Stand Strong (2011)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Stand Strong (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

Aha! Look at that.

Come on now. What do you

Yeah, yeah. Nice shot or

I'm gonna go with hot pink
this week,

oh can you paint those little
Shasta daisies on there.

Oh yeah.

It is summer after all.

That was awesome.

This is what I'm doing all

Did you girls see what she
was wearing to Ben's party?

I don't even get why he likes

Yeah! Well, maybe we should
bring her shopping

with us next time.

She could obviously use the

Yeah, but shopping is not
gonna help her face.

You're getting pretty
psycho on that bike.

You guys only wish you were
as good.

I'll be sponsored while you're
working fast food.

Hey, you guys are done

Pack it up.

Come in we're setting it up
out back.

Nice, check it out.


I know.

Who was that?

A friend.

A guy?

Yeah, so?

So we've talked about this.

You're too young to date

and you're way too young to
have a boyfriend.

I can't have a friend who's
a guy?

He looked like more than a
friend to me.

Megan, you're too young.

I'm not playing with you.


Here Mom, these are for

Where did you pick this?

You better not be ruining my
flower beds.

Oh, Cameron, there are bugs on

Take them back outside please?

They're for your party.

Take them outside and then
get downstairs.

I need you to stay down there
until the party is over.

Now go.

Wooh! Where are you going?


No, I need you to watch
Cameron during the party.

No. You and dad are here.

Besides he's by himself all
the time.


It's about time, the party
starts in less than an hour.

I got here as soon as I

Here is your ice.

I don't want it. Take it

Oh here, here!

Go light the candles?

No, not that one.

You'll ruin it. It's a

I never light it.

I meant the ones outside.

Oh, put that out on the

And I need you back tomorrow
to clean up.

I appreciate you guys
working so hard on that.

I saw you guys.

Love your bracelet.

It is beautiful.

Thank you.

I got them in Bermuda.

Where are you going on your
next vacation?

I don't know.

You know we've been anywhere,
worth seeing...

We have a timeshare that we

to visit before the kids go
back to school.

You're taking the kids with

Sure. Yeah.

We never take the kids.

Too much hassle.

Catered, nice.

Aren't you gonna impress us
with your own cooking, Tara?

Oh, I would if I

I don't know how to cook.

I never learned.

Cameron you need to go back

Go back inside.

I'm hungry.

Oh, I forgot to order the


Matt, would you go and
order some pizza?

You guys excuse me.

Come on buddy let's get you
something to eat.

Hey, Josh. What do you

I've been trying to call
you all day.

Yeah, I got your calls.
It's really not a good time.

I got people here.

Do you know that your
company is preparing for

Have you heard anything?

No, I haven't heard

but I'm the vice president of

I think if there were
something going on I would

Just keep an eye out.

If there's anything you need
or something I can do, call me.

Alright, alright, I'll do
it. I gotta go.

Read this when you got a

Alright, I'll do it.

I'll see you later.

What took you so long?

They had me on hold.

Hey, I ate your salmon.

I hope you don't mind.

Yeah, I can see that.

Thanks, Brad.

No problem.

It's intention was to
escape to land but I leaped

into the water and waited oh.


How did it go?

What did he say?

He didn't wanna talk.

Well, he's just too proud.

All we could do is pray for

Let's pray.

Father in Heaven, hollowed
be thy name,

our prayers for Matt and his

Please bless Matt that his
heart may be softened,

that he may become a strong,
spiritual leader in his home,

and that he'll accept the love
and support of his family.

He seems to be asking to pray

in the name of thy son, Jesus
Christ, Amen.

Oh, Matt, we forgot about

Would you go check on him?

Brendan, where have you

You should have seen me.

I was catching some serious

Is that what you did all

What about your college

Did you get around the filling
that out today?

Brendan, we were gonna
watch a movie together?

Oh, I know.

I'm sorry, buddy.

Next time, okay?

You clean yourself and go
to bed.

Who ate all the cereal?

I hid that for me.

You can't have all that. Give
me some.

No way.

You always get all the

You gotta be fast.

You two sound like

Where are you going, mom?


I've gotta go to the store

and then I have a hair

What kind of a store?

Can I come with you?

You can go with Brendan.

I can't take him.

The guys will be here any

Oh, Megan, I guess you're
playing with Cameron today.

Don't even ask. I have

Oh, and I need to use one of
your credit cards.

Nobody ever takes me.

I'll take you when I go
hiking, buddy.

Where's dad? It's Saturday.

He left before I got up but
I'm pretty sure he went

Can I play with Jacob?

No, no one can take you.

I wish I had someone to
play with.

Can we have
another baby?

What? What did you say?

Mom cannot have another

She's way too old.

I am not that old but it
would take a miracle.

Well, I believe in
miracles, don't you?

Look, why don't you go and
play in your room

for a little while, okay?

Or you could play a video game
or watch a movie.

I'm out of here.

Brendan has a new one he
hasn't even seen yet.

Can't you put that on a

and put the maid
out of a job?

Oh, that's right.

The maid is coming today.

Cameron, can you let her in
when she gets here?

Sure Mom. Thank you.

See you later. Bye.

Guys are here, see you
later buddy.


Do you have any kids?

I have a son about your

Can he come play the next
time you come over?

Maybe. Are you home alone
again, Cameron?



Hey, buddy.

Where is everybody?

I don't know.

You're all by yourself?


You hungry?


Good. More for me and you.

So what did you do today?

I built a really cool model

Matt Webster.

