03x01 & 03x02 - Odd Beginnings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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03x01 & 03x02 - Odd Beginnings

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is the Big O.

I'm in charge of an organization made up of kids like these.

And also these.

But not these.

We investigate anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

Take cover!


[laser zapping]



[Big O] We are Odd Squad.

[Opal] Odd Beginnings.

[Omar] Wait, I see something.

[Opal] It's a perfect match!

Careful, don't damage it.

[gadget beeping]

We did it.

After all this time, Omar, we finally did it!

[both] Yeah!

[rocks rumbling]

So, maybe next time don't yell inside an ice cave.


[both] Run!

[heavy thud]

[rocks clattering]

Close one.

[loud rumbling]


Activate escape gear.

[Opal] We gotta get out of here!

-[Omar] Go, go! -[Opal] Let's move!


Watch out, a snowman!

[Omar] Uh-oh. Snow family!

[Opal] Snow extended family!

Over here!

[loud rumbling]


Let's get this back to headquarters.

[Opal] Mr. O! Mr. O!

[Omar] You won't believe what we've found.

Oh, hey. There you two are.

Something very odd has happened!

You know how every single snowflake is unique

-and looks different? -Mm-hm.

We found two snowflakes that are exactly the same!

No, no, no!

The snowflakes melted!


The first odd problem we've found in years

-and it's gone. -Hey,

I know how it feels to lose something.

I can't find my glasses anywhere.

They're on your face.

[quietly] Yes!

Okay, you're upset, I get it.

But, what would you say if I offered you

some brand new machines, huh?


You mean, we finally get--

[both] Gadgets?!


-We're gonna get gadgets! -We got gadgets!

No. No, not at all.

It's way too cold up here for gadgets.

But, feast your eyes on this...

Lever and fulcrum.


How is that a machine?

Yeah, it doesn't have wires or batteries

-to make it work. -It's a simple machine.

You use the force of your own body

to make it work.

See that life-sized snow sculpture of me?

[shouting alarm]

[whispering] Where did it come from?

I don't know. Please don't ask.

Here, take this.

Now, if I wanted to lift it just myself...

[grunting in exertion]

Can't do it.

But if I put the fulcrum down here...

And add the lever...

Done. A simple machine makes work easier.

-[loud crash] -Whoopsies,

that wasn't supposed to happen.

Oh well. Hey,

turn those frowns upside down.

Here, I bundled a bunch of machines

in something I call...

the Bag... O'...

-[heavy thud] -...Machines.

Figured you could use them on your next case.

We've never had a case in our lives.

[Mr. O] Oh, yeah.

Still, it's pretty fun to hold stuff,

am I right?


Oh, great. My computer froze again.

Ugh, this is ridiculous!

We should be in a place where we can investigate

anything strange, weird, and especially odd.

Are you just doing the saying?

A little...

We gotta do something big, Omar.

Something that'll get us noticed by the Big O,

then she'll transfer us to any Odd Squad we want.

But how? It took us forever

to find those symmetric snowflakes.

It's not like another adventure's

-just gonna fall in our laps. -Letter for Opal.

Okay, I said our laps, that's the desk.

It's from my friend, Oswald.

"Dear Opal...

I found the map."


He did it!

He found the map.

He found the map!

I am confused.

Who is Oswald and what map?

Oswald works at an Odd Squad museum

in New York City and the map

is the way to find the -leafed clover.

Wait,the-leafed clover?

Isn't that the clover that...

Is times luckier than a -leafed clover

and basically grants you magical powers.

But it's not real. Even Big O said so.

It's not real.

[reporters clamouring]

I thought the clover was made up too, but look.

One leaf, two leaves, three...

It's , trust me.

I counted it twice.

It's real!

There was this big battle between

villains and agents for who would control it.

Odd Squad won, obviously.

This agent was tasked with guarding the clover,

but what happened to the clover after that...

[whispering] No one knows.

But now, Oswald has a way to find it.

This is a major part of Odd Squad history.

We get this, we're heroes.

-Okay, I'm all in. -Yes!

And I finally have something to post on Oddstagram account,

other than photos of icicles

that look like really famous people.

This is a top-secret mission.

Like any villain's gonna see this.

You're right.

[both] Cheese!

