Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kaguya-hime no Koibito (Sailor Moon S Movie: Hearts in Ice) (1994)

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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kaguya-hime no Koibito (Sailor Moon S Movie: Hearts in Ice) (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Princess Snow Kaguya]
You're as beautiful as I
remember, Earth...

...But I can help you reach a
new level of beauty...

After that, you will become
all mine...! [evil laugh]




Japanese astronaut, Himeko
Nayotake, has recently been
selected to join the renowned

Luna Frontier Project as one of
the pilots for the upcoming
lunar exploration mission.

She is shown here at NASA
busily preparing for it.

The following is a CG simulation
of what the Luna Frontier
Project launch will look like.

Ahhh... [chewing]

Wow! That spacecraft
is going to the Moon?

[dreamy sigh] I want to go to
the Moon on that spaceship with
Mamo and have a space date!

Usagi, this is no time
for daydreaming...

It's your last winter break
as a middle schooler.

You need to focus on
studying for your high
school entrance exams.

Yeah, well! I don't expect you
to understand my feelings!

After all, I bet you've never
even experienced love before,
have you?


It's not like I... [sneeze]

...even plan to fall
in love, so who cares?

Are you all right, Luna?

I think I might have
caught a cold last night

Sorry but, I'm going to
start heading back now.

Are you sure?

Here, let me walk you home.

No, thank you.


I'll be fine on my own.

Don't make such a big
deal out of it, Artemis.


[tired sigh]



[car horn]



Look both ways, idiot!


[panting breaths]

You're finally awake.

[weak meow]

You're still feverish, so stay
still. You need rest. Go back
to sleep.

[happy meow]


Wait a minute this
person did he

Did he stay up all night

Just to take care of me?

Luna's missing!?

Yeah, she never
came home yesterday.

I wonder what happened?

D'you think maybe her fever got
worse, and she collapsed some
-where along the way to Usagi's?

[worried gasp]

I knew I should have
walked her home! Now look...

Luna where ever she
is, I hope she's safe

So What are the odds that
she might have run away?


Usagi, please, don't tell
me this is your fault.

Yeah! What, did
you bully her!?

Are you out of your mind? I
would neverbully Luna!

Then you said something
mean to her, didn't you?


"You're a klutz...
a total goofball..."

"“Not to mention, a crybaby!"”
Those are the kinds of mean
things that Luna says to me!

You know what, Rei!?
[sticking tongue out]

Oh, yeah!?
[sticking tongue out]

This is no time to argue!

We should split up and
search. Let's hurry!

[determined grunts]

[seagulls squawking]

Hey, I hope you're
hungry, kitty.


It seems like you're all
better now. That's good.

[happy meow]



Long time no see, Kakeru!

Hime?! You're here!


When'd you get back to Japan?

My flight arrived
just this morning.

[small chuckle]

So about the Luna Frontier
Project You hear the news?

Yeah, I did.


Is that it?


Forget it.

It's been over a year since I
left Japan What's new?

A comet, actually. I discovered
a new one two night ago.

Oh, yeah?

Mhm! I saw it passing
close to the Moon.

And that's why I chose to
call it Princess Snow Kaguya.

[sigh] You were looking at
the moon again, weren't you?

How strange, though. NASA hasn't
said anything about a new comet

Are you sure you saw it?

Of course, I'm sure! I
saw it with my own eyes!

Just check out this crystal
I found that same night.

I'm totally positive that
it fell from the comet.



Yeah, but the comet itself
disappeared instantly.

And Everyone at the Space
Development Agency thinks
I was daydreaming.

But you believe my
story, don't you?


I'm telling you,
I saw it!

Look, I heard about that
one time you were made a
laughingstock after you claimed

there was a goddess
living on the moon

I just think you're
romanticizing space
a little too much.

But, every time I look at the
moon, I can feel some kind of
energy that's full of life,
emanating from it!

Am I actually hearing this
from someone who's devoted
his whole life to science?

Fine then, don't believe me.

You've always had a brilliant
mind filled with great ideas-

Medicine, biology, physics
Aerospace engineering!

You've earned PHDs in
so many different fields!

