Journey, The (2021)

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Journey, The (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

Look carefully!

This is the miracle that you prayed for!

Your vain resistance was utterly meaningless.

I'm sure you can now see that my deeds were just.


It's not over yet!

We will prevail in the end!

Does he not know when to give in?

All right.

I will teach him...

the meaning of the word surrender.

Start with him.

Flatten them all, one by one.

I have faith.

If we continue to believe in God and keep striving till the end…

God will grant us a miracle.

That's why I must never give up.

Until my body is torn apart and ripped into pieces,

I will protect my dear family and God's house, the holy Kaaba.

My name is Aws.

I am the son of Jubair.

Twelve hours earlier,

we volunteer soldiers had gathered at the final defense position

to protect Mecca from Abraha's advancing army.

Abraha's army of soldiers

marched from the south of the Arabian Peninsula.

They invaded major cities on their path to the north.

Their main objective

was to invade Mecca, a key trading hub

With a show of force, Abraha demanded Mecca's surrender.

Abraha's military strength was overpowering.

Meccans took refuge in the Al Hada mountains,

to find a way to protect the city without fighting.

But Abraha's demands were beyond anything Meccans

He was utterly ruthless.

The surrender of Mecca wasn't the only thing he demanded.

He demanded the destruction of the Kaaba

and the sacred stone enshrined there.

He also demanded all Meccans to abandon their faith

and become his army's slaves.

Meccans trembled with fury at this despicable demand,

but some decided to fight Abraha's army.

Listen to me, brave volunteers.

At this very moment, Abraha's army is marching towards Mecca.

We're here to stop them from invading and destroying our home.

We will not retreat one step from this valley.

Our duty is to repel Abraha's army without letting them in our city.

That means Mecca and its symbol, the Kaaba...

Oh... I'm sorry.


You've done it again.

I'm sorry. I was nervous.

Here you go.

Thanks, Aws.

Why are you carrying so many weapons?

Commander Musab is in charge of Mecca's volunteer soldiers.

He's a battle-tested soldier.

His knowledge and experience lifts the army's morale.

You say be agile, but look at me…

Oh, you're truly impossible.

And this chubby and lovable fellow is Hisham.

Even when the enemy could appear at any moment,

his unique charm and humor relieve the tension in the air.

I'm so sorry. Not again!

Sorry, Musab. I'll help spread the load.

It was Hisham who told me Musab was recruiting soldiers.

Listen everybody!

If you are willing to fight, take these weapons. They're yours!

See? I told you.


So a w*r really is coming.

Our enemy, Abraha, has stated that he will destroy the sacred Kaaba.

We must never allow that

Musab, enough.

I thought I told you not to fight.

Pardon me, Chief Muttalib, but...

I met General Abraha and confirmed his strong determination.

He will use all of his military might to...

Chief Abdul-Muttalib is one of Mecca's most respected leaders.

Abraha has sent many emissaries in a bid to subjugate Mecca.

But each time, the great chief has fended them off.

We could never...

Abraha's army is far mightier than we could have imagined.

Therefore, we only have two options.

We must either swiftly surrender Mecca or become Abraha's slaves.


Either way, it's terrible.

To protect all Meccans, it is my decision that we should leave the city.

I beseech you! Leave Mecca with me before this terrible army arrives.

Escape is not a defeat. It is a way for us all to survive...

He's right. As long as we survive, our history will continue.


We could never choose to surrender our city.

So we chose a third option, to fight the enemy.



Let us hear your wisdom, also.

You're one of the few here who knows the true face of combat.

You know I'm not good at speeches.

A few words will do. Come on.

Don't worry, old friend. Just be forthright, as always.

Oh, all right then.

This gruff, blunt man is Captain Nizar,

Mecca's greatest and most trusted warrior.

I joined his unit.

Well, there's only one thing to say to you all.

Get them before they get you!

That's all you need to remember to survive.

Everyone, don't die!

That's it.

What's so funny?

I just thought your speech was very... you.

It was, wasn't it?

Thank you, Nizar.

Of course, survival is the primary condition for victory.

Get them before they get you? Nice advice. Sheesh.

Mm, guess so.

I'm so disappointed.

I've never been good at talking to crowds.

It was a good speech, sir.

It was simple and clear.

I wish everything were so simple.

Sadly, that's never the case.

Why did you choose to fight?

I bet it was hard persuading your family to let you go.

Yes, it was.

w*r is a job for loners with no family, like me.

I don't think so.

Having a family is no excuse to expect others to protect you.

I can see why Jubair made you his son.

Good people like you will be needed in the near future.

You'd better stay alive until then.

I'm not a good person.

No one could be as virtuous as you are now.

There's no need to let the past haunt you.

Instead, you should make use of the skills you learned back then.

You might want to forget, but talent like that will help you in battle.

Trust me.

I'm counting on you, Aws.

Yes sir.

He's right. It's a past I'd rather forget.

But I made a vow when I chose to stay and fight.

I vowed to accept my past instead of burying it,

to carry out this honorable mission.

It was when I hurried home to deliver Chief Muttalib's decision...

The rumor is true!


Abraha's army is heading here from Taif.

We know.

Get ready to leave.


It's your duty to protect our family.


You're planning to stay and fight?

Chief Muttalib told us to evacuate.

I cannot just watch and let someone desecrate God.

Right. But let me be the one to stay behind.


My body still remembers how to handle a sword and fight.

I'm not worthy of God's forgiveness.

That's why...

That was long ago.

God knows how deeply you regret your sins.

There's no reason for you to think so lowly of yourself.

