01x01 - The Junkosaur / A Day at the Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky". Aired: 1 August 2005 – 20 April 2009.*
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Bottle Top Bill is a man who lives in a town called Junkyardville with his best friend Corky, a horse.
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01x01 - The Junkosaur / A Day at the Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

(whimsical synthesizer music)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day

♫ Hurray

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And His Best Friend Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] What's today's adventure called, Bill?

- [Bill] Today's adventure is called The Junkosaur.

- [Corky] And where do we go to have the adventure?

- [Bill] Because it's so hot,

I think we should go to the beach!

- [Corky] Right!

I love the beach.

You know what, Bill?

I think we should go for a swim.

- Great idea, Corky.

- This water feels beautiful, Bill.

- It's the best thing to cool you down, Corky.

(soft whirring)

- What's that sound, Bill?

- Beats me, Corky.

But it's coming from up there.

- Where?

- There!

(playful synthesizer music)

- [Corky] What is it, Bill?

- [Bill] It looks like a helicopter, Corky.

- [Corky] Who's that man flying it?

- [Bill] I don't know, Corky,

but I don't like the look of him.

- [Corky] And look, Bill, he's carrying something.

- [Bill] And there's a passenger in it.

- Let me go!

- Never!

You're the only junkosaur I've ever caught!

I'm gonna put you in a cage!

(gasps) - I cage?

- People will pay lots of money to come and look at you!

I'll be rich!


- I'm not living in a cage!

I'm getting out of here!



- What is that, Corky?

- I don't know, Bill, but it's coming straight for us.

- [Both] Whoa!

(loud splash)


- Bill, look!


What is it, Bill?

- Paint me pink, it's a dinosaur!

- I'm not a dinosaur!

- You're not?

- No.

I'm JoJo the Junkosaur.

- Well, we've never seen a junkosaur before.

- It's nice to meet you, Jojo.

- What brings you here?

- I was captured on my island

by a man who wants to put me in a cage!

- A cage?

- Who would do that?

- Me, that's who!

And now, I'm gonna catch you all!

With this!

(high-pitched buzz)

It's my new machine, specially made for catching things!

(horn wails)

- Well, I don't like the look of this, Corky.

- Me neither, Bill.

- [JoJo] It's coming straight for us!

- [All] Whoa!

- [Man] Now I'm gonna get my super snappy motor scooter

and my trailer,

and now you're all mine!

- I like building sandcastles,

but I don't like being part of one!

- This is not very friendly at all!

- Now what's happening?

- You're all my prisoners, that's what!

- I don't wanna be a prisoner!

I wanna go home!

- And that's where we'll take you, JoJo!

- But first, we have to get out of this sandcastle.

- Let's dig, Corky.

- Right behind you, Bill!

(soft scraping) - Wait for me!

- [Corky] We're free!

- If you live on an island, JoJo, that means we need a boat.

- [Corky] It's a ripper boat, Bill!

- This boat's too small.

I won't fit in.

- I have an idea.

Put these on your feet, JoJo.

- Great thinking, Corky!

- Hold onto this!

- Let's go water ski!


(boat whirring) (yelps)


- You sneaky rascals!

Think you can escape from me, do ya?

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [JoJo] It looks like my island.

- [Bill] That's right, JoJo,

and we're heading straight for it!

(playful synthesizer music)

- There's my home!

- We're almost there!


- Watch out for these rocks, Bill!

- Hang on!

(boat whirring)

What a beautiful island, Corky.

Must be fun to live here.

- Bill, this is not a good time to look at the island,

not with all these rocks around.

Especially that big one!

(all scream)


- Wow, I went skiing and flying all at the same time!

Let's do it again!

- Do it again?

- No thanks, JoJo!


Oh no.

It's him!

- Now what do we do?

- We have to go to my Mum and Dad

on the other side of the island!

- Lead the way, JoJo!

- Now, what can I use to catch that junkosaur?


The junkosaur will be mine!

(suspenseful synthesizer music)

- Can you see him, Bill?

- I can see him, Corky!

He's getting closer!


Oh no!

Which path did they take?



Which way should I go?

- [Man] Aha!

- [Bill] Oh no!

He's here!

- Now I've got you!

You won't get away from me now!

- [Bill] Oh my goodness!

Who's this scary creature?

Oh no!

There's another scary creature as well!

- So, decided to give up, have you?

Right, where's that junkosaur?

- [Bill] Look over there!

- What is this?

Who are you?

- I'm JoJo's mum.

- And I'm JoJo's dad.

- Huh?

- Are you the man who wants to put JoJo in a cage?

- Who? Me?

- Yes, you!

- I'm sorry!

I didn't mean it!

Ha-ha, only joking, ha-ha.

- Don't believe him, Dad.

He's a fibber!

- A big fibber!

- Must go! Sorry!

Late for tea.


- That'll teach him!

Bill, Corky, meet my Mum and Dad!

- Boy, you two sure had me scared for a moment!

- We're sorry, Bill, but thank you for helping JoJo.

You too, Corky.

- It's a pleasure Mr. Junkosaur.