Sister Sally, look at this Oddstagram photo.

clover emojis under it.

Sister Sally, could it be

they are on the trail of the clover?

Only one way to find out.

[both cackling]

Wait! How do we find out?

We track them down.

Oh, yeah. Good one.

[both chuckling evilly]


-[Opal] Omar! -[Omar] Yeah!

New York City, here we come!

[both] New York City!


We did it!

All right, all right.

Oswald's office is... that way.

I think that we should go that way.

-Why? -More souvenir stores!

Can't argue with that!

Welcome to the Museum of Natural Odd.

Can I help you?

I'm Opal, this is my partner, Omar.

I'm friends with Agent Oswald.

I mean, not friends.

I've actually never met him in person.

But we've talked through letters and once on the phone,

but the connection was really bad

because we live in the Arctic--

Okay, is Oswald here?

Absolutely. Let me get him.

Once you prove your real ages!

[both] Huh?

You'd be surprised how many villains

come here disguised as agents.

Also, turtles disguised as agents.

It's actually mostly turtles.

-Definitely not a turtle. -We're not turtles.

If that's true, answer me this:

do you see that painting?

Agent Oofa, commander of the Odd Squad Army

during the Great Worm w*r.

[Oswald] Good.

But that's not my question!

My questions is...

how tall is it?

The-- the thing is,

we don't have a ruler or tape measurer.

We did in the Arctic, but they froze and--


Hey, wait, wait, wait.

We can figure this out.

We can?

Yeah, because...

when I bought this

I asked a lot of questions.


What is this made of?

Steel and a little bit of copper.

-How tall is it? -One foot tall, exactly.

How high can you jump?

This high.


Since I know the exact height of this object is one foot,

I can use it to measure.

So, I line it up like this...

which means this painting is exactly one foot tall.


Now I shall get Agent Oswald, who is...


Oswald! So nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you too. -I love your name--

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Why did you dress up as a security guard?

I'm the only one who works here,

so I have to do all the jobs.

I dress up to make it more fun.


Do you wanna see my janitor outfit?

[Australian accent] He's from Australia.

-No, that's okay. -No, no, no, no, no, no.

You're right, we must find the clover.

Who knows what villains are close behind.

[whispering] Or turtles.

Or before Mr. O realizes that we're gone.

Pfft, like he would even notice.

What do you mean, you sent Opal and Omar

to New York City?

They said they were on a case.

But there are no cases! Nothing odd ever happens here.


Well, that's a first.

[cackling continues]

To be continued...

[lion roaring]

[Opal] Welcome to Arctic headquarters:

Mr. O's Office.

Hi, I'm Mr. O

from the Odd Squad Arctic headquarters.

I'm literally on top of the world.

That's us, under all the snow.

But let me assure you,

just like every other Mr. and Ms. O,

I put my pants on one leg at a time.


my pants are snow pants.

As I'm sure you know,

every Mr. and Ms. O has a favourite drink.

For example, the Ms. O from precinct ...

-[gadget beeping] -...Who is now the Big O...

[gadget beeping]

...Likes juice boxes.

-The Ms. O in Quebec City... -[gadget beeping]

Like gravy.

Me? I like icicles.

But different icicles have different flavours

and the key to knowing which flavour is which

is by measuring the icicles.

That's why I always carry a ruler.

Rulers are used to measure size,

like length, height and width,

making it the perfect tool

for finding my favourite flavour of icicle,

which happens to be five inches long.

This icicle here is four inches long, too short,

plus, it's roast beef flavoured,

more of a dinner thing.

Let's try another.

This icicle is six inches long, too long,

plus, it's parmesan cheese flavoured.


Here's an icicle that looks to be

just about the right size.

Five inches long, that's perfect.

And it's my favourite drink flavour,


Now I just have to wait for it to melt.

And now, the rest of the story.

Uh, who are you?

We are the Sticky Sisters.

And we're really cold.


We're looking for these agents.

Well, they're not here

and I'll never tell you where they went.

Sister Sally...

Sticky tape attack!


They went to New York City!

The -leafed clover has been hiding there the whole time?

Wait, the -leafed clover?

It's real?

-No. -Yes.

Sister Sally!

Sorry, was I supposed to lie?

Yes, of course!

We lie. We're villains.