No, Mother.

As long as I bear this mark, I cannot escape my past sins.

I am corrupted by my sins.

That is not true!

I'm sure God has already forgiven you.

Don't you think the happy life we have together is proof of that?

Thank you, Hind.

Your words always raise my spirits and fill me with courage.

I want to protect Mecca and our precious family.


If fate demands one of us fight,

then that mission is meant for me.

Years ago, when I broke into this house to rob you,

you forgave me without punishment.

You took me in as family.

Sinning was the only way of life that I knew.

You showed me a life of peace, and the wonders of faith.

I owe you for everything.

Now it is time for me to repay you for all you have done.


We are very fortunate, aren't we?

Yes, we are.

I shall get ready to evacuate, too.

Please do.

I have one thing to ask of you.


Please take this.

Please wear this eyeshadow on the b*ttlefield.

All right.

This will give me strength in the face of our enemies.

We are always together even when we are apart.

You are my eyes and my heart.


Of course, you're always with us too, Wahab.

Please wait for me.

I promise to light a flame to signal our victory.


Are they here already?

A large cloud of sand is rising in the northeast!

It can't be a sandstorm.

It has to be the enemy

Already so close.

When will they arrive?

Probably around dawn.

All right. Continue the watch.

Yes, sir.

Don't be flustered. Calm down!

How can you fight if you are frightened by their approach alone?

It's true they outnumber us.

But a large army is vulnerable once the chain of command is broken.

All we need do is defeat their captains and their general, Abraha.

Fear not. Follow me, and victory will be ours.


I can't hear you.


General Abraha is coming!

Line up. Line up.

My lord, our scouts report

that those b*stards in Mecca are planning to stand against us.

Ah, so they have made the foolish choice to die.

They are genuine fools to not understand your Lordship's

It will be worth seeing if they can stand their ground

at the sight of our elephant army.

What about the other scouts?

They report that everything is just as your Lordship predicted.

I thought so.


Does he really think he can trick me?

It's noisy outside.


I wonder if Abraha's army has appeared.

I'll go and see.

Please, look after Wahab.

Be careful

I will

Abraha's army is here.

We can see from there.

What's that smoke?

Yes, it's Abraha's army.

There are so many...

I don't believe this. Are all these torches...?

The rumor of Taif's fall may be true.

That huge cloud of sand...

It could mean the enemy has wagons with them.

What on earth.

Is this the overwhelming might Abraha was talking about?

I appreciate you coming all this way, traveling across

Firstly, allow me to apologize for my rudeness.


Please, do not have a false impression.

I never told my men to steal your camels.

Then why?

It was some foolish notion of the men I sent to you.

They must have thought stealing camels would intimidate

I see. So will you return them to me?

Don't rush off yet.

You haven't received my full apology.

Hawkab, show him my good faith.

As you wish.

We will now execute the foolish thieves.

What is the meaning of this?

A token of my good faith.

Of course, I shall return your camels too.


I want you to remember one thing.

My intentions have not changed whatsoever.

Neither have mine.

I did not come here on behalf of Mecca, but as the owner

I see.

Then who is responsible for the Kaaba?

It is God's house, so God is responsible for its safekeeping.

If you dare blaspheme against God and destroy his shrine,

you will be struck down by his wrath.

Ah... that should be interesting.

I think I'd like to see how great the wrath of God is.

What a foolish thing to do.

You can just watch helplessly as your God is defeated by...

my army's overwhelming might.

It seems we underestimated the strength of his army.

I'm afraid so.

The only thing we can do now is pray.

Oh, no...

Please be safe, Aws.


How dare they...

Calm down!

Are you all right, Thabit?

Keep away, Habib. This guy's dangerous.


Your ideals are annoying.

Talk all the crap you like.

You either live or you die.

That's all.


That's enough.

Captain Nizar.

Don't worry. I'll take it from here.

Yes, sir.

You're fired up, kid.

I can see you didn't volunteer for nothing.

You're quite good.

But you better stop here.

Move, get out of the way.

Sorry, Nizar. He's in my unit.

So he's from Khuzaymah's lot?

No wonder he's got no manners.

It's always you. You're a damned nuisance.

What was all that commotion?

Who cares.

Wait, Zurara!


Zurara, is that really you?

I'm telling you to stop.

I'll fire you if you don't behave

Do as you like.

Then I'll beat up this naive, idealistic punk.

That's all.


What riled you up so?

I'm no volunteer. I'm a mercenary.

When I hear a naive crap about protecting and fighting for people,

it makes me sick!


Shut up.

I'm here to get fed.

I only care about beating the enemy and getting paid.

You understand, don't you? Faith can't fill your stomach.

Right, Aws?

Why does he know your name?

Aws, you know this guy?

Why don't you tell everybody here about your past?

His past?

Are you...? No you can't be...

Is Aws a friend of the sinner?

When we were boys, Zurara and I belonged to a group of bandits.

Are you saying you were a sinner too?

We did not choose that life.

We had no other choice.

It was our only way to eat and survive.

You said you didn't choose to be a bandit. Then why?

Why did you join their g*ng?

Let me explain.

I was still a young boy.

I was heading to Mecca with my parents, who were devout believers.

As we entered a lonely mountain path, we att*cked by bandits.

My parents tried to protect me.


They were brutally slain.

I was alone, but before I knew what happened, I'd been abducted.

Help me!

To claim the kidnapped children as their possessions,

the g*ng branded us with a mark on the left arm.

No! Please don't!

It was a permanent mark to show we were the slaves of sinners.

The child slaves were treated like pawns.

