05x13 - Go for Gold!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Raccoons". Aired: July 4, 1985 – August 28, 1992.*
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Series revolves around Bert Raccoon and married couple Ralph and Melissa Raccoon, of whom Bert is a friend and roommate.
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05x13 - Go for Gold!

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



Narrator: The sun has
risen on another day

in the Evergreen forest.

And while some folks have to
struggle to get out of bed,

Cyril Sneer has no such problem.

He never went to bed.

Cyril: You say this product's
going to sell like hotcakes?

But how do I know that?

Ha! Because they are hot cakes!

Send me 600 units!

Pig 1: Here are those
papers you wanted, boss.

Pig 2: Oh, and you've got

in the outer office.

Six are urgent,
three are critical,

and one is..
Cedric: Your son!

Cyril: Look son, I'm kind
of busy right now, but..

Cedric: I know, Pop.
That's why I thought

I'd come down and
give you a hand.

Cyril: I appreciate that, son,

but I've got
things under control.

Cedric: But Pop, you've
been working awfully hard.

Cyril: That's right, son.
Business is booming,

and I'm in the middle
of half a dozen deals.

Big deals! Big risks!

But big risks mean big profits.

Thanks anyway, son!

Cedric: Sure, Pop.
See you later.

Cyril: Yeah!?

No, I said, 'buy, not sell'!

Oh-oh, ouuuh!

Pig: [screams]

Boss!!! Oh-oh-ooh!

Master Cedric, hurry!

Something's happened
to the boss!

Cedric: Pop?!


Somebody call the doctor!

Cyril: What I have to say today
does not come easy,

but running Sneer Enterprises

has become too much work

and too much stress,
even for me.

So, on the advice of my doctor,

and for the sake of my health,

I've decided to..


Ralph/Pigs: Retire?!

Cyril: That's right,
I'm retiring.

Hanging up the old calculator.

I've made my last million,

done my last deal.

Ralph: So what does this mean?

No more Sneer Industries
in the Evergreen forest?

Cyril: Not a chance, Raccoon!

I may be changing my lifestyle,

but as long as there
is money to be made,

Sneer Enterprises will be there,

with a new president,

my son, Cedric's Sneer.

[cameras clicking]

Cedric: A million dollars?!

Gee, that's a lot of prize
money to put up, Mr Steel!

Steel: Oh, well now, it
takes money to make money.

Triathlons are the
sporting event

the public wants to see.

You got runnin', you got
swimming, you got cycling.

What more could you want?

Cedric: Well, I don't see how
we're going to make a profit.

Steel: Eh, now
it's simple, Cedric.

You put up the million
dollars in prize money,

and I'll promote the race.

Get us a lot of attention.

Then we cut a deal
with the TV networks,

and you make back your money

plus a pretty little profit.

Cedric: Maybe.. but I..

You want to think about it

for a couple of years, do you?

But I've got other
interested parties

that will bang down
my door to sponsor

the Evergreen International

Cedric: What would Pop do?

Cyril's Voice:
Big deals, big risks!

Big risks mean big profits!!

Cedric: Okay, count me in.

Steel: Terrific.

Now, I'll get this
triathlon on track

and you get that
prize money in place.

Cedric: Sure. Now, I think we
should have big ads in all the..

Steel: Sure thing, me butto..

Um, look, I've got to fly.

Cedric: Gee, I sure hope
I did the right thing.

Cyril: What right thing?

Cedric: Pop! What are
you doing at the office?

Cyril: Nothing, son.

Got some kind of deal on the go?

Cedric: Yes, but you're retired.

You're not supposed to worry
about this stuff anymore.

Just relax, Pop.
I can take care of things.

Cyril: You're right, son.
I'll get out of your hair.

The worries are all yours now.

Cedric: Yeah.. and I just might

have a million of them.


Ralph: I never thought
we'd be printing a story

about Cyril Sneer's retirement.

Oh, no!

It looks like it's
break time, guys.

I'll need a couple
of minutes to fix this.

Bert: Sure, Ralph. And
while you're doing that job,

I'll take care of
another job I started.

Eating!! He-he!

Hey, where is that sandwich?

Ralph: [grunting]

Bentley: Gee,
it doesn't look good.

Bert: Hey, I-I haven't heard
anybody talking about this.

The Evergreen
International Triathlon.