-Oh, right. Sorry. -Hang on,

you're sisters but you're both named Sally?

-Yes. -No!

Uh, I'm sorry, are we supposed to lie or--

And if these agents are in New York City,

then we shall go to New York City too!

-[cackling] -Whoa!

There's a second New York City?

No, I meant, "too," as in, we're gonna go there also.

You know what?

You all get blasted with tape for that.

-Scotch tape attack! -Duct tape attack!

Mic tap attack!

Regular tape attack!

[Omar] Whoa... How old is this place?

Oh, we opened six months ago.

-Oh. -I'm...

really bad at dusting.


What is all this stuff?

Well, whenever Odd Squad discovers

something really old or important

they send it here, to me.

And sometimes I get sent something

very interesting, indeed.

Like... this!

Oops. Wrong sheet.

Follow me.

Like... this!

Oops. That's an upside-down chair.

I think that's the sheet with the secret thingy under it.

But, I'm gonna peek first, if that's okay with you guys.

-Smart idea. -Sure.

[whispering] Yes, nailed it!

Sometimes I get sent something very interesting, indeed.

Like this map to the -leafed clover!

I don't see a map.

Oh, it's inside the chest.

-Oh... -And I bet we can unlock it

with the clues I found in these.

Let the quiet reading begin.

Step one, press the Odd Squad seal.

Got it!

[all] Whoa!

[both] Keep reading!

Wow, New York is way bigger than I realized.

I know. How are we going to find those agents

so we can take the lucky clover and destroy Odd Squad?

Odd Squad tour tickets!

See all the Odd Squad sights in New York City.

Go everywhere the agents go.

Two tickets please.

[man] All right. Uh, there you go.

-[cackling] -And there you go.

Oh, every time...

You know, we think we would remember this by now.

-Here, I'll grab this one. -I'll grab this one, and...

[both] Pull! And push!

And up! And--

-Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. -Okay.

Uh, do you need any help?

-We're fine. -Happens all the time.

-Thank you. -Okay.

-Oh look, we get free t-shirts. -Ooh!

-Yeah. -I'm a size extra evil.

-Oh, evil for me, please. -One for her.

Uh, [indistinct], just get it.

-Thank you so much! -Have a great day.

-Enjoy! -All right.

[Sticky Sisters cackling]

Now press the rectangle that is exactly two feet long.

But which rectangle is exactly two feet long?

We can use my souvenir again.

Except, it's only one foot long.

We can just measure it two times.

One foot.

Now, I just hold my place and measure again.

There, two feet exactly.

So, that's the one we push.

Let's hope.

Or the whole thing will explode.

[both] Explode?!

With confetti.

But it's still very messy.

[puzzle clattering]

[all] Whoa!

That's the ancient Odd Squad headquarters

where the -leafed clover is hidden.

And where is that headquarters, exactly?


According to this ancient Jackalopian,

it says we can find it deep in the Amazon rainforest.

[Opal] We did it!

We know how to find the -leafed clover!

-[all] Yeah! -And so do we.

Um, are you Odd Squad agents?

-[gasping] -Oh, the shirts.

No, we did a tour.

It was good.

Our real names are the Sticky Sisters.

My name is Sally

and her name is Sally

and we're not gonna bother learning yours.

It's Oswald!

Huh, showed them.

Out of the way so we can take that map!

Or, we could just take a photo.

I mean, it would be way easier.

Oh, yeah, instead of carrying it around.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

-[camera clicking] -Got a picture of it!

No! ???

Aw, it's been fun, Odd Squad.

Sorry you're... stuck here.


Oswald, please tell me there's another way out.

-There's another way out. -Really?

No, I just said that because she told me to.

-[Omar] What? -I'm sorry, sorry...

[Omar] Come on, guys.

[groaning in effort]


I found some string in my pocket.

I'll make a lasso

and grab those scissors off that desk.

And then you'll cut us free?

I was gonna cut paper dolls

to make us feel better, but, um...

that works too.

[tape ripping]

The tape wore off!

Time to call the Big O and tell her what happened.

Ah, right...

We have terrible reception up here.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to tell

the Big O in person.

That's a coat closet!

I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here.

One more time!

Heave! Ho!


It's no good!

We're trapped.

On the bright side,

we have a new friend that we can play games with!