We were forced to commit crimes to earn our keep.

The bandits know that people

wouldn't suspect children and would lower their guard.

Are you all right?

Hey, can you hear me?

Then the bandits would appear and attack innocent travelers.

Sometimes we were forced to steal on our own.

We didn't want to do it.

But if we disobeyed, they would beat and starve us.

In order to survive, we had to work

and keep our bandits masters happy.

Zurara offered a ray of light in a life filled with despair.

He asked me to escape with him, and we waited for a chance to run.

It was a reckless plan, the work of kids.

But it was the only glimmer of hope for me at the time.

Don't stop, Aws!

Don't mind me. Go!

Zurara gave me the strength to live again.

What are you waiting for? Go!

But Zurara got caught.

In the end, you were the only one who managed to flee.

I'm sorry.

At the time, I was...

No need to apologize.

I depend on no-one. I trust no-one.

And I don't need any kind of faith, unlike you lot.

Wait, Zurara.

I used to think like you before I came to Mecca.

But I was saved by a story of faith my adoptive father Jubair told me.

A story? Don't think that's gonna fill my stomach either.

Hey wait, kid.

It might not be a meal.

But you and Aws share a past.

This tale could inspire you in ways food can't.

Yeah, I'm sorry but..

If it's such a wonderful story, we would all love to hear it too.

Right? Everyone?

Aws, let us hear your story.

The story that saved your life.

Yes, sir.

Everyone, please listen to my story.

I'm going to tell you a tale of a miracle that changed my life.

It's the story of a pious man who believed in a prophet and took action.

It's the story of Naram the shepherd.

Thick clouds gathered in the distance and thunder roared far away.

The freakish sight in the skies gave Naram a sense of unease.

Prophet Noah said God's judgment would soon be handed down.

The earth would be hit by a massive flood, turning land into sea.

Naram believed this and urged the villagers to take refuge.

The wind smells strange and I've never seen clouds like these.

The rain will continue and a big flood is sure to follow.

His eccentric warning drew scorn from the villagers.

People laughed and threw stones at him.

The rain intensified day by day.

The river by the village swelled more and more.

Meanwhile, Prophet Noah, his family, and his followers

cut trees from the mountain top and began making a huge ark.

While others mocked them, they continued their work.

Noah's determination to save others

strengthened Naram's faith and galvanized him.

Please be good and wait for me. But if there's danger, flee without me.

Naram bid farewell to his precious sheep

and went to talk to the villagers one more time.

The rain and wind became even more violent.

The roaring winds tore down trees.

The river swelled and overflowed.

Villagers who had laughed at Noah were swept away

Naram desperately tried to save the villagers from the water.

But no one could defy God's judgment. Naram, too, was swept away.

As Naram struggled in the torrent,

a branch was extended to him.

It was one of Prophet Noah's believers, who led him to safety.

Prophet Noah had finished building the ark before the massive flood

Overwhelmed by the imposing vessel, Naram could do nothing

Amid the torrential rain,

all kinds of animals were lining up to enter the ark.

Naram's sheep were among them.

The storm surged even more.

The raging river was now an ocean, its waves pounding the ark's bow.

A roaring sound filled the air each time a huge wave struck.

Gripped by fear, Naram held onto his sheep and endured.

The huge waves quickly turned into a tsunami

and swallowed up the mountains.

What used to be land was now entirely under water.

God had delivered his judgment.

But the rain showed no sign of letting up.

Crushing waves ripped off the boards from the ark's sides, one by one.

Naram could do nothing but wait with his sheep for God's forgiveness.

Days passed. No one knew how many.

But the rain and wind finally ceased. The waves fell silent.

Noah's ark had survived the judgment. The only ones saved were the animals,

Noah's family, and the few who heeded Noah's warning.

The storm was finally over.

The ark floated alone on the vast expanse of water.

The survivors basked in the sunlight

and felt the joy of life.

Then, they sent out a dove.

Naram was able to protect his flock, that he tended with care.

God shows the way to those who keep trying

and move forward with faith in their hearts.

The dove sent out by Prophet Noah would soon bring news of dry land.

A new era would begin.

This story taught me

the importance of trust, cooperation, and above all, faith.

Thank you, Aws.

A fine tale indeed.

Thank you everyone.

Hey! Wait, Zurara.

I regained hope in my life because you sacrificed yourself for me.

You're so full of yourself.

You want protecting again?

That's right.

But not for me. This time, I'll take care of myself.

I want you to protect Mecca.

Utter nonsense.

Please, fight alongside us!

I didn't mean to upset you.

Please, sir.

Everyone talking such fine words...

I won't leave you like I did before. This time,

I'll protect you.

How dare you patronize me!

Stop it, Zurara. Stop!

Draw your sword.

If you think you're capable of protecting anyone,

let me put you to the test!

Please stop. Aws is not...

What the...!

He's good.


You've lost your sharpness, Aws.

Did you get fat after eating too much good food?

Your sharpness has improved, Zurara.

You pass.

Fine. I'll fight with you.


But on one condition.

What condition?

I want food.

Not a snack. A feast.


Is food all you can think about?

Huh! That's boring.

Let's go.

That was great, Aws!

Thank you, Aws. And you, Zurara.

Let's protect Mecca together.

I'll take care of him, all right?

Do what you like.

Are they here?

I see the enemy!

They're approaching our defensive positions.

You should be able to see them from down there.

Let's go and see.

Let's go.

Hey... wait for me!

Let me through.

Make way!

What is that?

If we can see it from here, it must be massive.