- And let's hope that nasty man never comes back here again!

- I don't want a scary giant junkosaur, just a small one!

Nice and small!





- Bill, Corky, would you like

to see some more of the island?

- That sounds great, JoJo!

- You bet!

- [Man] Help!


- Sounds like trouble, Bill!

- You're right, Corky!

Let's go!

- Help!


- We've got to rescue him.

- But he tried to capture me!

- But we can't leave him there.

He might fall.

- I suppose you're right.

- We need a ladder.

You hold the end, JoJo, and I'll climb down.

- [Corky] Careful, Bill!

- I can't reach him.

- I know what we need!

Use this, Bill!

- Pull us up, JoJo!

(all grunting)

- You did it, Bill!

- With the help of the Junkosaur family!

- Thank you!

Thank you for saving me!

- You're very lucky that Bill was so brave.

- And Corky's so clever.

- And the junkosaur's so strong!

- Yes, yes!

I can see that!

How can I ever repay you?

- You can promise never, ever to come back to this island.

- I promise!

- And you'll never, ever put any living thing in a cage.

- Yes, that too!

Anything else?

- Now that you mention it, there is one thing.

- How will you get home?

Your boat has no motor.

- Don't worry, JoJo.

It's all taken care of.

Ready, Corky?

- Ready, Bill.

- Give him the signal, Corky!

- Ready to go, Bill!

He's on this way!

- Goodbye, Junkosaur family!

- Come back soon!

- We will!

- Positions, Corky!

Any sign of him?

- Here he is now, Bill.

Right on time!

- Hang on tight, Corky!

(whirring) (wind blowing)

- Goodbye, Bill!

Goodbye, Corky!

- What a great adventure, Bill.

It was one of the best days at the beach we've ever had.

- When you're right, Corky, you're right!

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Bill] And today's adventure's called A Day At The Sea.

- [Corky] Where's the adventure going to start, Bill?

- [Bill] It's going to start right here, Corky,

in our very own home.

Guess which room we're in.

- [Corky] Uh, the bathroom?

- [Bill] No.

- [Corky] The kitchen.

- [Bill] No.

- [Corky] I know, the attic.

- [Bill] Spot on, Corky.

And it's time to give the attic a good clean.

- [Corky] It's a big job, Bill.

- It's certainly is, Corky.

So let's get cracking.

- I'll clean this furniture.

- And I'll tidy up these boxes.

I like looking through old things, Corky.

You never know what interesting thing you might find.

- This could be an interesting old thing right here, Bill.

It's an old picture.

- That's my Great Uncle Reg.

He loved going on adventures.

- Careful, Bill!

(picture rustling)

- Oh no, Corky!

I've broken it!

- It's okay, Bill.

I think I can mend it.

- I sure hope so, Corky.

- There, Bill!

It's as good as new!

- Paint me pink!

Look behind the picture, Corky.

- It's a map!

- Better than that, Corky.

It's a treasure map!

- [Corky] A treasure map?

- Yeah!

See this big cross?

That means Great Uncle Reg must have hidden some treasure

there a long, long time ago.

- Wow!

Should we try to find the treasure, Bill?

- I think we should, Corky!

It'll be a great adventure.

- Then let's go on a treasure hunt.

- [Bill] The first thing we have to do, Corky,

is find the place to start our treasure hunt.

- [Corky] Right, Bill.

I wonder where that is.

- The map says that we must start

our treasure hunt at a little apple tree.

Do you see a little apple tree, Corky?

- I only see this big apple tree, Bill.

- This is a puzzle.

We have to think.

- Bill, maybe this big apple tree is the little apple tree.

- What do you mean, Corky?

- When Great Uncle Reg made the treasure map,

the big apple tree was only little.

It's grown up since then.

- You're right, Corky.

This must be the tree.

We start over here and go to there!

- How far do we have to go?

- steps, Corky.

Let's count









- Uh, Bill.

- .


Paint me double pink, Corky.

It's the sea!

- I don't understand, Bill.

The map says to take steps from the apple tree.

- But I only got to .

This needs even more thinking, Corky.

- Maybe we have to keep walking into the water.

- That must be it, Corky,

but we'll need some air to breathe.

- And helmets to see properly.

- Ready, Corky?

- Ready, Bill.

- Now what did I count up to, Corky?

- , Bill.

- Right, .






- [Corky] Wait a minute, Bill.

Let's just see where we are.

- [Bill] We're under the sea, Corky.

- [Corky] I know that, Bill,

but let's look at what's down here.

- [Bill] I see lots of sand and rocks, Corky.

- [Corky] And lots of underwater plants too.

- [Bill] Wow!

I didn't know so many plants grew under the sea.

- [Corky] What's that over there, Bill?

- [Bill] They're fish, Corky.

The sea's full of fish.

They come in all different shapes and colors and sizes.

- [Corky] Wow!

Okay, Bill, keep counting.

- .




- [Both] !

- What does the map say we do now, Bill?

- It says, "Look for the clue

"to unlock the mystery of the treasure."

- What does that mean?

- I don't know, Corky.

