02x06 - We Are Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Will Trent". Aired: January 3, 2023 – present.*
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Based on Karin Slaughter's bestselling books, the series follows Special Agent Will Trent of the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.
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02x06 - We Are Family

Post by bunniefuu »

[MICHAEL] Previously on Will Trent...

Guys, your mom hasn't
been feeling like herself lately,

so she went somewhere
to focus on feeling better.

This message is for Antonio Miranda.

I'm the son of your sister, Lucy.

I know I've made mistakes.

- I own that.
- We all own it now, don't we?

All of us. Everyone who knows
what you did.

Antonio. Hi. I'm actually in Atlanta.

Oh, that'd be great.

- Yeah, me too.


- Just relax, Betty, okay?

- There's nothing to be nervous about.

Hey, why are you so twitchy?

Let's calm down, all right? Um...

Don't get your hopes up.

He's probably an alcoholic
or plays in a cover band.

Might not even show up.

- It's okay.
- Will?

- Antonio.
- Yes. Uncle Antonio.

- I feel like I'm underdressed.

Oh. Oh, no, no. Don't.

Um, I always look like this.

It's kind of like my uniform.

You have a uniform.

What do I have?

I have a, uh, dog. This is Portia.

[WILL] Hi, Portia.

Uh, this is Betty.
Betty María White Trent.

Um, this is the best taco truck
in the city.

I know the menu like
the back of my hand.

And the shrimp tacos
are an excellent choice.

I'm sorry.

You... [INHALES]

You look just like your mother.

Could I?


Hey. You a Braves guy? I'm a big fan.

Oh, yeah, yeah. I go to lots of games.

Yeah? Me too. Where do you like to sit?

Have you been to that new
beer garden they put in?

I never been to a game.
I don't know why I said that.

Oh, well, that's okay.

This menu's huge.

Carne Asada Burrito. $16.

$16 burrito? Does it come
with gold flakes inside?

This is ridiculous, I know.

But I'm dyslexic.

- And it's the quickest way for me to...
- You're dyslexic? Me too.

No way.

Yes. Ask me which way left is.

I don't know
unless I'm wearing my watch.

I hate all vowels.

Oh, the letters E and I?
What a couple of jerks.

Just figure out who goes first.

And don't get me started on consonants.

I'm gonna die before I ever
spell "cigarettes" correctly.


Man, you must have so many questions.

Lucy was two years older than me.

I worshipped her. Seriously,
coolest girl I ever knew.

What music did she like?

Oh, God, it was the '80s.

Yazz, Elvis Costello.
She took me to see R.E.M.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

After I got out of foster care,
I got caught shoplifting.

The captain of the precinct,
Amanda Wagner,

she recognized my name.

Turns out she was the one
who found me when I was a baby.

Tell me about Angie.

- How much time do we have?

I'm really not good at all.

I mean, you... you're gonna laugh at me.

I will not. I'm a professor.

Just try. It's how you get better.

O... Okay. Um...


[IN ENGLISH] ... I mean...

I've only been Puerto
Rican for six months.

You need to slow down.


- I would love that.

She's got big-dog energy.

Yeah. Don't tell her.

She's a Chihuahua.
She thinks she's a pit bull.


I want you to know
that when I found out Lucy died,

it broke my heart.

- Why, um, didn't you...

This is work.

Thank you for meeting me. This was nice.

Hey, you been to Coqui Perdido?

I'm there most evenings. Good people.

Come on by sometimes. It would
be nice to keep talking.

Okay. Good night.

Good night, Will.

Good night, Betty.

Come on. [GRUNTS]


Good. You're here. I need
you to move fast and stay

ahead of the press on this one.

- Who's the vic?
- Deirdre Ringgold.

Why's that name familiar?

She's a judge.

Extremely conservative,
extremely divisive.

She's got fans. She's got enemies.

Political assassination?

That's what I need you to tell me.

- Hey, you.

Don't they have any other
homicide detectives at the APD?

Yeah. But they're not any fun.

Hey, check out this lady.
Shot in the neck.


Wound like that,
she wouldn't have lasted long.

- Ten minutes, if that.
- Yeah.

Hey, how did your first date
with Uncle Tony go?