Yeah, thanks for calling me

Listen, I don't know if I'm
gonna have

that project done in the

I would apply if I had any
available credit.

You guys have turned me down
for loan modification and

No. Catching up on the
payments is not an option.

I keep telling you, I can't

The market shifted.

I owe more on the house than
it's worth.

What other options are there?


There's gotta be another way.

I have to call you back.

The HR guy is here from

I just saw him down the hall.

What's he doing here?

It can't be good.

You know what, he's
probably here doing an

insurance enrollment.

Maybe. Randy, relax.

We're getting bonuses, right?

We're obviously doing a good

We're indispensable.

Brad and I are going to

Do you wanna join us?

I can't. I gotta run an


Dad? Yeah, buddy?

Are we going to go to
church this week?

We didn't go last week.

We didn't?

Yeah, we'll go.

You get dressed. We'll go to
church this week.

Good night, dad.

Good night, Cameron.

What's all this?

Just some stuff for the

How much did you spend this

I don't know.

Tara, we need to cut back.

It's not like we can't
afford it.

I'm just saying we need to
be a little more careful

for a while, that's all.

Since when?

Since things are getting a
little tight.

I can barely keep up with the
minimum payments.

Tara, are you even listening
to me?

You need to cut back.

Me? What about you?

You spend just as much as I

Well, we all need to cut

You know what, we're gonna
have a family meeting tomorrow.

Can you please make sure
everybody's here

when I get home from work?

Tara, I'm serious.

No, I can't do it this

You can't or you won't?


Mom, my house is going into

Son, I can't keep bailing
you out.

But mom, it's not my fault.

It's the economy. Everybody's
hurting right now.

Not everybody.

Right, Josh. He's perfect.

Everybody can't be Josh, mom.

Josh lives by true

Besides, you have not changed
the way you're living ever

since I bailed you out.

Matt, I love you too much to
keep enabling you.

How does not helping me
show me love?

I didn't say I wouldn't
help you,

just not the way you're asking
me to.

You need to ask God's guidance
for your family.

What I need is money.

I'm sorry, son.

You're on your own this time.


Lights? DJ?

Tara, this is what I'm talking

What is all this?

That's for my 16th

We're gonna have to scale
it back or call it off.

No, dad!

You're ruining my life.

Megan, I'm sorry, but we
have to cut back

on unnecessary expenses.

My birthday's unnecessary?

It's not just you.

We all have to cut back.

We have to stop spending so
much money.

Not now, Josh?

Matt Webster.

Matt, mom just called.

She's concerned.

She wanted me to call and
offer some financial advice.

Josh, you don't know when
to quit.

I don't need any help from

If wanted financial advice,
I'd pay you for it.

Now, leave me alone.

You have got to see this.

Come outside.

Not right now, Brad. I'm

It's awesome.

You gotta see what we did at

Come on.

What's going on? You're not
yourself lately.

I've got a lot of work to
do, busy.

I don't have time to be out.

You will forget all about
that when you see this.

What is it?

Check it out.

Come on.

This is yours?

Yeah, it's mine.

You bought this?

It's what I said.

Just picked it up.

What about the layoff

You're not worried about that?

No. I decided to buy it now
though just in case.

Without a job, I couldn't get
a loan it.

So you bought a car knowing
you may not be able

to afford it?

Sure, but all will last,

This is a nice chunk of

What about your kids' college

I don't have kids.

Yeah, you do, Brad.

They're not my kids.

They're my wife's.

Her ex can deal with that.

Obviously, nothing's
changed around here.

Cameron, where's everybody?

I don't know.

Have you eaten anything?


Come on, let's make a

So you haven't seen Megan
or Brendan?

You should have seen me, I
got a 40-minute flight.

It was so awesome.

Brendan, are you gonna play
all your life?

When are you gonna get a job?

Dad, I can help make a

And Megan, where have you

Spending every dime we have?

You're as bad as your mother.

What's with you?

You know what?

What's with all of you?

You don't seem to care about
anything but yourselves.

Dad, what's wrong?

All of you just go to your

Enjoy it. You may not have one
next week.

I said go!

I can help you put your
financial house

in order according to biblical

Read Romans 13:8 and Proverbs

Josh. Okay, Josh wise man.

Owe no man anything but to
love one another for he

that loveth blah blah blah
blah blah.

There is treasure to be
desired and oil in the dwelling

of the wise; but a foolish

Great, now I'm a fool.

Thanks, Josh.

I don't wanna go home.

Summer's way too long and my
kids are driving me crazy.

Tell me about it, I cannot
for mine to go back to school.


I'm feeling bad for

He has no one to play with.


Can't you just get him a

Excuse me.

Your credit card was declined.

It shouldn't be.

Maybe the strips worn off off.

Hold on. Try this one.

So when do your kids start
school again.


This one is declined too.

That's weird.

Okay, I know this one is


Do you have another form of

Here, I've got it.

What is going on?

I've been waiting to ask
you the same question.

You just can't wait to go out
and spend every chance you get.

Oh, don't worry, I couldn't
spend a thing.

What do you mean couldn't?


Do you have any idea how
humiliating it is

to get declined, especially in
front of my friends?

And not just this card,
three cards.

Everyone in the restaurant was
staring at me.

What is going on? And what is
so funny?

Well, Tara, obviously,
we're over the limit.

What are you doing?

I told you we had to stop

No, you said we had to cut

No, I said we had to stop

When were you gotta tell me
about the house?

When we're out of the street?

What difference does it

There's nothing you can do
about it.

