Equals (2015)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Equals (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

[classical music playing]

[shower running]

[birds chirping]

[The Collective] All trains

departing for the lower levels.

The Collective runs

on everybody

doing their part.

Report suspicious activity

to Health and Safety.

[The Collective] Health

and Safety is here to help,

just look for the black

and white vests.

[electronic beeping]

After you.

Thank you.

[The Collective]

This train serves

the north east work sectors.

[The Collective] This is

a message from The Collective.

Are you overly tired?

Or experiencing

increased sensitivity?

Maybe you have difficulty


You may have SOS,

Switched On Syndrome.

[computer beeps]

[woman] It is

from a further 43 degrees

along this orbit

that the Holst probe

will begin

its 110-minute descent

into TK14's atmosphere.

[birds chirping]

[indistinct chatter]

[computer chimes]

[The Collective] Bombs dropped

for the span of 28 days

and obliterated 99.6%

of usable arid land

on the Earth's surface.

An event that changed

the course

of humankind forever,

and now known as the Great w*r.

Of the two tracts of land

that survived the Great w*r,

the peninsula still stands

44 degrees west

of The Collective.

And is a wild, primitive area,

containing empty,

dilapidated buildings.

[speaker's voice rewinds]

And little is known

about the primitive nature

of the peninsula's inhabitants.

The defects living there

are ruled by emotion

and base desires.

An ancient vestige of our past.

[Leonard] This image shows

Equos 12 leaving Earth's orbit

on last week's

interstellar mission.

Who wrote the text

for this feature?

[Nia] Me, I did.

Does this look accurate, Nia?


Except, the rocket's

fission thrusters

are cylindrical,

these appear triangular.

[Leonard] Thank you.

I'll change that.

[computer beeps]

[electronic beeping]

[man] Iris is back

from conception duty.

[Kate] She got back yesterday.

She had a defect.

[Silas] How do you know?

She told me.

Did she have the bug?

[Kate] No. She says she's clean.

Where is everyone watching

the landing tomorrow night?

I'm watching it in Bishop Park.

I'm going to leave work early

to get a good seat.

If I arrive early enough,

I can get a seat

close to the screen.

[electronic chiming]

[owl hoots]

[woman] What's going on?

[indistinct chatter]

[woman] David!





-[officer] You're in safe hands

now folks.

Please continue on your way.

[man, indistinct]

Being taken to the dead.

[computer beeps]

[classical music playing]

[electronic beeps]


Total number of puzzles solved:


[classical music continues]

[electronic beeping]

[The Collective]

The following is an update

on last night's disturbance

in living block 5J.

Health and Safety officials

subdued two individuals

engaged in coupling activities.

And both have been transported

to the defective, emotional,

neuropathy facility, the DEN,

for containment and emotional

suppression treatment.

The incident is an outbreak

of defective behavior.

Remember, couplers

are a danger to themselves

and to all of us.

Physical contact,


or displays of emotion

are signs of an individual

infected with SOS.

If you see the signs,

report the couplers

to Health and Safety


Let's do our part to contain

this dangerous epidemic.

[The Collective] ...although

the peninsula border

has no sophisticated

or technologically

advanced materials.

With no infrastructure,

The Collective erected

a patrolled border

to contain any resurgence

of chaos, little--

[body thuds]

[ambient music playing]

[Leonard] Did anybody see that?

[man] See what?

[indistinct chatter]

[man] That's unfortunate.

-[woman] He's already dead.

-[Leonard] Anyone recognize him?

[man] Not sure. Don't think so.

[woman] That's our

first jumper in a while.

His head was no match

for that concrete.

[Leonard] I just remembered

there was a su1c1de

in my building last night,

a woman slit her throat.

[woman] I hope

they'll find someone

to cover his work.

[indistinct chatter]

[The Collective]

Even before the demise,

humankind knew the importance

of space exploration.

As The Collective,

we prioritize it

and perfect it.