Everyone expected you to
become an astronaut.

We had high hopes for you.

So why do you say such
crazy things that aren't
scientific at all?



What's wrong?

I'm not feeling well today.

So, I'm going to have
to ask you to leave.


Please, go.


You can't seriously be
asking me to go away now

But I took a week off and came
back from America, from
Marshall just to see you!

Just go!

[gasp] Fine then.

[sad sigh]

[comforting meow]

What's wrong with me? Why
can't I just tell her
that I'm happy for her?

I mean, this is a huge deal.

She's about to realize
her lifelong dream of
going into space, right?


Wait a sec, I never
got your name!

Lu-- agh!


Right... cats don't talk.




You can't be a Tiger
without stripes...

That crescent shape on your
head looks like the moon.




[happy meow]

I see. So, it seems like
your name's Luna then.

[happy meow]

That's right!

Luna's a lot fancier than most
names I've heard for cats.

I guess your owner must be a
pretty well-bred person to come
up with a name like that, huh?

[obnoxious laugh]

Luna, you like sugar candies?

[agreeable meow]

I always thought they
kinda looked like
sh**ting stars, you know?

"“If you make a wish
while eating it, Princess
Kaguya will appear."”

Ever since I was little,
I believed that would
actually come true.

Well, what do you think?
And be honest...

Is it silly of me to think that
there's a goddess on the moon?

[disagreeing meow]

[chuckle] It almost sounds like
you're saying you believe me.

[agreeing meow]

I first learned about Princess
Kaguya from a fairy tale called
"“The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter."”

I don't know why, but
every since I heard

that story, I've always believed
someone like princess Kaguya is
living on the moon...

...even now.



What am I feeling?

I've never felt this
way before...

...Could this... be love?

It's breathtaking...the
beautiful treasure that I have
desired since ancient times...

and now, it will become
mine for the taking!

♪Opera Singing

...Now go forth, my precious
little Snow Dancers.

Freeze this whole planet
in one fell swoop!

Hey, Luna!


It's snow!

[people mumbling]



[high pitched grunt]

[high pitched grunt]

[high pitched grunt]

[pedestrians frightened murmurs]


[high pitched grunt]

[Sailor Mercury]
Mercury Star Power Make Up!

♪ Sailor Mercury

[Sailor Mars]
Mars Star Power Make Up!

♪ Sailor Mars

[Sailor Jupiter]
Jupiter Star Power Make Up!

♪ Sailor Jupiter ♪

[Sailor Venus]
Venus Star Power Make Up!

♪ Sailor Venus

[high pitched squeal]

[high pitched grunt]


[pedestrians screaming]

[Sailor Uranus]
Uranus Planet Power Make Up!

[Sailor Neptune]
Neptune Planet Power Make Up!

[Sailor Pluto]
Pluto Planet Power Make up!

[high pitched grunt]

[attack grunts]

[high pitched grunt]

World Shaking!

[high pitched dying scream]

[high pitched grunt]

Supreme Thunder!

[high pitched scream]

Crescent Beam!

[high pitched scream]

[relieved sigh] That
thing was really creepy.

[high pitched grunt]


[nervous gasps]

Bubble Spray!

[high pitched dying scream]

Fire Soul!

[high pitched dying scream]

[pedestrians panicking]


Chibi-Usa! We gotta transform!



Now's our chance!


Moon Prism Power Make Up!

Moon Cosmic Power Make up!

♪Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon♪

♪Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon♪


[Sailor Moon]
Hold it right there!

[halting screech]

You need to chill out!

Freezing people who just wanted
to enjoy their winter break is
a crime! How dare you!

What she said!

We're the pretty guardians!

Who fight for love
and for justice!

I am Sailor Moon!

And I am Sailor Chibi-Moon!

And in the name of the Moon...

- We'll punish you!
- We'll punish you!

[high pitched wail]

[nervous gasps]

What's even going on?!

C-cut it out already!

I'm so dizzy...

Careful, Sailor Moon! Don't
let this thing trick you


[high pitched wailing]

The real one...
is right there!

Ah! I can't believe
I was wrong!



[high pitched grunt]

[startled grunt]

He's here!