I have... cards!

Dice, huh? Mm?

Is he always this chipper?

No, usually it's even more.

This Bag O'... Machines?

Wait! That's the thing Mr. O gave us.

Yeah. I guess it could make a fun game.

No, simple machines make work easier.

Maybe we can use a lever and fulcrum

to help with the tape wall.

Good idea, partner!

I don't know what you guys are talking about,

but I'm in.

I need to talk to the Big O.

It's an emergency.

Is your emergency big or small?

Well, technically a clover is a very tiny plant.

I would say it is a small emergency.

Then have a seat.


We have our lever and fulcrum in place

and now we apply force by pushing down, and...


[Omar] It's not enough!


What if we moved the fulcrum?

Maybe that would help?

Worth a shot.

Hold on.

If moving the fulcrum away from the tape wall

makes it harder to lift...

Then moving the fulcrum closer to the tape wall

might make it easier!

Oh, yeah!


[Opal] It's easier to lift!

Keep pushing!


[Oswald] You can squeeze through!

Go, go, go!

[Oswald groaning]

Tell them my story!

Ah, the Sticky Sisters got away!

Yeah, makes sense.

I mean, that was, like, half an hour ago.

To be honest, it'd be weird if they were still here.

Hey, partner...

don't be sad, look on the bright side.


What's the bright side?

Oh. I thought it was just an expression.

Didn't really have anything in mind.

Now the Sticky Sisters are gonna get the clover

and we'll be stuck working in our boring,

freezing Odd Squad office forever!

Also, the world might end.

I'm not sure which one I'm most upset about.

Opal, we're not gonna let either of those things happen.

We'll finish this mission, both of us.

Make that all three of us!

Oswald? Don't you have stay here

to be a librarian-museum-person?

First of all, that's exactly what my job is called.

Second, I've spent my entire career behind a desk.

It's time I get out there and discover

what Odd Squad's all about.

-[girl] And I'm coming too. -[shouting in alarm]

Who are you?

Esmeralda Kim.

Ah, cool. Nice to meet you.

I was on my way to flute practice

and I heard you talking.

Can I come help finish the mission

-and save the world? -You can if you wanna come.

Okay. But, after my flute practice I have soccer.

And then my favourite uncle is coming this weekend.

So, is it okay if we wait until next week?

We don't want the villains to get the clover.

Hmm, guess it didn't work out.

But I can sing the Odd Squad theme song

as you run off.

-Yes! -Awesome!

♪ Ba-da-da-da-da-dun-dun

♪ Ba-da-da-da-da-daaa

To be continued.

[badge clicking]

I joined because the sky should be blue,

not part of a delicious breakfast.

I joined because when you say tomato,

I say tomato three times.


I joined because my hand should not be a camera.

[camera clicking]

-We are... -We are...

We are Odd Squad.

[Big O] Since the beginning of time,

and also forward in time,

we've been fighting odd.

In our spare time

we also like to draw pictures of ourselves.

We really like this one.

There's no case too big,

no case too small,

at Odd Squad we do it all.

Yes, that is three suns setting at once.

Wow, that was a hot day.

Join today, Odd Squad needs you.

And I need a new freckle.

Well, what are you waiting for?


[Oscar] Welcome to Odd Squad: A Guide to Your Gadgets.

Behold, the Flipflopinator.

A handy, number flipping device first created by me, Oscar.

That's me. In addition to flipping numbers,

it can also flip grilled cheese sandwiches,

scrap gum off of chairs,

and stop tables from being all wobbly.

The Flipflopinator's main power source is maple syrup.

Not the cheap kind, only the best from Quebec.

This has been a helpful guide to the Flipflopinator gadget.

Remember, knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is wiener dogs!

[Orchid] Odd Squad.

Teaming up with Teamwork Together as a Team.

Hi, my name is Agent Orchid.

I've been working with the squad for five years.

I like dinosaurs.


I love you too.

I make friends really easily.

Orchid, we need to know what month and day it is.

Sure, can you help me open this jar first?

[loud bang]


No matter what happens,

I always stay calm.


The sound was no good on that. I heard screaming.

What's the hardest part about working at Odd Squad?

Figuring out if who I am as a person

is a result of the way I was born,

or if my personality is primarily influenced

by the outside world.

