Island of Giant Insects, The (2020)

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Island of Giant Insects, The (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

Mami: Bees scare me!

Ayumi: Are you all right?

Mami: Yeah, thank you.

Misuzu: Fan service is a lot of work, huh, Miss Underground Idol?

Ai: It won't do anything as long as we don't mess with it.

Akira: Get lost!

Akira: Gross.

Atsushi: Damn bugs.

Mutsumi: You must have gotten lost.

Chitose: Mutsumi...

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan.

Mutsumi: It's so hot...

Mutsumi: Gomao-san!

Mutsumi: Where's Gomao-san?!

Mutsumi: Thank goodness.

Mutsumi: Waterproof Gomao-san kept everything safe.

Mutsumi: Where am I?

Mutsumi: What am I doing here?

Mutsumi: What is this?

Mutsumi: My plane crashed?

Mutsumi: H-H-Hey!

Mutsumi: Hey, is there anyone here?

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan!

Mutsumi: Where are you, Chitose-chan?

Ayumi: Oribe!

Ayumi: It's you, isn't it?

Ayumi: It's me.

Mutsumi: "Me"?

Ayumi: Matsuoka.

Ayumi: Matsuoka, from the softball club.

Mutsumi: Matsuoka-san.

Mutsumi: Captain of the softball club.

Ayumi: Yeah.

Mutsumi: Thank goodness.

Mutsumi: You're still alive.

Ayumi: Right back at you.

Mutsumi: Who else made it?

Ayumi: You're the first one I've found.

Ayumi: Our plane must have crashed.

Mutsumi: Yeah.

Mutsumi: And we washed up here, I think.

Mutsumi: But where are we?

Ayumi: It seems like it's not completely uninhabited.

Ayumi: I was walking along the shore, and I found run-down houses.

Ayumi: I picked these up in case they might be useful.

Mutsumi: So people must be living here.

Ayumi: I didn't notice anyone.

Mutsumi: My phone.

Mutsumi: It's no good.

Ayumi: Mine's soaked, too.

Ayumi: Let's go find people.

Ayumi: There might be other survivors.

Mutsumi: Okay.

Mutsumi: It'll be okay.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan's still alive. I know it.

Ayumi: What's wrong?

Mutsumi: Don't you notice anything odd?

Ayumi: Odd? How so?

Mutsumi: It's too quiet.

Mutsumi: The vegetation is so thick,

Mutsumi: and yet I don't hear any birds or insects.

Atsushi: Open up, you bastard!

Tsuge: Hey, you get that side.

Kai: All right.

Chitose: Hey, stop it, you guys.

Chitose: We need to talk to the owner of this vending machine.

Atsushi: Shut up!

Atsushi: It's an emergency.

Kai: Exactly.

Tsuge: Delicious.

Kai: Now, if only it were chilled.

Ai: You should stick to water or tea.

Ai: Sweet drinks leave you even more dehydrated.

Atsushi: What is that, hiking club outdoor trivia?

Chitose: I'm good.

Ai: You don't need to be strong. Drink up.

Ai: Your odds of surviving will diminish if you're dehydrated.

Atsushi: Now we just need food.

Misuzu: Hey, idol nerds.

Misuzu: Would you please go find me something to eat?

Tsuge: Huh? What the hell are you talking about?

Misuzu: Bring me something yummy, and I'll show you a good time.

Tsuge: I don't know, Jinno.

Oda: You aren't cute enough.

Misuzu: Oh, come on.

Misuzu: I'll throw in Mami-chan's sexy sh*ts, then.

Misuzu: Come on.

Mami: Stop it!

Misuzu: What was that?

Misuzu: Who do you think you're talking to, underground idol?

Chitose: Jinno-san, do you really need to be bullying people at a time like this?

Misuzu: And are you going to keep acting like the class rep here, Naruse?

Ai: Cut it out.

Ai: Fighting each other isn't going to keep us from going hungry.

Ai: We need to be thinking about how we're all going to survive.

Atsushi: Dammit!

Atsushi: Where the hell are we, anyway?

Ai: Judging from the length of the flight and the local flora,

Ai: we're probably somewhere around the Ogasawara Islands or Yaeyama Islands.

Kai: Does anyone have a working phone?

Mami: Oh, no.

Mami: I haven't even backed up my contacts.

Chitose: Mine's waterproof, so it's not broken, but...