Hey... Would you please
keep your voice down?

I don't need everybody here
knowing my business.

Come on. There's nobody here
but you, me and the judge.

I've already sworn her to secrecy.

- Guess what?
- What?

Antonio's dyslexic too.

Come on. Really? That's adorable.

You two should start an audiobook club.

- Wanna tell me about the case?
- Sure.

All right. Is, uh...
Is this the vic's car?

Yep. She was shot elsewhere.

Put in the back seat,
driven here and abandoned.

- Hey, when do I get to meet him?
- Would you just stop?

Come on. Your life is not a...
It's not a silverware drawer.

- Things can touch, you know?
- Mmm.

Hey, Pete. Hey, Pete, looks
like some fibers on her neck.

- Can you collect them?
- Sure thing.

[ANGIE] Oh, yeah.
Could be from the k*ller.

Do you think there was a struggle?

[WILL] After getting shot in the neck?

I don't know how much oomph she had.

[ANGIE] Mmm.

Maybe they hugged.

Who would hug the person
that just shot you?

If you shot me, I'd hug you.

Really? Why'd I sh**t you?

Probably because I put
knives in with the spoons.

- Yeah, probably.
- Where's her phone?

Her phone and her purse are missing,

and something else is missing.

Can you spot what it is, Inspector?

No earrings and no necklace.

- Good old-fashioned robbery.
- [ANGIE] Could be.

Not a robbery.

Found her purse
in the dumpster over there.

Money's still in it.

Lady was loaded too.

No jewelry though.

Hey, Pete. Shine your light
on her hand again.

[ANGIE] Do we think the judge
went clubbing tonight?

Yeah, that makes sense.
Totally her style.

We need to find her phone.

Figure out where she was tonight.

[ANGIE] Mmm.

All right. We got a ping on the phone.

It's in an alley off of Lexington.

Well, all the news vans
have us blocked in.

So who wants to go
ask Cronkite to move 'em?

Just get in my car. I'll drive.

Oh, this is you, Wagner?
A new whip already?

- [AMANDA] Y'all better wipe your feet.
- [ANGIE] On what?

- [AMANDA] Where's Faith?

Uh, looks to be talking
to Luke Sullivan.

Who? The reporter?

We won't have a statement ready
for a while.

You know, you are so hot
when you're working.

I can't even think.

I don't know how anyone
gets anything done around you.

I am sure it is a struggle
for the whole department.

What do you think they're talking about?

Important case stuff I'm sure.

Okay. Luke Sullivan. I like this.

- At least somebody's getting laid.

You know what? What about some music?


My car, my radio.


Would you stop? What're you...

Would you just... Don't touch Winona.

- Winona?

I will call you later.

Ormewood, I know you
are not eating in my car.

Well, I'm starving.

There's a strict "no eating"
rule in this car.

I had to help Cooper with her homework.

I didn't get to eat dinner.

What do you know about
third-grade homework?

Multiplication tables. Ask me anything.

Seven times eight.

- Ask me another one.

- [SIGHS] Of course...
- [FAITH] Move.

... she gets in on this side.

- Goodness! Amanda, I heard you.
- Took you long enough.


[WILL] Sure this is the place?
What was she doing here?

Drug deal, maybe?

AA meeting?

Here's the phone.

Guys, this is blood.

All right, this is where she was k*lled.

I'm gonna get Crime Scene in on this.

- Will, where you going?

- That's the stamp on Deirdre's hand.
- Yep.


What was Judge Ringgold doing here?


[ANNOUNCER] Now welcome back
your hostess, Glinda Velvet.

[GLINDA] Ladies and gentlethem,

the delightful, the delicious,
the delectable Bonbon Chiffon.

Isn't she lovely?

I tell you what. Mama needs a break.

Why don't you tip your servers,
lick your lover,

grab a drink,
and we'll be back in a drag ten.

- [GLINDA] Hey, girl.

Hi, ma'am. I'm Special Agent Will Trent.

This is Detective Angie Polaski.

Mmm, kind of them to send
a man who dresses up.

- Oh, thank you for noticing.
- Don't encourage him.

[CHUCKLES] Anyway, took you
long enough to get here.

I put those complaints in months ago.