♪ jingle bells


...Santa Claus?

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!
And a happy new year!

-It is Tuxedo Mask!
-It is Tuxedo Mask!

The winter is harsh in a
snow-drift Northern land

the only ones who should be
allowed to accentuate this
winter landscape are lovers.

[confused gasp]

[high pitched grunt]



[high pitched wail]

Now, Sailor Moon! Get her!


Moon Spiral Heart Attack!

[high pitched grunt]

[high pitched dying cry]



Look, we did it!

[Princess Snow Kaguya]
I did not expect to come
across such interference

Report back, Snow Dancers...

The piece of crystal that landed
in Japan... have you found it?

[apologetic sighs]

I need it to be able to freeze
the entire world.

So keep looking!

[high pitched agreeable grunts]

Many eons ago When I first
approached Earth I was
repelled by its light

I have been forced to endure a
long journey since then.

But I am not going to panic. I
shall simply change my plan to
conquer Earth. I will find

that crystal and then slowly, I
will make Earth mine before any
of those humans even realize!

[evil laughter]

[painful gasps]

So, what the heck were
those things, anyway?

I'm willing to bet
they're bad guys wanting
to take over the Earth...

Whatever they are, we'll need
to stay on high alert from now


Oh, Luna!

-Are you serious!?-Really!?

-Thank goodness!-Luna? Where!?


I was so worried about you!


That's a pretty ribbon!
Where's it from?


Oh, this?

You're welcome to visit anytime

[clears throat] That's not
important right now!

I just came to tell you, there's
a mysterious comet passing by
the Moon!

A comet?

So, I did some research...

But I didn't find any comets
like the one Luna mentioned

If Ami's computer didn't
detect anything, what do
you think that could mean?

Well, there haven't been any
new att*cks recently.

But is it possible those
monsters are still around?

Hey! Sorry I'm late!

Don't worry, we've gotten
used to it by now.

Well, you know what they say,
"early bird has to eat worms,"
and I did not want to eat worms.

Where's Luna?

Oh, she said she had something
to do so, she's not coming.

Hello, potato!

Luna's been acting odd lately!

She's been reading medical
books, and she's eating
tons of sugar candy![

That's right. She came over the
other day and borrowed one of
my mom's medical books.

Oh, I almost forgot that I saw
her like two days ago near the
Space Development Agency

I tried to say "“hi,"” but I
don't think she noticed

She wasn't really
acting like herself.

And don't forget that yellow
ribbon. What's up with that?

She hasn't even been nagging me
to study for my entrance exams
like she usually does.

Something weird's going on!

[screaming] Hot, hot, hot! [Girls]

Still nothing...

...I can't figure it out...

...what is his illness?


I'm sorry, not today.

You're going to get in his
way, so run along kitty.

In his way? It's not because
I'm a cat, is it?

Did you hear? Luna's been acting
weird ever since she went
missing the other day...

Hey! ...What do you
think is going on?

Well, I'm sure Luna just
needs some time to herself
every once in a while.

Maybe you're being a
little too clingy.

Try not to pry so
much, give her space!

Wait, you think
I'm too clingy!?

That's really how you feel!?

[nervous laugh]

I get it. I bet you think of me
as some kind of silly nuisance
don't you, Mamo?!

No! I didn't
mean it that way!

If only I were a human maybe
then I could take care of Kakeru
while he's sick

You just misunderstood
me, Usako.

Yeah but, it still
sounded like you think
I'm super clingy

Listen, I can honestly tell you
that I've never once considered
you to be a nuisance.


I wouldn't lie to you about

Oh, Mamo!



Usagi, you smell so nice!

That's my potpourri.

[sniff] Oh...!

So, um, what kind of things
do you talk about when
you're alone with Mamoru?

[laugh] Just about everything!

Though, most of the time Mamo is
busy reading his difficult books
and doesn't pay much attention
to me.

However if he sees something
interesting, he gets really
excited and wants to tell me all
about it!

And that's when...

When, what!?

...Mamo ends up falling
asleep on the sofa.


What'd I say?

It's nothing...

I think he can relax
like that [giggle]

because he feels comfortable
when he's around me.