Hey, that's enormous.

Is it a huge chariot?

Look, Aws, a horse.

Just one horse?

It must be an emissary.

Terrible timing. Everyone is panicking.

I'll go.

Wait! What if it's a trap?

We can't let 'em see how shaken we are.

All right. Go.

General Abraha intends to win Mecca without fighting.

I'm sure he will give them plenty of time to see just how big Mahmud is.

That'll terrify them for sure. Once their morale drops, they'll run.

General Abraha and Sir Hawkab sure are combat-savvy.

Time is an effective w*apon for stoking fear.

Let's see...

how long they can endure the terror of the inevitable.

Stop there!

This is the land of Mecca.

Those who wrong God are denied entry.

Listen carefully!

This is the final warning

offered from the gracious Abraha to the Meccans.

Our aim is to leave the Kaaba in ruins, destroying its religious value,

and to claim Mecca's commerce as our own.

We demand absolute obedience of Mecca and its people.

We have no desire for battle.

How arrogant...

Surrender your city.

If you don't, you and your army will be annihilated.

You have until daybreak to make your decision.

That is all.

Nonsense. He's not giving us time.

He just wants to whip up fear by showing us those monsters.

I'd better go back, keep 'em in line.

Are we fighting those elephants?

Oh, no. Fear is spreading.

It seems like a good time to make our exit, boys.

We've got what we want. Let's beat it.

Hey, Zayd. Zurara's not tagging along.

Leave him. If he wants to die with his pals, that's his business.

Let's kick up a fuss and run.

It's over. We're gonna die here!

Let's get out of here.

Run before they come for us.

Calm down. Settle yourselves!

If you panic, you will be swallowed up by your fear.

Don't retreat!

Showing fear will only energize the enemy.

Everyone, please listen!

Oh, no.

We'll be surrendering without a fight.

I didn't expect this farce to end so soon.


Yes! We must help Musab stop them from leaving.

But how?

Hind, I will fight for you.

What are they doing?

Why fall so easily for the enemy's trickery?

I must not fear. There is no turning back.

Calm down. Calm down, all of you!

Wait. Don't pull back!

Come on, we're nearly there.

Everyone, let's fight together.

Please come back

That's more like it.

Like our predecessors who fought with courage and faith,

I believe I can overcome my fear!


Your face...

Help me settle everybody down.

But how?

Draw their attention.


That's impossible, isn't it?


Oh, come on. Clang your weapons.

It's no use shouting. You have to make a loud noise.

A loud noise?

Everybody stop. Calm down!

What are they doing?

Zurara, where's Aws?

Listen to me!

Everybody listen to me!

I'm Aws, son of Jubair.

I stood up to protect Mecca and my family.

I thought you were all brave souls who gathered for the same reason.

Even if you survive by succumbing to fear and running away,

you will regret giving up your land and faith for the rest of your life.

Aws is right.

Did you not come to this b*ttlefield to avoid living a life of regret?

Then why run? Why surrender your arms?

If we unite, and fight as one, Abraha's elephants will be no threat.

Let us show them the solidarity and courage of us Meccans!

Don't give up. Be brave, keep fighting,

and God will never give up on you.

Raise your weapons and face the enemy!

That's right. Hoist your weapons higher.


Hey, Zayd. Looks like they'll fight after all.

Oh, and I thought they'd run. You guys have a lot of guts!

Now, let's see how they deal with those monsters.

Let's enjoy it. From afar, of course.


Have they overcome their fear?

I must praise them for not retreating in the face of our elephant army.

For a moment, I thought they would flee.

How shall we proceed, my lord?

Let's put them to the test, to see if their courage can last till sunrise.

As you wish.

Begin our show of force!

Start the intimidation!

It seems the time has come.

Let's pray for the warriors of Mecca.


Father, I'm scared.

I am, too.

Aws probably is, also.

No doubt he is battling fear himself.

We must pray for the victory of our warriors.

We must believe in their victory.


When you feel crushed by anxiety and fear, remember...

the tale of the miracle.


I must remember the bravery

and strong will of our great predecessors.

It's the tale of a Hebrew girl called Raheel.

That year, the Pharaoh's country was hit by plague

and a poor harvest.

People struggled to survive the winter.

And to harvest what was available,

the slaves were forced to work without rest.

There were only enough crops for the Pharaoh

The slaves were at their limit from hunger and fatigue.

As the sl*ve girl Raheel struggled with constant pain,

her friend Ephraim told her about a plan.

He said all Hebrews would flee the city that night.

And Prophet Moses would lead them.

Moses' plan was to free every single sl*ve from the Pharaoh's

Come on. Let's go.

God will help those who never give up and take action

Today will be remembered as the day we stood up

I'll go. I won't let the pain of my wounds hold me back.

If freedom lies ahead, I'll go!

The Hebrews fled under the cover of the darkness.

They formed a line in the desert that stretched as far

As they trudged on and on, there was no end in sight.

It seemed to stretch forever.

The sand clung heavily to their feet and sapped their strength.

Elderly, children and injured alike gradually fell behind.

They fell to the end of the line.

And Raheel was among them.

Her exhaustion from hunger, and her festering wound was

But still, she kept on walking.

Her belief in Prophet Moses never wavered.

A tinge of red on the distant horizon was followed by the light

The sun's rays awakened the senses numbed by fatigue

But, the blessing of the desert sunrise showed its brutal side.

The heat rose with the sun,

and the sand began to burn their feet.

They sweat profusely and stumbled in the scorching sand.

One after another, the Hebrews fainted from pain and dehydration.

