11x10 - The Scars of w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Father Brown". Aired: 14 January 2013 – present.*
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British detective series that follows a Catholic Priest who solves crimes.
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11x10 - The Scars of w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

RADIO: At least 75 German aircraft
were shot down last night in raids

across the country. Tonight,
the nation's cities are once...

They think it could be
Bristol's turn tonight.

Then our boys in Bristol
will sh**t 'em all down,

won't they, Eddie? But what if they
fly back over Kembleford and...?

What will be will be, Isabel.




Happy Valentine's Day, Isabel.

Be careful.



MUSIC: Last Post

Parade, stand at ease!

Ooh, wow!

Captain Howton always
loved his cars.

Parade, attention!

Welcome to the parade, Sir.

Ladies and gentlemen...

..Hitler's lot never
made it to Kembleford,

which is lucky for them.


My boys had quite
a welcome planned.

But my platoon did, however,

make safe dozens of
deadly Butterfly Bombs

jettisoned from the Luftwaffe.

Those infernal things
were devastating.

And in this regard, we must never
forget the brave contribution

made by our late friend

from the Home Guard
b*mb Disposal Unit.

Ronald Devine.

Was it a Butterfly b*mb
that injured Ronald?

It went off as Mr Devine
approached it. Oh.


You've got a nerve, Treadwell.

Come to pay my respects
like everyone else, Captain.

Respect from a
coward is an insult.

Now, go, before I...

..I stuff that flower
down your throat.


I shall not.

Captain Howton...

..we may not share Mr
Treadwell's pacifist views,

but he has as much right
to be here as anyone.


Ooh! A metal detector.

Ronald Devine would have used
one of these to locate bombs

buried in the earth. Mm.

So, Mr Devine was in charge of
b*mb disposal in Kembleford?

No, dear lady. I was. Oh.

I'd been called away to
deal with another device.

It was a...

It was a rough night.

What would you have done
if you'd found a n*zi spy?

Shot them and buried
them in the woods.

Good to see you back in
Kembleford, Captain Howton,

although I understand you
declined the original invitation.

Trouble in Shropshire, Father.

My wife has asked me to, er,

to leave the premises.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

So am I. Her family
had all the cash. Ha!

A military pension won't keep
my three Jaguars on the road.


In the Great w*r, that yellow
belly would have been shot.

To defend a moral position takes
a certain bravery too, Captain.

I'm going to the bar,

before I, um, accidentally
bayonet a conchie.


Still as committed as
ever, Mr Treadwell?

Well, until someone
can persuade me

that you can defeat
evil with evil.

I heard you were working at
a farm, out near Cirencester.

Well, I'd prefer I'd
stayed in Kembleford.

The treatment you received
from this village after the w*r

was far from commendable.

I'm afraid it continues, Father.

This morning, my employer, Mr
Morris, told me to pack my bags.

He'd found out
about my background.

I will find you some shelter
locally, Mr Treadwell.

Thank you, Father.

You've always understood.


Yeah, not bad.

Eddie won a sh**ting competition
during his National Service.

No, Mum, I entered a
sh**ting competition.

I came fourth.

Mrs Waterson's an
excellent shot, too.

Her father was a gamekeeper.

Isn't she the one whose
son disappeared? Adam.

Rode off on his bike in '41.

Never seen again.

The poor mite was deaf.

Then six months later, her husband
got shot down over Germany.

How awful! I honestly
don't know how she copes.


Good shot, Mrs Waterson!

Thank you, John.

Poor John Carlton.

Still smitten.

Isn't he a bit young to
be in the Home Guard?

Refused conscription. Flat feet.

Never been the same boy since.

Yes, perfect. Thank you.

Goodbye, Gloria.


Isabel. Did you
want a cup of tea?

Er, I'm fine, thank you.

Who was that? It's,
er, someone in London.

Isabel, tomorrow's
lunch with Eddie,

I'm afraid something's
come up, for work.

I'm... I'm sorry. Oh.