Atsushi: Really?!

Chitose: But we're out of range.

Atsushi: Dammit, you're useless.

Kai: Hey, what about GPS?

Chitose: I think it should work.

Chitose: The map isn't showing up.

Misuzu: Hey, how do you read this?

Misuzu: "Higashinokojima"?

Ai: Oh, that would be "Azumanokojima."

Text: Address

Text: Azumanokojima-mura Urahisa

Misuzu: Huh...

Chitose: If there's a vending machine and it's stocked with product, there must be people living here.

Misuzu: Don't you think there should be a bigger fuss, then?

Misuzu: A plane just crashed right in front of them.

Oda: Maybe no one noticed because it's such a small village.

Kai: Are you serious?

Kai: No way! That can't be it!

Chitose: If there's a town or village, that's where we'll go.

Chitose: We should make it if we follow this road.

Ai: Just a second.

Ai: Nature calls.

Chitose: You're going here?

Ai: I'm used to it from being in the hiking club.

Ai: I'll be right back.

Ai: No peeping, boys.

Ai: Someone, help!

Mutsumi: Was that...

Ayumi: Let's go.

Chitose: Ino-san?

Atsushi: What's wrong?

Mami: No way.

Misuzu: Is that a butterfly?

Ai: Wait, no, don't!

Ai: Help me...

Kai: This is crazy.

Kai: Is it eating a human?

Oda: Mami-chan!

Mami: Help me, somebody!

Kai: You guys are her fans, aren't you?

Kai: Go help her.

Oda: Y-Yeah.

Oda: I have to save Mami-chan!

Oda: I have to!

Oda: Stop!

Oda: Get away from Mami-chan!

Tsugi: M-Me, too.

Tsugi: I'm coming, Mami-chan!

Oda: Mami-chan...

Ayumi: What the hell is this?!

Mutsumi: Papilio maackii.

Mutsumi: I've never heard of any this big, though.

Mutsumi: Are they a new species?

Mutsumi: It would be a huge discovery if they are.

Ayumi: Now's not the time to be stoked!

Ayumi: Let's help them!

Chitose: Mutsumi!

Chitose: Run!

Mutsumi: Ch-Chitose-chan.

Ayumi: Don't underestimate the softball club!

Mami: Her Kn*fe didn't do anything.

Mutsumi: A Kn*fe wouldn't have any effect on the shell of such a big insect.

Mutsumi: The one thing I can do right now...

Chitose: Stay away, Mutsumi!

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan, take cover!

Mutsumi: The one thing I can do right now...

Ayumi: A-Are we safe now?

Mutsumi: I hurt an insect.

Chitose: Mutsumi! Mutsumi!

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan.

Chitose: I know I shouldn't cry, but I can't help it.

Kai: What the hell is this?

Kai: What's going on here?

Kai: Someone explain!

Ayumi: How would anyone know?

Atsushi: So even the butterflies are gigantic on a tropical island.

Misuzu: No way, dumb-ass.

Mutsumi: She's right.

Mutsumi: The only insects that survived until the modern era

Mutsumi: were the ones that could become small.

Misuzu: You seem to know a lot about insects.

Misuzu: You're creepy.

Chitose: Mutsumi is the reason we survived.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan...

Chitose: Mutsumi, what should we do next?

Mutsumi: All we know right now is that

Mutsumi: we need to hide from that freak swallowtail butterfly

Mutsumi: and survive for the next three days until help arrives.

Kai: Huh?

Mutsumi: If there's anyone living on this island,

Mutsumi: the Self-Defense Force should be here in three days at the latest.

Atsushi: Bullshit!

Atsushi: No way we're gonna survive three days in a place like this.

Chitose: That's not Mutsumi's fault, is it?

Chitose: Why are you so...

Atsushi: So what?

Misuzu: Be quiet.

Misuzu: I hear something.

Kai: It's a helicopter.

Kai: Help's here!

Mami: Thank goodness! We're saved!

Atsushi: Where is it flying?

Atsushi: They aren't going to find us here.

Mutsumi: Huh?

Mutsumi: That sound...

Atsushi: Where's the helicopter?

Mutsumi: Wh-What?

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan...

Chitose: No!

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan!

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan!

Chitose: Mutsumi!

Chitose: Help me, Mutsumi!

Chitose: Mutsumi...

Ayumi: Come on, let's go help her.