798 million miles away,

as we grace the surface

of TK14,

we move one step further

in our understanding

of ultimate reality.

[woman] Okay everybody,

this is it.

[pilot] Three, two, one,


[propulsion thrusting]

[man] Heat shield deployment.

[indistinct chatter]

[man] At this point in time,

we should be on ground.

[slow music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[Leonard] Last, but not least,

speculative non-fiction,

the title is

Inside The Peninsula.

Silas, would you talk us through

the lead illustration?


Sorry, Leonard.

I went with the scene

on the Peninsula

where the defects

huddle together for warmth.

In my research, I found

that they form social bonds

with each other

to help alleviate

something called "anxiety".

Very good.

Thank you.

[electronic beeps]

[eerie music playing]



[deep breathing]


[The Collective]

While scientists

are making great strides

in understanding

this debilitating condition,

a reliable cure for SOS

has yet to be found.

And most SOS sufferers

will experience

complete emotional disability

in as little as

four to six months.

Prior to eventual containment

at the DEN,

kappa rho inhibitors

offer a reliable means

of dampening symptoms,

and slowing the stages

of the disease

thus, allowing sufferers

to maintain.

What stage?

Excuse me?

What stage are you?

Oh, I'm just here

for a checkup,

strictly precautionary.

I'm Jonas.


What stage are you?


You look healthy.

Well, I have my good days

and my bad days.

-[woman] Silas?

-Good luck.

Thank you.

[The Collective] The cure is

right around the corner.

The ground was rushing

towards me, I...

couldn't breathe.

I felt like my stomach was...

was in my mouth.

It was extremely unpleasant.


You had a nightmare, Silas.

I never want to experience

anything like it again.

How long have you had

these symptoms?

Maybe three days?

No longer than that.

I'm going to take

some blood now.

Can you give me your hand

please, Silas?

[machine beeps]

Your test is positive, Silas.

You're only stage one.

A woman in my office

recently gave birth

to a defect, I...

I couldn't have

caught it from her.

Not if she's clean, right?

Even if this woman

did have SOS,

it isn't contagious.

I'd like to start you

on a full course

of inhibitors immediately.

There's no reason why

you shouldn't be able

to live a normal life

at least for a while.

Then the DEN.

You mustn't think

about that for now.

The DEN is a long way

off for you,

a cure is right around

the corner.

[birds chirping]

[electronic beeping]

Where were you,


I went to the cafeteria

to drink some tea.

Is that where you got

the bruise?


Last night in tai chi class,

the man next to me

accidentally struck me.

[man] Silas, you weren't

in tai chi class last night.

[Nia] Yes, he was.

I saw him.

[bumblebee buzzing]

What's that?

[Nia] It's a bumblebee.


Don't they sting?

According to the laws

of aerodynamics,

they shouldn't even fly.

But they don't know it.

So, they fly anyway.

[ambient music playing]

[The Collective]

Be a part of the solution

by taking your inhibitors.

Your health is the health

of The Collective.

Picking up.

[machine beeps]

[eerie music playing]

[The Collective]

If you're watching this film,

your doctor has diagnosed you

with SOS,

Switched On Syndrome.

As members of The Collective,

we hear a lot about

Switched On Syndrome.

Here is important information

about how this

debilitating disease

will affect you and how

you can manage it responsibly

before eventual containment

at the Defective Emotional

Neuropathy facility,

the DEN.

Switched On Syndrome

is a malfunction

of the gene silencing

that controls human emotions

and eliminates human flaws.

But in Switched On Syndrome,

problem genes

lose their silencing

and re-awaken

leading to unpredictable

sensory experiences

and behavioral defects.

Until a cure is available,

inhibitors are the only

effective means

of slowing

the disease's staging,

while dampening the onset

of emotion.

And while the causes

are unknown,

we do understand

the disease's progression.

During stage one,

Intermittent Feeling,

you will experience

difficulty concentrating,



overwhelmed feelings,


and sensitivity to light.