No definitely not now, but
I live here too,

I deserve to know about this.

Well now you know.

When did we get so far
behind on the house?

The mortgage adjusted 6
months ago.

We're making twice the

I don't make that much money

We're just not making it.

Well, can we borrow against
the house or refinance?

Don't you get it?

That's how we got in this mess
to begin with.

We keep borrowing against the

to pay off the credit cards.

As soon as they're paid off,

they get run right back up

We don't have any money, we
don't have any credit.

And our house is being
foreclosed on.


What Cameron?

Lets go to church.

Can't really, Cameron. I'm
too tired.

You said you would take me.

I know buddy.

I had to work late last night

Tara, why don't you take him?

I'm not going if you're

Cameron, I'll take you next
week, alright?

Just go on and get some

Hey Matt, I know, I don't
know when to quit

but I was thinking about you
and felt prompted to call.

I just wanted to encourage you
to read Luke 12, today.

Call me if you need anything,
okay, that's all.

Read Luke 12.

What are you doing dad?

I'm taking some pictures of
some of our stuff.

I have to put some ads on the

Could I help?

Yeah, you know what?

Go tell everybody there's
gonna be another family



Look, we're not getting
anywhere with our debt.

We still owe too much.

On what?

On everything Tara, between
the house, the boat, the RV,

the dirt bikes, we're paying

of dollars a month and we
don't have it.

So you're saying we're
selling our stuff?

Technically it's not our

We don't own any of it.

We Owen a bunch of payments.

My dirt bikes?

They gotta go.

You can't sell those, I use

You didn't pay for them

When you can afford your own,
you're welcome to have one.

What about the house?

I'm trying to sell it.

I'm also waiting on a bonus
from work.

If I can get it by next week,
we might be able

to keep out of foreclosure.

We're losing the house?

As of now.

Look, everyone's gonna have to

and take an initiative here,
and Brendan quit doodling

in that sketch book, you need
to get a job!

Dad, don't you think we
should pray

to see what God wants us to

Tara, I need to talk to

The landscaper quit, my last
my last check to him bounced.

And I had to let the maid go.

You did what?

Come on Tara, we can barely
afford to eat.

Some things have to change
around here.

You know we can afford a maid.

So, who's gonna clean up
around here?

Oh, you know I can't.

You know she can't.

The two of you have to
figure it out together.



Yes Megan?

My phone is broken.

It's not broken, Megan.

We only need my phone for
work, yours is expendable.


Thanks for ruining my life.

Josh, what do you want?

Are you ready to talk yet?

Matt, I'm a financial adviser.

Don't you think I can help my

What do you know?

I know you're in trouble.

I love you, I just wanna help.

You know what?

You think you're so much
better than me.

You just can't wait to rub it

I don't butt into your life, I
don't tell you how

to live or what to do.

All I ever get from you is

Judgment? What?

and your self-righteous life,
I'm over it.

Matt, I'm only here because
I care about you.

I wish you could see that.

Look, when you're ready talk,
I'll be here,

that's what brothers do.

Josh, if I want your help,
I'll ask for it.

Excuse me, what you are

We're repossessing your
vehicle ma'am.

What for?

Well, it says here, due to
non payment.

You can't have it.

Jim, what about the

About my bonus?

As a CEO I'm not even
planning on one.

The economy has hit us hard
and unexpectedly.

Our biggest deals are backing

Jim, you don't understand,
I need this bonus.

Besides I thought they were

on last quarter's performance.

What would have been
bonuses are now what we're
operating on.

Listen Matt, I came here to
talk to you about tightening

up the marketing department.

Tightening up?

On what? Jobs?


We're on a hiring freeze.

Nobody gets promoted, nobody's
getting a raise,

nobody is getting a bonus.

Look, you're lucky it's not
any worse.

The sales department is being

Well, it's done.

No bonus.

Matt Webster?


I'm a representative from
your mortgage holder.

I've been authorized to give
you cash for keys.

It's a relocation program.

So what, you're offering
money to leave my house?

Technically, it's not your

It's been foreclosed on, so if
you leave the property

in its current condition and
be out within 10 days,

the bank will provide you with
a check.

You have 24 hours to decide.

You know what?

Do you have a pen?


Hey Josh, it's Matt.

Yeah, look, this isn't easy
for me.

I don't know what else to do.

I keep it hidden from my

Hey everybody!

Uncle Matt and his family are
gonna stay with us for a while.

They'll be here this weekend.

Yes! Yeah!

Can Cameron stay in my

He sure can.

Josh, can I talk to you for
a minute?

Sarah, keep reading this. I'll
be right back.

Does Tara know about this?

I guess so. Matt's calling
about it.


Josh, you know she doesn't
like me.

I just don't see this going
over very well.

They don't have anywhere
else to go.

Mom's condo is too small.

I know.

I don't have a problem with

It's just it's going to be
hard, really hard.

We have the room.

It's not what I mean.

What's wrong?

I just didn't know it would
be so hard.

I don't wanna leave.

I know.

I mean, I know we have to
but it's just hard.

Who would have thought when
we moved

in here it would be like this?

We had everything ahead of us.

But you know what, Tara, we
still do.

I'm kind of excited to see
what the future holds.

I don't know how you can be
so positive.

I'm just trying to have
faith, I guess.

You need to read Luke 12.

It really helped.

But we're losing our house.

Look at it this way.

Adam and Eve suffered the
ultimate eviction.

We're just losing our house.

Just losing our house?

I know it sounds crazy.