Misuzu: What? Are you mental?

Misuzu: Didn't you see that?

Misuzu: What are we supposed to do against a monster like that?

Ayumi: That's not the point.

Atsushi: Calm down.

Atsushi: We aren't going to survive if we're fighting each other.

Atsushi: Times like these call for a strong leader.

Atsushi: A boss man.

Ayumi: Now's not the time.

Atsushi: She's dead for sure.

Kai: Yeah.

Atsushi: I'd prioritize the safety of the living over that of the dead.

Ayumi: She goes to school with us!

Atsushi: But the class president is neither family nor friend.

Atsushi: I might help her if I were going out with her.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan is alive.

Mutsumi: I've never seen one that big before, but it was a kind of mud wasp.

Mutsumi: She was just injected with a paralyzing agent and taken back to their nest.

Kai: What?

Kai: A bug? Using a paralyzing agent?

Mutsumi: Yes.

Mutsumi: I think I know where she is, too.

Kai: Oribe, was it?

Kai: You and the class president were close, weren't you?

Misuzu: You better not be talking out of your ass to try to save that chick.

Misuzu: Besides, the rescue team's going to be here in three days, right?

Mutsumi: We can't wait that long.

Mutsumi: In three days, the eggs they lay on Chitose-chan will have hatched,

Mutsumi: and they'll eat her alive from the inside.

Mutsumi: We have to find the nest and rescue her.

Mami: No!

Misuzu: From the inside...?

Ayumi: Mutsumi, let's leave these heartless bastards and go save her.

Mutsumi: R-Right.

Atsushi: I won't let you.

Ayumi: Move!

Ayumi: We don't have any time to waste.

Atsushi: I'm the leader here. You should listen to me.

Atsushi: If we split up, our chances of survival go down.

Atsushi: Be it a fight or anything else,

Atsushi: the more people on your side, the better your advantage.

Atsushi: No one would go help her in this crazy, messed-up situation.

Mutsumi: What?

Kai: No one with a brain would walk into a k*ller wasp's nest to save her.

Misuzu: Agreed.

Atsushi: As the leader, I can't put you in danger.

Atsushi: Am I wrong?

Ayumi: Why are you acting so tough in front of two girls?

Atsushi: You better not think I won't hit you just because you're a girl.

Ayumi: Don't underestimate the softball club!

Kai: If only our phones weren't dead, we could call for help.

Mutsumi: H-Hey...

Mutsumi: I'm pretty sure Chitose-chan's phone is waterproof.

Kai: Oh, yeah. It was, wasn't it?

Atsushi: We can't make any calls out of range, dumb-ass.

Mutsumi: Isn't the GPS working?

Mutsumi: If it is, we can figure out our location and altitude.

Misuzu: What good would that do us?

Mutsumi: The terrain will give us some idea of the kinds of insects living here.

Mutsumi: And the altitude will help us narrow it down more.

Ayumi: You can tell from just that?

Mutsumi: Insects are really sensitive to temperature and humidity.

Mutsumi: So if we can predict what kinds of insects live here ahead of time,

Mutsumi: we can avoid getting ambushed.

Mutsumi: But without that kind of information,

Mutsumi: our chances of survival drop drastically.

Ayumi: Do you want to save the class president and get her phone,

Ayumi: or just sit here and tremble in fear of the bugs?

Ayumi: You're the leader, aren't you? So make a decision.

Kai: Looks like getting the phone is the right move.

Atsushi: All right. As the leader, I've come to a decision.

Atsushi: Let's go find the class president!

Mutsumi: When a mud wasp catches its prey, it takes it right back to the nest.

Mutsumi: The wasp from earlier flew that way,

Mutsumi: so that's where Chitose-chan should be.

Kai: Is it really a good idea to walk into a wasp's nest?

Mutsumi: Mud wasps never return to their nest once they lay their eggs.

Mutsumi: So I think being in the nest

Mutsumi: would reduce our chances of being att*cked by mud wasps, at least.

Misuzu: While you're at it, tell us one more thing.

Misuzu: Why are the bugs on this island so freakishly huge?

Mutsumi: Well...

Mutsumi: Insects breathe through their spiracles rather than lungs.

Mutsumi: But spiracles don't let them take in too much oxygen,

Mutsumi: so it's been assumed that they would never become large.

Mutsumi: Insects often live in symbiosis with bacteria.