Bentley: No wonder.
With an ad that small!

Bert: Running,
cycling and swimming!

Bentley: Those are your
three best sports, Bert!

Bert: Don't I know it!

Prizes, cash...

and a gold medal to be awarded.

A gold medal? Wow!!

Just like the Olympics!

Lisa: What's just
like the Olympics?

The Evergreen Triathlon.

Bert's gonna enter and he's
a cinch to win the gold medal!

Lisa: Ohh, he is, is he?

Bert: Bert Raccoon
steps up to the podium

to be presented
with the gold medal

for his record-setting

performance in the triathlon.

The crowd goes nuts!

Lisa: You know, Bert, there are
others who could enter this race

and they might be
just as good as you.

Bert: Ha! Bring
on the competition!

I'm in tip-top shape,

plenty of exercise,

a well balanced diet!

Ralph: Bert, would
peanut butter sandwiches

be part of a well balanced diet?

Bert: Um.. sure,
I guess so, Ralph.

Ralph: Good. Then after I
scrape this one out of here,

you can eat it!
Bert: [giggles] Ehm!

Cyril: Ohh, what's going on
over at Lady Baden-Baden's?

Looks like some
kind of big deal!

Pig 1: Now, boss,
you're retired,

and you told Master Cedric,
you wouldn't interfere.

Cyril: Interfere?!

I'm just following
the bouncing ball.



Knox: What the devil?

Cyril: Sorry about that, Knox!

I guess I've got a
bigger slice than you! Hah!

So what's going on here?

Lady Baden-Baden: May I have
your attention, please?

I would like to thank you
everyone for coming

to our little
charity art auction.

And especially like to
congratulate Cedric Sneer,

for making the largest
bid of the day!


Ten.. thousand.. dollars?!

Knox: That's quite some son

you raised, Mr Sneer.

You know, he's really
changing my impression

of Sneer Enterprises!

Cyril: Yeah, and he's really
changing the bank balance, too.

Bentley: Okay Bert,
as your trainer,

I think we should keep
track of your times,

and then we can see
how you're improving.

Bert: Sounds good, little buddy.

Hey, how about down to
the big pine and back?

Lisa: Too easy!!
Bert/Bentley: Huh?!

Bert: Lisa, w-w-what
are you doing?

Lisa: Same thing you are!

Training to win the triathlon
and the gold medal.

Bentley: Ha, Bert's the best!
You can't beat him!

Lisa: No?!

How about to Willow's
store and back?

Bert: Sure. But listen,
if you get too tired,

you could stop
and rest, you know.

Lisa: Go!!


Bert: Cycling is my specialty!

Now, the important
thing to remember is..

..to pace yourself!


Melissa: Hi, guys.
How'd the training go?

Bentley: Lisa and
Bert had this race.

It was great!!

Ralph: And what about Bert?

Bentley: Oh, uh,
he's not back yet.

Ralph: Oh..

Bert: Phewwww..

Oh! Oooh!

Lisa: Bert, are you alright?

Bert: S-sure. I-I
just pulled something.

It slowed me down, and I,

I couldn't really race,

full out, you know?
Bentley: Wow!

I just figured out
Lisa's time. Look!!

Melissa: Not bad!
We may just have

a budding athlete in the family.

Bentley: If you get this kind
of time in the race tomorrow,

you're a cinch to
win that gold medal!

Bert: Hey, what about me?

Bentley: Uh, well..
anything can happen in a race,

and you've got lots
of experience, but..

Bert: Never mind. You guys
don't have to worry about me,

because I'm not racing tomorrow!

In fact, I quit!



Pig 1: Rise and shine!

Pig 2: Time to get up
and face another day

of doing absolutely nothing!

Pig 3: Gee, I can't wait
'til we get to retire.

Cyril: If you three don't
get out of this room,

you won't live long
enough to retire!

Pig 1: Now, now, we shouldn't
be getting all excited.

Master Cedric wants you to know
he has an early meeting

and won't be able to have
breakfast with you.

Cyril: A meeting?! With whom?

Pig 1: Well, aren't we full
of questions this morning?

But all you have to
worry about is drinking up,

and then maybe we'll all go
out for a nice little walk.

Cedric: But, Mr Steel,
we still don't have a TV deal!

