Break-up Season, The (2017)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Break-up Season, The (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

Timing and Subtitles brought to you by The Break-up Season Team @ Viki

I'm Gao Ya, a graduate student of the music school.

It's hard to tell, how I made it through 7 years.

Perhaps I could be considered focused while studying.

In our dorm room, there are 4 girls.

Nothing major happened during the few years.

Perhaps it proves that

we are considered blessed.

Break up?
- Break up!

All right, let's separate.

Break up?
- Break up!

Break up.
- Break up!

Break up!
- Break up!

Let's break up?
- Let's break up!

Let's break up.
- Let's break up. It is very tiring being with you.

Break up!

Break up!

Let's break up then!

It's over.

The Break-up Season

Break up?

This guy who is being forced into a kiss is called Meng Li.

He has been a couple with our Big Boss.

However, something happened on Graduation Photo Day.

The guy who has been chasing me for the last 7 years volunteered to be the photogragher.

But Big Boss did not show up.

She said she had to celebrate her 90-something years old grandma's birthday.

And that she had to be there.

I don't understand why she had to attend the birthday celebration every year.

Which is more important? Celebrating a 90-something year old's birthday or taking graduation photos?

even more, her relationship was on the line

Meng Li, let's take a photo in the back.


Now I know why Wan Ting talked about staying away from an affair.

You seemed pretty happy about it.

I have a crush on you.

Mental Hospital

Boss, it's sunday today! Please let me hug my bear!

Today is rehersal day, nothign can change that!

The guy on the motorcyle is Granny Gu.

His real name is Gu Ge.

He has been spoiling me, like my elder sister or my mom.

He nagged me all day long

That's why he got the nickname.

maybe I'm one of the shallow girls

because he cared about me too much. I didn't have any feelings for him.

Sit well.

You left without saying goodbye

Remaining the ambiguity but not


i think maybe it's too late to say sorry

baby, the day you left was your birthday

Sir, can you please remind her earlier?

No problem.

Let's do this again.

I've got a job. I start tomorrow.

Have a good day!


Tell me honestly, why were you home so late yesterday.

Yesterday, I had dinner with Boss Liu.

After dinner, we went singing.

Boss Liu?

A rich boss from a medicine company

Even his toliet is made of gold.

You even went to his house?!

Boss, you hit my head!

Stop hitting my head, i didn't go to his house

he told me himself

[sigh] You had dinner and sang with a drug guy,

You are so cheap.

I don't care.

As long as i can stay here and have a job here after I graduate from university, i can do anything

They say when you graduate it is like you are unemployed

But whatever i do I have you find a job that i can make a living out of

Hi, My name is gao Ya, i am here to for an interview.

These are all of my certificates

Our company decided to not hire you


Didn't you guys say I will be working if I come today

I turned down the others already

That is your own business

Please, manager.


I am a graduated student,

Even though I am major in Music, but my additional courses are Laws and Finance

Which means, not only can I be director's secretary,

I can also provide help to the company's finance and law problems

I know how to use all the machines in the office for example: the computer, fax machine and printer

Please give me another chance, manager.

The answer is still NO.

It's Boss Liu who told me to be here.

Who are you...

I am the boss of the boss, Mr.Liu's wife!

She doesn't know how the game is played here.

She thinks she is smarter

Now it's a big mess, let's see how she cleans it up.

A music school's student, huh...

What to do! Our company's reputation! reputation!

What should I do??

I will go explain this.
Hey, what are you going to say?

Don't make it worse.

Back off, please!

Doesn't the company feel ashamed using false information to create publicity.

Do you guys just want to promote milk? The old lady said you lied.

How could the company send you little girl to explain this?

Who is in charge?

Call your director to come out! What are you doing here?

Even though I am still young,

But this can't be an excuse

If what i did was wrong, it is wrong.

I sincerely apologize.

I quit.

Lin Chen is not just playing the drums,

The first time she is stepping into the society there are so many unknown factors.

Mom, i am back.

Why are you coming back?

What is going on here? Where did you get all these things?

Please be careful. These are all my treasures!

Mom, this is our home, not a music instrument store.

Please be gentle!

Now i see, i am nothing compared to one of your instruments.

Chen Chen, it took me years to find these treasures.

Not to mention the bargainning efforts.

They are all i have now.

Mrs.Lin, we've read your proposal,

it is really good.

To organize a symphony band, it will thake a lot of effort.

but our ability is limited

The best I can do is to offer preferential policies if you can find funding from the private sector.