Yes, er...

I'd better...

Strange day.

Lots of memories, eh?


Yes, there are.

Here he is.

Don Juan in action.

As useless with women
as he was at drill.

A surprisingly good
shot, though, eh?


Sorry to hear about your
mother's passing, Carlton.

Thanks. Mm.

Must be tough, with
both of them gone.


Don't blame you trying your
luck with this one, though

Still the most beautiful
creature in Kembleford.

Excuse me.

It should have been
you, not my dad!

What? You saw that b*mb
had a different fuse.

You got scared and ordered my
dad to go outside and sort it!

Who told you this? Someone who
saw you hiding around the corner

before it went off! Don't believe
everything you hear, Mr Devine!

They gave your father
that medal, didn't they?

Watch it, lad! That's enough.

Get your hands off
me! Eddie, please!

Did you hear what he did, Mum?

Mr Devine, I think perhaps
it's time you went home.

Do as Father Brown says, Eddie.

You'll pay for this, Howton!

I'm no coward, Isabel.


And that, fellas... LAUGHTER

..is how you spot
a n*zi in a bakery!





Who's there?

Show yourself.

In nomine Patris, et
Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.


And the marks and
calibre of the cartridge

are consistent with
an Enfield r*fle.

A single b*llet to the
back of the head, at range.

Good shot.

Yes, indeed.

Sir, I've confirmed
that Captain Howton

was staying at a guesthouse
just up the road.

And I checked the
inventory at the Hall.

One of those Enfield
r*fles is missing, Sir.

Well, Sergeant, we obviously
need to find that r*fle.

Unfortunately, I think we know where
we need to start, don't we, Sir?




What's going on?

Mr Devine, Captain Howton
has been shot dead.


Eddie, we just need to
establish a couple of things,

given your altercation
with the Captain yesterday.

Your mother says you weren't
home by the time she went to bed

around ten o'clock. Er,
yeah, I was in the Red Lion.

I don't know when I left. Y...

Did you come
straight home? Er...

I think so. I've checked
the rest of the house, Sir.

Nothing. HE SIGHS

Good. Checked for what?


Have you been out to
the shed this morning?

As I said, I've not
been out here all week.


Oh, no!

I did not put that there.


Blast! What's going on?

Did you see where Eddie went?

Eddie? No.

What's happened? He
didn't do this, Edgar.

If he tries to make contact,
promise me you'll tell me.


I need this to be
someone else, Father.

Could you possibly find out Captain
Howton's movements yesterday?


Oh, this can't be
happening. What can't?!

Captain Howton's been shot.

Chief Inspector Sullivan
thinks it's Eddie.

Is one of these a
key to your shed?

Yes. How did you
know that was there?

Lucky guess!


Oh! Someone could have
found my secret hiding place

and... planted the g*n?

Wearing the boots Eddie
left outside the front door.

I know who to talk to.

Captain Howton was
just an acquaintance.

But still, what
a terrible thing.

I couldn't help
noticing how familiar

he was with you yesterday.

He was drunk. Mm.

Captain Howton and I had

a relationship during the w*r.

I paid a terrible
price for my betrayal,

losing the two people most
important to me in this life.

Those were personal
tragedies, Mrs Waterson.

They were not punishments.

Well, that's how it
felt to me, Father.

Last night, Captain Howton
told me he wanted to resume

our relationship.

When I told him I
was not interested,

he threatened to tell the
entire village of our affair.

That must have been
terribly intimidating.

How did you respond?
I stood firm.

I did not k*ll him, Father.

My soul is weighed down with
quite enough guilt already.

Did you notice any tension
between Captain Howton

and anyone else last night?

Only John Carlton.

He's always had it in for John.


I mean, it's amazing!

It's wonderful!
You're wonderful.

really wonderful.

I don't think I've ever
seen anything quite so...


Captain Howton was
always a bit overbearing.

It was just worse
when he was drunk.

Mrs Waterson felt there
was something malicious

in the way Captain
Howton mocked you.

