11x09 - Somos Uno

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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11x09 - Somos Uno

Post by bunniefuu »


Rafael Perez.

Narcotics worked him for mass
trafficking, and three homicides.

I can get under.

His wife, Gloria Perez.

Gloria's not just some
cartel trophy wife.

She's in real deep.

And I can flip her.

Chicago PD. You're under arrest.

It's prison, get k*lled,
or you work with us.

I didn't realize you were a cop.

You're not like them.

You try to hide it, but you can't.

You're just like me.

to get close to Perez.

Thing is, I'm only getting further away.

They have me working on cars now,

not even doing runs.

I'm rebuilding transmissions,
replacing fan belts.

I'm listening,
but there's not much to hear.

Ever since we took out four
of his runners,

Perez has kept things tight.

I think he's paranoid.

He's been coming to Ultra now,

but the only person he trusts
is his cousin, Matias.


Gloria's trying to stay close,

but he's shut her out too.

Hey, mi vida, where you been?


I heard Matias on the phone.

We got new cars coming in?

I mean, Matias talks loud. I heard him.

Figured I could learn.

No. You know what? No more learning.

Why don't you get your hair done?

You look like
you've been doing yard work.

Perez treats her like trash.

He's on wife number four, it looks like.

Gloria's getting scared now.

I-I don't blame her.

Two days ago,
we had a taco truck at Ultra.

And Matias unloaded some boxes.

Hey, you need some help, bro?


Tienes un problema?

Nah. No problem, bro.

Matias unloaded six boxes from it.

Each one of those boxes
could hold 25 bricks apiece.

I'd say 150 kilos.

We get direct eyes on the dope?

No, I couldn't get close to it.


All right, these things take time.
We knew that.

Can Gloria ride it out?

She's tough.

All right, so we keep going.

Work Matias.

Find out where that shipment came from,
where it went,

and commit
more time to that UC apartment.

We'll get something.

Yes, sir.

How's he doing?

He's good. He's methodic, thorough.

Transcripts and logs are up to date.

But I mean how's he doing?
How's his head?

It's been a month.

I don't know. He doesn't say much.

So keep me posted.



Please tell me that you have
drinks left in this rat trap.

Did my neighbor see you?

No. No, we're good.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm good.

Gloria, you gotta stop coming like this.

We can meet at the safe spots.

Please don't narrow my circle anymore.

Between your CPD and my husband,

I have, like, a one-mile dog park

I can sprint around in.

Nobody saw me.

Please come have a drink with me.

Something happen?


No. Todo es estupendo.

My husband's screwing a 22-year-old,

and he looks at me like
he's ready to buy my casket.


And there's a major dope deal
in play that I'm pushed out of,

and even my side piece just
wants to talk about the men

that want to k*ll us,
so yeah, everything's great.

Side piece?

Play thing?


- Handler?
- No.

- Kept man?
- Mm-mm.





That's better.



Is this what you imagined
when you joined the police?

Playing a bad guy in a dive apartment?


Being here with someone like me?


I couldn't imagine you.

You don't wanna play my game?

- Our game?
- [LAUGHS] My game.

Our game, our game.

It's your turn.



Um, early morning breakfast.

The sun's coming up.

And then I wake up early,
but I let you sleep.


I tiptoe out of there.

And I make chilaquiles
while I drink my coffee.

And then you wake up.

And my side of the bed is cold,
and you can't stand it.

So you come looking for me
in the kitchen.

And you drink all my coffee, and...

You eat all my eggs.

That's a good one.


It's Perez.

He has a run for me.

Yeah, he wants me home.

He wants me to do a pickup.

It's the stash house on Ohio and Waller.

Do you ever still think about them?

- Who?
- Your stepdad

and the guy that recruited you
as an enforcer.



I don't think about that.


It's just a little while longer.

And you'll be free.



Hey! Hey! Give me the bag!



Next one's your skull.

Give me the bag, b*tch.

Yo, leave that man alone!



Let's go!

Go! Go!

[GROANS] Sons of b*tches.

Oh. You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

Yes, hi.

My name is Eddie Fuentes.
I need an ambulance.

A man's been shot at 1623 Waller Avenue.

Yes, hurry.

- What have we got?
- Not much.

Both offenders are in the wind.
This is their rig right here.

Stolen in Lake Forest two weeks ago.

Unfortunately, it's empty.

Our techs find any prints?

No, not yet.

Uh, we got spent shell casings
and a slug

from one of the offenders' g*ns.

The primary strike suggests a GL*CK.

We recovered the baseball bat
used to subdue Torres.

The lab's running it for prints now.

The citizen who helped him is at Med.

It was a through and through.
He's gonna make it.

- Okay, he got a sheet?
- No.