I'm just finally starting

to realize we don't own any of

It all belongs to God.

Well, I don't know what to

I really we really appreciate
all of your help.

I don't know what we would
have done

if you guys hadn't come today.

Thank you.

I can't even count how many
times I have chased Cameron

through this kitchen.

I can count we had dinner

Cameron, that's not funny.

Megan thought so.

Alright guys, time to go.

Come on Mom.

Look, Josh says they have
plenty of room.

It's gonna be fine.

I feel weird about this.

Tara, it's only temporary.

Hey, Josh. Come on in.

Hey! Hi guys!


Hi, Sarah.

Good to see you all.

They're ready for bed.

Oh, we're gonna have a lot
of fun.

So much fun...

I'll tell you guys real quick
where you're staying

and then you can both go bring
your things in, okay?

It sounds great.

Okay. Matt and Tara,

we've got you downstairs in
the guest room.

Megan, we've got you set up on
the sofa

in the basement living room.

Brendan, we've got you set

up in the private playhouse
suite out back.

And Cameron, you get to stay
with Jacob in his room.

Yey! A playhouse?

Oh yeah, it's great.

There's electricity out there
and you've got all to yourself.

You only need to come in for
the bathroom.

Thanks. He'll love it.

You guys make yourselves at

There's towels in the closet,
food in the fridge,

and you're welcome to join us
for any activities

that we're doing, okay? We

Thank you guys for everything.

We really do appreciate this.

It's been a long day though.

I think we're gonna go and hit
the bed.


We're about to have family

would you like to join us? >>
Oh, no, that's okay.

We'll just see you in the

Alright, guys, good night.

Thank you again.

See you in the morning.

Jacob, please show Brendan
where he'll be staying.

You're so lucky Brendan.

I never get to stay out in the

I don't know if I can take

I have no privacy and Rachel
is way too nice.

She bugs me.

Why don't you go take a
shower and wind down.

Rachel said the towels are in
the hall.

Mom, dad, come check this

What's with the grocery
store in their basement?

Megan get out of there.

You can ask them about it

I don't wanna ask them.
They think I'm snooping.

You ask.

You are snooping.

What am I gonna do here all
day tomorrow?

I going to be totally bored.

You see how many kids are

the last thing you'll be is

Tortured maybe, but not bored.


Do you want a pancake? >>

Yeah, do you want one?

I have two ready for you
right here.

Thanks. You can eat it.

We already had the prayer.

What time did you all get


What have you been doing
since 6:30?

The usual; prayer,

chores, and now breakfast.

But it's barely 9.

Yeah, we slept in a little

We usually get up at 6 o'clock
so we're all done

with breakfast by 8:30.

Where is my mom?

I haven't seen her up yet.

What about Brendan?

He should be probably
playing out in the playhouse.

He's so lucky.

What? Are you here for tea

What are you doing today?
I've gotta get out of here.

Gavin is picking me up in
his two-seat truck.

There's no room for you.

Ride in the back?

Nope. Have fun.

Jacob, Sarah, dinner duty.

What's my job.

Setting and clearing the

Jacob, it is your night to
help me fix dinner.

Could I help? Sure.

Go wash your hands and I'll
get you started

on chopping the vegetables for
the salad.

That's my spot.

I can't do it. I feel so
out of place.

Tell me about it. Move.


Cameron, did you tell your
parents we're ready to eat?

Yeah, I told them.

I don't know what's taking
them so long.

I'm gonna grab a plate for
Megan and Tara,

they're not feeling well.

It looks great.

There you go. Thanks.

Maybe tomorrow.

Here. Eat it.

I can't live like this.

I feel totally trapped.

You're not the only one.


Has anyone seen Brendan?

He left early.

Here, can you hold her for
a minute while I get something?

Come on.


What do you say we clean up
this mess?

I know this has to be hard
for you to come stay here

with us but I really think
you'll feel better

if you had something to do.

I'm doing something.

I can see that.

What we need to do though is
straighten this mess.

It's depressing isn't it?

I'll take these plates up.

Could you finish picking up
the trash?

There. I think this area is
clear enough to vacuum.

I'll go plug it in for you.


You can put it in the

It would be great if we
could eat as a family tonight.

I have some errands to run

with Matt gets home with the

Oh, Okay.

Matt, we need to talk.

Not now Tara.

I wanna go back.

Go back where?

We have no place to go.

And you know we can't afford
anything else right now.

Then get a higher paying

You have to do something.

Oh, I can't live like this

Come on, Tara, you've gonna

out a way to make this work.

It's not gonna k*ll you to
help out.

You think you have it bad?

I'm staying in a playhouse.

I'm so embarrassed to be

My friends will even drive by
here to pick me up.

Do you hear this Matt? We
hate it here.

Do you know what I hear?

Ungrateful spoiled brats.

Don't you guys get it?

Our lives have changed.

This is where we live, this is
how we live.

I don't wanna hear anymore

You think you hated here?

Trust me you'd hate the
alternative a lot more.

I don't think any of you are
cut out to live in a cardboard

I can't do this.

It's too hard.

Megan, I would prefer that

and your mom ate at the table.

Letting you eat downstairs is
setting a bad example

since our house rule is if
you're healthy

and able, you eat at the

Where is breakfast?

Rachel wants us to eat at
the table.

What? Oh, of course,

we've just been waiting for
her to do this.

She wasn't rude about it.

Oh! She's never rude.

She's just I'm so sick of it

Me too.

Cameron is having a good
time enough.