This treasure hunting sure needs a lot of thinking.

- Look at that!

- [Bill] What is it, Corky?

- [Corky] It's an old shipwreck.

Could that be where the clue is?

- [Bill] There's only one way to find out.

Let's go and have a look.

- It looks a bit scary, Bill.

- Don't worry, Corky.

Let's take a look inside.

- [Corky] Are you sure it won't be scary, Bill?

- [Bill] Of course not, Corky.

What could possibly be inside

this shipwreck that would be scary?

- [Corky] I don't know, Bill.

I hope you're right.

- [Bill] Trust me, Corky.

I'm absolutely, completely, and totally right.

- I think this is the captain's cabin, Bill.

- And I think this floor slopes, Corky.

- Bill, watch out!

An octopus!

Grab me, Bill!

- Thanks, Corky!

Let's go before the octopus wakes up.

- But what about the clue to the treasure?

- You're right, Corky.

We have to find a clue that unlocks

the mystery of the treasure.

- [Corky] Bill, look at that key.

- A key!

A key can unlock things, Corky.

That must be it.

I've almost got it.

- Bill, I think we're in trouble!

- [Both] Whoa!

(both scream)

(both groan) (high-pitched bubbling)

- Uh, hello Mrs. Octopus.

I'm Corky.

- And I'm Bill.

We're sorry for waking you.

- We just wanted to borrow that key.

- [Both] Please?

- We need it for our treasure search.

(high-pitched bubbling)

- Thank you, Mrs., uh, uh.

(high-pitched bubbling)

- Mrs. Grumbles, we won't disturb you anymore.

(high-pitched bubbling)

- Would you like to come with us

to find the treasure, Mrs. Grumbles?

(high-pitched bubbling)

- Come on, then.

Let's go.

(both scream)

- [Both] Whoa!

- We might need a push, Mrs. Grumbles.

(loud whoosh) - Whoa!

- [Bill] I think this is the right way, Corky.

- The map says we have to pass the old anchor.

- And there's the old anchor!

- [Corky] Well-spotted, Bill!

What's next?

- Now we have to find the rocky caves.

- Rocky caves.

Where could they be?

(high-pitched whoosh) - Whoa!

- It's a dolphin, Bill.

- Wow!

I've never met a dolphin before, Corky.

- Can you tell us the way to the rocky caves, dolphin?

(high-pitched squealing)

- Thank you very much, Mr. Dolphin.

(high-pitched squealing)

- Would you like to come with us, Mr. Dolphin?

(high-pitched squealing) - The more the merrier!

Let's go.

- Look at all these caves, Bill.

This must be the place.

- Great Uncle Reg's map says that

the treasure is in one of them.

- But there are so many caves.

Where do we start to look?

- The map says it's no ordinary cave.

It's a whale cave.

- Do whales live in caves, Bill?

- I don't think they do, Corky.

What could the clue mean?

- [Corky] There's someone down here, Bill.

Maybe they can help us.

- [Bill] Who is it, Corky?

- I think, I'm not sure.

It's a crab!

Pardon me, Miss Crab.

I'm sorry for sticking my nose into your home.

- Maybe you can help us, Miss Crab.

We're looking for a whale cave.


What's she doing?

- She wants us to follow her, Bill.

- Then let's follow her.

Now I understand, Corky.

The whale cave is shaped like a whale.

- Do we have to go inside the whale cave, Bill?

- We sure do, Corky.

- Would you like to come with us?

(high-pitched bubbling) (high-pitched squealing)

- Let's go find the treasure.

- We won't be long!

I hope.

- I can't see any treasure, Corky.

(spring reverberates) Whoa!

- I think you found the treasure, Bill.

- I think you're right, Corky.

It's a treasure chest.

This is it, Corky!

A real treasure chest.

What's that?

- [Corky] It's a submarine,

and I think it's going to hit our cave!

(loud thud) (both screaming)

(loud rumbling)

- Oh no!

We're trapped!

(both grunting)

- It's no good, Bill.

These rocks won't move.

- Hello, friends, are you out there?

(high-pitched bubbling) (high-pitched squealing)

- We need some help moving these rocks!



Do you think they can do it, Bill?

- I sure hope so, Corky.


(high-pitched bubbling) - Hurray!

- You did it!


- Thanks a lot, friends!

- If you hadn't helped us, we'd never have escaped!

- Now we can share what we found, the treasure!

- Use the key to open the chest, Bill.

- [Bill] It's jewelry!

- And it's made of old shells.

- Shells?

Just old shells?

That's not much treasure, Corky.

- But look, Bill.

(high-pitched bubbling)


(high-pitched squealing)

Our friends love the shells.

- It mightn't be treasure for us, Corky,

but it sure is treasure for them.

- Enjoy your treasure, friends!

- We're glad you like it!

- You know, Bill,

I think we found something even better than treasure.

- You do?

- We found three new friends!

- Spot on, Corky.

- Bye, friends!

- Hope we see you soon!

- I think friends are the best treasure of all, Bill.


- When you're right, Corky, you're right!

(whimsical synthesizer music)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill
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