As the disease progresses

into further stages,

consistent low-level emotion

and emotional volatility,

these symptoms will worsen.

In stage four,

acute behavioral chaos,

you will no longer function

as a productive member

of The Collective.

And your doctor

will prescribe containment

at the DEN

where you will be provided

with electro restraint,

emotional suppression,

and a pain-free death scenario.

If you have questions

about your condition,

notify your doctor

or Health and Safety official

for immediate attention.

And remember, a cure

is right around the corner.

[computer beeps]

[water running]

Hello, Silas.

Hello, Nia.

[somber music playing]

[Nia] If values can be reduced

to natural phenomenon

as described by

the physical sciences,

-individuals no longer--

-[Silas] Nia,

I read your article

on the Harlow Nine probe.

I was wondering if you could

look over my impressions.

But you're speculative


[Silas] I switched with Leonard.


I felt like a change.

There's a staff meeting

tomorrow afternoon.

Why don't I review

your work then?

I'd really appreciate your input

at this early stage.

If it's not too much trouble.

[computer beeping]

[dramatic music playing]

[distorted] This isn't

what I described.

-Isn't it?

-[Nia] Harlow Nine

is a lander not an orbiter.

[normal voice]

Where's its robotic arm?


Are those for a feature?

-[Silas] Yes.

-I thought you were

speculative non-fiction.

I switched with Leonard.

One more thing.

The Eleos landing was made

on a flat surface.

The way you've drawn it,

it looks almost mountainous.

Is there anything else

I can help you with, Silas?

Thank you for your feedback.

You're welcome.

[computer beeping]

[birds chirping]

[somber music playing]

[computer beeping]

[Nia] It's this vastness,



and the permanence

of the night sky

that made it a natural topic

for philosophers pursuing

the understanding

of ultimate reality.

It's this vastness,

inaccessibility, symmetry...

and permanence of the night sky

that made it a natural topic

for philosophers.

[voice garbles, trails off]


[Leonard] At Atmos,

our past is not a relic

we should leave behind.

But a living creation,

something to be handled,

the work we do at Atmos

is that which links our present.

I'm so sorry.

You dropped these.

Thank you.

It's about time you all knew.

Last week I...

tested positive for SOS.

I'm stage one.

I'm taking inhibitors.

There is no evidence

that the bug is contagious.

However, if it makes you feel

more comfortable,

I'll wear a face mask

from now on.

[Leonard] Silas, I'm very sorry.

[Kate] How long do you have?

It's difficult to say.

Is this why you stopped

doing speculative non-fiction?

I don't know, Rachel.


-[Nia] I think a face mask

is a little extreme.

Although, I don't think

he should sit with us anymore.

And you should have

your own mug.

Do you all agree?

[indistinct chatter]

[Leonard] We cured cancer.

We cured the common cold.

We can cure SOS.

You're going to live, pal.

[indistinct chatter]

Thank you all.

[computer beeping]

[ambient music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[Nia] This has to stop.

If it continues,

I'll be forced to report you.

Do you understand?

You have the bug, don't you?

I'm clean.

The day that man

jumped off the building,

you saw his body out the window,

and you...

you looked...


There have been

other times, too.

I've been watching you.

The way you look at the world,

the way you experience things.

I'm clean.

It's different.

What you are going through

must be very difficult.

If you were clean,

this conversation

wouldn't even be taking place.

You'd have reported me already.

Am I right?

Good night, Silas.

[crickets chirping]

-Morning, Silas.

-Morning, Nia.

[computer beeps]

[Leonard] And finally,

the Harlow landing.

[Silas] Nia, do you have

any more notes for me?

No. Your changes work well.

Thank you.

Onto the next article then.


[Zoe] These are my impressions

of the hot flow anomaly

on the planet BL4.

The visible bioshock...

[birds chirping]

[ambient music playing]

Good night, Nia.