Mutsumi: So my gut feeling is that their organs contain bacteria unique to this island,

Mutsumi: and they're feeding the insects with oxygen efficiently, like mammal lungs.

Mutsumi: It seems like a stretch...

Mutsumi: But the fact is that the swallowtail and the mud wasp were both enormous.

Mutsumi: The master I admire said this in a book...

Mutsumi: "Trust what you see over any famous academic theory.

Mutsumi: Believe what you see, and spread your wings of instinct and imagination."

Misuzu: You sure talk a lot when it comes to bugs.

Misuzu: You really are creepy, Oribe.

Misuzu: Bug woman.

Ayumi: Homes.

Ayumi: Do people live here?

Mami: Are we saved?

Misuzu: There's no one here.

Atsushi: This village doesn't look abandoned, though.

Kai: Hey!

Kai: Anyone here?

Mutsumi: Wait.

Mutsumi: Look at that window.

Mutsumi: That must be the mud wasps' nest.

Ayumi: No...

Ayumi: The whole house is a nest?

Misuzu: You aren't going to tell us to go in there, are you?

Mutsumi: We're going in.

Atsushi: We've come this far, so quit whining.

Ayumi: Surprisingly well said.

Misuzu: It reeks!

Atsushi: Katou!

Misuzu: And that's Takami over there!

Ayumi: What's going on?

Ayumi: Why aren't they running away?

Mutsumi: To keep them alive until they're done eating,

Mutsumi: they might be feeding them pleasure chemicals to make them forget their pain and fear.

Misuzu: Bastards!

Mutsumi: Stop!

Mutsumi: They're just larvae! They can't fight back!

Misuzu: I'll show you what happens when you mess with humans.

Atsushi: Die!

Atsushi: Die!

Man: It hurts!

Man: It hurts!

Woman B: It hurts!

Woman B: {\an}It hurts!

Atsushi: Wh-What's going on?

Mutsumi: The larvae are dead, so they're no longer receiving pleasure chemicals.

Woman C: Atsushi... Help me...

Woman C: Wait, don't leave me!

Atsushi: Dammit!

Atsushi: Dammit!

Atsushi: Dammit!

Atsushi: Dammit!

Ayumi: What do we do now?

Mutsumi: Let's go check the other nests right away.

Misuzu: We're still going?

Mutsumi: Yes.

Mutsumi: We have to find Chitose-chan.

Kai: That won't be necessary.

Kai: I already found this.

Kai: The GPS works, too.

Misuzu: Good going!

Atsushi: All right, let's go back.

Atsushi: We got what we came for.

Mutsumi: N-No...

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan...

Atsushi: A wasp!

Atsushi: I thought they didn't come to the nests!

Mutsumi: I think it's just another individual carrying another victim.

Mutsumi: It won't notice us if we stay still. It's okay.

Mutsumi: We can make it.

Atsushi: Akira!

Akira: Help me...

Atsushi: Akira!

Akira: Atsushi...

Atsushi: sh*t!

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: Aki...

Mutsumi: Be quiet.

Mutsumi: Don't move.

Atsushi: Dammit!

Atsushi: I'm not afraid.

Atsushi: I'm not afraid, dammit!

Ayumi: What do we do? He's going to die.

Mutsumi: Captain, I need you to do something.

Akira: Help me...

Atsushi: Are you there, Akira?

Atsushi: Akira!

Mutsumi: Kamijou-san.

Mutsumi: Kamijou-san, run!

Atsushi: No!

Atsushi: Akira is upstairs!

Mutsumi: We have to wait for the mud wasp to go away before we find him!

Mutsumi: As long as we stay put, the mud wasp will...

Ayumi: Is this really going to help?

Kai: Well? Do we run?

Ayumi: Help, assh*le.

Ayumi: We aren't escaping the bugs if we don't have Mutsumi.

Kai: Quick! Hide!

Atsushi: Akira, are you all right?

Atsushi: I'll help you.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan!

Mutsumi: It's no use. I'm not strong enough.

Mutsumi: Kamijou-san!

Ayumi: Where's Mutsumi and Chitose?

Mutsumi: I don't care!

Mutsumi: Let's get out of here!

Mutsumi: We can get out through that hole.

Mutsumi: Captain!

Ayumi: I'm here now.

Mutsumi: Let's run while we can.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan!

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan!