What I do know

is I build a mean sandcastle.


Odd Squad. Teams Working with Teams

Together as Team Together. I think that was it.

Last time on Odd Squad...

-Look. -It's real!

This agent was tasked with the -leafed clover.

We know how to find the -leafed clover!

-[cheering] -And so do we.

My name is the Big O.

I'm in charge of an organization made up of kids like these.

And also these.

But not these.

We investigate anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

Take cover!


[laser zapping]



[Big O] We are Odd Squad.

[Opal] Odd Beginnings.

[Oswald] I don't see it anywhere.

[Omar] There are so many trees.

[Opal] Just a bit further

to the ancient Odd Squad headquarters.

I think.

-[gasping] -I think you're right!

[all] Whoa!

I don't see the Sticky Sisters.

Ha, that's a good sign.

How did we beat them here?

They had a huge head start.

Excuse me sir,

we've been sitting here for an hour.

We're just waiting for her to put up her tray table.

-Ugh! -Can you help me, Sally?

The magazine is stuck to my sticky hands.

Great, now it's stuck my hands!

Here, I'll help you. Here-- no, here--

-Ow. -Ow, ow.

[Omar] Cool, so I guess we all take a door and meet up?

-I call middle. -Whoa, partner! Hold up.

According to this, if you go through the wrong door

something bad will happen.

What kind of bad?


And also...

[screaming loudly]

And finally...

Ah-- Oh, that's not so bad.

Look at it sideways.

[screaming in terror]

So, it says the door you want to go through

is exactly seven feet tall.

Ooh, souvenir time!

This Empire State Building's one foot long,

so we just have to measure seven times

to find the door that's seven feet.

[Oswald] Problem...

We can't reach up that high.

[Opal] But this can!

We can lay it down flat

and measure seven feet with your souvenir

and then mark the top.

And then stand it up next to the door

-like a giant ruler. -[Opal] One... Two...

You guys are good.

What can I say, Oswald?

When you got it...

-you got it. -I got it!

-Got what? -Huh?




And seven.

There, seven feet.

I'll mark it with my souvenir shoelace.

Let's go.

[Omar] This door's too short. It doesn't reach the knot.

[Oswald] This one's a little too tall.

[Opal] Seven feet exactly!

-Let's go! -All right!


We made it.


This was really an Odd Squad headquarters?

Huh, indeed.

This here...

it was either a tube lobby, the break room,

or a pile of rocks.

All right, let's just find the clover

-and get out of here. -[rocks grinding]

What's that noise?

[loud slam]



[girl] Ropeinator!

[Oswald] Wait...

I recognize that armour.

You're an agent.

I am Orla, Agent Orla.

Protector of this Odd Squad for the past years.

Wait, you've been here for years?

Yes, give or take .

To the dungeon with thee, villains!

Whoa, whoa!

We're not villains.

If thou are who you say you are

I shall ask a question

only an Odd Squad agent could answer.

What letter do all agents' names begin with?

-O! -Definitely O.

Probably was a much harder question

years ago.

I believe you to be just and true.


[gadget zapping]


Orla, we need your help.

Villains are on their way here

to try and steal the -leafed clover

because this clover thing

is all over the villain internet.

What is this, "internet," you speak of?

It's kinda like a library but it works faster.

It also has way more kitten videos.

I understand completely.

Then, together, as a group,

we shall find a new resting place

for this all-powerful clover.

To the clover!

Oh, um, excuse me,

I had this really small emergency

but they haven't called my name yet.

Uh, yeah.

Because it's small.

But it's very important.

These villains came in

looking for the -leafed clover.

The -leafed clover isn't real.

Oh, uh, funny story, actually it is.

Sherman, if the -leafed clover was real

and villains were trying to get it,

that would be a big emergency.

But technically, a clover is a very small--


I heard the whole thing. That way.


[Opal] How far to get to the clover?

The journey may be short in steps

but long in hours

and with challenges great

to those who are not strong of heart.


It will take about minutes.

But beware!

There are many obstacles

we must get past, like this.

This was once a water well.

I have not had a drink in many years.

[rasping] That bucket is as dry as my throat.

Onward, ho!

[all] Whoa!

[shouting indistinctly]


We can't climb this!

Seriously? This well?


[gadget zapping]

Grab on.