Good night, Rachel.

Your bruise went away.

You noticed that?

[Nia] I've had the bug

a year and three months.

I didn't want

to go to the doctor.

I just sort of knew.

You know, there is

really nothing any--

anyone could do to help

and I'm scared of the meds

and the DEN.

Doesn't seem fair at first,


You know, I could live...

I could live with it.

But every day was different

and that was the hardest part.

Every single time

I thought I knew something

or learned anything I...


And I felt this guilt

every time I wanted

to go back to normal.

Like I shouldn't want that.

Every day I am practicing

unbearable discipline

and self-control.

You realize what would happen

if anyone saw us,

in here, right now?

We'd go straight to the DEN.

It's a death sentence.

One of my neighbors missed

two doctor's appointments.

I haven't seen him

in six weeks.

[whispers] We can't

do this again.

It can't happen,

you know that.

[melancholy music playing]

[Nia] We just...

we just have to

hold out for the cure.

Will you stay in here with me

a little longer?

[melancholy music playing]

[Nia gasps]

-Are you okay?


I need to go.

[door opens]

[birds chirping]

[Rachel] Nia, are you staying

late again tonight?

-I'm not sure.

-[Kate] I wish I had

your kind of work ethic.

I received a message from Zoe.

On her way to work

this morning she received

a conception duty summons.

Could one of the illustrators

present for her

in the staff meeting?

[man] I'll do it.

I'll be glad to.

[Nia] ...philosophical


primarily address

two distinct concepts

about human beings.

[Kate] Good night, Nia.

[Nia] Good night, Kate.

They may simply be labeled

as dualist.

Two subject concepts

and materialist

one subject concepts.

The way you've been

looking at me...

I can't help it.

...I can feel it.

What does it feel like?

It feels--it feels wrong.

No, no.

No. It's not wrong.

It's completely right.

This feels...

completely right.

[both breathing heavily]

I'm scared.

I'm so scared.

Me too. Me too.

[melancholy music playing]

[toilet flushes]

[stall door opens]

[water running]

Hello, Leonard.


I didn't expect

to see you here this late.

Have you thought about

k*lling yourself?

No, that's not until

stage three.


Why is Nia's interface on?

Have you been snooping

again, Silas?

[Silas] Excuse me?

[Leonard] A month ago,

Health and Safety

saw you on Nia's interface

after hours.

I was told to keep

an eye on you.

Is there something

you want to tell me?

As the manager here at Atmos,

one of my duties

is to maintain the safety

and welfare of the team.

Therefore, if I believe

that someone on the team

is in danger,

or involved in an activity

that is unsafe,

I'd report him, or her,

to Health and Safety,

unless, of course,

the activity were to stop.

Does that make sense to you?

[tense music playing]



Shall we get out of here, Silas?

[Nia] Good night.

[Kate] Good night, Nia.

[dramatic music playing]

He knows.

What are we going to do?

We have to stay away

from each other.

I can't...

stay away from you.

I can't...

not be around you.

Not in that office.

Not when I see you every day.

It's impossible.

I thought about it,

the best thing

is for me to leave Atmos.

Get a job somewhere else.

It's like you said,

we have to hold out

for the cure,

that's all we should be

thinking about.


[melancholy music playing]



[melancholy music continues]

[loud sobs]

[The Collective]

Have you received

a conception duty summons?

Let's work together

to populate The Collective.

Insemination is quick

and solitary,

and during gestation,

you'll be supporting an infant

for The Collective.

If you received a summons,

please report...

[woman] Are you sure

this is what you want?

I'm sure.

[woman] Positions at Atmos

are highly coveted.

-Once we place you

at a different job--

-I understand.

Because of my diagnosis,

I think a work environment

where I interact less

with others would be better,

for everyone's benefit.

That's a very

responsible attitude.

[indistinct chattering]

Oh, Nia, meet Dominic,

our new illustrator.

Dominic, this is Nia,

she works in text.