Mutsumi: Thank goodness.

Mutsumi: Welcome back.

Atsushi: Hey, you better tell me Akira's going to make it.

Ayumi: Why don't you thank Mutsumi?

Ayumi: You would have been dead without her.

Atsushi: We only pulled this off because I took the initiative.

Atsushi: All the bug girl did was back me up.

Ayumi: You piece of sh*t!

Mutsumi: H-Hey...

Mutsumi: I think both Chitose-chan and the other person will be all right.

Mutsumi: But we need to get them plenty of saline solution or sports drinks

Mutsumi: and get the venom out of their bodies soon.

Kai: There's a perfect place for that.

Text: Welcome to Azumano-kojima!

Hashiko-mura Village

Medical Center

Maehisa-mura Village

Odou-ji Temple

Futatsuishi-yama Mountain

Futatsuishi-mura Village

Odou-zawa Runoff

Chihaya Cave

Chihaya-iriike Pond

Aquaculture Center

Miumi-mura Village

Misuzu: Hey, why did the wasps come at us like that?

Misuzu: You said they wouldn't come.

Mutsumi: I called them.

Misuzu: What? What do you mean by that?!

Mutsumi: We don't have the power to fight off the insects,

Mutsumi: so I enlisted the help of other insects.

Mutsumi: Wasps and their relatives are attracted to the smell of hygiene and hair care products.

Ayumi: But why were those wasps fighting each other?

Mutsumi: I put hairspray on that mud wasp.

Mutsumi: So the new mud wasp on the scene was stimulated to att*ck it.

Mami: Wow... You thought of that on the spot?

Ayumi: Fight wasps with wasps, huh?

Mutsumi: So please don't use any cosmetics on this island.

Mutsumi: The scent will attract insects. It could get us k*lled.

Kai: We just learned something important, though.

Kai: We need Mutsumi-chan's knowledge.

Misuzu: You guys seem to be misunderstanding something.

Misuzu: She nearly got us k*lled.

Kai: As big as they are, they're just bugs.

Kai: So Mutsumi-chan's knowledge is useful.

Kai: We're one step ahead.

Ayumi: Why do you know so much about insects, Mutsumi?

Mutsumi: I was eating ice cream at a convenience store one time.

Ayumi: When you were a kid?

Mutsumi: Yeah, I was still in elementary school.

Mutsumi: Get it off! Get it off!

Mutsumi: I'm scared!

Inaho: It's all right now, little girl.

Mutsumi: Thank you.

Inaho: They aren't scary.

Inaho: Insects aren't as scary as you think.

Inaho: You're only afraid of them because you don't know enough about them.

Mutsumi: Because I don't know about them?

Misuzu: So that chick turned you into a bug lover, huh?

Mutsumi: No.

Mutsumi: My master taught me that insects have spent centuries perfecting one thing.

Ayumi: What do you mean?

Mutsumi: Insects evolved simply so that they can survive.

Mutsumi: Master wanted me to understand how amazing that is.

Misuzu: Don't try to sell it like it's a heartwarming story.

Misuzu: "Master," my ass.

Misuzu: She's just a sicko bug lover.

Mami: Wh-What is that?

Mutsumi: A hard tick.

Misuzu: What? What?

Misuzu: Is something on me?

Mutsumi: Don't move.

: O-Okay!

Mutsumi: I'm seeing if you've been bit or not.

Mutsumi: A bite from a hard tick can cause a viral infection which could k*ll you.

Atsushi: Wh-What the hell is going on?

Mutsumi: We're inside a hard tick nest.

Mutsumi: This is a hard tick nest.

Kai: What... so they're freaks, too?

Atsushi: What are we supposed to do?

Mutsumi: Quiet.

Mutsumi: Don't excite the ticks.

Mutsumi: Most blood-sucking insects, including hard ticks,

Mutsumi: have special organs that detect animals for them to consume.

Mutsumi: They react to body heat, vibrations, and carbon dioxide from respiration.

Mutsumi: And if you're bitten, you can be infected with a virus which could k*ll you.

Mutsumi: Everyone, cross your arms, hide your palms, and curve your upper body.

Mutsumi: We'll keep our body heat and carbon dioxide output under control

Mutsumi: by paying attention to our heart rates and walking slowly.

Mutsumi: Captain and Kamijou-san,

Mutsumi: pay attention to the pulses of the people you're carrying with your backs.