I shall pull ye up.

-[Orla groaning] -This is...

harder... work...

than I thought.

Wait a minute...

The Bag O' Machines!

Coming right up.

One of these simple machines could make the work easier.

This is called a wedge.

It splits stuff apart.

When would we ever use that?

How about...

a pulley!

It uses a rope draped over a wheel.

Oh, I see!

You pull down on one side

and it makes lifting the other side easier.

So, Orla needs to climb back down

and then climb back up to hang this thing

-at the top of the well. -Not a problem.


I go up and down this well at least, mm...

times a day.

Onward, ho!


[elephant trumpeting]

Are you ready?

-Ready! -Not ready!

This is kinda fun.


This pulley does make it far easier to lift.

I feel as if I'm years old again.

Welcome to the top of the well.

[all] Yeah!

Now that we are past the well,

there are two paths to get to the clover,

the long path or the short path.

Which do you choose?

-[all] Short path. -Excellent!

It is filled with terrifying booby traps, though.

-Wait! -[shouting]

The spider's name is Reginald.

Do not look directly into his eight eyes.


Balloons filled with slime!





[Orla] Follow me! Watch out for the creature!

-[screaming] -Come on!

-Jump! -Come on.

-Keep going! -[screaming]

-Omar! -Orla!


-[panting] -Thanks, Orla.

You're welcome, but,

I just realized we came the wrong way.

How embarrassing.

[all groaning]

Go, go!

Good news, my young friends.

Only one trap remains.

The easy one.


That's easy?!

I have something to help us.

[grunting in exertion]

[Orla] A-ha!


We can use this cart to speed through the trap.

But I fear something is missing.

After a few hundred years my memory ball has grown rusty.

...Do you not call these memory balls?

We call them heads.

The future is fascinating!

Maybe there's something in the Bag O' Machines

that will help it move.


Ugh, the wedge again.

Fulcrum, maybe?

[Omar] Wait...

A wheel!

And an axle.

It's easier to push things that are on wheels.

Yes, I can work with that. Give me...

three minutes.

[Sticky Sisters cackling]

We made it, Sister Sally.

And soon that clover will be ours.


Ugh, we really need to remember not to do that.

Fist bump?

Oh, dear.

Oh! I'll go under, I'll go under.

-Okay, and-- -This is what we'll do.

-Up, twist. -Okay, bring your arms down.

-Oh, this is nice. This is nice. -I put out my foot here.

That's not it, that's not it. It's going down.

Okay, no. Okay, my face is stuck...

Is this what's supposed to happen?

-...Against yours. -Sister Sally?

-Yes, Sister Sally? -Is this a hug?


To be continued.

[lion roaring]

[Orchid] Welcome to Arctic headquarters:

Mr. O's office.

Hi, I'm Mr. O.

from the Odd Squad Arctic headquarters.

As you may have heard,

my favourite drink is a melted icicle.

There used to be an icicle in here,

but it finally melted.

After a really, reallylong time.

Can I have some of that?

O'Dowd! Of course I can share some of my water

that only took nine hours to melt.

Great, we'll split it in half.

Okay, I'll use my trusty ruler to measure it.

Uh, Mr. O,

rulers are for measuring objects, not liquids.

I know that. I was testing you.

So, O'Dowd, why don't you go ahead and tell everyone

what you would use to measure liquids, please.

Well, first thing you need is a measuring glass.

Like this one.

Cool glass.

Why'd you draw lines all over it?

I didn't. The same way your ruler

has lines to measure size,

This glass has lines to measure volume.

I take the melted icicle water from your glass...

...pour it in here...

One pint exactly!

Now that I know it's one pint,

We can divide it into two equal cups.

Two cups equals exactly one pint.

See? Two equal cups!

Nice work, O'Dowd.


There you are. Something very odd has happened.

Yes, I'm talking to you, with the half-eaten sandwich.

Save the rest for later and take a look at this.

You'll learn how to set up your own Odd Squad headquarters,

learn how to be an O

and what to do in case of oddness

at PBSkids.org.

Odd Squad needs you!

And now the rest of the story.

[Mr. O] Big O!

Big O?

I've checked every door.

This has got to be Big O's office.

I'm back in the waiting room?

Please, you gotta help me.