Come on. All right.

So here's everything we have,
except for the b*mb threats.

Those happen over the phone.

We kept the threatening letters,
photos of the graffiti.

So someone has been threatening
the club regularly?

- Mm-hmm.
- Do you know who it is?

I'm assuming it's the same weirdo

who stands outside
every night protesting.

You two are here
about the threats, aren't you?

I'm afraid not. I'm gonna need to see

any security footage
you have from tonight.

Uh-uh. We don't have cameras here.

We get all kinds of guests
and not all of them are out.

No cameras.

- Perfect place for a m*rder.
- A m*rder?

A woman was k*lled.
We believe she was here tonight.

Her name was Deirdre Ringgold.

[SIGHS] I have to tell Vibe.

Who's Vibe?

Bonbon, did you steal
my Dior blush aga...

You did. I can tell.

That's about $20
spread across your thief face.

- Gabe, sweetie.
- Huh?

There's something
I have to talk to you about.

- It's about your mother.
- Oh, yeah.

You're Deirdre's son?

Who are you?

Gabe. Honey.

Your mother's been k*lled.

- What?
- I'm so sorry.

Did you see her tonight?

Yeah, she was just here.

Did she know you worked as a drag queen?

She may have been able
to put that together, yeah.

I think that's enough
questions for tonight.

Hang on. We just have a couple more...

The kid's mother just died.
He needs space.

And if you're gonna
continue interrogating him,

he needs an attorney.




[GROANS] Found a bloody pashmina.

Ooh. Did it come in
a time capsule from 1998?


[FAITH] Hey, Ormewood,
I found something.


Blond. Maybe it's Deirdre's.

I don't think so.

This hair is synthetic and cheap.

Maybe our k*ller wore a wig.

- Well, maybe there's a casing somewhere.
- Yeah.

Hey, speaking of hair.

Look, I have a question, all right?

- I don't wanna make it weird.
- This is already weird.

Look, you have braids, okay?

Cooper's supposed to show up
at a sleepover

with French braids in her
hair, and hair's always been

Gina's thing. And YouTube's
not helping me out at all.

How do you do your braids?

I pay to have my hair look this good.

Have you ever thought about
taking her to a salon?

No. I've been in Afghanistan.

I can figure out how to
French braid Cooper's hair.

Okay. I get it.

So, how's it going? The whole
single-parenting thing.

Well, it's like combat.

Just, you can't k*ll anyone.

Yeah, tell me about it. [GRUNTS]

I got the casing.

- Looks like a .380.
- Hmm.

So our blond-wig k*ller shot Deirdre.

Then used the pashmina
to try to stop the bleeding.

Put the body in the car where she died,

and then they dumped the car.

Then tossed the purse
to make it look like a robbery.

Well, that's the what, when, where.

Now all we need's the who.

And the why.

[GASPS] Yes.

Everything about you. Yes.

- And who are you?
- Bonbon Chiffon. Wig protection detail.

[CHUCKLES] Give us the room, Bonbon.

Yes, ma'am.

[WILL] We had our techs compare

the bloody strand from the scene

with every blond wig from the drag club.

It was not a match.

The strand was polyester,

and these have all just
been confirmed to be acrylic.

Because we don't buy our wigs
at the Halloween store.

Thank you, Bonbon.

Everyone here has the utmost
respect for the wigs.

[INHALES] Any suspects?

We're bringing in the whole family.

We're gonna talk to her son first, Gabe.

As far as we know,
he was the last person

to see her alive.

[FAITH] We're talking to
Deirdre's husband and daughter.

Dalton Ringgold's
supposed to be a piece of work.

He got into a fistfight
with their neighbor

after he took a peach off his tree.

Maybe he's capable of m*rder.

But do we think he would wear a wig?

You'd be surprised how many men
wear wigs in their free time.

Thank you again, Bonbon.

Special Agent, you flirting with me?

Mm-mmm. I am not. No.

Um... But again, thank you.

Anyone else feel that?
Because I'm feeling a vibe.

No. No vibe.

Are we done here? I'ma go.

Thank you for coming in, Gabe.

So, we just had a...

Sorry I'm late.

Traffic was, well,
average actually. I'm just late.