You'll be interpreting

her words.

It's very nice

to meet you, Nia.

[Nia] Welcome to Atmos.

Follow me.

[birds chirping]


I also design rockets.

I could have been an engineer,

but I lacked patience.

I think working at Atmos

is a vitally important job.

Science is a process

and often leads to dead-ends,

but here,

we're delivering the answers,

we're educating people.

Knowledge is sacred,

and Atmos is the new scripture.

If you think about it,

we're kind of like preachers.

[man] Where did you study?

[Dominic] I'm self-taught.

I've always drawn pictures

ever since I was a child.

One of my guardians, Barnabas,

nicknamed me little Da Vinci.

[Kate] Did you hear?

Zoe was inseminated.

[man] It means she's clean.

She didn't catch the bug

from Silas.

That means

we're probably clean, too.


I'm definitely clean.

I donated blood last week.

[melancholy music playing]

[Jonas] Silas.

Hey, uh, Jonas?

You okay?


Do you want to take a walk?

[Silas] I miss her.

I don't know. It felt...

so good to be around her that...

we were nearly

tripping up and...

I couldn't see...

couldn't see anything bad

happen to her.

[Jonas] You two are in love

with each other.

That's very clear,

you were right

to end it though.

I think dealing

with this disease

on your own is hard enough.

Coupling would just

make it unbearable.

You know...

about a year ago.

I also made a connection

with a woman.

Though, it didn't end well.

I'm so sorry.

Your friend

what stage is she?

Uh, she's self-diagnosed,

she's fighting the bug

without dr*gs.

[Jonas] She's a "hider."

[breathes deeply]

Not many people can do that


I think hiders are...

I think they are wired


You know we have one

in our group, Bess.

She's a--she's a doctor

at the DEN,

of all places.


I'm part of a group,

a support group,

with Bess and others

from my work.

To talk openly

about how we feel.

If you're interested

I'd vouch for you.

It might help.

I'd be willing to try.


Nia, it's me again.

Until you give me

some text to work

with I'm idle,

and that doesn't seem like

a very good use of my time.

I'm almost finished, Dominic.

All the other illustrators

received their pieces

hours ago--

I'm almost finished, Dominic.

But I appreciate

your patience.

Of course.

[indistinct chatter]

Silas, you made it.

Oh, this is great.

I'm glad you're here.

Everybody, this is Silas,

who I was telling you about.

Silas, this is Bess,

and Peter and Thomas,

Gil, Max, and Alice.

Come take a seat.

[Max] ...and then after lunch

he kept staring at me,

like he could tell

I wasn't taking my meds.

And I wanted to say

something to him.

But then I thought well,

what if I'm just imagining it?

So I turned and walked away.

And all I can think

is that he knows.

He's going to report me

and I'm going to get caught.

And I can't stop

thinking that...

-all the time.

-[Gilead] It's natural.

It's happened

to every one of us.


Yes, but all I could think

is that I am going to the DEN.

I'm going to the DEN.

It's over.

And they're...

What happens in the DEN?

Half the people

who are brought in

commit su1c1de.

The staff encourages it

and stand by while it happens.

[Max] And that's the preferable

option anyway,

compared to electro restraints

and all the other methods

of treatment.

But there is value in living.

Being a hider

reminds you of that.

I still don't know

how you do it.

Working for Health and Safety

is hard enough.

Yes, it's difficult

to see things

and not be moved.

But that's what being a hider

is all about.

So you do small things

to help.

Just looking someone in the eyes

can make them feel

they are not alone.

Give them hope.

But under no circumstances

do you interfere.

You have to tell yourself,

do not risk your job,

do not risk your life.

And then why stay

in a position

where you feel so much risk?

You could ask to be reassigned.

I'd rather be with people

who feel.

Who feel intensely,

it reminds me of who I am

and why I choose

to keep on living.

Everybody says

it's not contagious.