I thought this emergency was small,

but it turned out the be a really big emergency--

Can I help you?

Big O.

You look older than I expected.

After not aging for years,

I decided to try it out.

I didn't like it, so I stopped again.

Nice. I feel like there was

something I had to tell you.

You have an emergency?

Yes! Villains came to my squad in the Arctic

and they started blasting tape everywhere. You know, like--

-Pchew! Pchew! Pchew! -[Orchid clearing throat]

Get to the point faster, Sherman.

I think the -leafed clover is real.

My agents are trying to get it

and there are villains after them, but...

I don't know how to find them.

I do.

Activate tracking for these agents.

[Mr. O] You can find them just like that?

All agents have location trackers

in their jackets.

There they are. Freeze it.

Looks like I'm heading to South America.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

All done.

[Omar] So, this rod here, the axle,

connects the wheels to each other.

And the wheels rotate or turn on the axles.

You may wanna step back now.

[groaning mightily]

Everyone, hop in.


Oh, this is much easier work.

Yeah, I'm still scared, but this is great.

Ready to charge forth?

-Ready! -Let's do this!

[weakly] Yay, danger.


-[cheering] -We're still alive!

-We're still alive! -Follow me!


[all] The -leafed clover!

I can't believe it's finally ours.

[Sister Sally] Or is it?


-Cinnamon buns attack! -[shouting]

Cinnamon buns?

I would have expected tape or glue or something.

The only rule is sticky.

There's a lot of freedom to play around within that idea.

Anyway, thanks for leaving all those

great footprints for us to follow.

And the casserole.

No, we brought the casserole.

Right, we brought the casserole and it was delicious. So tasty--

Anyway, the important thing is the clover is ours!

-[cackling] -[Orla] Halt!

Once staircase is real and one is a trap.

If you touch the wrong one,

it will cause the entire building to collapse.

You must measure each one--

Or, we could each take a staircase,

that way we'll definitely get the right answer.

Nice one, sis.

No, don't!

[shouting over each other]

[rocks rumbling]

Uh-oh, we'd better hurry.

It won't open.

And my hands are stuck.


-[grunting] -Gotcha.


Let's get out of here.

-Bye, Odd Squad! -Bye!


[rocks rumbling]

I'm sorry, everyone.

I shouldn't have dragged you on this mission.

Hey, partner, look on the bright side:

we're surrounded by new friends, good food...

What food?

That's what cinnamon buns are, food!

[Orla sniffing]

I have eaten the same nuts and berries

every day for years

and I have an appetite to try something new.

Mmm, not bad!

Everybody start eating!

A little later...

I guess we didn't have to eat all of them.

-Whoa! -Let's go!


[muffled] The other door.


We are doomed.

The whole building is collapsing!

-We'll be lucky if we survive. -Luck...

The -leafed clover can save us.

It's the luckiest thing in the world!

[Orla] But that box is sealed tight.

Not even the strongest warrior could split it open.

Me. Talking about me.

Wait a second...

Omar, hand me the Bag O' Machines!


[heavy thud]

The wedge! It's a simple machine

that splits things apart.

We can use it to split open the box!

Good thinking, partner.

[loud rumbling]


Help me hold the wedge!

Orla, I need you to smash the top of it.

It would be my pleasure.

[shouting loudly]

[all] Whoa!

[loud rumbling]

Hold a leaf for good luck.

[rumbling continues]


We did it!

It worked! We're alive!

Yes, you are.

And you're coming with me.

Please secure this in the vault.

So, this is the Big O's headquarters?

It's one of seven.

Walk with me.

The four of you have broken so many Odd Squad rules,

I can't keep count.

Which is strange because...

I'm really good at math.

The answer is five.

-Impressive. -How did you--

After reviewing your case, I have no choice but to...

Thank you.

[Orla, Omar & Oswald] What?!


Walk with me.

Finding that clover took courage and smarts.

And Orla, lots of patience on your part.

You dared to take risks to do what was right

for the good of Odd Squad and the world.

So, you think you're up for some more adventures?

Please get me out of the Arctic!

Nothing odd ever happens there and I think

I might lose my mind, and--

I mean, I'll go wherever I'm needed.


I have agents in many towns and cities

throughout the globe.

But there's no plan for when

oddness happens outside these places

and sometimes those headquarters need some extra help.