She just thinks she's so
perfect with her chickens

and her garden and her grocery
store in the basement.

As for my chickens, my
garden, and my grocery store?

How do you think I'm feeding
all of you?

My grocery store, as you call
it, is stores that will feed us

in case of an emergency.

We're glad to help you because
we have food to share.

That's not what I meant, I
was just

I know.

You are used to something else
at your house.

And I'm sorry, you don't have
one anymore.

I am happy to have you here.

I could just use a little more

I'll put this away.

Thank you.

Dinner is at 6 and I need
your help to fix it at 4:30.


Father in heaven.

Please help me to have
patience and love and show

And please help me to know how
I can help Tara.

In Jesus name, amen.

Hey, can you help me peel

We added your names to the
Webster family job chart today

so tomorrow, your family will
have job assignments just

like our family.

Hey, after breakfast we'll
finish our history project,

Okay? Yey!

Do your kids get excited
over a history project?

Aren't you afraid all this
home schooling is making them a

little socially backward?

Excuse me?

Well, I mean they spend all
day with you, you teach them,

I just thought maybe

Tara, are you insinuating
that I'm socially backwards?

No. Never mind.

What are my jobs?

You have dishes, which is
unloading and loading all day,

vacuuming the upstairs and the
basement area and garden duty.

What's garden duty?

Watering the garden,
pulling the weeds,

picking the ripe vegetables.

And how do I know when the
vegetables are ripe?

I'll send Sarah out to help

And Megan you have the
bathrooms and taking out the
garbage okay.

I can do that.

Do you think if Megan

and I finish it quickly we
could borrow the car to run an

I think that would be fine.

I'll ask Josh if he needs his

We need to keep ours here in
case I need

to leave with the kids.

Okay great.

And what about Brendan, what's
he doing?

He'll be mowing the lawn.

Oh, don't pull that one,
that's a squash.


Here pull the ones that
looks like this.

What happened?

I don't know something
touched me a bug

or a spider, something.



This is a rolly roly-poly

It won't hurt you, look he
plays dead.

Oh, so it's nice.

Yeah. It's cute too don't
you think?


Here, Mom wants the
cucumber before we go inside.

You can bring one in.

We are done weeding.

That's a zucchini, here
take one of these.

It's Tara.


No, I'm not on vacation.

No I'm sure I told you where I
was, didn't I?

Oh no well, anyway no I just
I've been dying to get out

and I just wondered if maybe
you wanted to join Megan and me

for a girls day out today.

Oh why not.

Are you gonna be with your
in-laws all day?

So there's no way you can go?

Oh, okay, no, we'll we'll miss

Oh yeah definitely, yeah
we'll, no we'll try it another

okay, okay, alright, bye-bye.

There's about 300 dollars
worth in this pile.

Yep that’s about my pile

So after we return these
can we spend any of it?

Maybe a little, but I think
dad will be impressed

if we gave him a bunch of

I do you think we can afford a
quick pedicure though.


Cameron. What?

Come here.

I'm going rock climbing with
the guys today.

You remember when I said I'd
take you next time?


Well, do you wanna go?


Yeah, the guys will be here

in a few minutes, can you be

Sure. Can Jacob go?

I don't think there's gonna
be enough room this time

with all the guys and gear.

How about taking Jacob next


Alright, I'm gonna go get
the stuff.

I just saw the HR guy here

Randy, relax, it's the
sales department.

It's getting restructured.

So he is here to do

For the sales department.

Well, we're safe, right?

Yeah, as far as I know.

We should eat there after,
do you want to?

Okay, yeah, sounds good.

What? Mom, what is going

Why are we leaving? We have an

Let's climb here.

It's been a while since we've
taken this route.

I've never soloed it.

Dude, that's tough.

It's pretty gnarly at the end.

You don't have any overhang?

You took a couple of falls on
it before.

Yeah but, that was when I
was first figuring it out.

Now it's like a puzzle I've
done a million times.

I know just how to do it.

Just climb with Trad,

I brought my canopy.

Nah, I know I can do it.

Matt Webster.

Sure, when do you want to do

Yeah, I can come right now.

Okay, bye.

Watch this Cameron.

Push it on the over hang.

Come on Brendan, you can make

Get up there.


That was awesome.

You guys thought I couldn't
make it.

Cameron, did you see that?


Yeah, thanks for coming in.


I hate to be the bearer of
bad news

but you know there's been cut

and it's affecting your

Cameron, hold still.


Don't move.

You guys try and get up.

I'm gonna try and get down.





Matt, Brendan just called.

Cameron was in an accident. >>

They're at the hospital.

Where is Tara? She's not

I'll bring her when she gets

Tell her I'll meet her at
the hospital.

Brendan, what happened?

It's all my fault.

What happened?

I took him rock climbing, I
wasn't watching him,

I didn't know he would climb
up the rope, he fell.

Come here.

Dad? Can we pray?

Yeah, I think we should.

Lord I know I don't deserve
your help.

Please, don't take my child

We're losing everything,
please don't take my child.

Please, I'll do what ever I
have to.

Please don't take him away.

In Jesus name.

Tara, Cameron is in the


Josh call your mom, we're
on our way.

What hap what happened?

He's been hurt.

I'll tell you on the way, I'll

Any news?

Not yet.

He's still in surgery.

Brendan and I have been

I have been too.

I think he's gonna be okay.

How do you know?

Just trying to have faith.

When can we see him?

We don't know.

He is still in surgery, it
could be hours.

Are you the parents of
Cameron Webster?