Vindictive, even.

And yesterday, it struck me that

the entire Kembleford
Home Guard platoon

were wearing Defence
Medals, except you.

Captain Howton decided
my wartime performance

did not merit it.

You, I sense, did not concur?

So, when Captain Howton goaded
you in front of Mrs Waterson,

it must have struck a nerve.

That's why I told Eddie
Devine what he did.

About Captain Howton's role
in his father's injury?

People treated the captain
like he was a hero.

I say he was a bigger
coward than Oscar Treadwell.

Were you provoked into
anything else, I wonder?

That was revenge
enough for me, Father.



Oh, Eddie! The study
window was open.

Thank goodness you're all right!

Do you think I shot
him? Of course not!

But... why did you run away?

Because your boyfriend clearly
reckons I'm guilty. Well, frankly,

I'm not sure I'll
ever be able to trust

Chief Inspector
Sullivan again. Why?

He's been distracted
by a shinier model.

What? I'll throttle
him! Eddie, please.

Don't do anything rash.
I need some water.

Of course.

Sit down.

I've found a spot in the woods,

where that swing
used to be. Right.


Here you are.


Stay safe.



I saw your note.

Erm, Isabel, what...

What's happened?

I came to tell you that whoever
put that g*n in the shed

must have taken my
secret set of keys,

which it turns out are not quite
as secret as I believed. Ah.

That's helpful.

Has Eddie been in contact?


Isabel, you gave me your word.

You accuse ME of deception?!

I saw you with that
woman in your office!


That was work-related.

Oh, really?

What aspect of your work requires
you to hold a woman's hand

and tell her she's wonderful?!


No, I'd like you to go, please.


So, Captain Howton bullied
John during the w*r?

It would appear so.

The question is,

what moved Private John Carlton
to take his revenge now?


What do you think, Mrs Devine?

I think Chief Inspector
Sullivan is seeing someone else.

Her name is Gloria.

He was talking to
her on the telephone.

Then I saw him with
her at the station.

Mrs Devine,

whilst it is impossible to truly
understand another's heart,

the Chief Inspector
appears, dare I say it,

to be besotted with you. He
was holding her hand, Father.

He told her she was wonderful.


Sergeant. Father, ladies.

Forgive the intrusion.

You asked for Captain Howton's
movements yesterday, Father?

Yes. He was seen
entering a post office

in Cirencester, where
he sent a telegram.

And afterwards, he
visited a local farm.

What was the name of the farm?

Er, Morris Farm, Father.

That was where Oscar
Treadwell was working,

until yesterday,

when he was fired.

Mr Treadwell.


Ladies. Here for the
Rosary, I presume?

You know me well, Father.

Have you heard about
Captain Howton?

I overheard the men at the
hostel talking about it.

Shocking news. All v*olence
is so... senseless.

I gather Captain Howton paid a visit
to your ex-employer, Mr Morris,

at his farm yesterday? Mm.

It seems Captain Howton
found out last week

that Mr Morris was employing me

and decided to combine
his return to the area

with a little... sabotage. Oh!

I'd be livid, if I were you.

Was that part of the reason
you came to yesterday's event?

I needed to look that man
in the eye, Mrs Devine.

To show him that nothing he
could do to me would ever

shake me from my beliefs.

Which begs the
question, Mr Treadwell -

was that enough for you?

Yes, Father.

He got the message.

Oscar Treadwell may
be a pacifist now,

but that man fought
in the Great w*r,

he knows how to
fire a g*n. I agree,

but I am not persuaded
that Oscar Treadwell

would compromise his
principles of nonviolence

even for his bete
noire, Captain Howton.


At least we know where he is,

which is more than what
we can say for Eddie.

Mrs Devine, forgive
my presumption,

you wouldn't happen to know
where your son is, would you?


You gave me your word!

I had to tell them.

Where's Sullivan? We've said
nothing to Chief Inspector Sullivan.