Sir, right now, we already have a lot of musical instruments,

Some are donated, some are bought from the second hand market.

Sir, I came back to Hainan for more than twenty years.

I devoted myself to organizing the symphony

However, the major issues are funding and human resources.



I can't fall asleep because of you.

Yang, I miss you!

That is enough. Sounds like a slaughterhouse.


I miss you!

Boss, please tell that guy to stop yelling.

Yang, I miss you!

Don't be shameless.

I love you with all my life.

♫ I still can feel your smell and breath ♫

♫ Would you change your mind ♫

♫ Don't let me cry all night ♫


-I don't want him to catch a cold.

Yung, I'm missing you!

Screw yourself!

Audrey Hepburn said

when people are weird sometimes.

they need help,

but only just the right amount of help.

Hey, when do you leave?

Ah, in three days.

I'll bring back some Harbin sausages for you.


Don't you have something else?

Come on Big boss,

beauties and sausages are all

we have in Harbin.

Harbin red sausages!



Harbin red sausages.

Delicious Harbin red sausages!

You haven't gone back home!

These are the sausages you brought me every year!

Come home with me.

My mom said you are from the Northeast.

This is for you.


Big boss, I'm so jealous of you.

You have so many people who care about you.

your grandma, your mom, and Meng Li.

I got nobody.

You got me.


There is a saying that whoever finds a coin in

a dumpling on Chinese New Year is the luckiest person.

I'm so lucky this year as I don't have to

I'm so lucky this year as I don't have to spend the Chinese New Year by myself.

Meng Li, let's move on after the New Year.

How are you doing on your graduation project?

You are an honored student.

We have high expectations from you.

Your parents are musicians.

Why didn't you seek advice from them?

Professor Song,

do we still have to do that divertimento?

We've decided on the project

and it's on file.

It's already on file.

This is your graduation project.

I know that.

But... I came up with a new idea.

♫ You left with me sorrow ♫

♫ but♫

♫ your person. ♫

♫ The sky is heavily smogged. ♫

♫ You left without saying goodbye ♫

♫ Remaining the ambiguity ♫

♫ but not ♫

♫ yourself ♫

♫ I think maybe it's too late to say sorry ♫

♫ Baby, the day you left was your birthday ♫



Let's take a break.

See you soon.

What's up?

I talked to Professor Song

about my graduation project.

I told him I didn't want to continue on it

and he is pissed off.

Didn't you tell him your new idea?

I hesitated.

How long are you going to wait until you tell her about it?

We are going to collect folk songs soon.

Hello, rent or buy?

We want to rent

Cai, renting.

What is your price range?

The cheaper the better.

The cheapest we have is cubicle.




Please, we are not in Beijing.

The price is only good

for a rest room in Beijing suburb.

I think cubicle is affordable.


The surroundings are not bad.


This way.

I'm so sorry!

This one is much more spacey.

What kind of place is this?

This is the best we have.

Subtitles and Timing brought to you by The __________ Team @

You are not going to survive in here

But it is affordable.

Thanks, we'll think about it.


Let go of me!

-Come here.
-Let go of me.

I sent you to.

What are you doing? Let go of me!

Come and go with me.

Let go of me!


don't need the job.

-You will regret--
-Don't try to take advantage of me!

Think it over.

Miss... Miss...

Who is a call girl?

Who is a call girl?


please don't throw up in here.

None... of your... business!

Hey, girl.

Hey, Miss...

Go away!

You've drunk too much.

Go away!

I'm telling you this, Xia

I don't need the job.

You stay away from me!

Go away.

Wake up!

Please look carefully, I'm not Xia.

At that moment,

I did not realize

this hybrid guy Cao Cao

would have such

a big impact on my life.

Big boss.

I thought you were the big boss.

I tell you, she's capable of everything.

Big boss is the only one I'm afraid of.

Be careful.

Who are you? What do you want?

- Come on
-Big boss

She had drunk too much

Someone wanted to take advantage of her,

I just saved her from trouble.

So I'm supposed to be thankful for this.

You don't have to. There was a misunderstanding.

My name is Cao Mengde

this is my business card

Call me if you need anything.

Cao Cao?

Let's go.

Big boss.

Big Boss.

Granny Gu volunteered to help

so big boss and I brought him to check on Cao.

Wow. what a house.

A penthouse?

Cut it. Get off the vehicle.

Okay Granny Gu, you can go now. Bye-bye. Bye Big Boss.