- Glinda Velvet?
- By day it's Josiah Patnak, Esquire.

You're a lawyer?

Yes, I'm a lawyer, Agent Trent.

Does that surprise you?

I'm a lawyer and a performer,

and I have a rich romantic life.

I'm a five-season Shonda Rhimes show.

Now, let's get one thing straight.

My client is innocent.

We all know Gabe did this.

My father died when I was five. Um...

Deirdre married Dalton
not long after that.

He wasn't the easiest man to relate to,

but we did go
to the sh**ting range together.

He was a good shot. [CHUCKLES]

Then he traded in his g*ns for hosiery.

I don't know what Dalton hated more.

The fact that I was gay,

or that I was a better shot than him.

When was the last time
you saw your mother?

Last night. Um...

[CRYING] She came to the club.

I hadn't seen that woman since I was 15.

Like, I was shocked.

She said that she wanted to apologize.

Mom would never do that.

We have no hate in our hearts,
but the Bible's clear.

The thing about Gabe
was you couldn't trust him.

I caught him trying to steal
Deirdre's diamond necklace

and earrings once.

My dad left those to my mom
before he died.

I was just trying them on.

Rowan was supposed to wear
that set on her wedding day.

What was Deirdre apologizing for?

The night they kicked me out,

Deirdre and I were arguing
at the top of the stairs...

and I pushed her.

And then suddenly she's falling,
and she broke her wrist.

Put her in the hospital!

The kid was unstable.

I was glad when he ran away.

- They kicked me out that night.

[FAITH] Rowan.

Is that how you remember it?

Gabe looks out for Gabe.

[GABE] I told Ro that I would
come back for her...

but I was living in a shelter
doing dr*gs,

and I was in no position
to care for her.

It wasn't until I found the drag club

that my whole life turned around.

They saved me.

We're family.

You've heard my client's
entire personal history.

- Is he free to go?
- Of course.

One last question, Gabe.

Do you own any g*ns?

I have a GL*CK 17
and a 9-millimeter Beretta.

I go to the range sometimes.

You own a .380?

- No.
- Okay.

Thank you for your time.


- Ro.
- You did this. Stay away from us.

You could have just texted me.

Yeah, but then I would not have
gotten to see your pretty face.

Thank you for the intel.

- Deputy Director.
- Don't you knock?

I thought you might like to know
we found some security footage.

Didn't know I was gonna be
walking into a sex den.

A sex den?

Well, I guess I'll just let myself out.

So, what? Are we going to Puerto Rico?

- Should I get a new bikini?
- What?

Don't ruin this for me, Ang.

I'm not. I'm not.

So, are you gonna get together
with Antonio again?

We're supposed to meet up tonight.

- Um, unless work gets in the way.
- Work?

We were not having sex.

He came to tell me that Deirdre
wasn't running for reelection.

You can't sleep with a reporter, Faith.

I don't care how tall he is.

Wait. Deirdre wasn't
running for reelection?

I'm taking this conversation to HR.

It's always you with the boys.

What are you gonna
do to get rid of this one?

- Plant cocaine on him?
- [WILL] Mmm.

Human resources. This is Susan.

Hi, Susan. This is Faith Mitchell.

I'm calling to report
some workplace harassment.

You cannot call HR on your aunt.

Hey, guys. Look at this.

[FAITH] Look at his sign.

That must be the protester
Glinda told us about.

And that's Deirdre.

This is about a block away
from the drag club.

- Look, she's wearing the pashmina.
- Yeah. And the diamonds.

- Sorry. What's a pashmina?

[ALL] Ooh!

Okay. Let's go ID
this guy and bring him in.


We will not stand for
this sexual perversion!

These drag queens are tearing apart

our social fabric
and corrupting our children!

What children, man? This is a bar.

I wish you would stop
spray-painting our walls.

My nail beds weren't made
for this much hard labor.

Barrett Fairhope?

Special Agent Faith Mitchell, GBI.

We're gonna need you to come with us.

Oh, Barrett Fairhope.

All this time
you never introduced yourself.

No? Girl, are you finally
gonna arrest him?

'Cause I got to get this.

Nobody's getting arrested today.

- I need to ask you a few questions.
- Okay.