But after all these years

as awful as it is,

every day I feel a stronger...

affinity with other people.

[Gilead] See I don't believe

all the research.

Feelings engender feelings.

SOS isn't even a disease,

that's what they say.

Switched Off is something

they do to us

between conception and birth.

SOS is who we really are

and the inhibitors are just

another attempt

to squash that.

[Max] I don't know.

This is so hard.

It's lonely.

At least with the inhibitors

I can get by but now,

I would rather feel nothing.

Nothing is better than this.

[melancholic music playing]


[melancholic music playing]

[Nia grunts]

[Silas] It's okay. It's okay.

-[Nia crying]



[melancholy music playing]

[Nia crying]

[Nia sobs loudly]

[Silas] I could never have

imagined what love felt like,

it's strange...

like a tornado

going around and...

[Nia] Yeah.

That's why I was so scared

of it at first.

It's about giving, like,

I want you to take everything.

I don't even know what it is

I just want you

to take it from me.

I just want to...

I want to run.


I want to run away,

both of us just as fast

as we can,

outside, and just take off.

It's so weird, I'm like...

I keep on thinking about...

ever since we were kids

it's drilled into us

that our purpose

is to explore the universe,

you know, outer space

is where we'll find...

the answers to why

we're here and...

where we come from.

It's like everyone's...

searching for these answers

800 million miles away

and the truth is,

the answers

are right in front of us.

I know why I'm here.

Me too.

What are we going to do now?

We just spend as much time here

together as we can.

Go to work, act normal,

but then...

at night...

we're together.


[melancholy music playing]

[Nia] What did you look like

when you were little?

Have you always

had these freckles?

I don't know.

I think so.

-Did you grow early?

-[Nia] Did I grow early?

[Silas] Hmm.

[Nia] Yeah, I was tall

until I wasn't.

[Silas] Uh-hmm.

I was a little round kid.

[Nia] What was

your favorite subject?

[Silas] I liked history.

How about you?

[Nia] I always really loved

to write.

[Silas] What did you write

when you were a kid?

[Nia] I always really liked

to write poetry.

[Silas] I liked

those school trips as well.

When we got to go...

to the Great w*r museum,

to see how the bombs dropped

and wiped out

all of the cities and stuff.

I see a future outside

of this room.

Some place out there

in the vastness

of everything we know,

in all those

millions of miles.

[Nia] Dominic, FYI,

the article is finished.

You gave it to me already.

I'm working on it right now.

No, the one after this.

On the extraction of superfluids

from neutron stars.

No pressure.

[Silas] I wish I could explain

this to everyone else.

I'm sick of being...

scared of getting caught.

I want people to know and...

not think we're sick.

[The Collective]

Have conducted years of trials

of defective individuals.

The significant

breakthrough came

with the isolation of

the bulbar and the cell line,

allowing an effective

genetic re-silencing,

without triggering

the systematic organ


that had marked

earlier attempts.

To be clear, this is not

another kappa rho inhibitor.

It's a cure

that restores the health

and systematic order

to the individual.

With the Ashby ENI cure,

it is only a matter of time

before all current SOS

cases are treated,

and future cases prevented.

The ENI cure is injected

directly into the neck,

leaving a small coin-like scar,

a quick and simple procedure.

Once administered,

the drug requires

a six-hour absorption period,

before the disease

is completely neutralized.

After which point,

regardless of stage,

the patient is restored

to normal health.

Mass production of the drug

is already underway.

And shipments

are being made available

to public clinics immediately.

Individuals diagnosed with SOS

need not suffer another day.

Contact your doctor

immediately to receive

the Ashby ENI cure

and rejoin the ranks

of equals...

[Nia] We're gonna remember

this feeling.

We're gonna live

every day remembering

and we're not gonna feel it.

We're not gonna exist anymore.

No. I don't like...

It's not over yet.

We're not doing that.

So, you don't want the cure?


Do you?


[indistinct chattering]

Take this drug and...