[curious gasp]

Whenever I see Mamo sleeping,
he has a childlike innocence
to him.

So, Usagi What does a
kiss taste like?


I guess if I had to describe,
I'd say... so sweet that
you'll melt.

You mean... kinda
like sugar candy?

[sleeping sighs]





Luna You came to see me?

[happy meow]

You know what? There was a time
when I dreamed of becoming an

But, unfortunately, I had
to give up that dream...

...because my health was
getting worse and worse.

Lately, it's especially--


I hope I can at least hold out
long enough to watch Hime take


She's out there fulfilling
my dream right now...

Hey Luna, you're also going to
wish for her to have a safe
flight into space, aren't you?


It's strange I know that you're
a cat, but there are times I
feel like we understand each

[happy purr]

The Earth and Moon are already
so beautiful I bet they look
even more so from space.

I wish we could both
see it one day.

Come here... You
smell nice, Luna.

It's so... relaxing...

Whenever I see Mamo sleeping, he
has a childlike innocence to him.

Kakeru I would love to go to
space with you one day.



Guess what I saw this morning!

It was Luna looking super happy
after a long night out!

Yup, that's definitely
love all right.


Little Luna's finally
fallen in love.

[heartbroken gasp]

Ah well, it's not like there's
any real evidence to prove
that's actually true, right?

The yellow ribbon?
It's totally love!

Yeah, totally!

Guys! Be more considerate
towards Artemis' feelings!


Huh? Wait, what do you mean?

Huh? Wait a second You're
saying you didn't know?

What?! Know what?!

How Artemis feels about Luna.

[big gasp]... He loves her!

You're justrealizing...?

Well, they've always acted like
really close friends, so how was
I supposed to know it was more
than that?


[sigh] I'm so jealous!

None of us even have time for
something like love right now.

Not while having to study
for entrance exams

[deep sighs]

Well, that doesn't apply to me!

I have Mamo!

Let's just ignore her...

You mean do what I always do?

So annoying.
So annoying.

But still, I wouldn't mind
falling in love with someone
after exams are over.

[dreamy sigh] Have I ever told
you about the guy who broke my
heart? He was so great...

Speaking of I wonder
how myfirst love is.

Yeah, same here

[dreamy sigh]

Those monsters haven't
shown up again.

It's finally peaceful.

I wouldn't be so
sure about that.

Haruka, do you sense something?

Not exactly, But I have this bad
feeling about all of this...

Me too. I can't quite
identify it though

It's as if time has
completely stopped

[Snow Kaguya]
[evil chuckle]

Enjoy this moment of respite
while you can, Sailor Guardians

[evil chuckle]


Hey It's been awhile.

Uh, yeah...

Luna, if there's ever something
wrong, I want you to know that--

I don't have
time. Sorry...


Forgive me, Artemis


Could he be the one
Luna's in love with?

Hey. Today's my last day
in Japan before I leave.

I see. Good luck.

Your dream's
finally coming true.

It really is.

Kakeru I was hoping that when
I returned from space I
could come back here and-—

Give it up already.

The two of us we live in
very different worlds.

We don't see
eye to eye.

[sad gasp]

I see the Moon at its true
potential and you see it as
nothing more than a physical

object floating in space!
We're nothing alike!

[sad gasp]

I'm sure you'll find eventually
someone that suits you better.

Is that... really what you
think of me now, Kakeru?

Or is that just how you've felt
about me this whole time?


Say something!

Look, I admit it... I
never felt any kind of

supernatural presence like
Princess Kaguya on the Moon
before. But!

Stop it! I've heard enough!


[small sob]




Himeko's wrong Kakeru does
care about her...



It's him, isn't it?

He's a fool. He's hiding his
illness from Himeko. It's awful

He's doing this even
though he loves her.


I know this is going to sound
silly because I'm just a cat

But honestly, for a moment, I
thought maybe Kakeru could have
been the person I was meant to

be with. Like it was fate.

However The one he was truly
meant for wasn't me after all.

[sad gasp]

I wish I could magically
become a human.