So, I'd like the four of you to become

an Odd Squad Mobile Unit. What do you think?

[shouting over each other excitedly]

Mr. O?

Opal and Omar work for me

and if you're gonna try to take them away

I want something from you.

Heaters. Could we please get some space heaters?

And those little, tiny hand warmers you put in gloves?

Why didn't you just tell me you were so cold up there?

Well, I tried to write you a letter, but,

I couldn't find my glasses.

[whispering] On your face.

-[quietly] Yes! -[chuckling]

We'll get you some heaters.

Meanwhile, you four are coming with me.

I hope you like your new uniforms.

So, Big O, how will we be travelling around the world?

With this!

Oops, I forgot to turn off the popcorn machine disguise.

[gadget zapping]

-Amazing! -Cool!

It should have everything you need. Step inside.



-Whoa! -Astounding!

This. Is. Incredible!

But I do have a question.

How is this thing...

way bigger on the inside than it is on the outside?

The more questions you ask, the less sense it makes.

Like the table you're standing on.

Hm? What table?

Step back.


[all] Whoa!

I'll be assigning you odd cases from these monitors

no matter where you are in the world.

Except this time,

because I already printed this out.

Good luck.


How do we drive this thing?

[computer] I can help with that.

I am your van computer.

My friends call me Van Computer.

Right this way, agents.

-Whoa! -Look, the animals!


[computer] Welcome, Odd Squad Mobile Unit.

Are you ready to roll?

-Yeah! -Absolutely!

Hold on a second!

You guys need some exciting music.

-Esmeralda Kim? -Hey guys!

I'm going to play something on the flute for you.

[playing Odd Squad theme song]

Well, what are you waiting for?


[computer] Activating flying mode.

[jets spooling up]

-Whoa! -[screaming]

Bad news, boss.

The Sticky Sisters lost the clover.

Hey, that's okay.

This stuff happens, you know?



It makes my job way harder now.

But I shall go on and plan the most oddness

the world has ever seen!

-[laughing maniacally] -[clearing throat]

Brutus, what is it?

There's one other thing.

Next time, say you have two things, okay?

So, I don't think you're finished

and do my big, evil speech

and big, evil laugh. Now, go on.

The Big O formed a new mobile unit

that's gonna travel around the world.

It might make things tricky.

This girl... Opal...

She's part of this new Odd Squad?

Yeah, you know her?

Know her?

She made me who I am.

[badge clicking]

I joined because no one should have to watch

the same thing twice.

I joined because no one should have to watch

the same thing twice.

I joined because I should not be able to do this.

[mesmerizing hum]

[hum stops]

Beautiful, but distracting.

-We are... -We are...

We are Odd Squad.

[Ms. O] Since the beginning of time,

and also forward in time,

we've been fighting odd.

In our spare time,

we also like to draw pictures of ourselves.

We really like this one.

There's no case too big,

no case too small,

at Odd Squad we do it all.

Yes, that is three suns setting at once.

Wow, that was a hot day.

Join today, Odd Squad needs you.

And I need an inspirational quote.

"A person cannot truly improve

unless they help others improve."

I like that.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Go, and make a difference!

[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad: A Guide to Your Gadgets.

Behold the Toastinator. It makes toast.

So, that's pretty much it.

You push that button and, guess what?

It makes toast.


How about those graphics, huh?

How are we doing on time?

Oh, good.

Knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is toast.

[Orchid] Odd Squad.

Teaming Up with Teamwork Together as a Team.

Greetings, agents. I'm the Big O.

I used to be the Ms. O at precinct .

What are you waiting for, go!

But now I run all of Odd Squad.

What are you waiting for, go!

Being the Big O means I get to make

lots of big decisions, like this.

[gadget beeping]

Which one...



Good call.

But the decision I'm most proud of

is starting up the Odd Squad Mobile Unit,

not only to fight oddness worldwide,

but to allow me to practice my different languages.

[speaking other languages]

Well, time for me to make some more big decisions.

[gadget beeping]

Hmm, hat or no hat...

Who am I kidding? Hat.


I told you orange was a good call.

[Orchid] Odd Squad. Teams Working with Teams

Together as a Team Together. I think that was it.

[dynamic instrumental]

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