This is Nia.

We want to go to the peninsula.

[Jonas] At my old post, I, uh,

I took part in an air patrol.

We wouldn't fly directly over

the peninsula, but...

I could see it

from a distance.

It's totally overgrown.

If anyone actually lives there

it's in a completely

primitive state.

How do we get there?

[Bess] You're seriously

considering this?

We've already decided.

[Bess] You know you'd be on

your own out there.

There will be no one

to look after you.

Whatever we go through,

it will be together.

I know how you're feeling,

but you're not thinking

of all the risks.

If we stay here

we'll be found out.

We'll get the cure.

You know, it's many years ago,

I was not much older

than you are now

when I got the bug,

no one even knew

what SOS was back then.

People were getting it

and most of them

would commit su1c1de.

There was a young man

in my living block,

I could tell he was a hider,

just like me,

but no one dared

mention it back then.

One night,

he knocked on my door

and told me

that he and two others

were going to the peninsula

and he wanted me to go with him.

Of course,

there was no way I was going.

I knew they were headed

for their deaths.


A few months after he left

were the loneliest

I've ever felt.

We'd only spoken that one time.

More than all

the suicides I've seen,

it was his death

that was the most

unnecessarily wasteful,

such a waste.

That was a new feeling for me.

But you don't know that he d*ed.

What if he didn't?

I can talk to my old colleague.

He was the pilot who took us

on the air patrol.

[Max] If they got caught

the whole plan

could be traced back to you

or to the group.

You said interfering

was too risky.

[Jonas] If you make

this decision, you know

there is no turning back.

If you do manage to get out,

you can never return.

Of course.

When you get to the border

ask for Oliver,

he'll fly you.

What if he gets caught?

He won't.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Welling is the closest

station to the border.

The trains don't go there

until the weekend.

I checked the schedule.

We could leave on Saturday.

Three days.

-You're shaking.

-So are you.

Are you sure?


Are you?


[The Collective]

The administration...

I got a conception summons.

Look, we are leaving

in two days, by the time

they come looking for you,

we'll be gone.

Ignore it.

My tag's blocked, I'm not going

to be able to get on the train.

I won't make it through

any of the check points.

Well, look,

it's just a summons, right?

It's not like they're going

to inseminate you.

They'll check my blood.

They'll see I have

the disease instantly.

Yeah, but they can't force you

to get the cure.

I've been diagnosed and no one's

forcing me to get it, are they?

Besides, their clinics

are overwhelmed right now.

All--what's going

to happen is,

they'll tell you you've tested

positive for SOS

and that you should see your

doctor immediately. That's it.

Then get out of there.


Nothing's changed.

We're leaving Saturday,

10 o'clock train.

You've already missed

the whole morning of work.

You should get over there right

away. I'll come after my shift.

Meet me behind the clinic.


I received a summons.

[door opens]

-[doctor] Hello, Nia.

-Hello, doctor.

Lie back for me, please.

I'm going to take a sample

of your blood, okay?


I have the bug, don't I?

Nia, you're pregnant.

[The Collective]

Medical and scientific

communities are increasing

mass distribution

of the newly inflicted...

[birds chirping]

[The Collective continues,


[dramatic music playing]

-What is it?

-She's pregnant.

She got called

for a conception duty

and they found out,

they're taking her to the DEN.

-They're taking her

to the DEN.

-Silas, calm down.

-You need to calm down.

-I'm calm, I'm calm, it's fine.

When did they take her?

I don't know about

an hour ago or something.

All right well listen,

I will contact Bess--

No, no. No. Not Bess.

She won't help us.

-Ask someone else.

-There is no one else.

-Bess is our only hope.


Listen, you can't be seen

around here like this.

I'm fine, I'm fine,

but let me come with you.

Go home

and I will contact you,

wait there.

Don't attempt to see Nia.

Silas, go home.

-Trust me.

-What are they gonna do to her?

Just calm down.