- About your French braids.
- Wow.

I had a dream
that started this way once.

What is this all about?

Okay. We just have some questions

about an altercation you had

with Deirdre Ringgold last night.

I had nothing to do
with that woman's death.

This is Barrett Fairhope, everybody.

Wonder if his boss would like to see

what he does with his spare time.

Don't you dare.

What? Are you afraid your personal life

- is gonna disrupt your work?
- Okay.

- You don't intimidate me.
- [FAITH] Okay.

And you don't intimidate me.

This is my constitutional right!

- Okay. Now you're under arrest. Come on.

[JOSIAH] Love to see it.

- Let's go.
- [JOSIAH] Walk, honey.

Walk. Walk.

Silver's your color, sugar.

- [BONBON] Absolutely.
- Oh, yes.

- Mwah.
- Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting.

You wouldn't believe the amount
of paperwork I have to do

just to talk to someone.

No one lets cops be cops anymore.

[SIGHS] I say that all the time.

FYI, I already confiscated
the video that guy took.

Oh, my God.

Thank you. [CHUCKLES]

So, uh, what can you tell me about

the conversation you had with Deirdre?

Yeah. So I was, um, passing out flyers.

I gave her one.

She stomped on it,
and so I got in her face.

- And then she hit you.
- [BARRETT] Yeah.

- Yeah, she was crazy.
- And then what? You followed her?

No. No, no. I went to urgent care.

That lunatic was wearing rings.

I had to get two stitches.

- But I never, never saw that woman again.
- Yeah.

Look, I'm sorry I have to ask,

but you don't happen
to own a .380, do you?

No, I do not need a g*n
to get my point across.


Hey, between us,
I was admiring your work.

The graffiti. That was you, right?

Yeah. One day, I'd like to shut
that place down for good.

- You wanna know what works?
- What?

A little phone call here and there.

b*mb threat?

- Oh, yeah.
- Nice.

They always close for the night.

[MICHAEL] All right.

- Well, you've given me all I need.
- Yeah?

- Thank you very much. Yeah.
- Okay.

Yeah? Is... So it means I can go?

- Well...
- Mmm. Not yet.

I'm bringing you in on new charges.

Felony vandalism, harassment,
terroristic threats.

Oh. And I'm writing up
a restraining order.

You're not going within

You might wanna take up
a new hobby, Barrett.

Well, well, well. Girls,
if it isn't Anita Subpoena.

Did you just give him a drag name?

Oh, yes, Miss Lady. I mean, look at him.

Don't you know what drag is?
It's theater, darling.

And everything about all of this
is a performance.

She tells everybody
they're wearing drag.

It's like her thing.

I appreciate the psychoanalysis,

and I'm honored to be part of the club.

We have a couple questions
for Gabe. Is he here?

Called in sick. Missing family dinner.

We do a dinner every Sunday
before we open.

For some of us,
it's the only family we have.

I know that's true for Gabe.

Now we just have a few questions
about a necklace and earrings

that Deirdre was wearing last night.

They weren't on her body.

- Diamond?
- What do you know about it?

Well, she asked me to give
him something on her way out

in a vanilla envelope.

Uh-uh. Hold on, Bonbon.

Are you telling me you're 29 years old

and you're calling a manila
envelope a vanilla envelope?

It's brown like vanilla. Manila's a city

- in the Philippines.
- What was in the vanilla envelope?


Sound like diamond necklace
and earrings to me.

You know, it had the cling, cling.

Honey, diamonds don't cling, cling.

Bonbon, did you open
the vanilla envelope?

I'm about to lose my mind.

I might've had a looksie,

but I swear I left it
on Gabe's dressing room table.

Thank you, Bonbon.

He's definitely flirting.

It's starting to get inappropriate.

The sun does not rise
and set on you, girl.

Besides, it's obvious these two

have a little unresolved sexual
tension they need to work out.

That's fine. They can work
it out with me in the room.

- Work it, work it, work it.

If Deirdre gave Gabe her diamonds,

then maybe he's
telling the truth about her

- coming to the club to apologize.
- Mm-hmm.

Which means he doesn't have
motive for the m*rder.

Maybe someday my mom
will apologize with diamonds.