Timing and Subtitles brought to you by The Break-up Season team @ Viki


Thanks, Mr. Cao.

I'm sorry about what happened the other day.

Don't mention it. I thought a girl wondering around at night was to dangerous.

You've got a northeastern accent.

Yeah. I'm from Harbin.

Me too!


Are you from Northeast too? No wonder you can play Cherry Blossom.

Let's drink for this!.

Ya, I live by myself in a big house

Ya, I live in a big house by myself.

You shared a room with so many people.

What are you suggesting?

Why don't you move to my house and pay rent to me?

That's not a good idea. I can't afford that.

You didn't get it.

You only need to pay what you are paying.

Thanks for your kindness, but I have to ask my big boss.

What do you think, Big Boss?

Sounds good.

Are you kidding me?


-It's time to sleep

Son, don't waste your time on nonsense.

Good night.

Hi, aunt. My grandma brought rice dumplings from her hometown.

It's not early. Li should be sleeping by now.

Li told to discuss the folksong collection.

folk songs collection? What a joke.

Li is working on divertimento

Lin Chen is that you? Come in please.

Mom, I invited her.

I like being with artists.

I liked art before I had my own business.

Yes, that's true.Let's finish this one.

Dreams are fleshy, but realities are skinny.

I dreamed of being a saxaphonist.

but what I earned from playing wasn't enough to feed myself.

I decided to face the truth,

my dream can wait until I can earn enough money.

I started working

on construction sites

spending 16 or 17 hours a day there.

I worked my way up

to a group leader and then had my own contracting business with several dozen employees.

I still remember all the days we ate buns and drank tap water.

Those are some good memories.

Let's drink for this.

All done, let me try.

What's up?

Professor Song came to me, he did not approve our HaiNan Sound of the Nature.

I believe he never had a chance to listen to the beautiful sounds of nature.

coconuts dropping into the water, flowers blooming,

and the wood brushing upon banana leaves.

Chen, what about the divertimento?

Are you going to give up the HaiNan Sound of Nature?

No! I'll never give up.

Try this.


this is for you. Put it on.

Thank you.

How come you can play the Cherry Blossom?

When I was young I learned it from my dad.

He gave up his life

trying to save me.

in a car accident.

The harmonica is the only thing he left for me.

My mom married an abusive junkie later on.

He got drunk every day,

and beat my mom up.

All I want is to get a decent job in HaiNan.

and have my mom live with me.

Please work in my company.

I mean it is up to you.

Thanks Mr. Cao.

Let's put everything behind us, I'll be there for you from now on.

I'm sorry.

Sir, Madam, all the units here have french windows.

Please check out the view and imagine when you open the window

the wind blows by. You are sipping while

your wife is playing the harmonica which we give you as a gift.

Big Boss, pick up the phone.

I don't know what is going on.

I have an acute belly pain.

But big boss is not answering the phone.

I had to call the 'uncle'.

I planned to have you move

in a few days later.

It's your home from now on.

Have a good rest here.

Watch out.

These are the bears I bought.

I'm the big bear and you are the cub.

I'll take care of you forever.

We are done.

Oh. Yes.

It looks the same as those from the stores.

Meng, come over!

Good, wait... ah, wait...

Yue made this all by herself.

Very nice!

-The thing to do...
- Mom, Dad, I'm home...
- Li is back.

Hold this.

end with end with

-Son, check it out.
-Hello, Li.

Yue made this for you.

Hello, aunt.

I'll be back.

Try it please.

Son, taste it.

How does it taste?
-It's delicious.

By the way,

Chen and I will collect folk songs this weekend.

We have some more, then.

I'm ready. Let's go!

You eat.

I'll pass.

Bye, aunt.


One more piece.

Chen, wait for me please.

You had some good time.

You and Yue are good for each other.

Please don't make fun of us.

Let's talk about the HaiNan Sound of Nature

We've made our decisions,

you don't have to worry

what others are thinking.

Oh, the HaiNan Sound of the Nature... can it wait for another day?

There is no rush.

No, we have to go.

My parents decide all the things for me.

We have to go this time.

That's more like it.

So, you're agreed?

The Folk [song] collection day finally came

But, I had feelings for Uncle Cao.

That's my buddy.

Ya, take this when you catch my cold.

Got it. Got it. Thanks.

He is so sweet.

Thanks to you.

Thanks a lot!


And this is for coughing.

Please, Aunt Gu, bye-bye!

We're leaving!


There is more in the back!

Ya, where is Chen?

What is this?

You scared me, Big Boss.