You need to stay calm,

or they'll give you the cure.

Give me a couple hours.

Go home and wait there.

Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh.


Get dressed as fast as you can.

And listen to me carefully,

last week, a woman

was brought in called Eva.

She was stage three.

Last night she knotted

a garbage bag over her head,

suffocated, she's dead.

Now, you are going to switch

places with her.

Eva didn't k*ll herself

last night, you did.

You are Eva, she was you.

You're gonna walk out of here.


-[Bess] Hold out your arm.

Your left arm, please.


All right. Shh. Shh.

Shh. Shh. Shh.

You are Eva.

-Got it?

-[Jonas] Ready?

I told Silas to wait

at his apartment.

You'll find him there.

[The Collective] Twenty-two,




[suspenseful music playing]


[music continues]

[The Collective] Fifteen,



[dramatic music playing]


[The Collective]

The following message

is an update on the security

breach at the DEN.

The Collective wishes

to congratulate

Health and Safety official

ID 22564943,

who alerted authorities

to three individuals

operating against protocol

at the DEN.

Two of the three were

Health and Safety officials,

and the third was a physician

at the DEN.

All are currently safe

and receiving

the Ashby ENI cure

so that they may return to work

as productive equals

in The Collective.

The ENI cure

will now be required

for all those diagnosed with,

or suffering from SOS.

And mandatory SOS Testing

will begin immediately,

for all Health and Safety


as well as

medical professionals.

[Silas] Her name is Nia.

Her ID tag is 34729647.

She writes text for Atmos.

You said her name was Nia?


Was she brought here

yesterday evening?

Lives at 6L415?

Uh-hmm. That's right.

[man] She d*ed last night.

According to the doctor's notes,

the cause of death

was asphyxiation.

Could you check that again?

Yes, that's her.

[dramatic music playing]

[man, voice distant] Sir?

Are you okay?

Do you need some help?

[dramatic music playing]

[Silas crying]

[dramatic music playing]



[dramatic music playing]


[dramatic music playing]


[dramatic music continues]

[music continues]

[door opens]

[Nia pants]

Where have you been?


[Nia breathing heavily]

You okay?

[Nia gasps]


I thought--I thought

you were gone.

[stammers] How long do you have?

Maybe five hours.

[exhales deeply]



[whispers] Fight it.

It doesn't matter,

it doesn't matter.

Fight it. Okay?

I'm still pregnant.

We're going to get on

the train tomorrow.


I know.

I love you.

I love you, I love you,

I love you,

I love you, I love you.

You have to fight it.

Just fight it okay?


I can already tell it's in me.

Just remember, okay?


Remember this feeling.

Just remember

what this feels like.

[Silas] Yeah, yeah.

Pro-- promise me,

no matter what happens

you keep loving me

no matter what I say,

what I feel or don't feel,

I'm still--I'm still

in here trying, okay?

I'm still in here.

Just don't give up on me.

Please, don't give up on me.

I promise, I promise.

I promise that I won't...

[dramatic music playing]


Good morning.

Do you still love me?

I remember I loved you.


I don't feel it anymore.

[Nia] Do you still want to go?

We made a plan.


[dramatic music playing]

[The Collective]

This is a non-local transport

serving outlying regions

with three stops.

The final destination port

will be Welling

at the outer peninsula.

[The Collective continues,


[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music continues]

[dramatic music fades]

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Immerse your fear ♪

♪ Soak up ♪

♪ Our dream ♪

♪ Never end ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Open your arms ♪

♪ Let it die ♪

♪ Every night ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Till I wake up again ♪

♪ Speaking in tongues ♪

♪ In which we meet again ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Open your mouth ♪

♪ Speak waves of calm ♪

♪ Takings ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Another tired word ♪

♪ To get out ♪

♪ Of this place ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Till I wake up again ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Till I wake up again ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Till I wake up again ♪

♪ Speaking in tongues ♪

♪ In which we meet again ♪
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