We were able to mend and
repair Cameron pretty well.

He's stable right now and I
think he's going to be okay.

When can we see him?

He is sedated right now.

The best thing you can do is
to go home and get some sleep.

He'll be groggy in the morning

but should be ready to accept

Thank you Lord for saving
my son.

Did you realize what a good
kid he is?

He's always been so good,
he's easy to forget.

He's just never asked for

He's always entertaining
himself and never was any

Realizing that I don't know
any of 'em.

They're growing up so fast.

Soon they're gone and I've
missed it.

It's like I went to sleep.

I don't know when it happened.

I guess this is my wake up

You know why I wasn't home
today, shopping.

Megan and I hit a sale while
my son could have died.

Just makes me sad to think of
how much

of my life was spent doing
unimportant things.

I guess we both got

I know we've been doing
this wrong,

but I gotta believe we can do
it better.

I feel like we're getting a
second chance here, Tara.

I don't wanna blow it.

Yesterday I was worried about
where we're gonna live

but I am just grateful to be

Family is everything.

We gotta start putting it

Look at this.

I found it when I was going

through some things with

Who's is this?


I didn't know he could draw
like this.

Me neither.

It's incredible.

Buddy, you're awake?


I've never been so happy to
see you.

We bought you some things

Let's put 'em right here,

Thanks Mom.

Hey buddy listen the
doctors say you need

to get your rest okay, so
we're not gonna stay.

We'll be back later though.

Alright, get some sleep. Glad
you're feeling better.

I'm so sorry Cameron, can
you forgive me?

We love you buddy.

It wasn't your fault.

It was pretty dumb of me.

Brendan, you're being too
hard on yourself.

I knew better.

I'm so stupid.

I wasn't tied in dad.

I soloed it and showed Cameron
by my bad example

that it was okay to climb
without a rope.

He didn't know any better.

You made a mistake.

It's ironic, you don't know
how well you just summed up my


Brendan, you were trying to
look good for your friends.

Try to impress them.

That's what I was trying to

You pushed yourself, ignored
all the risks,

all for your own glory.

That's what I did too.

The only difference is when I
fell I took all of us with me.

Do you realize we lost
everything because of my pride?

So what now?

We tie in and climb again.

This time though we can trust
in our own ability

and we can't do it for our

This time we gotta do it for
God's glory.

Brendan, the mistake we made

we thought we could do

for ourselves what we can only
do through the Lord.

Does that make sense?

It's gonna be okay.

Cameron's strong, he's gonna
pull out in this, I love you.

And you know what?

I saw your sketch book, I hope
that's all right.

Brendan, I really liked it.

You have some amazing talent.

I'm sorry I didn't see it

Matt, what's going on?

Well, with all that's been

I haven't had a chance to give
you the bad news.

About Cameron?

No, not about Cameron.

But I did lose my job.

I got laid off yesterday.

Look, Tara, I know what you're
thinking but I feel blessed,

we have place to live.

I don't know what I would've
done if I had to lost my job

and the house at the same

Does this mean that we have
to stay here even longer?

Not necessarily.

Josh has some ideas on how to
get me back

on my feet financially.

I just didn't want you to
stress about it.

Well, I don't know what
else could upset me now.

So you won't mind that I'm
selling the Audi?

Oh, Matt.

Don't worry, we're gonna
get another car soon.

This time it's gonna be cash.

Come in.

Okay little brother, I'm
ready to learn.

About time.

I've been watching you.

You're so patient with the

I don't know how you do it.

Patience takes practice and
I get plenty of it.

I also read Proverbs 31 all
the time for help.

Proverbs 31.

It's where God describes
what a virtuous woman is.

Oh yeah.

I remember that chapter.

You know Rachel, watching you
has made me remember why I

wanted kids.

Cameron was
just such a surprise.

He's just I've just been in

or I think maybe even denial
ever since.

Just wasn't prepared for any
of it.

But I wanna live Proverbs 31.

You will.

I also like the scripture,
"children are inherited

to the Lord" Psalms 3Ì 7:3.

I need that daily reminder.

I love that, I need to live

I'm sorry.

I I'm sorry.

I've been so horrible to you.

It's okay, I loved you

Let your light so shine
before men,

that they may see your good

and glorify your Father which
is in heaven.

I don't know Josh.

You're saying I gotta use
savings for everything

that my check doesn't cover?

Yes. Without savings you
can never get ahead,

and you only get deeper in

It's a vicious cycle.

And you're serious?

Your house is paid for?

Yes. And you can do it too.

It only takes discipline and a
plan, small amounts add up

Mom, these are for you.

Oh, Elijah, these are

Thank you, buddy.

Mwah. I'm gonna put this on a
special place

so everyone can see 'em.

Thanks, buddy.

I know I need to start

but I don't know how to do it
right now, especially now.

I'm doing everything I can.

I got my resume out there, but
nobody's hiring.

What do you selling today?

Oh, look at the lizards we
made dad.

They're only a dollar.

You want one? No.

I want all seven.

All seven?

Yeah, have you thought of
marketing as an independent?

Okay, that would be 7
dollars please.

Thank you.

I have enough money to go
to the pool.

You mean go into business
for myself?

I wouldn't even know where
to start.

Business is providing
something other's want

in exchange for money or

That's it. You can do that.

Nothing is that simple

Sure it is.

It's so simple the kids
could do it.

Sarah has more cash

at her disposal then I do most
of the time.

Yeah, but where I'm gonna
find business?

Business is everywhere.