Chen, you...

That was close.

♫ The whole world is singing my song for you. ♫

♫ We are all who pursues our dream ♫

♫ The song for you is flowing in the sky ♫

♫ I write this to wish you happiness ♫

Walking ahead of them

somehow I can feel

they are having a moment.

Big Boss has someone who loves her to the bone,

and she loves him too.

I'm not sure if

if Cao is thinking about me.

like I do.

They are enjoying themselves in composing.

Concentrating on the sounds of the creek flowing by

and totally ignored, I was bitten by fish.

♫ The whole world is singing my song for you. ♫

♫ We are all who pursues our dreams ♫

♫ The Song for you is flowing in the sky ♫

♫ I write this wishing you happiness ♫

♫ The whole world is singing my song for you ♫

♫ We are all who pursues our dreams ♫

♫ The song for ou is flowing in the sky ♫

Watch your step.


The bigger one is called large leaf Banyan.

which was planted by a prince.

The smaller leaf banyan was planted by a girl.

It has been more than 700 years,

now they are tangling with each other

no one can set them apart.

What a touching love story.

Yeah. Later on,

the prince was called back,

and he became an emperor.

Regardless of the royal family's opposition

regardless of the opposition of the royal family


the girl died on the way to meeting him.

Why don't we record the sound of the leaves.


do you miss me Uncle?


I miss you a lot!

The don't allow me to speak

we can send text messages

Big Bos, check out the lightning.

Wow, that is so romantic!

It has been three years

I'm still not accepted by your mom.

You know my mom,


sometimes you just have to bend down a little.

I'm in love with you, not your mom.


All I care about is you.

All i care about is you

When they were having their moment.

they were trying to

collect all the sounds of nature

into the microphone.

I couldn't care less about

the beautiful scenes around us.

I was expecting my Uncle Cao

to fall from the sky, but

Big Boss wanted to visit her Grandma.

This is Grandma's house. Great! Come on!



We've arrived.

Is that Chen?

It is really you!

I cannot believe this.

Grandma, I was going to surprise you.

You did!

How is it going?

Pain in the ass.

You fell!

Who are your friends.

My classmates.

Come with me!

Hello, grandma.

Grandma, let me do this for you.



did you bring Chen to your parents?

Yes, they met.


Have you met with Chen's mom?

Chen told me, her parents separated.

I blame myself for this.

What's that sound?

Coconut falling.

Coconut falling...

I want to have it recorded.

Grandma, I want to compose a song

with all the nature sounds in Hainan,

show it to the world.

Is this what you are here for?


I'll bring you there.



Can you hear it?

It sounds like Red Army


Bulge blowing and flag fluttering

Grandma, were you one of them?

I was sold to a rich family as a main when I was 6.

I escaped when I was 12 and joined the Red Army.

Wow! I'm impressed!

No wonder Chen is so proud of you.

Now you know.


can you still remember the songs back the army day.

I want to have them recorded.

Sure, I can do some.

I can't believe Chen has

such an incredible grandma

We visited the last two

survived soldiers of the Red Detachment of women.

and Cao came but

from now here.

Ya! Ya!

Ya! Ya!

Cao, I'm pregnant.

I don't know what to do...

Cao? Cao?

Chen, we haven't found

the keynote of our work.

We will get there.

But don't have time

to come back again.

You told us to remain committed to our work.

Have some.
Leave me alone!


it's not nic talking that way.

Sorry, Grandma.

We were talking about our project.

I cannot comment on that.

I spent almost my entire life here,

sitting on this stone bench.

I could hear anything

but sometimes

you have to follow your heart.

Here, sit down.

Come here.

Close your eyes and remain peaceful.

Onwards, onwards.

The great responsibility of the soldiers

the heavy resentment of the women

Once upon a time Hua Mulan joined the army in her father's place.

Red detachment of the carry g*ns for the People now.

Onwards, onwards. The Great responsibilty of the soldiers

the heavy resentment of the women

Communist is the fittest guides. Communist the party leads the way.


you have to remember this.

All the ways we will walk on are critical paths.

Don't give up when running into troubles.


We are leaving now, Grandma!

Thank you for telling me this, Grandma!

Please come back.

Slow it down.


All the roads we will walk on are critical paths.

We didn't really understand what she meant when Grandma said it.

The most memorable thing at

the moment was her white hair.

which marks

what she had been through

in her extraordinary life.



The great responsibility of the soldiers

the heavy resentment of the women.