Raheel's strength was running out too.

Her steps became slower.

Eventually, she fell to her knees.

An elderly woman, Rebekah, came and gave Raheel water.

Stand up. Freedom is not a gift. It is something you must fight

A lesson I learned from Prophet Moses.

Raheel regained consciousness thanks to Rebekah's words

She stood up once more, and continued walking.

She crossed countless dunes and weathered many sandstorms.

They had all lost count of the days, when suddenly...

they reached land's end.

The sea blocked their way to freedom.

As the Hebrews stood in shock, the Pharaoh's troops approached

Trapped between the sea and the soldiers,

the Hebrews ran off in all directions.

It seemed Prophet Moses' liberation of the Hebrews had failed.

But then...

Moses raised his staff towards the sky.

Clear skies gave way to thick clouds and lightning pierced

The sea began to roar and the waves rose higher and higher.

Bolts of lightning raced across the sky and gathered at Moses' staff.

When he thrust it in the sea...

the water parted in front of the Hebrews.

Walls of water either side led to the opposite shore.

The exposed seabed became a path to freedom.

Without hesitation, everybody began running along the path.

Witnessing God's miracle, Raheel forgot her pain and ran for her life.

But the Pharaoh's troops were undeterred by God's miracle.

Soldiers closed in on Raheel, who was the last of those running.

Just when she thought she would be caught...

The sea walls came down in a roar, blocking the soldiers' path.

Ephraim, who had come back for Raheel, led her by the hand

And when Raheel and Ephraim arrived at the other side,

the sea walls gave way in one go, as if to say their role had ended.

The waters came crashing down from both sides

and swallowed up the Pharaoh's men in between.

The soldiers helplessly disappeared beneath the waves.

The miraculous pathway vanished,

and the sky and the sea became calm once more.

The morning sun gently shone on the Hebrews.

The miracle was bestowed only on God's believers

At last, the Hebrews had freedom in their hands.

Raheel relished the joy...

and she began walking once again.

I must be strong like Raheel!

That's right.

We must pray that Aws will be safe.

And have faith that our warriors will prevail!

Secure your positions! Have no fear!

It's almost time. What should we do?

Let's move before they do. Take the initiative.

But how?

Would you laugh if I said single combat?

Not at all.

I thought it was the only way too.

Then we have no time to lose. Choose your men, Nizar!

All right!

It's time, my lord. What's to come next?

Our giant elephants aren't scary enough, huh?

We will make them regret choosing battle over sl*very.

They're moving!

Their emissaries are approaching!

Three of them, coming on foot!

Have they come to surrender?

Or perhaps...

they've come to fight their customary single combat.

Such a childish game. Not even worthy of consideration.

I'll take it.

Let's use their game for a little warm up.

As you wish.

They will learn the true superiority and strength of our warriors,


It's bad when you have to make do with a mercenary like me.

Nonsense. You should feel honored.

He's right!

You should thank me for recruiting you.

Thank you? No way!

Also, may I remind you that I'm your boss now.

You'd better do as I say!

You're talking to me?

No way.

The question is, will Abraha take up our challenge?

If not, we'll die for nothing.

He will.

If he's that confident in his army's power he'll take the challenge.

Here they come.

So, maybe this wasn't a waste of time.

They look like their champions.

What's with those huge shadows?

Elephants were not their only threat.

Size is not the only factor in battle.

Won't you prove that to us, Nizar?

People of Mecca!

Are you going cast aside General Abraha's offer of mercy?

Did we even ask for it?

This is your chance. Run.

How... dare you!

Can't you see we're more than ready?

Let's get started already.


Negotiations have failed!

Hawfa! Shareh! Anmaram!

Make these imbeciles know the true meaning of fear and suffering!

This might be a bit tiresome.


You guys wait here. I'll beat them all up.

Wait. I'll go first.


They're so weird.

Let Aws go first, to test their strength.

But then...

Don't worry. I won't let them k*ll me.

I'll show you all how it's done!

Are the people of Mecca too scared to fight?

The first one step forward and have a clean fight!

Who dares face me?

Aws, I can swap if you're too scared.

I'll let you go first if you buy me a meal.

Never mind.

Are you both ready? It'll be a three-against-three combat.

It may end only by surrender or death.

You looking at me, boy?

Think you can scare me, huh?

That wasn't fair.

The challenge shall commence... now!

That wasn't bad for a tiny creature like you.


You're dead now.

He changed his grip!

Get over here!


I've got you!

That's it, Hawfa.

Show them your superior might!

What is Aws up to? He's backing down.

No. He's using his agility.


All set.

You think you can k*ll me?!


What... happened?

What are you doing? Fight back!

It's over. Admit defeat.

Don't…mock me!

Get up Hawfa!

General Abraha is watching!

Surrender already! There's no need to throw your life away.



We won the first round.

What do we do now?

You still want a futile fight?

Shareh! Anmaram! General Abraha demands victory.

You understand what this means?

Crush them, by any means necessary!

Oh no.





Oi! Big-head!

Your opponent is over here!

Drop your w*apon or I'll tear down that bird's nest of yours!

Guess it's no a bird's nest after all, huh?

Bastard! You'll pay for that!

You're too slow!


I'll catch you!

You're mine!


Now we can compare...

who's stronger!

Fool. I'm cornering you to death!

You can't keep running forever.

You idiot.

You really don't realize that you helped me...

get rid of my obstacles?


No way.

What's wrong? Tired?

Then why don't you take a nap!

There. Good boy.

It's clear who won.

Just admit defeat.

Our strongest warriors lost...?