Individuals, mom and pop
shops, nonprofits,

Fortune 500 companies, they
all need marketing.

They all need your services.

I can't think of anybody
who needs my services right

You know what?

I can. Come on, I want

to introduce you to your first

Andrew, you got a minute?

Yeah, sure.

I wanted to introduce you
to my brother.

Andrew, this is Matt.

I like your bumper sticker.

Yeah, I'm somewhat of a

So what's up?

Matt is in marketing.

I thought he could help your


Well, that's great.

But I don't know that I can
afford any marketing yet.

Well, what if we work out a
deal similar to what you

and I did and barter your
services for now.

Sounds good.

What do you got in mind?

Matt is gonna be buying a
cheap car with cash.

It's gonna need some work.

You get his car running.

He'll get your business


It's a deal.

Let's do it. Really?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Can I ask you a few

Sure, go for it.

What's the name of your

Mobile Motto.

I do on-site repairs.

Well, I don't have a shop yet.

How do you advertise?

Word of mouth, referrals.

So no website or anything?

No, no website.

I think I can definitely
step up your business, Andrew.

Sounds good. Looking
forward to it.

Hey, dad. Check this out.

What you got, buddy?

Wow! Nice work.

That's amazing.

Do you wanna see the logo I
made for Josh's business?


Brendan, that is great.

That's professional.

You know what, you should be
my partner.

I'll do the marketing, you do
the design work.

What do you think?

I'd love that dad.

I'll make you proud.

Brendan, I'm already proud
of you.

Hi! Hi, Lori, come on

Hey. Andrew told me your

and sister in-law are staying

and I just wanna introduce

Tara's in the other room.
I'll go get her.

Go ahead and take a seat.

Hi. Hi.

I'm Lori. Andrew's wife.

Oh, okay.

Owners of Mobile Motto, right?

Yeah, yeah. That's why I'm

Oh, okay.

I am so excited about the
amount of work

that Andrew's been getting

since your husband started his
marketing business.

He's been getting a lot of

Almost more than he could

It is such a blessing!

Oh, that's great.

And just a real answer to
our prayers.

I wanted to let you know that
we have referred you

on to several other of our
friend and they're trying

to get their business started

Really? Wow! That's great.

I really appreciate it.

Thank you really.

If there's anything that I can
do for you please let me know.

Thanks, I will.

Oh, and I baked you this
bread as a thank you.

You bake bread?


Now that is something that
you could do for me.

I would love to learn how to
make bread.

I would love to teach you


Hey, Josh?

Hey, Rachel, have you seen

He's out on a date.

Yeah, he takes the kids out
once a week on daddy date.

He's out with Sarah right now.

What do they do on their

Different things each week.

He usually let's the kids
choose the activity.

You know how cheap Josh is.

He finds fun and endless
things to do for free.

You know what, you just
give me the inspiration I was

praying for.

I'll see you later.

Hey Pal. What are you
working on?

Wow! That's amazing!

Matthew 5:16.

Why did you choose that?

Well, Cameron read it to me
when I visited him.

It really touched him and it
did the same to me.

You did an amazing job
capturing it in your drawings.

Well, this is me, dad.

Before Cameron's accident, I
wasn't doing anything bad

but I wasn't really doing
anything good either.

Not doing anything bad and
doing good are very different

You know what, you're

You're not the only one that's
learning that.

Wait a second, Brendan. That's

Good works.

Good Works Marketing and

It's a perfect name for our
family business.

What do you think?

I like it.

You get started on the

We're in business.

You just have to take it
from here.

I don't know Josh.

I don't want to blow it again.

You're ready.

You're on the right track
spiritually and financially.

Yeah, but what if the work
is not there

and I can't afford the rent?

I can't let my family fall

I'm not saying that it's
going to be easy

or that you won't struggle but
you have to have faith.

Josh, faith is the hardest

You understand what didn't

Now you understand God's laws,
all you have

to do is apply what you've
learned and what you know.

That's easy for you to say.

You're naturally a better
father and leader than I am.

I don't know if I have what it

That's fear speaking and it
will only shut you down.

Forget it.

Concentrate on the vision you
have for your family.

What if I don't have a
vision for my family?

I mean concentrate on the
big picture, your role as a

I don't understand what my

as a father has to do with it.

Your role as a father is to
preside over, provide for

and protect his family.

If you do those three things
to the best of your ability

and with the help of the lord
you will be the kind of leader

and father God wants in your

How does my little brother
have all the answers?

I don't but I know where to
find them.

God's way.

You know what Josh there's
something I got to do.

I'll see you later.

Dad, where are we going?

It's a surprise hence the

Okay, go to the right grass.

Right there.


I know it's not what you
expected but it's all for you.

Sweetheart, I can't believe
you're 16 years old.

It seems like just yesterday
your mom

and I held you for the first

You were so little.

Now you're a beautiful young

and I'm very blessed to be
your dad.

Thanks dad.

I got something for you.

This ring represents my love
for you.

It's a symbol of my love and
my commitment to lead you.

It's also a reminder that your
heart belongs to me

until the day a worthy man
comes along and takes you in

and gives you a ring that
symbolizes his love

and commitment for you.

I love you dad.

I love you too.

Happy birthday!

And I promise you'll have a
real party soon, okay?


Let's eat.

I got you your favorites.

I hope you're hungry.

Yes, I am.

* The greatest house, the
finest cars. *

* Have we lost sight in who we
are? *

* When worldly gain is all we
see, our life's on sinking
sand. *

* Our life's on sinking sand.