Steel: Yeah, well,
I'm working on it, uh,

these things take
time, you know.

Cedric: But the
triathlon is tomorrow!

And without that deal,
I won't make back

the prize money I'm putting up.

I'm going to lose a fortune!

Steel: Yeah, bucko, relax!

Everything's under control.

Hey.. look, I gotta fly.

Cedric: Okay, give me a call
when you get things worked out.

Pop?! What are you doing here?

Cyril: Well, I was just uh,

passing by and..

Cedric: You're supposed
to take it easy!

No excitement, no
exertion, no stress.

You've got to learn to relax.

And I know just
who can teach you!

Cyril: Pigs?!

Pig 3: Now, relaxation can be

a very tiring job.

Pig 2: Ahhh!

The trick is not to fight it.

Pig 1: Yes, sleep on it.

Pig 2: Stop, boss!!!
Pig 3: Enough!!

Pig 1: No more.
Pig 3: Relax.

Cyril: Ha! Ha!

Cedric: Gee, Schaeffer,
being the new president

of Sneer Enterprises
isn't all that easy.

Can I have another
one of these, please?

Lisa: Why are you quitting?
Bert: Because!!

Lisa: What kind
of answer is that?

Are you quitting because
you might lose to me?

Bert: Ha! Of course not!

I just don't feel
like racing right now!

Lisa: Bert Raccoon,
you're acting like a child!

I don't want anything to do
with you or this stupid race!

I wish I'd never heard of it!
I'm quitting too!

Cedric: I wish I'd never heard
of this stupid race either.

Bert: Cedric?!

Lisa: You've entered
the triathlon?

Cedric: No, but I've
invested a lot of money in it,

and, well, it's
not going so great.

I think I've really
blown it this time, guys.

Cyril: If I sell these
fish at $8 a pound...

[laughs] Pool boys,
a fortune awaits us!

Pig 1: Oh, he must
have got too much sun.

Bert: Don't worry,
Cedric, old buddy!

With Lisa and me
back in the race,

we'll win that prize
money back for you!

Cedric: Thanks. I sure hope so.

Bentley: Hey, you
guys gotta see this!

There's a guy training
for the triathlon,

and is he good! Here he comes!


Cedric: Hey, that's Mr Steel!

Steel: Fantastic! That was
your best time ever!

Cedric: Hey, what's
going on here, Mr Steel?

Steel: Ah, Cedric Sneer.

Here, I want you to
meet my son, Rod Steel.

Rod's training for
tomorrow's race.

Bert: Your son
can enter the race?!

Steel: Why not?!

Cedric: Well, you're the
promoter. It wouldn't be right!

Steel: [chuckles]
Check the contract, bucko,

there's nothing to stop us!

Bert: Yeah, well, doesn't
that contract also say,

you were supposed
to get TV coverage?!

Steel: I've got it! Right here!

Bert: That's it?!

Lisa: Mr Steel, Cedric
can't make his money back

with that kind of coverage.

Cedric: You're just after
the prize money, aren't you?

Steel: Bingo!!
You figured it out.

But that won't do
ya' any good now,

because Rod here has never
lost a race to anyone!

Bert: Maybe, but then,
he's never raced against us!

Rod: Ha! If this is a
competition popsy,

that million bucks
is as good as ours!

Steel: [laughs]
Yeah, got to fly, me buckos.

Rod: So long, suckers!

[tires squeal]

Pigs: [breathing heavy]

Cyril: A million dollars?!
Why those crooks!!

Boys, it's time to
come out of retirement!

Cedric: I wanna thank you for
coming down at the last minute

to tape the race for me.

Knox: Well, after what y'all did

for Lady Baden-Baden's auction,

I'm only too happy to help out

a buddin' business tycoon.

But, I doubt any TV network

will be interested in
this sporting event.

I understand there's only

one real possible winner.

Cedric: I sure hope not!

Ralph: Everyone ready
for the big race?

Lisa: You bet!!

Bert and I are gonna
give this guy Steel,

a real run for the money!

Ralph: Well, you've got
your work cut out for you.

I've done some checking
up on Rod Steel.

Bert: Uh, how good is he?

Ralph: Never lost a race.

It seems Robin Steel goes around
setting up these triathlons,

which he barely advertises.

Then his son blows
away the field,

and they collect
the prize money.

Cedric: What a scam!!