If that happened then I could
stay by his side as a person
instead of as a cat

I could confess my feelings and
not have to go through all of
this horrible heartache


Oh, Luna...!



[high pitched wail]


[painful groans]

I found it.

[glass shatter]


It would appear the crystal has
greatly increased its power by
absorbing your life energy.

I knew it! That comet I saw;
Princess Snow Kaguya, was
real after all!

"“Princess Snow Kaguya"”,
[snicker] What a wonderful name!

[Snow Kaguya]
Yes, it's true My avatar is
slowly approaching Earth as we

And you Soon you will become
part of my beautiful collection-

along with the rest of the Earth
that's about to be frozen over.

[evil laugh]

It looks like the enemy was
still plotting something!

We have to go and
tell the others!

It was the crystal from that
comet all along...

That was the thing that was
causing Kakeru's illness!

So, he'll be okay now.

I don't think so...

[heavy breathing]

But, why!?

As long as that crystal
continues to exist, the
evil aura will too.

[Snow Kaguya]
The time has finally come to
turn Earth into a beautiful
world made entirely out of ice!

[evil chuckle]


[agonizing scream]

Wait, I've got it!


It's something from a
manuscript I once read.

"“In ancient times, an evil star
suddenly appeared."

"It scattered ice crystals,
far and wide."

"...Crystals covered the Earth.
Vast lands froze and darkness
prevailed. However..."

"The power of love and
friendship, known as Silver
Crystal Power, melted the
darkness and saved the Earth"”

It's happening again!

So, this "“evil star"”Do
you think it could be
the comet Luna mentioned?

What about "“Silver
Crystal Power"”?

What exactly does it have to do
with love and friendship?

Regardless, there's a malevolent
star out there that's slowly
attempting take over Earth.

We're in danger!

I don't think so! We'll stop it!

Make sure to be
careful out there.

Best of luck!

Thank you.

Excuse me...

Oh! I recognize you.

Are you her owner, then?

Mhm. Please listen! It's about
the Luna Frontier Project...

You have to postpone it!

Wait, excuse me?

There's a comet heading
straight for Earth.

And to make matters worse,
there's an evil ice witch on it!

What are you saying?

I know that what I'm saying may
be hard to believe,

but she's planning to turn our
entire planet into a snow globe!

It's way too dangerous to go to
space right now!

That's absurd.


Quit babbling about fairytale
nonsense! I'm a scientist.


What should we do, Luna?


I wonder...


It's crazy But if Kakeru could
meet the Princess Kaguya he's
dreamed of...

it's possible he may be able to
recover enough strength to
dispel the evil aura.

Princess 'who'?

If only I could transform into a
human I could at least pretend
to be Princess Kaguya for him.

Luna Even if you somehow became
a human You and Kakeru still
couldn't be-—

I don't care what happens to me!

I just want to be able
to save Kakeru.

He told me about how he's
dreamed of meeting Princess
Kaguya ever since he was a
young boy.

Can you believe that?

So, I'm positive that if he
meets her, he'll be able to
fight off the evil aura!


But, it's not like a cat can
just become a human That's

Extreme cold weather has
affected every corner of the

Even places like this African
savannah have been hit by a
massive snowstorm.

I have no doubt that
this is all her doing!


Usagi. We've located
the enemy's base!


[evil laughter]

[high pitched squeals]

[evil laugh] What beautiful
ice sculptures!

Answering the call from a new
era, Sailor Uranus, here to
fight with brilliance!

Also answering the call from a
new era, Sailor Neptune, here to
fight with elegance!

And Sailor Pluto, the
Guardian of Time!

So you've finally shown
yourselves, Sailor Guardians.

But I'm afraid it's too late!

[high pitched squeals]

Deep Submerge!

[high pitched squeals]

[evil laughter]

[high pitched wails]


[high pitched grunt]

World Shaking!

[high pitched screeches]

[high pitched grunts]

Dead Scream.

[dying screeches]

You're just wasting your time.

[high pitched screeching]


Don't freeze them yet! Why
don't you t*rture them, snow


Burning Mandala!

[dying wails]


I don't care how many of you
there are... I will defeat
you all!