* All is gone lost sight in
what is true. *

* Now we look to you, yes we
look to you. *

* Stand strong as our world is
fading, stand strong *

* in Christ, our foundation.

* Stand strong even in
adversity surrounding us *

* in tragedy, we'll stand
strong. *

* Life is crashing down on us

* and all these false
stability's *

* Our hopes and dreams

Hey, can I get everybody's

I'm glad you guys came,
Cameron is home.


* All is gone lost sight in
what is true. *

* Now we look to you, yes we
look to you. *

* Stand strong as our world is
fading, stand strong *

* in Christ, our foundation.

* Stand strong even in
adversities surrounding us *

* in tragedy, we'll stand
strong. *

Well, the summer started
with the party

and it's ending with one too.

It's summer I won't forget.

It's too bad Cameron's gotta
go back to school so soon.

Well, actually if you
approve I was thinking maybe

he wouldn't?


I've seen too much of a
lifestyle I've grown to love.

I love it way too much to go
back to the old way.

What do you mean?

I'd like to home school


I've missed too much of his

I don't want to miss another

I think it's a great idea.


Hey, what do you guys think
of my new ride?

Oh. Wow!

That's great.

Check it out.

Megan, what do you think?

Do you still wanna drive my

Oh yeah?

Oh, I almost forgot

I got something for you.

Oh that's perfect.

Look at that.

Well, I'm wanna take you
for a ride.

Come on. Let's go.

Right now? Yup! Just


Alright, we wont wait up.


Mint chocolate chip?

Thank you.

Just like our first date.

You remember that?

What kind of shake I had?

Why wouldn't I?

This is where it all began.

We were two kids drinking our
milk shakes

and finding our lives

Here we are again almost 20
years later.

Drinking milk shakes and
starting over,

this time with a new plan.

A new plan.

We could do this, Tara.

I wanna do it different this

This time I want to give you
my best.

This time I wanna give God my

I promise we'll make it work.


Alright, Cameron, you're on
the first row, okay?

This is it. First pick!


What do you think?

It's awesome.

Hand me those crutches.

Help you out, buddy?

You guys wanna go pick out
your bed rooms.

Oh yeah. Yes.

Well, we made it.

Tonight is our last night at
Josh and Rachel's.

I think I'm actually gonna
miss it.

Come on.

Wait till you see the inside.

And the question is will it
all fit?

You can always put Brendan
out in a tent.

Josh, I don't know how to
thank you.

You don't have to. That's
what families do.

I think you know that now.

Yeah, but I really
appreciate it.

Can I go home yet?

No, I don't appreciate that

We got more work to do.

Oh, Rachel.

This is what you taught me.

The most important things in
life aren't things.

Aren't things.


And the best part is I got
it at a yard sale for 2

That's almost free.


Yeah, honey?

You're right.

I don't need a boyfriend.

I just wanna let you know.

That's my girl.

I'm proud of you sweetheart.


Yeah, mom?

I love you.

I love you too, mom.

Look I'm sorry I put you in
that position.

Let me finish.

Matt, you and your family are
so precious to me.

I hope you know that.

Yours and Josh's family are my

and you're my reason for

And I want you to know that
it's been a great wonderful

to watch you grow into a man
and into a father

and into a servant of the

I know your father is so proud
of you.

And I also know he's looking
down on you

and really feeling the joy
that I feel too.

I just had so much in my

I had to let it spill out.

I love you to mom.

Looks, great. I hope you
guys are hungry.

It's really good.

>>Nice job mom!

What are you doing?

I thought that was for

It is. But, you know, this
candle represents who I was,

beautiful maybe, but not very

It had a better chance of

in storage done bringing down
from use.

I wanna burn myself out from

I want to let my light so
shine before men

that they may see my good

and glorify my father which is
in heaven.

I can't tell you how grateful
I am for these difficult trials

that we've been through for
the last couple of months.

If everything haven't fallen
apart we could have never

rebuilt our lives so

I know he loves me.

That is beautiful.


I love you too. Dinner
looks great.

Thank you.

Cameron, do you remember
when you ask me

if I believe in miracles?


Well, I do.


Mom, are you having another


Are you serious?


Oh, wow! It's great.

Wow! This is a celebration.

Let's eat! Let's eat.

Oh wait.

Who's saying the prayer?

Ah, Cameron?

* The greatest house, the
finest cars. *

* Have we lost sight in who we
are? *

* When worldly gain is all we
see, our life's on sinking
sand. *

* Our life's on sinking sand.

* All is gone lost sight in
what is true. *

* Now we look to you, yes we
look to you. *

* Stand strong as our world is
fading, stand strong *

* in Christ, our foundation.

* Stand strong even in
adversity surrounding us *

* in tragedy we'll stand
strong. *

* Life is crashing down on us
and all these false
stability's. *

* My life is crashing down on
us and all these false
stability's. *

* Our hopes and dreams they
fade away, *

* our life's on sinking sand.

* Our life's on sinking sand.

* All is gone lost sight in
what is true. *

* Now we look to you, yes, we
look to you. *

* Stand strong as our world is
fading, stand strong *

* in Christ, our foundation.

* Stand strong even in
adversity surrounding us *

* in tragedy we'll stand
strong. *

* By pride in earthly
treasure. *

* We will stand.

* No longer in this world are
we measured. *

* Stand strong as our world is
fading, stand strong *

* in Christ, our foundation.

* Stand strong even in
adversity surrounding us *

* in tragedy we'll stand
strong. *

* We'll stand strong.
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