Oh, yeah. Let's count on it.

Why don't we go back to the office,

see where we're at
on the protester's alibi.

I thought you were gonna see your uncle.

- Yeah, but we're working now.
- Go.

I'll call you if there's
anything we need Will Trent for.

[SIGHS] Barrett's urgent care
alibi checked out.

We might have gotten him on harassment,

but we're still zero steps closer
to catching Deirdre's k*ller.

We know from Barrett that
Deirdre defended the drag club,

and she gave Gabe her necklace.

So, he was telling the truth.
She was trying to reconcile.

Who changes their mind
about something like that

after so long?

I was wondering that too.
I think she had an epiphany.

- Oh, hold on.

Cindy. Hey, what's up?

Last month, a drunk driver swerved into

Deirdre's lane on the freeway.

Oh, my God. Is she okay?

Cooper threw up at her sleepover.

Keep going. I'm listening.

Deirdre hit a median, flipped and then

was struck by another car.

She had to be cut free
by the Jaws of Life.

Two people died, but Deirdre walked away

with only a few bruises.

Cooper, hey. You threw up, huh?

So her near-death experience
made her suddenly what?

Love the gays?

She could have died.
She started considering

her regret. She missed her son...

Guys, this is a big bowl of chicken soup

for the soul and everything,
but who shot her?

Maybe somebody who was upset
about her changing her views?

Her husband, Dalton.

Well, grab your stuff together,
okay? I'll come over.

I gotta go get Coop.

- Go.
- We got this.

Let's call him.


So, uh, what made Lucy come to Atlanta?

She came here with a boyfriend.

I know how that sounds,
but she had dreams.

- What were those dreams she had?
- So many.

Before we lost touch,

she told me she was
looking for a job at Emory

because they let her take
classes if she worked there.

- That's smart.
- Mmm.

- You guys ignoring us over here?
- Hey. Hey, hey.


- Is this the nephew?
- Here he is.

Will Trent, meet the guys.

- Ernie and Tiny.
- Hi.

And these two tontos
are like brothers to me.

I see you came packing today.

What do you do, papi?

I'm a Special Agent

- for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
- Ah.

Your nephew's a dirty-ass cop.

You put a b*llet in anyone lately?

Hey, what's the matter with you?

I shot a man last week.

Three sh*ts actually.

- Pronounced dead at the scene.
- I'm sorry.

I saved my boss's life.

Followed every single
use-of-force guideline

we have to the letter.

But that man's still dead.

I'm not stupid.

I know what folks go through
with law enforcement.

But I was a kid who needed
the right kind of cop

to look my way, and no one did.

And now you're that guy.

Yeah, I am.

Excuse me. I gotta
go be a dirty-ass cop.

Dalton's not answering the phone.

Let's go get him.

- Gabe?
- I saw him hop the fence at Benson Park.

He threw a g*n in the lake.

And a blond wig.
That's not any less important.

When he saw me
coming, he tried to pretend

like he's going swimming.

Which is also a crime, by the way.

Gabe, hey. What is going on here?

I did it. I k*lled my mother.

- [SIGHS] I threw up.


You should come over tomorrow.
Bring your friends.

Cooper, you can't
just invite people over.

Why not? We haven't had a party
in such a long time.

I hope it's a potluck
'cause I don't want

a protein shake for dinner.

We have different flavors.

- That's a great idea.
- Potluck it is.

Show is just getting started.

I am not letting you do this, Gabe.

If you can't handle
it, then you're fired

and I'm representing myself.

No, I'm not. And no, you're not.

- What's going on?
- It's grown-up stuff.

This guy says he k*lled his mom.

You don't look like a m*rder*r to me.

Thank you, sweet baby.

Coop, why don't you go down
and sit with Franklin?

He's got vanilla cookies in
his drawer. Don't let him lie

and tell you he doesn't.

The g*n he was found
with matches the ballistics

on the m*rder w*apon.

And the wig he had matches
the hair found at the scene.


Gabe, why would you k*ll your mother?

I lied when I said
that Deirdre came to apologize.

She came to confront me

for giving an interview
opposing her reelection.

She was furious.

But she wasn't seeking
a second term in office.