Misuzu: Hey! You said not to excite them!

Mutsumi: I warmed the rock up with my body heat to use as a decoy.

Mutsumi: Now's our chance to move.

Mami: Are we there?

Mami: Are we through yet?

Misuzu: Shut up.

Mutsumi: We should be out at the shore soon.

Mutsumi: Hang on just a little longer.

Mutsumi: There's someone there.

Kai: Maybe it's Nozawa from the art club.

Ayumi: Sensei!

Ayumi: Nozawa-sensei's safe!

Ayumi: Sensei?

Kai: I-Is she alive?

Mami: Help me!

Mami: Help me!

Misuzu: Quit squirming.

Mami: I don't want to die!

Misuzu: Hey!

Ayumi: sh*t!

Atsushi: This is bad. Run!

Mutsumi: sh**t, we're all going to die.

Mutsumi: Sensei, I'm sorry.

Mutsumi: Follow me, everyone!

Ayumi: This way!

Mutsumi: Ticks don't begin sucking blood as soon as they latch onto you.

Mutsumi: Submerge yourself in water, and they'll escape to the surface to avoid drowning.

Mami: Thanks for earlier.

Mami: I couldn't help but panic.

Mami: You saved me, Captain.

Ayumi: N-No, I just did what anyone would.

Mami: That's not true.

Mami: You're so soft.

Mami: I thought you'd be tougher, since you play sports.

Ayumi: S-Stop.

Mami: I want you to lead this group, Captain.

Ayumi: W-We're both girls.

Mami: Don't worry.

Mami: I know.

Ayumi: I know you've been gazing passionately at the junior girls.

Mami: I won't tell anyone, so please protect me.

Mami: Captain, please work hard for me.

Mutsumi: There weren't any hard ticks on your beautiful skin, Chitose-chan.

Mutsumi: Just a little longer.

Mutsumi: Just a little longer, and we'll be safe.

Atsushi: Hang in there, Akira.

Atsushi: I'll make sure you're all better.

Misuzu: Hey, you were pretty badass back there.

Atsushi: Y-Yeah.

Atsushi: Stick with me, and you'll be safe.

Misuzu: I know.

Misuzu: Akira's going to be back in action soon.

Misuzu: You and Akira would be unstoppable leaders.

Atsushi: Y-Yeah.

Misuzu: So, you know...

Misuzu: Why don't we take charge of the group?

Atsushi: Y-Yeah.

Misuzu: Wow...

Misuzu: It's nothing like the tiny island clinic I had in mind.

Mami: It's like a city hospital.

Mami: We should be safe in here, right?

Kai: They even have a heliport.

Kai: It's a bit overkill, don't you think?

Ayumi: Is something bothering you?

Mutsumi: I don't sense any living creatures.

Ayumi: That's great for us, isn't it?

Ayumi: We need to focus on treating Akira and the class rep.

Mutsumi: R-Right.

Mami: Look at this huge aquarium.

Atsushi: What do we do to save Akira?

Atsushi: Hurry up and tell us, bug lady!

Mutsumi: Prepare saline solution.

Mutsumi: We'll use that to thin the mud wasp's venom and have it excreted.

Mutsumi: There should be some in a medicine room or treatment room.

Atsushi: All right.

Atsushi: Hang on, Akira.

Kai: Found it.

Kai: Don't be dead, battery.

Atsushi: Here, bug lady.

Atsushi: It's no use. He won't drink it.

Mutsumi: Neither will Chitose-chan.

Atsushi: What do we do, dammit?

Mutsumi: It worked!

Atsushi: I see!

Atsushi: Mouth-to-mouth.

Mutsumi: Kamijou-san, hurry, please.

Kai: What's the point if I can't get online?

Dialogue: ,::.,::.,sign___door: ,Power Control Room

Kai: How's that? Brighter?

Kai: I turned on the generator.

Kai: Also, here.

Kai: Emergency rations.

Misuzu: You're pretty useful.

Atsushi: I finally feel a little relieved.

Ayumi: We have to watch our meals.

Ayumi: You gotta eat more sparingly.

Atsushi: Shut up.

Kai: Well, the power and food should last us

Kai: just fine until we're rescued in two days.

Kai: We just need to live here until help comes.

Mami: We don't have to worry about the bugs anymore, right?

Ayumi: R-Right.

Misuzu: Hey, is there a shower or something?