Hurray! We won!

We did it!


Oi! You're the last one left.

Will you fight too?

Tell Abraha that we can't be broken!

No fighting the elephants, huh?



Let him go.

Their disgrace only shines more light on us.

Now, to see if Abraha will follow our ways and admit defeat.

Shareh and Anmaram lost...?

How amusing.

How entertaining.

Hawkab, don't you dare tell me that we have been defeated.

N... never!

That was merely an opening act to entertain you, my lord.

Battle against the army of Mecca shall commence!

All units advance!

Now what?

They're not backing down.

We're in trouble.

Get back!

All right!

What did we fight for, then?

What's that?

They refuse to go home empty-handed.

They're coming!

Listen carefully, everyone!

We won in single combat!

But now, our enemy is changing formation.

I thought we were victorious.

They cheated!


But we proved our men are stronger.

That's a big knock to their morale.

Yes. Now it's our turn to fight.

I'm ready. Bring it on!

Why are we the ones who have to run away?

It's all part of the plan.


By winning the first round, we gained the upper hand mentally.

Great job, everyone. Are you wounded?

A little, but nothing serious. We can fight at any moment.

Good. Now we'll show them our true strength!

Your army is ready for battle, my lord.

Hark my words, my mighty warriors!

The time has come to prove our army's true might to the enemy!

Crush each and every one of them,

and prove that their God never existed!

All units, forward march!

Here they come... and not a God-fearing man among them.

Listen, men of Mecca!

We've all come together for this very moment!

We must fight not only to protect Mecca and our beloved families.

But also to protect the holy Kaaba from our sacrilegious foes!

We'll protect our loved ones, and victory shall be ours!

God is on our side! Have no fear!

Let's go!


What are you waiting for? Cavalry, advance!

Yes, sir.

We're wasting time, wrapped up fighting these amateurs.

Then, send up the elephants.

But, what if they get injured?

I don't give a damn.

Annihilate them completely and redeem our former loss.


A... as you wish.

The monsters have arrived!

They're here.

We won't have a chance of pulling this off unless we k*ll the elephants!

Yeah. Let's go!

Can you do it, Aws?

We'll find a way somehow!

I'm counting on you two!

Brings back memories, huh? We were unbeatable.

Yeah. The duo is back!

They're enormous.

No time to be scared!

Are you all right?

Yeah. What's next?

Can you distract them a bit?

Running off alone again?


Fine. Count me in!

Elephants and arrows love me, huh?

I'm here. Come get me!

I'll take that.

Is this ever going to end, Aws?!



Use the axe!

It'll pierce through the monster's skin!

Now! Get in there!

Are you nuts?

Die, monster!


Oh no.

We did it!

That was easy.

Crap. This isn't good.

Everybody's retreating but us!

Get back! We're cut off.


The battle hasn't even begun!

Only you two won against the elephants.

But we're almost there!

Why pull back now?

We'll fall back to the gorge, trap the elephants there.

Of course. In a tight space, we might stand a chance.

But I'm not sure if we can pull that off right now.

Now, Nizar!

Take them both!

We're off.

Commander Musab!

Don't mind me! Go!

Let's go!

What about the commander?

He put his life on the line to save your skins!

He knows that without you two, we won't come out victorious!

You got me? This is an order!

Let's go!

Are they our mercenaries?


Go back to the gorge, along the wall!

Forgive me, Commander.

Now's the time. Let's go!

Go now, Khuzaymah!

Yes, sir!


My mission is accomplished...

I guess it's time to accept my fate.

Why...? I told you to leave!

Allow me to fight alongside you until the end.


You didn't have to.

No, it's an honor.


Of course!

The enemy is in full retreat, my lord.

What took so long?

I never imagined that this could happen...

On top of that... we lost an elephant.

Never mind.

They're making this game more fun.

I'm heading forward.

March Mahmud ahead.

You're going into battle, my lord?

I'm curious to see what this elephant slayer can do.

As you wish.

The punishment for his insolence will be his death.

No, you must not k*ll him.

You must inflict unbearable fear and pain upon him.

And then... spare his life. So he may live to tell that glorious tale.

The tale of Abraha and his elephant army.

Look! They've turned tail and are running scared.

Those morons really thought they could win?

I bet Zurara regrets his decision now.

Oh, wait. Look! Abraha is up to something.

He's sending in all his troops.

Mecca's done for, I guess.

Good job falling back, everyone.

Wounded, go hide in the tents.

Those left with energy, take up arms and listen in.

Our enemy has the momentum. They could attack at any moment.

There's no time. I'll get to the point.

New plan. We take down the bulwark and lure them here!

The elephants won't move well in such a tight space.

Then, we slay as many men as you can!

This is the moment of truth!

We must protect Mecca!

Good! We can still fight.


Captain Nizar!

They've shifted formation, and are charging fast!


The big white one is now leading from the front!

Could they be...?

They've reached the stockade!


Captain, this is our chance!


Committing their full strength means they're guard will be down.

General Abraha must be riding on the lead elephant.

I'll make way by attacking it first!

That way, we can get close!

Then... we'll take his head.


But if you do that...

They're here.

Captain, I'll leave it to you!


That idiot!


He's coming to fight us all by himself?

Could he be any more insolent?

Infantry, forward!

Has he gone mad?

Wipe out the vermin!

That man!

Is he the one who slayed Hawfa?

That's not all.

The way he moves... he must be the elephant slayer.

What? Then Mahmud should withdraw...


Let's play this game a little longer.


They've come to take my head.

They haven't learned their lesson!

Take up arms!