Why? Cos we don't think
you did it, Eddie.

Are you looking for your
father's George Medal?

It's missing. I think it came
off as I was making that den.

Oh, no!

Fear not.

I may have a solution.

Meanwhile, you are not
helping your case, Mr Devine,

by remaining on the run.

Well, with all the roads
and stations covered,

it's only a matter of time.

Mr Devine.

I didn't do it.



Oh, it's like one
of those aliens

you see in the films.

Those things have saved
thousands of lives.


Erm, can I have a go?

Yes, in a minute!


Must be buried in the ground.

Whatever it is,
it's considerably

bigger than a medal. Oh...

Father, you don't
think it could be a...?


Perhaps, as a precaution,
you should stand well back.

Why would you bury a bike?

Father, what's that
in the handlebar?

I believe it is a b*llet.

He was just a boy.

Why would someone
fire a g*n at him?

Mrs Waterson, what time of day
did Adam ride off on his bicycle?

It was 17 minutes past
three in the morning.

One minute after he had

walked in on myself
and Captain Howton.

Adam ran downstairs,

and by the time I got outside,
he and his bicycle were gone.

I sent Captain Howton
to look for him.

Poor boy.

It was my sin...

..that drove him away, Father.

Whatever happened
to him is my fault.

SULLIVAN: Father, a word.

The b*llet in that handlebar
is from a .303 calibre.

Just like the one that k*lled
Captain Howton, Father.

So, potentially, also fired
from a Lee-Enfield r*fle.

Adam Waterson disappeared
in 1941, didn't he?

Excuse me.


"Roads quiet. No
suspicious activity."

Oh, dear.


Mr Carlton.

How fortuitous.

I was just coming to see you.

Well, Father, I'm very
pleased to bump into you.

I fear the village
has misunderstood you.

Your feelings for Mrs Waterson

were not borne out
of infatuation,

but out of guilt.

I'm full of sympathy for you.

It was obviously
a tragic accident.

In 1941, the entire country was
on high alert for n*zi spies.

You were on point duty
with Captain Howton,

but he abandoned you to
be with Mrs Waterson.

It wasn't the first time that
he'd left me alone, Father, but...

..that night, I was seeing
Nazis in every shadow.

All I could think of was
Captain Howton's warning.

Halt, or I'll have to sh**t!


"Don't be the traitor
that lets a n*zi pass."

But young Adam was deaf.
He couldn't hear me.

In that moment, a
part of me died, too.

You're right about Rachel.

The guilt is there, every
time I see her, stabbing me.

He was on his bike!

He didn't stop!

I thought he was a n*zi!

No-one else need know
about this, Private.

Bury the bike in another
part of the woods.

Yes. Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Captain Howton stayed
quiet for over ten years,

until his marriage collapsed,
and his finances with it.

He sent you a telegram
yesterday, didn't he? Mm.

What was he demanding for
his continued silence?

Half my parents' inheritance.

By this morning,

or everyone would know
what I did to Adam.

I felt...


Scared that I'd
always be his sl*ve.

And you saw v*olence as the only
way to free yourself from him? Mm.

I made sure I left before him
and hid outside with a r*fle.

Captain Howton
taught me to sh**t.

He was a good teacher.

You seem remarkably
calm, Mr Carlton...

..but I do not
detect any remorse.

No, Father.

You see, I'm making my escape.

Rachel's tears in the woods,

I'm afraid they have broke me.


Ah. Everyone has their
w*r souvenirs, don't they?

I've attached a
timer to the charge.

In... 25 minutes,

this will all be over.

You do have a choice, John.

You can unchain yourself, walk
away and ask for God's forgiveness.

My faith is long gone, Father.

The w*r saw to that.

It turned me into a m*rder*r, and
I never even set eyes on a n*zi.

Look at us, with
our tea and cakes.

We polish our medals
and fire our g*ns,

like it's all
something to celebrate.

I'm taking it all up with me,
Father, the old HQ as well.

Why the timer, John?

