


How do you like that.

You mean that all the time
you were in the back end

of that car, you
didn't hear a thing?

Well, I could hear
the motor roaring

I can still hear
that dadblamed thing.

And you haven't any
idea where they took ya?

Let him alone, Bob.

You had no business letting
him go in the first place.

I asked you to go.

I know, Roy,
but... well, we drew

straws for it fair and square.

Hey, there was one
place where there

must have been a 20 foot drop.

That's where I got
this bump on my noggin.

I'll bet that was
the old dry wash.

Yes Sir.

That's the way the went.

Well, let's go and see if
we can pick up their trail.

I ought to be able to do it.

I can remember ever... ow, bump.

Here are their tracks all right.

It looks like the
tracks fade out here.

Say Gabby, do you remember
if the car went straight

ahead after you came through
the wash or did it make a turn?

Oh, I couldn't say.

I was bouncing
around too dern much.

Let's see now.

I do remember a
few minutes later,

we must have passed
close to a skunk.

And I mean close.

Pee yuey.

That ought to be an
easy scent to pick up.

Yeah, well let's fan out
and see what we can find.

Hey Gabby.

Here's our spot.


Critter's been here
all right and recently.

Here's the tracks again.


Head for that rise yonder.

This is it.

The old mine shaft
around the corner.

Why in tarnation didn't
I think of that before?

Let's leave our horses
here and go on foot.

There may be trouble.

Now we're in for it.

It looks like it.

I'm going to try a sh*t through
that window just for sign.

Hold it Gabby.

If Phillips is in
there, you might hit him.

Well, just can't
stand around and see

all the sh**t'
one sided, can we?

Well, we're just in
time for supper anyway.

They got a fire going in there.

I was just noticing that.

I did that in a picture once.

Sit down and stay where you are.

Hey, throw some
water on that fire

before we're all
smoked outta here.

Get out to that
barrel and fill it up.

And don't try to get away.

We got you covered.

Come here, come on.

Get a move on.

Hold it.

It's Phillips.

He's goin' for water.

Come on.

Get in here.

You might as well
give up fellas.

There's 20 men out there.

And they've got the
place surrounded.

We'll choke to death in here.

Take their g*ns, Gabby.

You all right, Mr. Phillips?

Yeah, now, thanks to you Rogers.

Well, what'd you find out?

Well, one thing, Lawson and
Gorse haven't talked yet.

And as far as the sheriff knows,
it was just a kidnapping job.

I did a little snooping
around that circus tent too.

Phillips was
talking to the girl,

and from what I could make out,
that receipt you're looking for

is in the vault
over at the bank.

That means they'll
be at the bank

the first thing in the morning.

Unless we ah...

Heliah helioh heliah oh.


Trail herding cowboy hop
on your pony singing ho.

Start riding now boy.

We'll make San
Antony singing ho.

Long weary days and the
dusty roads of travel.

But we'll make the boss pay for
all this battle drivin' cattle.

Ride hard and carefree, trail
herding cowboys singing ho.

Keep moving dogies.

Time is a wasting singing ho.

I'm not impatient, but why
don't you hasten singing ho.

You ought to know that a
certain someone's waitin'.

You ought to know that to cast
the bait and confiscating.

Arms will enfold this trail
herding cowboy singing ho.

One little dogie strayed
from his mother singing ho.

Roll a long.

I don't know why I
should give more of these.

That's a nice looking brace
of g*ns you got there, Bill.

Thank you kindly.

The place is packed, and
we're still selling tickets.

I don't know where we're
going to put them all.

Well, gee, that's swell.

You don't
know what this means to me.

Maybe after the
excitement's all over

I can, well, think of some way
to tell you how grateful I am.

It's nice to be here, Sue.

Well, I'm glad Roy asked me.

This night's going
to be a lot of fun.

They've just blown
the bank vault.

There were about six of them.

They sh*t one of the Sheriff's
men and took off cross country.

Well, g*ng, if we
were making a picture,

right here is where
somebody's holler A. Let's go.

Gabby, you get the
show started, and we'll

be back as soon we can.

How do you know he'll be back?

Come on Gabby.

It's time to start the show.

They can't leave me behind.

Get somebody else
to start the show.

I'll bring'em back
single handed.


Hey, there's a car behind us.

They got our front tire.

They got the gas t*nk.

Hey look.

We haven't a chance.


Let's take'em boys.

They're racing.

One to a man.

You're gonna do a lot of
damage with those blanks.

All right.

Come on out.

We got you covered.

Get up on your feet.

I'm sorry I had to do that.

As a rule, I'm a
peace loving man.

Get out of here.

Here's what I've
been looking for.

Come on.

Get up there on the horse.

Get goin'.

Looks like everybody
got their man.

Well, here they are, Sheriff.

Well, I'll be doggoned.

Say, Roy, this is just
like one of your movies.

Yeah, Roy, but your pictures
always finish with music.

Holy mackerel, the show.

Come on boys.

Sue, I think this is what
you've been looking for.


I knowed blame well that
receipt was somewhere.

All right, stand by boys.

tonight's biggest attraction,

Republic's great western stars.

And here they come, Sunset
Carson riding Silver, Don Barry

riding Cyclone, Bob
Livingston riding Shamrock.

Allan Lane riding Banner.

Wild Bill
Elliott riding Thunder.

And Roy Rogers riding Trigger.

When the circus came to town.

All the clowns
were tumbling down.

The tigers roared.

The lions looked bored.

And the man in the
back yelled whoa.



Popcorn and cr*cker jacks.

A prize in each and every pack.

Oh, the monkey got away.

Grabbed a man by his toupee.

The old folks smiled.

The kids went wild.

And the man in the
back yelled whoa.



Popcorn and cr*cker jacks.

A prize in each and every pack.

When the circus came to town.

When the circus came to town.

The bells of Rosarita

keep her secret for their own.

They know she loves another
and her heart is his alone.


Though time doesn't wait still
perhaps before it is too late,

she may find what
she's dreaming of.

For the bells of Rosarita
may ring out amen.
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