I'll pass an ultimatum to the man who manages to get closest.

Listen to me carefully!

Stand firm! We're almost there!

Put your lives in my hands!

You got me?

That's far enough!

Prepare to die!


Leave it to me.

I won't leave you this time.

You made the right decision back then.

So go and get him!

Take Abraha's head!

So, the elephant slayer is here at last.



You dared to come all this way, warrior of Mecca.

I applaud you for your bravery.

Now, you'll fight against me!

Come get me, elephant k*ller.


Not bad.

Surrender now and I will spare your life.

Fool. So that's your answer?

That face...?!

You're scared of my face, little boy?

What happened to the brave elephant slayer?

Let... me go.

I'm not going to k*ll you right away.

I'll give you pain and agony much greater than my scar.

Hawkab, gather the remnants here and execute them!

Prove to them that their God never existed.

As you wish.

Capture the survivors!

We... lost?

Please forgive me... everyone.

Now... it's up to you.

I can't fight anymore...

This voice...

Hind, Wahab, please forgive me.

I couldn't keep our promise.

If I could only hold you both in my arms one more time...

Dear Father... Mother... thank you for everything.

I wouldn't be the man I am today without you both.

You accepted me as I was, in spite of my sins,

and taught me how to overcome my terrible past.

When despair and sorrow sweep over you, remember this tale.

It will save you without fail.

That's right!

I must follow its wisdom and rise once again!

Remember the tale again!

The tale of a miracle granted to the brave, who refused to give up!

A tale from long ago, even before the birth of Mecca.

There was once a distant land, ruled by giants of the Aad tribe.

A country with a great city at its heart. Iram of the Pillars.

The Aad ruled Iram with an iron fist, and lived a life of luxury.

The rich had a life free from persecution,

but the poor had no other choice than to live a life of sl*very.

To the chief priest Kamkam and his apprentice Thawab,

the Aad chieftain asked a question.

He asked about a so-called prophet who was gaining influence.

Kamkam answered that the name of the prophet was Hud.

Some Aad influenced by Hud repeated his warning

God would punish the Aad and the pillars of Iram would fall.

The chieftain called for Prophet Hud to be captured.

But Kamkam was worried that enrage Hud's devoted followers.

The chieftain's face twisted with rage when Kamkam rejected

The chieftain drew his sword and m*rder*d Kamkam where he stood.

Thawab shook with horror, as Kamkam died beside him.

And his hatred and fear towards the Aad deepened in his heart.

Meanwhile, the slaves, who were forced to work day and night,

died one by one from hunger and exhaustion.

The wealthy priests looked down on this horrific scene,

and Thawab stood among them.

Having his respected mentor slain before him,

Thawab was losing faith.

A trickle of tears ran down his anguished face.

Catching sight of the young lost soul,

the priests' new leader, Shana'a, gave him words of caution.

Thawab, the Aad have placed us in charge of their wealth.

In other words, we too hold power over this place.

Don't look up when stricken with anger and sadness.

Instead, look beneath you!

Find those weaker than you and lash out with your emotions.

Iram is built on this divine ideology.

Shana'a showed a faint smile.

Thawab shivered in terror, a sense of peril sweeping over him.

Under their new leader, control by the priests intensified,

and the disparity between rich and poor escalated.

Thawab, unable to pander to the Aad as other priests did,

naturally found himself in the sl*ve quarter.

Kamkam, so admired by many, was in the back of his mind.

What is it that I can do? He asked himself over and over again.

Just then, he heard a woman scream.

A young woman was being assaulted by a group of rich men.

Thawab could not hide his fury.

He cast his priest's robe aside, ran toward them and yelled,

She is not some plaything to sate your lust!

This foul system of sl*very that you and the Aad uphold is unjust!

Thawab's bold words greatly shocked the slaves,

deeply touching their hearts.

Thawab abandoned his robe.

He was determined to follow Hud's guidance

and live a virtuous life as a human being.

The Aad and the rich were outraged by Thawab's behavior

Thawab became a prisoner.

Day after day, Thawab was severely tortured.

His sense of consciousness slipped away and his body grew numb.

But even this brutality could not shake his firm faith.

His faith in Prophet Hud's words.

The brutality intensified.

At its peak, Thawab closed his eyes, preparing for death.

He began to lose his senses.

He heard faint screams of priests as they ran from the dungeon,

and the sound of roaring flames.

The sounds became louder,

eventually waking Thawab with a thunderous roar.

He saw slaves revolting and freeing his fellow prisoners.

Guided by the girl Thawab had saved before.

You've given us the courage to rise.

Tonight, we will free ourselves from v*olence and terror.

Around the lofty pillars, crimson flames bellowed black smoke,

setting the dark night sky ablaze.

The Aad giants threatened the slaves with their weapons,

but the slaves fought back daringly with fire.

They tore apart buildings, using anything they could

but the vicious att*cks by the Aad made it a desperate battle.

Thawab and Lothan were cornered by Shana'a and his followers.

Fool. I thought I told you.

Why not take out your anger on those beneath you?

Like this!

As Shana'a lifted his sword,

a gust of wind blew, forcing the priests to the ground.

The wind grew stronger, soared up into the sky,

and formed a great tornado as it gathered the dark clouds.

With massive flashes,

lightning and thunder fell upon Iram, uprooting the Aad.

As if to wipe the city off the face of the earth, violent winds rose,

and the lofty pillars began to crumble.

None amongst them had experienced such a powerful storm

The storm blew away the Aad and the rich.

Shana'a and his priests were blown away before Thawab's eyes.