Right. She was still mad though.

I yelled at her. She yelled at me,

then I shot her.

Right in the heart.

She was shot in the neck.

I mean, in the décolleté,
you know? This area.

And then I took that necklace

and those earrings right off
of her cold, dead body.

The ones Bonbon said they gave to you

in a manila envelope?

So you can say it correctly.

Where'd you get the g*n?

You said you didn't own a .380.

Obviously, I lied.

Unlike now where you're telling
the God's honest truth?

Where were you driving your
mother after you shot her?

To the onion fields.

I wanted to bury her in a shallow grave.

Gabe, I need to be onstage by 9:00 p.m.

Can we please skip to the part
where you didn't do it?

- You were driving your mother's car?
- Yes.

If I took you down there,

- you could demonstrate that for me?
- Of course.

You know it's a stick shift?

Damn it, Mom.

You and your fetish for butch cars.

It's okay. It's okay, Gabe.

Gabe, I think you're
covering for someone.

I think I know who.

Deirdre was shot
by someone who loved her,

who was holding her when she died.

I don't think you
would cover for Dalton.

I think you would cover for your sister.

When you said that Deirdre
was k*lled with a .380...

that was the g*n that Dalton taught me

and Rowan to sh**t with.

So, I broke into their house.

She kept the same hiding space
since we were kids.

So you found the g*n, you found the wig.

You were just gonna
get rid of them for her?

I left her the necklace
and the earrings.

I wanted her to have them.

They were the only thing
that we had left from our dad.

- Why did you confess?

I told her that I'd come back
for her, and I never did. [SOBS]

You were a kid.

It's not your fault.

We need to go find Rowan, now.

Gabe, where would she go?

Well... [STAMMERS] ... I don't know.

Once she noticed that the g*n was gone,

she's probably looking for me.

The drag club.


- Hey.
- Hey.

You should have called me
sooner. You said you would.

- You were doing a family thing.
- This is more important.

People get m*rder*d every day.

How often do we get to meet
an uncle we never knew we had?

All right, we're gonna split up.
We think Rowan is somewhere

- in the club.
- Be careful. She might be armed.

♪ Don't leave me this way ♪

♪ I can't survive ♪

♪ I can't stay alive... ♪

Baby, where you been?

The vanilla envelope is back.
Some little girl

just took it down
to your dressing room. Yeah.

♪ Baby ♪

♪ My heart is full of love ♪

♪ And desire for you... ♪

Is that Barrett?

♪ And do what you gotta do ♪

♪ Set me free! ♪

He's not supposed to be here.

♪ Don't leave me this way ♪


- It's locked.
- She's in there.

- Step aside.
- Wait. She's my sister.

♪ Baby ♪

♪ My heart is full of love ♪

♪ And desire for you ♪

♪ So come on down
And do what you've got to do ♪

♪ You started this fire
Down in my soul ♪

♪ Now can't you see It's burning... ♪

- [WILL] Rowan.
- Stay back!

Rowan, my name's Will. I'm with the GBI.

Why don't you put down
that g*n so we can talk?

- Don't come any closer!
- [WILL] Okay.

You don't have to do this, Rowan.

I know you didn't mean
to k*ll your mother.

No one's gonna believe that.

I thought my life would be
easier without her, but...

but the second
I pulled the trigger, I just...

You wanted to take it back.

I'm so sorry, Rowan.

♪ 'Cause only your good lovin'
Can set me free ♪

♪ Set me free ♪

No, no, no, no, no. Rowan, no.

- I... I... I can't do this anymore.
- [GABE] Ro!

Gabe, get out of here!

I'm not leaving. Not again.

I promised that
I would come back for you,

and I didn't keep that promise
for a long time,

but I'm here right now.

Did you know that I wasn't
allowed to say your name?

We had to pretend like you didn't exist.

And I waited and waited.

And you never came back.

I know. I'm so sorry.

And after I found out
she was coming here, I just...

I was so angry.

Rowan, sometimes you can't save
the people you love.

- But you can save yourself. Now, please...

- ... put down the...
- I said don't move!

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ My heart is full of love
And desire for you ♪

♪ So come on down
And do what you got to do... ♪

Rowan, I know what it's like
to feel abandoned.