Kai: Want to go look for one?

Mutsumi: If it's safe, why is there no one here?

Mutsumi: Even though there's food and power...

Kai: Bathrooms, bathrooms...

Kai: Research?

Research Lab

Kai: Pardon me.

Kai: This really doesn't seem like a clinic on an isolated island.

Kai: That reeks.

Atsushi: Akira?

Atsushi: Are you up?

Misuzu: What was that?

Ayumi: I think that was Kai's voice.

Misuzu: That sounds like wings.

Atsushi: Bugs?

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: What's wrong, Akira?

Atsushi: A-Akira!

Ayumi: Wh-What the...

Atsushi: What happened to your eyes?

Atsushi: Aki... ra...

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: What's the matter?!

Atsushi: Get back down!

Mutsumi: Hang on!

Mutsumi: Look at his eyes!

Mutsumi: It's a parasite!

Mutsumi: Akira's infected by a Leucochloridium.

Atsushi: A parasite?

Mutsumi: He's attracting a predator of some kind.

Mutsumi: Run, everyone!

Atsushi: Don't run!

Atsushi: Help Akira!

Mutsumi: A dobsonfly!

Mutsumi: It's after our body fluids.

Mutsumi: Everyone, run.

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: Akira!

Misuzu: Damn...

Misuzu: It's too late for him.

Atsushi: Akira...

Atsushi: A-Akira...

Misuzu: We're running.

Misuzu: Got it?

Atsushi: Y-Yeah.

Mutsumi: Captain!

Mutsumi: Let's go inside!

Ayumi: O-Okay.

Mutsumi: It won't open.

Mutsumi: It's locked!

Mutsumi: Open up!

Mutsumi: Open up, please!

Misuzu: Shut up. Think about the situation.

Misuzu: You guys might be infected, too.

Mutsumi: What?

Misuzu: All right, good luck.

Mami: N-No...

Atsushi: sh*t!

Atsushi: Akira!

Atsushi: Akira!

Chitose: I...

Chitose: My body...

Chitose: Jinno-san?

Misuzu: Class rep.

Chitose: Where's Mutsumi?

Misuzu: Hm?

Misuzu: The bug lady's outside. She's been eaten.

Chitose: No way.

Chitose: There's no way Mutsumi would be eaten by bugs!

Mutsumi: Open up!

Mutsumi: Open up, please!

Chitose: Mutsumi!

Misuzu: Damn.

Chitose: What have you done to Mutsumi?

Misuzu: Hey, leader, shut this chick's mouth for me.

Atsushi: Her mouth...

Atsushi: A gag...

Misuzu: What are you waiting for?

Misuzu: You have the perfect gag right there.

Chitose: Wh-What?

Chitose: No!

Chitose: Stay away!

Misuzu: You might be infected by some creepy bugs like Akira was.

Misuzu: We'll probe you all the way through.

Chitose: No!

Chitose: Don't!

Chitose: Mutsumi!

Chitose: Help me, Mutsumi!

Misuzu: Pipe down.

Chitose: You're...

Mutsumi: Open the door!

Ayumi: Open up, bastards!

Ayumi: I'll k*ll you!

Ayumi: Dammit, why won't it break?

Mami: No...

Mami: Hey!

Mami: You said you'd protect me!

Mami: This isn't what you promised!

Ayumi: We're safe.

Mami: Kai-san.

Ayumi: You did this?

: Yeah...

Mami: No way. Weren't you dead?

Ayumi: Who, me?

Mami: But you screamed out!

Kai: Oh, that?

Kai: I got creeped out by something I found.

Chitose: Mutsumi.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan!

Chitose: Mutsumi.

Chitose: Thank you.

Chitose: I couldn't move, but I remember everything.

Mutsumi: Thank goodness.

Mutsumi: I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't woken up.

Kai: All right, all right.

Kai: Save the emotions for later.

Kai: More importantly, is there a way to ward off that huge thing?

Mutsumi: There is...

Mutsumi: but we don't have time.

Mutsumi: We have to hurry.

Mutsumi: Can you turn on the lighting for the heliport?

Kai: Got it.

Kai: I can control every aspect of the facility from here.

Mutsumi: Can you raise the output of the lights?

Kai: I don't think I can do it with the lights themselves,

Kai: but I can increase the output from the generator...

Kai: When you say lights...