Once upon a time Hua Mulan joined the army in her father's place.

Red detachment of the women carries g*ns for people now.

Onwards, onwards. The great responsibility of the soldiers,

the heavy resentment of the woment.

Communist is the latest guides. Communist is the party leading the way

The slaves shall rise up, the slaves shall rise wup.

Onwards, onwards. Onwards, onwards.

The great responsibility of the soldiers

the heavy resentment of the women. [T/N: They are talking about the Women’s Independent Division of the Fourth Front Red Army]

We have run out of power.

You're right

We are not going anywhere if we keep doing this.

Li, we need gas.

Stay here, I'll be back soon.

Li loves you so much

I'm so jealous

Your grandma loves you so much

So is your mom

You also have a sweet boyfriend

But my life is totally different

Step father and step mother

I'm with you

You are with Li. I'm unnecessary here

What about Granny Gu?

Please don't mention him

He is never going to grow up

His been nice to me

but he's just not my type

Come here

What about Mr. Cao?


Mr. Cao, he is really good at chasing girls.

You have to be very careful

There must be some kind of misunderstanding

He is sweet

These are what he prepared for our trip.

Is there something going on between you and him?


There is nothing!

What could happen?


What the hell is HaiNan Sound of Nature?

A bunch of shameless losers.

Caranimal sounds

replace real music?

This is what you come up with after spending 7 years in composing?

I should've sent you


to a chicken farm.

Dad, this is the music I always wanted.

Can you please understand me?

I've never seen singing birds replacing flute in a concert.



Music is not only for concert.

All composers are inspired.

You've been telling us

all humans are from nature.

Li you have to listen to your dad on this.

Finish the divermen

then you can continue on your HaiNan Sound of the Nature.

It's for your own good.

No way.

I cannot allow my son to work on something like this.

What a joke!

No way.

No way!

It must be Chen's idea.

Mom, Dad, please stop.

You don't understand what I really want!

Once you walk out that door it is not open for you anymore.

Don't be like this.

This is your fault!

Chen, how is your grandma?

She is too weak to carry a coconut

Mom, please take it easy

You should spent some time with grandma

You will find peace there

Have a break and think about

What I've been through these years

What did I do wrong?

Why I didn't spend more time with your grandma?

Why your father and I divored?

Why I didn't get well along with others?

All I did

is for one purpose

forming a symphony orchestra

This is the dream of my entire life.


You are my daughter.


If you don't understand me,

Who else can I expect?

Please calm down, mom.

I see a whole new world on


my recent trip to collect folk songs.


Now I can understand you

and I expect the same from you

You are my child,

how could I not understand you?

Mom give me your hands

close your eyes

Take a deep breathe,


Big Boss was trying to tell her mom

she wanted to pursue her own dream

which may not reside in

elegant concert halls

Big Boss believe that arts should find a way to ordinary people.

the more the popular

I believer her grassroots temparament

came from her grandma

This unique quality has been

supporting her to chase her dream

I used to be a trombonist

Is there an opening for me?

We sure need a trombonist

and we need a chef too


Thanks god. I finally made it!


Why don't you give it a try?

I'll pass it

Ya, let me introduce you to a sugar daddy.

I don't think so

Why not? Are you seeing someone?


Ya, which one is it?



This is what you get by keeping it from me

How about I treat you to dinner?

You don't have to. Please hand me the key

Big Boss, why do you borrow his motor?

I have privacy too

Hi, Chen

Where are you Uncle Park?

Pirate will took Hepburn away

if you don't show up


Uncle Gao...

Mr. Cao's company is out of business, and he is broke

The car and I belong to creditors

He wanted me to give you this

Big Boss

Cao Mengde you bastard!

What is going on here?

He fled. This place doesn't belong to him anymore

Big Boss

ab*rtion can be very risky for her

This form needs to be signed by her relatives

Okay. relatives

Hello, where are you? Be quick!

What's taking so long?

I'm coming. Be quick!

Sign here

I cannot sign this


Meng Li, Ya is my best friend

I'm counting on you

I understand, we are close too.

But this is different.

How could I explain this to my parents if they find out

It is not about responsibility and she is not you.

What are you talking about?

Do it.

Let's get out of here and we'll figure it out

WI don't believe this.

Why are you so indifferent?

I'm not leaving her like this.

Chen, please listen to me,

what will people say if they know about this?

I don't care.

I do.

Cao's cell phone is turned off forever.


Left no option. I asked Granny Gu for help

He is a doctor in this hospital

I thought he was able to help

Please stop crying

I'm working on it. There has to be a way.