He's just a citizen
who's angry at the v*olence.

He's been mugged twice.
He's got a permit

for a conceal carry SIG 9 mil.

All right, this was not random.

Someone knew about that stash house,

or they knew about Torres.

Are any neighbors talking?

No, nothing yet.

All right, so find out
who's running dope around here,

see if there's a connect to Perez.



Where's Eddie?


So what happened?

It's what I told you on the phone.

I got ripped. Two guys in masks,

and I tried to fight it, but...

Were you carrying?

Did you fire?

No, no, they took me by surprise.

They put a g*n to my head.

[SIGHS] Eddie.

Do you know who that money was for?


It was a payment
to our friends down south.

They fronted me a package yesterday.

Tomato crates.

Can you guess what happens
when I don't pay those men

for what they sent me?



I thought we could trust you, Eddie.

You can trust me.

Do you know the men who ripped you?


If you're accusing me
of something, let me be clear.

I had nothing to do with the rip.

I took control of the bag,
and I lost it.

Eso depende de mi.

But I had nothing to do with it.

Okay, Eddie.

Then how 'bout you find me
the men that did take my money?

What's Torres hearing at Ultra?

Perez was blindsided.
He's pointing fingers

at everyone, including Torres.

- How hard's he pointing?
- I, uh...

I think we're safe for the moment,

but the sooner we find someone
to arrest, the better.

All right, what do we got?

Techs called.
There's no prints on the bat.

One thing we know for sure is
that Perez has a lot of enemies.

Any one of them could be
responsible for the rip.

He took control the old-fashioned way

by murdering the competition.

From 2015 to now, he's taken control

from Jackson Boulevard all
the way up to Humboldt Park.

And as we know, Perez has a way

of making people disappear...
Joaquin Lazaro, Juan Sandoval.

These guys were major
shot callers in Humboldt Park.

But just like Perez's first two wives,

they vanished without a trace.

Both were reported
missing persons cases.

Homicide never touched it.

These guys had loyal crews,

but Perez swooped in,
lowballed their competition,

they joined his crew
or found the bottom of a lake.

Ripping off Perez
wouldn't only be a huge payday,

it's also payback.

All right, so dig in.

Hey, someone on the inside
might've sold this score.

Kim, track the route Torres
took to that stash house.

If he was followed, PODs
might've picked up the rip car,

got a look at the offenders.




What's going on? You got something?

Are we live?

No, cameras and mics are down.

PODs caught that.

That's Gloria's Range Rover
parked a block from here

on three different days and nights.

Tell me that it's not
what I think it is.

Tell me I'm wrong.


Dante, this is a situation
where you have to talk.

You can talk to me. You can talk to IAD.

But either way, you're gonna talk.

It's been going on and off for a month.

So you... you're sleeping
with a cooperating informant?

That is official misconduct.
You don't just lose your job.

You go to prison.

- I know.
- Then what the hell

are you doing risking your career

and your life to, what, sleep with her?

It's not that.



Okay, what is it?

I don't know.


It just happened.

I get her.

She gets me. I...

We grew up the same.

We're the same.


She knows me.

I know it's wrong.

You are putting her in danger.

You're putting yourself
in danger... this case,

our whole team.

I understand.

It's gotta stop.



it stops.



What's going on?

Something happen? Rafael?


It's PD.

They found out about us.

Did you get fired?


But it's not good.


This needs to stop.



- I'm sorry. I...
- Don't.

I shouldn't have let it start.


Don't do that.

I wanna stop all of it then.

I can't do this any longer.
I want out. I need out.

We have to... we have to arrest Perez.

Well, we do it different.

- What do you mean?
- I leave.

I got a new nest egg.


I skimmed more.


I got enough for a few months.

Come with me.


Come with me.


Somos uno.

You're not really police,

so let's get out of here together.

Let's start new.

That's not starting new.
That's just running.

I'm fine with running.

You'll be a fugitive.

You'll get caught.

You need to wait until we have Perez.

If someone would have
told you when you were 14,

when your... your stepdad
was beating your ma,

if someone would have told you
to wait, would you have waited?

- Yes.
- That's a lie.

Gloria, you need to have faith in me,

just in me.

I'll end it... the right way.

He's going to prison.



I need to go.

He's... he's expecting me home.



I'll see you at Ultra.


I'll be there like always.


Hey, what's up, bro?

Yo, I don't know
if you were here earlier, but...

You're the one that got
jumped and got his ass beat.


Yeah, that's right.

What's up?

Did you see anything?

Some, man, but I got kids.

So I saw the g*n, and I hustled
my kids down to the basement.

All right.

All right, thanks, man.

Hey, yo.


I looked out when the sh**ting stopped.

I saw them running away with your bag.