Kai: Are you trying to do that thing that attracts bugs at night?

Mutsumi: Yes.

Mutsumi: We're going to make use of insect phototactic behavior.

Kai: You've got to be kidding me.

Kai: The sun's already rising.

Kai: It's too late to turn on the lights.

Mutsumi: Now's our only chance.

Mutsumi: If we don't do it now, we won't have another.

Ayumi: Are you sure about this?

Ayumi: I can run faster.

Ayumi: If you just tell me how to do it...

Mami: No!

Mami: Don't leave me, Captain.

Ayumi: But I don't know about Mutsumi risking her life all by herself.

Mutsumi: Don't worry.

Mutsumi: I may not look strong,

Mutsumi: but I've been running through the mountains with a lot of luggage, collecting insects.

Mutsumi: And I know a lot about dobsonflies.

Chitose: Mutsumi...

Chitose: Mutsumi, I'm sorry I can't do anything.

Mutsumi: It's okay, Chitose-chan.

Mutsumi: I'll save all of us.

Chitose: Be careful.

Mutsumi: Here I go.

Kai: Those lights are halogen lights.

Kai: It'll take, like, five minutes for them to get bright.

Mutsumi: That's fine.

Mutsumi: I use them when I'm collecting insects at night, so I know.

Mutsumi: Captain, let Kai-san know when I give the signal.

Ayumi: Got it.

Chitose: Mutsumi...

Mutsumi: Kai-san, on my signal, could you up the lights to maximum brightness?

Kai: Got it.

Ayumi: It's dawn.

Mutsumi: That dobsonfly...

Mutsumi: Its head doesn't look the same as the local species.

Mutsumi: Those swallowtail butterflies from yesterday, too.

Mutsumi: They've grown huge and can't get enough protein and minerals naturally,

Mutsumi: so they're attacking animals.

Mutsumi: Is my knowledge even going to be useful?

Ayumi: Kai!

Kai: All right!

Kai: Hitting the switch.

Mutsumi: We only get one sh*t to make it through.

Mutsumi: I can't mess this up.

Mutsumi: It's a bear siren!

Mutsumi: Follow me!

Ayumi: Here we go.

Chitose: Mutsumi... Don't die.

Ayumi: It's flying!

Mutsumi: Good!

Mutsumi: Keep following me!

Mutsumi: That's not where the lights are!

Mutsumi: Class rep?

Chitose: Let Mutsumi handle it.

Mutsumi: Almost there.

Ayumi: Yes!

Chitose: That's the signal!

Ayumi: Kai!

Ayumi: Give it more power!

Kai: Got it.

Kai: The generator's dead.

Mami: Is it dead?

Ayumi: Don't worry.

Ayumi: It won't move anymore.

Kai: Why'd this thing go right for the lights even though it's already bright out?

Mutsumi: It's because it can see ultraviolet light.

Mutsumi: The halogen lights showed up out of nowhere,

Mutsumi: and they looked brighter than the sun that just rose.

Chitose: Mutsumi.

Mutsumi: I...

Chitose: I know.

Chitose: It must have been awful, fighting insects.

Mutsumi: Chitose-chan...

Mutsumi: I didn't study to k*ll insects.

Chitose: I-I'm the leader?

Mutsumi: Yeah.

Chitose: But you'd be a better fit.

Mutsumi: I want you to do it.

Atsushi: Hey, you.

Atsushi: I'm the leader!

Mami: Let's leave these two here.

Ayumi: That sounds good.

Atsushi: Y-You're kidding, right?

Misuzu: You're so lame.

Atsushi: This is your fault.

Misuzu: Huh?

Atsushi: What?

Misuzu: It's your fault.

Atsushi: You did this to us!

Atsushi: Shut up, bitch!

Chitose: Are you really okay with me?

Ayumi: Well, if Mutsumi says so.

Mami: I agree.

Kai: It should be fine.

Chitose: Um...

Chitose: I'm hopeless on my own, but let's all work together.

Mutsumi: Let's hurry.

Mutsumi: We need to keep moving, or the insects will come.

Kai: Do we have a place to go?

Mutsumi: Yes.

Mutsumi: We're going to the last place...

Mutsumi: that we can on this island.

Mutsumi: There, we'll be safe for sure.

Mutsumi: Let's make it through the next two days.

Kanzono: Chujou-sensei, we're going to go find food.
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