Gathering the last of their strength,

Thawab and Lothan made to escape with the other slaves.

As if to protect them, the storm formed walls of wind,

leading them out of Iram.

The storm trapped the Aad and the rich inside as it built up

The merciless winds knocked down the symbolic pillars of Iram,

collapsing with a great roar.

Iram, the capital city of the Aad, perished.

Gluttony. Corruption. v*olence.

God punished those corrupted by power and wealth,

and manifested a miracle.

Thawab and the slaves sought to answer God's miracle

and paved the way for a new era in history.

We can't have lost!

Our enemy was huge!

Musab has never lost in battle!

It's no wonder that everybody is anxious.

We have been waiting for so long.

But still, no flame has risen from the valley.

Perhaps... we must make a difficult decision.

To abandon Mecca for good?!

The scouts found us.


We must decide now.


Please be safe!


Don't move!



What a pitiful resistance.

Warriors of Mecca.

Don't think you've won.

Chief Muttalib will...

The Al Hada mountains.

You thought I didn't know?

We've already pinned down the exact spot.

As soon as I'm done with you,

my army will chase them down and slaughter Muttalib and the rest.

I'll never let that happen!

Ahh, the elephant slayer speaks.

That's right! Again! Fight me once more!


This time it's my turn!

I represent the people of Mecca!

What's wrong? Too scared? Answer me, Abraha!

Cur! Silence, at once!

Knock it off!

You'll fight me first!

Come on, Abraha! Bring it on!

If you're scared of me, surrender now!


Are you that eager to die?

That fool... why risk his own life?


the elephant slayer!

I'll never be beaten down by the likes of you!

Abraha! I'm warning you!

If you don't leave Mecca right now, this very spot...

This will be your grave... Now!!


Captain Nizar!

That... was sudden.

Warriors of Mecca!

Look carefully.

This is the miracle that you prayed for!

Your vain resistance was utterly meaningless.

I'm sure you can now see that my deeds were just.


It's not over yet!

We will prevail in the end!

Does he not know when to give in?

All right.

I will teach him...

the meaning of the word surrender.

Hawkab, execute them with elephants.

One by one. Take your time.

As you wish.

The fools' execution shall commence! Starting now!

Get in line!

Elephants up front!

Abraha's a horrible bastard, isn't he.


Let's back off! No good getting captured.

R... right.

Start with him.

Flatten them one by one.

S... stop!

Elephant slayer.

Beg for your life. Let me hear your declaration of surrender.

If so, I'll let you live.

Oh no! I don't want to die!


Don't turn away!

If you don't want to die...

Say it. Give in.


This is your final warning.

If you value your life, leave Mecca this instant!

Resume the execution at once.

Bring Mahmud to the front!

Crush him, Mahmud!


What happened?



What's wrong?

What's this?!

I ordered you to resume the execution!

What's wrong, Mahmud? Why are you stepping back?

My lord, we are in trouble!

The elephants have stopped obeying our orders!

I didn't know what was happening at the time.

The elephants began revolting and refused to execute us.

Then, all the elephants turned to face the same direction,

knelt down, and bowed, one by one.

What's happening...?

The elephants are kneeling to face the same direction!

The same direction?

It can't be!

Don't you dare say that they're facing Mecca...!

My lord!

Could this be...


What's going on?

Aws! I don't know why this happened, but we've got to get out

Stop... stop it!

This way, hurry!

Hide! Hold on!


Everybody, keep going!

There's no doubt! This is what they call...

Stop panicking!

Fool, I said to stop panicking!

B... but...!

How could you...!

Is this what they call, the power of...

The power of... God?

I'll never forgive you, you fools of Mecca!

No one can stop the advance of Abraha.

Not even the God you worship can stop me.

I'll k*ll anybody who comes in my way!

This is God's miracle? Don't be ridiculous.

What's going on?

Stay back! They might see you.

We're close! Hide!

Hold on!

Elephant slayer! Come out and face me!

Hisham, take care of him.

What? Are you...?

Yeah. I'll settle this.

I will never let you leave this place alive!

Don't! It's too dangerous!

I swear, you will die by Abraha's hand!

Afraid to fight?

Come out!

Who would have thought like you could give me such a hard time?

Surprising, huh?

But it's over now.

Even your wondrous God's miracle

couldn't hurt me one bit.


It can't be...!

What's this?

Calm down! Don't panic!


You've lost.

Don't ridicule me, you fool!

You'll pay for this! I won't let you escape!

Elephant slayer!

I am the son of Jubair.

My name...

is Aws!

Father, they're flying from Mecca!

It's a swarm of swallows!

It's a... miracle.

A miracle has occurred!

I'll tell Chief Muttalib!

No need for that.


I'm sure he already knows.

What are they?


Why are swallows flying over the mountain?

Look! It's a swarm!

Chief, what's happening?

They're telling us something!

This... is...

without a doubt...

an act of God!

A miracle has transpired!

Isn't that Aws?


Can you move, Habib?


Where's the enemy?

Are you all right?


This is...

God's miracle...!

I thank you, God!


Is this...?

Did we win...?

A miracle!

It's a miracle!


That's right.

A miracle granted

to the brave, who refused to give up!

We must tell the tale of this miracle to our descendents,

like our predecessors before us!

Those birds are a miracle sent by God.

I sense the dawning of a new era.

A new era?


It's just across the horizon, brought to us by the light of this victory.

Look! A light!

It's a sign!

It must be the signal of victory!

Father... that ray of light!

Without a doubt, it is the light of Aws.

Thank God!
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