Did you see where they went?

Yeah, they hit that alley.

- That one right there?
- Yeah.

One of 'em was speaking Spanish, man.

He said, uh, "ta-la-la" or something.

- Was it "tíralo"?
- Tíralo.

- Tíralo.
- Yeah, that's what he said.

- All right, thanks.
- You know what that mean?

Yeah, it means "toss it."


Labs came back.

The GL*CK Torres recovered had

one clean set of prints on the mag.

You got at least one of your rip men...

Miguel Lazaro.

Any relation to Joaquin Lazaro?

Miguel's his son.

Joaquin Lazaro was allegedly m*rder*d

by Perez two years ago.

Son finally got payback.

He also has a younger brother,
Tommy, 21.

- Hell of a violent sheet.
- Well, that's gotta be

our second offender.

We got an LK on Lazaro?

House on South Millard,
lives with Tommy.

Crack off a warrant.

Hey, make sure the streets know
we pinched him.

It'll take the heat off Torres.
Let's go.

Chicago PD! Miguel Lazaro, open up!

I got blood.

First floor's clear.


Any sign of the rip money?

No, no duffel bag, no 250k.

Either it was never here
or the offender took it.

My money's on the latter.

I got a neighbor that says
they saw a gray Buick

pull out hot around midnight.

Perez drives that same car.

Wait, wait, wait. We really think

he's dumb enough to use his own car?

When you owe the cartel a
quarter mil, you do dumb stuff.

All right, we don't have
Perez on drug trafficking.

Let's get him for this double m*rder.

Dig in.

Put Perez here. Make it airtight.

Hey, loop in Torres.

See if he can get Gloria to get
a confession out of Perez.

Hey, it's Gloria. Leave a message.

Hey, it's Gloria. Leave a message.


Hey. Yeah, Kim.

Yeah, Gloria's not answering.

No, it's been three hours.

She checks in.


She always checks in.

No, I'm done for the day.

You gotta go home then.

We'll find her.

Trust me. Trust me, Torres.
We'll find her.

Want to give me a hand with these?


Lazaro had five burner phones.

That's the phone records
from the last six months.

Torres still hasn't heard from Gloria?

No, and she always checks in.

Yeah, well, she might have forgotten.

Possible she's at home safe and sound.

Remember that guy, uh, this idiot CI

who always forgot to turn
his pin-cam off at night?

Eight hours of snoring
on the taxpayer's dime.

I remember, but Gloria's not an idiot.


I'm gonna have Upton do
a drive-by of Perez's house.


All right, well,
this coffee tastes like dirt.

I'm gonna make a fresh pot.
I'll be right back.

- Adam?
- Yeah?

Did you check these?

Not yet. What's up?


This is Gloria's number.

Lazaro called her three times last week.

Well, what the hell's
she doing talking to him?


No, she was.

Lazaro called her three times.

The conversations lasted
about five minutes each time.

That doesn't make sense.

You're saying you think
she's in on the rip?

Yes. Yeah, it's a possibility.

No, it's not.

You think you know her...

I do know her. I know her.

Okay, then you know that she wants out,
and that she's desperate.

Yes, and she's working
with us to get out.

Or she's playing us
and she's playing you.

Listen, there's a really good chance,

Dante, that she's in on it,

that she's in on the Lazaro murders

and that she's running right now.

That... [SIGHS]

No. No.

I need you to think about it, okay?

If Gloria was driving Perez's
car away from the scene,

she gets the money,
Perez takes the heat,

and she gets out.

No. [LAUGHS] I...

Then why can't you get a hold of her?

I don't know. But I'll find her.

No, no, we will talk
next steps when I get there.






Hey, it's Gloria. Leave a message.

Hey. Um, look, it's me.

I don't know what's going on, okay,

- but whatever it is...

We can figure it out. Um,

just call me back.

What? You look surprised, Eddie.

Who were you expecting?

What's going on?

Boss wants to see you.

Leave your phone.
Just being extra careful.

- Where are we going?
- You'll see.

Come on.




Trago, Eddie?


Have a seat.


Eddie, are you home?

Hey, you here?

You've gotta be kidding me.



Sarge, we have a problem.



Did you find who stole my money?

No, but I got theories.


People on the street don't forget.

They're not happy you took over.

You have a name?

Miguel Lazaro.


He thinks you had something to
do with his father disappearing.

And he knows I work for you.

So my guess is, he followed me.

- Am I right?

Yeah, you're right.

I found Lazaro.

I talked to him and his brother.

I got answers.

Did you get your money back?


See, that's where we have a problem.

We don't know where the money is.

So either the Lazaros hid
the money real well

or they were not working alone.

I told you I had nothing to do with it.


Rafael, I have better things to do.