- All right? We both do.
- We do.

It's the worst feeling in the world.

Feeling like nobody's
looking out for you.

- Oh.

Oh, I love you so much, Rowan.

Okay, Barrett, let's not do
anything crazy. All right?

You. You said
you confiscated that video.

He sent it to my boss.

I lost my job because of him.

Okay. Take it easy, all right?

You lost your job
because you committed felonies.

Don't make it any worse.

He ruined my life. [GRUNTS]



- Sorry.

Light him up!

Bonbon, stop him!


Barrett Fairhope, you're under arrest.

- Again.

- Let's go.
- Bye-bye, Barrett.

Hey, Daddy Cop.
How'd your daughter's braids go?

Terrible. They were
falling out ten minutes later.

Next time, start with some hair spray.

That'll keep everything nice and tight.

I will try that. Thank you.

- Come with me.


- That was tough.
- Yeah.

You hear about Ormewood's party?

No. Is that why I have six
missed calls from Nico?

Yeah. It'll be fun.

Oh, yeah? Compared to what?

What do you have on your schedule?

Fixing some stupid thing on your car

that nobody else can tell is broken?

You talking about Ormewood's party?

Oh, you're going too?

It's Cooper's idea.
Baby girl needs a win.

Bring the dog.



I brought you something I
thought you might like to have.

This was Lucy's.

Oh, um... Come on in.

This, um... This belonged to her?

She didn't realize when she left home

how many of her records
I was, uh, borrowing.

This was one of her favorites.

Thank you.

It smells good in here.
What, are you cooking?

Oh. I'm, uh...

No, I'm just... It's nothing special.

He's making lasagna for the party.

- Nico.
- What?

You should invite him.

You need friends
with emotional intelligence.

He doesn't wanna come. Okay?

I don't even wanna go.

Plus, everyone there
is gonna be a cop, so, uh...

[NICO] He'll come.

I'm coming. You think I like cops?

Besides, he's family.

I'm an excellent plus-one.

Would everyone just stop
putting the knives in the damn

- spoon drawer?

Antonio. Would you...

like to meet some of
the people I work with?

I would love that.


Cooper, thank you so much
for all your help.


- Hey.
- Hi.


Glad you could make it.

Yeah, I felt like
it was kind of mandatory.

- How's the tummy, Coop?

Oh, she's feeling better now. Right?

I ate too many peach gummy worms.

I've been there.

Should I get a bowl or something?

Yeah, there's bowls in there.
On the counter.

- [ANGIE] Okay.
- Josiah, you made it.

Of course I did.

- Flowers for you, Miss Lady.
- Mmm.

- Hey, I heard you're representing Rowan.
- I am.

- She needs someone on her side.
- Don't we all?

- Do you want a vase for these?
- That'd be great.

- Ormewood.
- Faith.

This is Luke.

- Good to meet you, man.
- Hey. Thanks for coming.

Better not let Wagner see you.

[AMANDA] Let Wagner see what?


You just have to rub it
in my face, don't you?

I am just standing here
holding my couscous.

Do we have to do this?

♪ Flying all around ♪

I'm Deputy Director Wagner.

And this dinner is off the record.

He knows that.

I do... I know... Okay.

- Um...
- [MICHAEL] Right over here.

- Hey, Nico.
- [COOPER] Nico!

[MICHAEL] Hey, Nico.

Okay. Hi.

[GRUNTS] Um, everybody.

This is Antonio. He's, uh...

- He's my uncle.

[WILL] Um, this is Amanda.

I've told you about her.

- This is Faith.
- Hi.

[WILL] She's my partner.

That's Ormewood.

And, um... Angie.

♪ Oh, all around ♪

♪ Sound of breaking glass ♪

- Okay.
- Hi.

- Nice to meet you. I'm Ormewood.
- [FAITH] Hi.

Antonio. How you doing?

- You can set that down there.
- Okay.

- [ANGIE] Such a pleasure to meet you.
- Antonio.

- Nice to meet you too.
- It's really a pleasure.

Hi. Antonio.

♪ Sound of breaking glass ♪

♪ Sound of breaking glass ♪

♪ Sound of breaking glass ♪
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