Announcer: All participants,
please take your marks!

Ralph: I bought us
these binoculars

to watch the race, Melissa.

Melissa: Gee, thanks, Ralph.

Cedric: Hey, it's Pop!
Pop, what are you doing?

What about your condition?!

Cyril: Ohh, hi, son!

Don't worry, I'm just going
to take it nice and easy.

And take care of these crooks!

[starter g*n fires]

Ralph: That's nice and easy?!

Cedric: That's going to k*ll
him! I've gotta stop him!

Pop, stop!! Don't do this!


♪ I don't wanna lose you,


♪ You can't slip away


♪ I don't wanna lose you,
Cedric: Oh!

♪ Oh, won't you please stay?


♪ I just gotta tell you

♪ Before it gets too late


♪ I just gotta say it

♪ Before time seals our fate


♪ Hold back tomorrow

♪ Hold back the tide

♪ All that I ask for

♪ A little time


♪ Hold back tomorrow

Pigs: Uaaah!

♪ Hold back the morning light

♪ You're all I hoped for

♪ We just need time on our

Pigs: Yikes!

♪ siiiiiide...

Cyril: Ugh!


Cedric: Yeaaaaa!


♪ Hold back tomorrow

♪ Hold back the tide

♪ All that I ask for

♪ A little time


♪ Hold back tomorrow

♪ Hold back the morning light

Cedric: Pop!

♪ You're all I hoped for

♪ We just need time
on our side ♪



Cyril: Uhg! Oh!

What are you d-doing, son?

We have to catch up to them.

Cedric: It doesn't matter, Pop.

Cyril: This is one million
dollars we're talking about.

Cedric: No! It's you,
we're talking about.

'cause if you don't slow down,

well, all the money
in the world

won't buy me another Pop.

Melissa: There they go, Ralph.

And Lisa is right behind Rod!!

Ralph: Oh, great!

Melissa: They're way
ahead of everyone, Ralph!

Rod: A girl!? Ha!

Eat my dust!


Lisa: Hey, watch it!
Stay on your own side!

Ralph: Melissa, could
you give me a hand?

Melissa: Later, Ralph,
I'm watching the race!

[gasps] Lisa's
going to pass him!


Lisa: Aaaah!


Rod: [laughs]
Hey, what's the big idea?

Lisa: Bert!

[tires squeal]

Bert: Lisa, are you okay?

Lisa: Yeah. But I'm out of
this race, thanks to Rod.

Bert: He did this?! And
you could have won the race!!

Why he outta be...

Lisa: Oh, forget it, Bert.
You're our only hope now!

Bert: Me?!
Lisa: Bert, you can do it.

You can take this guy. Go!!

Melissa: I can see them again.
But, but what happened to Lisa?

Rod's all alone in first place,

and he doesn't look
like he's in any hurry.

Spectators: [cheering]


Melissa: Wait,
something's happening.

Why, it's.. it's..

Ralph: It's who? It's who?!

Bert: This race isn't over yet!

Rod: It is for you!

Bert: It's too late
for those tricks!

Melissa: They're even now!

They're coming into the
home stretch! Here they come!


Bert: Hey!


Rod: What?

Spectators: [cheering]

Melissa: He did it!

Bert won! Oh, what a race!!

Oh Ralph, quit fooling around!

Bert: Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you very much!

And thank you!!

Spectators: [cheering]

Narrator: The Evergreen
Triathlon turned out

to be the sporting event
of the year.

And thanks to Bert Raccoon,

Cedric not only got
his prize money back,

but much, much more.

[phone ringing]

Cedric: Look,
I'll let you work out

the details with my new partner.

Yeah, I decided the
business around here

is too much for one
person to handle.

Hang on, I'll transfer
you over to his office.

It's for you, partner.
Cyril: Thanks, partner!

Knox? Heh, yeah, well,
retirement wasn't for me.

Now, about that TV deal,

how about we discuss it over
a game of golf this afternoon?

Ohh, too busy, eh?

Ha, listen Knox,
you've got to slow down

and take things a bit easier!


Lisa: Bills, junk mail, bills..

Hmm. What's this?

For me?

[reading] To the rightful
winner, from Bert Raccoon.

The gold medal?!

Thank you, Bert.

Thank you.


♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls


♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪


♪ The desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid

♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Come with us

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