- I'll just see you at home.
- Stop.

Sit down.


Oh, there we go.

Why you looking at him?

Do you like him? What is it you like?

- What are you talk...
- Huh?

What are you talking about?

You think I don't care about you?

No, I think you're stressed

and you're not thinking straight.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You do this long enough,

you get a feeling inside
when things are wrong.

Where were you last Wednesday night?

[LAUGHS] I don't know, with the girls.


Wednesday, you were at that
restaurant in Hermosa till 2:00.

Right, yes. It was lovely.

I was with Eliana
bitching about our husbands.

I was missing you, Gloria.

And I went to
that restaurant to find you,

and I was there till 1:00 a.m.

And you were not there.

Yeah, because... because...

Don't lie to me.

Don't lie to me.

Were you at Eddie's?



I've noticed you, Eddie.

And you got some secrets.

You're either bedding my wife

or you helped Miguel Lazaro rip
a quarter of a million from me.

Maybe both.

I told you I had nothing to do with it.

I'm done talking.

Put it on.

Come on, let's go.

Stop. Up.

Get up.



Come here. Come here.

I need you to give me some answers.

The kid has nothing to do with it.

You wanna take his place? Huh?


- Grab it.
- No, no.

- No, no.
- Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

- Take it. Take it.

Take it.

Here, start with his neck.



Do it.





Aah! Stop, stop, stop, stop!

I did it! I did it!

I took the money! I tipped off Lazaro!


I took it! I took it! I took it!

- I took the money.
- Where is it?

- Oh.
- Where is it?

It's in Lynwood at 2422 South 21st

in a cellar under a steel... steel trap.

- I can take you there.
- No, no, no, no, no.

I can take you there.

We're all gonna wait together.


We're all gonna wait together here.


Hey, it's me.


El dinero llegará muy pronto.


- Who told you to get up?
- I'm gonna get ice.

He's no good to us
if he can't talk from the pain.

Don't pass out.

Gloria, was it you?


Lazaro called you three times last week.

Because I've known him for
years before Rafael took over.

He was a kid. He wanted...

[WHISPERING] He wanted to borrow money.

He was my friend.

I swear to you.

I swear to you, I didn't
plan anything with him.

I believe you.

I believe you.

Talk to me. Where are we at?

Neighbor saw Torres walking out

with a tall man wearing
a black jacket hopping

- into a black pickup truck.
- Matias.

Puttin' a BOLO out
on his vehicle right now.

Also an emergency ping on his phone,

but he's probably got a burner.

And Gloria?

Still don't know where she is.

Perez's house is empty,
and her phone's turned off now.

All right, something's wrong.
We gotta move.

All right, check every place they'd go.

Just find them.

Move light.


Yeah, tell me.


Are you sure?

All right.

You lied to me, Eddie.

Huh? Money's not in Lynwood.

What are you doing? No!
What are you doing?

Where is it, you son of a b*tch?

Huh? Where is it?



Down! Get down!

I will blow your head off! Get down!

- Eddie.
- Down!

Put 'em on.

Put 'em on!

Put 'em on!

Yeah, put it on.

- You're making a big mistake.
- No.

I'm not the one who made the mistake.

I'm police.

Yeah, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of Thomas
and Miguel Lazaro.

Hey, ma'am!
You stay right where you are!

Do not move! You're under arrest

for distribution
of a controlled substance!

Stay right where you are!

- [g*nshots]



Okay, okay.

Yeah. Okay.

Hey. It's okay.

Listen to me.
Listen to me. Listen to me.

I-I shot Matias,
and... and Perez att*cked you,

and you grabbed the g*n,
and you shot him,

and he dropped to the floor.

You understand me? Yeah?

It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.


[PANTS] Oh, oh.

Okay. Okay.


Chicago PD!

Dante? You okay?

I got... I got two down.

to our location.

Thank you.

Techs tracked the missing 250k
using Lazaro's burners.

Hid it in a storage unit.

Was he working with anyone else?

Didn't look like it. Just his brother.

Gloria wasn't involved.

Hey, you can tell your CI
she's free to go.

[EXHALES] So what do we do now?

Now you're done.

You can get out of town.

Cartel's still short a quarter million.

Perez lost it,
and you're still tied to him.

So it's a risk.

So is this what you do to get free?

You have your girls run for their lives?



I wish we could keep doing this.

But you're a cop.

I am.

Yeah, and people would talk.



Don't let 'em get in your head.


The police.

Whoever it was that you told about us.

They're not gonna believe this was real.

It was real.


Somos uno?


Well, one thing is,

I'm not leaving Chicago.

The cartel can go to hell.

'Cause I finally got
my life back, and I'm just...

I'm done. I'm done being afraid.

What will you do?

I don't know.



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