[high pitched screeching]

Shine Aqua Illusion!

[dying wails]

Venus Love Me Chain!

[high pitched wails]

Sparkling Wide Pressure!

[high pitched wails]


[sad meow]

He went out in this


Hime She's in danger

Princess Snow Kaguya is planning
to freeze everyone on Earth

and then freeze the Earth
itself [cough]

Somebody Please tell Hime
that it's not safe





How utterly pathetic.
I will end this now!


[Sailor Moon]
Hold it right there!

Who are you!?

Sailor Moon!

Hm, you must be the last of the
Sailor Guardians....

Beautiful, isn't it?

Soon the Earth will become a
world made entirely of ice and
be added to my collection!

Collection? Sorry, but we don't
want to become part of your sick

Not at all!


Everyone on this planet will be
frozen and put into an eternal

It'll be a world where no
worries exist...

...only peace and quiet...

What do ya think?

Thanks, but no thanks!


Listen, we fall in love and
sometimes our hearts get


[sad meow]



And there are times when
that heartache keeps us
up at night...

In our lives we experience
sadness and all kinds of

But in the end, it's those
things that make us feel alive!

...I know it can be difficult,
but once you've overcome the
suffering you've gone through...

That's when you can finally
obtain happiness!

What? Stop speaking nonsense!

Those who defy me shall perish!


This entire universe belongs to
me, and me alone!

If you only think about
yourself, you'll never see the
beauty of being in love@

I don't care what happens to me.
I just want to be able to save

Crisis Make Up!


If only I could transform into a
human I could at least pretend
to be Princess Kaguya for him.


[evil laugh]

Rainbow Moon!





This time, I will finish you

You may think a world covered in
ice is beautiful, but you would
be destroying all life!

[struggling grunts]

A world where everything has
stopped moving isn't beautiful!

Super Sailor Moon! If
you use the Silver Crystal
you'll die!

Not on my watch!

Come on, we have to protect her!

[Artemis] The power of
love and friendship,
known as Silver Crystal

Power, melted the
darkness and saved the Earth"”

[gasp] That's it! The power
of love and friendship is the
key to beating her!

It's the Silver Crystal Power!

[high pitched wails]

Sailor Chibi Moon, go protect
Sailor Moon with the others.


Thanks, guys!

Grant us a world that
nurtures life!

Silver Crystal Power!

[high pitched wails]



Enough! Take this!

What is this light!?

No, this cannot be!

[Sailor Moon]
The many stars above nurture
life as they continue to make
their journey across space.

...can you hear them breathing?

We were given life and
continued to grow on this small
star of ours we call Earth

They may be considered small
and insignificant However...

...these lives are the ones I
wish to nurture and cherish
with all my heart...

[dying scream]

[high pitched wails]


Please Let Luna live her dream,
just for one night.

Change Luna into a human girl

Into Princess Kaguya!






Princess Kaguya.

Princess Kaguya....?

Wait a sec... Am I
really in space...?

The sunrise It's incredible!

I never thought I'd
live to see this!


[happy sigh]

Wait, are you...?

I finally made it, Kakeru
Space is beautiful

The sun is rising across Earth.


Was that The Moon Goddess?!

Kakeru What you said was true

You have to stay alive, Kakeru!

Otherwise, who's going to
welcome your true Princess
Kaguya back to Earth when she

Don't you wanna be there?


Continue to live for
the person who truly loves you.

This was a dream come true.
Thank you,,,


I'm afraid I can't stay
by your side ...

I love you, my spaceman.


-Are you okay!?

[sigh] Luna...

[happy chatter]

Miss Nayotake, can you please
describe your time in space?

-Yeah, tell us!-Just a few words!

In space, I saw Princess Kaguya.


What? Oh, that's a
good one Did you have
that prepared for us?

So, what was your initial
impression of being out
in space?

[happy gasp] Kakeru!


Good for them...

Luna, are you sure about this?

Of course! After all,
I'm just a cat, right?

What's this?


Sugar candy?


Welcome back, Luna.

Artemis... Why are you?

No matter what happens I'll
always be by your side.

Oh, Artemis!

Think she'll be okay?

I think so.

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