Because I don't want
anyone else hurt.

That's why I'm so
pleased you're here.

I need you to clear
the area for me.

Please say sorry
to Rachel for me.

And also, to Eddie.

Oh, there you are, Father.

Is that a...? Ladies,

might I have a word with you?


Mrs Devine, please relay the
news to the Chief Inspector,

we will need his urgent assistance
in making the b*mb safe. Right.

Miss Palmer, you and I shall
move everyone away from the hall.

Sergeant! Isabel.

John Carlton has a Butterfly
b*mb in the Great Hall.

It's set to explode
at five o'clock.

Good Lord! He's also confessed
to the m*rder of Captain Howton.

Well, if he's confessed,
then let me go!

Hold on, Eddie, please.

No, you need me!

We did controlled explosions
during my National Service.

How much b*mb
training have you had?

Sergeant, keys, please.

Oh, Eddie!

Please don't get
involved in this.

What would Dad do?

We need sandbags.

Right. Where are we
going to find those?

She Stoops to Conquer!

The Kembleford Players'
last production,

we used them to secure
the wobbly scenery.



The immediate area
has been evacuated.

Thank you, Father.

Now I just need you to leave.

You say seeing Rachel Waterson's
grief drove you to this.


But you have the power
to ease that pain,

to allow her to grieve properly,

by confessing to her yourself...

..and showing her where
her son's body is buried.

Get out...

..or I'll kick this and
take you all up with me!

Sergeant, would you
accompany Mrs Devine outside

and oversee the
others there, please?

It's all right, Mum. Come on.


You said your faith is gone -

but not your compassion,

which is what is stopping
you detonating that b*mb.

Why is John doing this?

Let's go.


I'll see you outside.

Those sand bags
might not hold. No.

You've got 30 seconds.
I implore you to go.

It's still not
too late to atone.

I can't face her, Father.

You're braver than
you think, John.


Where's Father Brown?





I'm so...

..so sorry.

What for?


John, what? No! No!

A was on patrol and...


I think you both showed
commendable bravery.

I just did as I
was told, Father.

Your dad would have been
proud of you, Eddie.

And you've got a bit more
spine than I thought.

Eddie, look what we
found in the woods.

Oh, thank you! Oh!

I think this calls for a celebratory
cup of tea at the Presbytery.

Good idea, Father.

Eddie? Sure.

Do the decent thing.

Put her out of her misery.

Scones, anyone?

Wasn't you terrified, Father?

I was, but I always felt
like I was in safe hands.

Training kicks in, doesn't it?

Look, I'll get
some more glasses.

Excuse the fingers.

Oh, Mr Johnson mentioned he was
looking for help at the foundry,

so I persuaded him to
take Oscar Treadwell on.


Let's hope Oscar can
finally stop being punished

for his principles. Mm.

Isabel, might I have a word,

in private?

Whatever you have to tell
me, I'd like my friends

to hear it, too.

I'd really rather...
Who is Gloria?

Well, she's not a colleague.

She's a jeweller.

Her last name is Hazelbrook.

A jeweller?

Well, how lovely for her!

How lovely for Miss Hazelbrook.

It's Mrs Hazelbrook, actually.

BRENDA SCOFFS And she's married!

Would that be the Hazelbrooks
of Cheltenham, perhaps?

Yes, Father.

Oh, next, I suppose you're going
to tell me Gloria Hazelbrook

came to your office to
show you some jewellery?

Well, yes, she did.


She was bringing me this.

What are you going to
do with that thing?

Isabel Devine...

..will you marry me?


If, er...

You don't need to
decide right now, if...


Yes, I do! Yes!

Really? Oh, bravo,
Chief Inspector!

Well done! Thank you, Father.

I don't believe it!




You don't mind?

He asked my permission.

Erm, I know it's early days,

but have you considered where
you'd like to get married?

I was thinking of a registry
office, actually, Father.


Oh, thank you.

A toast, a toast!

To the bride and groom!
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