- What's wrong?
- Ge, why are you here?

It's been three months

That must be his girlfriend


I can not let my parents know about this

I can not have the baby

You are too weak for the surgery

do you understand?!

Nobody wants to help me

Give birth to the baby

Chen, what happened?

Ya has no place to live.

That's okay.

This place will be ready in a few days.

You and Ya can move back


I was told that Cao was broke. He ran away from creditors

Why he did not give me a call?


please don't be angry, if i'm telling you this

Why I'll be angry? I'm proud of you.

I talk to dad today,

I didn't call him,

He called me.



but not to live with him.

He wants me to go to the Julliard School.

He's trying everything to bring you back.

Chen, it took me a lot to convince the judge many years ago.

Mom, I don't want to go right now.

I want to finish the HaiNan Sound of the Nature,

more importantly, I'll miss you and grandma.

She is over ninety years old.

I respect your decision if you are going

to the Julliard School.

I can take care of grandma

Principal Xia, thank you for your support all these years

You don't have to say this,

children's career are the top priority

They wouldn't go this far if it weren't for you


Now Meng Li has finished his divertimento

and ready for the big stage

Li makes us proud

Li, we have confidence in you

The divertimento is not my work

Your dad finished it for you

This is called teamwork

Or you can call it unworthy sequel

Let's drink for the great teamwork!


Son, the admission to the Julliard School

is not easy to get.

Your dad and I want you

to go to the top school,

you deserve the best.

Chen, it's a great opportunity.

You should consider it.


I understand, but your HaiNan Sound of the Nature

can not finished over night

It's something else mom.

I'm thinking that Meng Li might be a better candiate.


You want him going to the Julliard School.

I've convinced my dad.

I can not believe you did this.

Let the kids make their own decisions,

We all have to stop making

decisions for them someday


Hello, Principal Xia.

You have visitors, please return.

Don't you always wanted to go to the Julliard School?

My dad recommended you.

You'll be accepted if you bring out

HaiNan Sound of the Nature


Principal Xia has admitted me

Okay, it's too late.

Please say thank you to your dad.

Please go back.

Li, I'm asking you one last question.

Do you still want to finish the HaiNan Sound of the Nature?


Che, why are you coming back?

Mom, I'm not going anywhere.

What about the Julliard School?

I'm not going.

Okay, then you and Li can get married early

and he will take good care of you.

We broke up.


What? It's over. Why?


What happened between you and dad?

Chen, what is going on?


Ya, this is durian, your favorite.


I took care of the graduation procedures

Thanks Granny Gu

Do you know why a doctor respects a revolutionist?

Che Guevara is the greatest doctor.

Doctors fix people,

he fixes the world.

Why didn't you want to be a doctor

and came back to the music school?

What would you say if I did it for you?

No way.

That is the truth.

Gu, I know you are the one

who cares about me the most in the world.

who cares about me the most in the world.




you are such a good person

I believe you deserve someone better

Sorry for all the troubles

since I was here.

I plan to move out

once the baby is born

This is your home,

please let me take care of you forever

Thanks Granny Gu

I mean it.


I just came back from work and haven't changed.


-Chen Chen

Your grandma is in a critical condition

Please go back for her

I'll meet you at her house once I sort things out

Grandma, grandma,





Back in the years I was a soldier,

we were ambushed one day.


I was the only survivor and the villages saved my life.

Danger and hardship

have been around me.


But I never give up my faith.


After the liberation, the Party sought me out

and give me a medal

so I turned down the government allowance as


I believe I can stand on my own.

Chen, I don't have much left for you.


I want you to keep the cap and medal


Grandma! Grandma!




Meng Li told me after that

However, I know Big Boss more than anyone else does

She will never bend down to anything.

She will never give up on her dreams.

A year later

Dinner's ready.


Big Boss!

Come here

Big hug and a kiss


Where are you heading to?

To something new.



I didn't end up with Granny Gu.

He deserves someone better.

I moved out of his house and had my own food stand

I felt great standing on my own.

I saw Cao one day,

pick up a girl from our school.

I realized that he made up

The broke and fleeing bullshit.

I wasn't angry at all

All I care about is Big Boss...

Whether things are going

I believe she will stay committed to her faith

and keep going.

to find, to chase and fulfill her dreams

You want to hold me around

I'll hear that love is singing someday

I see you, I'll look a little calm down

Let go the budding dream

Please long last my heart young

I grow up little by little
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